
Young Writers Society

The Fundamentals (Accepting)

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Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:28 pm
gleek456 says...

Natalie McKenzie- Air

I let out a sigh of reflief. It felt good to just lie down after two attacks in one day. I tossed in my spot as I tried to go to sleep. That snake thing still has me shaking. I hit my palm on my forehead.

Stop being a baby, I thought to myself. I turned my head and opened my eyes. Everyone was sleeping pretty peacefully. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I couldn't sleep. I needed to talk to someone, but who? I looked around to see two empty spots. I examined everyone, to see who isn't here. Arwen and Thuake. Where the hell are they? Maybe they had to go to the bathroom and will be back shortly. Yup, that's it. If they aren't here by tomorrow... well I don't know.

I lied back down, my back against the cold ground. I pull my jacket closer to my body, to keep me warm. Damn. My legs are cold. Why did I choose to wear short shorts? Whatever. Deal with it. I close my eyes tightly and tried to go back to sleep. In a few minutes, I finally dozed off.

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Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:42 pm
DarthAJ says...

Thuake Brooks - Earth

Arwen looked me in the eye with more determination than I could have expected.

"I'll do it,"

The sides of my mouth reached for the sky, I couldn't help it. I smiled, together we could definitely convince Karzai to take us up as his allies.

I bandaged up Arwen's wound and we decided to leave right away, she just wanted a moment beside Jerr before leaving. It was best to let her get any type of frustration she had towards him out of her system. The journey we were about to go on wasn't going to be easy.

She came back in a minute and then we decided to set off ever so quietly. As I was going by I saw Aurora sleeping, a very small part of me felt bad for leaving her as the only Earth Fundamental in the group. But it was inevitable, I knew that what I was doing was going to be better for me and better for the world.

We decided to go North of the camp, there was silence between me and Arwen for the first ten minutes.

"You sure your not sleepy? Are you okay to keep going?" I said as softly as I could.

"I'm okay Thuake. I can see a forest in the distance, let's at least get into it before we rest for some time."

"I agree, we need to put as much distance between ourselves and the others as we can."

We kept following the path till we were knocking on the forest's door.

The trees seemed to cover every possible entrance into the forest, I swear they moved together just as we had come nearer to the forest.

"Aren't you able to have some control over the trees Thuake?" Said Arwen.

I nodded to her and effortlessly made the tree's separate, I walked through the small entrance that had been created. We could sense the trees were uncomfortable as soon as we entered the forest, it was like we were thieves.

"We need to find a small clearing to spend the rest of the night. This is a forest so there might be danger lurking about so we take turns sleeping." I told her a bit more forcefully than I should have.

"Okay, I'll keep watch first,"

"No I will." I turned to Arwen and continued, "Your the one who's wounded, don't forget about that. You need more rest out of the both of us."

She smiled at me. I gave an awkward glance and carried on forward.

We came to a small clearing a while later and it was surrounded by Oak tree's.

Soon enough Arwen was lying down. I decided to climb the oak tree and sit on the branch to keep watch.

The cool breeze made by body shiver as I sat up there. It sure was really cold because I don't usually shiver.

I guess Arwen could hear me, she conjured up a small fire ball and sent it towards me. It wasn't an aggressive movement, the fireball walked slowly, it was like a friend coming towards me. It just hovered by me and made me feel warmer.

"Thanks," I said.

I heard no reply and assumed she had fallen asleep.

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Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:12 pm
Rydia says...


It was nice, the way everyone seemed to be getting on at last and we'd certainly shown the agent of Karzai that we were a force to be reckoned with. It had been a clumsy battle admittedly; our strategy hadn't been well thought out and our attacks had been every individual fighting for themself, with the exception of a few. But. We had done it.

And here we were. The Earth continent, or the entrance to it at least. We'd bedded down in a forest and the grass felt soft against my skin, luring me into sleep before I'd even had a chance to consider sentrys or protection. It felt safe. Just as the inside of the tree had felt secure and warm. The forest seemed like home to me.

I woke early, feeling a chill in the air and sat up to rub my arms. It was barely light so I couldn't have slept long but I felt refreshed and ready to continue the journey. Looking around the group, I saw that some were still sleeping while a few others were huddled close for warmth. A fireball hung in the air above Elijah, but no fires had been made on the ground. I frowned and wondered why someone hadn't built one up if people were cold. I felt a little guilty that I hadn't even considered it, but surely that was the fire's department. Elijah was near the centre of the group so I said a few good mornings as I made my way over.

