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Hogwarts Students and The Years We Lived with Harry Potter

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Fri Oct 14, 2016 12:37 am
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Nike says...

Clara Black 8:00 AM Breakfast Time, or for me, late for Breakfast and just woke up.

I opened my eyes and saw the curtains drawn on my four poster bed. I couldn't sleep without them drawn, sleeping with other people in the same room kinda freaked me out. I like being in my own room, alone, unless I asked someone to be there with me. I got up and drew them open, noticing that not one was there with me.

My heart skipped a beat, where did everyone go?

The sun shone through the huge window next to me, signalling that yes it was time to get up. I got out of bed and walked over to my trunk, pulling out my uniform. Since I was alone, I slipped into them with no problem.

I walked out of the dorm, going down the stairs. To my surprise, no one was in the Common Room other than Dean Thomas, the cute kid with that grand smile. He never seemed upset in his life.

"Hey Dean, where'd everyone go?" I asked, getting off the stairs.

He turned to look at me as he grabbed his bag full of school books.

"Clara... they are at Breakfast. We should run in order to make it for some food, whatever that' left over that is." He replied.


We walked into the hall, greeted with loud talk and the smell of food. All kinds of food ranging from pancakes to sausages. We found our way to the Gryffindor table and sat down next to each other. Seamus was on Dean's left and I was on his right. I saw Hermione just across from me. She smiled, greeting me.

"Look who made it, sleepy heads!" Ron snickered from next to Hermione.

"Haha," I replied. "I was up studying." I lied.

Hermione met my eyes and rose an eyebrow. She knew I wasn't in the Common Room last night. I swallowed hard and filled my plate up with nosh.

"Who did the Potions homework?" Harry had asked.

He must have been sitting on the same side as me cause I did not see him. I started eating my food and breakfast went by quickly. I looked over in front of me at the Ravenclaw table in search of Rain. I came up short and only found Godric laughing with his fellow Ravenclaw mates. One girl was speaking with his, she had snow white hair just like his I knew her, it was Petra. She seemed nice from what I know.

I looked back at our table and faced Hermione. It's like she could read my mind, so she smiled at me.

"What is it Clara?" she asked.

"It' Rain... I don't know where she is." I sighed.

"Maybe she over slept as well." Ron replied to me.

I rose an eyebrow at him and ignored his comment. It wasn't like Rain to over sleep and miss breakfast. I'd have to look for her in class. She loved Hagrid so she had to be at Care for Magical Creatures.

Spoiler! :
Have no idea what to write so this is this. @ChildOfWriting @Oswin1800
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Fri Oct 14, 2016 4:34 am
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Remington38 says...

Medora - 7:30ish in the morning.
I woke up in my bed, but I don't remember how I got there. All I remember was being in the dark common room. Anyway I got up as usual and was headed for breakfast, today seemed strangely slow and I couldn't seem to bottle up this down and sad feeling in my chest like I normally can. So I make a plan to smother it with sugar and frosted pastries for breakfast. The cinnamon rolls are my particular favorite. After I put myself togather I go and find a seat at the Slytherin table. I look around to hopefully catch Godric's eye while placing assorted danishes and scones on my plate, but he is fully submerged in his conversation. I really did like that about him, how he would look at you like he really did want to know what you were saying. I am almost ashamed with myself and how reliant I have become, and how trusting I have become of him when I really have only known him for a few days.

