
Young Writers Society


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Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:13 pm
LovelessSummer says...

" I know what you mean, Kiera," I mumbled. I didn't even bother getting a plate. " I'm dying to go flying! My wings are just aching." I yawned and carved something into the table with my nails. The bell rang, making me cringe in pain and cover my ears.
" Seems like it's time to go," I called, standing up. "Goodbye my lovely peoples." I turned and started towards Math class. I sliped into my usual seat in the back, and pulled out my Ipod. Drowning out Mr.Hender's voice with Mayday Parade.
LoVeLeSs I review short stories and novels.

Always remember that you’re unique. Just like everyone else.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

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Tue Mar 30, 2010 6:26 pm
Allessandre says...

(Meredith Felldon)
Eggs, again, yuck. This stupid place got worse every day, I dont know anyone, no one really wants to talk to the girl who has a habit of disapearing for days. I know its not that big of a deal, but I'm so bored without friends! Stupid eggs, I grabbed the salt and practically dumped the whole thing over them, and attempted to eat them, but gave up, and threw them in the trash. Breakfast wasnt over yet so I just sat at my table, bored and lonely.
GENERATION 30: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:32 pm
curiousvampire says...


I sniffed what was on top of the stove and growled with disgust; eggs again oh well it was better than nothing. Placing four of them on my plate I made my way to the practically deserted table,only a girl was sitting by herself.I rarely saw her she, always seem to disappear for days so I never got to know her and she always seem to be by herself.

Well, now was my chance. Settling in the seat across from her, I drowned my egg in salt to make it at least edible. Before I dug in, I looked up at her and smiled being as friendly as I could be,"hi, my is Paden."
"I became insane,with long intervals of horrible insanity."

"Their ideology is that human nature is fundamentally evil.In other words, humans are evil from the day they are born."

"Human is beatiful. Perfect is boring."

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Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:09 pm
ScarlettFire says...


I watched Zane go and sighed. The bell was still ringing in my ears even though it had stopped a few minutes ago. Resigned, I got up and went to class.

I was late but it wasn't like I cared. I deliberately chose a seat up the back but I could still smell the teacher. She stank of stale cigarettes and something rotten--I really didn't want to know what that might be.

I scrunched up my nose and slid my earphones into my ears, putting my favourite song lowly, just so I could hear what the teacher was saying.

I looked around when I felt eyes on me. No one was watching me. I frowned. Hmph, okay then. I'm seeing things, hearing things and feeling things now.... Wait, that last one sounded wrong. I ocughed. Nevermind.

I growled low in my throat and leaned over my work, staring down at the paper. The girl in front of me looked back over her shoulder once but quickly looked away again when she saw me looking.


I raised my head, startled. Someone had whispered my name. I looked around again, tempted to growl louder. Nope. No one was looking in my direction.

I shrugged and went back to work. "Weird," I muttered.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:20 pm
KinetaAlettaThyra says...


Silver came back to reality, away from her marvelous daydream, in time to realize someone was talking to her. She said something real suave, "Um,..hi". Then the bell rang, much to Silver's relief. "Um,..Bye!" she said as she got up and left, leaving Padon looking a bit confused at the table. She was never to good at meeting new people. She new her small, patchwork family and that was it. That's who she believed she would ever need. The ones she lead through this past chaotic year, after the lab accident. She shook her head No, must never think of that. She turned down another hallway, passing some people. One group of girls, her age it looked, pointed at her and talked among themselves, then laughed. This happened alot. She snarled at them and they backed away and walked down another hallway. She was never that hostile normally, but these girls were asking for hostility. Why else pick on her? She closed her eyes and sighed. She protected, no matter what other people think. Another hallway revealed more giggle, prissy girls discreetly pointing and making fun. She practically leaped into the class room, sitting in the back by the window. Can't be too careful. "Ugh! history" she whispered, preparing for major daydreaming
Curiosity killed the cat,
But Satisfaction brought it back! :D
If that never happened,
How do you think I'm still here? ;)

Everyone has a right to be Stupid
but that doesn't mean you should abuse the privilege!

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Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:29 pm
kidashka says...

Still time to join? :D

Name: Kaya [Kai] Estrella
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Role: Experiment
Apperance: Long dark hair, olive skin, grey eyes, quite short.
Personality: Pretty bubbly, chaotic, flirty, however can be very cold and distant (especially to 'normal' people
Power:(only if Experiment) Cause all the other characters are animal hybrids, she's a robot hybrid :wink: She has some control over electrical equipment, particularly computers
History: was kidnapped as a young girl and taken to the research faculty to be experimenteed on. As a result of the experiments she has very little knowledge of her life before.
Habits: usually twiddling a pencil/pen etc.
Other: up for love :wink:


Kaya looked around the dormitory blearily as she lifted her head from the pillow. Alarm clock... alarm clock... she thought slowly, twisting her head to see the cheerful bright green numbers.
Funny, she considered, you'd have thought lessons would have started by now... She sat up, rubbing sleep from her eyes before turning to examine her room mates. She paused. Shouldn't there be other people in this room...? Kaya gave the clock a distrustful look and considered what she knew about the situation so far. Another pause. Then... "OH S-"
She jumped up, throwing clothes on with haste, grabbing her bag as she ran out of the room in a dishevelled state.
Next time, she shot at the clock, beep LOUDER.
Ok, history first... She ran down a corridor, checking back at the small building plan every now and then. Finally she made it to what she hoped was the right room, opening the door quietly. She flashed the teacher an apologetic grin before sliding into a seat next to a tall girl with pale brown hair who looked almost as if she was about to fall asleep.
"Hi, I'm Kai," she whispered as the teacher turned to write something up.
Elizabeth: "There will come a moment when you will have a chance to show it. To do the right thing."
Jack: "I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by."

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Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:40 am
Allessandre says...

I watched the kid come up to me, great, attention is all I need, I watched him come up to me."Hi, my name is Paden," he seemed nice enough, but I had been hoping to keep myself on the downside. My cheerful nature suddenly shone through, "I'm Meredith Felldon," I chirped like a bird, probably sounding stupid.
GENERATION 30: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:13 am
LovelessSummer says...

I screamed as the bell rang, waking me from my sleep. I grabbed my bags and slipped out of the classroom. Ugh, today was so slow and borning. I slouched out of class and felt my wings twitch, begging to be set free. Oh, why not? I won't be missed, i'll come back at lunch. Yeah, just until twelve. I walked out the front doors of the school and pulled my pack further up on my shoulders. I skimmed the area one before breaking into a run. Once I cleared the school gates, I ripped off my shirt and let my wings free, taking off into the air. Wind ruffled my hair and I sighed happily.
" It's been so long," I sighed. I perched on top of a tree, gaining my balance before looking over the horizon. It's so free out here.
" So open, so wide." I looked at my watch: 10:46. I still had a few hours to just enjoy the scenery. Without my Ipod drowning out the rest, the world was a mixture of sounds, and I was loving every moment of it.
LoVeLeSs I review short stories and novels.

Always remember that you’re unique. Just like everyone else.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

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Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:42 am
Howler says...


I'd been driving across the road, and after about three hours or so, I finally made my way to the south border of the state the school was in. It was another three hours until I would finally be at the boarding school.

I probably should've seen this coming, but I didn't actually expect the government to call me. Considering they gave me a list of all the fake ID makers they could find, I should've known they'd want me to give an update.

The conversation was boring as hell, but the short of it was that I lied. I told the desk worker that the lead was a dud, and I was off to the next one up north, conveniently in the state I was just in. I didn't want the rest of the government coming in, because they'd probably just take the kids all away or kill them all. I wanted those experiments dead, but I wanted my daughter alive and mine. I'd hide her and myself from the government if I had to.

After the phone call, I pulled over quickly for some gas, and I also went into the engine to take out a little tracking device the government puts in most of their vehicles. I stuck it onto some vacationing family's camper van as it drove across the highway. If they didn't know where I was, they'd call me, so I also destroyed the cell phone. If they try to find me, I figured I could hide well enough from them. If not, I'd be a hero for solving the problem.

