
Young Writers Society

High School

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Sat May 23, 2009 5:03 am
Octave says...

Yay! My first storybook!


I got out of my car and slammed the door behind me. The large building loomed before me, almost as if it was meant to appear menacing to the new students. Tendrils of ivy crept up some areas of its brown brick walls, and the students that hung around the entrance seemed to pay attention to their friends only. As if it mattered. I didn't need friends. I never did and I never will.. Keegan barked at the building and I patted his head, holding on to his leash tightly.

"I know it's stupid, Kee," I told him. "But Petra says it's for my own good, so..."

Keegan barked a few more times in agreement.

I headed towards the building, Keegan trotting beside me. Some of the students stared at Keegan as if he was dangerous and others seemed impressed by Keegan. I didn't blame them. Keegan was a big dog, one meant to protect his owner. Not that I needed protection.

I didn't even last five minutes in the building before someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw a teacher. Maybe it was the principal. Who knew? What I did know was that she wasn't human. Her ears were those of a cat's, and so she couldn't have been human.

"Ms. Leicester, I assume?" she sneered.

I raised an eyebrow.

She narrowed her eyes and pointed at Keegan. "What is that horrible thing doing in here?"

Was she talking about Keegan? I glanced at him and saw a bit of drool on his mouth. I took a tissue from my bag and wiped it away. There. Keegan looked better now.

"Not the drool, although it's disgusting in itself. I'm talking about the creature."

I smiled at her. "Creature? Keegan is a dog. A very handsome dog, to boot. Maybe he can give you some grooming tips for your hair."

She looked as if she was about to blow. I couldn't help but smirk. Oh yes. I think I just made myself the new golden girl of the school...not.

"Pets aren't allowed here, especially dogs," she hissed. "They tend to bark at the students."

"Keegan has better manners than you do," I shot back. "He hasn't barked at your face, has he? He's not going anywhere."

"Either your dog leaves or you get expelled."

As if. With a confident smile, I turned around and sauntered towards the exit, knowing I would never make it there. Sure enough, she called for me.

"WAIT! Miss Leicester! Come back!"

Of course they couldn't afford to kick me out. My parents donated the library. I stopped walking and turned to look at her. "I thought I was expelled."

She grit her teeth and muttered something under her breath. No doubt it wasn't complimentary.

"What did you say?" I asked sweetly.

"I said, please stay. Your...dog...can stay with you provided it doesn't bark."

As if in utter defiance of the teacher, Keegan barked once. I turned to leave again.

"Wait! Just...don't get into more trouble."

Better. I headed towards my classroom and as I passed the teacher I patted her on the shoulder with mock sympathy. She glared daggers at me but she didn't move to brush me off.

Wonderful. Not even an hour and I already had an archenemy.
"The moral of this story, is that if I cause a stranger to choke to death for my amusement, what do you think I’ll do to you if you don’t tell me who ordered you to kill Colosimo?“

-Boardwalk Empire

Love, get out of my way.

Dulcinea: 2,500/50,000

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Sat May 23, 2009 7:19 am
Chupatoasta says...

Dakota -

Dakota sighed deeply and slipped the black messenger back over her head, careful of the two black, furry ears that sat on the top of her black and white hair. Sable was prancing on her left side and Dakota turned her whole head to smile down at her loyal companion. "Another year, huh girl?" Sable barked excitedly and Dakota laughed, pushing through the doors, the spikes on her bracelets on each of her wrists wrists narrowly dodging the closing door's glass. The entire hall was silent. Dakota waved to them boredly, her black painted nails blending in with the fingerless gloves she wore. With boredom in each step she strode to the front office, turning in her papers for Sable along with the latest eye screening, saying that she could still play sports and that her coordination was fine. In turn she got a schedule and a pin, that she pinned on Sable's collar.

"Mrs. Hunters, please don't cause any problems like last year." Dakota smiled at the memory of the peverse sex education teacher lying on the ground with blood pouring from a broken nose. She saluted to the principal, who was staring at her with disappointed eyes. He'd been like a second father to Dakota before her parents died, now he was more like someone that only worried and prayed for her.