I pull out the parchment scrap of paper I had written on the night before, it was slightly crumpled for how tightly I am holding onto it. On it in my sloppy feminine handwriting it asks "Do you actually want to be my friend?" And beneath it "Do you actually care for me?" These questions have been nagging at me and I can't seem to push them away. Finally I see the plate full of cinnamon rolls coated in icing and I Kung for them grabbing two and placing them on my plate.
"You really wanted those cinnamon rolls huh?" A dark olive skinned boy asks me.
"Y...yeah." I manage. What is wrong with me?! Normally I would've been able to talk to this person with confidence and probably with a sarcastic comment or two, but now I can only mange to stutter out a single word?!
"I'm Robert." He hold out his hand and instead of taking it I sit beside him.
"That's an unusual name." He gives me a strange look.
"Well I am an unusual person." On the inside I am giving myself a pat on the back for managing to say something that's not "yeah" or "ok". Godric walks past and I bolt upward and get his attention. I grab the slip of paper and play with it in my fingertips. He looks down and I can tell he reads it. Part of me is happy, then the other part of me didn't want him to. That the slip was more for me then him.
"Medora, what's wrong? Is this about the other night? The Slytherin thing?" He says softly and he gently caresses my face with his hands, but I pull my head away.
"Godric... I need to know. I NEED to know." I Whimper. "I have lost so many people and I need to know you are true. That I am not out of pity, or that there's nothing going on behind me." I finally break down into his arms and secretly grateful everyone is preoccupied with their food to notice me. Tears start to flow freely from my face at an alarming rate. " I have lost so many people, I want to know if I will loose you too. I trust you and I am opening myself up. I don't want to loose you. Did I ever even have you?"
Proud Reader of Banned Books

Answer to life, the universe, and everything: 42

Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.
Cesar Cruiz

Pluviophile- a lover of rain; someone who finds joy/peace of mind on rainy days.

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Fri Oct 14, 2016 2:18 pm
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SirenCymbaline says...

Thursday morning

''It's fantastic to finally have a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who actually teaches practical magic. I can't wait for a chance to face the Boggart myself.''
Robert told his classmate beside him.

''You're looking forward to it? I suppose you plan to take it on with coolness and bravery, do you?''

''I was going to say with grace and finesse, but yes, those words also apply.''

His classmate shook his head lightly. ''And modesty, I suppose.''

Robert paused. ''I may be lacking in that one department.'' he admitted.

That was about when a black haired girl with a nose ring came to take some cinnamon buns. In a moment he learned that her name was Medora, she liked cinnamon buns, and 'I'm an unusual person.' Welcome to Hogwarts, thought Robert in silent reply.

Then Godric passed by. Robert started to wave, but Godric went to talk to Medora instead. He put his hand down quickly, hoping nobody noticed.

"Medora, what's wrong? Is this about the other night? The Slytherin thing?"
he said softly, caressing her face. Well. thought Robert. He wasted no time making good on that romance fortune.

"Godric... I need to know. I NEED to know... I have lost so many people, I want to know if I will lose you too. I trust you and I am opening myself up. I don't want to lose you. Did I ever even have you?"

Robert drank his tea, trying to act as if he was completely unaware of the two.
He put his cup down at what Godric said next, only just succeeding in the effort to stop himself from coughing loudly.
Last edited by SirenCymbaline on Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:24 am, edited 4 times in total.
Bad souls have born better sons, better souls born worse ones -St Vincent

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Sat Oct 15, 2016 7:22 pm
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Nike says...

Godric Lovegood 9:00 AM - Breakfast in the Great Hall, Slytherin Table

Medora's eyes were red from the tears she was letting fall down her porcelain skin. No body had noticed the scene she made, and thank God, she wouldn't want to be known as the sad girl. I took her in my arms, trying to calm her down with my touch.

"I have lost so many people, I want to know if I will loose you too. I trust you and I am opening myself up. I don't want to loose you. Did I ever even have you?" She had asked.

I smiled, our eyes met. "Medora, you have me." I paused. "You have me at ball and chain. The moment I saw you, I was hooked by your handcuffs and dragged behind you. I don't think you could ever lose me."

A soft smile lined on her face as I wiped her tears from her cheeks. The Great Hall was louder than ever with students chatting to one another as they ate. I recognized Robert who was sitting just in front of us, eating away.

"Hey Robert." I smiled as he turned to face me. "Take care of her when I don't see her, she needs a friend."

Medora looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. "I can't be everywhere, no matter how much I'd want to be with my girlfriend. You're okay with being my girlfriend, right?"

She nodded, "I think I wouldn't be okay if I wasn't."

I let her go and she sat down next to Robert. She started to eat some breakfast, and I went back to the Ravenclaw table. Petra was eyeing me from the table with a raised eyebrow. She was a sixth year, but liked to talk to everyone. I sat down next to her, placing a raspberry pastry on my plate.

"You're dating a Slytherin?" She asked. "That's a first."

