
Young Writers Society

The Greatest Treasure

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Fri May 11, 2007 5:17 am
Griffinkeeper says...

They flew in close formation in the dark. They were painted in a disorienting pattern right down to the steel talons they wore on their claws. They didn't say anything, they didn't need to. They had talked in great detail about their route during the day.

The flight leader signaled and they broke off, going in different directions.
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Fri May 11, 2007 3:36 pm
deleted6 says...

Adrian sat on the chair he was given and saw Sirloaz come in. He tried to speak, "Are yo...?"

The guard had slammed his fist down and shouted, "No talking, got it?"

Adrian sighed and looked around, they were in a large room with no windows and only light came from a lantern on the table. The guard had his hand down at his belt and in his other hand was a short sword. Adrian realized this was more for Sirloaz for he kept looking at him clearly afraid and muttering something like a prayer or oaths.

Once during these oaths, Sirloaz looked at the guard and smiled, the expression of the man after that was pure terror. He had dropped his sword because he shook so much.

Adrian had lost so much strength, it had been he was told a year by another guard. He had barely been able to walk and fallen over a few times. The relief of sitting on a bench was so amazing. He was told they're being released he knew not why. He just hoped he'd get his armour again.

Next minute he saw a girl walk in he wondered who she was till he heard the voice. It was Becky, she saw him and turned away. Maybe it been case of mistaken identity.
We get off to the rhythm of the trigger and destruction. Fallujah to New Orleans with impunity to kill. We are the hidden fist of the free market.
We are the ink, we are the quill.
[The Ink And The Quill (Be Afraid) - Anti-Flag]

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Sat May 12, 2007 4:59 am
Dargquon Ql'deleodna says...

"So, how have you two been" Sirloaz said leaning back as Joanne advanced on him.

"Shut Up!" Joanne yelled backhanding Sirloaz, whilst he trembled in anger and fear. Becky and Adrian made no move, seeming either too tired to notice or completely broken to the point of submission.

"Not so good I see--"

"I SAID SHUT THE HELL UP!" Screamed Joanne sitting Sirloaz back up only to knock him down again, this time much harder than the first. A small pool of blood began to form on the dirt floor. "You will never get the best of me again stupid banite!" the man said driven into a frenzy, no fear, no compassion, just pure hatred; his hate directed fully on Sirloaz as his blows rained down, one after the other. "I'll Kill You!" the crazed man screamed a snap was heard and Sirloaz's eyes flew open, wide with pain as he spat out blood.

"Stop!" Becky cried, the look of pain on Sirloaz's face snapping to her awake.
"Someone stop him!" she said again this time to the guards as the door opened.

The head gaoler stepped in flanked by two other guardsmen. The two guards proceeded to rush over and grab Joanne and rip the man off of Sirloaz. "What is the meaning of this? I demand an answer!" yelled the Gaoler at Joanne, his spit mixing with the spattered blood on his face, Sirloaz's blood. "Take him away" the Head Gaoler said furious, as the two guards dragged the poor man away. The gaoler left suddenly, then walked back in with a tall, thin man and very well kept.

"Leave us" the man said. The Gaoler looked somewhat shocked, but signaled for the guards to leave and he soon followed.
Life's a B*tch, slap it upside the head.

Dargquon Ql'deleodna: (n) "Dar-qu-on Kel-del-ode-na" something i made up that sounded cool, partially based off of the Drow Drizzt Do'Urden's name style

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Sat May 12, 2007 11:52 am
Ego says...

As soon as Dreffan heard the lock on the door click into place, he turned to the trio of prisoners he was to release. The looked terrible. Even in the darkest depths of the Blood Plains, prisoners were not treated in this manner. They appeared to be beaten, half starved, and all of them submissive. There was a quiet moment between the four people in the rather large (as far as cells go) room.

"Who--" the man who had been beaten to a bloody pulp paused to spit a large gob of blood, and perhaps a tooth or two, onto the ground. "--Who are you?"

"Your savior, it would seem."

For a moment, they were quiet again.

"Why are you here?" the woman, Stillman, asked.

So they don't listen, either. What is it with this town and not listening?

Do these people not listen? Observation is the key to all information! Open your ears, fools!

"You are to be freed." Despite his thoughts, Dreffan kept a straight face and a calm tone. "You will be released into my custody, come tomorrow at dawn."

"Tell that to Harris," Becky muttered.

"Harris is no longer of any consequence," Dreffan insisted. He was wearing his crimson travelling cloak, with the cowl pulled low over his face to hide himself from the trio. He kept his tone neutral, in order to prevent them from identifying it later, if they were caught again.

"Who are you?" Adrian, the coward of a paladin.

"Also, of no consequence," Dreffan said.

"Why are you helping us?" Becky asked.

"He's not." The voice came from Sirloaz, the beaten ranger on the ground. "It's just an exchange. One prison for another, in another country. Apparently we've done something in some foreign land to warrant a transfer."

"But--but I haven't done anything in THIS country, let alone another one!" Becky said.

"I would pretend for a moment that you have, if you wish to get out of here. Consider this....a one time offer. If the prisoners could see Dreffan's face behind the cowl, they would see a wide grin--oh, how Dreffan did love theatrics.

"One we'll take, 'course. I could use a change of scenery," Sirloaz muttered.

Becky looked to Adrian, whose eyes were narrowed, his jaw set.

"Why?" he asked.

Dreffan turned his back on the prisoners and strode to the door.

"We share...a common friend."
Got YWS? I do.

Lumi: Don't you drag my donobby into this.
Lumi: He's the sweetest angel this side of hades.

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Sun May 13, 2007 9:04 am
Ego says...


"Nice to see you, Finn. Though I can't say the same for your friend. Come in quickly." Valin grabbed the stranger by the arm and pulled her into the room, while Finn followed her, head bowed in shame.

When the stranger turned to pull from Valin's grasp, he whirled her around to clamp a hand around each of her arms.

"Why were you listening at my door?" His voice was lined with ice, his eyes narrowed slits.

She opened her mouth to answer, but no words escaped.

"Tell me now, or your body will be found in an alley somewhere."

Valin could tell that mark hit home by the fleeting look of fear in her eyes.

"I didn't hear anything, honest!"

"No...but you wanted to, did you not?"

"I--yes, but--I--"

"Finn; she is in your charge. She is not to leave your sight; not even your side. For now...she will have to listen. We can't have her wandering about, talking to those we would not want hearing her."

Finn nodded mutely, and Valin turned to Ria.

"Back to brass tacks. Adrian, the ranger, and Stillman are being held in the prison, here. Much as I hate to admit it, we need them. They are the only ones we know we can trust, present company exempt. Mostly." Valin's eyes shot to Alana.

"There's no way to get them out through diplomatic means. Before I came here, my scouts informed me that all diplomatic ties have been cut between the humans and the elves, ever since Harris took control of this region. That really only leaves...my way."

Finn looked helpless.

"There's nothing you can do, Finn. You have no influence here, and they might even know who you are and imprison you."

"What're yeh goin' t'do?"

"Scope it out. See what I can find out. Number of guards, entrances, shift changes...everything. It could take as long as a week, so get comfy."

"Wha'dye wan' me t'do wih 'er?" Finn asked, nudging Alana.

"Watch her. Make sure she talks to no one."

Alana sighed visibly.
Got YWS? I do.

Lumi: Don't you drag my donobby into this.
Lumi: He's the sweetest angel this side of hades.

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Tue May 15, 2007 10:18 pm
Jennafina says...

Becky remained a few paces behind Adrian, ready to catch him if he fell. Though he staggered at times, he hadn't yet needed her help, and she wasn't going to offer it.

The last several hours had been a blur, after the months of sitting alone in her cell. She felt the same as always, like she was walking in slow motion, while the world whizzed around her in maximum speed. She didn't have time to focus on anything before it was gone.

The strange, cloaked man was having them released, Becky realized. It wasn't a trick, or joke, or form of interrogation. This time, she was really going to be let out. A soldier had given her back her dagger a few minutes earlier, and her chain-mail. The leather of her belt had rotted away, and there was rust on her dagger's hilt. Had the mail always been so heavy? Becky missed her father's sword. It was gone now, buried in some forgotten battlefield. Maybe someone had found it.

The guard lead them through hallway after hallway, lit by flickering torches, until they were at a final door.

"You," the guard said, and pointed to Sirloaz.

"What?" he asked, warily.

Becky saw the guard's hand flash to his belt, and return with something sliver in it. It flew towards Sirloaz- Becky gasped, and saw him tense, then relax as the ropes binding his hands fell to the floor in pieces.

"Your party will be with you shortly."

And the door opened, and Becky was pushed through into the first blinding sunlight she'd seen in a over a year. She heard the door slam behind them.

