
Young Writers Society

Without a Care

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Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:39 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Fawn woke up the next morning her arm wasn't throbbing like it had the night before. She rolled over and groaned. Where was she? She sat up quickly and then she remembered. She was at Kyle's house. She looked at her arm and rolled her eyes. Perfect.

Slowly getting up she straightened her clothes and walked down the stairs looking around. Kyle was sitting at the table with some ceral in front of him. His parents weren't in site. SHe guessed they were already out at the barn or work.

"Morning." Kyle's voice broke into her thoughts and she glanced at him.

"Whatever." She said looking around the house then heading towards the door.

"Want something to eat before we go back to the ranch?" Kyle asked.

"No." SHe replied.

"If you want to work with Heart you need to eat. You might end up eating lunch late." He said as she reached for the door handle. She turned and walked back.

"I hate you." She growled.

"Why?" He asked.

"Cause....you know I can't say no to that." She hissed. She looked around and saw a bowl and a box of ceral next to the fridge. She grabbed them and then poured milk over the cereal and ate it keeping her eye on the door and him.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:45 pm
Rosendorn says...

*One question- how will Fawn react to the painkillers? Will she get grumpier? Sleepy? It's different for everybody*

Kyle leaned against the doorframe, waiting for her to finish. Fawn was good-- very good-- at seeing the reason for everything he did. He'd seen it work so many times, give people things they can't live without and soon trust will follow. He just hoped that the same thing would happen with her.

"C'mon," he prompted once she had finished. "We're driving to the ranch."

She put her bowl by the sink. "You're driving?"

Kyle opened the door for her. "Farming town. We learn how to drive a little younger. Yes, I have my license." She snorted and went to the truck.

The drive to the ranch was shorter then the ride. In a half-hour, they had pulled up. Kyle spotted Tawny in the window. As soon as she saw him, she vanished from sigh.

He smiled. "They're expecting us."

She glared at him and hopped out of the truck. "How the heck can you smile so much?"

Her question caught him off-guard. "Guess I was thinking of-- that." He pointed to the other five kids, Colt and Kimmy coming out of the house. They asked her a bunch of questions all at once, even Colt was asking if she was alright.

Fawn silenced them with a growl. "I'm fine. Where's Heart?"

Kimmy lead her towards the house. "Before you go see her, we want to you see this." At her nod Kyle followed, guessing what Fawn was going to see.

Up in Fawn's room, a poster board had been put on the main wall. Get Well Soon was written in coloured letters, taking up most of the paper, with everybody's signature around it. Colt handed Kyle a pen, and he added his.

"We were up late working on it." Jacob said, hiding a yawn.

Tawny hit him. "It wasn't that late. Only an hour after we normally go to bed." She glanced at Fawn. "Well, what do you think?"
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:34 am
TNCowgirl says...

***She'll probably be numb, if you know what I mean. She won't be grumpier, she acctually will seem to have pulled back in her shell cause she'll just....I don't know how to explain it. She will be a tad nicer, cause she's numb to her feelings....?***

Fawn looked at the wall and pulled her jacket close. Why where they doing this? Why would they spend time on something for her, something that would seem small for other people.

"It's nice." She muttered pulling her hood over her head a little and then shifting her feet. "I-I'm going outside." She quickly fled the room her feet making a soft padding on the ground.


"You get to muck out my stall today." Tawny smiled at Jacob.

"What are you talking about?" Colt asked looking at the two.

"Tawny said she'd react like that. Not that any of us would've acted the exact same when we first got here. I gave her a little more credit then that." Jacob admitted.

"So you bet on it?" Colt asked.

"Kinda." Tawny said looking down at the ground and shifting her feet.

"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sat Jan 17, 2009 2:05 am
Rosendorn says...

*That makes sense.*

Kyle sighed. "I'll go find her." He'd let Colt deal with Tawny and Jacob. He had a feeling those two would get the dinner dishes for the next two days, at the lightest.

He checked Heart's stall first. Just as he thought; Fawn had gone there first. He stayed a few feet away so as not to interupt.

"At least it's possible to understand horses," she muttered, stroking Heart's nose. "Humans always pull tricks on you, and you never know why." Heart whinnied in agreement before pointing her nose towards Kyle.

Fawn looked back and quickly looked down. "Here to bring me back?"