"Oh Petra, she's amazing." I smiled mostly to myself.


Hagrid had downgraded from Buckbeck the Hypogriff to Flobberworms, thanks to our good friend Draco Malfoy. Hagrid always seemed really sullen to himself. The class went by quickly, thank God. Cause feeding these worms lettuce was losing it's appeal. I looked over to my left and saw Medora almost falling asleep, her hand holding up her head.

"Flobberworms, a world wonder, ain't it?" I cracked a smile.

She lifted her head and gave me a soft smile. "They eat lettuce really quickly."

Malfoy wasn't even in class, he was in the Hospital Wing pretending to be severely injured. I to this day have no clue what Medora saw in him. Well, I don't know if he's out yet or not.

"Hey, sorry to bother you. But I'm looking for Medora?" Pansy Parkinson said from next to me, startling me.

I dropped the small tongs I was holding and rose an eyebrow at her. I looked at Medora for a moment and she was looking at Pansy.

"That's me." She huffed.

Pansy rolled her eyes, "Draco is looking for you. They are releasing him today and he wants you to be there."

My heart stopped as I looked back at Medora. Her face went pale as she tried to compose herself. I felt my throat get dry in anticipation. Would she actually go? Would she choose him over me?

"I honestly don't know why he likes you more than me, someday that'll change. But he is insisting on seeing you Medora, so let's go. Leave this owl behind."I must be the owl Pansy.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Sat Oct 15, 2016 9:43 pm
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JustJasper says...


Once I had swallowed the thick dark potion that tasted oddly like sour milk Lupin lead me from the room. My heart was racing in my chest and I felt myself go pale. The transformation was coming I could feel it. My breathing quickened and the world felt like it was spinning.
Lupin lead me up a few staircases and over to a wall. He paced in front of it three times looking pensive. If I hadn't been so scared I might have been confused. Once he finished a door appeared out of nowhere. My stomach did a flip and we entered the room. I was astonished to find that we were now standing in the middle of a forest. The trees seemed to go on forever and even the ceiling looked like we were outside.
"This is the room of requirement." Lupin explained
"It takes whatever form the user needs"
"Fantastic" I whispered in awe, I was so busy admiring my surroundings that I forgot why I was here.
"Due to this potion we will be able to control ourselves when we change tonight." Lupin informed me,
"Will it still hurt?" I asked,
Lupin nodded and looked up at the rising moon.
"We have about two minutes before the change. Look at the moon Rain you need to know how to track this" he instructed. I did as he said and took several deep breathes. That's when fear completely grabbed hold of me. It took everything I had not to let it show. Somehow I think Lupin knew what was happening to me. I knew he felt this way too and that meant I could make it through this. My tear filled eyes met his serene ones and the change began.
The first thing to change was my head, I felt searing pain through my skull as it grew longer. Next my body lengthened and I became much taller. My shoulders hunched and I felt hair sprout from my body. My legs snapped backwards and I landed on my front paws. Reeling from the sudden change it was only now that I realized I had been screaming. I stifled the terrible sound to a whimper and remained standing on all fours for several moments. Cautiously I stretched my aching limbs and turned to face Lupin. He too was completely transformed and looked at me sadly.
I hated that look, my parents always looked at me like that like they pitied me however he made the expression slightly differently. Instead of pity there was understanding. I looked into his eyes, that was what stayed the same when we changed. Always the eyes.
I tried desperately to think of a way to communicate with him. I had only been a werewolf for three months and this was the first time I had seen another that wasn't Fenir Greyback. Lupin and I circled each other for a moment simply observing.
His form was more bony and much larger. I had thick brown fur and shorter legs and arms. I could not see myself but I felt that I looked more like a wolf than he did. I stopped my circling and sat on the grass in front of him. Lupin slowly walked over to me and lay down. He then closed his eyes. I assumed he wanted me to do the same so I mirrored his actions.
I closed my eyes and my head nearly exploded. I remembered exactly how it felt the first time I transformed. I quickly opened my eyes and curled up tightly. I panicked for a few minutes and I could barely breathe. I remembered wanting to kill my family. The lust for blood was so strong. I shuddered and put a paw over my snout. I closed my eyes again and tried desperately to block out my thoughts. Nothing seemed to work and I was much too anxious to sleep.
I silently stood up and carefully walked deeper into the woods. When I was far enough away from Lupin I ran as far as I could. The room seemed to be infinite and my muscles felt like they were on fire. Panting I turned around and resumed my running. My mind focused on the pain in my limbs instead of my horrible thoughts. Crashing through the trees I was able to calm down and rest my brain. Once I had reached the point where I couldn't run anymore I returned to were Lupin slept and lay down letting sleep drag my conscious mind away.


