
Young Writers Society

Dragon Riders II: Revenge of the Riders (started, accepting)

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Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:11 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Zara & Roshan:

I had run for it when the girl distracted Malachi, but now Fitz was fighting him again. I glanced back, debating with myself. Go back to Fitz or go after Eighth? I looked to where Eighth was fighting with Bree and Manarian and swallowed. I'd told Fitz I'd kill her, but she could wait. I raced back to Fitz.

Malachi was distracted by my arrival at Fitz's side. "Thought you were going after Eighth?" he commented. He didn't take his eyes off Malachi.

I grinned. "I was," I replied," but I've found a better target." He laughed. "And she's busy anyway," I added. "She's not going to go far--yet." I smirked. "Ready?" I asked, twisting the blade in my hand.

Fitz chuckled. "Yes."

Malachi sneered at Fitz then turned a charming smile on me. "Come on, Zara. We could rule, together."

I sighed as Fitz rushed forwards. "I'm not the one you should be watching," I warned.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:51 pm
WhiteTiger93 says...

AWW!!! Thanks for keeping me in this!!! I'll be posting very soon. :)
Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

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Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:42 pm
AyumiGosu17 says...

-nudge- Wake up people.
"Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery." Timothy 4:14 KJV

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Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:41 pm
Kelcia says...

Sorry you guys. Let's try to pick up the pace! I'll be on more often now.


Manarian’s teeth gritted as he finished tying the bandage. Damn that – his thought was cut off midway between curses as he heard Bree cry out. Eighth had knocked her to the ground, and she had lost track of her sword. Eighth was grimacing in agitation. It seemed that Bree had managed to land more than a few blows on the Shadow Queen. Eighth raised her sword above her head, ready to strike at the backpedaling girl on the ground.

Manarian, faster than thought, tore his staff from where it had been secured on his back, and with a snarl, used it to block the blow that was meant for Bree. Eighth didn’t even blink at his sudden intervention, but kept on attacking with the same zeal as ever. It was now that Manarian wished that he hadn’t been so stubborn as to refuse a sword.

“Nice to see you again, Rider,” Eighth said, grinning. “I was wondering when you’d stop sulking over there.” That stung. In retaliation, Manarian whacked Eighth, hard, across the face. She staggered back a step.

“That,” she said, her eyes glinting with anger. “Was not very nice.”

“Bree,” Manarian said, trying to keep his voice even. “Any time now.”
Mutant Plot Bunnies

Is it just me, or are the plot bunnies taking advantage of my ADD?



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Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:46 am
Kelcia says...

Mutant Plot Bunnies

Is it just me, or are the plot bunnies taking advantage of my ADD?



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Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:30 am
ScarlettFire says...

*is waiting on Ayumi and WhiteTiger*
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:07 pm
WhiteTiger93 says...


Bree jumped to her feet quickly and grabbed the fallen sword beside her. Eighth was just better than she was. She could only fight until her body gave out and she had a feeling that she couldn't keep fighting as strongly as she was now. Bree grit her teeth and ran towards Manarian and Eighth.

No matter how much she doubted herself and her strength she had to end this. Eighth couldn't win. What kind of a world would dragon riders have if they lost? Bree would kill Eighth or die trying.

Bree skidded to a stop beside Manarian. Her head was still spinning from her fall earlier and her heart pounding so fast almost as if it knew it had almost recieved a gaping whole in the middle.

Fear washed through her brain and she shivered. Still she held out her sword strongly and heard the screeching sound of metal on metal. Maybe, just maybe, she and Manarian could defeat Eighth. That is all the would need to squash the Shadows and avenge the Elders.

She'd been alone and scared for too long. Eighth was done messing up their lives.


Malachi was good. He had been sort of an Elder's favorite when they were alive. And when he was good. However the booy had caught him off guard and all Malachi felt was the sting of a blade and sticky fluid on his upper arm.

Malachi snarled at the wound and raised his sword at the two. Both Zara and the boy that was with her.

"You had your chance Zara. So you choose to die with him....with all the weak riders."

Bato roared beside him and Malachi grinned. Did they want to see what he had? Well then they should be afraid. So very afraid.
Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

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Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:41 pm
AyumiGosu17 says...

And I'm was waiting on WhiteTiger...


Isold snarled in response, back arching and tail beginning to snake about in agitation. She hissed at the more massive dragon at Malachi's back.

Fitz blinked, and all Hell unleashed. Malachi lashed out with his own blade, fueled by rage of rejection and injury. His blows were more powerful, were faster; Fitz groaned as he struggled against brute force. Malachi swung for his head...Fitz dropped to one knee, bringing up his sword to use as a shield, just in time. Fitz glanced at Zara. "A little help, please!"

She joined the fray, swinging rapidly and with much more grace than the men. Her more slim stature gave her agility that they somewhat lacked, being weighted by muscle and all... Malachi growled, freeing Fitz as she took a dive at his blade hand. Fitz got to his feet again, charging.
"Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery." Timothy 4:14 KJV

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Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:46 am
ScarlettFire says...

Zara & Roshan:

Malachi's blade nicked my arm, but I got him worse; the cut was very close to the vein in his thigh. I rolled away, dropping the dagger to cover the cut on my arm. I winced, glaring at Malachi's back. I swiftly ripped a strip of cloth off my shirt and wrapped it around my upper arm, making sure it was tight before picking up the dagger again. It was my left arm--not the right. That was a good thing. Somewhere nearby, Roshan snarled in pain. I glanced towards her. Her front left leg was bleeding. I scowled. I knew that would happen.

Roshan? Are you okay? I asked, standing up and switching my gaze back to Malachi. Roshan's laugh echoed in my head.

I will be fine, Zara. You should watch your back.

At her warning, I spun around to find another rider sneaking up on us. Smirking, I moved forwards and took him out, quickly turning back to the problem at hand.

Go for the back of his knees, Roshan advised--and I took her advice, rushing in and slashing at the back of his knees while Malachi was forcing Fitz to back up. Malachi hissed, spinning around to face me. Uh oh. His sword came down and straight into my shoulder, then back out again.

I gasped, dropping the dagger. I fell as Malachi backed up. I smiled grimly to see him limping. But I had a bigger problem. I was bleeding, badly. And by the sounds of my dragon's pain, she was as well. Strangely, I didn't seem to mind. After all, Malachi was limping. Malachi's sword back back down, pomel first. It hurt. He'd hit me hard. I blinked, my vision blurring.

Zara! Roshan roared as the darkness closed in.

((No, she's not dead....yet. >.>))
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:44 am
AyumiGosu17 says...


He stared in shock as she collapsed to the ground. Something began to come over him - fear, anquish, what? Isold retreated, going to Roshan, to comfort and console, to clean wounds that bled profusely...like the wounds on Zara's body. His breath deepened, getting quicker and harder. His grip on his sword tightened as he ground his teeth in a growl. Malachi began to move toward her, to finish her off.

"Don't you dare touch her!" he roared, heat in his hands as he darted toward the man. He swung viciously, slashing the man on the arm. He wasn't as fast, now that he'd been lamed. But he still had the other rider to worry about... He stood between Zara and Malachi. He could feel heat building within him, around him, at his fingertips. He let go of his sword with one hand as he glanced at a nearby fire, a dragon's fire.

"Fine. You die with her."

Fitz snarled, instinct taking over as his mind and spirit connected with the flames. They were his, now... His gaze hardened, brow furrowed and eyes narrow. He thrust his hand forward; the fires obeyed him, rushing toward the two Shadow Riders.

I will protect you, Zara. With my life. He swore in his rage. And he meant it. "Hang on, Zara. I'll get you out of here. I promise you!"
"Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery." Timothy 4:14 KJV

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Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:37 pm
Kelcia says...

See DT.


Manarian felt Bree come up beside him. At least she was alive and fighting, but if things kept going at this pace, maybe not for long. He took a moment to glance down at Bree, and in the split second he took his eyes away from Eighth, she moved.

Luckily, so did Bree. She rushed forward to meet the Shadow Queen. Manarian was on her heels, and together they launched into a vicious attack. Somehow, though, Eighth was everywhere, blocking every blow, as they struggled to ward her off. But little by little, they were gaining an advantage.

All of a sudden, thunder split the sky, and the Earth began to quake. Dark shapes filled the sky, and new shadows touched the ground. Manarian saw, with a flash of triumph, Shadow Riders staring in terror at the descending darkness. He let out a cry of triumph as even Eighth’s face was transfigured in doubt. His moment of hope was short lived.

As the darkness swept over Manarian and the small band of Riders, a terrible silence stole over the world. The blackness was thick, impenetrable.

“Bree,” He called. The shadow seemed to swallow his voice. “Bree,” He felt around in the darkness, looking for her. From out of the blackness, muffled screams started, barely audible, but terrible. He felt his hand close around someone’s arm.


Faintly, “Manarian?”

“Thank God.” He wrapped his arms around her, hoping to shield her from the unknown dark.

A sudden light burst through the swirling shadow. Manarian turned, and felt his stomach drop.

“No,” he breathed. “Not again.”

It was, like his vision before, Reitsprea. Like before, she came flying down to him. But unlike before, she was horribly changed. Her face was a horrid, grinning skull, a few scales and scraps of flesh clinging to the bone. Flaming eyes peeked out of the gaping sockets. Her body was decimated and rotting, her wings torn and bloodied. River weed hung off her like jewelry. But that was hardly the worst. She carried a limp, red haired someone on her back. The body slid out of the ruined saddle and thumped to the ground at his feet. He didn’t look. He couldn’t.

“You let her die,” Said Reitsprea’s voice, but horribly raspy and twisted. “You let hundreds die. You let me die,” Manarian didn’t respond. He concentrated on the warm, living body in his arms.

“Do you know what they did to me?” Reitsprea asked. There was a gruesome thud as she landed, bits of scale peeling off at the impact.

“As soon as I was dead, they threw me in the river to rot.” Manarian could smell her decayed breath as she drew close.

“And Bree…” She hissed in his ear. “They tortured her until she screamed for it all to end. You were there. And you did nothing…"

At that, another, denser shape burst through the mists. It was Nukpano, but more hideous and fearsome than Manarian had ever seen him.

“You killed her,” He shrieked, over and over, dodging and diving, talons menacingly close. “If not for you, the Riders would still be alive. You killed them all! You killed her!”

“I didn’t!” Manarian found himself yelling, pleading with the two dragons as they circled around him, taunting him and jabbing at him with their claws.

He ducked his head, furious and unbidden tears running down his face. He tightened his arms around Bree – the real Bree, not the dead one at his feet – and tried to block out the dragons’ horrid laughter. Just then, the dragon's talons connected with his back. He yelled once, convulsed, and collapsed into Bree's arms.

(Sorry for the long post.)
Last edited by Kelcia on Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
Mutant Plot Bunnies

Is it just me, or are the plot bunnies taking advantage of my ADD?



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Sat Feb 26, 2011 11:36 pm
MilkNCookies says...


Blackness. Pure Blackness. Like the night when my mother died. Like the night I was almost killed by my father. Nothing good could come from the dark.

"Lily?"" An innocent, soft voice asked. I yelped, clinging tight to Naj.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"Lily, silly, it's my- you're Mommy." The voice said.

Don't listen, lily, it's not real! Naj warned, but I was entranced by this hallucination. A ghost of a human, made of small, whit-ish pebble like objects began to appear. It walked towards me.

"Why did you let him kill me, Lily? Why? You saw it happening. The blood, the knife- you could have saved me. Why not, Lily? Did you not love me?

"I didn't know how, Mommy." I replied, tear like silent warriors already streaming down my face.

"You know to call the neighbor, to apply pressure, anything! You could have saved me, Lily!

A small scream ripped from my mouth. I wanted to run away from everything. Like an echo, someone else yelped.

"H-hello?" i asked, as my 'mother' repeated her question.

"Is anyone there?" Another person asked.

"I'm here!" I yelled, scared and afraid. Before I could react, there was an arm on my shoulder.

(Can be anyone.)
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:25 pm
ToritheMonster says...

I would never bump this in the unlikely hopes it'll be revived. That would be terrible.
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:48 am
MilkNCookies says...

"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Sat May 07, 2011 4:22 am
WhiteTiger93 says...

Nor would I! But I will post soon. promise. :)
Hermione, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting! 20 points from Gryffindor. You know, for the brightest witch of your age you can sure be a dumba** sometimes. *smiles* 10 points to Dumbledore!

~A Very Potter Musical - Dumbledore

i don't need to search the stars to know myself
— soundofmind