Becky covered her face. It was so bright.
Jennafina's Love Your Body Already Dammit Campaign


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Thu May 17, 2007 1:21 am
misspriss says...

Alana clenched her teeth. This was not good. Not good at all. All she had wanted was to discover some information that might be worth something, and now she was practically a prisoner! This was not what she had planned, and therefore, not good.

Valin was one of the few who could strike fear in her heart, though she'd rather become a nun than admit it. So what if her hands shook a little bit...and her eyes were a bit wide...her breathing a bit shallow. Well, she wasn't about to announce it!

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Thu May 17, 2007 8:21 am
deleted6 says...

Adrian followed the man, still not trusting him. After the way Seraph betrayed him, he wouldn't trust people he didn't know for a while, lest they gave him any reason too. As they walked he stumbled alot, but never fell. They were walked into a room and handed back there equipment, personal procession and clothes. He grabbed his sword belt and wrapped it round his malnourished waist line, after the belt was secure he got handed his sword and almost collapsed with the weight of the blade. With great difficulty slid the blade in the sword belt. After connecting each part of his platemail he walked out trying to stay up.

Adrian walked out and blinked, as the sun hit his eyes for the first time in one year.
We get off to the rhythm of the trigger and destruction. Fallujah to New Orleans with impunity to kill. We are the hidden fist of the free market.
We are the ink, we are the quill.
[The Ink And The Quill (Be Afraid) - Anti-Flag]

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Thu May 17, 2007 5:34 pm
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Fand says...

One of Finn's favorite duties at the tavern was running errands and placing orders with suppliers; at least it got her out of that dank, dark, musty building and away from the dirty straw covering the floors (as well as the less than aromatic patrons). She smoothed her palms over her skirt and looked around the marketplace as the vendor counted out the coins she'd passed to him, making sure they were all there. She had to roll her eyes a bit; she wasn't above thieving, sure, but that didn't mean she was going to do it!

Her eyes turned, as they were wont to do whenever she was near it, to the prison. Over a year... she felt for Adrian and Sirloaz, and almost pitied Becky. Almost being the keyword there. She still got a rankled, uneasy feeling every time she thought about the younger woman; old enmities died hard, apparently. Still, Finn felt bad for the girl. A little. A very little.

Ye gods, she could almost see Becky, thin and dirty from her imprisonment, staggering around in the bright sunlight that she was no longer used to...

...Ye gods, she did see Becky! And Adrian--Sirloaz--they were out!

"Stillman!" Finn shouted, grabbing the laden basket from the vendor and running without waiting to hear his final verdict. She hurried toward them as fast as the crowd would allow. "Stillman! Sirloaz! Adrian!"

Wait until Valin heard this!
Bitter Charlie :: Shady Grove, CA :: FreeRice (162,000/1,000,000)

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Fri May 18, 2007 6:34 pm
Ego says...

The antechamber was cold. My bare hands sat propped against the lip of the large scrying pool, numb from the cold. Then again, everything was cold, of late. There was no warmth, only the freezing cold of death.

I peered into the pool of calm water, then nodded once. The man who stood across the pool, a priest of Bane that specialized in divination waved his arms over the surface of the water, muttered a few words, and sprinkled a fine dust into the pool.

"My lord--focus on whomever it is you wish to see. In a moment, they will appear. With another spell, you will be able to speak to them."

Nothing happened at first. I tore my gaze from the water and let it fall on my hands.

My flesh, which had once been a healthy olive, was now a ghastly white. Skin that had never been marred by imperfections or blemishes was now scarred by the intricate tattoos burned into my skin by my master, Bane, God of Chaos. They were his gift to me; power, resilience, the ability to destroy my enemies with a wave of my hand...and death. Enslavement. For all my newfound power, I was powerless against he who gave me it. I turned my thoughts away from my master, and onto emissary.

An image began to form in the scrying pool. It was Dreffan. My Chosen. The man I felt could trigger the events that would lead to the end. So far, he had done well. The first message was delivered, the prisoners released, and reunited with their companions. Next, he would kill that bitch, Harris. Even as the pool came into focus, Dreffan, who appeared to be standing in the shadows of a merchant's overhang, blinked and looked around slightly, as if he sensed that he was being watched.

"Let me speak to him."

"Yes my lord," came the priest's clear response. I accepted no muttered replies, in my court. Speak strongly, or speak not at all.

The priest nodded at me when his spell was complete.

"Dreffan," I said to the man in the water.

He gave no outward indication I had heard him, save a slight stiffening of his muscles and a straightening of his back. Stand tall, proud, or fall before your enemies.

"I am here, my lord," Dreffan's whispered voice was clear in Seraph's ears.

"Ensure the group's safety. Kill Harris this night. Send one of the Bloodguard to follow them and deter any resistance they might meet. You will only need one Guard to obliterate Harris' own defenses, in any case."

Dreffan nodded, nothing more than a shift of his head.

"Do not fail me, Dreffan."

"No, my lord." I believed him. Then, all at once, ym concentration was shattered as a flash of auburn hair rushed past Dreffan, apparently paying him no heed. It was her. There she was. Her. Finn.

Her image appeared in the pool, much sharper and more quickly than it had with Dreffan.

"Finn," I gasped, my voice quiet and ragged. The woman stopped dead in her tracks, and I knew she had heard me.

"My lord?" the priest had an awkward expresion on his face.

I ignored him. It had been a year since I had last seen her...last felt he beside me.

"Leave me."

Without a word, the priest departed. Your superiors are your betters. To question them is to die.
Got YWS? I do.

Lumi: Don't you drag my donobby into this.
Lumi: He's the sweetest angel this side of hades.

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Fri May 18, 2007 7:18 pm
Fand says...

I had given the newly released prisoners directions to the tavern at which I worked, and where Valin was staying; none of them seemed keen on spending any more time indoors than they absolutely had to. After such a long time imprisoned, I could hardly blame them. So I'd given them the directions and then hurried off to complete my errands and--ultimately--find Valin and give him the news. I knew he would be happy.

I was rushing through the marketplace, banging into people without a care for the insults hurled my way, merely intent on protect the basket hung on my arm--when suddenly, I heard a voice. A voice I hadn't heard in over a year. I gasped and stopped still; someone ran full into me, and I staggered under the impact, hurriedly righting myself as they hurried on with a muttered blasphemy.

"Seraph," I choked, looking around me. I felt the blood drain from my face, and the earth seemed to spin beneath my feet. Was it all in my head? No--no, it couldn't have been... I had heard his voice, not imagined it.

I pressed one hand briefly to my forehead, then smoothed my hair back away from my face and hurried onward, my expression taut and unreadable.
Bitter Charlie :: Shady Grove, CA :: FreeRice (162,000/1,000,000)

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Mon May 21, 2007 6:49 am
Jennafina says...

Becky was sure she'd never tasted anything better than the tavern's soup, even though she was spilling a lot of it. She held her spoon in her left hand, not wanting to move her right.

According to Finn, she'd been imprisoned for a little over a year. It seemed like longer, but at the same time, it was already fading from her mind. Still, every time someone threw a punch or even slammed down their glass too loudly, she couldn't stop herself from flinching.

Adrian and Sirloaz had already finished eating; Adrian had gone to bed, and Sirloaz said he was going to try and find Valin.

The door banged open: Becky jumped. Finn entered, looking thoughtful, and ducked behind the bar without glancing at her. She looked different than Becky remembered her; not just older but like she'd seen more. Becky laughed. Being glad to see Finn Chant, insane wild girl of Sedgeley, was definitely not her old self. Becky must have changed too.

Becky's spine prickled, and she looked up, meeting the bright green eyes of an Elf. He stood in shadow in the doorway, but Becky recognized him instantly. She left her soup, and headed towards him.

"Valin!" Becky started to say, but before she had finished, Valin had grabbed her by the arm and tugged her into the quiet hallway.

"Do not say my name here." He looked exactly the same.

Becky clutched her stinging hand. "'S good t' see you, Sir."

"Yes. Welcome back. Now, if you'll come with me, there's someone else I'd like you to meet."


Valin looked as though he were picking his words carefully. "She's... a friend of Alden's, visiting with a partner."

"Do I know her?"

"You've met one of them."


"At the time, I'm going to let her decide how much she wants to disclose, especially so soon after your return."

"Oh, no," Becky said, warily. "I knew this was gonna happen! Valin, I en't workin' for Harris!"

"Please, Becky. Try to understand."

"She- she kept us for a year! They beat Adrian and Sirloaz! Starved 'em! They-- they broke my hand!" Not really true, Becky thought, but it was their fault.

"Keep your voice down. We need to be very careful, at this time. Do you know what happened with Seraph, last year?"

"Anything since he..." Since he killed Alden.