I felt the sun on my skin before I woke up. Slowly I looked up and pulled myself to my feet. Pain shot down my spine and my head pounded. The room began to spin and I collapsed back onto the grass. Black spots danced into my vision as I sat back up. My head felt like it had a tiny gremlin trying to escape from it. I tried again stand up but this time Lupin stopped me. He stumbled toward me and knelt beside me.
"Rain" he croaked
"Don't try to move yet. Be patient and focus on your surroundings"
I felt dazed and my eyes refused to focus on him.
"Class....." I whispered
"Is not an option for you right now" Lupin commanded.
"Do you have any friends that know about your condition?" He asked,
"Clara" I breathed trying desperately to stay awake.
"She can come see you later"
"Are you... teaching?"
"Yes Rain I have to. Don't worry transforming gets easier and I have had plenty of experience. I will be fine." He held my head and smiled.
"Rain I am very sorry but I have to go. You need to rest more and then return to your common room. I have instructed the house elves to take care of you."
Lupin watched me obediently lay back down. He paused over me seeming to decide something then left the room.
Once he left I tried once again to stand this time I made it a few steps before dropping to the ground. I settled on crawling for now and I made it to the door. Every movement sent fire shooting into my brain. I dozed for a while but my nightmares kept me awake. After about an hour of stumbling around I had succeeded in walking and found myself cover with bruises. The room of requirement had produced a bathroom for me so I hobbled over to that and tried to clean myself up. The girl in the mirror looked like a disaster. I laughed at how terrible I looked. Suppressing my giggles and thinking of how the other girls would react I began to brush my tangled hair and wash my face. Feeling better I stumbled back to the door and made my way to Ravenclaw tower. Thankfully I knew the answer to the riddle and could drag myself into the common room. I pulled myself onto the couch and put my hand on my pounding skull.
Why me? I thought miserably.
I could hardly think of an answer.
Giving up I surrendered myself to sleep once more.
Why do we capital-N Nerds love Mars so much?
Because it's beautiful, it's tough, it's buried in our mythic, childhood memories.
It's covered with human triumphs but also with sad stories of failure.

-Greg Bear

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Sun Oct 16, 2016 12:48 am
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ty7lucky says...

Gavin Olden 8:47,Care of Magical Creatures

I had made my way down to the Care of Magical. I was slightly early so I watched what Hagrid was doing. I was content that morning having had golden and perfectly buttered pancakes. I was still tired from staying up much of the night working on for Potions. We had to write an entire essay on the magical properties of flobberworm mucus. It seemed as though Snape chose the most boring things on purpose.

There were only a few people down there. She was talking to Hagrid, and I was just standing there with the monstrous book tucked under my arm.

I then noticed Clara one of the girls that I had sat at the table with yesterday. "Hey, Clara." I did a half smile. I felt stupid and out of place. Normally I would be with my usual friends right now. I didn't know if I was welcome in this group.

During class we were doing boring stuff with flobberworms. I knew Hagrid was a good guy but I didn't really know him, whatever he was like this was almost as bad as Proffesor Binn's class. I wish Hagrid did fun stuff like the Hippogriffs again.

Rain came late to class and she looked terrible. I asked why she looked sick. She told me she wasn't feeling well, that was obvious but she was avoiding telling why. I decided not too make a big deal of it because I wouldn't want people bugging me about my inner eye.
"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."
-Douglas Adams

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Sun Oct 16, 2016 1:58 am
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Remington38 says...

Medora Care of Magical Creatures- Morning class

His girlfriend? He considers me his girlfriend? My heart did a flip when he said that word, then he asked me if it was ok. For a moment all I could do was nod then I was able to say a few quick words.