He shrugged. "Not if you don't want to. We could jump right to working with Heart." Kyle desided he wouldn't mention the bet. "I'll help you take care of her. It'll be hard to muck out her stall with your arm."

"Thanks," she murmured, standing aside. Kyle put Heart's feed in her bucket and leaned next to Fawn while he waited.

"They did the same for me, you know," he said quietly. "After I ran away. I hadn't talked to a single one of them, and every single one of them signed." He chuckled at the memory. Fawn stayed quiet.

Once Heart was done eating Kyle led her out and gave the brushes to Fawn. "You can brush her while I do the stall. If your arm gets tired, just let me know and I'll finish."

She nodded and took the curry comb, carefully going over Heart's coat. Kyle let her be and began mucking out Heart's stall.
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Sat Jan 17, 2009 2:23 am
TNCowgirl says...

Fawn worked over Heart's coat until she gleamed and stood back.

"You all done?" Kyle asked walking over.

"All but her feet, she doesn't like them being touched." She replied.

"I know, but she'll need to get used to it so that they don't have to hobble her when the ferrier comes." He replied as he grabbed a pick and picked up Heart's first foot. Heart tried to pull it from his grasp and he didn't let go.

"Watch it!" Fawn said as Heart swung her head around to nip at him. Kyle brought his elbow back so that Heart's nose hit his elbow before she bit him. She snorted and shook her head.

"I don't think she'll try it again, Heart is a fast learner." He said as he worked on the rest of the hooves.

"Can we work now?" Fawn asked walking over to Heart's head and tracing the heart.

"Sure." he nodded. Fawn led Heart out to the corral and then took the halter off.

"Same as the other day?" Fawn asked.

"Yes, just get her going." He replied. Fawn did what she had the other day and Heart started running around in circles. It didn't take as long to get her to give in a little, and she was soon taking a step. Fawn started to smile as Heart started to get more and more comfortable.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sun Jan 18, 2009 3:51 pm
Rosendorn says...

Kyle came to the ranch every day for the rest of summer. He saw Fawn and Heart bond more, but Fawn still didn't trust other people, and Heart still didn't trust other horses. They seemed to trust him, but he was never sure. And when Fawn got her cast off, she went back to being hard.

"Ready to ride her?" Kyle asked in the stables. Fawn had gotten her cast off a month ago, and her arm was strong enough now. The day before, Heart had walked all the way up to Fawn.

Fawn froze. "So, you're finally letting me get on?"

He chuckled. He and Fawn understood each other quite well now. "Yep. Just be careful. She's not used to this stuff."

Fawn nodded and began saddling Heart, rather eagerly. Kyle watched to make sure she remembered how to saddle a horse.

"Well start in the ring," he explained. "Just until Heart's used to being ridden."

"I thought I was finished with that ring!" she snapped. Kyle could see a small smile touch her lips though.

He smiled back. "Colt won't let anybody ride out in the open with a new horse. Until he and Kimmy think the horse is up to it, you'll be using that ring."

"Great," she muttered, leading Heart to the ever-familiar ring.

*You get to describe riding her. Enjoy! XD*
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:50 am
TNCowgirl says...

Fawn walked Heart out to the ring and then to the middle of it. "Be careful, but your foot in the stryup and just stand there for a while. If she starts to buck or anything kick your foot out."

"Ok." She did as he said and Heart shed to the side. She held on and Heart settled down.

"Alright, carefully swing your leg over and sit down. Get ready for her to buck a couple of times." He called. She swung her foot over and Heart tensed up, then she started to buck a little, it wasn't full hearted. Fawn held on talking softly to Heart. Heart settled down and started to run a little. "Hold on and keep talking!" Fawn rubbed Heart's neck ignoring Kyle and talking to Heart who slowed down and stopped snorting and hten tossing her head a little.

"Good girl, see it's alright." Fawn soothed smiling from ear to ear. She glanced at Kyle and he was smiling too.

"Walk her around." Fawn leaned forward a little and Heart started walking forward timidly at first and then a little more relaxed. She let Heart pick her way as she walked.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:24 am
Rosendorn says...

Kyle didn't call out any instructions as Heart meandered around the ring. He could see some white around Heart's eyes, but both were fast learners; it wouldn't take them long to be riding out in the woods.

After about half and hour he stopped them. "That's good for the day. We don't want Heart to get too stressed. Be careful dismounting her. She might shed again."

