
Young Writers Society

Lincoln Wood Private College Prep

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Tue Jul 21, 2015 2:57 am
Ciblio says...


Spoiler! :
here's a post (finally)

I had 4 missed calls from Dad. After I'd left the restaurant, I came back to the hotel to cry my eyes out and stuff my face. Someone had made a comment about how long I'd been gone, and I freaked out. They were judgmental assholes and I wanted to go home. I missed my bed. I missed my school. I just missed everything. Paris was amazing. Beautiful. But it wasn't home. At least, not for me.

A soft knock sounded from my door, and I was afraid it was dad. After attempting to wipe my eyes, I slid out of bed and peeped through the small hole in the door. Guy. Gorgeous guy. The guy. From earlier. Oh, God, I couldn't answer it. I couldn't. But I had to. I could smell the damn food through the door.

In a quick attempt to fix my hair, I allow the door to creak open, and continue to wipe at my eyes until he finally comes into view.

Something- I don't know. Something felt different as I stared at this boy. He continued to stare at me, as well, his chocolate eyes bright in the lighting.

"Merci," I mumble, as I step aside for the boy to come in. Was he a bell boy? Or just the delivery boy? Maybe he was a cook? If that were the case, then he was definitely perfect.

"Hello," The guy greets, and I'm genuinely shocked. He spoke English? I didn't except that.

I couldn't find my words. I was- still- in shock that this was the boy I'd run into at the restaurant. What're the odds? I manage to pull myself together enough to say, "Hi. You're the guy I ran into..."

The boy nods, his brown hair framing his perfect features. After staring for a couple seconds too long, I sputter an apology, and catch a glimpse of his smile. Jesus Christ, that smile. I could stare at him all day.

"I'm Adrian," He- now known as Adrian- says after a minute of silence, his heavy accent spilling through his words. I bite my tongue, and try to hold myself back. I could listen to him all day.

Adrian sets the platter in his hands down, and offers his- now- free hand out to me. A formal greeting. I shake his hand, and take notice of the feeling I'd had when we touched hands at the restaurant. After releasing, I couldn't help but notice his eyes searching me. It was a quick look, of course, but I felt self conscious after it. What was I wearing? Shorts and a tank top. How was my hair? In a messy bun I didn't care to fix. Make up? All gone. I probably looked horrible. I wanted to apologize again, but I wasn't sure why. Sorry for me lacking presentation? ...of myself? Ugh.

"Thank you, Adrian," I manage after a couple of seconds, "I'm Jessie Gates."

"Jessie, what a wonderful name," Adrian smiles again, and offers a motion towards the platter.

The smell radiating off of the platter was nonetheless wondrous. I could feel myself drooling, and also my cheeks heating up as I wiped the drool off quickly. Way to go, Jess. Let the gorgeous boy in front of you know that you're a slob. That'll win him over. Definitely.

"I made a gourmet seasoned chicken breast with a light salad and a creamy souffle to go with it. It was something that I...had made, before I the girl that frequents the front desk called and told me there was a girl that was requesting food," Adrian explains, and I absorb every word. I wish he hadn't stopped talking. Is that weird? "I hope you enjoy it, Jessie. And I hope you enjoy your stay here, too."

He was about to leave- shit. No! His presence made me forget my problems. I wanted him to stay.

"A-ah, do you...um..." I pause, and look away from him, "Do you think maybe you could-"

"Yes?" I glance at him, as he raises an eyebrow. "Is something wrong, Ms. Gates?"

I shake my head, and laugh as I scratch my neck nervously, "N-nothing. Nevermind. Thank you very much for the food, Adrian. It was...great seeing your smi- your...um...you. It was great seeing you."

Before the boy could respond in any way, my stomach feels as if it were trying to burst open. I lean forward and let out an unattractive 'oof'.

Adrian catches my arms and pulls me back up, instinctively asking if I was okay. I want to shake my head, laugh at the irony of that question, but I nod once. I nod, as if I weren't going through hell right now. I nod and act as if I were a normal 18-year-old girl. One who wasn't 4 months pregnant with the most awful guys child. And I feel the tears come. That nod was a joke.

I feel him steering me over to the bed, and guiding my body onto it as uncontrollable sobs came out of my mouth. "Everything around me is crumbling."

As soon as my cries cease, I find myself wiping at my still-teary eyes, and rubbing my stomach. Hunched over, as I was, I could see the faint strech-marks appearing on my thighs, and I knew that, under my shirt, lay more marks from where my body was expanding.

Adrian waited. And waited. So patiently, so quietly, until he said, "Why is everything crumbling?"

Once I looked into that boys eyes, I wanted to tell him everything. Every single thing that has ever happened to me. Everything. But, I stuck with my current situation.

"I went to this party, where...where I got drunk and thought I had lost my virginity to the guy I'd been in love with for over 8 years, whose...whose name is, let's say, Dean. So, Dean had never noticed me before. Or...he'd noticed me a couple of time, but never really noticed me. Only after I began to...grow did he take in a liking for me. Kind of. We hung out. Made out a couple of times. I don't know. But then...well, a couple months later, I went to another party. Where I got drunk. And...and watched R- er, Dean go off with another girl. I got angry. Left the party. Took off in my car. Got into a car accident where I fractured my neck and broke my arm, and a couple of other minor things. It was weird, because not long before that another girl had gotten into a car accident. Got paralyzed, poor girl-" Adrian's eyes shot to mine, as if he'd...I don't know. Anyways, I continued with, "So, anyways...I found out I was pregnant." He gives me another look after that, which I expected. "I...I thought it was Ru- shit, Dean's. Merci! Ah, pardon my language, please. Anyways, after he found out, he...well, he told me that it wasn't his. That it...it was another guys. A boy named...um, Matthew. Let's go with that. Now...Matthew wasn't a guy you'd want to be associated with. I mean, he's...careless. He parties too much. Doesn't care for a lot of things, other than himself. He made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with the baby. And, well...I wasn't taking that as an answer. I confronted him. Told him off, basically. But I...I don't understand. I had a lot going for me. I was being offered a scholarship at a Culinary school in California. I was going to open a restaurant after graduating. I...I don't know. Soon, I'm not going to be able to go to school. I'll have my baby. I won't be able to go to school as much. And I'll be taking care of this child with...a couple of loved ones. My father. A good friend of mine. A couple of others. But my baby won't have a dad if...if Matthew doesn't step up. If he doesn't...commit. Every kid deserves a dad. One that'll care for them. Love them. Discipline them when they do something they're not supposed to. Be their hero. I..."

