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Wed Nov 16, 2005 4:14 pm
Elocina says...

Seeing his face, she laughed. "I am no more afraid of it than I am of anything else. Over the years, I suspect I've lived through a couple drops. Yes, it's made me a little sick every now and then, but nothing too horrible. That overdose was so many times worse than anything this little pup has given me."
She stored the information he'd given her.
"I'll give you equal value for the trade. What would you like to know?"
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Wed Nov 16, 2005 4:32 pm
Neo Eclipse says...

Damien knew what he was going to ask her.
"How did your husband die?"
"Once more, the Sith shall rule the galaxy, and we shall have.....peace" ~ Darth Sidious

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Wed Nov 16, 2005 4:43 pm
Elocina says...

She frowned but nodded. "I was traveling with Gringis to meet with him. It was a desolate planet, and we met in the underground hall where smugglers do their business.
"I recognized Vengence; Kyul never knew who he was...I was so terrified, I just watched when Vengence pulled out his lightsaber and stabbed him through the back...I couldn't move. I was locked in place. I could only watch. Kyul didn't scream. He never did..."
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Wed Nov 16, 2005 5:16 pm
Elfcat says...

Ashana smiled slightly as she went to work on the control panel by the door. Security systems? These people thought they could slow her down with security systems? Please. She extended her left hand toward the panel and demonstrated one of several reasons why she was good at her job. A small panel on the end of her left pinky seemed to slide away, and a thin metal probe extended from the space it had left.

She tried not to think about the "Incident" as the cicuits in her arm hacked into the security systems, but there was no getting around it. Ashana closed her eyes and remembered. The Jedi temple, visiting Grif. He wanted to show her his new fighting techniques. He was only about fifteen years old. He had thought they were stun sabers. They had only been duelling for moments when she had slipped and taken the blow to her elbow. Thank the stars above for mechanical prothesis.

A faint beeping from her hand woke Ashana from her reverie. Excellent. It would now be a simple matter to make selected security cameras play loops and unlock certain doors.
Last edited by Elfcat on Fri Nov 18, 2005 5:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
So I'm a little left of center, I'm a little out of tune. Some say I'm paranormal, so I just bend their spoon.
Who wants to be ordinary, in a crazy mixed up world? I don't care what they're saying, as long as I'm your girl.

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Wed Nov 16, 2005 11:02 pm
sabradan says...

((Sorry I've been absent so long. Welcome to the newbies. And if you're not star wars literate, I too can help))
Master Starweaver was on Korriban, in the main city surrounding the spaceport. He sat in a cantina run by a Twi'ilek female. He sipped some "tea" however he highly doubted its authenticity. It was tasty, though, he gave her that.
As he sat sipping his tea, observing the cantina, he searched the force with his mind. And, to his surprise he felt something...odd in the force, not a disturbance, but more of an anomaly. Then, almost as soon as he sensed it,he recognized it as the life force of Grif Sylver. Grif was not only alive, but healthy, and near by. Again, he scanned the force and found his location. The Korriban spaceport. He smiled a big, smirky grin, that was reminiscent of his youngling/padawan trouble maker days. He may be a jedi master, but he hadn't lost his sense of humor. He quickly stood up and threw a few galatic credits onto the table, for the droid to pick up. He threw his cloak and and pulled the hood over his head, and made his way for the starport.
Once he was in the starport, he made his way towards where Grif was, masking his identity through the force, in case Grif was scanning the force. He approached Grif from behind, and simultaneously ignited his lightsaber as well as transmitted Grif the message "Turn around, Jedi"
He smirked, and waited.
"He who takes a life...it is as if he has destroyed an entire world....but he who saves one life, it is as if he has saved the world entire" Talmud Sanhedrin 4:5

!Hasta la victoria siempre! (Always, until Victory!)
-Ernesto "Che" Guevarra

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Wed Nov 16, 2005 11:16 pm
Griffinkeeper says...

~Grif Sylver~

I ignited my lightsaber and parried.
"Master Starweaver?"
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Thu Nov 17, 2005 1:13 am
sabradan says...

Master Starweaver deactivated his lightsaber, and took the hood off of his head. His smirk turned into a huge grin, baring his teeth.
"He who takes a life...it is as if he has destroyed an entire world....but he who saves one life, it is as if he has saved the world entire" Talmud Sanhedrin 4:5

!Hasta la victoria siempre! (Always, until Victory!)
-Ernesto "Che" Guevarra

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Thu Nov 17, 2005 2:44 am
Elocina says...

((YEAH!!!!! You know how happy I am to see you two again?!! Extremely. Well, well...I've got something more to read. I pratically did a victory dance to see Grif again, and I almost repeated the action when I saw Starweaver... I'd have spilled my hot chocolate if i tried it this time...can't have that!!! ROCK ON!!!)
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Thu Nov 17, 2005 3:37 am
Elocina says...

Vengence's scientists startled at the outraged entrance of their lord. The lead scientist, Darth Nekre, gave a short bow to Vengence.
"How are our experiments?" Vengence said.
Nekre removed a datapad from the top of a counter and said calmly, "The one with the most immunity died this afternoon after being resesitated twice."
Nekre waited long enough to be respectful before he added, "The Sith have created a poison that none have found a cure to, even after all these years. Shak t'kai still holds its value."
Vengence cut him off, "But there is one who is immune. I saw the vial on Courasaunt. Around my sister's neck."
Nekre nodded and said, "If she will be captured, there is a strong possibility that you will recover. Meanwhile, I will continue with my studies."
"How many slaves do we have remaining?"
"Just over four hundred. We plan to purchase a new shipment of slaves soon," Nekre said, knowing that the time they could buy slaves in mass quanitities was limited. Abducting the senator had given them time, but if they didn't interfere with politics more, their operation would run out of lab rats. And funding.
Vengence's time was drawing to a close. According to Nekre's experience and information, his lord would be dead before the year was over. Not enough time for a cure to rise from the masses of poisoned slaves. There was one option, "I will accompany you to Korriban." Lord Vengence would need him when it came to dealing with Evgrisa's immunity.
Vengence's face clouded, but he said, "Very well. Prepare my ship."
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Thu Nov 17, 2005 4:58 am
Griffinkeeper says...

~Grif Sylver~

"How did you survive that explosion?" Master Starweaver asked me.
"The sith had some cargo containers for his important equipment. I guessed he wouldn't put such important stuff in a place he couldn't recover it, so I cut one open and sealed it with my lightsaber. The air was limited, so I went into a trance. A salvager picked me up and brought me here." Master Starweaver looked impressed.
"Did you get any information from the computer core?"
"Not very much. I have a feeling he keeps his personal core in a more secure location. I did pick up some shipping records that came from Korriban. That's why I'm here."
"Let's go check it out."
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:31 pm
Neo Eclipse says...

The interrogation was interuppted when a master walked into the room and whispered something in Damien's ear.
"Sir, we have received reports that Lord Vengeance is on his way here."
"What? I haven't even sent the message yet! Why is he coming here?" Damien said aloud.
"I don't know, mi lord, but we are also hearing rumors of a few jedi arriving in the colony".
Damien's expression, which had become softer and softer throughout the questioning, returned to it's hardened self. "Our enemies close around us then. Alert the apprentices and masters. I want all of them ready," he barked. Then, for reasons unknown, Damien closed his eyes and reached with the force. Opening them he stopped the master from leaving the room.
"Also, send Darth Varius and Darth Kratosan to section 13. We have an intruder...."
"Once more, the Sith shall rule the galaxy, and we shall have.....peace" ~ Darth Sidious

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Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:37 pm
Elocina says...

"He's coming because I'm here. I've poisoned him, taunted him, threatened him, lead him on numerous wild goosechases throughout the galaxy, and now I take refuge in his enemy's asylum. He's beyond wanting me dead." Evgrisa said with a smirk. "And I'm beyond wanting him dead. So, tell me, whose trap is this? Yours? Or mine?"
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Fri Nov 18, 2005 5:32 pm
Elfcat says...

They were on to her. How? But that was irrelevant. The Sith masters were on their way. Ashana quickly detached herself from the terminal and dove behind some large crates. She waited in silence for the enemy to arrive. The wait was not long.

“What sort of intruder did Darth Eclipse say it was?” Darth Varius said as the two Sith masters walked down the corridor toward the area they had been told to search.

“He didn’t,” Darth Kratosan responded, “But one does not question Darth Eclipse. Here, I’ll check this store room, you take the next one down the hall.”


Darth Kratosan entered the storeroom, searching the force for a presence that didn’t belong. Finding nothing, he turned to leave. He paused a moment on the threshold. Nothing? He searched again over a broader area. Absolutely nothing that didn’t belong. Except…not a presence, more like…a hole where there ought to be something. This “hole” was in the next storeroom over. With Darth Varius.

Kratosan rushed to the next room, hoping that this anomaly would not have time to get away. Someone became one with the force just as he reached for the door. He opened it anyway and saw Varius’s limp form on the ground before a stack of crates. He used the force to sweep the crates aside, revealing a young girl with a disruptor rifle. He snatched the rifle away before she could fire.

“Who are you? How did you get in here?” He snarled at her.

“I’m not going to tell you,” she answered.

He tried to use the force to throw her against the wall, but the only effect was that her hair seemed to be ruffled by a slight breeze. She stood up and pointed at him with the index finger of her right hand.

“Bang.” The same instant she said it, a whitish bolt of energy shot from her fingertip into Darth Kratosan. He would be out for some hours, leaving her plenty of time to escape.

((Yeah I know this doesn't make too much sense. I'll fill in the background that makes it work in the next post or two. And yes I did mean right hand, that's part of what I'm going to explain))
So I'm a little left of center, I'm a little out of tune. Some say I'm paranormal, so I just bend their spoon.
Who wants to be ordinary, in a crazy mixed up world? I don't care what they're saying, as long as I'm your girl.

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Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:55 pm
Neo Eclipse says...

Alright, a little lesson now.

Korriban is an outer rim world. It's surface is covered by tombs of ancient sith lords. When I say "ancient sith", I'm usually talking about the actual race. The sith were a race of bug-like humanoids. They were a very superstitious race, and practiced rituals often (usually worshipping the dark side). At that time, the jedi order had banished a good number of their order from republic space and into the outer rim. Some of these jedi settled on the sith home planet, and over the centuries, the two people (outcast jedi and sith) became one. Now, remember, Korriban is NOT the sith homeworld- it is merely a burial ground. It is saturated with the dark side, so much that there are numerous reports of sith ghosts on it's surface. It has very few colonies for citizens, and the sith mainly hide in the tombs.
"Once more, the Sith shall rule the galaxy, and we shall have.....peace" ~ Darth Sidious

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Fri Nov 18, 2005 8:59 pm
deleted6 says...

Alanah Jenx:

Alan was sick an tired of waiting for a result, they had told him nothing an needed results;so he left on his ship to the outer rim sector.
We get off to the rhythm of the trigger and destruction. Fallujah to New Orleans with impunity to kill. We are the hidden fist of the free market.
We are the ink, we are the quill.
[The Ink And The Quill (Be Afraid) - Anti-Flag]

'This must be Thursday,' said Arthur to himself, sinking low over his beer. 'I never could get the hang of Thursdays.'
— Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy