
Young Writers Society

The Haunted Plantation (Finished.)

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Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:33 pm
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TaylorLove says...


When he picks me up I try to look into his eyes, but cannot with out laughing. "Oh, you're a hero!" I exclaim, rolling my eyes. He placed me down and runs over to the camera.

"I wasn't sure if I got that last bit." He tells me, smirking.

"No!" I tell him, crossing my arms.

"Awwh, Isn't she a Meany." He says, the camera pointing at him.

"Fine, fine! Jordin, you're my hero-" Before I can say anything, the light flickers again "Did you see that?"

"Yeah.." He whispers getting closer to me, but he booms in a huge laugh, "Don't worry about it." He says.

"Well, I am. Let check it out!" I say. But then, I see Nick standing in the doorway, arms crossed. He looks a little mad, so I turn to Jordin. "Will you give us a minute?" I ask. Jordin nods and leaves with out a word. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"What do you think is wrong with me?" He asks, his voice firm.

I think a shrug, not having a clue. "I don't know Nick." I tell him. "I am sorry if I have made you upset, but I really do not know what's wrong."

"You were just in his arms, looking into his eye and telling him that he is your hero." Nick says, turning away from me.

"Oh, no. Nick you have the wrong idea." I say, rushing over to him.

"You do not have to cover it up." He says.

"Will you give me a chance to explain? I just met the guy ten minutes ago." I begin.

"That does not make it any better." He say. I grab his hand and turn him to me.

"Nick, I do not like Jordin. I promise. I was just being dramatic for the cameras. I would not have done that if I knew it was going to hurt you and I am sorry it did. You really do have the wrong idea." I tell him, looking him strait into the eye
Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart
-Winnie the Pooh

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Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:14 pm
umaima says...

June Rutherford

I tried to open my eyes but the first attempt was a waste. I heard someone walk in and quietly close the door. and then I could hear voices, people talking to each. That means I didn't die, probably.

"Should we keep this to only us?" I heard someone say, have heard this voice before, definitely

"I don't really know, what do you think Han?" Again someone familiar. wait that's Meg, I still am alive. Oh brother! I tried another attempt to open my eyes and realised I was in my own body which somehow felt the most amazing thing.

"Maybe we should tell the others, but now isn't the time." I said happily, if I were to tell anyone anything about this, I wouldn't tell now because it was better this way.

I saw Kam sitting beside me and pulled her in a hug almost surprising everyone there.
"We got you back" I said as I squeezed her and she was almost out of breathe when I let her go and we all laughed. Finally everything was cooling down in this house. Or was it?

"Okay guys, I better go in my room and rest now, the. The pain's not helping anyway" I says and head outside, more like rush outside. As I close the door behind me I see Row walking towards me, or maybe not. I see her pass by me without even looking in y directions

"Hey Row, where are you going?" I asked her. She didn't speak for some time but then she turned to me saying "No where important." Okay, weird. I mean she is a good friend of mine and won't really bother saying where she is heading too... so I decided to bring my spy instincts out.

I take my earphones out and put up the mission impossible music, I loved doing this. As the music started playing I start to follow her. She doesn't seem to even have a feeling of me following her or anyone at all so I guess I am really getting good at this. As she opens the terrace door I know something's wrong. I run towards it before it closes and see her standing in one end looking down, don't tell me...

"Row, what are you doing?"I literally shout at her as i run towards her and before I could come any closer she jumped. Oh god she jumped. I couldn't believe my eyes. Now what do I do, I thought to myself. Should I jump too... wait that's ridiculous, then what do I do.

rush down and save her life stupid my conscience tells me, Oh yeah... I should probably do that so I run downstair to her and see James already lifting her and heading inside.

"Kamria" I shout as I enter her room and grab her before she responds, dragging her all the way to Row's room. There James is already calling the doctor Cal had informed us about, who lived not very far and Kam does the emergency first aid. After the doctor arrives and everything is at peace i head downstairs towards the living room. I see Nick and Meg fighting like angry birds. I laugh as I pass by them and head towards my room
where I spot Dayna, she leaves after seeing me.

