
Young Writers Society

Arranged Marriages (second try...) ~Restarted~

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Sun May 04, 2014 7:12 pm
Liv says...


"So, is that the yes I've been waiting for?" I asked softly, lifting Saja into my arms and holding her close against my chest.

Finally, after all the agonizing days of waiting for her answer, she nodded her yes. My heart was filled was such immense happiness, though it only lasted a brief moment as Saja began to shake, the world and day's events crashing down upon her fragile form and eliciting a small whimper from her.

"Oh Saja..." I pleaded, nestling my face in to her hair and taking her away from the chaos, "It's alright, please don't cry..."

She nestled her head into my chest, trying to get closer - as if it were possible - and find solace in me.

"Don't worry, love," I whispered, "I've got you."

I let my legs carry her to her room, the weight of the day on my shoulders and the ache of my cuts coming to my attention which each step I took. I had taken a great toll on my body by fighting today, meaning to stay afar with my bow and arrow but ending up fighting with my sword when the wolves had other ideas.

Walking through the hall as if it were a dream, I finally came to Saja's room and pushed through the door towards her bed. Her eyes were closed and her breathing even, so I set her gently on her bed and tucked the blanket over her before turning to make my way out.

A small whimper froze me in my tracks and I turned back to face her, now sitting up sleepily and waving me over to her side.

"I'll filthy your bed." I explained, "I need a bath. I'll come back when I'm clean, okay?"

She stared for just a moment before nodding her head, and I quickened my pace to go to my own chambers and bathe.


"Saja," I whispered, my shoulder length hair hanging damply around my face, "Are you still awake?"

I was crouched at her bedside, having just bathed and rewrapped my cuts. I got only a sleepy moan in response, and I asked, "Do you want me to stay with you tonight?"

Her eyes staying shut, she gave a nod so slight I would have missed it if I hadn't been watching her so adoringly. Unable to suppress my grin, I climbed in to her bed and lay beside her. I made sure to stay on top of the blanket and not touch her, being careful not to impose myself on her and out of fear that someone may come in and get the wrong idea. The sleepy Saja, however, didn't care. Her small form curled up beside me, her arm snaking around my waist as her head made its way to my chest. I instinctively wrapped my arms around her, soaking in the warmth and love radiating off of her and the smell of sunshine and lemon in her hair. And, in that moment, it felt right.

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Sun May 04, 2014 8:09 pm
Liv says...


Between the aiding of the wounded, the preparations for tomorrow's coronation, and the whirlwind of the King's death the castle was buzzing...but for me it had stopped, I sat on the floor unhearing and unseeing. It was only my thoughts buzzing around my own head that I paid attention to. Everything was happening so fast and there was no one there to explain anything to me, to help me through it or quiet the questions going through my mind.

"Princess?" A soft voice called, pulling me from my trance, "What are you doing?"

It was only then that I realized I was sitting on the floor of the make-shift infirmary, long after everyone else has left. My gaze drifted up, hope swelling in my heart...but it was Thierry.

"Don't look so disappointed, your highness," he teased with a mock-frown, "I'm no prince, but I don't think I'm too bad looking, either."

I responded with a soft smile and a tired laugh that slid easily out of my mouth before answering, "Sorry. Do you know what time it is?"

"I'm afraid I don't, though I'm sure by now it's tomorrow." He said, giving me a quick glance before asking, "Come, you should go to bed. Would you like me to escort you before I make my way home?"

I shook my head, "Thank you, but no. Go home to your family. Will you be here for the coronation tomorrow?"

"Of course. I'm heading home now to tell my wife the news. She's probably been up waiting for me for hours." he said, offering my his arm to help my up. I accepted it gladly, rising to my tired feet with the aid of his arm.

"Good night, Thierry." I said, taking a few steps before stopping and turning back to him, "Thank you. For everything."

I turned away from him once more and began to make my way to Briac's room. I didn't know where he was, what he was doing, what had happened during the battle, or even if he was hurt. But I knew his entire world was crumbling and he wasn't allowed to take a moment to let it. I knew that, while I ached to just be with him and know he was okay, he needed something much more: love and comfort.


