
Young Writers Society

As Darkness Draws Near...

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Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:19 pm
SishBee says...

"Trent." Trent looked at Fren, "Can you describe the Vampire who attacked you?"

"Yeah, not a big one but he was strong, really strong. And he had light blonde hair."

Fren nodded to the other two. "May we see the cut?"

"Sure, but it has probably healed by now, about ten minutes have passed since he..." Trent stopped as he saw that the wound had not healed and was still open even though it was a small scratch. "What the..." he glanced at Celenia and her Sire and stopped himself.

Fren rolled up her sleeve and showed him her scar. "Same thing happened to me. You know what that means Trent."

He nodded. "A Dark Knife."

"Which also means that there is a Vampire actively seeking out other Vampires and killing them."

Trent intterupted her. "But you kill other Vampires too."

Celenia looked a little shocked and glanced up at her Sire.

"True. Which is exactly why I am worried. He jumped me thinking I was him," she indicated towards Celenia's Sire, "However, he knew that it was me once he had knocked me out yet he proceeded to do this."

"So, he doesn't support fellow hunters?"

"Well, he could have killed me, so I think he isn't altoghether against me but certainly he had no qualms about doing this."

"We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars."
-Oscar Wilde

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Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:41 pm
VampireBadger says...

I looked from my Sire to Trent to Fren... why would someone want to hurt my Sire? he didn't seem the kind of person to hold grudges for hundreds of years...

"does anyone know who this guy is...?" i asked.

nobody spoke. Fren gave me a sad shake of her head.

i turned to me Sire. "do you know anyone who doesn't like you...?"

He laughed mirthlessly. "quite a few! i've made my fair share of enimies over my two or so hundred years on this planet."

my face fell. but then brightened suddenly. "Why don't we catch him?" the others looked at me skeptically, fren even pityingly and i realised how silly this must have sounded. "with bait i mean. one of us could disguise ourselves as my Sire and lure him to us..." the others faces remained skeptical but my Sire looked thoughtful.

"it is dangerous... but he fell for the wrong person once... who's to say he shall not fall for it once more...?"

"You're NOT picking me!" Fren stated stubornly.

"no..." he agreed. "he would recognise you this time... i was thinking more of Trent...if he will agree...?"

we all looked at trent expectantly.
if at 1st you don't succeed, eat the leaf of a sicamore tree and stand naked in a barrel of newt eyes with a frog in your mouth!

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Tue Sep 11, 2007 4:04 pm
SishBee says...

"That might work." said Fren, thoughtfully. "But it is possible he is after both you and Trent. Did he know who you were when he attacked you Trent?"

He nodded. " My face would have been lit up by the street lamp outside. That was why I couldn't see him properly."

"I have a better idea." They turned towards Fren. "Celenia looks a lot like Trent in build. That way us three more experianced, no offence Celenia,"

"None taken."

"We, will be able to jump him."

Trent and Celenia looked happy with the idea, but her Sire looked concerned. "What if he kills her too quickly, or we are not ready?"

Fren thought for a second. "Fine, that won't work."

The corner of her mouth twitched into a smile. "I could always join him."

"What?" shouted Trent.

"Why not? He knows who I am and I assume he knows of your background." She addressed Celenia's Sire. He looked away.

"I also have this." She swung the necklace around her finger. "A splinter of Dark Knife. He will trust me if I show him this."

Celenia's Sire muttered something in agreement and Trent and Celenia nodded. "Good. We will meet here again, same time tomorrow."

Fren didn't bother with goodbye's but she heard Trent's voice calling, "See you then!" after her.

"Bye." said Fren under her breath as she leapt across the rooftops and out of the others sight.

"We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars."
-Oscar Wilde

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Tue Sep 11, 2007 5:13 pm
TNCowgirl says...


Trent frowned, he didn't like this, whoever the vampire had been had been lurking in his apartement, and could have gone back. He looked at Celina and then her Sire.

"I'm going back to the apartment, I'll see y'all later." He mumbled jumping off the roof he waited until he was close to the ground to use his claws to slow him down. He landed with a soft thud and slowly started back to the apartment. Who would want to kill fellow vampires. Who would want to kill Celina's Sire. He carefully walked into his apartment and looked around. He was to restless to stay put so he walked back outside and looked around.

*Sorry tis short*
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
Vist my world and make it bigger!
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Tue Sep 11, 2007 6:45 pm
SishBee says...

Fren ran across the rooftops. Once she was sure she was out of earshot she whistled. The whistle seemed to have hundreds of different notes playing at the same time.

She paused. The reply came in the form of a snarl to her left.

