
Young Writers Society

Wolf Pack RP

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Fri May 06, 2016 12:48 am
Gymnast2801 says...

Blitz, guard of Holwing Blizzard

Blitz finally stopped running when he came oppon a small creak that he never knew about. It's water ran quickly and small minnows swam in the middle. He sunk to the ground and put his head on his paws, thinking about everything that just happened and listening. He wondered if Slither would follow him. Finally, he gave up listening and just concentrated on the sound of the moving water.
If the world was blind, how many people would you impress?

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Fri May 06, 2016 12:57 am
Eternity says...


Slither heard a rustle in the grass and she perked up. She opened her eyes and looked around, hearing a low growl.


Demon crouched low, smelling the she-wolf. A low growled erupted from his throat and he let a loud bark escape his muzzle.


Slither jumped to her feet in an attack position. She growled back, spotting the unknown wolf. She barked back, showing her teeth.


Demon chuckled, "You think you scare me, she-wolf?" He growled low once more, circling her. He jumped towards her, watching her jerk backwards.

He watched Slither bare her teeth at him and he stopped, standing tall. "Think again."

He pounced, leaping onto her. He flicked his torn ears back and bit the she-wolf's shoulder.


"Think again."

The unknown wolf jumped onto her and she yelped in pain as he pierced her shoulder with his teeth. She heaved, attempting to howl. Slither tried to fight back but she felt her right arm go numb. She snapped at Demon's neck but failed to bite hard.

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Fri May 06, 2016 1:14 am
Gymnast2801 says...

(I can create info on Demon for you; if you want me to. And do you want it to be that Slither ends up being mates with Blitz but bares Demon's pups? I think it would make the pack very interesting)

Blitz, guard of Howling Blizzard

He lifted his head, ears pricked as he heard the yelp from Slither. He was up in only moments and was racing across the forest until he came appon Demon and Slither. Demon was growling at Slother as she limped back, blood pounding from her shoulder. With hesitation, Blitz leapt appon Demon and tackled him to the ground, biting vigorously at his neck and face.
If the world was blind, how many people would you impress?

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Fri May 06, 2016 1:21 am
Eternity says...

(I created information for Demon after I submitted him. He's a loner but we can make some twist like that)



Slither fell backward, laying on her side. Blood stained her gorgeous greyish fur. She heavily breathed, trying to calm down. She cringed at the pain of the wounds that sent stinging aromas throughout her body.


Demon pushed his paws up, digging his claws into Blitz. He growled and snapped up, attempting to bite but as Blitz bit his throat, he wheezed. Demon growled once more and jerked, pushing Blitz off him. He stumbled back, baring his teeth. He looked over at Slither who whimpered in pain and shook.

Demon chuckled and snarled at Blitz.

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Fri May 06, 2016 1:29 am
Gymnast2801 says...

(Okay, and maybe Blitz could raise them as his own so that they don't know that they are fathered by a sabage lone wolf)


Blitz snarled and stood between the enemy and Slither. "Leave her alone or I'll hurt you worse! If you leave now your lucky to get away alive!" He fluffed out his fur to look bigger than he was and he barred his teeth, letting the, show so that this newcomer could see what he was dealing with. He didn't even remember about what happened before. Now, he just wanted to make this strange male go away so that he could make sure that Slother was alright.
If the world was blind, how many people would you impress?

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Fri May 06, 2016 1:35 am
Eternity says...


"What makes you think you can tell me what to do?" He hissed. Demon flicked his tail and snarled, turning to walk away.

Demon disappeared in the grass, limping away.


Slither whimpered, eyes closed. Her breathing picked up and she was still heaving.

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Fri May 06, 2016 1:48 am
Gymnast2801 says...


Blitz gave a growl for good measure and made sure that this wolf was gone before turning to Slither and nosing her face. "S-Slither? Slither, y-you'll be okay." He lightyly licker her wounds which where beginning to stop bleeding. He felt her finch but continued, knowing that he had to clean then quickly to avoid infection. When he was finished, he nuzzled her ears which where sticking out from where her paws where covering her face. "S-Slither, it's
g-going to be o-okay."
If the world was blind, how many people would you impress?

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Fri May 06, 2016 1:52 am
Eternity says...


Slither uncovered her face weakly and she looked at Blitz, "T-Thank you..." she whispered. She didn't move for a few moments and her breathing seemed to calm down. She still lie on her side and refused to move. Her wounds had stopped bleeding but she was still in pain and couldn't move.

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Fri May 06, 2016 1:56 am
Gymnast2801 says...


He realized her pain and wondered if her shoulder was worse than it looked. "Do you think you can m-make it back to the m-medics den?" He didn't know why her shoulder would be hurting so bad that she couldn't move but still, he wondered if there was anything more that had happened.
"T-That was all of your injuries, right? I need to clean all o-of them if you have more Slither."
If the world was blind, how many people would you impress?

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Fri May 06, 2016 2:00 am
Eternity says...


Slither looked at Blitz weakly, "Blitz, you don't have to stutter around me. I know your history is rough and you dislike others around, but it's okay to make mistakes. It's part of our lives. We make mistakes. Clearly, I've made many.." Slither tried to push herself off the ground, gripping the ground with her paws. Her ear was torn and she had a gash on her shoulder. Scratches and bites lined her sides.

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Fri May 06, 2016 2:08 am
Gymnast2801 says...


He watched her get up bravely and replied, "Oh, okay. I...I guess I just am used to studering but I'll stop for you." He gently licked her wounds clean and then pressed against her good side to help support her until the reached camp.
If the world was blind, how many people would you impress?

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Fri May 06, 2016 2:12 am
Eternity says...


Slither stumbled along with Blitz, weakly. The two finally reached the camp and Slither collapsed. She couldn't make it any farther. Her breathing picked up once more and she closed her eyes in pain. "Blitz, go get the medic.." she whispered.

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Fri May 06, 2016 2:32 am
Gymnast2801 says...


He didn't reply but quickly turned and sprinted to the medics as fast as he could. He brought one to Slither and he examined her. He quickly gave her some pain herds to ease the pain and then he examined her. Blitz stayed by her head the whole time, licking her ears and encouraging her.
If the world was blind, how many people would you impress?

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Fri May 06, 2016 2:37 am
Eternity says...


Slither lay silently on her side and her breathing soon calmed to very shallow breaths. She closed her eyes, tight. She was calm with Blitz there, helping her along. It was sweet,

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Fri May 06, 2016 2:46 am
Gymnast2801 says...


"Everything will be okay." He said as calmly as he could but he looked at the medic, asking silently for reassurance that she would be okay. He couldn't bare to loose his only friend who was now his mate. The medic just continued to examin her, saying that the herbs should kick in soon.
As Slither let out a weak moan he told her, "Slither, think of when your better! We can run through the forest together-we can even raise pups together! Yes, we'll have a fine litter of pups and they will be all ours. Everything will be wonderful if we can just get through this."
If the world was blind, how many people would you impress?

By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.
— Genesis 3:19