It took me three tries to light the candle at his bedside, the first burning my finger tips and the second blowing out before I could light the candle. When I finally lit the candle I set it on the table by his bed and took a seat on the edge of his bed.

I looked across the expanse of the bed, the bed built for a bear of a man with room to spare. Running the tips of my fingers across the soft blanket, I kicked off my shoes and tucked my feet up on to the bed as well.

I would be here waiting for him when he got back, I thought to myself as I laid my head against the pillow and took in his scent.

"I'll be here." I whispered quietly, trying to fight against my drooping eyelids as I waited for him to come and realizing something incredibly important before drifting off: I didn't want to be without him.

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Tue May 06, 2014 1:52 am
Shadowlight says...


THe water felt nice, even though it was cool, just being able to wash the dirt, sweat and dried blood from myself was comforting.... renewing. Running my hands through my hair I sighed, my head ached, and my heart.

"Oletko todella mennyt isä?" I murmured softly to the darkness "Are you really gone Father?" There was no answer, I knew there wouldn't be. He was gone, he was really gone, ravage by wolves. I felt my throat catch but choked it down, "No, not yet... you can't break yet."

Getting out of the tub I wrapped a towel about my waist- using another to dry my hair. focusing on everything, anything but the reason I was upset... I couldn't break now- I had to many people depending on me. to many relying on my strength to keep them going.

I looked into the looking glass, really looked, trying to see someone resembling a king. My damp hair fell about my face, one side torn, the other, a frightened child. I ran my hand across the glass, spearing the image with water droplets. "Hells Teeth..." I murmur pulling on my britches, lacing them up. I felt liek it was all a dream, like none of this was real, but then the small voice in the back of my head whispering to me that it was very, very real.

Wandering back into my room I stood for a long moment at the bedside- watching Rosemary sleep. Her small figure dwarfed by my bed, she was barely bigger then one of the pillows thrown at it's head. I brushed her cheek, her skin was like silk, soft, smooth, perfect.

"Oh Rosie..." I pulled a blanket up over her. she needed sleep, she shouldn't have seen what she saw today... she's too innocent for that, too gentle....but she was so strong. my men had told me what she had done and my heart swelled.

"your going to be mine soon...." I whispered to her, "And I need you."

I tucked her in best I could and went over to the chair standing in one corner of the room. I wouldn't endanger her honor by a moment of weakness now. She needed her sleep, she deserved the bed. I folded myself into the armchair and tried to sleep.

Barely had I closed my eyes then I woke to the pale fingers of dawn creeping through the window, I rose and grabbed a tunic from my chest. I had work to do, besides, keeping still meant thinking. Before leaving the room I bent over Rosemary and gently kissed her rosebud lips, I needed this and I prayed she wouldn't mind.

"W-wait for me a little longer D-dove." I whispered to her still sleeping form and left the room, to face the day I would bury my father, and take his place as king..... May the Gods have mercy on me...
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Tue May 06, 2014 2:18 am
Shadowlight says...


"SAJA! What in gods name- WHo is- PRINCE AUGUST?!"

I was ripped from sleep by my mothers horrified shriek. I let out a strangled cry and tried to sit up but couldn't- August... Oh god AUGUST was wound around me tightly.

"LET GO OF MY DAUGHTER!" My Mother almost screamed, rushing to the bed, August woke slowly- blinking his beautiful eyes blearily.

"Wha?" he mumbled sleepily, I struggled whimpering. his eyes widened and lept back

He cried, looking horrified, "Milady I swear we didn't do anything! Nothing happened" My mother looked at him like a dragon about to cook it's meat and I stepped between- writing frantically on my pad.

~Mama it's true, he was everything that was honorable, he didn't touch me... I touched him.~~


~~I'm Sorry mama... Its just, I was so worried and yesterday was just horrid, I /needed/ him mama.~~

My mothers eyes widened, and I heard a gasp from August.

"You what child?" My fathers figure darkened the doorway of my chamber, His eyes went from August to me, frowning darkly,

~I love him Daddy.~~
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Sat May 10, 2014 9:16 pm
Liv says...

Spoiler! :
I'm sorry for being the worst person ever and taking so long to post! Here it is!!


A funeral was not something I had foreseen while packing for the trip here, so I was struggling to find something suitable to wear. How did they dress for such an event here? Especially with a coronation almost immediately after the burial! I hadn't brought a single black dress with me, the only black garment I had being my cloak.

As I dug through my trunk of clothing my fingertips came across a familiar blue fabric embroidered with silver. It was the dress I had worn the night my father and Briac's arranged our marriage to each other. Closing my eyes, I brought the unwashed fabric of the dress to my face and breathed in its scent deeply as if it could take me back to that night, before the death of the king - back to when he knew he would see his daughter's wedding day and his son become king.

The fabric became damp, and I had to blink a few times to realize that it was from no other cause than my own - I was crying. Sniffing, I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and stepped in to the dark blue dress, pulling the sleeves over my shoulders just as Jackson came in to the room.

He peeked around the edge of the door, his eyes sad as he gave me a smile. I returned it with my own sad smile, turning my back to him as I have so many times before. He came over in an instant, familiar with the routine, and laced up the back of my dress.

He gave a small sigh, finishing with the ties and whispering, "I never thought the day would come that I would feel sorry for a Bryni."

I turned to face him, looking up in to his silver eyes that mirrored mine, and bit my bottom lip to keep it from quivering. Jackson's arms were out and ready to catch me before I even knew I was falling, tears spilling over my cheeks and blinding me from the world.

"What's going to happen, Jackson?" I whispered, burying my face in to Jackson's shirt, knowing he couldn't possibly know the answer but needing to say it.

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Sat May 10, 2014 9:27 pm
Liv says...


"LET GO OF MY DAUGHTER!" someone screamed, breaking through the thick haze of sleep clouding my head.

I pulled myself from my sleep, blinking a few times trying to remember what was going on. Where was I? This wasn't my room.

"Wha?" I grumbled, turning my head towards a small whimpering that sounded like...

I jumped back, stumbling over myself and nearly fall to the ground but catching my footing and standing up straight - right beside Saja's mother who was seething, her fingers clenched as if she was wishing my neck was encircled in them.

"Milady I swear we didn't do anything! Nothing happened" I begged, taking a few clumsy steps back from her burning glare.

If it weren't for Saja's frantic scrawling on her pad of paper she probably would have burned a hole right through me with that glare! We both turned to look when Saja displayed the words.

~Mama it's true, he was everything that was honorable, he didn't touch me... I touched him.~~

"Saja!" Her mother declared, whether that made her angrier or not was the big question.

~~I'm Sorry mama... Its just, I was so worried and yesterday was just horrid, I /needed/ him mama.~~

My eyes trailed away from her when a figure shadowed the doorway, my breath catching in my throat when I saw what was blocking it.

"You what child?" Her father asked, looking between me and her with a clouded expression.

~I love him Daddy.~~

I couldn't breath. If her parents didn't wring my neck then I would surely die of suffocation.

"I...I...s-sir I...I didn't," I stumbled, my face flushing with a blush that only embarrassed me more.

"You what, boy?" He demanded, lifting his chin towards me.

"I...I was just comforting her, sir...I mean...we just slept...we...I,"

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment before reopening them and sighing, "How about you and I go somewhere have a little chat, hmm?"

I gulped, trying to swallow the lump in my throat. He was going to kill me, wasn't he.

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Sun May 11, 2014 12:57 am
Liv says...


The king and I had now been sitting in the library just staring at each other for what felt like forever, though it was probably only a matter of minutes. Still, it seemed to go on forever and I was going crazy on the inside, trying my best not to fidget.

"You do realize how the scene looked this morning, don't you?" Breaking the silence suddenly, causing my breath to hitch in my throat momentarily, "You're a smart boy, I'm sure you do. It didn't look good at all. Imagine if it had been someone else who had walked in on you. Someone...less understanding. Someone who would run about, tarnishing the name of my daughter. But you, your name would stay pristine. It would be my daughter's reputation that would be ruined."

