
Young Writers Society

Hell On Earth

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:29 am
ToritheMonster says...


I stumbled over to camp. I was right. I was going to lose too much blood and pass out. Oh...well... I was seeing black spots. Like little flies... I saw the others, Paige out cold on the ground. I leaned against the wall, doodled with... swastikas? And as I dropped down, my hand left a smear of blood on the wall from clutching my leg wound. "Dammit." I whispered, as I sunk into unconsciousness.
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:08 am
Scion of Fangor says...

I hope this isn't too late, but someone mentioned having some boys in it 8) . If I can then I'd like to play as:

Alex Smith



Viper or Enemy:

History: Alex was born in Britain to wealthy parents, and was considered a bit of a freak before the war. He was into "new age" groups and green initiatives but that all went out the window when the war started. When escaping from England during the invasion he a nasty bullet wound to his left leg, which means he can't run very fast. He is however a good shot.

Personality: Depressed with a bleak outlook on things and a secret feeling that someday very soon there all going to die.

He's about 5 foot 5 with blonde hair and a freckled face. He isn't very muscley, but is never seen without his rifle and dome spare ammunition.

Weapon of Choice: Barret M82

Vices:Isn't the easiest to get along with.
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Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:36 am
ScarlettFire says...


I groaned and rolled over. Jeez, my head was throbbing. I pulled a pillow over my head and tried to ignore the throbbing.

"Hey," someone said and kicked my bed. "Get up. Regan's calling a meeting."

I threw the pillow at them and pulled the covers up over my head... And then I realised something. I was in a bed... When I had passed out last night I'd been sitting on crate in the other room. Someone kicked my bed again.

"Oi!" I shouted and shot upright. "Stop it, will ya?" I grabbed my throbbing head and opened one eye, looking at the person who had woken me up. Damn it. It was Alex. "Oh come on," I groaned and threw the blankets off. "I didn't do anything stupid last night, did I?"
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:12 pm
Scion of Fangor says...

Alex looked at the prone Paige then started to limp towards Regan, turning round to put another smart remark at Paige, "Nothing worse than the usual". She groaned at me "That bad?". Alex limped towards Regan. All he was waiting for was the next kill. Unconsciously he groped foe his rifle and started stroking it. It was a comfort thing. When he got to Regan he sat down, carefully avoiding the landmine.

"Heard you got a little knick last night"
GENERATION 30: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:21 pm
Threnody says...


"Ya Paige.. you did nothin' stupid." I said, rising from my cot. After as much booze as this girl chugged last night, today's hangover was going to be epic. Rachel laughed and jumped from the bunk above me.

"Let's get out of here." Rachel turned around, flipping her hair, getting dressed on the way out the door. We had the speed of minuetmen, what can we say?

When we reached the make-shift meeting house only Alex and Regan were already there. Paige had be groaning behind us, so we knew she was on her way too.

"Hey Alex... whatsup kid?" I said sitting down and brushing off my flight jacket. He nodded and continued cleaning his gun.

"How late was he up last night?" I asked Regan. She shook her head, "I don't know." He turned to us and scowled and went back to cleaning his gun.
“One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes”
~ The Little Prince~

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:31 pm
ScarlettFire says...


I joined the others in the other room and sat down near Regan. No doubt her next brilliant plan would involve another damn bomb.

I snickered at the expression on Alex's face. He shot me a glare and kicked a nearby metal bucket with his good leg. I winced and rubbed my temples. I hated having a hangover. It didn't stop me from drinking though.

"Alright, Regan," I muttered. "What's the plan?"
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:28 pm
cosby says...

Is it too late to join? Or can I come in as well?

Anthony Devon



Viper or Enemy:
Wants to be a Viper, but is too young.

History: Anthony was born in Wales, but moved to America soon after his fifth birthday. He has one brother, and his mother died when he was 8 with cancer. Almost as soon as the war broke out, his dad set off to fight. Edward, Anthony's older brother,went off too, a year later, leaving him at home on his own.
Due to being small, and being on his own, Anthony was bullied quite a lot by the other kids in the town. By the end of the second year of war, he was left alone. There was nobody left to bully him. That was when he decided to go and see what had happened to his brother and father, as he had had no word of what had happened to them. He set of at the beginning of the third year, and has been traveling for three months. After the first month he gave up on finding his family, but set his heart on finding the Vipers instead. He wanted to join, even though he had heard that they only accepted kids 16 and over. Maybe they could make an exception. Maybe he would be 16 by the time he found them.