I got back into the car and drove along. I turned up the radio as soon as I heard the song that started playing; "American Badass" by Kid Rock. Loved that song, and I think that's what I was becoming. I was becoming more of a soldier than an agent, and more of a mercenary than a soldier. I'd changed a lot through my career. Some more changes were bound to come, but what they'd be, I'd have to wait and see.
"I'm fearless in my heart
They will always see that in my eyes
I am the passion, I am the warfare
I will never stop
Always constant,
"The Audience is Listening", by Steve Vai

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Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:25 am
ScarlettFire says...


The bell rang, jolting me upright. I yawned and looked around. Had I fallen asleep again? Groaning, I shoved my schoolwork into my bag as I stood up.

"That's it," I muttered as I left the room. "I'm going for a run."

I went back to my room first and dumped my bag on my bed. Looking around, I made sure no one was watching and shrugged off my jacket. I pushed open the window and looked out. I laughed when I saw Zane sitting at the top of a tall tree on the far side of the oval.

I grinned and slipped out the window. I let myself fall, changing in midair so that a panther hit the ground instead of a girl. I was pretty sure no one saw me, but I had to be careful.

I sniffed the air, looking for people I didn't know...but all I smelt was bat, Anne, dove, and cat? I closed my eyes. I could smell wolf around here too, along with more bluebird and a few other weird scents.

I shook my head and slinked off across the oval, headed for the tree I'd seen Zane sitting in.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Wed Mar 31, 2010 6:44 pm
KinetaAlettaThyra says...


The bell rang and I practically flew out of class. Not really, but, I was really fast. I walked down the hallway, thinking. When I lifted my head, I always saw giggling girls in mini-skirts pointing and laughing at me. I let my head drop again. i looked down at my ratty old T-shirt, Sweatshirt with two slits in the back and scratched-up jeans. So what if I looked nothing like Little Miss Princess? It didn't matter.
"Hey you!"
I made the mistake of looking up. "Ya, you! I didn't know hobo's dressed you!" said a beach-blond-tramp in a mini skirt no lower then her thighs, and a tank top that was only reached 3 inches down.
"Go stick your face up you ***" I said half-hearted.
"Oh, who told you that one? The freaks you hang out with? Freak?" She and her other friends started laughing and making 'L' signs on their foreheads with their fingers. I quickly ran to the bathroom, leaving them laughing. I burst in and locked the bathroom door, turned and leaned on it. I put my head in my hands. They were the freaks. Heck, they wouldn't be able to survive a day in the real world! I sighed. I almost didn't either. I was too young to be subjected to the real world in the way me and the other experienced. The others younger. Why us? Why were we experimented on? Why?
My head started hurting. I yelled savagely. Not again! I ran over to the window and opened it. I leaped out, making sure no one would see my. I started free falling from the third story. I snapped out my wings immediately. It hurt. It always did. With some effort, I made it to the forest. I slumped down on a hidden branch and just laid there, grasping my head, trying to make sense of my place in this world. After a while, I realized I was crying. I didn't stop myself. Here, alone, I could cry all I wanted. I didn't need to pretend to be super strong out here.
Curiosity killed the cat,
But Satisfaction brought it back! :D
If that never happened,
How do you think I'm still here? ;)

Everyone has a right to be Stupid
but that doesn't mean you should abuse the privilege!

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Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:20 pm
kidashka says...


I traipsed out of history, stifling a yawn. Man, that had been dull... at least I could have a few moments to relax now. I stopped midstep to look out the window, taking a better look at the place we were in.
The other experiments.
I frowned to myself. Funny, I hadn't seen any of them yet, and had only the vaguest idea of what any of them looked like from short glimpses in corridors at the faculty. I shuddered slightly at the memory of that place. But right now, I needed to find someone, one of them. Someone to prove it wasn't all a dream.
A blur shot down the window in front of me, and I leapt back in surprise. It was gone in a moment, but I was certain of what I'd seen. A giant black cat, a panther, a jaguar, maybe? A big cat, at least. I blinked several times, shaking the shock out of my system, then looked down to the ground. No panther-jaguar-whatever. Only a girl, looking back furtively.
My eyes narrowed. There was one. An experiment.
I grabbed my bag without a second thought, running towards the exit and to where she was.
"Hey!" I shouted as I came closer. "Wait up!"
Elizabeth: "There will come a moment when you will have a chance to show it. To do the right thing."
Jack: "I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by."

