
Young Writers Society

The Mirror's Curse (full!)

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Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:03 am
W0lfbane says...

In a clearing in a far off distance, the wizard whispers softly to an Orc.

"I need you to take care of something for me..."

The Orc grumbles at the idea of more work.

"What's the plan? Steal food from more adventurers, or do you just want to give them a fright! BOO! We are scary monsters and we terrorise people which cross our bridge! What do you take me for? An idiot! We're supposed to be an army not some highwaymen robbing people blind!"

The wizard looked at him idly, he expected him to act that way.

"Look there's a dragon amongst these -"

"A DRAGON! Oh ho! Now we're dragon slayers? Let's all go to the pub and have bards write songs about us!"

An Orc laughed nearby, chewing loudly on a chicken leg. The wizard felt as if gold would be more persuasive... an Orc army doesn't just listen to any wizard with a staff.

"Okay Orc, here's a bag of gold... if you follow my instructions carefully, spare the adventurers and just focus on capturing the Dragon your homeland will be returned to it's former glory."

The Orc looked hesistant at the bag this human presented him, the last time he went after a dragon his hair set fire and his skin felt like it was being roasted upon some human's campfire... the very thought of this made his blood boil.

"A bag of gold? You must be joking! A dragon is not easy to capture and my homeland wouldn't be the same without our weapons and fierce warriors in gleaming shiny armour! Okay human, here's the deal - two bags of gold, our homeland restored and a river nearby for us to fetch water from!"

The wizard felt angry that his talents were now being used as a bargaining chip, worse of all they expected him to pay double his offer. That Orc nearby didn't look too friendly, his eyes met with a fierce brute of an Orc. The Orcs eyes were bloodshot a scar still bleeding from the last fight, his temper wasn't to be trifled with - he didn't want to cause any trouble.

"Okay! Fine! Here's the gold you're after..."

He reached into his cloak and presented another bag of gold after which he hands two bags to the Orc. Fester checked to see if the gold was real and smiled as he turned towards his troops.

"Alright men! We're going Dragon Hunting!"

The Orcs cheered as they started looking for their weapons and ropes and other equipment they could use to tie the Dragon down with, the wizard stormed off and replied,

"I expect to see that Dragon in the cage provided in the cellar... you know the one - big shiny thing with lots of enchantments to stop beasts escaping from it."

"Oh don't worry, you'll be getting your little doggie!"

The wizard looked towards the moon - it was full... "Better hope the wolves don't attack!"

A horn could be heard as the army began to march.

One of the Orcs marching was speaking to his General.

"Bargo thinks Fester gone soft! Three bags of gold should had been the price he's supposed to pay!"

"Fester doesn't care about money- all he cares about is grinding some human bones!"

"But Bargo heard he's supposed to leave humans alone! Humans too dumb to be killed!"

"We ain't having their kind in our lands - it's our way or die! We don't care for the lives of others!"

"Bargo thinks you mad, you just want humans dead!"

"Are you questioning my orders?"

"No! Bargo just wants gold and the job done respectably like!"

"Well Bargo, you'll be happy to hear that Human is on the menu tonight!"

"Bargo hates eating human, they smell funny!"

The general laughed as the army marched on, no fear in their steps, no care for those who were living, just the thirst of blood and the entrails of their enemies smeared across the floor.
Cowards use swords, writers use pencils.

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Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:44 am
Shadowlight says...


The sound of a horn echoed though the trees, we all stiffened and looked about at one another. A sudden chill went down my back.

"what was that?" Rosalie asked, Hector sniffed and Alekan raised his head to the sky.

"Orcs!" both said simultaneously. Orcs!? I thought wildly trying to pull what I knew about them to the forefront of my mind, none of it was good.

"We have to get away from here!" Felicia said her eyes as big as saucers, I had to agree.

"Rhyder how far is it to the castle the road? we have a better chance of outrunning or flying them there then cooped up here amidst the trees."

"Five miles give or take a bit." He said pointing off to the left. "Straight through there." Kylar came running back to the group just then.

"We have to move now!"

I fade away into my wraith form and search about for the orcs spiritual force- it is unmistakable. they were dangerously close. How did I miss them!

"how did we miss them?!" Aritha asked seemingly speaking my own thoughts aloud.

"Stop asking questions and get moving." I said gruffly, shoving her and Rosalie ahead of me. I knew I could out distance them in a moment and so could some of the others but Rosalie I knew couldn't, and I wouldn't leave Aritha, I was just beginning to understand her.

Suddenly something whistled by my ear and buried itself into a tree- an orc arrow.

"It's a scout!" Alekan shouted turning suddenly and charging off into the trees, his talon knives flashing.

I pulled out my scythe and I head Kylar draw his sword...
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:59 am
W0lfbane says...

The Orcs cried:


As their arrows flew through the air, some wielding daggers and rushing towards them quickly. Bargo watched as they pulled out a hidden catapult nearby.

"Bargo calls foul play, you know the rules about using witchcraft!"

"Sorry Bargo, rules don't apply when you're fighting a Dragon!"

The catapult swung as the rock flew through the air hurdling towards the Dragon with great speed.

"Bargo meets chief at camp, this is disgraceful!"

Bargo throws down his spear, leaving behind his company - the General mocks him.

"Yeah that's right, talk to your father who just made a deal with a wizard!"

The Orcs laugh as their warriors close in on the nearest human.
Cowards use swords, writers use pencils.

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Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:14 am
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VuzzyCat says...


Another arrow wistles past my ear. I hit it with one of my swords and knock it out of the sky. Iteao stops and pulls out his scythe. The orcs swarm out of the trees screaming and yelling to eachother. I rub my blades together and they light up with the heat, flames sparkling from their tips. I take a step forward, raking out the orcs. They easily fall to the ground, one after the other. I barely have to move my swords for them to die.

Somehow the orcs keep coming. I'm overwhelmed by them, but there is no way they can over power me. I dodge their weapons easily. Their only advantage is their great amount. An arrow flies from behind, hitting me in the back. I take a step forward. I wait for the pain, but nothing comes. I turn around and see Hunter, my trusted friend, lying dead on the ground, the arrow in his back.

The only other soul I have ever cared for, other then my dear Emma, was dead, giving his life for me. Anger and confusion fills my heart.

An orc comes behind me and stabs into me. His blade is too dull to do any major damage, but pain flares through my skin. I rotate around and slice the orc's head off in one blow. I turn back around and face Rosalie and Aritha. An orc runs pass me, trying to reach the girls. I take him out before he can get there. I wont let anybody get to them.

Another arrow flies into me. This time, Hunter isn't there to block the blow. I fall forward, landing on my knees. I can feel the blood dripping from my back, but because of where I was hit, I feel no more pain. An orc runs up behind me and jabs me in my upper back.

Rosalie screams. Aritha rushes forward in hatred. But it is already too late. The sword is pulled from my body, and I go limp. I fall sideways. The last thing I see is Rosalie and Aritha. My vision starts to fade.

"No! I'm not done yet!" I try to plead, but my voice makes no sound. "I haven't destroyed the mirrior!"

"Kyler, it's okay," a familiar voice calls.

I furrow my brow in confusion. "Emma?" I ask.

Emma giggles. "Of course," she says in her soft voice, the one she had before she looked into the mirror. "Where else do you think I'd be?"

"But I failed," I say with depression. "I vowed to you to destroy the mirrior. I couldn't."

Emma leans forward, still smiling, and offers me her hand. I take it and stand up. The clearing is now empty. "You're love is all I need," she whispers, grabbing my other hand.

I smile, a real smile, one I haven't had in years. "I love you," I say.

Emma smiles. "I know."

I lean down and allow my lips to reach hers.
I'm the author of my own life. Unfortunately I'm writing in pen. Mistakes I make can not be erased, the only option is to turn the page and start a new chapter. <3

I'm single because God is busy writing the best love story.
<3 VuzzyCat

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Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:31 am
icebender28 says...


My jaw dropped as Kyler fell. He was dead before he hit the ground.
"No." I whisper. I run over, but stop half way, to afraid to check his pulse. Another arrow flies towards my face, and I swipe it away easily.
The voice laughed, but I don't care.
No, this can't be happening. Not Kyler. Not the one person i was starting to care about. I think. An orc comes running towards me. I see it running, and suddenly all the anger, all the frustration, all the hate for others and myself, all the worries, and the voice, come out of me at once.
But there was no way i was letting the Voice take away my revenge.
I rushed forward, slicing the orc who had killed kyler in half. Another one comes and I the duel sword in my right hand into it's chest and jab another trying to sneak up from behind. Blood squirted around me, filling the air with it's stench.
I love it.
I scxream as another one too stupid to realize my mad rage runs forward, and is soon drowning in his own blood. another orc runs past me, heading towards poor Rosalie, who can hardly fight.
"No!" I shout. The orc hesitates, and i throw a knife at it. It falls, dead.
There was no way any fearie, animal, or living thing was going to hurt these people.
My friends.

