
Young Writers Society

Pre-Winged Ones

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Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:38 pm
Apple says...

Ester Alice:

Opening my eyes, everything began to swim. Closing them again I groaned loudly with pain. Why was there so much light? Forcing myself to look again, moon rays clouded my vision making pins and needles attack my temples. What was that big thing in the sky doing that made it so bright!

Pushing myself up, I glanced around the cave - we were back in the cave! - everyone was sleeping, the sound of their soft snores whistled around our home. Pushing myself out from under the small alcove I had made my bed, I crawled over to the gaping hole that allowed for fresh air.

I glanced up into the sky and sighed loudly. I couldn't help but notice the new aditions sleeping soundly. It was as if they had never slept in the whole of their lives. The large boy, who I had just barely noticed before fainting, was the only one who is snoring loudly; a small smile crossing his face. Must be having a good dream.

"What are you doing awake? You're supposed to be on bed rest not crawling around the cave?" I jumped and felt the effects of fast movements strike at my lungs.

Corbin moved from the darkness and stepped into the moonlight. His red hair shimmering in the rays of the moon. I smiled stubbornly at him.

"I'm fine, Corbin. I don't need bed rest, I am as healthy as ever." I grinned trying to make him see that I was fine.

"What happened to you?" he asked, sliding down next to me.

"I don't know." I said slowly. "Doesn't the sky look weird to you?"

He craned his neck back to look into the clouds. I looked at him from the corner of my eye and smiled as he scrunched up his nose. "It looks different."

I nodded, "This is probably going to sound really stupid, but it zapped me."
I spy!

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Sat Sep 04, 2010 11:05 pm
Dragonet says...


Zapped? Yeah it was weird but I trusted Ester. Even though, I decided to tease her about it. "Zapped? Maybe you hit your head a little to hard when you fell."

"No, really Corbin, I --" she saw the sparkle in my eye and she pushed my shoulder. "Jerk," she mumbled.

I laughed, but then looked at her seriously, "But no really, do you feel ok?"

She rolled her eyes and I knew she was fine.

My arm, which I had been resting on behind Esters back, moved closer to her body until I had wrapped it around, my hand resting on her hip. She pulled in closer and placed her hand on mine. My mind was really stressed and crowded with thoughts that were unexplained; like why were we here again, what did the scientist want with us, why had Ester got zapped, and what was up with the sky; spending time with Ester like this was a good way to relax. We kind of completed each other like that, making each other feel safe.

Do you have any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?

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Sun Sep 05, 2010 4:30 am
Yuriiko says...


I know I could be a great actress someday. You know why? I have been pretending to be asleep for at least four hours straight. The weather was quite cool and refreshing but my eyes wouldn't rest even just for a minute. It was not about those soft snores and the sound that Ester and Corbin makes when they are cuddling with each other that gave out a faint echo throughout the dark cave. Maybe I was experiencing Insomnia, ugh.

The smell of the tainted blood in my shirt was starting to twitch my nose. I should probably change somewhere isolated and perhaps fly and wander about for a few minutes to refresh and relax my mind. So, I sat up in a slow quiet motion, not wanting to disturb the couple. And then I started to stand up, grabbing an extra shirt which was just beside me and tiptoed towards the outside of the cave and the unexpectedly, I stepped over a rock and came a loud thump.

"Sorry," I said with a nervous smile was the couple cringed and looked into me.

"I thought you're sleeping already, Carry," Corbin said.

"Oh, I just couldn't sleep," I replied and treaded fast. When I stepped onto the sweat grass, I turned back and looked at the couple. "Sorry to disturb you guys, continue what you two are doing." When I said that, the couple both gave out a small chuckle and smiled towards me. I waved goodbye at them and turned to walk past them.

The cool air surrounded the atmosphere that transmitted chills down my spine. Black crows started to encircle below the moon, making squawking voice but still they weren't that disturbing. My bare feet was touching the soft wet grass and I knew right then that I was going to feel relaxed in that moment.
"Life is a poem keep it in the present tense." -Sherrel Wigal

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Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:30 am
Apple says...

>Can we get some fighting in here, please...I HOPE YOU DON'T MIIIND!!! :D <

Ester Alice:

I put my head on Corbin's shoulder and listened to the deathly silent night. It was quiet, to quiet. Often there would be animal's screeching into the night sky. Sometimes it was so bad we had to scout the area with two rocks bashing them as loudly as we could when we found a stray animal coming to close to the cave. It was a funny process, but it sure did help. I could feel Corbin's anxiety radiating from him. He felt it too; something wasn't right.

"Maybe we should go get Caroline. It's not safe out at night," I said; starting to stand.

Before I could stretch my legs, something jumped from the thorny bushes. Corbin grabbed at my hand and pulled me back to the floor, the creature's claws just missing my head. The smell of wet dog bit my nose. Black fur swept with water radiated in the night rays.

"A wolf!" Corbin roared.

As if on cue the others roused and began to shout frantically. The wolf howled loudly, its eyes blood shot. White froff dangled from its yellow jaws, its eyes scanning out the weakest of us - unfortuantely, that was me today. Jumping forward, the wolf snapped its teeth at my neck. Half dodging and half being pulled by Corbin, I stumbled away, my vision beginning to swim.

Dropping into a protective stance, sweat began to bead across my forehead. Before I could run at it, Corbin pushed me back and Blake, Michael, Blaise and Kaylee fell in front of me. Corbin unsheathed his dagger and pushed his way forward. The new winged ones; why they were to startled by the large thing to move. Well, everyone but Cole who was sneaking up behind the hairy monster.

I tried to push past Blake, but she tapped me back, snapping at me to stand still and that I couldn't fight when I was unwell. I wanted to say I was fine but Blake and Corbin lunged forward, Michael and Blaise falling in behind them. Tactifully, Ellie stepped in close to Cole and they began to circle the monster just in case he tried to make a break for it.

The wolf screeched as Corbin and Blake swung their blades around it, like dancers. Its back legs came out from underneath it and with a dying roar, it snapped a large claw at Blake, though Micahel managed to pull her back before any damage came to her. A blade flung through the air and struck the wolf imbetween the eyes. AJ stepped from the shadows and smiled, satisifed with his throw. Jalen screamed loudly. I turned to see Zuri pointing fearfully at the mouth of the cave; more wolves stood in the rays of light.

Pulling out my twin daggers, I smiled. This time; I was going to join in even if it killed me.
I spy!

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Sun Sep 05, 2010 2:36 pm
ForsakenAngel says...

There's the drama!

~Ellie May~

Now this was what I missed so dearly. I pulled my daggers out and stood in a fighting position, glaring at the wolf as it growled at me. I could only imagine what my smile looked like as the wolf charged a us.

It was the fact that we seemed to know each other's moves and the fact that we worked together to kill the wolf that made it so cool, maybe better than before. It wasn't about showing off, it was about how good we fought and how good we fought together.

As I rolled out of the wolf's way from attacking, Ester tackled it, pinning it down. Kaylee was fighting off others that had found there way to us, and when I turned, I realized we might have been out numbered. But that didn't keep us from trying as we each fought a wolf. Some of us paired up to fight while some of the new people stood back, awestruck.

As more came from the trees, I was ready to give up, fly away defeated, but one jumped on top of me, knocking me down as another bit my leg. The others were getting hurt too, and that was what pushed me.

No one hurts my family an gets away with it.

Stabbing the wolf in the back of the neck, I pushed the dagger in as far as I could, anger pulsing through me. Rolling the beast off of me, I tackled another, going for the quick death. The back of the neck and between the eyes.

As we began to fight better again, the wolfs began to disappear, though we could only imagine how many there were left elsewhere.

"Everyone OK?" I asked, breathless and my leg stinging. Great, my already torn clothes were even more torn. I couldn't help but laugh a little as I looked myself over. Other than the bright red blood covering my leg, I was just fine. "It's so nice to be back home," I said, looking over everyone.
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Sun Sep 05, 2010 2:48 pm
NinjaCookieMonster says...


Home? Meaning... this would happen again? I almost cried right there. I'd done absolutely nothing. Was I that helpless now? I pressed my hands to my eyes and inched up the wall, my wings straight out to either side. The dizziness that had overwhelmed me all day was backing off, though my head still span and my stomach wasn't calm. Edging my hands off my eyes, I pitched forward immediately, landing on hands and toes.

My voice cracked without my saying anything. I wiggled my wings and rose back up a little, keeping my eyes half lidded and my wings flat against the wall. My hands clasped uselessly at my waist, centering me, in a way. I still felt like I was trying to balance a see-saw, but I was making progress.

The second I reached the group, I practically threw myself at the ground, half lying, propping my upper back and head against the wall of the cave. With shaking breath and trembling hands, I nodded (causing the world to tilt violently) and managed a weak smile (that made my insides pinch).

I want my acidic fruit. Now.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:21 pm
fictionfanatic says...


As we fought the wolves I couldn't help but keep laughing. It's almost like those stupid cartoons I remember watching. I've played them over and over in my head a million times since I forgot nearly everything, because they're one of the few things I actually do remember.

Since I, unlike the others, didn't have a weapon, I'd been using my hands. Snapping their necks, hitting them in certain places hard enough to kill them.

One pinned me down and was snapping at me as I held it back by its neck. I just kept laughing and laughing. But since I still wasn't that strong yet, my arms were shaking. When they faultered the wolf bit my shoulder. I did the only thing I could think of...I bit it back. When I broke the skin blood flowed into my mouth and onto my face. I invonintarily swallowed it. When it yelped and withdrawed in pain for a second I held it by its neck and snapped it, causing it to go limp and crumple.

Standing up, I looked around. The fight was over. "Everyone OK?" The one girl asked.She laughed, which naturally caused me to laugh too. "It's so nice to be back home," She said, looking at us all.

She squinted at me a little bit and everyone turned to face me. Reaching up to my face I wiped my mouth. "Did you...bite the wolf?" One of them asked. All the sudden I began laughing my booming laugh and nodded my head. My shoulder really started to burn right then.


The one guy began laughing out of nowhere, which caused me to start laughing a little, and eventually we all joined in without even knowing why we were laughing. Then, I noticed the blood on Ellie's leg. Without thinking, I clutched my own. "Ellie-" I said quietly, but somehow everyone still heard me and stopped talking.

I walked over to her and asked "Ellie, are you okay?" She nodded, but her eyes told me otherwise. Leaning over I moved the cloth covering it to get an idea of how deep it was. "Oh, Ellie." I said as I pushed back tears. I know how hurt she must feel right now. I can relate to it. But Ellie is to strong to admit it.

"Ellie, you need to get cleaned up." I took a look around at everyone. We were all hurt somehow, except the ones we rescued from the lab. Ellie with her leg, me with the claw marks across my arm, Cole with his biten shoulder.

I let out a sigh and said "Come on guys, let's go to the lake and get cleaned up." We all began walking, Ellie limping. Without a word, Cole scooped her up bridal style and gave her a caring smile.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:35 pm
Calligraphy says...

<Sorry I haven't been in this. For this post I am assuming that it is night or we have our wings back at all times.>

Micheal Webb

I spun around, but the weight on my wing was pulling me down. I couldn't work my way around enough to get the wolf off. What was wrong with it? Usually the wolves dived in for a bite then sprung back so they didn't get hit. This wasn't there usually fighting style. More like a bull dog. Plus, as I spun around and around (I probably looked like a lunatic, but everyone was too busy to notice) it started to gnaw through my wing each minute tearing closer and closer to the biggest bone. Finally I swung my wing around enough to cut its throat.

It died, but I found that wolves jaws don't unclasp easily. I glanced up just now realizing I was alone. How could they forget me? I half walked half crawled to the lake. I had to carry and drag the wolf. Finally I saw them They were still walking so I must have left just after them. Finally someone noticed me.