I tried to swallow the lump forming in my throat, tried to keep my fingers from tapping on the arms of the chair, tried to keep myself from sweating, toyed with words in my mouth and tried to form coherent sentences.

The king sat across from me with furrowed brows, his eyes clouded as he followed my every move with his gaze, leaning slightly towards me in a menacing way, "I'm not going to hurt you, August."

I switched my gaze to him at that last remark, blinking slowly and trying to get a grasp on my words.

"Besides," he said, resting his arms on the table separating us, "I've heard the stories about you. With my old age you could beat me with ease. You're a formidable opponent. I know, because I've lost many a man at your hand. Imagine my surprise when my soldiers came home from battle with nearly half the numbers they left with, claiming that there was a man who seemed to take everyone down yet come out of it unscathed."

"I..." I swallowed hard, letting out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding in, "She just needed to be comforted...and I couldn't leave her. I remember the night after my first battle..." I dropped my head in my hands, sighing deeply.

There was a quiet moment before the king replied again, his voice suddenly quiet, "I'm a father, so I want to be angry...but I'm also a soldier...so I can't be."

I lifted my head, raising my gaze to meet the king's as he continued with a long sigh, "I understand, son. I know nothing happened."

He rose, pushing the chair back and heading for the door as he said, "But don't let me catch you in bed with my daughter again or I'll come after you even if it kills me. Now, go on. There's a big day ahead of us and you can't do it in your sleeping clothes."

I looked back to him as he opened the door, stopping him with, "I love your daughter, sir."

He stopped, looking forward rather than at me, "I know."

And then he left.

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Mon May 12, 2014 1:00 am
Shadowlight says...

Spoiler! :
Sooooo apparently I'm in a morbid head space... Enjoy this.


I was numb- utterly numb. Numb as I dressed for my fathers funereal, Numb as the priest read and chanted over my fathers body, numb as I led my weeping mother and sister from the great hall which had been strewn with flowers and garlands of black down through the city- our father born on his shield on the shoulders of his four closest friends. Down out of the gates of the city Where my fathers body was placed on top of his faithful stallion Thantos and across the plains to the foothills of the great mountains- the resting place of my forbears.

I was numb, in a daze... but then, I was myself again. I looked about those gathered there, my family, my people, then.... our new friends from the other kingdoms, and my eyes sought Rosie's sweet face, but I couldn't see her in the sea of people surrounding the small cave entrance that led to the catacombs... where my father would be laid for his final rest.

The Priest stepped forward and spread his hands out to the clear bottomless blue bowl of the sky.

"Ancient One, Oh he who is master of the earth, man and everything within. He who holds secrets yet to be told and commands the mountains and oceans- Let Our Kings soul now leave his body, let it pass unhindered to the halls of our ancestors. Let his final journey be one of rest, of peace. Protect his soul of Great One from the eternal darkness that cries out. Let our Kings soul be strong in death as it was in life and Give him a clear path to follow into Eternity." The Priest turned to those gathered, "We are both losing and gaining a king today. One soul is passing, the other entering it's prime. Briac," He said turning to me- eyes gentle, "you know what you must do. Follow your father to the gates, and set his soul free, commune with your forefathers, listen to their wisdom. only then will you be our true king."

I nodded, setting my jaw tightly. I took the reins of my fathers horse, and a torch one of the men handed me and led it into the cave, I didn't look back, I couldn't show fear. Evan as I heard the stone of the cave entrance be rolled back into place. This was my duty I held the torch up in the close and stale air of the tunnel and walked on, deeper into the heart of the mountain, deep into the halls of the dead...



"Wh-what are they doing?!" I heard princess Rosemary scream as the tall Bryni men sealed not only their dead king, but their prince inside the mountain. I looked and saw her fighting her way through the crowed. I covered my mouth with my hand.

She threw herself against the stone,

"Let him out! what are you doing?! Briac!" Everyone seemed confused but the Priest grabbed her wrists and pulled her away- I pressed closer to hear his whispered words.

"Hush child. it is our custom. The son leads his father on his final journey an when deep inside the halls of our dead, the souls of past kings willl speak to him if his heart is open to hearing them. He must spend two days in the tombs neither eating nor sleeping, only watching and listening. He will be alright Little one, fear not. Darkness holds no terror for our Prince."

"What a horrid thing to do!" Rosemary cried looked aghast at the Priest. Though I wouldn't have said it out loud for fear of offending the Bryni I did share her sentiment.... and no on could blame her for feeling so, not even the priest.

"It must seem strange to you Princess, but it is the custom of our people. We Morn not only our king, but our prince. for both have died to us. Our king in the flesh an our prince Symbolically. For he will emerge from the Tombs not our prince but our king."

"But I thought we was meant to be crowned the same day!" Prince Jackson spoke from the fringe of the crowd.

"No," It was Princess Rayven who spoke, her red rimmed eyed filling, "He was king the moment our father's heart stopped beating... if we were at war we would not do this, but this is a time of peace and... he must seek the guidance of our past fathers. The Tomb will be opened again in two sunrises.... but now," and here she paused taking a shaky breath, "We return to the city for the funeral feast."

I was in shock, this seemed to be it... such a strange, dark custom...
But that seemed to be the end of the discussion. the Bryni people began to move back to their horses, Princess Rosemary was led weeping away by her brother and I... I felt sick, like I needed to get away, to flee this awful place of death and sadness. Suddenly I felt someone touch my hand- and looking up I saw Augusts gentle gaze.

"Are you alright Saja?" He spoke softly- bending his head so his lips brushed my ear. I shook my head, "Let me help you... l-let me take you away."

~~What do you mean, away?~ I scribbled hastily, my heart quickening, ~~Back to the city?~~
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Mon May 12, 2014 9:33 pm
Bugslake says...


I had watched my brother being dragged out of Princess Saga's room last night. I was surprised by his actions. I guess he truly loved her enough to do something so surprising. I had listened to mother give him quite an ear full, but that didn't change the gloomy feeling that had been cast over all of us.

The Bryni king had died and now, now Briac is to spend two days in the catacombs to learn from the past kings. I'm sure that him and Rosemary will be married right after his coronation, the way that look at each other tells all of us of the love that they share.

I felt a slight jealousy, I didn't even really know Jackson the Prince of Harrow. I looked up to see him across the way from me. I didn't even know what he would think about me loving to have adventures, it wasn't proper of me to want such things though. Jackson's eyes met mine and I quickly turned my gaze to another destination. I felt odd having to think that I would be married to the handsome Prince of Harrow.

"Princess Aris, it seems to me that there have been many interruptions, one of them being my fault. I wish to get to know you a little more." I turned to see who owned the deep voice and nearly bolted when I realized it was Jackson.

"I...I guess we should...since we are to be married." I was the worst when it came to talking to handsome boys. I kicked myself mentally and tried to resist the urge to hide. Jackson's eyes were still on me and I tried to give him a small smile, but it felt like a grimace. He laughed heartily.

"Come on Aris, I don't bite." That earned a nice smile instead of a forced one.

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Mon May 12, 2014 9:55 pm
Bugslake says...


The gloomy funeral session completely matched my own depressing mood. I watched the possession from Mee-on on top of an outcrop of boulders. I didn't know how Briac could enter a burial area and not show fear.

I looked for the Bryni princess, the one my parents had chosen for me to marry. She was probably in mourning, it would be the most noble thing to comfort her during this time. I sighed, it is the thing that should be done.

Mee-on spread his wings and entered the sky, I search for Princess Rayven. I immediately found her, I decided to take a daring risk and dive low to dismount. As I did so I tripped and ended up sprawled before the princess. I looked up at her to see some sort of confusion painted onto her face.

I tried to wipe off the dirt from my tunic and was surprised to find that Saga and my parents were looking at me in surprise. I didn't show up for things quite as often as I should, but this time I felt the need to. I turned to Rayven and bowed, "Sorry for the unholy disturbance, I just thought that you needed some sort of comfort from the one you would be married to."

My own aggravating attitude somehow made its way into my words, but the princess didn't seem to mind. "That would be nice Rhay." Now it was my turn to be startled, I didn't think that my wonderful entrance would amount to anything. The plan of mine hadn't been thought through this far.

This must have shown on my face because the princess spoke up again, " You may sit with me at the feast, then we can talk in the stables."

"Yes of course princess." She smiled as I stumbled over my words then my feet as I walked away. Saga gave me a look that seemed to ask if something was wrong with me, I quickly shook my head. At least I thought that everything was fine with me, but then again I almost nailed my face to the ground by trying to dismount a flying dragon.

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Wed May 14, 2014 11:29 pm
Liv says...

Spoiler! :
Okay okay, I knoooow I said I would do this a few days ago but in my defense @Shadowlight at least it wasn't a week this time!! Hahaha


My breathing became ragged and my vision blurry - had it not been for the Jackson's leading hand on the small of my back I surely would have thought I was the one just sealed within the tomb. I blinked, blinked harder, again and again trying to clear my vision, as if holding back the tears and the fear and just closing my eyes one more time would cause me to wake up.

Finally, I narrowed my eyes towards the priest and stopped dead in my tracks, "And what if he doesn't come back!?" I demanded, more generally than to just the priest, "WHEN was the last time this was even done?? Our countries have been warring for generations!! This tradition is archaic!"

"Princess," the Priest said in a low voice, clearly growing frustrated, "That is the point of tradition."

My nose wrinkled for a moment, disgusted at the thought, before I looked back at the tomb that held the man I was to marry.

"Tradition," I muttered to myself almost in a scoff before turning back to the priest and continuing, "It's such a silly thing! What, out of all of this, is traditional? Blood treaties and promising of children? A Bryni man marrying a woman of Harrow? Nay, the intended Bryni Queen being born of Harrow! I will bare mixed children, daughters with blonde curls and silver eyes and boys with the build of a Bryni but half of their tongue being an accent of Harrow! Is that your tradition? All of this is anything BUT traditional!"

I was gasping for air throughout my last sentence, and by the end of it my arms were wrapped around my pained stomach as I heaved with sobs, sliding from Jackson's firm hold on me until I was on the ground and my body wracking with tears.

Shutting my eyes tightly, I gulped air through sobs and managed to wail, "Why...didn't anyone...tell me?"

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Thu May 15, 2014 12:16 am
Liv says...


Even I was shocked when the Bryni prince was sealed in to the tomb, though nothing was more shocking than the wailing that came from Princess Rosemary when she discovered what was taking place. I had been far and wide and never had I heard of any such custom in present practice, it having been abandoned generations before our time. But while attention was on the grieving, confused Rosemary who was expressing herself outwardly, I knew there was one other person who needed help and didn't have the words to ask for it. Her pained eyes and hand pressed to her mouth told me everything I needed to know.

I was by her side in an instant, grabbing her hand gentley and looking towards her with affection.

"Are you alright, Saja?" I asked, knowing the answer, bending down so near to her my lips nearly grazed her ear. She shook her head lightly, so slight I may have missed it had I not been so close to her.

"Let me help you..." I whispered, "l-let me take you away."

Saja barely had time to question me before I grabbed her hand and led her away.


I wasn't quite sure where we were, but as soon as I saw the mountain used as a tomb I knew where to go. I had looked at countless blueprints and layouts of Bryni land. We had never been at war with Bryni much, but I never wanted to be caught of guard if we had to. Not to far from the mountain was a patch of woods in which a spring could be found - that's where I took Saja, and that's where we now sat with my back against the tree and Saja curled beside me, her legs drawn in and her head against my good shoulder.

I looked at the still water as we sat, feeling her body move with her rhythmic breathing, thinking about home. There were no oceans here so this spring would suffice.

Shifting, I eased Saja off of my shoulder and came to a stand. Untying the laces down the front of my shirt, I shrugged it off and coaxed, "Come swimming with me, love."

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Fri May 16, 2014 12:10 pm
Shadowlight says...


I stared as August began undressing, my cheeks on fire. Rarely had I see a man without even his shirt on and then it was my brother! I couldn't look away from his hands slowly working down the laces then shrugging it off his shoulders, his honey golden skin taking on a beautiful copper tone in the sun, my mouth went dry and I finally tore my eyes away- would he take off his britches?! why was he taking his clothes off?!

"Come swimming with me love?" His voice was so low I almost missed it, I looked up eyes wide, he was offering his hand to me, "Please? Come swimming? Lets forget everything for just a moment okay?" Gingerly I reached out and took his hand- my little paw drowning in his, he really was a lot bigger then me in every respect. I nodded tentatively and pulled away.

I couldn't go swimming in my gown... I'd ruin it, besides it was so heavy it would drown me... Reaching behind me I fumbled trying to find the laces, my mind whirring and my heart hammering.

"Saja..." August cupped my cheeks, tilting my head up, "Let me?" I nodded dumbly, nerves tight in my belly. turning my back to him I pulled my long braid to the side- giving him free access to my laces.

His fingers quickly found the knot and began releasing me from my gown, I could hear his breathing change and wondered what he was thinking, if he was as nervous as I.

Shimmying out of my gown left me only in my short little slip,I couldn't look at him, my cheeks were on fire and I felt so jumpy, I just skittered for the water and waded in, the coolness of it calming the fire of my skin.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Mon May 19, 2014 10:25 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Spoiler! :
Aaaaaand, I'm back!! Sorry I've been gone for so long!!


I had barely had a moment to talk to the young princess Aris, having been interrupted or blocked each and every time. I was determined, however, to get to know her before we were to be married. It may be arranged, but we were going to have to live with each other for the rest of our lives - we may as well start getting familiar with one another.

The sound of the Earth crunched beneath my feet, the clothes laying on my skin feeling odd - I wasn't one for tunics and britches. Like most Harrow men, I preferred our open clothing that fought against the heat. Not that I would have to worry about that here - it was amazing that we could even share the same sun yet have it be so different.

I walked at Aris' pace, matching my stride to hers even though it felt odd with my long legs. I kept opening my mouth to speak, but every time I turned to look at her I forgot all of my words. Some prince charming. She simply looked so sweet and beautiful as she walked, squinting her eyes against the sun as the black fabric of her dress swirled around her when the wind blew.

"Aris?" I asked, keeping my gaze on her as we followed everyone back to the castle.

"Hmm?" She responded, turning her eyes towards me.

I held her gaze for a moment before reaching towards her and offering my hand. She blinked slowly, then hesitantly accepted my hand. My hand enveloped hers, being twice the size, but it felt right - it fit perfectly. I laced my fingers with hers, smiling to myself as we kept walking.

Spoiler! :
I know it isn't much, but it's something!
Live, Love, Laugh

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Tue May 20, 2014 12:13 am
Bugslake says...


My hand felt good in his, sure I didn't know him, but it felt right. We quietly walked, I noticed that his own stride felt forced awkward. Maybe it was his clothing, I remembered them coming here with looser clothing than what they are wearing now.

I glanced at him again, his own eyes met mine and I could feel a heat rise within my cheeks. That's when he stopped walking, it surprised me. "Aris, do you have any questions for me?"

Great, now I had to talk. I began to mess with my head of messy, red hair. My nervousness was kicking in as I tried to not be anxious about laming with Jackson. "How is Harrow? Like what is it you love about it? Why do you want to be its king?" As soon as the words left my mouth I wanted to bang my head against a stone. Instead I just looked down and and tried to make myself smaller than I already was.

Jackson's voice answered me though. His once confident voice became shaky and unsure. The only thing that helped me understand that I wasn't the only scared one. "Well, Harrow is hot. Nothing like the ocean you're used to with the cool water and all." He paused thinking. "Why do you want to know why I want to be king, if I want to be king?" His question surprised me and made me smile.

"I was just wondering because sometimes it is all for the wrong reasons. Stop skirting around the question anyhow and just tell me." I sat down on the grass as I waited for him to answer the question. He sat opposite of me as he thought. Then I looked at him again, his eyes were upon me, watching me. I blushed again. "Stop doing that."

"I can't promise you anything, but I will try."

Spoiler! :
My post is short as well, but I'm glad to be working with you @fictionfanatic

Well, if I can't get this chapter to work....at least I will have exercised my fingers.
— Kaia