I still haven't been able to sleep and in that time I and wander around the common room and organize things. The smallest things in there would always bother me and my recent insomnia has given me a way to deal with my OCD without being judged by my fellow Slytherins. The downside is that I have been dozing off in some of my classes. While feeding the Flobberworms I felt my eyes growing heavier. Godric starts to talk to me and I direct my attention on him. I stare at the features of his face, memorizing the flow of his face. The way his nose curves and his lips, the way they form into a thin line when he is worried. They are soft and I want to touch them, let them touch me.

Pansy comes to my class looking for me and I look up. She says that Draco is looking for me... that he wants to see me. My heart drops to my stomach and I feel sick. Godric's lips make a thin line and I grip onto the piece of lettuce. My fingers are turning white and I can see Pansy looks annoyed.
"I don't want to see him." I manage to say a little above a whisper.
"But... Belive me Medora, you want to go." She says and start to reach towards my arm.
"I don't want to see him!" I shout and she back away clearly very unhappy. "You know what, you can give him this and tell him to stay the hell away from me." I take out my snake septum piercing and throw it at her. She mutters something under her breath and storms off. I hear Godric sigh a breath of relief and I turn around to face him. I pull out my wand and make another septum piercing, except this time it's a feather. The silver taking shape and forming as it slowly spins in the air. I put it in and he touches it. I want him to know how important he is to me. How he will never have to worry because he has me as much as I have him. He has me ball and chain. His silver hair falls in his face and I stand really close to him, I move it away and grin.
"I'm really OCD about that." I whisper and lay my head against his chest. He sets down the worm and the lettuce and wraps his arms around he front of me and setting them on my stomach.
"I'm sorry about this morning. I am not normally all emotional like that. I hate that I have to go through all this. I hate that you have to go through all of this." I whisper. He plays with my hair.
"Yeah... I know." He says softly. "I do too."
Proud Reader of Banned Books

Answer to life, the universe, and everything: 42

Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.
Cesar Cruiz

Pluviophile- a lover of rain; someone who finds joy/peace of mind on rainy days.

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Sun Oct 16, 2016 9:28 pm
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Nike says...

Clara Black

That kid Gavin said 'Hello' to me, so I said it back. He seemed pretty nice. We didn't really know each other, but he looked like he needed some friends. I nudged Rain and we moved over to his table.

"You seem bored, why don't we keep you entertained?" I smiled as we sat down.

He nodded, feeding his worms with lettuce. Rain was practically passing out at the table, her hand holding her head up. This werewolf thing must be tiring her out. I looked behind me and saw Medora and Godric talking to Pansy. She seemed unhappy with the way she rolled her eyes at them. I turned back and watched Hagrid walk around us, trying to look busy.

Poor Hagrid. He cannot do anything because of Draco.

"Hey, Rain. I think you should go sleep." I suggested.

She opened her eyes and shook her head, "I can't... I can't let this take over my life. I want to be in class."

"It's not like we are even doing anything here. I'm sure Hagrid would understand. Just tell him you feel sick."

"No, I'll be fine." Her voice sounded tired, words were coming out slowly. "Let's just... continue."

I swallowed hard and went back to my worms.


It was Potions and Draco waltzed in with that smug look on his face. I looked over at Medora and she was eyeing him from afar, making sure he doesn't sit next to her. I only knew her because of Godric, and she might need a friend here. I'll just stay in my spot until things get dirty. Hermione is next to me, completing the assignment.

Snape had told Ron to help Draco with his roots and Harry as well. They looked like they were about to slit Draco's throat and I about would've done the same.

"Hey, 'Mione," I whispered just so Snape doesn't hear. He was hovering around with no expression on his face. She faced me. "What do you know about werewolves?"

She sighed, looking around the classroom and then back at me. "Well, they are people. You must be aware of that. Deep down inside, they are still people. But in the form of a werewolf, they can forget that. If you approach them, they won't hesitate to kill you."

I swallowed hard. God damn Rain, poor Rain.

"Wow," I sighed.

"Just be careful if you see one." She said.

"I will, thanks." I smiled.