Fawn nodded and began to dismount. She kept a firm grip on the saddle as Heart shed away. Only when she had settled down did Fawn dismount.

"So, ready for school next week?" He asked as she brushed Heart down.

She shrugged. "I guess. Is it near here?"

"Close enough." He watched her work on Heart's hooves. "I'll be in the same grade as you, if not the same class."

Fawn raised an eyebrow. "And you're a year older?"

Kyle sighed. "Yeah. Reason Colt had to convince me to go was I dropped out in grade nine. I missed a year, and just haven't gotten it back. I help out here instead of going to summer school."

She chuckled. "Fair trade if you ask me."

He smiled. "I always thought so. Not many people see it that way sometimes though."

She shook her head and stabled Heart.

As they were walking out Colt came from the house. "Kyle, I want to talk to you!"

Fawn smirked. "Wonder what you did."

He rolled his eyes. "I got you to ride. Go on, I'll be there in a minute."

Colt waited until Fawn was out of earshot before speaking. "A new kid's coming tomorrow. I want you to work with him."

Kyle frowned. "What about Fawn? She's still pretty iffy about other kids."

"You've worked with her all summer," Colt explained. "She should be ready to work with the other kids."

He shook his head. "I'd like to work with both. One in the morning, one in the afternoon. I'm not just going to let Fawn feel like she's lost me. Trust me, that's what she'd feel like."

Colt sighed. "Alright. You do know her best. Do you think she'd be willing to work with the guy?"

Kyle shook his head again. "Not for another little while. I'll do the alone stuff in the afternoon, and help the new kid with his chores in the morning."

Colt nodded in agreement. "Alright. He's showing up tomorrow morning. Should we tell her then?"

"No, let's tell her today." Kyle rubbed his shoulder. "And I'll let her know she still has the one-on-one time with me. That should help."

Colt headed towards the house. "Alright, let's go tell her then."
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:39 am
TNCowgirl says...

Fawn smiled as she watched Heart eating in the pasture.

"Hey, she seems to not be to tramatized." Kyle laughed walking over and leaning against the fence next to her.

"She's like me, nothing fazes us." Fawn replied tensing a little, people were hard to get along with. Even though she liked being around Kyle, she was still scared something would happen to where he would hurt her too.

"That's true. So, by the way, I wanted to let you know we're getting a new kid tomorrow." Kyle said.

"So they'll get all your attention and I have to figure out the trest of this on my own?" She growled anger, saddness, and every other emtion foloowing through her. How could he think he could just ignore her an dit would be ok?"

"Can I finish?" He asked.


"I'm still going to work with you in the mornings, you get to do your chores in the afternoon while I work with him and he does his in the mornings." Kyle smiled.

"Fine." She replied watching Heart again. She wasn't sure she wanted a new kid around taking away her time with Kyle. He was the one she trusted the most on the ranch. She was ok with the others, but it wasn't the same, he really truely cared about her.

***So, the guy should maybe be from another house she was in and they have some bad background. Like he tried to sexually abuse her or something. I'm mean to my characters. :P ***
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:15 pm
Rosendorn says...

*Make this PG-13 and you've got yourself a deal*

Kyle continued to lean against the fence. He saw Fawn's features harden, and her jacket was growing tighter against her shoulders. She hadn't done that around him in weeks.

"Just to let you know, when I'm working one on one with you or anybody else, nothing interrupts that. Understand?" When she didn't move he clasped her shoulder. "Fawn, I'm serious. I really enjoy working with you, and nothing'll stop that."

She glared at his hand but didn't shrug him away. "Thanks," she murmured, looking back to Heart.

He sighed and let go. "I need to get back home. But I'll be back tomorrow before this guy shows up. And Fawn, remember I'm still here if you need help."

She shrugged and didn't look at him.

Kyle left her alone and went to saddle Dusty. If he had a choice he'd ride to the ranch any day. As he brushed Dusty down he murmured, "I really hope she'll be alright, and that she'll get along with this new kid."


The next day Kyle rode up to the ranch earlier then usual. He spotted Fawn at the stables.


She looked at him before going back to her chores. "Hi."

He brushed Dusty down, trying not to break the silence, no mater how uncomfortable it was.

Once they were finished he rubbed a cramp out of his arm. "Want to work with Heart now? Colt'll get the new guy squared away for this morning. I won't have to work with him til the afternoon.
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:30 pm
TNCowgirl says...

"You don't have to be, I rather not be a bother." She said bitterly as she kept mucking another stall. She didn't have to muck these stalls, but she wasn't in a good moood.

"Your not a bother, Fawn, come on, Heart will be disappointed if you don't work with her." Kyle smiled.

"Like you would know anything about disappointments." Fawn muttered putting the pitchfork up and then grabbing her stuff for Heart and walking over brushing Heart down and then saddling her up.

"Looks like you have everything in order." Kyle said, his smile was a tad tense. She ignored him leading Heart out to the corral. She walked to the middle of the corral and carefully mounted forgetting about the new kid, about Kyle not wanting to work wiht her, and everything else. She sat down and once HEart was settled everything came back. Kyle said that he wanted to work wiht her, but that didn't mean squat, he was just saying that because the only goal of everyone here was to make kids 'family quality' just like a movie or anything else. They weren't humans. She knew that this place was to good to be true. She was getting to the point that she thought they were different that they really cared, but as soon as a new kid came in she'd be pushed back to the back shelf. Next thing she'd know Daniel would be here to take her to another state. She felt tears prick at her eyes, she couldn't lose Heart. She blinked the tears back and focused on Heart and what she was doing.

"Fawn, you need to listen, you need to take control of the reins." Kyle's voice said popping in her thoughts.

The rest of the morning didn't go much better. She couldn't get all the hurtful thoughts out of her head. Thinking that the people she was slowly starting to trust were just pushing her away. When she finally dismounted she rubbed Heart's head.

"You'll never hurt me like people do." She whispered. "I can at least trust you. I'll do anything to keep you."

"There you are!" She heard Colt's cheerful voice. "Kyle, this is Jack. Jack this is Kyle, he comes out here and helps everyone with their horses. Fawn, how about you come over here real fast?"

"Fawn?" A deep voice called. She froze her breath catching in her throat.

No! Not that Jack, please not that Jack! She cried in her head before turning around and looking towards where Colt was. Her heart sank, she'd been in a home with Jack about a month ago before she got sent away because.... she didn't even want to think about it.

She stormed past Colt, Jack, and Kyle pulling Heart with her. Heart was getting jittery from the anger, fear, and all the other emotions that were pulsing through Fawn. She wasn't going to stay here if he was here. She was never going to let him get near her again!
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:38 pm
Rosendorn says...

Kyle watched her leave. The way Jack shrugged... Kyle couldn't place it, but there was something between those two.

"Wonder why she didn't say hi?" Jack asked casually. "I knew her at another home."

Colt's eyebrows snapped together. "Why did you leave that place?"

He shrugged again. "They got full. Couldn't move me, so I was brought to a new place."

Kyle ground his teeth. That doesn't sound right. "Colt, I'm going to go find Fawn."

Jack looked towards where she'd gone. "I'll come too. She might--"

Kyle held his arm out, stopping him from following Fawn. "I'll go get her alone if you don't mind. Colt, get him settled in and a horse picked out. I'll work with him this afternoon."

Colt nodded and firmly gripped Jack's shoulder. "I'll give you a tour of the place first. That way you'll be able to do things yourself a bit more."

Kyle caught the hint and trotted after Fawn. Until they figured out what was going on, Jack and Fawn would be kept as far away as possible. And if Fawn was in the stables, it'd be his job to get her out.

He saw Heart under the tree, untethered. Kyle knew the only reason she wasn't leaving was Fawn was up there. He had to admire her skills. If anybody made a good guard, it was Heart.

She snorted a warning as he got closer. Kyle stopped where he was.

"Fawn, it's Kyle," he called as loudly as he dared. He didn't hear a response, but he saw Heart relax a little. Just enough to let him get close.

He stroked Heart, making a point not to look up. The tour would be short. "I'll ask Kimmy to put a lock on your door tonight Fawn. And your windows lock."

Heart tensed under his hands, and Kyle fell silent.

"What's a horse doing out here?" the voice belonged to Jack.

"Guess she likes the shade," Colt responded as they came in sight.

Jack came closer. "Wasn't that the horse Fawn was ridding?"

Heart snapped at him, daring him to come closer.

"Sorry," Kyle said, falsely apologetic. "She still doesn't trust people that much." He lied with a strait face. Heart had been fine around both horses and people for a while now. Most people, that is.

Colt took the hint. "Kyle, you'll make sure she doesn't run?" Kyle nodded, and Colt went to the stables with Jack.

When they were out of earshot, Kyle looked up. "Heart's got the same feeling I got. I don't like Jack either. Colt sees it too."

"I don't want to talk about it!" Fawn's muffled sob came from near the top.

"I'm not asking you too. I'm just saying, you don't need to go near him. Colt and Kimmy will make sure he doesn't try anything." After a few moments he added, almost under his breath, "And so will I."


After about an hour, he saw Jack and Colt leave the stable and go into the house. Kyle knew Fawn was still in the tree, and Heart had barely moved.

He let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. "They've gone inside. If you want to come in with me, then come down soon. And I'd rather you come inside with somebody then alone."
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:51 am
TNCowgirl says...

Fawn wiped the tears from her face and pulled her jacket tightly around her shoulders coming down the tree and walking over to Heart.

"How bout we put her up and go in for some lunch?" Kyle suggested.

"I'm not hungry." She muttered burying her face in Heart's mane so he wouldn't see she'd been crying. She knew her face would clear in a couple more minutes.

"Alright, but we need to brush Heart down some and get her settled in for the afternoon." He replied.

"We could ride around the property." She suggested.

"I still have to work with Jack. It's my responsibilty." Kyle replied.

"I don't see why you'd want to work wiht him." She growled leading HEart towards the barn. She already planned on sleeping out in the barn with Heart. Locks were easy to pick anyways, but Heart took care of her.

"Fawn, what if someone was here that dind't like you and they didn't want me to work with you, should I not work with you and Heart?" He asked.

"That's different. You don't know him." She hissed back. "If anyone deserves to have uncaring parents it's him!"

"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:51 am
Rosendorn says...

Kyle gripped Heart's lead. "What are you talking about?"

Fawn's eyes widened. "Nothing."

He let go of the lead and continued to walk towards the stables. "Are you sure? Jack said he'd known you at another home."

She bit her lip. "Well, he's strong. And, and I think he liked me."

Kyle paused for a moment but kept the worry off his face. He'd want more info before confronting anybody about this.

He rolled a shoulder. "I still have to work with him. He deserves a second chance."

"He's had plenty," she muttered under her breath. He didn't respond.


"Do you know where the hayloft is?" he asked once Heart was taken care of. Fawn nodded. "Go there if you don't want to go back to the house when Jack's there, or find another place. We won't spend that much time in the stables, and after we'll be in the ring. You could go to the house and eat then," he smiled, trying to cheer her up. "And stick close to Kimmy while you're there."

She bit her lip and nodded. Kyle couldn't read the emotions in her eyes. She was still hurt, but he thought he saw gratitude.

He walked out of the stables and towards the house. Before he lost sight of the stables he looked over his shoulder. Fawn had disappeared.
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:00 am
TNCowgirl says...

Fawn watched as Kyle walked away and she slipped back into the barn and into Heart's stall curling up in a ball in the darkest corner. Heart stood next to her as if on guard. Fawn closed her eyes drawing her legs closer to her as she felt the memories surfacing in her mind.

She was only in the home with Jack for two days, two dreadfully horrible days. She remembered catching him with one of hte younger girls cornered. She'd stepped up to help only to have his 'attractions' turned to her. For two days she'd lived in a hell hole losing everything she'd ever felt like she still owned and controlled. When Daniel noticed her withdrawing from everyone more he pulled her out of the house. By that time he just took her away from houses no longer asking what was going on unless she'd vollenteer the information. She'd found out in a few other homes that she wasn't his first victum, that he'd done it more then once and that he'd been moved from house to house because no one would stand up and say what he did so he kept getting away with it.

"Fawn?" She heard Kimmy at the stall door and she looked up. "I brought you some lunch, Colt let me know that you weren't really on talking terms wiht Jack."

"Thanks." Fawn muttered getting up and grabbing the sandwich.

"You need to give him a chance, Fawn." Kimmy said softly. Obviously it didn't click in her mind it was more then a normal fight.

"I'd give the devil more of a chance." Fawn growled sitting down and curling up again.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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It is a happiness to wonder; it is a happiness to dream.
— Edgar Allan Poe