"What do you want Slayer?" he snarled in a voice which could have been quite attractive were it not for the mallace and bitterness which laced every syllable.

"Firstly, I want to see your face." he paused and then stepped into the light. He was about her age and as she had guessed attractive, although all Vampires were to some degree. "Good. Now, secondly I would like you to explain what the meaning of this is." She sat on the ground and rolled up her sleeve.

He sat next to her and laughed. "One of my better works I believe. You should be grateful."

Fren raised an eyebrow "Really? Thats not how I see it."

"Why did you call?"

"I want you to meet me somewhere."

He looked her directly in the eye. "Why and where?"

"I have something important to tell you and we are not safe here. I will meet you the day after tomorrow in the alleyway next to the station."

"Fine." He held out a hand for her to shake.

Fren ignored it and walked off the edge of the roof, dropping neatly to the street below. She could feel his eyes following her as she walked away.

"We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars."
-Oscar Wilde

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Wed Sep 12, 2007 6:23 pm
VampireBadger says...

i didn't know how to feel... i s'pose nothing was to be done until this time tomorrow. My Sire led me through the trainstation, his eyes scanning here and there, looking i guessed, not only for the attacker, but a decent meal.

we found him soon enough, sleeping soundly on a bench, waiting it seemed for a train he was surely going to miss in this state. My Sire gestured me to watch as he knelt down and leant his head towards the mans neck...

his face harshened, a saw the shadows grow darker and more defined as his jaw lengthened and inch long fangs became visable below the upper lip. i had seen him so only once before and it fasinated me as well as terrified me. his head jutted forwards slightly, sinking those fangs into the mans neck, making him twitch slightly and wake, but my Sire held him down easily as he stole his blood, gulping it down hungrily.

the man soon went limp and my Sire moved away, blood shining on his lips.

"now, you feed," he offered me the mans neck.

i knelt down like my Sire had done and paused, taking in the coppery smell, hearing the dull and slow heartbeat, the pulsing vein beneath the peirced skin. it wasn't long before my own face began to change and i lost control of my senses and my mind. all too soon, i dived forward for my first feed...
if at 1st you don't succeed, eat the leaf of a sicamore tree and stand naked in a barrel of newt eyes with a frog in your mouth!

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Sun Sep 16, 2007 6:12 pm
VampireBadger says...

However sick i felt after that first drink, i could not deny i also felt suddenly invigorated, alive even. buzzing with energy. My Sire must have been used to it because, as the sun rose, he took to his coffin, glad of the nights end and that he could finally rest.

but i was too restless, and despite his invitation to join him in his coffin, i donned a thick coat and pulled the hood over my head, even though it was a cold grey day. i wandered the streets for a time, alone with my thoughts. rolling the taste of the blood around in my mouth. it wasn't only that which bothered me. i thought long and hard about the man who had cut such a brutal scar into frens arm. but also, of what fren herself had said...

"Why not? He knows who I am and I assume he knows of your background."

what did this mean...? i had thought i knew my Sire. but how much was there that he still hadn't told me...? how much was i still ignorant of?

i found that my feet soon carried me back to trents appartment. i hesitated for the longest time before i knocked. and even then i wished i hadn't. what if he was sleeping like my Sire? i didn't want to disturb him. shoot! i should have known he would need sleep after the events of last night. but just before i decided to leave, the door opened and he stood before me, ready to tell me firmly, like he had before, that his music was barely possible to hear.

at the sight of me he stopped.

"what are you here for...?"

i stood nervously, toying with a stray strand of my hair.

"i just wondered... would you like to...?" i stalled but he looked impatient, and before i could stop myself, i blurted out, "would you like to go get a pizza or something...?"
if at 1st you don't succeed, eat the leaf of a sicamore tree and stand naked in a barrel of newt eyes with a frog in your mouth!

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Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:08 pm
TNCowgirl says...


Trent smiled, "bored?" She nodded, "Alright, come on then, your Sire asleep?"

"Yea, I couldn't sleep though." She replied,

"Alright, come in and wait I need to go get something." He let her in and shut the door. Quickly walking back to his room he grabbed a leather wrist band and slid it over where the nasty gash was. It was still small but it wouldn't heal. He pulled his trench coat on and walked back out to the leaving room. "Lets go." He led her out the door and locked it not that it would keep the murderous vampire out, but it calmed him down a little.

"Were...were you asleep, too?" She asked timidly.

"No, I wish, but I can't sleep." He said quickly, he then smiled, "Sorry if I seemed inpatient, its been a long night."

"I understand," She sighed, "How do you get used to sleeping during the day?"

"I don't know, I just did. I don't always sleep during the day though, sometimes I sleep at night, it just depeneds on when I'm bored or when I crash." He replied as they kept to the shadows.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sun Sep 16, 2007 9:01 pm
SishBee says...