"Just want someone to be there. You don't want your child to grow up like you did, right? One of your parents not there. Shaming you. Not loving you the way you needed to be loved," Adrian stops, and smiles. "I understand."

I smile back, and sit back on the bed, "You're not going to be one of those people who shame me for being a pregnant 18-year-old, are you?"

"No, of course not," Adrian sighs, and pushes his hair out of his face. "I would tell you that if this 'Matthew' doesn't realize what's right in front of him and step up in his child's life, then he's pathetic and you shouldn't let him. Don't rely on him to be a dad to this baby. Truthfully, it doesn't sound like he deserves to be in either of your lives. But, you do you. I'm not telling you how to live your life, or how to deal with the people in your life. But you shouldn't look at this as such a bad thing. Children can be miracles. Then again, I don't want to tell you how to deal with this."

I nod to that, and sigh, "Thank you, Adrian."

"You're welcome," Adrian smiles again, and I smile back. "I'm leaving soon, but would it be odd to possibly ask you for your number? I'd like to keep in touch."

A small flutter of hope sparked in my chest, and I nod, before scribbling down digits on a sheet of paper and folding it up, then handing the paper to him, "I...it really was great seeing you. And meeting you. Thank you, again. For the food. And the talk. And just...everything. I hope we do keep in touch."

"As do I," Adrian breathes in, then exhales. "I wish you good luck, Jessie Gates."

And with that, he disappeared down the hallway, and into the elevator. I was now eager to watch Grey's Anatomy and eat chicken souffle.

Spoiler! :
I was slow with this post, but hopefully it got the right job done, @Gravity? Tell me if anything needs to be changed, all right?
'we have lingered in the chambers of the sea /
by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown /
till human voices wake us, and we drown'


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Fri Jul 24, 2015 8:01 pm
AlmondEyes says...


Spoiler! :
Ladies and gents! May I present to you Derek (it was the first name I could come up with so don't knock it) my new character! For those of you who were part of HH, if you would so kindly think back to Drake. Remember him? He'll be nothing compared to Derek :twisted: *takes a bow* Enjoy!!

"Hey," Tessa purred as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Let's go for a ride in your new BMW."

"Sorry," I shut her down, not in the mood." I've got practice."

Tessa's mouth tightened. She didn't like not getting what she wanted, which is why she always found other ways to get it, including fucking almost every guy in school for favors. Even a few of the teachers. I'm not gonna lie. She is pretty hot. Nice round tits and a round ass that any guy would drool over. Long legs and blonde. Who wouldn't go for that? She was fun for a little while, but after a while, you kind of just get tired of a venomous bitch like her. She sinks her claws and it's damn near impossible to get them out. She's mean, she's nasty, she likes to play dirty, and she doesn't like competition. Maybe I can't stand her anymore because she's so much like me. The thought almost makes me smirk.

She scoffs, tossing her platinum blonde (which isn't natural) hair over her shoulder. "Why? It's not like you really care."

True. I really didn't care, though I know I should since i'm the quarterback. I actually wasn't going to practice anyway. I just didn't want to deal with her bitchy attitude. Not that I would say that to her. She would have a bitch fit in front of everyone.

"I do today." And with that, I turn and walk off.

Since I don't care for school, I skip every class up until Gym. It's the only class I have any interest whatsoever in going to. As I walk into the locker room, I see Merrick is here, pulling on his UnderArmour shirt. That son of a bitch. Everyone seemed to love the guy. Why didn't they just fucking marry him? He was competition. I didn't like competition. The women around school panted over him like bitches in heat. I'd even seen Tessa looking at him, and that made my blood boil. All I wanted to do was smash his head into the floor and watch his blood stain it.

I shook my head. Why was I letting this clown get under my skin? He isn't even worth the hassle. Quickly getting dressed, I headed out to the gym to wait with everyone else. Coach was never late, and didn't like to waste time.

"Alright folks," he rubbed his hands together. "Shut up and listen. Today is football day."

Everyone whooped and hollered, and I smiled.

"But," he held up one hand. "It'll be joint. Both genders will be playing on both teams."

No one said anything.

"Keeping that in mind, guys don't play too rough, and ladies, don't kill anyone." He looked like he was trying to fight off laughing. "I've seen first hand what happen when you girls get angry, and that shit isn't pretty. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy."

They all smiled at him.

"With that being said, you all know the drill. Butts on the field with the equipment and double time it!" he blew his whistle and everyone was off.

The game was actually pretty fun, aside from jimmy getting the shit knocked out of him when he called one of the girls a bitch, which was hilarious. Coach dismissed us, and we all began heading back inside. On the way in, I caught sight of a particularly fine ass swaying a few feet in front of me.

Well hello there....

The ass was attached to a blonde head, but I knew it wasn't Tessa. She was taller. she turned her head to the side, and I recognized her instantly. Dafnie Leto. I'd heard about her from some of the other guys in the locker. They said she was an easy score. Put a little alcohol in her, and she was good to go. I smirked. They also said she was a good lay. The only way to know for sure was to try her out for myself. She was pretty fine herself. I couldn't wiat.


Class was over. I decided to skip for the day, since I didn't really feel like sitting in class. I hated school. The only good thing about this place was the access to the easy girls that went here. Including Dafnie. As if being summoned, she turned down the hall and was heading in the opposite direction. Now was the time to strike.

"Hey, Dafnie." I followed after her.

She turned to see me coming up to her and stopped. "Do I know you?"

The smile I had fell from my face slightly. Everyone in this school should know me.

"It's Derek." I say. "I just wanted to come over and see if you wanted to get together sometime."

"Uh, sorry." she shook her head. "Not interested."

She turned to leave. My jaw tightened. Who the fuck did she think she was to say no to me?

I grabbed her arm. "Really? Is it alcohol you want, because I can get some."

She tried to pull away, but I wouldn't let go. "Excuse me?"

"I heard the guys in the locker room talking about you. They said you were easy ass. All you needed was a little alcohol and you were good to go." I sneered at her.

She slapped me so hard across my face that I let her arm go. "Screw you asshole!"

"You stupid bitch!" I slammed against the locker. "You're gonna pay for that."

"Get off me!" she yelled.

Before I could say anything, someone shoved me so hard that I fell flat on my ass.

"She said get off." came a familiar voice.

Now I was really pissed off as I stood up. There was someone else here. Another girl.

"Are you ok Dafnie?" I heard her voice but couldn't see her.

Not that it mattered.

"Merrick to the rescue, right? How sweet." I spit."What are you gonna do if I don't?"

"Do you really wanna find out?" Merrick challenged.

He could go fuck himself. "Whatever man. I don't need this."

I turn and walk off, but as I do, I see the other girl. Long dark hair, tanned skin. Taller than Dafnie. I can't see much else, but what I do see, I like. Dafnie could fuck herself. She wasn't worth if she was was really that easy. Kind of like Tessa. Shaking it off, I got my ass out of there.

Spoiler! :
@Nike, I hope you like it!! I'm gonna be doing a post for Throne right after this happens though, not right now since I have to go to work xD Hope you guys enjoyed!!
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:22 am
Gravity says...


There was something so different about us. He'd seen everything. Literally everything. And even though I'd been scared and had never done anything like that, he was very accepting. Thoughts of him ran through my mind as I helped Adrian get enrolled in school.

I kept thinking of his hands rubbing my skin, the muscle of his chest and his abs. And his... well... that. I hated to be away from him during the school day. I knew it wasn't good for us to be together constantly but still, I was pretty attached.

Adrian and I walked out of the office into the hallways.

"Listen Cole," we stopped.

"Yes?" I turned to look my cousin in the eye.

"I cleaned up your sheets the night before we left and..." He trailed off awkwardly.


"I know you and Rupert had sex." He was blunt about it, not shy like me. Like he usually was. I felt a rush of heat in my cheeks, my eyes turned to the floor.

"Sorry, Adrian. We just..."

"No. I talked to a girl at the hotel who was not much older than you and pregnant. She'll be just fine and I bet would make a wonderful mother but not you. Not yet. I can take you to the doctor for birth control if you want."

"Adrian!" I looked around, making sure no one could hear our conversation.

"My host mother offered, it's fine. We were safe," I whispered, "Can we just not talk about this right now?" Adrian nodded at me and I pointed to a classroom.

"I have to get going, you have cooking first class. Lucky you. Love you," Adrian leaned in to kiss me on both cheeks but I stopped him, "Not here." I said. Adrian nodded as I walked off, anxiously waiting for French class when I could see Rupert.
And the heart is hard to translate
It has a language of its own
It talks in tongues and quiet sighs,
And prayers and proclamations

-Florence + The Machine (All This and Heaven Too)

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Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:27 am
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Gravity says...


My first class was fine but when I left, I saw people gathering around a locker door.

It was spray painted in red, the words read knocked up whore.

"Who did this?" I asked, remembering Jessie from the hotel room.

"Didn't you know?" asked one girl, "Jessie Gates is coming back to town today. Looks like somebody isn't too happy about that."

"Jessie Gates?" I asked, my heart rising in my throat.

"Yeah, Jessie Gates," she said, holding up her phone with an instagram page pulled up.

It was her, Jessie Gates. The same girl. The beautiful girl with the confused heart.

"Out of my way," I said, elbowing my way through the crowd. "Show some respect." I stood in front of the locker until the crowd left, trying to rub at the spray paint with my shirt. I stood there until the bell rang, not sure what to make of it.

"It's a small world," I muttered, hurrying off to my next class.
And the heart is hard to translate
It has a language of its own
It talks in tongues and quiet sighs,
And prayers and proclamations

-Florence + The Machine (All This and Heaven Too)

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Sat Jul 25, 2015 7:06 am
NicoleBri says...


It's been a few days since I had talked to Isabelle. I had took this time to go on a few random dates. About a month ago I had signed up for Match.com and tonight was my third date.

His name was Ramone, he was 20 years old and looking for a steady relationship. At least that's what his profile had said. The other two guys I had gone on a date with, there wasn't any chemistry, we ended up to become text buddies though.

Looking into my bathroom mirror I put some lip gloss over my pink lip stick, I want to be the "kissable" girl. The one that's hard to get, the one people want to try and get to know. I was tired of being the "simple and easy" type. It was definitely time for me to start looking for Mr right.

I slid on a comfy pair of jeans and a strapless pink shirt. It was one of my favorites.

"I'm going out, mom." I yelled towards the kitchen as I grabbed my clutch and keys.


I got to the steakhouse at about seven thirty. Ramone hadn't showed up yet. Sighing, I went ahead and reserved a table and texted him to let him know I was here.

No reply.

I sat at the table and waited. I ordered my drink and just sat. An hour had passes and I was definitely stood up.

"Are you okay ma'am?" A taller guy had asked. I blushed a little, I felt like I looked desperate or crazy. I nodded.

"I'm fine. I guess I was stood up." I replied.

Smiling, with what dignity I had left, I got up and walked out. I was so done with men.

Isabelle was at Jessie's house so I decided to swoop by. When I pulled up there were lights on so I assumed she was still up.

I knocked.

"Coming." I heard Isabelle yell. She was smiling when she opened the door.

"Oh, April. How are you?" She asked, a little surprised I showed up I guess.

"I got stood up.. can I come in?" I asked.

Isabelle guarded the door so I couldn't see in.

"Who is it?" A male voice came from behind. He stood behind her with no shirt on, Paul.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll go." I told her.

Isabelle looked concerned and decided to let me come in. She and Paul kissed and he left out the door.


"What's going on?" I asked her. She knew what I was talking about.

"Love.. lust.. depression," she replied.

"I wanna be with him, we were talking outside and I ended up asking him if he wanted to come in, then one thing led to another. He makes me feel amazing." She finished.

I instantly wanted what she had. Pure bliss.

Spoiler! :
@Nike lol :) so your next post with Paul can be from this :) I think it will be great.
Last edited by NicoleBri on Sat Jul 25, 2015 7:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Sat Jul 25, 2015 7:21 am
NicoleBri says...


Spoiler! :
I see it is backwards, I thought I had already made a post for izz but obviously not, haha. So this one is before the April post. @Nike

His sweet words made my heart melt. It made me realize how much I truly loved him. I smiled. He took my hand in his and I gladly took his.

"Paul, I love you. I don't know if we can be a couple or not.. but I love you more than anything. I've never wanted to be with someone so much in my life." I told him.

A smile appeared on his face. It was beautiful.