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Mon Sep 06, 2010 12:25 am
ForsakenAngel says...

~Ellie May~

Not about to object to Kaylee, I began to limp after them, but not for long. Cole picked me up, and I heard myself gasp. It wasn't the pain that spiked through my leg--I was much to used to that now--it was the fact that he picked me up. Never in my life had someone picked me up so gently. When I'd been in the lab, they had usually thrown me over their shoulder, ignoring my attempts at hurting them. But Cole wasn't being mean, he was helping me. It made me feel loved.

>Sorry it's not long, I don't know what to post...<
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:59 pm
fictionfanatic says...

POST! DO.NOT.DIE! I will do whatever it takes to get this SB to stay alive!
Live, Love, Laugh

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Wed Sep 08, 2010 11:54 am
Yuriiko says...


When you talked about survival, I just couldn't join in the conversation and say that I did a big hero thing, really. I mean, just looking back during the fight made me feel a little bit inferior. I have to honestly, fighting isn't my favorite pastime.

Darkness and dotted yellow stars filled my view up above. We were walking towards the lake so we could get clean up. Both of my legs started to weigh down which made it to wobble a little. And to say that I hadn't gotten myself a sleep or even just a nap. I gestured my hands and stretched them up so high that I could feel a slight pain that cringed me.

Looking around the others, I counted them and sensed that someone was missing. Turning my head about, I noticed Micheal who looked so helpless and weak and looked like he was carrying a.. wolf? Without hesitation and saying anything, I placed his faint arm around my shoulder and supported his balance. He looked surprised at first but then a smile went across his face.

"Thanks," he said and let out a short moan as we took small steps. He needed a first aid or a medical attention and by just looking at the others, they needed it too. I have to do something.

<will it be okay for Caroline to treat wounds or small injuries?>
"Life is a poem keep it in the present tense." -Sherrel Wigal

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Wed Sep 08, 2010 10:59 pm
fictionfanatic says...

You mean like a power? Sure, I don't mind. Just so long as it's not major. Like, as long as she's not healing an arm that has been half way torn off or something.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Sep 11, 2010 4:19 am
Yuriiko says...

Yes, of course.

And guys, please post. :3
"Life is a poem keep it in the present tense." -Sherrel Wigal

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Sat Sep 11, 2010 5:00 pm
fictionfanatic says...

PLEEEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSSSEEEEE!!!!!! I will love you forever and ever you you post!!!
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Sep 11, 2010 6:02 pm
ForsakenAngel says...

Just trying to start it up again, sorry it's not much. Hope it's OK!

~Ellie May~

I looked at the others, who were limping and helping each other. If they had to walk too, shouldn’t I? I saw it as unfair to them that I was being carried, and I wanted to walk. Not finding the right words, I let it go, that overpowering, I’m-getting-special-attention feeling stayed.

Finally, finally, we made it to the river to clean up, and Cole sat me down next to the water. I looked up into his eyes, about to tell him thanks, but, as I looked into his eyes, my words melted out of my mouth, and I looked away, blushing. Embarrassment? Really?

Clearing my mind, I closed my eyes, focusing. I didn’t see any wolfs coming, I didn’t see anything that we couldn’t fight off. I did see something that posed a threat for us.

“Um…” I began. “We have a bit of a situation here or farther off, but still a situation.” I looked at Kaylee, who looked a little confused, but still understood that I was seeing something.

“What is it?” she asked sternly.

“A storm; more like a hurricane, but a storm none the less,” I answered. I’d dealt with a hurricane before, and they aren’t that fun. Floods, fallen trees, lots of rain, things get destroyed, people die—I admit it didn’t happen much, but it was possible. This was the bad thing about living on a small island surrounded by lots of water. Anything could happen.
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

You're wrong about humanity. They are your greatest creation because they're better than you are. Sure, they're weak, and they cheat and steal and destroy and disappoint, but they also give and create, and they sing and dance and love. Above all, they never give up.
— Metatron