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Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:02 pm
LovelessSummer says...

I turned my head towards the ground, something was coming fast. Tearing through the forest. I bared my teeth and ruffled my wings out behind me before descending towards the ground. I let out a sonar scream and waited for any rebounds. Two came back at me: One 200 or so feet away and the other steadily growing closer. I rose into the trees and balanced on a tree branch and sighed when Kiera came crashing through. I sighed and dropped to the floor.
" Hey," I sighed. " You scared the life out of me. I thought I might have to unleash my vicious fangs." I bared my teeth and growled a bit.
" Your teeth could stand no chance against my claws," she scoffed. I bowed quickly and ruffled my hair.
" So true."
" Its so nice out here," she breathed. " I don't think I could have lasted another minute in that prison. My legs were begging for a run."
" I know the feeling," I smiled while ruffling my wings. " That school is suffocating." She nodded and streteched towards the sky, her body uncurled like a cats.
" Little kitty," I mumbled under my breath. She turned to me, her eyes flashing with annoyance. Someone crashed through the brush, cutting off Kiera's beeline towards me.
" Kaya," I asked, scratching my head. She just smiled awkwardly.
LoVeLeSs I review short stories and novels.

Always remember that you’re unique. Just like everyone else.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

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Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:31 am
Todaiking says...

Name:Alex{Yahto} Vane
Age: 15
Role: Experiment/ Normal
Appearance: Long cloudy, pale with slight tan sort of like from Europe, blue eyes, average height.
Spoiler! :
Eyes.jpg (45.76 KiB) Viewed 42 times

Personality: Flirty, Funny, little insane, he likes to tease people, often caught skipping class, he has no since of being directed, he also refuses to harm girls physically or emotionally
Power: one with nature, slight control of plants, and also good at being persuasive
History:Was once part of a secret sect of the government strike force till he got kicked out for refusing to kill the enemy. He is also half experiment and half normal because of his mother being and experiment(mutated with plants) and his father being a human in a rebellion force. Later both parents were killed for "terrorism" as the government announced. He was then placed up for adoption and was adopted at the age of five by two barons, after getting a friend to hack him into this school he left his baron family and took with him only a sword and clothes today he is normally found in the woods and has a school attendance record of under 10 days of all classes attended yet some how he passes his classes.
Habits:He often says the wrong thing at the wrong time, he also has troubles with talking to girls, he tends to pick fights a lot with people who hurt the feelings of girls or act immature during class or who try to make fun of him.
Other: He has a short temper, never likes to be in a large group of people, he has a relatively hard time making friends, he only uses his powers when trying to hide or when really really mad at which point he has no control.

Hearing people gather I wake up from my nap, I stand to see if I can find these people. Walking around thirty feet and past a few trees I see them.
I say "Hey you guys skippin two, classes over, or have they yet to begin? Also don't tell people were I am because im tired and don't need people telling the school staff were I skip at."
I take a look at these two people and say "Yeah and I know your secret, by the way im Alex nice to meet you."Grinning I follow with "So...Who are you two?"
Last edited by Todaiking on Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:40 am
ScarlettFire says...


I grinned at Kaya and turned back to Zane.

"You're pushing your luck, Zane," I stated and leant against a nearby tree. "Hey, has anyone be calling my name during class?" I asked.

Zane shook his head and Kaya kicked at the dirt. I sighed.

"Alright then," I muttered and turned my hand into a paw. I'd changed back before I reached Zane and had no idea how Kaya had kept up with me. "No one has been calling my name."

Suddenly some boy crashed into the clearing. He was talking about skippig class or something and said his name was Alex.

"What the hell?" I said, jumping away from the tree and slipping into a defensive crouch. No one had startled me like he did. "How come I didn't hear you?" I snapped.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

Please immediately cease and desist from offering Bob any more coffees with peppermint sprinkles. Thank you.
— SilverNight