"Aye, aye captain." She smiled sarcastically before walking out of the office and towards her locker, where two girls were glancing at her and talking in hushed voices. "Y'know what sucks?" They both glanced at her, horrorfied that she was talking to them. "Having your face pounded into your skull on the first day of school." At her words both girls scurried down the hall. Dakota smiled toothily, her sharp, but not as sharp as a vampire's, canines glinting in the light while she took her first period books out of her locker.

*I'll post for Draken tomorrow... Is bedtime! *yawn**
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Sat May 23, 2009 12:50 pm
arya says...

I made a new character if that's OK:

Name: Jasper Smith

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Creature: hybrid(hawk)

Appearance: Human: he has black hair, green eyes. Tall. Hansom. Tattoo at the back of his neck where the hair starts. When human has no signs that he is inhuman
Hawk: Normal Hawk with green eyes.

Personality: kind, clever, helpful, protective towards his sister, fun.

History/Background: Lived in NY with his family. had to move because his sister inherited a gift, that was hard to keep secret.

Other: Up for love



"Hon? Are you finished packing?" My mum called up the stairs.

I didn't answer. I was too excited. My suitcases were lying on the floor, and I was sitting on the bed cross legged, and looked at last years year book. I couldn't wait.

"Hon?" My mum was standing in the doorway. "What ware you looking at?"

"At the year book. Look. There's Lanoray."

"Yeah. the school looks just like I remember it. Nothing has changed. Jazz? We have to get going now. Lanoray is probably waiting for you."

"Uhm. OK."

My mum took one of my suitcases and I took the other.

Jasper stepped inside the room. "Can I help you guys? My stuff is in the car already." He grabbed my box and my bag.

I still couldn't believe that my brother had switched to our school. He was a great guy most of the time, but he was a little over protective. Especially when it came to guys...
Last edited by arya on Sat May 23, 2009 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sat May 23, 2009 1:05 pm
Kobain72 says...

*hopefully everyone's read the really early posts about these characters so no more explanation's needed? again sorry for our over-eagerness*


I leaned back into the leather drivers seat and took a deep breath in. How we managed to get to school this morning without hurting anyone i will never know, but this was no time to mourn missed chances. I glanced across at Cypher and asked if he was ready. He nodded and we got out of the vehicle, ignoring the huge traffic jam culminating behind our Hummer.
"There's a whole other lane they could use," Cypher sighed, "Why do they have to use the one our car's parked in?"
"I will never understand the nuances of the oh so simple human mind," I replied as we neared the school.

As we walked up the path to the main entrance I noted various faces which had become overly familiar to us during our last year in this place. I saw David being his usual, clumsy self; a large dog that suddenly transformed into a girl was of course Dakota and then there were the legions of new faces and accidents-waiting-to-happen shuffling around, wide-eyed and yet - thanks to their powers - too sure of themselves to be easily scared. That just made it more fun for me and my brother, who had already spotted a new face to torment. I followed him over to the unlucky victim.
"This is my plan of attack"

"Hmmm, looks more like a pin to me"

"No, it's definitely a tac"

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Sat May 23, 2009 1:14 pm
Skull3670 says...


I spotted various old faces as we returned to school. The victims of my brother and i, and the goody goodys who tried and failed to stop us. I spotted a small dragon kid sitting on a bench with his school bag clutched tightly in his fists. I sat down next to him on the right and my brother on the left. He looked up at us warily wondering what we were going to do.
"Hello," smiled Mac. "I'm Mac and this is Cypher."
"I...i...i'm Luke."
"Luke, eh?" i grinned "Well Luke, me and my brother here just wanted to introduce you to the school." I smirked maniacally to my brother.
"Th...thank you" whispered Luke.
"Thats ok." I smiled. While he was looking at me Mac had reached into his bag and set the contents alight causing to smoke and make Luke jump in fright and bolt into the school. We laughed histerically.
"Doom Five" i laughed high fiving my brothers stone hand with my own. As our hands made contact they lit up and around us the ground began to shake. When this had subsided we roared with laughter, picked up our bags and headed toward our usual room on the third floor.
I have looked into the eye of the storm and stared it down. I am an adrenaline junky and i know no fear.

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Sat May 23, 2009 1:38 pm
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Lauren2010 says...


"Bekah, come on! We're going to be late for school!" Mel yelled through the apartment. "It's the first day back! Aren't you excited to see everyone again?"

Her voice carried loudly into my room. I hadn't even gotten out of bed yet. The smell of Mel's famous pancakes wafted into the room and I was up and ready in seconds.

I walked into the small kitchen/living room and sat down at our small kitchen table. I combed my long fox tail while I waited for breakfast, I wanted to make sure I looked extra nice for the first day of school. And also I had to be ready to protest the tearing down of an acre of forest near the school for a football stadium that would never be used.

"Here we go." Mel said, setting a plate of pancakes on the table. "No hurry, we're going to be late!"

We both started stuffing pancakes in our face. When we finished we grabbed our bags and ran out the door before bothering to clean up. Living on your own was nice.

It wasn't long before we got to school, our apartment only being a few blocks away.
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Sat May 23, 2009 3:14 pm
jok101 says...


I opened my eyes to see a tall golden ceiling the one I always saw when I woke up at home. I puched the white sheets off and rolled out of bed. I clutched my head slightly as the tiredness made me feel dissy. I pulled on some stone washed jeans and a black t shirt. As I walked out my mum threw me a pair of white tennis shoes.

"hurry up and get to school, I've got to go to work" She said and threw some shoes at my little brother as he stepped out of his room he didn't see them coming and they knocked him over. I laughed and Mum gave me dagger eyes.

"look after your brother he's a freshman at your school and I don't want him getting bullied," She said and kissed my little brother Ollie on the head he sihged and pushed her away gently, she shook her head and gave me a look as if it was all my fault.

"what the hell have I done now" I said and she gave me another look which made my brother laugh. She walked out and I hit him on the arm.

"dickhead" I said and grabed by hat.

"how do we get to school anyway" Ollie said and I geatstured for him to just follow me. I opened the door and walked out onto the sunny street. I let my wings come out and dived downwards with my mind open, seconds later I felt the cold sky, I turned around to see Ollie right behind me. It took us a few seconds before we reached the ground next to the school and walked in.

"okay bye see you kid" I said and walked towards someone I thought I knew.

"hey what about me" Ollie said and I shrugged.

"you have a time table, go to your class or something" I said and continued to walk toward the person.

"Hey" I said before I'd actually gotten to them.

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Sat May 23, 2009 3:40 pm
arya says...

**Can we be at school already? If not I can edit.**


OK. Back at school.

I stood in front of a tall vintage building, marveling at the architecture.

I took a deep breath.



"Can we do this?"

"Course we can... why not? Your not nervous are you?" Lanoray asked smiling.

"I was just thinking about all the stuff we did last year..." I chuckled.

My mum had also gone to this school when she was my age, and she loved it. i also did, but some people just freaked me out.

(we are in a boarding school or?)

I bent down and picked up my suitcase. You could see it was old. The leather was worn and the colour was fading.

In the other hand I held a big bag and a box. Inside the box were stuff that was important to me. The tie my dad had worn to his wedding, a book full of lyrics I had written and a picture of our family.

It had started to rain.

All of a sudden I got bouncy again."Come on.Lets go! I can't wait to see all of our friends again."

"Lets!" Lanoray laughed.

I reached for her hand and we ran laughing our heads off towards the house.

We reached it, but we were soaked.

I bumped into someone.

"Oh! Sorry."

My hair hung in my face. I wiped it away and turned to look at the guy I had run into.

**Anybody can join in**
Life isn't fair,
its just fairer than death,
that's all...

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Sat May 23, 2009 3:41 pm
RayneChild says...

No worries, guys ^^

Oh...heh...yeah... The original idea is that it WAS supposed to be a boarding school, but I forgot to mention it in the storybook description :lol: So...yeah, it is :) Sorry to spring this news on you so late guys :oops: But hey, you guys are clever writers! You can make it work ;)


I stood around, my bag slung over my shoulder, watching all the familiar and new faces walking by. My white-tipped tail flicked gently around. I scanned the crowd for Lanoray. That kid was something special, no doubt. Every blonde head that walked by caught my attention, but I didn't see the girl who would always be my little freshman. I knew she'd be with Jasmin, but I didn't see her either. Then, deciding that standing around wasn't going to get me any closer to finding them, I joined the crowd and walked around the school.

Figuring that, as I technically was on a hunt, I morphed into my wolf form, who Lanoray coincidentally called Hunter. I trotted to every corner and level of the school, searching high and low for my "prey".

Finally, I spotted them. They were standing by a building, in front of a tall boy. Lanoray looked from Jasmin to the boy and back again, and Jasmin was pushing hair out of her face. I smiled excitedly and, tongue lolling from my mouth, I sprinted through the rain towards them.

When I got close enough, Lanoray turned around and saw me. Her mouth dropped happily. "Hunter!!" She exclaimed, and I jumped into her arms, nearly knocking her over. I licked her on the face and morphed back into myself. She attacked me with a hug and she laughed gleefully. "Tyro..." she said softly, and in her voice I could tell how much she had missed me.

"Haha, missed ya, kid," I said to her, and she smiled at me. "Hey, Jazz."

"Tyro," she greeted.

I looked at the boy, who smiled. I raised an eyebrow and stared at him, still clutching onto my friend.
Singing: It's more than my forte; it's my fortissimo
They say "Guns don't kill people. People kill people."
Well, I think guns help. If you just stand there and yell BANG I don't think you're going to kill too many people...

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Sat May 23, 2009 3:56 pm
Chupatoasta says...

Drake -

"Draken Aekesh! Breakfast!" Drake groaned and pulled his sore body out of bed at his grandfather's yelling. Geez, for an old man he sure had a set of lungs. "Don't make me bring cold water up there!" At his words Drake shuddered. How he hated cold water. He pulled on a pair of regular jeans, a skin tight white t-shirt, and his black and red leather jacket, combing his hair out before messing it up with both hands. He slipped his cross necklace on and pulled on a pair or tennis shoes, jogging down stairs. His grandfather was seated at the table next to his grandmother, pancakes, bacon, and eggs in front of them.

When breakfast was over Drake kissed his grandmother on the cheek, telling her he'd see her on the days he was out of school. After driving two hours towards the boarding school, he sighed in relief and grabbed his time table from the front office. He stuffed his stuff in his locker and grinned from ear to ear. "Yo, Drae," Drake glanced up, coming face to face with some of the football players, a smile instantly spreading across him face.

"Hey man," he gave the guys a manly hug and wiped his hair out of his face, smirking.

"So, when's football practice start?" He asked at they began to walk down the hall.

"Well, we're practicing in the open field this afternoon. Coach is getting all angry because they haven't even cut out the trees for the stadium." Drake snickered and shook his head, eyes suddenly catching on something that was a redish-brown. He glanced up quickly, eyes locking on some red head with fox ears and a tail. "Drae, come on man." Drake looked back at his friends and shook his head, soon catching up.

"Who is that?" He asked, pointing at the girl once they'd passed her.

"Rebekah Monroe, she's the hippie that wants to protest the cutting down of the forest." Another football player answered. Drake nodded his head absentmindedly, soon walking into his Literature class and taking a seat.
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Sat May 23, 2009 4:22 pm
Lauren2010 says...


As I was walking into the school I overheard the football team talking about my protest. I knew they didn't like it, they wanted their football stadium. But we had a perfectly acceptable football field for them to play on. And we could use the money saved to do something for the school that everyone could benefit from, like better lunches, or better dorms.

I sighed as I started to feel the weight of my bag on my shoulder. "Why do we have to live in the dorms?" I asked Mel. "We have a perfectly good apartment."

"Which by the way we have to move out of by the end of the week." Mel added.

I sighed again. I really loved that apartment.
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Sat May 23, 2009 4:37 pm
Chupatoasta says...

Dakota -

Dakota sighed as she walked down the hall, Sable jumping at her side excitedly. All her stuff was already in her stupid dorm. Hopefully she'd have it all to herself this time. Last year she made her roommate board with two others because she was one of those oh-my-god-you-got-sweat-on-my-pom-poms kind of girl. People like that really ticked Dakota off. "Yo Dee!" Dakota glanced up from her iPod, glancing boredly at the three guys who were leaning against some lockers, looking like they were about to kill the next person who even looked at them funny. What made them even scarier looking was the fact that they were seniors.

"What do you want?" Dakota sighed, popping her shoulder nonchalantly.

"Basketball game after school two on two." The biggest one smiled while Dakota agreed, soon walking into her homeroom class, which happened to also be her first period science class.
Oh, the tiger will love you. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw

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Sat May 23, 2009 5:18 pm
arya says...


Jasmin had taken off with Lanoray.

So I had to find my way around the school alone.

I looked around. Jasmin was right when she kept saying that there were weird people.

I kept walking. I was looking for Jazz. Maybe she could help me.

There she was. Soaking wet. Talking to some weird looking guy.

I stopped. I had promised Jasmin not to interfere so much, so I would wait, and watch.

Now I was feeling like some Big Brother Is Watching You guy. OK. I needed to stop this watching over my sister thing, although... I promised mum. Whatever. I turned and walked on.

I glanced at the map of the campus. The library should be over there, and my room... Oh... OK this way...

***We still need someone to be the guy that talks to Jasmin...PLEASE!***
Life isn't fair,
its just fairer than death,
that's all...

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Sat May 23, 2009 5:59 pm
Bloo says...

Kobain. David is actually a new kid. He looks nothing like his old self, who was named Danny by the way. It will be a long time before that is reveled by the way.


I looked in the mirror and changed my clothes a few times. I didn't need to move though, they just morphed around me. My new look had been settled awhile ago, but I was still tweaking it now. No idea why, I could change it when I needed. After I was done, I went to the door, slipped my messenger bag over my shoulders, and held the doorknob.

"It's cool now. You're not dorky old Danny any more. You're David. No ones knows who you are, you got a clean slate. So do it right. I stepped out of my dorm room. And into a new world.

"So," The coach said when I arrived in his office. "You want to try out for the football team?"

"Yes sir," I said.

"What you aiming for?" The coach asked.

"Anything. No matter what you give me I got the look," I said morphing from a huge monster of a guy, to a full out runner, and everything in between them.

"Okay then. See you at practice. We'll see what you got there. Then decide it," the guy said and motioned me off.

I walked out of the room smiling, and walked to go get breakfast.
That User Who Changed Their Name A Dozen Times And So No One Ever Knew Who They Were Half the Time and When They Did Only Used Bolt.

The tragic tale of losing all #Brand for nothing in return.

The Take Away Is You Probably Know Me As Bolt

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Sat May 23, 2009 6:38 pm
Moo says...


I looked up from the book that I was reading from the shade of an old oak in the school grounds. My green eyes narrowed at the sight of some poor boy running into the school helter skelter as orange flames burst from his bag. Two other boys, obviously demons, laughed and high fived each other.
I'd only been here a couple of hours and already the place was irritating me. I thought the school might be a place to finally meet some nice people; to finally have someone like me to talk to. But so far I had not seen and inkling of another dragon.
"Jackass," I murmured, returning to my book with my nose wrinkling in distaste. The heavy thud of footsteps and a dark shadow blurring the words on the page caused me to look up again.
"Got something you want to say?" one of the demon boys jeered, folding his arms confidently while the other chuckled.
"I think you already heard what I said."
They looked at each other, smirking. "You'll be sorry for saying that."
"Is there a problem here?" another person approached, probably another student.
"Not at all," I said with a cheerful beam. The two demons stalked off, and just for kicks I caused a root to arch from the ground with my power. I chuckled as he tripped over it, then looking back to the person again.
"I'm Summer," I said with a smile, standing up and closing my book over.

*Anyone can jump in*
“Poetry is old, ancient, goes back far. It is among the oldest of living things. So old it is that no man knows how and why the first poems came.”

--Carl Sandburg

If food is poetry, is not poetry also food?
— Joyce Carol Oates