"It's getting late. Do you want to go in for a little bit?" I asked him. He had to think about it but I'm so glad he didn't reject my offer.

I took his hand and led him through Jessie's amazingly huge house and up to the guest room where I sleep.

"So you're staying with Jessie now?" He asked.

I was completely happy that Jessie and I mended our friendship. I couldn't be happier that she was having a baby. I smiled to myself.

"Yep. It's a long story." I said with a laugh. It was just way to much to explain.

We sat on my bed and I instantly felt awkward, my sex drive was going crazy.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a smile. It was so hot in the room.

I got up and went into the hall, they had central air so I turned it on even cooler than it was.

"It's just hot." I said.

I bit my lip and sat even closer than I was before. I couldn't do this anymore,

I jumped on top of him and kissed him, kissing him. I waited for this so long.

"I want you." I told him.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Wed Aug 05, 2015 4:08 am
Gravity says...

After taking Adrian to his first class... My first day back was different.

I'd worn a fitted purple dress that showed off my curves and flats, but that's not why people stared. I was on my crutches, the paralyzed girl walking on crutches. Daf and Thorne walked me back and forth between my classes and I was happy to have them there. I'd missed my friends.

During P.E I went to the sports medicine teacher and he ran me through my physical therapy exercises. I technically needed 4 PE credits to graduate and apparently this was how I would do it.

Rupert and I texted throughout the day. Mainly making fun of all the gawkers staring at me. We met up between classes and he kissed me by my locker, that's another reason people stared. I don't think anyone was expecting Rupert, the school bad boy, to get involved with a girl. To be a part of one of those vomit inducing couples in the hall.

Finally, towards the end of the day, Rupert and I were walking towards his car. He was going to take me home and do homework with me. I stopped him.

"Hey, did you hear about prom coming up?" I asked, touching his arm.

"Yeah, people were talking about it right when I left, why?"

I pointed to the sign. "I mean... Should we go?"

"I know in France they don't have prom," he said, "but here it's up to me to ask you." we continued down the hall as we laughed and talked before he drove me home.

When Rupert and I got to my house, my host parents were gone. As per usual.

We settled down on the couch, spreading out our books. I'd been exempt from all my work because of the surgery but Rupert wasnt and the time was spent mostly me helping him catch up in French.

I'd kicked off my shoes and pushed the books to the floor for a break. Rupert's hand was on my thigh and he kissed my cheek.

"So how was your day?" he asked as I leaned into him.

"You should know, we were texting the whole time." I giggled. I actully giggled. He pulled me closer, pressing his lips to mine.

I pulled away, "we're suppsed to be doing homework," I said teasingly.

"What is this 'homework' you speak of?" he said mockingly, kissing me until I was out breath.

"I dont know," I said, "And I really don't care." He pulled me onto his lap and kissed me fiercely, his hands on my hips as I ran my fingers through his hair. He'd pulled my dress up so I could feel his arousal through my panties.

"Shit," I swore. He seemed taken aback by my language.

"What, what's wrong?"

"Period..." I muttered. He sighed.

"It's okay, baby, it's fine." he kissed my nose.

"We can stop, okay?" he said, his brow furrowing. I bit my lip before shaking my head.

"Stand up," I said. He looked puzzled but did I asked.

I knelt, my hands moving to the button on his jeans.

"We don't have to stop just yet," I said, just before his pants hit the floor.

Spoiler! :
@Nike, hope you liked the post. If you hate it, I can change it.
And the heart is hard to translate
It has a language of its own
It talks in tongues and quiet sighs,
And prayers and proclamations

-Florence + The Machine (All This and Heaven Too)

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Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:34 am
Ciblio says...


Spoiler! :
FINALLY POSTING YAYYYY! Hope you guys like the post~

As soon as Dad opened the front door, squealing was all I heard before I saw Isabelle rushing towards me and throwing her arms out.

"JESSIE OHMYGOD I'VE MISSED YOU," She screeched in my ear, though her voice was slightly muffled by my cardigan. "AHHHH!"

"Hey! Kind of crushing me, but I've missed you, too!" I laugh, and wait until she releases me to grin at her. "How's everything? Did things go okay here?"

"Yeah! Cole and Rupert's back, too! And she brought her hot-um, her cousin with her, too!" Isabelle cringes as the word 'hot' comes out of her mouth. "Anyways, how was the flight?"

"It crashed and burned, everyone died," I sigh, and blink before cracking another smile. "It was great. Flying coach never ceases to amaze me. The attendants are always so kind."

"Yeah, I bet! Anyways," Isabelle grins and bounces in place. "I'm just really happy you guys are back."

Dad kisses her on the top of her head, and sets his things down on a nearby inn table, "I know we literally just got back, but I need to go pick up some things. I'll grab some dinner on the way back, too. What do you guys want?"

"Chinese, please? I was munching on cracks the whole time we were on the plane because my stomach was killing me," I shrug, and tighten my pony tail. "Or, well, is that okay, Bell? Chinese?"

"Yeah, totally!" She laughs, and shoves her hands in her sweats pockets. "Thank you!"

"See you girls in a bit," Dad chuckles, before going back out the door and shutting it behind him.

"So, wanna tell me why you're ACTUALLY so bubbly?" I raise my eyebrows, and begin stripping off my pea coat, then kicking off my flats. "Because I know it's not JUST about us being home."

"I-" Isabelle shrugs, and grins. I plop down on the couch, and watch her throw herself down next to me. "Can't I be happy without much of a reason?"

"No," I shake my head. "No you cannot. So, I'm going to take a wild guess and say that, hm, you and Paul happened again?"

"Wha-no! Pft, I don't know where you got that idea," Isabelle glances to the side, and tugs at the end of her hair.

"Let's see, there's keys on the coffee table that aren't yours," I pause, and smirk at her, "And I spy, with my little eyes, a hoodie that's too big for you, laying on the couch over there."

Isabelle snaps her head towards the coffee table and other couch, and her face flushes, "Okay, okay. I give up."

"Details, my friend! Give me them or I will castrate you," I offer an innocent smile and lean towards her.


"So," I swallow the bite of orange chicken, and avert my eyes from the TV, which had Big Daddy, an Adam Sandler movie, playing, "You're telling me that they were in France? Paris, France? Are you sure?"

"Um, yes," Isabelle nods, and shakes her head. "What part of 'They just flew in from France yesterday' do you not understand?"

I scoff, and laugh, "Okay, god. And you're sure you don't remember her cousins name?"

"Yes! Goodness gracious, child," Isabelle fidgets with her chopsticks, and glances at me, "So when's your next appointment?"

"Ultrasound appointment?" I shrug, and look at my protruding stomach. "Soon, I know that. I'll have to call my doctor tomorrow. Figure it out."

"Well, are you going to go to school tomorrow? I'm tired of being a loner," Isabelle frowns, then looks back up at the TV. "Seriously. I think one of the one people I've actually talked to frequently this week was Paul."

"You did more than talk to him, sweetie," I grin wickedly, and bump my shoulder with hers. "But yes, I'm probably going to go. If I can get fully unpacked tonight, that is."

After her face turned not-so-tomato-like, she nodded and continued to fidget with her chopsticks.


Once I dug through my whole closet, I finally found the perfect outfit. It consisted of American Eagle cutoff shorts, a rose-printed sweater (even though it was warm out), gray vans, light tan sunglasses, and a teal handbag, plus a few pieces of jewelry. The outfit wasn't much, I knew that. It wasn't classy. It was cool. Cute. Me. My belly bulged out, so it was very noticeable, but I liked that the most. I wasn't embarrassed to be pregnant. Fuck, I was embarrassed that people thought I was embarrassed to be pregnant.

I applied my lipstick, pinned my hair back, and made sure I had everything before I walked downstairs, and was given the sight of Paul and Isabelle in the kitchen, eating each others faces.

"Yeah, well, I'm ready for school. Just tell me when you guys are done trying to devour each other?" I smirk, and grip the straps of my purse.

Isabelle pulled away, and wiped her mouth, "Roger that, soldier."

I roll my eyes, and turn away, "Gonna wait in Paul's car, because I assume that's who's taking us, since Dad has the car."

"WE'LL BE OUT SOON~" Isabelle calls, before I walk outside and shut the door behind me. It was nice out. Really nice. And I was glad to be home. I just couldn't wait to see what was going to happen today, since something was bound to go wrong.

Spoiler! :
SOOO yay for me :3
I really, really, really, hope this post is okay? @Nike and @NicoleBri, is it? Interaction okay? Just tell me if I need to fix anything. :D
and by groove I mean socially awkward conversation making
ANYWAYSSS, thank you for not thinking that I'm a total weirdo
didn't know where else to put the picture sO YOU'RE WELCOME
'we have lingered in the chambers of the sea /
by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown /
till human voices wake us, and we drown'


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Sat Aug 08, 2015 2:44 am
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Sunshine says...

It's been over a month! Ahh, I'm so sorry! I work at a girl scout camp and get very little time off, so I'm really sorry @Shiney. Here is this.


Jules, my best friend, is in a very loving relationship. A relationship I have envied and admired for awhile now and when Jules suggests me finding someone, I always say no. I always tell her I don't need anyone. I tell her that I'm happy living off her cute stories and staring at myself in the mirror in the hopes that one day I'll become confident enough to be happy in my body.

I don't need anyone. I don't. I swear.

I say yes to Collin anyway.

Because, despite it all, a girl can hope.


I still don't know what to wear. My sister, Hayah, is home from college and she leans in my door way.

"It's a movie theater, Adah. It'll be dark anyway."

"We're getting Dinner afterwards! Maybe. I don't know. I wasn't paying a lot of attention, and he was just saying words and I don't know."

Hayah purses her lips at me. Unlike our mother, she has chosen not to wear a hijab, but keeps her dress rather modest. She manages to keep with the fashion, and has a giant closet of clothes, layers and layers of them.

"I'll be back."

Hayah returns with a printed dress and leggings. She tells me to change into them, and I do without argument. Hayah has a steady girlfriend, which is enough to make me trust her date skills.

I put on the lipstick, and Hayah gives me the thumbs up. Those two thumbs in the air give me enough confidence to press forward.

"You look great, Adah. He won't even be watching the movie."

I don't know if I want that, but I don't say so to Hayah.

"You can do anything you want, you know." Hayah tells me from the door way. "You are strong and smart and can do anything."


"I promise."


This is an official date, and Collin picks me up. I get in the car, waving at my sister from the window before saying anything to Collin. I'm glad my mother was not home, for she would have wanted pictures. I'm not sure if Collin knows about my family, or even if I'm ready for him to.

"Is that your sister?" He asks.

"Yeah. Hayah."

"She looks a lot like you."

Even though this is a thing people always say about siblings, people also always say that Hayah is really pretty. That she's enigmatic and honest and an incredible adult. There was a lot of conflict when she came out as lesbian in my family, as many members already heard the wedding bells between Hayah and this cousin's best friend or neighbor or whatever. Thankfully, I'm not so heavily contested.

I don't say any of this to Collin. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

There's a moment of silence before I think about how little I know this boy. "Do you have any siblings?"

"Five. All adopted."

"Five? I can hardly handle Hayah!" He laughs, and that makes me feel good that I've said the right thing. "Tell me about them."

He gives me a sideways glance. " I don't know if I have anything interesting to say."

"It is a belief of mine that people always have at least one good story to tell."

That makes him smile. "Well, Harley and I are really close..."

He only gets half way through the story about Harley and Collin getting lost in the mall when we pull into the movies. I make him sit and finish it.

I'd almost rather hear stories all day, but Collin is clutching the movie tickets, so the two of us get out of the car.

Collin buys popcorn, and we sneak into the theater. The movie is just starting, which means that we missed all the commercials.

The movie isn't very good, but the popcorn is. I treasure the taste of it, but also the little instances when Collin's hand brushes mine. When the popcorn is gone I lay my hand on the edge of my leg and wait for him to grab it. I remember, after a few minutes, that I am a modern woman, and grab his instead. He doesn't protest.


We wander back out into the dimming day still holding hands. Neither of us are willing to talk about it, but neither of us want to let go.

"Did you like the movie?" Collin asks.

"It was okay." I answer honestly.

"Yeah, not as good as I was hoping."

We still don't talk about the hands.

"Do you want to go eat?"

I look at the restaurants around the way, and the only thing that catches my eye is an ice cream place.

"We could be adults and eat dinner..."


"Be children with money and buy ice cream."

"Ice cream."

"I knew there was a reason I liked you." I say before realizing how embarrassing this comment was and motioning for him to cross the street.

We get cones, cookie dough and mint chocolate chip respectively. We sit outside the quaint shop liking them in content silence.

A bit of ice cream drips down his chin.

Before I know what I'm doing, I'm reaching across to dab it.

His face feels nice.

I'm touching his face with my fingers. (And my napkin. Is that weird? I think that's weird. Crap.)

He's touching my face.

Why are we touching each others faces? Like, what?

His lips look nice.

How is that even a thing?

It's the chocolate, right?

I think I want to kiss him.

I definitely want to kiss him.

We're leaning across the table.

He's really cute.

He tells good stories.

He dresses well.

He likes thrift shopping.

This kissing thing is going to happen.

I press my lips to his.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:14 am
Nike says...

“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Thu Aug 13, 2015 7:23 pm
Nike says...

Rupert Jean Franz
Spoiler! :

Once she bent down and undid my jeans, I knew where she was headed. I'm sure it would be her first time. But, just watching her start to pull off my boxers made me a bit uncomfortable. I loved this girl, and I won't lie, I did enjoy a blow job here and there, but I honestly didn't want her giving me one.

Nothing against her, it's just that, she's my girl. And I wanted her to feel good. Sucking me off wouldn't do her much.

"Cole," I said.

She looked up, a smile was dancing on her face. Her yes met mine and my heart raced. She always did this to me, she made me want her all over again.

"I love you," I added. "But, let's not do this."

Suddenly, the smile dropped and she pushed herself up off the ground, her eyes still on mine.

"Why not?" she asked.

"I... I don't know if I want you to... you know." God, I couldn't phrase anything. My breath got caught in my throat when her smile grew back, she gave me this terrible look of pity.

"Baby, I want to."

And those four words convinced me otherwise.


"So, you're telling me that Deadpool would definitely kill The Joker." Philip asked.

"Yes, for the last time." I sighed.

We were at my house. It was a Saturday and Philip was supposed to take me to this party later. He claims that 'All The Cool Kids Were Going'. Whatever. I had more things to worry about.

I had to find a cute way to ask Colette to the prom. Doing it before she gave me a blowjob wasn't really convincing I guess.

"Whatever man," he huffed under his breath.

He passed me the Xbox controller and I focused on the TV, watching my character, an army guy, hide behind a wall. I hit a few buttons and he was running with his gun ready for defense.

"So, you going to prom?" I asked.

"Dude, yeah I am! and guess with who!" he was more ecstatic about it than I would imagine.

I gave him a side glance and went back to my game. "I don't feel like using my brain at the moment."

He huffed again. "Remember Kathy?"

I swallowed hard and paused the game, giving him my full attention. His eyes were wide with excitement and I really didn't feel like cooperating with it.

"Don't tell me," I said slowly. "It's not Kathy,"

"Dude, yeah, it is."

"Come on man," I shook my head.

My heart was racing and I felt like I wasn't really present. I got off the couch and paced a bit from the couch, to the TV, and back.

"You guys dated a year ago, you have to get over it man." Philip said with an exhausted tone.

"She dumped me for you, she broke my heart because she liked sex more than love." I started to rant. "You promised that nothing happen and that nothing would ever happen between you two. Why are you breaking your promise?"

"What are you, a fucking girl?" he laughed, standing up from the couch, making me stop in my tracks. "It's been a long time ago, you have a girlfriend that you love."

I shook my head, smiling, this had to be a joke.

"Dude, you don't just get over the first."

"Yeah you do, look at me. I'm fine,"

He slipped his hands in his pockets, giving me his full attention.

"She dumped me for my best friend man," I paused and he thought it was alright to interrupt.

"I know, I was there."

Rolling my eyes, I went on. "I didn't ever want to see her again because I never got over her, I just ignored her from my life. She thought that I wasn't good enough. She ripped my heart because she wanted to sleep with you. You're my best friend Phil, you promised me she's nothing to you and she wouldn't ever matter."

His eyes didn't even meet mine when he replied. "Yeah, but I thought you'd be over it by now."

"So, you thought you can go to her after a year?"

"Come on man, you need to stop. You have Colette. Aren't you happy?"

"Yes, I am, but that's not what I'm talking about."

"No," His eyes met mine and it was like we were frozen in our own bubble of anger. "You are telling me right now that you love Colette, but you don't want me seeing Kathy because you love her still."

"That's not what I'm saying," I huffed.

"You're a woman then!" He barked.

"Phil!" I yelled. "We made a fucking pact!"

"Jesus Rup, did you think that she wouldn't come back?" he paused. "Why can't you be over this?"

I didn't want to tell him that I know. I promised myself that I would forgive him because he was stupid and drunk and most likely high as well. I folded my arms over my chest and swallowed down all my fears.

"We made a pact because I know you slept with her when we were still together."

He froze, unable to bring words to his mouth.

"Dude," he blurted out.

"No, fine. Go out with Kathy, just know that I know you betrayed me."


Cole had her hair up in a bun today. It surprised me only because she only were her hair down around me. I could sense a new perfume lingering on her skin, something sweet with a hint of lily.

She was resting just next to me with her head on my chest. We had decided to watch Divergent tonight since I hadn't seen it and she begged me to watch it at least once.

"Hey Cole," I asked at a whisper.

I ran my hand through her hair, playing with it from nerves.

"Mhm?" she mumbled.

"Do you want to go to prom with me?"
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Sat Aug 15, 2015 9:54 pm
Gravity says...


I sat in my new apartment after my first day of school just staring at my phone.

I went to the same school as Jessie Gates, a girl I met halfway around the world. I girl I couldn't get out of my head, even after talking to her for a half hour.

Yet I barely had the courage to text her.

I opened up a new text message and typed in her name,

Hey Jess, you'll never guess what happened today.

Her answer came almost instantly, had she been waiting for a message, too?

What happened?

I sighed before typing:

I started a new school today and someone spray painted a pregnant girl's locker. When I asked, they said the girl's name was Jessie Gates. Coincidence?

I waited a few minutes, almost not daring to breathe.

Lincoln Wood College Prep?

I smiled, no way. This was too insane.

Yup, I heard there's a Starbucks in town, I'll buy you a drink? Decaf, of course.

I'll be there in 10.

I leapt off my sofa, beginning the walk to the plaza with the Starbucks. It wasn't far at all from my apartment and it was a sunny day with a nice breeze.

I saw her there, her baby bump beginning to show just a tad as she pulled up in front.

"Hey," she said, looking at the ground, her cheeks turning slightly pink.

"How come I didn't see you at school?" I asked.

"Oh you know," she said, "I think my flight came in a day after yours and I was still sleeping off the jet lag."

"Oh, well how have you been doing? You seemed pretty frazzled the night I met you."

"I've been okay, I guess," she said, "You?"

"I'm good, just getting settled in," I replied.

We walked in and I bought her a vanilla bean frapp, which didn't even have coffee in it. As we sat down she turned to me.

"So how come you moved here?" She asked, taking a sip of her drink. I wrapped my hands around my iced tea.

"My cousin just had surgery in France," I answered, "I'm here to help her with getting used to moving around and also because we used to be the best of friends and I miss her."

"What was wrong?" Jessie asked as she arched an eyebrow.

"She was paralyzed."

Jessie put her head in her hands before asking: "Colette?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I know her. She's dating the guy I'd wanted to be with for years." Jessie stared at the table and my heart sank. I new that Colette and Rupert getting together had been a sudden thing but I hadn't thought about the people they may have hurt in the process.

We finished our drinks and I walked her to her car.

"I'm really glad you invited me here today. I haven't had much to do and most people don't want to hang around the pregnant girl." She looked at me before easing herself carefully into the driver's seat.

"It's no problem. Do you have anyone to go home to?" I asked, suddenly worried about her.

"My friend Isabelle is there but she comes in and out. Plus my parents usually travel, they do business in the fashion world. That's why I was in Paris-"

"The fashion capital of the world," I finished for her. "Listen," I said, "I don't have any company right now either but I have plenty of food. I hope you don't think I'm being too forward but why don't you come back to my place and I can make you dinner again?"

She looked at me hesitantly.

"I promise I'm not going to take advantage of you. I just don't feel right sending you to a lonely house without dinner first." I said this hastily, afraid I would scare her off.

"Okay," she said. So I got in her car and directed her to my apartment.


When I let her in, she looked around. My apartment wasn't the best, it had an old carpet and the old fashioned pop corn ceiling and other outdated fixtures, but it was kept neat and was pretty spacious.

She stepped in and looked around, smiling. "This is much more cozy than my house," she said, "I like it."

"Make yourself at home," I said, "I'm just going to fix you a salad so you don't get too hungry when I'm cooking."

"Okay," she replied, "I can't have-"

I interrupted her. "You can't have fish or anything too acidic or oily or it may upset your stomach. Caffeine isn't a good idea and the smell of cooking beef will most likely make you sick."

"How did you know?"

I shrugged, "I have to make changes for pregnant women all the time in the restaurant. And I read up on it after I met you." I smiled, "That's not weird is it?"

She shook her head, "Uh, where's your bathroom?"

"I only have on since it's a one bedroom apartment and it's in my room. First door on the left, then another left once you get to my bed." She nodded and stepped in as I began to prepare the salad.

We had a nice meal, salad, fresh fruit and a stir fry I made with chicken and rice. Her stomach had gotten bigger than I originally thought, so she had a hard time moving around. She even let me feel the baby kick.

"I really don't like it when people grab at my stomach," she said, "It makes me feel weird." My hand was on her bare belly at that point and I took my hand away. "No, no," she said, "Not you, just family and some friends who touch without asking."

I felt the pressure against my hand and jumped, "Whoa," I breathed.

"You've never felt a baby kick, before?" She said.

I shook my head, feeling another kick on my palm.

"I think the baby likes you," She giggled. I smiled at her, not quite sure how to act. I was beginning to like her, especially after hearing about how much she loved to cook as well. But I still hadn't known her for very long.

"It's getting dark out," I said, "Want me to walk you to your car?" I finished clearing the dishes off the table and loading them into the dishwasher.

"Sure," she said. Once I had her car door open, she looked up at me and smiled, the setting sun making her blonde hair look fiery.

She stood on her tiptoes and pressed her lips against mine, but I gently pushed her away.

"I can't," I said hesitantly. A hurt expression flitted across her face, and after that she looked embarrassed.

"No," I said quickly, "I just got burned really bad and we don't know each other very well." I kissed her cheek, and I could tell she felt a little better.

"How far away do you live?" I asked,

"5 minutes, why?"

"Would you be willing to drive me to school tomorrow morning?" I asked, "I really don't want to take the bus again,"

"Sure, I'd love to," she said, before she got in her car and drove away.

Spoiler! :
And the heart is hard to translate
It has a language of its own
It talks in tongues and quiet sighs,
And prayers and proclamations

-Florence + The Machine (All This and Heaven Too)

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Sun Aug 16, 2015 5:25 pm
Nike says...

Paul Jenkins
Spoiler! :

Getting back with Isabelle was both the hardest and easiest thing to do. Hardest because she was so stubborn and I wouldn't blame her for it. Easy because we loved each other so much that it felt wrong to be apart so we had to be together.

And the fact that she had he body pressed against mine and her lips dancing with mine made it even more true that we were meant to be.

I had pulled her top off, my hands roamed around her back, tinging at the touch of her skin. Her chest was beating fast, faster than I could've imagined. It matched to mine. She had her hands at the back of my neck, pulling me closer, but I was already as close as I could get.

It was too hot, I couldn't handle it. The lust, the yearn, the want was eating at my insides, beigging for her, begging for more. I unclasped her bra, letting it fall between us. Her hands were roaming along the top of my jeans, making my skin burn at her touch.

She had managed to take my top off, tossing it God knows where. I couldn't catch my breath, all I could do was kiss her with all my power.

"Paul," she moaned.

I guess I was ready to go. She slipped off her pants, leaving just her in her panties. Her hands were at the clasp of my jeans before I could even protest.

Spoiler! :
I didn't add more because sexual content may be too much.

"You have to go Daf, it's prom." I said into the phone.

"I can go senior year like normal people do."

"Daf..." I sighed.

"That's just next year!"

I switched the phone to my other ear as I sat up in my bed. Looking out the window, I saw the sun slowly rising into the light blue sky. There were no clouds in sight, maybe today would be one of those rare days where you're happy the whole time.

"Two years babe, you're a Sophomore." I laughed.

"Whatever," I felt a strong tension from her even over the phone.

There was a pause and then she spoke up, breaking the heaviness on my shoulders.

"So how are you and Izzy?" her voice cracked at the name.

I shifted uncomfortably, looking over to my left. Isabelle was sleeping, her mouth slightly open. She looked happy, peaceful. I didn't bother wake her. It was around six on a Saturday, she needed the sleep.

"We are fine." I said softly.


"We had sex," I said instead.

"Wh...what?" Dafnie couldn't finish her thought.

She was silent for so long that I thought she hung up on me. I looked at the screen and discovered the call was still running.


"I, I gotta go." her words made my heart race.

The line went dead and I sighed internally. Dafnie, why?
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Sun Aug 16, 2015 5:49 pm
Nike says...

Philip Masterson
Spoiler! :

So, the whole school knew I had gotten Jessie pregnant. And this school was like very other terrible public school, rumors spread and they expand. Last I heard, I had proposed to Jessie but she told me 'No!' because our child was her love child with Rupert, not me.

Speaking of Rupert, he had something wrong with him. I had the option to date whom ever I wanted, because this is American, I'm an American and I am free to do all I want. Almost like The Purge, minus the law breaking. Which brings me back to why I mentioned him. Why, if he's so happy with French Bread, does he care if I date one of his ex's? She's hot, we fucked, it works. I've done it before. The whole, fucking his girlfriend bit.

Case in point, Jessie Gates.

But I fucked up because she's pregnant with our love child.


But, then again, I get it. I wasn't being the bestest friend. We've known each other since we were tots. And that's why he wouldn't give up on me. He would keep on giving me chances. Which is stupid because I keep doing it. I should stop. I should stop being attracted to the same girls as Rup. It's not fair to him But also they should stop being unfaithful to him, they can tell me no.


I really should stop. I value our friendship more than he thinks and I take it for granted. Blah, now I feel sick and immoral.

"Five minutes," I heard a distant voice come from in front of me.

Looking up, I see Merrick looking at me with a goofy smile on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"It's been five minutes of you just staring at your salad and ignoring me." he said. "What's going on?"

I shifted in my seat. The sound of lunch time started to drown my ears, people laughing, utensils clattering against plates.

"Ugh, I just realized what a terrible person I am." I admitted.

"How do you mean?" he rose an eyebrow in question.

"Well, I've been friends with Rupert since God knows, and I've been terrible. I've slept with three of his girlfriends slash hookups. I didn't even apologize. I didn't even think of how he'd feel... I got one of them pregnant." I whispered the last part as if it were a secret.

"Sadly everyone knows about that." Merrick sighed. "Dude, this is good. I mean... feeling terrible sucks, but it's good for you. You should change for the better. Rupert is your best friend, I bet it's time to start treating him like one."

I nodded, taking his words.

"This starts now, no screwing his girls, period." he paused. "Are you being for real about this?"

"Well, does everyone think I'm a terrible human being?"

"Yeah Phil, they actually do. They don't know you like Rup and I know you... but even to use you can turn like an asshole. It's your personality, you can't change that. But you can change your actions."

MY heart raced at his words and I swallowed hard. Merrick took a sip of his coke as he waited for me to respond.

"You're right, I think I'm about to lose Rupert... and I don't want that."
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:35 pm
Nike says...

Dafnie Serena Leto
Spoiler! :
OKAY Dafnie is a JUNIOR like the rest of y'all!! So if anyone put her as a Sophomore somewhere, change it please. Thank you. @AlmondEyes the post is edited.

Merrick came to my defense when this creep Derek hit on me like I'm some piece of meat. He actually protected me.

That escalated my crush to a whole other level.

Hawthorne was by my side the whole time, comforting me from the words Derek threw at me.

"Thank God for Merrick." Hawthorne whispered under her breath.

But the fat that Derek thought I was easy... that was disgusting. Yeah, I had a phase in Freshman year, but I've learned from my mistakes. I just hoped everyone else forgot that I was what I was. Guess they didn't.

"You're alright?" Merrick asked after Derek had left.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded. "Could be better," my heart raced and I couldn't meet his eyes.

Just his voice sent tingles down my spine. He ran his hand through his hair and looked at me, worry shaping his perfect jaw line. I felt Thorne's grip get tighter on my arm. Looking at her, I saw that she was facing the ground, not able to look up at Merrick.

"That guy is just a jerk, don't worry about it. You're a nice girl." he tried to reassure me.

"Thanks Merrick," I paused, now meeting his eyes. "Really... I don't have many people that would stand up for me like that."

"Of course you do Daf, you have people that care about you." he seemed flustered.

"I'm sure, maybe, but I always lose them. That's why I'm telling you now that I'm thankful, so you could remember something good about me."

I know I sounded weird, maybe even crazy, but it was the truth. I could barely hold my friendship with Cole and Thorne. I'm just not a people person. Trust me, I want to be friends with them, I love them, but life does this to me. It pushes people away. I'd want to be friends with them for forever. But, I don't think it's possible.

His green eyes had a hint of sadness lining them, not pity, but... sadness. I felt a blow at the bottom of my stomach, like someone punched me. Tears tried to fight passed my eyes, but I wouldn't let them fall. I could feel his emotions radiating off of him towards me, causing my heart to race in panic.

"Daffy... don't say that." Thorne protested, pulling away from me so I could look at her. "We love you."

"Dafnie, people care and people will stay with you. Just give them the chance because honestly, I think you deserve to have people stay with you. You're really great." I hung onto every word, as if it were a Twenty One Pilots song.

My lips tingled, wanting his, but I knew I couldn't do it. Hawthorne likes him and he likes her. I held it in, all my wants were nothing right now.

Folding my arms over my chest, I smiled up at him and then at Thorne. "You guys are too good."

"I hope you take what I said to heart." Merrick said.

"I did, I really did."

We just looked at each other, the tension grew stronger between Thorne and him, until his phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket, reading the screen.

"Uh, I gotta go, it's Phil."

I swallowed hard and nodded. "Go, we'll be fine."

Hawthorne shifted her weight from one foot to the other as Merrick walked away from us. I felt sick to my stomach knowing that Thorne and I liked the same guy. Mostly because I knew she would get him in a heartbeat.

"He's really a good guy," I sighed, not in a dreamy way, just more of in a tired way.

"Yeah, Derek deserved it." her eyes didn't meet mine.

"Hey," now she looked up. "Go ask Merrick to the prom."

I was always the bigger person, pushing my wants aside for others' happiness.
Spoiler! :
@AlmondEyes a continuation after they met Derek haha
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

— The Golden Goose