"You have no idea how great it feels to be back inside myself!" Kamria says as she enters my room. I chuck and wince both at the same time.

"Are you okay?"she asks out of concern. no, it hurts badly.

"Yes. Just hurting a little." I say.

"If it makes you feel any better, we don't have to fight over Ivan. He is yours." she say with a whisper. My eyes go wide, please tell me we are not having this conversation right now, its so embarrassing

"Is it that obvious?" I whispers with a laugh and try to control the blush.

"Well lets just say, when you are a ghost you start realizing and actually focusing on everything."Kam says to me.

"I can't help it, I mean when he looks at me I just want to melt in a puddle." Okay, tell me I didn't just say that. Trust me when I say I looked even brighter than a tomato because of all the embarrassment, if only a hole comes out of somewhere and sucks me in it...

"I used to have that kind of feelings with my ex. I was totally in love with him.." Kam says and I look at her, her eyes showed me the story of sorrow.

"Well what happened?" I ask curiously.

She stands up almost astonishing and the says sadly "We had to break up. He went into the Air force, I just couldn't handle knowing I might lose him. He understood and we agreed that we needed too. I miss him like crazy, that was 2 years ago, I haven't talked to him since the day he left. He should be back soon, his name is Jacob."

I felt bad for her but as nobody liked pity so I didn't say anything. Oh, am I bad at comforting or what? After some time we start talking like nothing ever happened adn she cheerfully leaves the room.

As I lay down and finally start to fall asleep I get a text.

June we need you downstairs in 5...Dayna... Just come down and I will explain, there's gonna be a funeral tomorrow -Van

Oh god, what now? I wondered as I pulled myself forcefully out of the comforters and rushed down. Please tell it's nothing bad, please.

Spoiler! :
If this is a little big then sorry guys, I had to cover up everything from a week or so...
“The strong person is not the one who can wrestle someone else down. The strong person is the one who can control himself when he is angry.”

“It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; and it is better still to sit with the good than alone.”

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Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:25 pm
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StoneHeart says...

|Ivan Summers| (The morning after the previous post -Dayna isn't buried yet).

Ivan sighed. This needed to end, somehow or other. It just needed to be over with . . . once and for all. The ghosts were gone, bringing with them Dayna, but the monsters still kept them bottle up.

I don't want to live here for the rest of this year, he sighed to himself. His options were few, but right now, just after the death of Dayna, he knew that he would be happy as long as he was ANYWHERE other than here.

Kill the beasts, get your cut, and live a life, he decided. Slowly he rubbed a rag over the barrel of his AR. Or die trying.

He wasn't a hero. He just did what needed to be done. He didn't want to save the others. He just wanted to survive long enough to live in peace. He would go alone. None of the others were any good with weapons anyway.

Slowly he let his eyes drift out to the fields, spreading out in front of the house, lightly misted, but sickeningly beautiful in the morning light. Somewhere out there lurked the monsters. He shifted his rifle, slipping the strap over his shoulder, and slipped a pair of pistols and one of Dayna's machete's into his belt.

This had to end.

Slowly he glanced back up at the plantation house behind him, his mind flashing vaguely back to June. I'll take care of this. And then, turning, he paced out into the mist.

But he didn't run into anything. He searched through the field for a few minutes, his rifle constantly at the ready, but quickly realized something; the monsters weren't here anymore. He frowned. Where could they have gone?

The forest.

They must have fallen back to the forest. I wonder if these monsters had any connections with the ghosts? He sighed, he only had one place to go now. Readying his gun, he paced for the trees.

The forest was still ominous . . . but not deadly. Here and there birds were singing, and a small amount of gentle light found it's way down to him, easing the scene. The farther he went the harder his heart began to pound, and the more jumpy he felt at every little noise in the underbrush.

Every now and then he passed massive, clawed footprints, and skeletons of animals. What are they? He wondered, glancing nervously down at a thigh bone the size of a baseball bat.

Suddenly a bush off to his left rustled violently, and spinning around, he levelled his gun at it. But all that leaped out of it was a dog. A massive, thick, tail-wagging mastiff. He stared at it, lowering his weapon.

It just looked at him for a moment, staring out of big brown eyes, curious, its tail wagging, and then trotting forward, sniffed at him.

Hesitantly he held his hand out to it. For a moment it paused, and then leaning forward gave it a gentle lick.

Slowly Ivan smiled, and reaching forward began to fondle the animal's ears. It was a beautiful creature. It looked well-kept. “Where did you come from?” he chuckled. It just licked his hand.

Suddenly out of the tree's came another mastiff, and closely following it, another . . . and another . . . and another. . . . He raised his eyebrows in surprise. What were they all doing here? They circled him, whimpering and wagging their tails, sniffing him, and running around playfully. There had to be twenty of them!

“Hey guys,” he said, “I gotta go somewhere.” He tried to elbow his way out, but they just followed him whimpering. He worked his way forward for a moment, walking through the tree's, thinking that he wouldn't be surprising anybody . . . and then he suddenly stepped out into a clearing.

For a forty foot circle there wasn't a single tree. The ground was cleared and pounded flat . . . and dotted with massive footprints. He frowned, looking about, and suddenly he froze. About twenty feet in front of him was a mound of dirt, and built into the side of it was a stone doorway; the opening to a cave.

Slowly he edged forward, his gun levelled at the dark opening, ignoring the dogs scampering about him. Reaching the doorway, he paused, staring into the pitch darkness, and then leapt forward.

The instant he was inside he noticed that something was wrong. The mound of dirt was only a few feet across . . . but the room he was now in was hundreds of feet across, stretching away into shadows.

A growl echoed through the chamber, and spinning to his right, Ivan saw what it was. Lying on it's side, shivering softly, was one of the monsters. It twitched . . . but didn't get up. Something was wrong. Everything was silent. Even the dogs.

Slowly he stepped forward, sensing that there was nothing to fear from this fallen beast, and as he did, he noticed that there really wasn't. The entire side of the huge thing, as big as semi, was torn to shreds . . . by bullets. My bullets, he whispered to himself, remembering the monster he'd shot in the woods the other day, saving the one girl.

Slowly he looked into it's eyes, and instead of blind rage, he saw pain . . . and fear. The massive fangs didn't look dangerous anymore . . . this thing looked like. He froze.

It looked like a mastiff, enlargened, thickened to hulk proportions, and then then turned savage. But this thing wasn't savage. Not anymore.

As he watched, it's eyes flickered, as though they were only lights, dying in the face of a breeze . . . and went dead.

The shadows seemed to creep forward, shifting . . . and then there was a soft hiss, and the body was gone, dissolved into shadow. Ivan stared at the silently watching mastiffs. That's what they were. Or had been. And then something caught his eye.

Lying where the body had been was a dagger, long, with a thin blade, gilt, embedded with precious gems. Slowly he reached down for it . . . and as his fingers touched the hilt there was a flash of light, and opening his eyes, Ivan wasn't in the cave anymore.

He was back at the plantation, in the main living room. Lined up before him were all his friends, June, Nick, Meg . . . all of them. And standing behind them were a dozen dark clothed men, automatic's pressed into his friend's backs.

He stared at them, noticing blood on a few of their faces, shocked. Slowly he tightened his grip on his rifle, and took a step back toward the wall.

Suddenly a dark, suited figure stepped out from behind his friends. It was Cal.

Ivan stared at him. “What's going on!” he demanded.

Cal smiled thinly, “I'm sorry Ivan, I'm afraid that I wasn't totally honest with you all. “He slowly laced his hands behind his back.” Didn't you find it suspicious that some random rich guy would ask you to stay at his plantation for an ENTIRE YEAR, and offer you a million dollars if you made it? Once you knew about the ghosts and monsters . . . didn't you still think it was strange. Why would a millionaire like me want a dinky little place like this, and be willing to pay dozens of times it's value to keep it?”

Ivan spat at him, “I trusted you!” I can't believe I was such an idiot!

Cal smiled thinly, “you should have known better. I always get my cut . . . I always make good investments. I never fail. Now give me that dagger!”

Ivan glanced down at the weapon in his hand, “what is it? Why do you want it?”
Cal chuckled, “that there is EVERYTHING. It's the power to control the world; the dead. It's the power to change reality. It is what's going to make me win: ALL the time.” He smiled, already basking in his glory.

Ivan glanced at Nick and June, his hand tightening on his gun. He believed what Cal was saying . . . after what he'd seen. Nick and June shook their heads. It wasn't worth it.

“Give it to me, and drop the gun!” Cal demanded again.

“What about us?” he asked hesitantly, nodding to his friends.

Cal smiled, “I'll give you your money and you can be on your way.”

Ivan nodded to himself, defeated, okay. Without hesitating, he dropped his rifle, and tossed the dagger to Cal. Cal caught it and smiled. Ivan sighed. They could do nothing.

Suddenly Cal glanced at one of the black clothed men behind him, and slowly pacing out the door, said calmly ,”kill them.”

Ivan's heart skipped a beat, “but you said-”

Cal glared at him, “watch who you trust boy. I can't afford evidence, sorry.” With that, he disappeared . . . there was the roar of an engine . . . and he was gone.

Slowly the black clothed men raised their weapons. Ivan locked eyes with June. And he felt calm. Everything would be okay.

There was a soft clicking as the guns were cocked. Ivan gritted his teeth, you're not getting me, Cal, “NOW!” he roared, and all hell broke loose.

Spoiler! :
Okay, so you guys can post on how things got up to this point, the fight that's about to take place, how the bad guys are beaten and disposed of, and then begin to wind down. This SB was a blast, and we can make another if we let Cal live, but it's time to end this one. If Cal is caught/ killed and the dagger is A: Disposed of, or B: put into safe keeping, then there will be no sequel for this SB. But if he lives, then we have options. I'll be posting one more time to wind things up for Ivan (and June too, I think) -and possibly finalize things.
For I who am poor have only my dreams
I spread my dreams under your feet . . .

. . . tread softly for you tread on my dreams.

We are masters of our silences, and slaves of our words

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Wed Jul 24, 2013 4:23 pm
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Hanorah says...

hanorah (just before Ivan comes)

I bit my lip after another blow to my face, a reward for shouting at them to get out, Jorden looks horrified and just stands frozen while June looked at me and shook her head,she mouthed the word 'No'.

But I couldn't just stand there, 'Let us go you bastards!!!' I screamed, then turned to Cal 'I always felt off about you, I should have trusted my gut feeling, it's your fault Daynas dead!!'

I lunged towards him, aiming to punch him in the nose, but I was pulled back by to of the men, all I could do was give him a lousy slap across the face.At least I left a big red mark on his cheek.

'You're trouble, you die first' he clenched his jaw and nodded to his men, one of them holding my arms, the other whacked me right on my eyebrow, just under my left temple.

His fist collided with my face made a sickening sound, I some of the others looked away momentarily, the looked sick, others stared in utter horror.

I felt blood rush down beside my eye, how many times had they hit me before hand? Five, six times? I couldn't remember, but I couldn't keep my mouth shut, Cal was the reason Dayna was dead, I was going to kill him if was the last thing I did.

This time everyone shook there head at me, there eyes telling me to stop, or I'll end up dead.

At that moment, Ivan came in, and after much discussion, he handed Cal over the dagger.

Cal walked out the door, and started his engine.

'NOW!!' Ivan yelled and I elbowed one of the guys holding me in the nose, blood spluttered out, but before I could get the other one he punched me in the jaw and I flew back, feeling strong arms catching me, it was Jorden!

'Well, thank you sterling knight' I said, wiping the blood dipping from my lip.

He frowned obliviously not expecting me to reply like that.

I shrugged 'if today is the day on die, which it probably isn't, I want to have fun" and I smiled at him.

'You are by far, the WEIRDEST girl I have ever met' and he smiled, for the first time in ages.

'Thank you'I replied.

'Should we kill these bastards?' He asked.

'We should kill these bastards!' I said and smiled whole heartedly at him.

'Together?' I asked.

'Together' and we ran straight in, kicking the one who hit me in the groin.

Spoiler! :
hope it's ok, been a great storybook guys, sad that its ending soon, going to miss it!
'Be yourself;everyone else is already taken' ~ Oscar Wilde

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Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:06 pm
ladcat13 says...

Spoiler! :
Ok I've actually still been paying attention to this because I wanted to see how it ended. I love how you guys are making this turn out! I really don't have much right for input because I bowed out. But could I suggest that you not kill them all? After all, mercy and forgiveness are what make our characters better than Cal. Maybe you could subdue them until the police arrive, upon which time they are handed over to the criminal justice system. That's how I would end it, anyway. Also, for the end, can I ask about Dayna's funeral? She wants a military-style ceremony, and to be buried next to her lost love. Hanorah can decide what is name is, where he was buried, etc. I just don't want to let this character go yet, and I want to have some semblance of control over her until the end of the SB. If you guys don't want to do that, I'm ok with it because I don't really have a say. But it would be great if you did do that. I'll be reading! I can't wait for the end, you guys are doing a great job!

Millions of miles from home
In the darkness before the dawn
In the swirling of this storm
When I'm rolling with the thunder
But bleed from thorns
Leave a light, a light on.

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Thu Jul 25, 2013 4:08 pm
Hanorah says...

Spoiler! :
@ladcat that was exactly what I was thinking, I really don't know where your character went, no one wrote about the funeral or how they found Dyana and hanorah :L I was just thinking we could leave the men unconscious, not to kill them, and don't just end the story suddenly
'Be yourself;everyone else is already taken' ~ Oscar Wilde

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Thu Jul 25, 2013 5:11 pm
umaima says...

Spoiler! :
guys even i think its best to end it now because after this we cant possibly live in that house... right? Now living separately and meeting would not make this sb the same... plus we are soon gonna be bored because all ghosts are done and even the interesting things... though we can extend the ending like after finishing this stuff we can find cal amd then show our characters love stories and have a smooth ending... just opinions
Last edited by umaima on Thu Jul 25, 2013 5:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“The strong person is not the one who can wrestle someone else down. The strong person is the one who can control himself when he is angry.”

“It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; and it is better still to sit with the good than alone.”

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Thu Jul 25, 2013 5:16 pm
Hanorah says...

Spoiler! :
@umamia @ladcat13 I agree with both of you xD
'Be yourself;everyone else is already taken' ~ Oscar Wilde

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Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:41 pm
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NicoleBri says...

The End!


After everything was said and done. We finally all conquered our fears and defeated all the evil we thought was in this house. It turns out, Cal was the only TRUE evil. The darkness took him along with wherever the darkness goes. I think most of us were happy to be going back home.

Walking over to June, I couldnt help but smile. "It looks like we are all going home?" I say. She nodded with a sigh and we gave each other a hug. Nick and Meg didnt look to happy but I know they will make it work. I walk over to Ivan, he smelled amazing and I just couldnt put my finger on what it was.

"I guess goodbye?" I say. He nodded and for the first time in the passed few days I seen a smile appear on his face, I'm guessing it was because he was ready to go home. I gave him a hug, and we parted ways. I was trying to get to as many people here as I could to tell them goodbye.

I sighed approaching Nick and Meg. They had their last kiss. "Are yall going to make this work long distance?" I ask. Nick nodded and so did Meg with a smile. I hugged them both. Tears welted my eyes, Meg and June were the two best people I met here, well besides Nick. I am glad someone felt love in this place.

After telling everyone bye, I was the second to go.

I am ending this SB instead of letting it die, besides I am not really getting on a lot....
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:45 pm
NicoleBri says...


I didnt want to let Meg go, not even for a minute. We both agreed to make this work. She was the only real person that ever meant the world to me. Instead of talking to anyone else we just sat in our room packing and talking, half making out. It was hard to believe how everything turned out.

Seems like Cal was the only true evil in this place. Meg and I decided I would take her home, I brought my car anyways. It hadnt been even a year yet but none of us really wanted to stay here longer thinking another bad deed could happen.

"Lets go?" I ask looking at Meg. She nodded and we got our stuff, put it in the car, and left.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:59 pm
umaima says...

June Rutherford

Just before the end XD

"Hey guys, i think the...wowhoow, who are these people?" I asked when I saw those six packs or should I say nine pack dark guys who were definitely scarier than those horror movie ghosts and witches. Now that I look at it, they all could get roles in movies faster than normal people! Though they didn't look like friendly people.

I just kept staring at them and taking in all their appearances when I saw something that was scarier... everyone except Ivan and Meg was there. And the worst part was they all looked like a bus had crashed them all only I knew it didn't.

Meg was standing right behind me as I slowly walked downstairs. The furniture was destroyed, everyone's faces had blood on them and I couldn't help but let my tears escape. So this was it, we were going to die? Not that I hated my death but all the others too? Was all this a lie?

"Cal you idiot, couldn't you have good security around us" I shouted as I rushed towards him, seriously this guy has some issues. Something suddenly hit the back of my head. I had had these kinds of wounds before but that didn't help, everything became faint and I leaned against Meg who was as horrified as I was. But the pain was good, I felt better. Now I could definitely take these guys down. As I heard Han saying something I made myself strong enough to mouth ‘no’ to her. But then for a matter of minutes there were these really unpleasant sounds which stopped as the big boys grabbed their hands.

My vision wasn't clear but I saw Ivan enter and the pain just increased, though I couldn't understand what was going on and their conversation wasn't so clear to me. I tried to stand properly just because I didn't want him to see the pain and when I came back two my senses I heard Cal say “watch who you trust boy. I can't afford evidence, sorry.” With that, he disappeared . . . Wait, so Cal is with these guys... Great, just great! The guy was such an unreasonable jerk that I wanted to punch him on his face and AGH! I felt my head throbbing with pain and maybe me acting so angry was the result of the wound.

I saw the men in black raising their weapons at all of us. Fools, they are going to get their butts kicked. Ivan looked at me and I smiled, we can do this. Though I know it did not turn out to be how I thought or would have liked it to be, right now I have everyone by my side, at least they are alive, that and Ivan looked really hot in that astonished and I-am-prepared-to-make-you-pay look of his, not to mention...

I was driven back to reality when Van shouted "Now." and everyone started fighting. I ran towards the nearest person and when I punched him I felt my hand brake, wow these guys are so strong, and I wonder how the others are doing this. I tried a kick him but it was still useless, curse the 2 years of martial arts. Then I saw a gun slide to me, before I could confirm who passed that to me I picked it up and shot the guy's leg twice which made him fall and then I looked for some rope. No way am I killing someone.

No ropes... think brain think... curtains, of course. I ran and grabbed a curtain and tore it into half, then tied his arms and legs with it. I wonder why I am pretty safe till now, I mean there were so many guys and I took all the time in the world for one without getting attacked by another. Luck and it's endless possibilities.

My head had been bleeding all the while and I grabbed my scarf to tie around the wound then I put a cap on it so that it can be protected for now. I saw Jordan and Han doing a great job with the fighting, they were together and looked so cute that I wanted to pinch both their cheeks, just kidding. And Meg and Nick were together too, Row seemed to be fighting with Kam and Ivan, he was nowhere in sight. Oh no, don't tell me...

Suddenly I felt some sound behind me and when I turned I saw Van, thank goodness. "Be a little more careful, will you?" he asked and then I saw a guy just between us...

"Yeah... sorry" I mumbled. As much as it was embarrassing I was thankful he was near.

"You alright though?" He said stepping over the guy and getting a little closer than comfort, there was barely a distance of 4 inches between us. I looked him in his eyes and realized how beautiful they were. There was a fresh scar on his cheek which made me put all my efforts in controlling myself to touching it. I took in his appearance and then I realized there was a small smirk plastered on his face. I suddenly felt my cheeks burn and noticed I really was checking him out, Oh gosh and the worst part was, he knew it.

"Guys not now, please" I heard someone shout which broke both of us from our staring contest. I felt my cheeks heating more and turned my gaze towards the voice. Wow, we really did zone out there for a little while. Ivan looked at me once again before rushing to help Meg and Nick and I can surely bet that I saw a little pink on his cheeks too but Ah well. I ran towards the others.

It took a matter of 15 minutes to be done with all the guys, trust me when I say I am no more watching any action films for a few months because it wasn't so cool doing or seeing this in real life, it was scary and gave a the best insecurity feeling you could ever get. We all were hurt but everyone smiled. I saw Kam running upstairs and coming back with a few first aid kits while we all tied curtains around the dark men.

We started cleaning up our wounds...
“The strong person is not the one who can wrestle someone else down. The strong person is the one who can control himself when he is angry.”

“It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; and it is better still to sit with the good than alone.”

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Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:39 pm
Hanorah says...


I held an ice pack to the big purple lump on my head, wincing at the coolness of it.Ivan was slowly dabbing cotton wool at Junes face and I smiled winking at her as I saw her cheeks go rosy.

'Aww, Ivan is actually a softy, who knew?' I jeered.

He looked at me and smiled, almost shyly and I saw Junes cheeks go rosier.

I realised I didn't really get to know anyone very well, which sort of depressed me, I would have liked to know them better, but knowing how bad my social skills were, I reckoned it was progress.

I watched meg, nick and Kamaria leave, hugging them all goodbye. I sighed, putting my head in my hands. where do I go from here? i thought.

I went up to my room and packed my bags, I took one of Daynas photos, one of her and her lover, John. At least they are together now, I thought sadly.

I grabbed the keys to Daynas motorbike, 'who she mind?' I asked myself. I awkwardly moved my shoulders in 'I hope you don't mind, I have no other ride' I said out loud

I whistled loudly, and sarge came.

'Hey boy... Do you wanna come with me? '

He barked loudly, slightly wagging his tail.

' Well let's go' I got up and patted his head.no one will notice you going, no one will care I heard the voice in my head, I growled, but I knew it was true.

I stumbled down the stairs dragging my bag down loudly,hearing murmurs in the other room.

'Goodbye' I whispered softly, barely audible.

I closed the front door quietly behind me, and walked over to the motorcycle, dropping my bag beside it.

'Lets go see Dayna' I told sarge, and he wagged his tail sadly.

We got to her coffin, still above the ground. Sarge lay his face on the box, closing his sad eyes.
John Clark. It was the only thing I knew, his name. But I could still find out where he was buried. It wasn't impossible.

'Ill find him, and ill bury you right next to him, soon.I promise' I patted the coffin awkwardly.

I whistled as I left, and sarge reluctantly followed. My feet crunched into the gravel as I closed in on the bike.

I stared fondly back at the house and was about to get on the bike and drove down the road, awaiting my next journey
'Be yourself;everyone else is already taken' ~ Oscar Wilde

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.
— Leonardo da Vinci