Snape came over to us, testing our potions. They passed with flying colors, leaving his face with a disgusted look. He went around to test Neville's potion, he passed as well because Hermione had helped him. And, of course, Snape took 50 points from Gryffindor because he is not naive enough to believe Neville could do anything.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Mon Oct 17, 2016 12:52 am
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ty7lucky says...

Gavin Olden Thursday Defense against the Dark Arts

I felt so stupid and confused. Why were my old friends somewhat avoiding me, what had I done. I felt dumb for practically forcing my way into a different group. All of my feelings were mixing up in me like a potion, and unluckily it seemed like it was going to explode. I wanted to talk to somebody. I would talk to Justin but he was now acting more like the others.

Snape was teaching our class again today, he was lecturing us on werewolves. I hated this, I hated that it had to be me that people wouldn't talk to. Oh and now I had a headache. I raised my hand. Snape glared over at me and spit out a hateful,"What?"

"May I go to the bathroom."

"If you must."

I stood and walked out of the classroom. My head pounding. I made a beeline to the kitchens and entered my common room. There were a couple sixth years that didn't have a class right now. I went to my dormitory and that's when the explosion happened. I burst out in hurt tears. Why did they block me out why was this year different.

The tears just kept coming as I climbed into the warm bed. That is where I stayed all of the next period. I had stopped crying but didn't feel like getting up. It was like I was cursed, but there was no one who could have done it.
Last edited by ty7lucky on Mon Oct 17, 2016 11:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."
-Douglas Adams

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Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:25 am
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Remington38 says...

Medora E. - Study of Ancient Runes

In Study of Ancient Runes Proffesor Babbling was going off about the Hydra rune and how it represents the number 9. I am drawing circles on my paper with the quick over and over again with my head leaning against Godrics arm. When the class was over I slowly got up and put all of my notes and doodles on top of my text book. I peck a quick kiss on Godrics cheek and walked out, but he follows close behind me and softly leans my back against the corner of the corridor.
"That's all I get?" He asks and leans into kiss me, it lasts a few seconds longer than usual and I break away. "Aww no fun." He says pouting and I duck under his arm.
"I have to go to class." I giggle and walk around the corner and someone shoves into me with their arm knocking my Rune Dictonary and Advanced Runes translating textbook along with all of my notes to the floor. I grab my wand and start having the papers sort themelsvea back into order when I look up to see who it was. Draco's smug face was looking over at me and I feel something in my stomach ache.
"Better watch where your going Medora." He spits my name out like venom, but I notice his facial expression doesn't match his tone. His eyes seem almost longing something and I pick up the last of my books and papers.
"Wasn't that the arm you got 'hurt' by Buckbeak?" I ask trying to show sarcasm dripping in my tone. I am not sure if I succeeded.
"Aww I feel honored you remembered which arm it was."
"Yes, so I could know to run into the right one the next time you tried to talk to me." I make that my moment to leave and I shove into his arm that is tied up, but he grabs my elbow and pulls his head near my ear and whispers quietly.
"Why didn't you come?" He asks the question, but it sounded like he knew the answer and I continue to walk to my next class informing him. I shake my head trying the get rid of the memory of his warmth so close to my body again. I walk past Robert and smile at him. He smiles back and I rush towards my next class. I see that Godric has saven me a seat and I sit beside him. I don't care about Draco and I am not going to even let myself care enough to worry about it. I am finally happy with someone and I am not letting go.
Proud Reader of Banned Books

Answer to life, the universe, and everything: 42

Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.
Cesar Cruiz

Pluviophile- a lover of rain; someone who finds joy/peace of mind on rainy days.

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Mon Oct 17, 2016 8:32 am
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SirenCymbaline says...

Thursday morning

"Hey Robert." Godric said with a smile. "Take care of her when I don't see her, she needs a friend."

He stared in silence with a look of disbelief as his friend and new acquaintance affirmed their love once again, before Godric left him with Medora.

Robert put on a more dignified expression, and coughed composedly.
''So, it looks like you've ditched Malfoy. It's about time something didn't go his way in life. Did you get tired of him whining about Potter every other minute?''

Medora narrowed her eyes.

''Sorry, that was a personal question. Forget I asked.''