"Hey, why not just set some grass on fire?" I asked cheerily.

"Nothing burns," she said. She looked a bit tired and her gaze was almost accusing, as if it was my fault that the Earth world was resistant to fire.

"Oh, well never mind then. I'm sure it will be warmer soon." I tried to sound encouraging and sympathetic, but it was pretty hard since I wasn't feeling all that cold. Then I notiiced that our group was unusually small. I counted the heads and then tried again. "Hey, where are Thuake and Arwen?"

"Haven't seen them," Elijah said.

"They were gone last night, before I went to sleep," Natalie added, a worried tone in her voice.

"Maybe they couldn't sleep and... went for a walk or something." I tried to sound breezy but felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Arwen and Thuake? It wasn't like they could be off on some sort of lover's tryst or anything, surely not? But. Where could they be? If it had just been Arwen, I might have thought the girl had desserted or run into trouble. But Thuake as well? Cool it. Don't look worried. Thuake knows what he's doing, he's a sensible kid. And this is his land. Maybe he wanted to go on ahead and she went with him. "Actually they might have gone on ahead. They might have wanted some time alone." But I didn't really believe that.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:44 pm
PrincessOfDarkness says...

Arwen ¬

I sent the small ball of fire up at Thuake, slowly, so he didn't think I was attacking him. I let it hover there, and soon fell into a restless sleep, my stomach twinging painful every so often.

* * *

We swapped round a little later, as the sun just began to peek slowly above the horizon. I let Thuake sleep as I climed the tree, letting my sword and dagger bump against my leg as I scaled it. I rested there, and let a fire ball hover around Thuake, and then a seperate one next to me. The trees sent a dappled light on the ground. I was bored waiting, so I manipulated the fire, made shapes and moved it.
First, I made a flower, coloured it black and white, then I made a heart ... and then tore it in two. I made a dragon, and made it ripple; then breathe fire.
I hopped out of the tree and shook Thuake awake.

"Come on, we need to cover some ground,"

He groggily got up, and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"I'm up, I'm up," He said, as I playfully tugged his arm.

Then we set off.
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Sat Aug 20, 2011 5:45 pm
Iggy says...

Hanna Parker - Water; Jerrson Hastings - Fire

Fire was everywhere. Black and purple flames surrounded everything in sight. In front of Jerr was eight indiviual flames, each holding one of the Fundamentals. They screamed and fought effortlessly against the firery trap, but it was no use. The elemens only increased the flames and weakens the victim. Poor Natalie was about to pass out.

Jerr tried to move forward, to save them, but found he couldn't move.

"Stupid boy." He turned to see Thuake and Arwen standing next to a dark shadow that oozed pure evil. But his eyes were on his 'friends'. They looked stronger, healthier. Like they were immortal. The shadow swirled around them, confirming hia worst fears.

"You betrayed us." Jerr whispered.

"No, you betrayed us!" Thuake snarled, his empty black eyes staring into Jerr's. He shuttered inward but retrned the glare.

"How could you, Arwen?" He yelled at her.

She laughed evilly. "How could I? You truly are stupid. What use are humans? They hurt and do stupid things, they take up space in the world. They deserve to perish, burnt to the ground, so we can create a new world out of the ashes!"

Jerr stared at her in disbelief. "You sound like every other stupid, evil dude who attempyed to take over the world and failed."

Arwen smirked. "It's your choice. Join us, r perish along with the world."

"Fat chance." Jerr threw a fireball at her. She deflected it and sighed.

"Pity. Kill him." She said to the flames. He tried to run, but they surrounded him. And when they touched his skin?



Jerr gasped and sat up, wide awake. He whirled aeound to see if everyone was okay. Mostly everyone was still asleep. He quickly did a heas count. He counted Hanna, Eli, Rory, David, Alice, Liam, Antony, and Natalie. Where was Thuake and Arwen?

He say that Rory was awake and walked over to her. "Where are-"

"I don't know!" She cut him off, looking around with a frightened expression.

Jerr told her about his dream. "I think they went ahead to join Karzai."
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:16 pm
gleek456 says...

Natalie McKenzie- Air

I woke up...again. I guess sleep will have to wait. I groan and turn around to see Jerr and Rory. Like a baby, I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

"What's going on?" I whisper, careful not to wake the others. Rory looked at me with a worried expression, Jerr had the same, but more stern.