Valin looked slightly relieved, presumably about not having to tell the whole story. "No, nothing. Are you still interested in learning swordsmanship?"

Becky raised her hand again. "I can't."

"You will learn to fight left-handed, then. You should have that set, though, or it will never heal properly. But now."

They had stopped, in front of a door. Valin knocked, and a thin, tough looking woman a few inches shorter than Becky opened the door, holding a dagger.

"Ah," said Valin. "Becky, this is Ria."
Jennafina's Love Your Body Already Dammit Campaign


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Mon May 21, 2007 7:33 am
Griffinkeeper says...

Ria let Becky inside.

"I must get back," Valin said, closing the door. Ria locked it and turned to look at Becky. She looked for any movement that might betray something about her.

"Sit down- please," Ria said. Becky was in poor conditions. It reminded her of how Alden had come back from some of his missions; only this time it was inflicted against a human.

"How did you know Alden?" Ria inquired.

"He was my master for a while. He was going to teach me how to fight, but he died before he could teach me much. How about you?"

"I'm his keeper. I've been taking care of him long before you knew him."

"Valin said there was someone with you."

"Kira!" Ria called. The young gryphon poked her head out of a closet. She then retreated back into the closet.

"She's much bigger," Becky said quietly.

"Soon she'll be flying. In the meantime, I'll complete your training," Ria said, shutting the closet door.


"Everything he owned is mine, both his possessions and his debts. That includes you. He owes you the training he promised. Before that though, clean yourself up. I'll have a bath set up."

Ria was pleased to see Becky relax. Ria left briefly to make the arrangements.
Last edited by Griffinkeeper on Mon May 21, 2007 6:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mon May 21, 2007 5:27 pm
Ego says...

"General Harris, there is a man here that insists on seeing you. He isn't scheduled, but--"

Dreffan couldn't hear the General's muttered reply, but the guard came back and waved him in. When the two Bloodguard flanking Dreffan tried to follow, the guards posted outside Harris' office stopped them. Dreffan nodded to his bodyguards before they could remove the heads of those that would dare oppose them. The Bloodguard visibly relaxed, their shoulder slumping as they stepped back.

Harris' guard stepped aside and let Dreffan enter the office, then closed the door behind him.

An elderly woman sat behind a finely crafted desk. Not as fine as Nemanic Oak, Dreffan noted, but fine nonetheless.

Harris had an air of arrogance about her. The air of someone who had ruled uncontested over her army for nearly five decades. The air of an easy target.

"You must be the man Lord Belfast wrote to me about. Please have a seat, Dreffan."

"Yes, General Harris. It is good to finally meet you," Dreffan said with a friendly smile.

"You are here too..." Harris flipped through a pile of papers. "...Release a group of prisoners from my care, correct?"

"Yes, general."

"Is there anything else you hope to accomplish while you are here?"

"Yes General. My Lord has sent me to you, in hopes of signing your agreement. A peace between our countries would be...beneficial to both parties."

The elderly officer nodded and smiled, though there was no mirth in it.

"I agree. It is a pity that your Lord Belfast could not be here, himself." There was a well hidden and oft-used bitterness in her voice, imperceptible to most but obvious to Dreffan.

"He had more pressing matters to attend to. He is a very busy man, General."

"Of course, of course." The general stood up and turned around, opening a small chest and rummaging through some papers.

Dreffan felt defenseless without his spear. Although the Bloodguard were just on the other side of the door, the Emissary was nervous.

The dagger, however, gave him some comfort.
Got YWS? I do.

Lumi: Don't you drag my donobby into this.
Lumi: He's the sweetest angel this side of hades.

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Mon May 21, 2007 7:40 pm
Shadowsun says...

Sighard was standing guard on the Generals door, he felt uneasy with the Bloodguard standing eitehr side of him. He tried to concentrate on staring at the picture opposite him, trying not to draw attention to himself. It was a nice picture really, it was a sunset, the sun was setting on the over side of a hill, so the hill looked pretty in all the differant shades of red. It looked sort of like a hill of blood. Sighard shivered. Try as hard as he could, he could find no good omen in that. His name was called from the Generals rooms and he broke his gaze from the picture and ebtered the room.

He saluted smartly and then waited for his orders
Last edited by Shadowsun on Sat May 26, 2007 11:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
Before you judge someone, walk a mile in their shoes... Then who cares? You're a mile away and you've got their shoes.

"I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
— Lewis Carroll