Personality: Loyal, kind, and fairly gentle. He does not like unnecessary violence.

He's about 5 foot 2 and a half. He used to have short black hair, but it's grown longer, and is now a browney colour. His eyes are a very dark brown.

Weapon of Choice: PT145.

Vices:Tends to think people are better than they really are, something that frequently gets him into trouble. When he's upset, he prefers to be alone, although what he really needs is company.

(He is currently wandering around outside the Vipers camp, wondering if he should go in)
Last edited by cosby on Thu Mar 18, 2010 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it -

- If the doctor told me I had 6 minutes left to live, I'd type faster -

I laugh at my own signature. Sad? Yes.

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:24 pm
AliceRose says...

*Regan, who is in fact, a girl*

I called a meeting early in the next morning to let people in on what was going to happen.

"All right, everyone. We've had about a days rest and now, it's time to go back to business."

I paced the floor of the living room in our underground bunker. I looked up at the team, who was watching me intently. I smiled to myself. I loved my team. Even though we fought a lot, we were all excellent fighters and knew when and how to put our differences aside for the greater good.

"Now, in two days, the Chinese are going to launch an attack on New York City to squash any rebellions that have been popping up around the area. In doing this, they have to come through our region today. They'll be transporting weapons and soldiers, and there will be lots of them. We will need to strike very quickly and efficiently. We need to formulate a plan to take 'em down fast."

"Do you know exactly where they're coming from?" asked Ingrid. "East? West? North?"

"They're coming from the Northwest." I replied, tapping on the map in front of us.

"You don't think that they'll attack from the sea?" said Dylan.

"Well, I wouldn't think so, seeing as how they have a horrible navy."

"They're coming through our territory?" said Victoria.

"You'd think they would've learned by now." said Nate with a laugh.

I pointed at him. "That's true."

He frowned. "What?"

I puffed on my cigarette and tapped on my chin, looking at the map. "We have attacked them almost eight times in these woods. We've never left any survivors, so they don't know exactly who we are, so why would they keep coming back...?"

We all sat in silence for a minute. "What if they're going to attack from both ends?" suggested Bettina. "What if they come from both the sea and the woods? We are considered a rebel group after all."

I nodded. "That may be it, but I'm not sure." An idea popped into my head and I snapped my fingers. "Did any of you think to grab an officers uniform and papers yesterday?"

"Yeah." said Alex. "Here. Lieutenant Pak Jan Yang."

I grinned. "Good work." I took the papers from him. I translated them quickly. "It mentions the attack, but doesn't go into detail. It does say though, that Pak was supposed to come and take us down. Says here that if he doesn't come back in four days, they're sending someone else."

"It's been three days, so they probably won't send anyone out here looking for us." said Nate.

I looked back at the map and smoked on my cig. "Alright. Here are your marching orders. Go with your groups, formulate a plan, and then come to me with them when you have them. Nate, Rachel, and Bettina, you come with me. The rest of you, get your asses in gear. Move, move!"
We're all a bit mad...

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:28 pm
Scion of Fangor says...

Alex sprang to his feet, or attempted too but had to steady himself on the wall. He checked his rifle again. Full clip, freshly cleaned and oiled. Looking around at the sprinting figures he wondered how many of them would come back. How many would they lose. He loved those faces, the feel of vibrant life as they laughed in this hell. He begun to mutter to himself, poetry. It was a calming trick. To keep himself steady for the shot As Regan thundered past him he shouted "Where do you want me?"
GENERATION 30: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 6:45 pm
ScarlettFire says...


I slowly got to my feet and wandered off, back into the bedroom. A few more hours of sleep couldn't hurt, could it?

Someone caught my elbow before I got close to the bunks and dragged me off outside. I winced and squinted against the sunlight. I tried to see who had dragged me off but it was to bright to make out their face.

"Let me go," I snapped and jerked my arm away.

"Paige," they sighed and pulled me over to a small group of logs around a fire.

"Get me another drink," I muttered and sat down on a log. "If I have to kill someone again, get me another friggin' drink. Right now."
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:13 pm
jok101 says...


