
Young Writers Society

Jurassic Park

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Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:20 am
BigBadBear says...

"Shawn! Shawn get back in here!" John shouted at his daughter. He unbuckled his seat belt, while Tanner looked around, wondering why there was a sudden commotion.

John grumbled something and got out of the car. He adjusted his shirt, and then called to his daughter, who seemed to be holding something in her hand. "Shawn! Drop it!"

Tanner squirmed his way out of the car, followed closely by Ivan and Ceder. Ivan called to John, "Get her in here! It isn't safe to be out there!"

Tanner turned around to face Ivan. "Didn't you say that the animals were locked up?" Ivan cried out, "Well, John just told us that there were loose raptors!"

Tanner gasped, and looked back over to the teenage girl, who held a green lizard looking thing in her hands.

That was the time that Shawn started yelling bloody murder.
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Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:49 am
AyumiGosu17 says...


I heard her scream. It was loud and shrill enough to carry across the campus, through the woods. I stowed the radio, ignoring the questions thrown at me, and ran.

I ran fast and hard, pacing myself with a long stride to carry me faster. Men were shouting now, and there was another sound...a hiss? A roar? What was that? It couldn't be what I thought it was! They weren't supposed to be present!

I burst through the brush, pulling the pistol out of its holster as I got view of the scene.

Raptors! A young woman - a teenage girl, more accurately - was scampering away from the treeline as three of the lizards leapt, claws brandished. The one in front would certainly take her...

"Shit!" I mumbled, raising my weapon and taking aim. One bullet to the head should do the trick...Steady, Adri, steady. Don't hit the girl! I squeezed the trigger, and the thunderous sound of the gun being discharged startled everyone.

The remaining raptors screeched and squealed, "talking" amongst each other I supposed, and hesitated as their comrad fell over, dead.

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Wed Nov 07, 2007 1:15 am
BigBadBear says...

"What was that?" Ivan cried as he heard the loud gunshot. A moment later, one of the three raptors fell over dead.

"Shawn! Shawn get over here!" John shouted hysterically. The two other raptors were making strange noises, but none of which concerned John more than his daughter.

Tanner was up and over into the trees before he knew it. Shawn was running towards him - well, them - and the two raptors noticed Shawn's sudden movements, and started chasing her.

"Shawn!" Tanner roared, at the same time that John did.

Shawn let go of her camera, and it dropped onto the ground.

"No!" she cried, and turned around to get it. The raptors were advancing close, and another loud BOOM echoed throughout the forest. Adri had shot once again, but this time, the bullet whizzed past the raptor's head, and the six foot dinosaur dropped onto Shawn, and she screamed for her life.

Tanner continued to run, and was suddenly stunned by Shawn and the raptor. What should he do? He would surely be killed!
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Wed Nov 07, 2007 1:54 am
Via says...

Shawn was apparently under a six foot dinosaur, screaming.

She looked to her right and could just barely reach her camera that had fallen earlier. She stretched out her fingers and pulled it to her as the dinosaur was in her face. She snapped a photo with flash, startling the thing just long enough for Shawn to wriggle her way up onto her feet. Although, she had only gotten about a yard before the thing got it's senses back.

She heard it roar behind her (or...do whatever it did) and she turned, considering whether to run or just hide or something.
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Wed Nov 07, 2007 4:27 am
BigBadBear says...

"Shawn! Get your butt over here!" John yelled, rushing to save his daughter. He was terrified out of his mind! The raptors were going to tear her limbs off, one by one...He shuddered at the thought.

Shawn was frozen like a deer in the headlights, and the raptor stared at her. Where was the other one? Where was the blasted other one?

Tanner jerked his head around, trying to find the missing raptor, but there was no sight of it. He knew that from the reports of Jurassic Park one, that raptors were very smart, and could easily catch prey.

Did that mean that Shawn was going to be prey? Tanner hoped to death that she wouldn't. He would rescue her, even if it meant risking his life.

He took one last breath, and then ran towards the dinosaur.
Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

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Wed Nov 07, 2007 3:35 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Cedar jumped out of the jeep and walked quickly towards the two. His gun came to his hand and he fired once, hitting it right in between the eyes. He scanned the area as Shawn stood frozen, scared to death. He saw one more raptor in the tree line judging weither he should come out or not.

"Hey, kid," He called looking at Tanner for only a breif second before he put his attention back on the raptor. "Get her back to the jeep. John, theres more." He held the raptor's attention as he slowly moved towards the woods looking for the person that had shot the first two raptors. Checking his gun without looking at it he kept eye contact with the huge beast as he saw John slowly moving the other way with out it seeing him. He saw her then, a girl standing with her gun. "Get to the jeep. Hurry." She didn't move though. He looked over at her for a split second and cursed himself for doing so because breaking eye contact with the raptor made it charge at him. He spun around and fired. He hadn't had time to aim and he hit it in the leg. His next shot killed it. He holstered his gun and looked at the girl. "Lets go." He said gently pushing her towards the jeep. John was looking around to see if there were anymore while Cedar led her to the jeep where Shawn was shaking.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Wed Nov 07, 2007 11:32 pm
BigBadBear says...

"Shawn!" John shouted, and he climbed into the jeep, followed by Cedar. John sat by his daughter, who had tears streaming out of her eyes. Tanner noticed puncture wounds in her shoulders.

Tanner sighed, and looked out of the car. The lady was still standing out there, with her gun pointed into the forest. What did she think she was doing? She was going to be killed!

He looked at Shawn and felt empty. He could have saved her. He knew it.

That was about the time that the lightning and thunder started, that cloudy afternoon.
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Wed Nov 07, 2007 11:43 pm
Via says...

Shawn sat in the jeep, bleeding badly from her shoulder which was nearly immobile. She had a few bad cuts and bruises from the falls on her face, arms, and legs but she was alive. She was hurt, and truth be told rather frightened, but she was not in any way histerical. She had a strong presense, one many would never notice until in a situation such as this. The tears that ran down her face were more from pain than fear, but they had slowed and stopped before too long.

She didn't glance to her father, nor to anyone else in the jeep area. Her gaze was focused on the woman in the woods, a serious concern for her. Once when she was only in elementary school Shawn witnessed a little boy being hit by a car, and without even slightly thinking about her safety in the street, she ran out to help him. However, in turn, she was hit though not seriously injured in any way. She had the ability to block out 'dangers' and focus on one thing, which was both good and bad in certain situations.

At the moment, though, she just sat in the jeep silently watching the scene before her, unsure of what to do.
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"I think I'd miss you even if we'd never met." -The Wedding Date

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Thu Nov 08, 2007 12:19 am
AyumiGosu17 says...


I let him walk me back to the jeep, but I did so backwards. I kept my eyes scanning the forest, gun still in hand and cocked. I'm glad I packed three cases!

The girl was sitting still, shuddering and crying; from pain I noticed. She had been mauled by the cursed beasts.

"Someone has some explaining to do," I spoke to my escort so only he could hear. "Those damn things aren't supposed to be here!"

"Just get in the car," he shoved me one last time towards the vehicle; I took my finger off the trigger and popped the safety switch on. I sat on the back, where I knew I would have the best chance if I had to shoot again. Still, I couldn't help but want to see to the girl.

"Hey," I touched her on her good shoulder, careful not to startle her. "You'll be okay. I promise."

She just looked at me with bloodshot eyes, and nodded.

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Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:13 am
TNCowgirl says...

Cedar took the seat he had been in before, anger surging through him. He sat the same way hiding any emotion. Why were there raptors and why hadn't he been told. He could've brought more weapons and other things that would be able to protect them but no one that knew about them would tell anyone else and they had found out, the hard way. He looked at the people in the jeep as they drove away. Other raptors would find the bodies. They should leave a group to watch and kill the others then remove the carcuses but they didn't have the people to do that. He shook his head. THis was going to be one 'fun' vacation. So much for relaxing. But at least he would be able to use his skills instead of just get rusty.

"Two legged dinosours are usually ones you want to stay away from." He said to the whole group though they should know that. He hadn't blanketed his statement cause there were some that weren't predatory, but most were.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:31 am
AyumiGosu17 says...


I nodded, still staring at the dust trail building behind us. We were going pretty fast. Was it fast enough?

"Two-legged creatures, even mammals and birds such as the ostrich, are built for speed," I concurred, talking more to myself than anyone else. "Predators are even more formidable: forward-set eyes, sharp senses, quick reflexes, strategists."

I felt the two teenagers' eyes on my back.

I shook my head. "No one goes anywhere alone, and even then, take weapons and a radio." Silently I hoped I didn't sound too bossy, but I couldn't help that. Being a commander in JrROTC had worn on me. It was only natural!

I then thought about something, and it made me turn in my seat so I could look at the driver, the man obviously in charge here. "You do have those, right?"

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Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:39 am
TNCowgirl says...

"Um...I'm sure there somewhere, I don't know much abotu that, I'm just a tour guide." He said looking at Ivan next to him who was now deathly quite.

'They better have some.' Cedar hissed in his mind. This was making him a little edgy. No one seemed to be prepared and this was getting to be more and more dangerous by the second. The girl, Adri, had a good head on her shoulders and he was glad she was around. She seemed to know abit about the animals and didn't freeze when something scared her, at least she didn't seem to. He smiled a little, this was going to be one interesting vacation. Riding an island of preditorial dinosours proved to be a difficult taks and deffinitly not what he had signed up for, but the protection of others would keep him there to make sure they were all safe.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:43 am
Via says...

Shawn kind of shrugged with her one good shoulder, ignoring the presense of the other. She looked into the forest, "There has to be some way that human and dinosaur can learn to live together."

She made her statement, and that was all. She wasn't crying, she wasn't freaking out, she was calm as could be-odd for the current predicament she currently found herself in. She kind of squinted her eyes into the forest, wondering exactly what that way was.
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"I think I'd miss you even if we'd never met." -The Wedding Date

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Thu Nov 08, 2007 4:17 am
BigBadBear says...

"Do you really think that we should continue this tour?" Tanner said, and everyone looked at him. "I mean, we have just made an important discovery. Don't you think that we should take action?"

"That is what the park rangers are for. I'll call them in when we get radio service. Right now, we are near the old Tyrannosaurs exhibit. We use extra electricity so it can't get out, and it blocks our service." John told them.

Shawn looked at her camera and saw that she had four pictures left on it. She knew that in her bag, held five other cameras. She was glad that she had brought so much.

Tanner nodded and looked at Shawn. She must be terrified, but yet, she showed no emotion. What a strange emotion.

"Just around this turn here, the mighty T-rex might be feasting. This is," John said, and examined his watch, "the time that she normally feeds. Justin, stop."

The driver stopped and everyone looked out of the window. The rain started coming down a little harder, and John shuddered, remembering what had happened on J1.

There were only palm trees, blowing in the wind. They listened, and then they heard the faint THUMP! THUMP!

Tanner gasped, and the T-Rex, the most mighty of dinosaurs, and she walked gracefully out of the forest.

It was huge! Its jaws hung open, and it belted out a roar that shook the car. Shawn gasped, and started clicking her camera, taking in as many pictures as she could.
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Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:50 am
TNCowgirl says...

Cedar spun around at the 'thud' of the T-Rex. He looked up at it and frowned, this day wasn't getting any better was it. He didn't have a strong enough gun to kill it. Only one that would hurt it and he would have to get closer.

"How about we get the heck out of here, cause I don't think we have the gun power to get rid of that thing." He hissed at the driver.

*srry, all I got*
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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