"Arwen and Thuake are missing," Jerr answered. I remember when I woke up before, and found them gone. I assumed they were doing their "duty".

"I thought they were doing their 'duty'," I said. Rory's expression turns into a confused one.

"You thought?" she asked. I nodded and gave her an "mhmm". Rory let out a stressed sigh, and Jerr's expression changed.

"Why don't we tell the others?" I ask. "They should know. I mean, eventually they will, but sooner would be better, wouldn't it?" I grip the staff next to me, and began tracing the spirals.

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Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:30 pm
DarthAJ says...

Thuake Brooks - Earth

It was time to swap over, I went straight to sleep once Arwen said she was well enough to take up guard.

While sleeping I had a strange dream. It was like the forest was talking to me.

I saw the trees swirling around me like a tornado, they were all saying the same thing.

"Go deeper into the forest young fundamental, only then will you find what you seek"

This chant continued and got more aggressive as the dream progressed.

That's when I awoke, I saw Arwen telling me to get up.

"I'm up, I'm up," I growled, barely recovering from that dream.

"Right let's get going. I think we should go out of the forest and circle around it," said Arwen.

"No we must go deeper into the forest." I replied with a disturbed look on my face.

"Thuake what's wron -- "

I interrupted her, I couldn't show Arwen any sign of weaknesses in me. "Come on, no questions. We go deeper in to get to Karzai, I can feel it."

We carried on going through the forest.

This was such an odd forest, there was no sign of life anywhere; not even bugs. The tree's were getting annoying, too many branches came in my way. I tried to force them aside with my powers but it seemed like they didn't want us to go further in.

A branch slammed into my face and I just lost it.

"Ahhh get outta my face," I roared.

In that outburst the trees all around us collapsed like a pile of dominoes.

"What the hell Thuake? What's wrong, you've been upset since you woke up!" Shouted Arwen.

I looked at Arwen and said, "It's just a dream, I don't wanna talk about it"

I turned around and was about to walk forward when I felt her hand twist me around.

"No Thuake, tell me now. Whatever your dream was about its affecting your behavior. I need to know!" pleaded Arwen.

"Okay! I had a dream with the trees speaking to me. They told me to go deeper into the forest to find what we seek, which I'm assuming is Karzai's agents. I can't believe I'm weak enough to listen to the trees."

"Damn it Thuake what is it with you and your inability to accept weaknesses. Don't hate weaknesses, embrace them, they will make you stronger. If you avoid them or try to hide them you will find that they only increase in strength." said Arwen in the most determined voice I had ever heard from her.

She was absolutely right, I had done nothing but run away from weaknesses for a long long time.

I sighed and said, "I hate to accept it but your right. You don't know what I've been through Arwen, my past, you know none of it. It's our past that makes us who we are, all I've been doing is running away from it and now it seems like the further I try to run the more it comes and stares me in the face"

Arwen looked like she understood how I felt.

She put a comforting hand on my shoulder and said, "Acceptance is the first step, you've done that. Now lets carry on going and try not to think too much of weaknesses, pasts and so on. Have you ever tried to enjoy the moment? Take a look around you Thuake, there's a lot to appreciate and admire in this forest."

I shrugged off her comforting words and said, "All right enough soul searching for one day. Lets move on now.".

As I moved forward for the first time since I was a child I felt delighted by the place I was in. The cool breeze with soft scents of the forest made me feel good. The trees looking so calmly down upon us looked majestic in the morning sunlight. Each leaf looked different from the next and they were turning golden amber to match the change of seasons.

Arwen was right, if I just looked around there's a lot to admire, there's a lot that can be seen to make one feel better. I turned around to thank her, I saw her looking at me and quickly turned back; no I needed to to stay strong.

After walking forward for a few more minutes a surprising thing happened. The last of the trees came apart and in front of us were fields filled with corn crops and a sleepy looking village in the distance.

I looked at Arwen confused, "So it was just a dream, there was nothing for us in that deep forest.".

Arwen looked at me and said, "Really? Your dream said you would find something you have been seeking deep in the forest. I think you did Thuake, I just pushed you towards it.".

Arwen stretched her arms and then walked ahead of me.

So accepting weaknesses, no, embracing them was what I had been seeking?

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Sat Aug 20, 2011 7:25 pm
Dreamwalker says...


Was it selfish of me that I watched them leave? That I didn't say anything at all?