Medora didn't reply, still looking pensive for a second, but it seemed that she had accepted the apology. She changed the subject.
''I've seen you before in Study of Ancient Runes, haven't I? isn't that class just fascinating?''

Robert smiled a little. Maybe he would like being friends with Medora after all.

First Period, Potions.

As usual, Robert shut out the sounds of the rest of the class, and focused on his work. He followed the instructions on the board as accurately as possible, and did not return to the outside world until Snape told them it was time to let the potions simmer, and proceeded to test Neville's Shrinking Solution on his toad.

Though Robert felt somewhat sorry for the toad, he couldn't help also being intensely curious about the result. What would happen if it went wrong? As luck would have it, the toad survived, and Snape took five points from Gryffindor.

Leaving Potions, Robert caught a smile from Medora on the way to his Transfiguration class. He smiled back and waited for her to pass. Then he stopped Draco Malfoy.

''What?'' said Malfoy.
He looked irritated, like there were other things he'd rather be doing.
'I saw you harassing Medora.' Robert spoke calmly, but his eyes were narrowed with unmistakable loathing.

''What of it?'' said Malfoy.
''She may not need my help, but if she asks for it, I won't hesitate to hex you.'' Robert threatened.
''Hex me? You wouldn't dare.'' Malfoy said with a sneer.
''Try me.''

He then left Malfoy, and carried on his way.
Bad souls have born better sons, better souls born worse ones -St Vincent

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Mon Oct 17, 2016 11:34 pm
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ty7lucky says...

Gavin Olden around fifth period

I lay there in the soft bed my chest slowly rising and falling as I took deep breaths. I wished I could stay there forever. I was relaxed, I was calm. That's when my vision left me. Everything went black, I freaked out for a second when it came back. But I wasn't in my bed, vibrant colours surrounded me I saw a rat like man, a stag of silver light. I saw my own face with a black eye and a small gash above my eye. The foresight ended and I was back in the dormitory. I hadn't ever had a vision that vivid before.

I was now breathing quickly when was that going to happen to me. Why did I see the mousy man and silver stag.

I got up to look in my trunk for a spare piece of parchment. I grabbed my quill and ink and began to write of the vision, I wanted to tell someone but I wasn't sure who would care. It's not like any of the stuff I had seen mattered or did it?

By the time all of this ended charms was almost over and I didn't want to go to potions next period so I pulled out my homework from Divination and got to work. My eyes still puffy and red from crying. Today seemed like the worst day of my life. That morning I had noticed Justin was avoiding me. So I went to care of magical creatures and felt stupid there. The rest of my feelings snowballed after that.
"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."
-Douglas Adams

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Wed Oct 19, 2016 2:42 am
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Remington38 says...

Medora End of the day,on the way to dinner.
I read the parchment pinned up on the wall. Turorting/Study Group! Sign Up Today! there were only three spots left and I didn't recognize any of the other names. I pulled oit a quill from my bag and a bottle of ink. It was very inconvenient for situations like this to be old fashion. I wrote my name up. I look at the second to last spot and an image of Godric flashes in my head. This is going to be more time I can spend with him where I don't have to be paying attention to class at the same time. I bite my lip and write his name out on the last line. I hope he will be ok with this, I mean he is a Ravenclaw after all. Right?