I dragged Paige over to some logs and sat her down.

"get me another drink, if I have to kill someone else get me another friggin drink" Paige said swaying slightly on the log as she got comfy.

"you don't need another drink paige" I said looking over one of the maps.

"don't tell me wha I do and don't need, now get me a dam drink" Paige shouted. I sighed and poured some water from a water bottle into a glass.

"their you go another drink" I said Handing her the water he drunk it down and smiled.

"I've drunk so much of this stuff I don't even taste it anymore" Paige bragged. Alex walked over the slight limp in his leg visible. A few other walked over including Dylan who made a beeline straight over to us. He took a glance a Paige before redirecting his attention to us.

"shouldn't you take care of Paige, she did kiss you" I said.

"she was drunk as hell" Dylan said.

"whatever, you probably like it" I said, Dylan smiled but not for long, his smile quickly vanished.

"hell of party right" Dylan said changing the subject.

"wish I knew, I was out taking the supplies we got to the mombas by the time I got back the party was over, well the fun bit anyway the stumbling around vase had just started" I said not looking up from the map.

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:42 pm
ScarlettFire says...


I noticed that Jack and Dylan were talking about me again.

"Hey," I shouted. "I can hear you, you know and I did NOT kiss Dylan last night." I paused looking from one to the other. "Did I?" I asked. They both nodded. I groaned and cover my eyes for a few seconds. Lovely. "What else did I do last night?"

Dylan sighed. "Paige, you didn't do anything. After you kissed me, you passed out. Along with a few other people."

Jack nodded his agreement and went back to studying the maps.

"Alright," I muttered. "Don't let me get that drunk again, will you? I have a killed hangover."

Dylan chuckled and sat down nearby. I noticed that Alex was lurking nearby again.

((Jack is a guy, right? :? Better check that...))
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:39 pm
ToritheMonster says...

*pssst! you guys! i'm passed out near the camp! cuz i lost too much blood from my leg! I'm not there! Someone has to find me!*
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:43 pm
cosby says...

(Hey, everyone. Sorry for posting without someone introducing me, but he was wandering around, without anyone seeing him. He had been wandering around for three months without being seen by them, but he needed to walk to them before they found him.)

Anthony looked around him nervously. This was it; the moment had arrived. He was surrounded by by tree's and bushes, but he knew that if he stepped forwards just two or three paces he would be on Viper land.

Viper land.

He had been on this journey for three months - now he might finally be able to see if it had been worth it. Would his brother be here? Would he be allowed to join in with the fighting, even if Edward wasn't here? A few cries drifted over, along with the scent of burning and alcohol. Anthony wrinkled his nose. Alcohol? How could these people fight while they were drunk? He took a step forwards and was submerged in a particularly large bush. His vision was blurred for a moment, but then he took another step. He was almost out of the forest, and before he stepped out into the open, Anthony checked his appearance. His hair had grown long, and was greasy. Dust had turned it a browny colour instead of it's usual black. His clothes, a faded 'We Will Rock You' t-shirt and some very unsuitable jeans, were ripped and bloodied. His legs were ripped to pieces from low hanging branches and bushes like the one he was standing in. His face hurt quite a lot, and he suspected that he was sunburnt. His forehead felt like it was burning up from where a stray bullet had grazed it in a perfectly straight line. For the first time, he had some doubts.

What if the Vipers refused to let him join? Would they tell him to go back home, or would they kill him?

Everyone feared the Vipers, and for a good reason. Anthony had seen the remains of the battles they had fought on his way over. He wondered if he was walking to his death, but the thought that his brother might be here made him go on.
He took a deep breath, and was about to take another step, when he heard something. A small groan.
He froze, and listened carefully. It was there again, this time accompanied by a weak, "Help!"
He turned, slowly, and started walking towards the voice. A boy lay limp on the floor, groaning in agony.
"Hello?" Anthony asked cautiously.
- From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it -

- If the doctor told me I had 6 minutes left to live, I'd type faster -

I laugh at my own signature. Sad? Yes.

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:50 pm
ToritheMonster says...

*ooooh fine. if nobody saves me, I'll just wake up and scream until someone does. Or something like that.*
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
— Mark Twain