I couldn't sleep. I'm not too sure anyone could, and for the few who did, they had worked quite a deal harder than I. As I watched the two bolt into the night, I suppose I instinctively knew that that was it. I didn't feel the need to fight it. To make it better. To make them realize what they had done or that what they were doing was wrong. All quite a bit of effort with no real reason to object.

I turned my eyes towards David who appeared to be fast asleep. None of this would effect him in the least. After all, we were water and air, not fire and earth. We were the calm ones. Hard and quick to anger was not something I imagined to ever want to be.

Rory would be sad. I suppose maybe that's the only reason I thought of it at all. Though of morality. The good, human thing to do would be to chase them down for her sake. I just couldn't get myself to do it, though.

Rory... why hadn't he taken her with him?

"Go to sleep," David whispered. His eyes didn't open but a grimace made itself known. "Your restlessness is making it really hard to actually try and get some rest."

I turned over, curling my legs up tight against my chest. "Yeah, sorry."

"Don't be sorry," he muttered. "Just sleep."

As I tried to drift off into unconsciousness, the thoughts of Rory made it very hard to be at peace. It wasn't fair. She didn't deserve to be left behind, and for what purposes? What was their grand scheme in all of this?

Of course, those answers would not come easily, if ever, and dwelling on them now would bring me no closer to understanding. Simply speaking, I needed rest.
Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologuing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. - R.S

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Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:06 pm
Sassafras says...

Antony Cove - Fire

I wasn't as upset as I should have been and that's what bothered me the most. It's not that I didn't like Arwen, no I liked all the Fundamentals and would do anything for them, it's just that I always expected something like this from her. She wasn't as fixed on the mission as others were. Arwen was impulsive and emotional, and when I heard that she ran away in the middle of the night I simply sighed. It was when I heard that Thuake ran away too when things got confusing. Even still I found a sort of understanding of why he would go. Thuake was Earth and Earth did whatever it wanted to do. The whole thing was his idea too, I knew it, because Earth took orders from nobody but themselves. I'd like to believe they went on to clear the path for us or search ahead for the Earth Continent kingdom, but I knew deep inside that they were gone for good.

And it didn't bother me at all.

"Well that's a bummer," I mumbled. All of us were sitting in a group, a sort of circle on the ground.

"A bummer? Is that all you can say? Is that all you really feel about this," Elijah yelled at me. I met her fiery stare with my blank and cool one. "We lose two more members and all you can say is that it was a bummer?" I shook my head at her and leaned back on my hands.

"What do you want me to say? They're gone, and why should I feel their departure as anything more than an inconvenience if they willingly left the group? They obviously didn't care too much about us to leave so why should I care too much about them?"

Elijah growled and stood up, her fist balled at her sides.

"But they were our partners!"

"You didn't even get along with anyone until yesterday. Don't talk about partnership to me, Elijah. You sound like a hypocrite." She lunged for me then, her fist a flame and I stood quickly, ready to deflect her attack, but before she could get too close Rory jumped in between and stopped it all.

"Cut it out," she yelled, holding Elijah by the wrist and throwing out her other hand to push against my chest. I rolled my eyes and sat back down. That was probably mean of me, to say the things I did, but it was also the truth and we all needed the truth right about now. I will admit this journey was changing me and in ways I didn't like at all. Elijah sat down, no longer glaring at me but at the ground.

"The only thing we can do now is keep going forward. I don't understand how they could betray us," I could hear the sadness in her voice as she spoke and could tell she was trying hard to cover it, "but that's over now. We need to focus on the mission. It's what we were born for and they're people counting on us, a whole world counting on us, and we can't let them down."

I nodded sternly once she finished and stood up, dusting off my pants. After all, the world is bigger than a couple of traitors and if I was to ever see Thuake or Arwen again... Something in me stirred violently and I felt my eyes narrow and my mouth turn down into a frown. I hope I never saw them again. I'm afraid of what I might do.
Last edited by Sassafras on Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:26 pm
Rydia says...

Aurora Clavelle; Earth

If Jerr's dream was to be believed, the two had not only desserted but were in fact looking to sign up with the other side. That hurt. That hurt so much that Rory was just hollow inside. Her body went through the motions, leading the way through the forest, while her mind retreated away from the people around her. Thuake. She could still feel that faint amusement as she turned to see him swiping at the air with his claws. But now it turned to guilt and horror. He was going to use those claws on them, on her. Just yesterday, back at that tree, she'd trusted him. She couldn't have been more wrong. Everyone knew that it had to have been his idea. Arwen had been a trouble maker, true enough, but Thuake would have never followed her. Earth didn't follow, they led. Even now, as broken as she was, a single link where there had been three, Rory walked ahead of the group.