(Whoohoo! I'm so glad we're getting back into the rythem! Tell me if it's not okay! :D )
Life is to be lived, not survived.

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Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:45 am
Shadowlight says...


I turned as I heard Rosalie and Aritha scream, and I saw Kylar fall. I knew even before he hit the ground he was dead.

"Hell no!" I shout and dive for him swinging my twin blades in an arch that mows down orcs in a wide swath.

Rosalie is kneeling next to him trying to heal him, I grab her arm.

"He's gone Rosalie! he's gone!" I shout then shove her out of the way of a huge orc. I can still sense Kylars soul hovering around, he's drawn to a reaper and the only reaper here is me.

The orcs are coming faster now, Aritha is fighting desperately and Rosalie has been cornered. Hector is slashing orcs right to left , Felicia and Alekan I can't see. An orc buries his dagger into my shoulder and I saw red- there was no way in hell I would let them hurt my friends while I could prevent it.

I toss my weapons away and my cloak and hold out both my hands. this is a risky technique for me (a not pure blood reaper to use) but it would save everyone from the orcs. I shout out the ancient words that my mother taught me and immediately I felt my body denigrate.

This magic is the strongest I possessed, it will kill all those I perceived as my enemies but in return for it, my physical body dies. If the One who rules the house of the dead wills it I can come back, but he may not. I close my eyes and wait.

When I open them again I could see Kylar standing right next to me, I look up and see the huge gate that I know so well.

"Itaeo, are these the gate to the-" he trails off, I smile and nod.

"Yes, these are the gates to the netherworld, Emma's there, and Hunter- everyone you've lost." he looks at me, peace written all over his face.

"I already saw Emma, she was waiting when I got here." I started, it was unusual for souls to wait for others but not unheard of. It meant that they were true soul-mates, life and death could not keep them apart. I smiled broader.

"Well come on. there is time even here my friend and you don't want to miss a moment of eternity."

As the huge gates slowly swung open and we walked thought, I could hear the singing voices and I felt the peace of that place wash over me.

As the gate closed behind us I thought I heard a voice.

Welcome home.

I didn't know if it was for me or for Kylar but somehow I didn't care...

(Alright Bye everyone! have a wonderful time writing!)
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:21 am
Noelle says...


"No!" I cried out. The group was falling apart right before my very eyes.

I was off fighting an orc when I saw Kyler. Dead. Death. Those were the only words I could describe it with. It was horrible. Aritha seemed to come alive just then, though. She went on a rampage killing every orc in her path. I barely had time to marvel at her bravery as another orc approached me. Turning around, I took out my blade and ran it through the orc. More came towards me, but I killed them all the same.

In some weird twisted way, it felt good to kill the orcs. It made me feel strong and feel like I was in complete control. I knew the mirror's curse would most likely be strongest when I used my magic, but as I lit my blade on fire, I felt no different. As another slew of orcs died at my hand, I heard another cry.

Tearing my focus away from the orcs for a second, I watch as Itaeo throws away his weapons.

What is he doing? I wonder, and then I see. Henry is lieing on the ground, dead. Itaeo has blood pouring out of his shoulder. He muttered an ancient chant and then he disappeared. It took me a while to realize what he did, but once the orcs disppeared as well, I knew what he had done.

"Itaeo's gone, he's sacrificed himself." I said aloud, not wanting to believe it.

(I hope this is okay!)
Noelle is the name, reviewing and writing cliffhangers is the game.

Writer of fantasy, action/adventure, and magic. Huzzah!

* * *

"I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done." -- Steven Wright

YWS is life

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Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:49 pm
W0lfbane says...

The general saw alot of corpses below... he hardly believed to have lost so many and yet their men had still no signs of capturing that big ugly brute.

"Jerry! Report! Tell me the numbers we have lost!"

Jerry looked down at his list...

"Well there's company Jake 57- 13 left, company Bone: 32 - 4 left and company Brain 27 1 left... but we still have a couple hundred to the south we had yet to bring in: we thought it would had been a done deal by now!"

Just then another Orc's head flew at them and hit the tree beside him.

"Well that's the last of company Brain... should we send in our witch doctors?"

"Witch doctors? The catapult was pushing it but now witch doctors? They are supposed to only heal the sick and wounded!"

"Re-animation of corpses is what we need right now Kalin, the battle is fierce and we can't just keep sending in men to lose their lives: they have families!"

The general looked at the situation grimly - how can so few take out all my men like that?

"Alright, but we're going to have to get more troops here NOW! Get company Grim, Tooth and Soul out here - if they wish the grass to be stained with blood - then let them feel pain and despair as with tear through their pitiful defence!"

Another rock - this time it hurls towards an Orc, screaming in fear as the boulder leads him off a cliff.

"Company bone 32, 3 le-"

"Get going already!"

The general pushes Jerry aside and in turn the orc runs off to call forth more warriors. An Orc manning the catapult shrugs as he prepares another rock.

"Dumb Gerald - always getting in the way of my shots... not anymore!"
Last edited by W0lfbane on Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cowards use swords, writers use pencils.

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A Wiser? Yiser? Whysir? How on earth do you pronounce that? Y W S er? Can't I just follow a society member? =S

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Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:55 pm
Demoness says...

Hii, I really liked this storybook and I like my character and all, it's just that I'm caught up in too much and school just started so unfortuantly I'm gonna be too busy to stay. Good Luck anyhows!
"Some say the world will end in fire;
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice." - Robert Frost

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Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:46 pm
icebender28 says...

Alright! Bye Demoness!


Iteao disappeared and i knew instantly what had happened, though it felt like forever.
i scream again and slash. Two more down. There was only fifteen or so left, and they were killed easily. I smiled and stood proud. We had done it. Defeaten an entire orc-
"mangy, lousy, stupid..." i mumbled. out on the horizon more orcs marched towards us.
"That can't be good." Rosalie said behind me. I turned and looked at her, and her eyes grew wide. "Aritha! You're hurt!"
I look down. There's a few cuts and bruises. I had been fighting so hard I hadn't noticed.
"Here, let me heal you before they-"
i wiped her hand away. "I'm okay. You can do it later." She gave me a look, but I turned around and focused on the oncoming orcs.
More fun for me.

Life is to be lived, not survived.

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Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:18 pm
gleek456 says...

Rosalie Levia

I couldn't believe it. My two friends... dead. It's just like the little boy from the Springs, except I see Kyler and Itaeo instead. I can't stand it, I can't believe it, I can't... I finally lose it. I begin crying and screaming as I watched the Orcs surround us, now that we have a smaller group.

I notice Aritha's cuts and bruises and offer to help.

"I'm okay, you can it later," she answered. I just nodded and backed away, feeling weak and powerless. I watched as Aritha started to defend herself from the wretched Orcs. Felicia was defending herself too, but she looked so down. I turn around to see an Orc attack me. I yelp and duck when he swung at me.

I start to get angry. These Orcs killed my friends, I can't just be the defenseless and weak me anymore. I close my eyes quickly and start singing. It's been a long time since I've done this. The soft melody was flowing into the Orc's ear, causing him to fall asleep. That's one Orc down, more to go.

(Hope this is okay! Aw! Itaeo and kyler gone!)

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:03 pm
W0lfbane says...

I'm going to wait for someone else to post... I'm unsure what the others are doing at the moment.
Cowards use swords, writers use pencils.

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A Wiser? Yiser? Whysir? How on earth do you pronounce that? Y W S er? Can't I just follow a society member? =S

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:19 pm
jessig833 says...


Colista watched as the battle came to an end. Two memebers of the group where dead.What should she do? she walked from behind the bushs.The water nymph turn to her. "Who are you she ask?" she asked.

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:26 pm
icebender28 says...


I kill the last orc. It squirms under my sword, but then lays still. A small smile trickles onto my face, and the Voice laughs.
"Who are you?" I hear Rosalie ask. I turn to see a girl, a tree nymph, it looks like. Before she can answer I walk over, holding my sword out towards her. She looks at me in fear.
"She said, who are you." I hissed, just loud enough for her to hear.
"Aritha." Rosalie says, nudging me. I ignore her and stare the tree nymph, awaiting an answer.

( :D Tell me if i need to change something! )
Life is to be lived, not survived.

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:05 pm
jessig833 says...


"Im colista." she said. She couldnt hide the fear in her voice.Looking from the water nymph to the girl with the sword. "Im Colista" she said this this time more sure of herself. "

Who are you and why are these things after you?" It was her turn to get some answers.The other nymph was the one to answer."Im Rosalie and this is Aritha. We dont know way they are after use..." But we will find out!" The one name d aritha said stopping rosalie mid sentece.

“Christmas won’t be Christmas without any presents!”
— Little Women