Fren had spent the night in a large abandoned block of flats. She didn't have a coffin, she didn't believe in using them and she moved about continuously so a coffin would have been quite unpractical.

Now she wandered the streets, her black cloak and baseball cap keeping the sun off.

Turning a corner she spotted to coated and hooded figures. One taller than the other with a certain quiet arrogance in his walk.

She smiled. Trent and Celenia.

"We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars."
-Oscar Wilde

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Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:39 pm
BlackDove says...

Fren... there was no way! but yes, there she was. i'd have thought she would have been asleep like my Sire. but no, she was here, cloaked and hooded like we were, left arm swinging by her side amiably, as if the scar did not exist. i would have walked on past her... she seemed a little dark for my taste, but trent spoke to her on the way past.



"pizza, wanna come along?"

i pleaded with her silently to say no. but then, maybe it was better to stay close to her. i mean... what if the murderous vampire decided to come looking for us... she would be valuable protection. i watched her, unable to see her eyes beneath her hood, waiting for an answer.
i actually enjoy editing poeples stories - so if you would like me to edit your story, please send me a PM. I think it would be easier than me simply criting your work and certainly much more thourough!

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Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:50 pm
SishBee says...

Fren was well practised at reading people.

Celenia had her shoulders slumped slightly and her eyes searched for Fren's.

Fren smiled. "Yeah sure." She brushed past Trent and her scarred arm clipped his wrist.

A pain like no other shot up her arm and a voice was in her head. "What the hell is going on?" said the voice.

Fren remained silent, "I don't know. Who are you?"

"My name is Trent."

"Trent? This is Fren!"

"What?!" That was said out loud. "You can hear my thoughts?" asked Trent.

Fren nodded, "I assume you can hear mine too."

Trent didn't have to answer, she heard his reply in her head.

"Ok, this has never happened before."

Celenia was looking confused I think we should explain to Celenia what is going on Trent.

Oh, yeah woops. "We can read each others minds."

"We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars."
-Oscar Wilde

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Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:18 pm
Alice says...

Sieg asked me to add a character, and I'd been flirting with the idea for a while so...I'm making a character.

Name: Melinda
Age: 3000
Appearence: Black silky hair, always braided-and when it's braided it goes down to her butt- neon green/blue eyes, beautiful figure, and beautiful face, strangely alluring, and looks no older than 21.

Since I don't know whats going on, somebody else can put my character in :D
I just lost the game.

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Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:46 pm
VampireBadger says...

I stared that them, not quite comprehending what trent had just said. i had often imagined that My Sire could read my mind but this was insane. i couldn't help but feel a little jealous of fren. although every vampire has a certain "talent" i had not discovered mine. could this be a talent... or just some special gift of theirs.

they shared another secret look together and i figured they were saying more. i looked at my feet, feeling terribly left out.

"so, shall we continue...?"

NOTE - 1. we're going for pizza, Melinda you could be at the pizza place for whatever reason, that's up to you!
2. read the previous posts if you want to know what's going on, don't be lazy! (i'm sorry but there's a couple of poeple who have been here since the beginning and it's not fair we have to discribe everything to you just cause you can't be bothered...) but please, no offence meant here!
if at 1st you don't succeed, eat the leaf of a sicamore tree and stand naked in a barrel of newt eyes with a frog in your mouth!

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Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:58 pm
TNCowgirl says...

*why did blackdove post and not have a charactor, or did i miss something. And Sieg isn't in this one.*


"There it is," He pointed to the pizza place. Celina was obviously upset about something, or just feeling left out. He held the door open for the two girls and they walked in. "I'm paying." he declared leaving the girls no time to arguee. It was a buffet style resturant so he payed and they got their food finding a table that was kinda away from everyone else.

"So.." Celina started, Fren wasn't paying attention she was looking at someone that had just walked in. Trent turned around and saw a girl that looked about 20 maybe 21. He could smell her, a vampire no doubt.

"You know her?" He asked Fren.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
Vist my world and make it bigger!
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Mon Sep 17, 2007 9:08 pm
vamplord12 says...

Name- *Sire* (will not figure out actual name until later)
Age- unknown
Embraced- unknown
Race- Vampire
Status- a Sire. thats pretty much it.
Personality- feeds often. everything else is unknown.
Appearance- blood red eyes, pale skin(doesnt go outside much anymore), spiked pitch black hair, and very long fangs, wears very long black cloak with hood)
Last edited by vamplord12 on Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
there is no such thing as good and evil, there is only power...

Think of all the beauty still left around you, and smile.
— Anne Frank