"Hey, are you okay?" Aurora broke away from her thoughts, surprised that it was Liam who asked the question. She hadn't really got to know him very well yet, except to note that he was quiet and usually easy going.

"Yeah, yeah I'm- how are the others holding up?"

"It's pretty grim all around," Liam admitted. Rory let out a frustrated hiss. Great, just when we were finally getting along.

"You know, I'm feeling pretty hungry," Rory said, louder than she needed to. "I'm sure we'll all feel much better once we've had something to eat."

"I'm really hungry too," Alice said quickly and there was a scattering of agreement around the group. Aurora turned to face them and slowly everyone came to a halt. All nine of them. All that was left.

"Maybe there's fruit or something," Natalie suggested.

"I'd rather have a nice, wild boar," Jerr grumbled.

"Oh look, I think I found one," Antony drawled with an intent look at Jerrson. It was a dark humour but better than nothing at all. And it made a start. It made Rory think that they could go on and maybe they could still win, but facing their old friends would be hard. As if Karzai wasn't trouble enough.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:00 pm
OnigiriChan says...

Elijah Woods - Fire

I knew I was walking, moving on with the rest of the group, but my whole body was numb. Two more gone. That was just perfect, absolutely fantastic. I sighed and shook my head, a sudden headache throbbing at my temples. I don't know how much more of this I could take. And Arwen, that traitor. And there was I thinking that we were finially starting to get along. I shuddered and turned my head, starring up into the trees.

"Hey, it'll be fine." I turned to see Jerr smiling at me and he put his arm over my shoulder. I scowled and lowered my gaze and he just squeezed me in closer to his side. "Next time we see Arwen we'll just beat the shit out of her for leaving us." I smiled widly and rolled my eyes.

"Leave it up to you to say some crap like that."

"You know, I'm feeling pretty hungry," Rory shouted. I looked up at her and nodded in agreement. "I'm sure we'll all feel much better once we had something to eat."

"I'm feeling really hungry too," Alice said.

"Maybe there's fruit or something," Natalie suggested. Psh, fruit? What were we, vegetarians?

"I'd rather have a nice, wild boar," Jerr exclaimed. Yeah, that was more like it. I needed some meat.

"Oh look," Antony drawled, "I think I found one." I laughed out loud despite myself and elbowed Jerr in the side.

"You might be dead on with that one, Antony," I mused lowly. Jerr growled and scoffed loudly.

"If anyone's the boar it's you, Ant," he teased.

"Oh no," Antony drawled, waving a hand dismissingly in the air, "I doubt I taste as good as you. Wouldn't you agree, Eli darling." I frowned and folded my arms, directing my glare right at the bright eyed Water fundamental.

"Don't you dare drag me into this," I grumbled. I heard Jerr laugh and I could tell he was getting ready to make some inapproiate and slightly insane comment but, thankfully, someone spoke up before that could happen.

"Look," David called. "Up there in the trees, is that a freaking building?" I followed where his finger was pointing and gasped. Up in the trees was a big building surrounded by smaller buildings. A kingdom on top of the trees, on top of the leaves.

"That can't be safe," Alice said in disbelief. I looked over to Rory, to see what the last Earth Fundamental thought of this, and saw a smile cross her features.

"That's Earth for you," she said proudly. "Come on, let's get in."
"If all our life is but a dream, fantastic posing greed, then we should feed our jewelry to the sea. For diamonds do appear to be just like broken glass to me." Northern Downpour

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Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:56 am
Iggy says...

Hanna Parker - Water; Jerrson Hastings - Fire

He chuckled when Ant called him a boar. It was great that he could joke around when they'e been betrayed by Thuake and Arwen. How could Arw do that to him? The team? Even after everyone agreed that they were all in this together. Jerr was hurt and angry. Very angry. When he got his hands on Thuake... He'd tear him limb from limb. He better train for this. Because when that epic battle comes between Karzai and the Fundamentals, I will kill him Jerr thought furiously.

"I'm going to kill that bitch." Eli hissed under her breath.

"I'm going to kill that hard-headed, stupid, lying, betraying asshole." Jerr snarled.

"You're not the only one " Liam muttered darkly.

"What is this?! How can he betray us? How could Arwen? We're dead to the world! We have no one but each other! We're Fundamentals! No offense, but we're outcasts, and outcast stick together. We may not have hit it off, bu we're family now. Everyone you see is someone you trust and depend on." Hanna cried, glancing around at the remaing nine."We need to trust each other."

"I agree. The fate of the world depends on us." Antony spoke, wrapping an arm around Hanna.

"I already trust all of you. I trust to easily. That's my fatal flaw." Hanna smiled slightly.

"I trust you guys too. But if you betray me, any of you, I will kill you." Jerr said in a hard voice. He pulled Eli close and ruffled her hair.

"Let's change the subject." Rory suggested.

"Woah, is that a kingdom on the leaves?!" Liam gasped, staring up.

"That can't be safe!" Alice exclaimed.

"That's the Earth kingdom for you." Rory said proudly. Jerr chuckled and poked Eli.

"I'm going to rip your arm off!" She growled playfully.

He shuddered. "Ooh, I'm scared of a pip squeak!"

"Pip squeak?!" Eli shrieked, her eyes flashing dangerous. Jerr laughed harder.

"That boy is going to get himself killed." Rory smirked.

"Don't all boys?" Alice scoffed.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:13 am
jok101 says...

can we bring this back to life or has it been too long

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Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:02 pm
Sassafras says...

Antony Cove - Water (This did kinda die... Don't know how...)

We kept walking until the buildings were right over our heads. It was a troubling place to be, actually, I didn't really fancy the thought of having a whole quadrillion pound civilization over my head.

"So, how do we get up," Alice mused. I shrugged and looked around a bit, searching for some type of staircase or ladder. I found none.

"Maybe we should climb the trees," Rory suggested while trying to maneuver her way up the surprisingly smooth bark of the Earth Continent trees. "Well, maybe not..."

I sighed and reached up to pluck a few leaves of the trees out of boredom, but they wouldn't budge. That was strange... I called the others over and, before long, we were all trying to tug off at least one leaf. The only one who was able to was Rory and that's because she cheated with her powers. It wasn't long after Rory plucked the leaf from the tree that vines dropped down along with an army of armed men. I was instantly on guard along with the rest of my teammates.

"More of Karzai's little helpers," Eli hissed. "I'm getting sick of this bull!"

"No," Liam called. "I don't think so." But he didn't drop his defense. The armed men continued towards our group, walking without haste of apprehension. They were way too cocky to just come at us like that, though there were fifteen of them and only nine of us, but still! The nerve of some people. I sighed and narrowed my eyes, hoping this really didn't have to come to blows.

The group stopped in front of us, well actually in front of Rory, and I could see her getting ready to attack when the group bowed low at her feet.

"Finally," the one in the front said. "It's about time you showed up, Earth Fundamental."
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:34 pm
Rydia says...

Aurora Clavelle - Earth

They were bowing to her. And strangely, Rory didn't feel awkward. She felt... pleased. Respected. It was a very nice feeling and refreshing after all the trouble they'd been having with some of the fundamentals. But then, she had to remember that one of those had been Earth too. Could these people be trusted any more than Thuake? Would they be more like him or Jayk? Right now they didn't seem like either, she certainly couldn't imagine Jayk or Thuake bowing to her. Never mind. It made her feel sad to think of the boys, too sad and too alone. Rory bowed to the Earth people in return.

"My apologies for the delay. We ran into trouble along the road."

"I see. That would explain your diminished numbers."

"Yes. Actually... two have abandoned us in your kingdom. They have been misguided by our foes and- and they may be dangerous."

"You do well to warn us of this." The leader then looked at the rest of the group for the first time. "Come," he said. "The council await you and your friends will find our kingdom most hospitable." He seemed to know already that Aurora was the only Earth amongst them. It was probably their amulets that gave it away.

"Wait, don't we get to meet this council?" Eli demanded.

"It would only be fair. When we visited the water kingdom, the king talked to everyone," Ant added.

"You may attend and listen if you will," the Earth leader said amiably but in a firm voice that discouraged interruptions. "But your leader will speak for you, as I speak for my clan now. It is the way with Earth. Of course, you will be granted an hour in which to discuss your concerns with your leader that she may approach the council thoroughly informed of her people's wishes. Come, the vines will take us up."
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

"Come quickly, I am drinking the stars!"
— Dom Pérignon