I head into the great hall and the smell of dozens of different meals flood my senses. I sit down beside Robert and decide on a Shepards Pie. The potatoes are fluffy, but are imperfect with chunks not mashed like I love, and there is diced pieces of vegetables and tender meat. The smell makes my mouth water and I am about to take a bite when a piece of paper flys right before me. I was in the shape of an oragami bird. I unfold it to see drawing moving. It appears to be a drawing of me and Godric kissing, then we part ways and Godrics little characters walk to a group of other Ravenclaw people and they all start laughing. Then it goes all over again. Him kissing me then when we break apart and I am out of sight he and his friends are laughing at me. I keep watching it over and over again, not being able to take my eyes away from it. Roberts voice makes me jump when he sits down with some food of his own on the plate. I forgotten that he was sitting next to me and was only getting up to steal a roll from one of the tables next to us.
"Hey, what's that?" He asks. I quickly fold it back up and flap it's wings holding the best smile I could.
"Someone left a bird on the table. I was never a huge fan of these though. I always thought they were a waste of parchment." I crumple it up. I feel bad for lying to him, not just on what it was, but I know who it was from. I was the one who taught Draco this little trick, he was so pleased and told me he was planning to use it on Harry a few times. Robert didn't seem to notice, or if he did he didn't show it.
"What did you get for dinner?" I ask him. Using his fork he points out all of the pieces to his meal including a very appetizing pot roast. Once dinner disappeared and dessert appears, I dine on a delicious molted lava chocolate cake, chocolate fudge erupting out the top. I manage to drop my fork sending the warm liquids fudge splashing onto my face and blush when Robert laughs.
"And this is why you can't have nice things." He says sarcastically which makes me redden even further. I grab a napkin and wipe my face. I feel hands grabs my sides and Godrics face appears out of nowhere. He plants a kiss on my face but comes back with a little chocolate on his upper lip. This makes me giggle a little and he licks it off.
"Chocolate fudge?" He asks very confused and he looks over at Robert.
"You would have to be there." He says with a smile.

I turn around to face him and I remember about the group.
"Oh!" I shout out and he gives me a concerned look.
"What?!" He shouts back just as loud causing some girl next to me to get up and leave. I giggle and Godrics shrugs, then sits in her place.
"Remember when you told me you secretly wanted to help people and be a better person?" I say slowly and batted my eyelashes.
"I don't remember saying that to you, I don't even remember thinking it!" He says picking up my fork from the chocolate now Mt. Saint Helens and takes a bite.
"Hey. You have been alive this long, you should know by now not to take chocolate from a woman." I say and he very slowly in front of me takes another bite.
"And what are you going to do about it?" He asks smirking when's I say nothing. "Anyway back to my secret goals in life that I never remember making?"
"I may or may not have signed us up for a study group with other peers." I say sweetly smiling at him.
"Well was it may or may not?" He asks. "That is going to change my reaction."
"I would lean more towards the may side, but it is a really small group and there was one last spot left! Maybe Robert could join with us!" I look over at him and batt my eyelashes with a pleading smile at both of them. "It's more time for us to spend together..."
Proud Reader of Banned Books

Answer to life, the universe, and everything: 42

Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.
Cesar Cruiz

Pluviophile- a lover of rain; someone who finds joy/peace of mind on rainy days.

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Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:38 am
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KiraThePotatoChip says...

Edward Hikarigami-late afternoon.

Here we are again. Hogwarts, school of witchcraft, and whatever else seems important. It's bad enough I got pulled away from my investigation, but now the Ministry wants me, out of literally anyone else, to keep an eye of some students. They already took the liberty of signing me up for some sort of study hall with most of the students. Whatever. As long as I get my payment, I'll be happy. I decided to head to the study hall early, seeing as my arrangments were already in place.
"Honestly, they could've chosen anyone else. It's not like the Ministry is a stranger to using children for their purposes." I muttered to myself, reaching into my bag, and pulling out Magical Drafts and Potions. I'd been away from potions for so long, going back to the basics wasn't the worst idea, especially with Snape. On top of the unholy amount of catch up work I had to do, I had to study for upcoming N.E.W.T. exams. Tomorrow I'd have to introduce myself to the rest of the class. What a bore, my talents should be focused somewhere else. Just as I had finished reviewing Transfiguration, the doors to the room opened, allowing a ridiculous amount of light into the room.
Bisexual Disaster, Master Stroke of a human being, may or may not incite a revolution.

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Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:55 am
SirenCymbaline says...

Thursday evening.

"I may or may not have signed us up for a study group with other peers.'' Medora told a surprised Godric. ''Maybe Robert could join with us! It's more time for us to spend together..."

''Yes.'' said Robert, as eagerly as he was willing to outwardly sound.
''That's a fantastic idea. But,' he said jokingly to Godric, ''If you don't feel up to being such a saint, you can just leave me and Medora to it.''
Last edited by SirenCymbaline on Fri Oct 21, 2016 11:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
Bad souls have born better sons, better souls born worse ones -St Vincent

I love her dearly, but I can’t live with her for a day without feeling my whole life is wasting away.
— Miss Kenton, The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro