
Young Writers Society


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Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:04 pm
cheeb says...

Jack Preston
Cianwood Pokemon Centre
Some time late at night

Shit. Jack shook his arm a few times, but the PokeGear's display remained blank. Must've short-circuited in the last few hours. Damn Rockets owed him a new one.

Jack shook his head to try and regain focus - since when did he think in swears so much? Maybe since Fists and Sam's Eevee, alongside several of the group's other Pokemon, had been admitted to the emergency room and it was a tense time. Citrus yawned next to Jack's head and he absently reached out to pat it, forgetting that his friend was intangible.
"Having some trouble with that?" Kent asked from the doorway. Jack spent a few more seconds trying to touch Citrus before he realised how tired he was. "How's Fists?" Kent asked as he stepped further into the room.
"Surviving," Jack said with a yawn. "The nurses reckon he'll be alright in a couple of days - all that means is I'll have to forfeit the tournament." As if to reinforce this notion, Fists, laid out on the bed in front of them, raised a fist and cheered triumphantly.
"Sucks," Kent said with a slight pout. "I wanted to see you and Tyler go at it."
"Tyler's my next opponent?" Jack exclaimed. "Well, there's no big loss then. I've seen him battle and a Zubat could see that I don't stand a chance against him."
Kent shrugged. "Still would've been cool. Where's Sam?"

Kent knocked on Sam's door. A few seconds passed before Sam's voice answered them. "Come in."
They pushed the door open to see Sam rubbing her face: when she finally looked up at the guys her eyes were red. Jack was about to ask about Eevee when Kent blurted out, "Have you been crying?" The glare she gave him reminded Jack of when he'd first met the two of them.
"How's Eevee?" he asked before she could attack Kent either verbally or physically. Her shoulders drooped and she sighed.
"It's OK," she muttered, turning back to the bed. The tiny Eevee lay unconscious, but visibly breathing and even twitching. The three of them sat staring at the baby for a while: there really wasn't much else to say.

"Mr Preston?" Jack shot out of his seat. That nurse had totally ninja-ed up behind him.
"W-what?" he managed to stutter.
"Sorry," she replied. "I need to talk to you about your Makuhita. Could we go back to your room?" Jack nodded, wide-eyed. What was wrong with Fists? He completely forgot about Kent and Sam as he wandered out of the room after the nurse.

"When we said Makuhita would be all better in a few days... well, with what we've discovered since then that may no longer be the case -"
"What's wrong with Fists?" Jack interrupted. The nurse hesitated.
"I'm afraid... that your Pokemon has contracted an extreme dose of the Pokerus."
"The Pokerus?"
"The Pokerus itself is a sort of tiny microbe that latches onto a Pokemon. It's all quite complicated, but the effect is that the Pokemon's growth rate improves."
Jack tilted his head. "So, what's the problem then?"
"Well. That scenario is with a normal strain of the virus, which causes the Pokemon's abilities to grow faster, at the cost of shortening their lifespan by a minor degree, about three hours. However, you were fighting Team Rocket, am I right?" She paused to let Jack nod. "We have reason to believe their scientists have developed a more powerful strain which amplifies both effects - a Pokemon grows much stronger almost instantly, but will probably die within a week. They must have infected a Pokemon of their own before battling yours... and, well, the Pokerus is highly contagious."

Jack sat still in his seat, barely breathing. "... Are you alright, Mr Preston?" the nurse asked.
Jack snapped back to reality. "Uh... yeah."
"Now, we may be able to eliminate the virus, which would cure Makuhita. But the process could take a while, weeks or even months, and unfortunately we can't guarantee we'll be able to save him."
Jack forced himself to nod and thank the nurse, and when she left he locked the door, laid his head down on Fists' bed and bawled his fucking eyes out.
the user formerly known as chibibo

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Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:48 am
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Bloo says...

Know what time it is guys?

We are now at 100k!...Well we passed it awhile ago, but we were on the rocket deck, so the event would have been awkward. But yeah 100k gifts! So, we will all get one free Pokemon, and each Pokemon can have a move it can not learn in the game. Not a Hyper Beam powered one, but a good move.

Kent| 12am| Hospital Room
“Mr. Walker, your Ditto and Gligar will need to stay here for another two nights. The strain of constant transformation has left your Ditto exhausted, and it can not stay in form very well, glowing and half forms. Your gligar has general bruises and seemed to of rammed into steel very often,” The nurse flipped a page. “Your Joleteon seems fine, however, so feel free to take it,”

“Thank you doctor,” Kent said and reached for the Pokeball.

“Don’t feel bad, Mr. Walker, you did a noble deed, and while it might have been stupid-“

“I know, but still, my Pokemon are hurt, I can’t just forget about it so easily, you know?”

“Yes, I was once a trainer, before I left for nursing school,” The Joy sighed and pulled off her hat. “Feel free to stay with them over night,”

Kent nodded and rushed into the hospital beds. Gligar was soundly asleep, wheezy breaths and all. It seem fine, though shabby. Ditto terrified him, though. It was glowing, the black and white semi-stage was constant. It went fro a sphere, to a bull, back into a hybrid, a bird, a shell. “I’m sorry Meta…” Kent said and tried to put a hand to it. There was a quick flush, a jolt. His hand was stuck for a brief moment, before Meta screamed in pain.

“Sorry…” Kent dragged on and turned to Gligar. It had woken up now, and was trying hard to smile. ”Gli-Gliiiii.” Kent reached into his bag and pulled out a Poke-block, turning it into a mush. Gligar happily ate it, its smile perking up right away. “It’s okay buddy, we’ll get through this, I swear I won’t leave your side, not even if they drag me away.”

Kent| 6am| Pokemon Center Lobby|

After the long night, and the disastrous effects the tournament had been pushed off a day, while repairs and investigation went on. Even with all the crap that had flew around it was relatively fine; in fact the group were injured the most, out of anyone else. Even when Meta had rammed through the bleachers it didn’t fall, just making a hole.

Without their bomb rocket had nothing to do, except for Pokemon they had stolen, but those were retrieved easily in the morning. Their entire plan had been spoiled, and nothing major had happened. It seemed weird how easily they were taken down…a few kids casually glanced their way, and were able to luck their way through.

Kent was waiting alone in the Lounge; he was beginning to bruise from the night before, large purple blotches appearing all around his arms and chest. Worst of all were his eyes, when he had the face plant he had gotten two black eyes, making him have a raccoon mask on his face. He thought it looked cool. But that was not the popular vote.

So far everyone was still asleep; needing all the rest they could get after the night before. Kent had been called in to the police, however, being the only one to of seen what happened to the boat, that was not on it. So he was waiting for a Jenny to come and ask him the questions. Just as he was about to call out Ru for company she arrived, all business.

“Hello Mr. Walker,” she said and sat down across from him. “According to my report you were able to escape the ship before it sunk, and you had a bird’s eye view of it-“

“Bats eye view, actually,” Kent interjected. “Even though I’m sure if you wouldn’t believe me, if I told you what I saw.”

“From what we have gathered it seems like a lightning bolt had hit it, hit the right spot and it made an explosion,” Jenny said, and then pulled out a note pad, ushering for Kent to answer her.

“Well, when Gligar and Ditto pulled me away I caught a glimpse from above. First it was glowing, like blinding bright. Then when I pulled up into the air, above it, I was able to see him or her,” Jenny stopped Kent. “Yes, he-she was living. It was like a god, bright white, with a glowing aura. As soon as I saw it, it was gone. There was a short blast the glow faded, and then it dove into the ocean…I think it was a Lugia.” Jenny looked doubtful so he continued. “It fits the descriptions of it. I mean, it was a white, fish-like bird. With the blue ridges, and the glowing red eyes. It seemed angry, angry at what we had done. I mean we had caused a lot of shit, pardon my language, in there. It might have been trying to stop us…And I think I might of heard it before it blasted us, faintly. I heard something. A whisper, or a moan….it sounded-”

“That’s enough Mr. Walker,” Jenny tore away the paper and crumpled it. “If you seriously expect me to believe a Lugia attacked you.” She didn’t finish and just left Kent alone in the Lobby.



The gang had all dragged their selves out of bed, and into the lobby, gathered around a table, awkwardness ensued. After the night had set in there was a lot to think about, almost dying does that to you….it was just silent. Jack and Sam seemed to be the worst, not physically, but mentally, they just seemed distant and depressed. Jack seemed so sudden, the night before he was the saving grace, and this morning he was the mope to end mopes. Sierra and Kent seemed to be the only two not as down, and they were too tired to do much.

After a while of nibbling at his breakfast, Kent finally had enough. The moping…they had just stared the reaper in the face, and this is how they react. He couldn’t stand for it. When you realize your mortality it is all the more reason to jump out and live it up.

“I declare Kental law on this group!” Kent shot up like a bullet and slammed his hand onto the table. The tired, sleepy group all seemed to finally wake up, as if each had been in a dream state, unaware of the others around them until now.

“Look, last night was tough, and there is now a lot of shit flying by, but so what?” Kent slid his battle belt off, and threw the Pokeballs down. “We risked not just ourselves, but worked our Pokemon’s asses off. We owe it to them to now just mope around and be sad sacks. So, I say we give them, and ourselves, a day off, and just leave the trouble to float away, and go out and check out the beach, have fun, and then tomorrow, battle like there is no F’ing tomorrow!”


“No! No buts, no denying it, I may of knocked myself out, but I saved your asses back there, you owe me this, you owe me your lives for today. And I want you to live with them!”

“Kent…I was going to say I agree with you….” Sierra finished, making Kent hang stupidly in the silence for a moment. Looking away he continued.

“Good, so, anyone else got something to say?” Kent wasn’t taking no, but he never said no to possible praise either.

Tyler looked over to Sierra and then nodded. “I’m down for some swimming!”

“Yeah…me too,” Sam said meekly and peeked away from her food. “So long as there is no team rocket, or grave, or whatever, I’m done for it.

“Then it is settled, to the beach I say! Kental law will be enforced…with cannon balls!”


The group found themselves a nice, deserted, spot at the north part of Cianwood, where the sand was soft, the sun was bright, and the water was calm. It was a perfect spot for relaxation.

“Come on out every body!” With the usually blinding red swarm the beach filled with the massive assortment of Pokemon. Soon the water was full a alive, and the beach sparse and relaxing.

“Meta, Lax, triple cannon ball!” Mamoswine bucked up, launching Kent and his team, spare Veon, into the air and speeding to the water. Lax, Meta-Lax and Kent all slammed into the water, blasting the rest of the group backwards with the massive waves.

It was perfect, all the big, the fiery, and the dangerous if wet were hanging out on the beach, sleeping and bathing in the sun light, with the rest swimming around splashing, climbing ontop of of each other, and just floating. Even Glide, a ground type, dove in and floated around.

“Seeeeeeeee?” Kent said. “This is what we needed! We needed some time to re-AHHH!”

Niles giggled from below and blasted away to Jack, who was holding back a weak smile. Even he, who had been the most depressed, was happy. Kent rubbed his throbbing butt. “I can see how it beat a Ryperior now…”

Crawdaunt and Kingdra disappeared under the water, followed by a sinking shell of Cloyster. There was an audible rukus and then a swarm of Remoraid shot out from below the rocks. The little bullet-fish surround the group, rising them to the top of the water and pulling them around in circles. They darted into the air and back down, making quick, brilliant water shows each time. Glide popped off from it, and bgean to look towards the sea, his ears popping up. It tried to land again, but it was a moment late.

The calm, relaxing water turned rough for a moment, blasting the innocent Glide out and flying off the beach. Unable to ride the suddenly powerful gusts. It lasted for a total of a second, but it was enough to blast the thing all the way off the beach, and into the small forest behind them.

“Gli! Gar-Gar! Gligar! Gaaaaaaaaaar!” The thing was nuts, hoping up and down, eyes popping.

Kent started towards the beach, a sphere appeared under him, glowing, before turning into a simple marill. Meta began to spin his new tail and the two rushed to the shore. . What was wrong with Gligar? How could a simple, five second breeze, affecting a single Pokemon, cause this much? The bat disappeared back into the woods and began to throws branches and leaves away, revealing the back of a pale-white boat. Soon it was full unveiled, and all too similar and reminiscent.

“Is…..is that what I think it is?” Sierra asked, her voice trembling.

“Um…Jerri, you’re the expert,” Kent said, but she was already walking past it.

“There are tracks…fresh ones. And there are burn marks all around here, as if something blasted through,” Jerri looked back. “I think Scarface got away….”

‘Well, what are we waiting for?” Kent shouted and began to sprint ahead. He was already returning his Pokemon, Spare the always out and about Meta and Ru. “We have to go get him!”

“No!” Sam said. “We don’t need to keep getting involved in this! We should just contact the police.”

“That could be too late,” there was a rustle in the trees and a new face appeared. A familiar one. “I don’t know about you, but if team rocket is there, I am going to go after them, with or without help.”

Max was back and angry.
Last edited by Bloo on Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
That User Who Changed Their Name A Dozen Times And So No One Ever Knew Who They Were Half the Time and When They Did Only Used Bolt.

The tragic tale of losing all #Brand for nothing in return.

The Take Away Is You Probably Know Me As Bolt

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Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:08 am
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Octave says...

Samuelle Parkl Cianwood Beachl 12:20 AM

The cruel sunburns, glaring sun and rough sand were nothing compared to the stares everyone was giving Sam. She said nothing, though, even as Max went on about what the Rockets had done and why they should go after the Rockets. Max's stare was the worst, but Kent's smug expression was just as bad.

Sam said nothing, though, keeping her ground. She remembered the phone call, and how much her parents were crying, and how Abel himself had come to visit her because she fucking screwed up so bad her mom had a hard time breathing. When she closed her eyes for the barest fraction of the second, she could see her older brother there in front of her, dark-haired and no longer aloof, concern glittering in his eyes.

“Do I want an explanation?”

The bitter hospital air squeezed Sam’s lungs shut. Or so she told herself. She couldn’t really speak, because that’d betray the truth. But he already knew the truth, didn’t he? Her bluish features must have told him that. Violent shivering betrayed what she’d done. She wanted so badly to croak out an apology, but what good would that be? He specifically told her to stay away from the rockets, and she’d disobeyed.

“You can’t even talk, can you? With your teeth chattering like that,” he murmured, his gaze aimed blankly at the wall in front of him.

The bed shifted as he sat down beside her, hands clasped together and cross-legged. She’d never heard his voice this quiet. In fact, barely anything registered in her ears, in her head, in her mind.

“What did I tell you about Team Rocket?”

Words threatened to spill from Sam’s lips. About how he’d gone after them all the time, and left Sam and her parents alone at home while he collected medals of honor and trophies for saving yet another town from the inglorious criminals. He did it almost all the time. Why shouldn’t she? She opened her mouth, determined to chastise him, even if she had to force the words out one syllable at a time.


She didn’t get very far, as the single word had taken her almost an entire minute to get through, and Abel had picked up on what she was about to say. His eyes, normally doe-like and demure, flared and his fists clenched. Sam sucked in a huge breath, shrinking underneath her blanket.

“I’m a champion, Sam. I’m twenty-fucking-one years old. You? You’re fourteen. Fourteen. You’re not even old enough to drink, or to drive. Hell, you’ve never even seen anyone murdered! These people, they see that everyday. Wanna know why? Because they kill people. They do that all the time. You and your friends got lucky a few times. Once, twice, thrice…are you going to keep pushing it? You’re like goddamned addicts.

“Imagine a gambler, Sam. Imagine living in Goldenrod and breathing in the sweet scents of the city, devouring the flashing lights and the exotic people. You’ve been there, haven’t you? Don’t lie to me, I know you have. You know what it feels like. The casino calls to you, doesn’t it? But you can’t get in there, cause you’re not old enough. In fact, that’s the only reason you didn’t go in to play, isn’t it? But if you were old enough, let’s say you were old enough, would you go inside and play with the pretty golden machines?”

She felt her cheeks burn, and she shrank deeper under the blanket. She didn’t want to hear anymore of it, so she spat out a few more words – “Goooooodni-“

“You would, wouldn’t you? You’d go inside and play even though Mom and Dad told you not to. You’d play and play and play, and gamble all your Pokemon while you’re at it. Isn’t that right?”

Sam attempted to sit up then, trying for a dramatic and almost furious gesture, but failed. Her muscle coordination hadn’t quite come back yet.

“No? No? Really, Sam? You won’t? ‘cause I remember when you were a little kid in school and you’d keep playing with that one cheater who always tricked you with the cards. You’d play until your allowance was up, and then you’d start offering to do his homework for him. Do you remember how mad Mom got when she found out?”

No, actually, Sam didn’t. She remembered her father and Abel, though the latter didn’t say anything. His disapproval stung like hell, and it hurt worse when she went to his room to ask for forgiveness only for him to dismiss her. She’d cried so hard that night and sworn never to play again.

“You’re doing the same thing again, only it’s worse. This time you’re gambling your pokemon and when you run out of Pokemon, you’ll gamble away your life. Go ahead and enter the gunfight with swords, Sam. I won’t stop you. I’m tired of trying to stop you.” He stood up then, eyes still cold. “Mom couldn’t fucking breathe when she realized you were one of those on the ship. Do you know what Dad did? He dragged her to the hospital, and they couldn’t do much but try to get her some oxygen. Then he called me, and he was afraid, I could hear it in his voice. He called me and told me that he couldn’t reach you, could I? I tried, Sam, God knows I tried, and I tried to fly out there with Dragonite but I couldn’t find you. Of course I couldn’t. It’s one stupid boat in an entire ocean.”

Was that fear she heard in his voice? Abel was afraid. For once.

“I know I do these things, Sam. And I know you want to be a champ and succeed and all that, get the same medals and honor and reception I do. But you know what? You won’t win it by trying to clobber Team Rocket with a ragtag bunch of trainers. I work with specialists. You…You’re just trying to find some danger in life. You asked me once if you’d ever be like me. And at this rate, you’re going to die before we ever get a chance to find out.”

“You guys don’t get it. We’re just kids. Doesn’t matter if we’re the world’s best trainers – which we’re not,” Sam said flatly. “At this rate, we’re just going to be a bunch of corpses by the beach. Last night? We got hella lucky. You wanna see if we still have any good luck left? Let’s go to Goldenrod and try to see if we can get into the casino, maybe play a few slots. It’s much safer than doing with dipshit over here suggests,” Sam said, nodding at Max.

”You’re a coward,” Max spat. “Everyone else is with me. This is Team Rocket. We don’t go after him he hurts someone else. But you don’t care, right? As long as you’re safe –“

Easy for him to say they were going after Scarface. He wasn’t there last night, while the wind howled and the waves consumed her. When the only goddamned thing saving her was a stupid Kingdra, a stupid Kingdra that might or might not have conquered the waves.

Where was he when their pokemon was dying? Furious, Sam pointed at Max. “You…You shut up. Where were you when we almost died last night? Where were you when our Pokemon were busy getting clobbered and trying to remember how to breathe? Do you know what it feels like to realize that you’re gonna die, never say hi again to Mom or Dad? Never see another gym battle? Know how it feels to realize your Pokemon’s life is slipping through your fingers? How about I put a gun to Kent’s skull and we’ll see how you’ll feel, knowing that if you move I’ll pull the trigger.

“I’m done with this.” Sam raised her hands and shook her head. “You guys want to go try and be heroes again, fine. But don’t count me in.”

Tears blurred her vision, but never mind that. She had to get away from here before more accusations and shit flew. She wasn’t going with them, and that was that. The disappointment Abel showed her last night hadn’t quite worn away, and it probably never would. She’d never seen him so hurt, so unwilling to believe in her. She stumbled a bit, grazing her knees on the rocks. The saltwater stung, but she let it be and continued stomping off. Screw them.


Cianwood’s northern part wasn’t known for houses, or buildings, but an abandoned shack didn’t seem all that bad. Sam had found it after thirty minutes or so of walking stumbling and attempting to blow off steam. Even having Kite ambling along beside her didn’t quite help. She couldn’t shake the fear that had gripped her.

Last night, they’d barely made it through together. Today, her friends were injured, injured and though they had Max, there was only so much one healthy person could do. They could be dying in there, and what if…what if things were different if Sam had been there? What if later she’d go back to Cianwood, tonight, and find that her friends were just charred corpses in bodybags?

Friends. Pft. Listen to yourself, Sam. Remember what you thought when you left? You were supposed to do this on your own.

But she’d been through a lot with those losers, whether or not she’d planned it. Sam picked up a bottle cap on the sand and flung it towards the sea angrily. Why wouldn’t they listen to her anyway? She made the most sense out of everyone. If it weren’t for their stupid egos, then those morons wouldn’t be going after Scarface anyway.

She kicked the sand into the air, letting it billow out in front of her before disappearing with the wind. Stupid. Losers. Let them die. At least the gene pool would be rid of them.

She turned around to march back to the beach where they’d been swimming, if only to be able to get back to Cianwood’s town proper. At the moment, she didn’t quite know where she was, and was only aware of the direction in which she’d come from. And right now she wasn’t even sure she trusted herself to have walked in one direction only, considering the jagged rocks and little tunnels that cut through the jagged cliffs beside the seas.

Another forty minutes passed, and she was absolutely and hopelessly lost. God knew where she’d gone wrong, but Cianwood certainly shouldn’t be this far.

Above her, Wingull soared like vultures. Sam took a deep breath and entered one of the darker passageways between the cliffs again. It seemed much more ominous now that the sun was directly overhead, preventing any light from filtering into it.

Slowly, one step. Another, was she falling down? No. The rocks were mossy and slippery, though, and she could hear Krabbies scuttling away from her as she attempted to grope her way through the darkness.


Sam’s heart jumped and she slipped, landing squarely on her butt. Kite roared and let out a breath of dragon flame, which lasted only briefly. Sam wished she’d brought along Blaze, but he was better off resting at the hospital, like most of her other Pokemon. In fact, the only reason she’d allowed Kite to come along was because he’d refused to be left behind.

The ghoulish white face appeared in front of her, and frightened as she was, she didn’t quite have the heart to bat it away. Kite kept at his attacks, trying to ward off the Duskull, but it simply reappeared closer to Sam everytime Kite blasted it. Eventually, it came so close Kite didn’t dare attack it for fear of hurting his trainer.

“Skuuuuuuuuuuull,” it howled, making faces at Sam.

She glared back at it. What was that her parents told her? Duskull came to take evil away. “What? You’re going to take me away for being a coward now? For being a loser who’ll have killed her friends? Go on, then. Take me to whatever closet you have!”


Wonderful. Absolutely peachy. Sam’s eyes stung from her tears and the salt in the air. “Come on. Don’t they say that you take bad people away to…wherever? Kill me now. I let my friends die. I’m probably going to be your biggest catch ever.” She hugged her knees to her chest and sniffed. There was no way those stupid morons were getting through the pack of Rockets. They survived yesterday, but they’d been in top condition then. And only barely did they get out. Now? With missing Pokemon, injuries and everything? They were going to have one hell of a time.

The Duskull didn’t move, simply staring back at Sam with something that seemed like genuine curiosity. Sam scowled. Great. She was too much of a loser even for the Duskull to pick up. It disappeared into nothing as she batted it away and attempted to regain her balance, only to reappear when she began to grope around in search of a direction again.


She hesitated and Kite tensed, but she patted his shell. Instinct told her to follow the Duskull. So she did, and tired as she was, the Duskull led her straight to somewhere frightening.

It was a lab, a lab with a giant T marked on it. Sam sucked in her breath through her teeth and glared at Duskull.

“You bastard. You led me right here. I don’t even have Pokemon.”

Duskull danced around Kite and then more in front of Sam’s face. What the fuck was it doing? She turned around to follow a trail-like path, but shrieked and fell backwards when Duskull appeared in front of her and frightened her off.

It didn’t want her to leave.

She glared at it, and it stared back.

“Skull,” it said softly, nodding towards the rocket hideout.

“But Abel –“ she said half-heartedly.


Right. Her conscience wouldn’t let her live with it if her friends got seriously hurt here, and if she hadn’t been there. Sam got up and brushed dirt off her shorts then.

“I’ll be damned, going into that place with only one Pokemon –“

“Skull!” It huffed and placed itself right in front of her.

Fine. One pokemon and a nosy ghost. Like that helped. Here went nothing. The rocket guard in front of the door had already been knocked unconscious, so Sam supposed the rest were doing okay. Er, somewhat. Hopefully.

"Come on, Ghost. You wanted me in here, didn't you?"

She didn't have to say it twice, as the Duskull proceeded to lead the way.
"The moral of this story, is that if I cause a stranger to choke to death for my amusement, what do you think I’ll do to you if you don’t tell me who ordered you to kill Colosimo?“

-Boardwalk Empire

Love, get out of my way.

Dulcinea: 2,500/50,000

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Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:08 am
PhoenixBishop says...

Max l Cianwood Beachl 12:20 AM

Max stood aghast as Sam blasted him. Where was he? He was tracking their asses down after his mother had he neck snapped like a twig, his home was burned to the ground and his sister kidnapped by a lunatic Team Rocket member with an affinity for fire. The very nerve of her to question him after what he had seen. He had none left. No one but these supposed friends.

“Fine if you guys won’t help I’ll go alone.” He stocked off letting out a sting of cursed when a Dragonite landed in front of him. He stopped. The last time he had seen one of these it had delivered the message that had changed his life. For some reason this fact made him want to take it out on the Pokémon.

“Get out of my way you corpulent dinosaur,” he said brushing past the dragon Pokémon. The Dragonite followed him and wacked on the head with a letter. He turned around and snatched away the letter. “Fine, I took it.”

The Dragon wacked Max’s head before it took off. Max rubbed his head and stared at the letter. The hand writing on the front looked vaguely familiar. He opened it. There were only a few words on the page.

Stay with them.

Who the hell was D? Max looked back at the others. Fine he’d listen to this D’s advice, but if they slowed him down then he would dump them the second he got.

Maxine|Rocket Base|1:24

Maxine sat on the cold hard floor. She had given up long ago on trying busting down the door. The room was incased in thick steel. Her food sat by her foot and she examined it. A dry piece of bread and a grey muck looking substance. She picked up the bread and slammed it into the cold hard steel of the floor. The bread remained intact and she had made a small dent in the floor. She tossed it across the cell and it dented the door. There was no spoon or fork for the grey much so she didn’t even bother examining it.

The door creaked open and Dust walked in. Maxine leaped off the ground and with her fists raised but her slapped her caught her by the ponytail and swung her but it slamming her into the wall. Then punched her in the gut and shoved her back onto the ground. She ached everywhere as she tried to crawl away. A Flareon moved at Dust’s feet.

“Children are so troublesome. Another little band of merry littler children has raised their pokeballs against Team Rocket.” He licked his finger and ran the tips of his fingers across Flareon’s back. It bristle and let out a flame that caught Maxine’s dress on fire. She rolled about desperately trying to put out the flame. Dust smiled. “It’s such a shame I haft to hurt such a pretty girl as yourself. But I guess I can indulge a little. He reached for Maxine’s now burnt skirt as he licked his lips.

“Dust,” Rose marched in her eyes ablaze. “What are you doing?”


She slapped him. “Team Rocket is not a petty criminal organization. Team Rocket is criminal organization of the highest caliber. Do not sully it.” She snapped her fingers and two goons came it. “Take her and change her. Make sure she is properly fed.”

“But she is a prisoner,” Dust protested.

“Just because she is a prisoner, doesn’t mean we treat her like an animal. Now go find her brother and bring him here as well.”


“Are you only going to question me?”
“No but I’d like to know why I’m risking my life.”

“Their father is in hiding, and to put it in a way that you’d understand. I plan on smoking him out.”

“But why?”

“Don’t ask questions. Just go.”

Dust bowed. “One charbroiled teenager coming up.”
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:52 pm
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Lumi says...

Tyler Cohen | Abandoned Rocket Lab | 12:45PM

Tyler had never seen so much gray in his entire life. Between the dull sheen of the metallic floors, walls, and ceiling and the dust that covered them, the entire rocket base moaned in a depressive gloom. The lights that hung on the ceiling radiated only a tiny bit of light, and that was only because Jack had coaxed Citrus into giving the power a little jolt earlier. Each step the group took echoed three times over, filling the halls with a metallic reverb that hurt Tyler’s ears and made him instinctively draw nearer to Sierra, just for the comfort of her scent.

“Do you really think Scarface is here?” Kent queried, not minding the echo of his voice. A sharp cry echoed down the hall as a Rattata scurried down the hall, followed by a hungry Raticate. Jerri frowned and put a hand on the wall, leaving a handprint in the thick dust.

“Disgusting. You’d think they’d be better at keeping this place up…”

“Are you serious?” Jack raised an eyebrow, staring at Jerri in the dark hallway. Everyone turned to watch him instinctively. “These guys are Rockets! They’re lower than Diglett and they have nothing. They’re disgusting swine and need to be taken dow-…” He stopped, catching everyone’s eyes on him, and flushed a disgraced red. “Never mind,” he mumbled. “Let’s go.”

Tyler nodded and slid a hand behind his ear, tucking a strand of hair behind his head. A low groan roared down the hall. “Elevator?” Tyler furrowed his brow and listened more closely, pulling out Haunter. “Haunter, fly up ahead and check for intelligent life.”

“Or just life,” Kent coughed.

Tyler nodded. “Right. Just life.” Haunter grinned and faded from sight.

In the silence that remained, Tyler slid to the floor and groaned, wincing as a throb of pain resounded through his muscles. Sierra slid down beside him, holding his left arm in a small hug. He was surprised, but then thought better about asking. But Sierra just sat there until all the others were busy with their own occupations and leaned in and kissed the blue-haired boy on the cheek. ”Thank you,” she whispered. ”Thank you.” Tyler blushed softly and tried to fight off the instinct to flex his arm muscles under her touch. But man, did he fail.

Sierra just grinned and flexed right back, squeezing more pain into his lactic-acid-filled arm. But he smiled and leaned back, resting his head on the steel wall. There was an eerie silence, broken only by Max’s angry, wheezing breath. His patience amazed Tyler, given what he had shouted earlier.

But, of course, Max had to disappoint.

“This is bullshit!” He slammed his sneakers to the floor and made the metal floors shout in response. His voice echoed and his slam echoed and the noise hurt Tyler’s ears. “My sister could be down here! Why are we waiting?!”

Another set of feet hit the floor and Jack clenched his fists with a nod. “Max is right! Any rocket scum here needs to be terminated and d-d-destroyed!”

Tyler opened his eyes and arched an eyebrow and looked at the two flustered boys in front of him. Jack had his chest poked out and Max was heaving with furious breath. Kent, Sierra, and Jerri just stared at them. But then Kent stood up and nodded. “Jack is right. Just think of all they’ve done to us so far! All the shit they’ve put us through--it’s ridiculous!”

The standing trio turned and stared at Tyler, still on the floor. Jack’s eyes shifted from murderous to nearly pleading. “Tyler…you have to understand…”

So he hesitated, blue eyes watching the three. Sierra’s grip on his arm tightened possessively and he swallowed a knot in his throat.

Kent shook his head. “Tyler, they nearly killed you!”

Tyler shook his head, staying seated and in Sierra’s hold. But she let go and his confidence rapidly drained from his face. But he spoke up anyway, his voice low and soft. “Those guys did die, Kent.” His eyebrows shuffled and he slid his teeth down on his lip. “Why would I hold a grudge against someone who can’t make amends?”

Max clutched his hands together, grimacing. “But my mother!”

Tyler’s eyes suddenly coated over with fury. He shot to his feet and made the smallest noise in doing so than any of them. “Don’t you fucking dare blame your mother’s death on anyone when you’re around me.” He scowled and stepped forward, shoving a finger into Max’s chest. “Who do I have to blame, Max? On who can I declare a vendetta?!” His baby blue eyes were tear-streaked and his voice was choppy. “So don’t you dare talk about your justified aggression around me. Don’t you fucking dare.”

Tyler snatched up his book bag and, slinging it over his shoulder, walked off without another word.

-- -- --

The tiny beam of the boy’s plastic flashlight shot out and rubbed out a little darkness ahead of him, just enough to keep his bearings on the floor. Since leaving the group, he had gone too far for the electrical current to be effective, and he was admittedly lost. Nevertheless, he was determined to find his way out of the godforsaken laboratory if it was the last thing he ever did.

Tyler now refused to touch the door handles and therefore stuck to the main hall. One mistaking a Magnemite for a handle had been enough for him. That, or the high voltage that had boiled his system. Honestly, he was nearly done with Pokemon.

But he had to remember why he was on the journey in the first place: to escape. Everything he did then was to escape. His past, his present, and maybe even his future if he couldn’t build one. He had such little faith in himself, but kept on trudging through the abandoned lab, stopping only when the light from his flashlight vanished.

“Dammit,” he whispered, sulking to the ground again. The boy put his head in his hands and just sat in the lonesome silence. Tears began to pry at his eyes again and he fought them back with all he had in him, but failed again.

“Hauntaaaaa…” A familiar, ghostly voice echoed down the hall as another click led to an elevator shaft moving. “Haaaaauntaaaa?” A beam of light shot out from a pair of ghostly eyes and illuminated the hall.

“…Casper?” Tyler called out weakly, nearly afraid of what may have awaited him.

“Haunta!” The purple ghost soared down and hovered before Tyler, staring at his pained eyes. “Haun?”

Tyler reached out a hand and shivered as a ghostly chill covered his tan skin. Back before his journey had begun, Casper had used metaphysical touch as a communication method with Tyler. But now that they were both so different, would it work?

But he saw, then, his friends in trouble. His friends.

Tyler’s heart sank and he shot to his feet with Haunter, running towards the elevator shaft.
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:15 am
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Bloo says...

Kent|1:10pm| Rocket Lab

“Dammit….” Kent kicked the floor, making a loud echoed groan, spewing dust around.

“I said hands up!” The brawly grunt grabbed a Pokeball, letting out a Tyranitar.

“I heard you the first time,” Kent said and put his hands up. Right after Tyler had left they had come. It was all too coincidental. Well, not really. The guy had been waiting, laughing at the little punks who were screaming at each other, wanting to wait to break it up, and watch them cry.

“Now, hand over your Pokeballs!”

“Are we supposed to keep our hands up too?” Kent mocked, and pretended to use his foot.

“Funny, just do it with one hand-” The grunt heaved forward, wind knocked out of him. A little black beast sharpened its claws with a devilish smirk.

“Good job Sneasel,” Sierra bent over and picked up Tyranitar’s Pokeball, and returned it. “Now, we need to Ty-”

“Not so fast missy,” The rocket grunt got back up, this time without a Pokeball. “You think I would go down that easy?”

“Really? Reaaaaaaaaally?” Kent said mockingly, hands behind his head. “You’re going to pull a gun on a bunch of kids?”

“No,” he said. “But I’ll shoot a bunch of punks who have ruined our plans,” He brushed the gun against Kent’s face and then pushed him forward. “Now, then, let me just take those balls of yours.”

“Pedo,” Kent said. His belt was torn away, six Pokeballs shrunken, and hanging to it. The same happened with the others, Rotom was stuffed into a bag. Jack and Max were furious, Kent was too, but he had to keep level. He couldn’t explode now, not with the chess pieces all lined up.

“When I say, use it,” Kent whispered, to Sierra, dropping something into her hand. He did the same for Jack and Jerri. The guard was too dumbfounded to notice it. He just kept pushing them ahead, gun out.


“Ah, if it isn’t my favorite little girl,” Sierra flinched as his cold hands pushed her hair way, gently stroking her. “I was so sad when you left me, I thought we were friends.” He sniffed, as if to hold back a tear. “I would of cried, if your friends hadn’t left me unable too.”
“Give me my sister!” Max screamed, he tried to charge at their host, but he dodged, pushing Max into the floor.

“All in good time, Max, I believe,” He pulled a picture from his pocket, an AR burnt into the field of a freshly destroyed home. “I was so sorry to hear about your mother, it was not on my word, trust me. But spontaneity is half the fun in this job, and casualties must be made.”

Next he walked over to Kent, though never addressing him. ‘Where is this cretin’s pokemon? I have a bone to pick with one of them…”

“Right here, Sir,” the grunt who had dragged the group over provided Kent’s belt. He picked a Pokeball, marked for Kent’s own convenience, Glide. Picking this one off the belt, he began to bounce it between his fingers, before enlarging the ball. “I will have pleasure taking care of this Pokeball.” His face morphed into a deranged smile, though it could hardly be called a smile.

The Pokeball radiated red for a moment, before opening…but nothing was inside it. Kent smiled to himself, leaving as quickly as it came, Scarface lashing out. Kent’s face turned red, as the warm, fresh blood drained away from his face. Holding back an attack Kent breathed deeply.

“Where is it, you little shit brain! Did you think that would work? Really, sending a de-” Scarface fell to the ground this time. Kent’s smirk returned, and Sierra kicked into action, using the surprise of Max’s attack to jump the guard. A quick elbow to the gut, and knee to the groin left him paralyzed.

Kent picked up his belt and trashed the empty Pokeballs. “And you guys said me making a decoy belt was a stupid idea.” Kent bent over and looked at Scarface. “How does it feel to get beaten by some kids, for the fifth time?”

“I bet like this,” Sierra said and kicked him where it hurts. There was a muffled groan, but Scarface seemed to take it. Sierra reared for another shot, but he stopped her. Sierra fell to the floor, Scarface’s hand wrapped around her leg.

“Before you take your shots,” Scarface whispered, as he rose. “At least allow me to tell you a tail, for I think it will do wonders for you to hear.”

The chess board was back to normal, Kent’s plan gone. He could only hpe the pieces he had spread would help the rest….
That User Who Changed Their Name A Dozen Times And So No One Ever Knew Who They Were Half the Time and When They Did Only Used Bolt.

The tragic tale of losing all #Brand for nothing in return.

The Take Away Is You Probably Know Me As Bolt

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Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:58 am
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Jagged says...

Sierra Stone | 1:20pm | Rocket Lab
Shit he was touching her again. Cold hands against her skin raising goosebumps (cold never did that to her he was ruining everything and she wasn’t wearing jeans this time, they’d been at the beach crap she was never wearing shorts again until they’d dealt with this creep once and for all and maybe not even after that—and why the fuck was she letting him affect her so much—Sierra you were winning just a second ago stop panicking and fucking breathe.

Eyes closed, fingers clenched. Inhale. Exhale.

Okay now she was down but he was back up on his feet, his hands finally off her and running off at the mouth like some cliché movie villain. She’d take what she could get. A tale, huh? Chatty bastard, why couldn’t he shut up for once and stop taking away Lapras and give her pokemon back. She couldn’t hear a word he said over the train of rather unladylike curses running through her mind, or the rush of adrenaline and fear thrumming in her, like back on the sea when she’d been running over the ice, except this time there were no waves around her, no chill save for that left behind by squalid fingers and the permeating coolness of the still darkness all around, lying in wait in all the spaces the light did not reach.

She wanted to get out. She should’ve left with Tyler instead of being stupid and going along with the others asking for trouble—it’d gone so well the other time, why would now have been any different? She wanted to get up and kick that guy’s sorry ass again and again and again until he was a bloody mess and then keep going. She wanted—she wanted everything but this right now godammit and—

Too cocky, Sierra. Where the hell is your pride now? Your beloved rationality?

And Scarface was still talking—bragging, more like, the travesty of his face twisted in smug, ugly lines and gouges, and the others just listening, looking just about to jump at his face anyway but still, what the hell were they thinking?

Not that she was thinking, herself. Now there was only the flicker of a dying lightbulb drawing everything in sharp relief for a heartbeat, and—enough.

Something smooth under her fingers, and how could she have forgotten? The pokeball Kent had dropped in her hand earlier was there, and there was no caring about how he'd said to wait for his cue.

"You shut your face!" she half-yelled, half-snarled at the Rocket, pokeball aimed true and flying to smack straight at his head. By the time he'd turned to react he had a faceful of Mamoswine, which got him good and quiet, and the others were finally doing something.

Jack and Jerri seemed to have decided that what the hell, there wouldn't be a better time, and were letting out Kent's other relocated pokemons out as well, then moved on to the unconscious guard to retrieve their own. Nice idea. Still disturbingly out of breath Sierra scrambled back to her feet only in time to dodge out of the way of an incoming Hitmontop, who was blocked by Mamo’s massive bulk.

Out of the way out of the way get Lapras back now, and shit the goon hadn't kept the pokeballs as they'd been which one had Sneasel? She didn't trust the place with Cloyster and Lapras was made for the seas, not old labs.

And they were running out of time, she took out one she was pretty sure was one of hers, there was a sound of footsteps and she'd bet her hand they weren't friendlies. More goons, just what they needed. She threw the pokeball, crossed her fingers—Jynx. Not quite, but good enough.

Only a few steps back she could hear Kent trying to get his pokemons to listen to him, and when she turned Scarface was looking at her again, laughing; the sound twisted angry from his mouth, bounced over the metal walls and screeched over her nerves.

“Haven’t learned your lesson yet, have you? Fine, I’ll just have to teach you again!”

Oh shit Bronzong was humming again, the whirr strangely resonant to her ears and calling back to the boat, Jynx crumpling and her helpless.

Not this time fuck no she wasn’t going to let him win please don’t let it happen.

Reddish flashes in her eyes, and she was reminded she wasn’t alone this time. It was so strange not being alone.

Jerri’s fire-types, thank god, and Rotom floating angrily, and... a Miltank? Sure, whatever worked. Plus a pair of grunts coming in—she’d expected more, small favors—and letting their own small fry out.

“Jynx, use Psychic on those pests!” It wasn’t quite as good stress relief as kicking Scarface earlier, but she was doing something useful again. This now was familiar grounds; battling was different. Battling she knew she was good at.

“Dragon Pulse!” “Shadow Ball!”

And there was the cavalry, coming in from behind the other passageways and blowing the grunts away. “Tyler!” She cursed her unsteady legs, but the smile she sent was clearly grateful, if shaky, before disappearing when she refocused on the man in the center.

Source of all the crap she’d been put through, and he was still mocking them, standing there with his team and still holding up, even with that Hitmontop down and Bronzong taking the brunt of fires, Gastrodon slamming around dangerously and Torkoal's smoke fogging the cramped atmosphere. “You should’ve learned your lesson already!” he was screaming at them, and damn if he still didn’t look like he thought he could win.

“You’re the one who lost before, shitface, and you’re going down this time too!”
Lumi: they stand no chance against the JAG SAFETY BLANKET

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Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:10 am
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Octave says...

Samuelle Park l 1:40 PM | Rocket Base/Lab

Where was this stupid ghost leading her? She didn't know, because, of course, it couldn't talk. God, why was she here again? Oh right. Because it wouldn't let her leave. Sam scowled, forging onwards despite desperately wanting to leave this godforsaken place. She was going to die, she was going to die, and yes, she must have some sort of death wish. It was the only sane explanation for why she was here.

Next time, she ought to get herself checked in a psych ward, so she wouldn't have to deal with her own madness on top of everything else. How could a fucking ghost, GHOST, tell her what was right for her? It was a ghost for a reason, wasn’t it?

Vaguely, she wondered if she would come back as Duskull in her next life. Hopefully not. Maybe she could be a Drifloon.

Yeah, that was the only consolation she could offer herself at this point.

On the bright side, the Duskull seemed to know what it was doing. It hadn’t led her to any Rockets yet, and it most certainly hadn’t gotten her killed yet. Though it might as well have. Sam would rather have died outside than in here. It was so dark, so gray, and so gloomy. Silver, gray, silver, gray. Oh look more silver – oh wait no that was gray.

Team Rocket liked its buildings in monochrome.

Damned if she’d die surrounded by this crap. If she was dying in here, she was blasting a hole in their stupid roof, so she could at least see some more colors before she died. She trudged on behind the Duskull, who seemed pretty happy despite the depressing atmosphere of the surrounding halls.

There were explosions somewhere, far away, and Sam could only make them out if she focused all her attention on it. She wanted to think it was her friends fighting off the Rockets, but it probably wasn’t. If it was, then it would be their last stand. Which was great, you know, because Duskull was leading her away from the explosions as opposed to closer to them.

Nevertheless, she trusted the little guy to know what he was doing.

The Duskull stopped abruptly, and Sam crashed into Kite’s hard shell with a yelp.

“Skull!” The Duskull actually seemed mad at her. The little twerp.

But even more frustrating than that, they were at a dead end. The little bugger didn’t know what it was doing after all. There was nowhere to go except where they came from. Sam scowled at it, but refrained from an expletive-filled lecture. She merely muttered a curse under her breath before turning around to return to where they came from. Kite stood stock still, though, staring at the wall from inside his miniature cave of a shell.

“Kite, come on,” Sam hissed. “We need to get out of here before we’re cornered.”

Uncharacteristically, Kite refused to move. The Duskull stayed where it was, although it was dancing once more, in front of the wall. Pfft yeah right, like that would make the wall disappear. It approached Sam and tugged at her hand. Sam shrank away from the icy cold of the Duskull’s touch, but she followed it towards the wall. Crossed her arms over her chest and gestured at it.

“Okay, you tell me, genius. Now what?”

The Duskull continued dancing. Sam rolled her eyes. This was even worse than she thought. There was no way she could tell the way back out, not after the numerous turns and carbon-copied hallways. Everything looked the same, and although she managed to keep track of which way they turned back in the beginning, she lost count at the tenth (or was it eleventh?) left they made.

What was she going to do now? She glanced at her Pokegear. She could call Abel, but boy, would that bring a crapstorm with it. The only way to get out was to force this fool of a Duskull into showing her the way out, but how? She didn’t think threats would work with it.

“Look here –“ she began, annoyed as hell, but only got even more furious when the Duskull started dancing right in front of her face. A few inches away from her nose. Enraged, Sam gave out a cry and swung a punch at it, only to have it disappear and for her fist to connect to the solid metal wall.

The sound echoed throughout the hall.

Sam’s eyes filled with tears, and damn that hurt, but she was more concerned with the sound the wall had made. It sounded empty. Hollow.

What kind of building would have hollow walls? She stared at the Duskull in disbelief, and it merely returned her look smugly.

She wanted to crush its face, but right now, she had something else to do. Sam backed away from the wall slowly. It had vibrated when she’d hit it, and she’d no doubt it was extremely weak. Gave a nod to Kite, who understood what his trainer meant immediately.

Not another word was said – Kite charged right through the wall, knocking it off its hinges entirely and eliciting a shriek from something behind it. A particularly bloodcurdling shriek, Sam thought. She watched in disbelief as a Rocket lay heavily bleeding, dying, half his body trapped under the sheet of metal Kite had knocked over.

Breathing came in short gasps. What the hell.

Oh shit. Crap crap crap what to do what to do the Rocket was dying he was a criminal he didn’t deserve help but he was a living being she’d be a murderer if she didn’t help him shit what should she do should she call an ambulance or drag him out or maybe do something but his friends would try to kill her if given the chance it’s not like she was one of them so why did she have to bend to their rules she should help him but she would attract too much attention trying to do that oh crap look at all the blood God help her should she try if she tried she might not get out alive –

One last heart-wrenching scream.

Sam sucked in a huge breath, pale as stone. Another girl had reached over and simply hit the Rocket on the head, hard. Her hair and makeup were disheveled and her eyes were wide and she looked like a bomb in the middle of Times Square on Christmas Eve – dangerous, tragic, ironic, but beautiful in a twisted way, especially with the loose black clothes she wore. Sam felt her blood run cold. The Rocket wouldn’t survive that anymore.

Had she just killed –

The girl, who was faintly familiar, straightened her clothes and spoke then, approaching Sam. “Let’s get out of here.” Tears streaked her face and she’d obviously been hysterical before this point, and if Sam hadn’t been so terrified of what she’d just done she would have hugged the older girl.

The Duskull’s clammy touch landed on Sam’s shoulder, as if telling her it was all right and that she hadn’t done anything wrong.

“I ki-“

“Don’t start whining now,” interrupted the other girl. “Those other fucktards had to have heard it. You didn’t exactly come in quietly and –“

Alarms, loud and clear, rang throughout the room, throughout the building. Sam would have panicked if she was paying attention. All that she saw was red, the beautiful ruby red of the man’s blood. The strange angle at which his head was bent made it seem as if he was staring straight at Sam despite lying with his back against the linoleum floor.

The other girl tried to drag Sam away, but Sam stayed rooted to her spot, quivering. Hearing what Abel said over and over again.


She was as bad as the Rockets now. Sam approached the body, quivering, her footsteps making the puddle of blood ripple. Knelt down beside him to right his head somehow, maybe close his eyes, or check if he had a pulse. And vaguely, she felt something faint throbbing in his neck.

Oh shit. He was alive – Sam whipped around fast, to ask the other girl for help, only to be grabbed roughly and pulled to her feet by the other girl.

“Listen. I know you think you killed the guy, but you didn’t, okay? You didn’t kill him. You didn’t kill the bastard. I did. I did. And if it makes you feel better we can go see the police after this. We can go tell Officer Jenny everything. And she’ll tell you the same thing. You didn’t know he was behind that wall. He heard you hit it, he went near it, and your Shelgon crashed into it. He got crushed, end of story. We can stick to that, and none of us will get in trouble for it, all right? Do you hear me? Or you could tell them he tried to kill us. They’d never punish us for self-defense.”

But that wasn’t true, because as far as Sam could see the boy wasn’t that much older than herself. Maybe sixteen at most. Sam shook her head wildly. “No, no, he’s alive – we can still save him –“ Sam gestured at Kite desperately, who moved the metal wall away from the Rocket, freeing him. The rocket croaked weakly, but Sam couldn’t make out what he said.

“We can’t,” The older girl responded, yanking at Sam again. “Do you see the amount of blood on the floor? Do you? Take a good look at it. He’s not making it out of this building alive.”

“But if we leave him they’re going to –“

“Shh. Come on. Let’s go now. We don’t have time. If it bothers you so much, why don't you try to think about the people he's killed?” The older girl pulled Sam along by the wrist, and the Duskull hung close by Sam for a few moments, as if trying to comfort her, as did Kite. Duskull left to take the lead again, however, urging them to follow him.

“Dust, what happened here?!” A voice came from outside the door of the room..

“Shit, come on, we have to run faster!” The older girl yelled. Her grip on Sam’s wrist hurt as she dragged the younger girl out through where the faux wall was.

Sam could hear footsteps pounding from every direction, but blindly, she trusted Duskull to keep her away from the Rockets. Tried to ignore her conscience screaming at her to go back to the dying boy in the cell.

The whole base was up in arms now, and she couldn’t go back for him even if she’d really wanted to. End of story. She was a murderer now, running from the scene of the crime.

In the end, she did think about him killing people. And she realized that no, even if he'd done that (and she doubted it, considering his age), she still didn't have it in her to kill him, and he'd probably haunt her for the rest of her life.
"The moral of this story, is that if I cause a stranger to choke to death for my amusement, what do you think I’ll do to you if you don’t tell me who ordered you to kill Colosimo?“

-Boardwalk Empire

Love, get out of my way.

Dulcinea: 2,500/50,000

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Fri Aug 27, 2010 7:55 am
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Bloo says...

Kent|1:50pm| Rocket Lab

It was on. There was full pace chaos, the lab was hectic. Torkoal’s smoke was beginning to burn Kent’s eyes, making him cry from pure burning. He had to get rid of it. Where was Mamo? Where was Meta? Kent grabbed the final Pokeball, and debated using it. He didn’t want to, he barley wanted to have it. But he was desperate right now.

“RU, use Psychic and weed out the smoke!” There was a weak glow, but nothing happened.

“Psychic types, eh?” There was a blast from the far side, and a flame hit Ru on the head. Kent dove to catch the little phantom, which was now out cold. Kent got angry, and he got angry fast. Hit him, sure. He did something to Scarface; he had some right to attack. Ru? Ru was just a baby, and he had gone too far. He had gone too far.

Kent got up, ready to snap his neck, when the anger just left him. It was strange, as if then, at that exact moment, he suddenly lost every bit of energy. All of what had happened in the last few days, all the energy he had mustered to get through it, and every bit had caught up to him. He was exhausted, physically and mentally.

Even with all the stuff happening around him, Kent still fell to the ground, and was able to cry. It wasn’t just the burning lungs, and his swelling eyes. He needed to cry, he needed to let it wash over him, and not just run away from it all. He needed to stop for a second, not burying himself into rocket, or battling or into training. He needed to take a break, and to let it hit him, and hit him hard. It didn’t matter to him it if wasn’t the best time, but he had to do it.

And he did. He wept, and he let it all out, whimpering, drowning in the salty drizzle. He could hear it all happening around him, but he just sat their, curdled up, immune to it all. Ignoring all around him, and just breaking down. He couldn’t move. He was paralyzed. Now fully unaware of his surroundings, he was like a nervous ball, with out a nerve to feel the world.

He was vaguely aware of a cold, rough blast hitting him in the face. His eyes fluttered, trying to focus, trying to shed away the tears. The exhaustion spread to his tears, he was getting tired of everything, and tired of even crying. Something was shaking him awake, freezing his tears, making him shiver. The small shakes he did allowed him to move again. Kent forced his hand to his face, to rub away the frozen drops of water. His eyes could now focus, landing on a simple Snorunt. It was surrounded by a few other Pokeballs, all of them covered in tick dust, piling now with fresh ash. His bag had fell right on a single one, opened. He had released it.

“Snuuuu, run-run,” It smiled, doing a little dance. It tugged at Kent’s hair, blowing a cold wind at his still wt face. Kent brought up a hand to block the incoming attack, smiling with a light chuckle. He wanted to just sit there and play with his new friend, but the familiar sting of the smoke snapped him out of it. He had some fighting to do. He was back, baby.

“Glide, find Mamo, and Mamo Avalanche,” there was a struggled cry from within the smoke, and a shadow darted around, circling over a now visible tank. There was a large-clang as the tank erected with icy pillars. “Keep using Avalanche, and Glide, use Fire Fang to melt it!”

There was a sizzle, steaming up the room, pushing the smoke away, and covering the floor with water. Perfect. “Ready little guy?” Kent’s new friend did a little jig and let out a furious wind onto the floor. The ice spread along the ground, freezing the entire floor. Right away there were large, loud cracks and the enemies fell on their asses.

Kent smiled weakly, though he was still drained as all hell. He was still finished, his adrenaline gone, the rush fading. He had to get back, and away from it all. And he was showing his exhaustion.

Sierra suddenly smiled, and Kent gave her the late cue. He threw a group of Pokeballs he had taken from the guard. “All yours!”
That User Who Changed Their Name A Dozen Times And So No One Ever Knew Who They Were Half the Time and When They Did Only Used Bolt.

The tragic tale of losing all #Brand for nothing in return.

The Take Away Is You Probably Know Me As Bolt

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Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:46 pm
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cheeb says...

Jack Preston
Hidden Rocket lab
Jack's PokeGear is still busted

"Crap: It's what you're in," Jack panted at Scarface. They had finally managed to subdue the fiend: as much as Scarface struggled, there's not much you can do when a washing machine, or a Rotom posing as one, is on top of you. He scowled.

"I suppose you children think you've won," he spat.
"Shut up," Sierra snapped.
"You can bring out whatever Grunts you have in hiding," Tyler added. "We'll just trash them too."
Scarface smirked. "There aren't any left. We've been evacuating ever since you stepped in the door. Why would we need men to guard a base we're finished with?"
"Finished with - ?" Jack muttered.
"You're welcome to finish me off," Scarface added with a really nasty grin. "It doesn't matter what happens to me now. Team Rocket will rise to glory, regardless."
"Maybe it doesn't matter to Team Rocket as a whole," Jack piped up. "But does it matter to you?" Scarface laughed out loud at this.
"Do you expect me to believe - or care, for that matter - that you're too weak-willed to kill a man?"
"Bite me," Jack responded in kind. "I don't give a Rattata's ass whether you live or not. I just thought you might be interested in trading some information for your life."

"What's he doing?" he heard Kent whisper in confusion behind him; undeterred, he pushed on.
"I hear you've developed a new strain of the Pokerus," he continued.
"Got sources, eh, boy?" the Rocket snarled. "Maybe you would be a worthwhile addition to the team." Jack placed a foot on his head, pushing his jaw shut.
"You're going to tell me how to cure it within the next ten seconds. And if you don't, this washing machine is going to drown you." He lifted his foot.
None of Jack's friends had seen him like this. It certainly wasn't his usual quiet demeanour; it wasn't even like when he lost his temper in Whitney's gym. He was angry, that much was clear, yet he was calm, composed, and ever so cold. Even Scarface seemed to sense the daggers Jack was glaring at him, and opened his mouth to speak -

Whether he was going to tell Jack the cure or insult him some more would never be known. There was a loud crash from above, and a large portion of the roof began to cave in. Citrus immediately transformed: a lawnmower took the place of the washing machine and began slicing the large cement pieces into tiny grains of stone. Scarface stood up, free of incarceration by appliance, and as if summoned by him, a rope dropped into his hand.
"That'd be my ride, rugrats!" he hollered over the noise, cackling and ascending. "Oh, and here's my advice for your little Pokerus problem, kid - after a few days, you won't have to worry about it anymore! Hahahahaha!"
He was at the top by now, the trainers too preoccupied with not getting crushed to stop him. Still, Jack managed a "Fuck you!" as the disfigured man climbed the rope to where a black chopper was lifting him to safety.

"Here!" Sierra called. Jack was holding a rather large slab of former ceiling over his head; dropping it in front of his feet, he turned to where Sierra had forced a door open and was the last through before the entire roof dropped: as he yanked the door shut behind him, the deafening smashes became dull thuds. Before he could even register where they were, Jack felt himself shoved backwards and slammed up against a wall.
"What the fuck is the matter with you?" Max shouted. "We had him! We HAD HIM!"
Jack glanced at the entire group during the stony silence that followed. Jerri, Sierra and Tyler were all looking extremely doubtfully at him, and no real wonder: he'd only told Kent [and Sam, wherever the hell she was] about Fists' condition.
"I'm sorry, ok?" he muttered. "How could I have known they'd give enough of a shit about him to come back for him?" Max swore and released his grip. He turned and strode quickly down what Jack had just realised was a tunnel.

"I would have done the same thing in your place," Kent whispered to Jack as they made their way down the tunnel. Jack felt a rush of gratitude, but before he could voice it he saw something that nearly made him throw up.
"Shit," was all he managed. The group had wandered past a large waste drum without bothering to look inside, but Jack had seen the contents, and kicked the can over. A long, coiled body unfurled and landed in front of the other four trainers, who had turned around at the noise.
"Now what?" Max exclaimed, taking a moment to register the dead Milotic lying at his feet. This was followed by various exclamations and profanities by the group.
"It's the Milotic we fought on the ship," Jack muttered, "the one that infected Fists."
"What's this on its belly?" Kent wondered aloud, and stooped to read the text that was scribbled on the Pokemon's belly. "Pokerus X #14 - Failed. Pokerus X must be the name of their new Pokerus strain." He rolled the serpent over and read further. "It's dated two days ago."

"Don't touch it!" Sierra yelped, nose wrinkled.
"It's not infected," Kent responded. "The Pokerus can't live without a host for more than a few hours. I learned from my father."
"It's been dead for two days," Sierra sniffed. "Infected or not, it's disgusting."
"I'm taking it," Jack said.
"WHAT," said the group. Kent took Jack aside.
"Listen, buddy... I know you mean well, but that Milotic - it's not gonna win you any matches -"
"No," Jack interrupted. "I mean, I'm going to take it outside, out of this hellhole, and bury it. It deserves that much. The only reason it was an enemy at all was because of Team Rocket."

In the end Jack got his way, though he was the only one lugging the lifeless form through the corridor - Kent assured Jack he would be helping had his shoulder not been hit by part of the collapsing roof.
"Hey, check it out," Tyler's voice came from up ahead. They'd reached another room at last. A smaller laboratory.
"I don't think there are enough labs in this place," Jerri grumbled sarcastically.
This lab was even more confusing than an ordinary one. There were no vials, flasks and whatnot covering the desks, only three things were left in the room. A banner spread across the opposite wall, complete with poorly written text that read POKERUS #15 - TEAM ROCKET FOREVER; a pile of empty champagne bottles under the banner; and a set of black Poke Balls on the table.
Ew. Four things. The body of a black-clad grunt lay under a pile of plaster, right next to a hole in the wall.
"You gonna take that and bury it?" Max asked Jack with one eyebrow raised.
"Fuck that," Jack shot back. Tyler was inspecting the Poke Balls.
"X," he said. "They're all inscribed with X. These must be more infected Pokemon."
"Take 'em." Jack said. "The nurses at Cianwood are already working on one Pokerus case. If they manage to cure Fists, maybe those guys have a chance too."

The group continued through the hole in the wall - the way they had come had been buried by rubble.
"It's like a freakin' maze in here," Tyler panted after they'd passed the same hallway for the third time. The entire group groaned their agreement - all except Citrus, who began pacing and making frantic noises.
"Relax, Citrus," Jack grunted, laying the Milotic's head down as gently as he could with his aching arms. "There are no Rockets left in here, Scarface said so."
"Don't be so quick to trust what Scarface says," Sierra said. "Anyway, I don't think Rotom is worried about that. It looks like it's trying to find something."
She was right. Citrus seemed to be sensing something, or hearing something. Jack turned to Tyler, but Tyler was way ahead of him - his Haunter appeared in a flash, followed quickly by Jerri's Haunter and Max's Misdreavus. The ghost Pokemon were all acting the same way. Then, all of a sudden, they all began floating in one direction, down a corridor. Everyone felt a new surge of energy at the possibility of finally getting out, and climbed quickly to their feet - except for Jack, who groaned as he lifted the heavy Milotic once again.

"There's the exit!" Tyler called triumphantly and began running. The rest of the trainers followed suit. Jack ran as best he could with Milotic weighing him down - suddenly, however, it became much easier. He looked back to see Kent holding up the tail.
"My shoulder feels better," he grinned. Together they ran towards the open door, outside of which they ran into -
"Sam!" Tyler exclaimed.
"Maxine!" said Max.
"A Duskull?" Kent questioned.
The five ghost Pokemon were now dancing in the air together. Clearly it had been Duskull calling the trainers' ghost Pokemon. The trainers reunited, sharing their stories of what had happened in the lab.
"Wait a minute," Sam said after a while. "Isn't Jack with you guys?"
"Yeah, he's right -" Sierra stopped. "Where'd he go?"

Jack had slipped away into the trees, still relentlessly hauling Milotic and followed by Citrus, Niles, Mamo and Veon. Jack silently thanked Kent again as they came across a clearing and together began digging. It was a big job, but Mamo in particular helped to cut down the length of the process.
"That's deep enough," Jack finally said. "Thanks, you guys."
The hole was too deep to lower Milotic into gently; as hard as Jack tried, the fish ended up falling to the bottom with a thud. At that moment the moonlight hit it, and Jack couldn't help a tear rolling down his cheek at the sight of the majestic creature - had it not been for Team Rocket, the Pokemon would probably still be happily swimming off the coast of Cianwood Beach, or in the care of a decent trainer. Before he could let the grief take over, he began pushing soil back into the hole: the cue for the Pokemon to do the same. Once they were done, Mamo grunted; using Ancientpower, it summoned a large stone and placed it at the head of the makeshift grave.
"Nice touch," said Jack approvingly. He stood for a minute longer and then turned and began leading the way back to the group.

NB: The Poke Balls Tyler took are the "event" Pokemon, our prizes. Once we take them back to the Pokemon Centre, the staff will study them and confirm that what they're infected with is a form of the Pokerus that strengthens them and allows for different moves to be learned without the effect of a shortened lifespan [ie, Pokerus X #15].

And if you think this post is too long: your face.
the user formerly known as chibibo

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Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:45 am
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PhoenixBishop says...

Last edited by PhoenixBishop on Sat Sep 04, 2010 4:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Sat Sep 04, 2010 3:19 am
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Bloo says...

Kent Walker| 4:25pm| Pokemon Center

“In all my life, I have never seen anything like this. The Pokerus, not only is it doing nothing harmful to the Pokemon, it is literally changing their D.N.A. Normally, Pokerus, would just give a boost in power, and with some minor set backs,” The nurse stared, awe struck, at her notes.

“What do you mean, when you say changing their DNA?” Jack asked. He was the most ecstatic, or rather hopeful, for this Pokerus info to be impressive. Anyone would do it, if the fate of your Pokemon could be turned around, with a simple examination.

“Well, it seems to focus less on making the Pokemon stronger,” The nurse stated. “Instead it allows them to do…well think of it this way.” The nurse thought for a moment. “Normally a Pokemon can only learn certain moves, naturally, and by example/work. In these Pokemon, the DNA is altered, allowing them to learn certain moves, usually unable to learn, and they have been breed to perfection, extended their moves pools.” Nurse Joy pulled out one of the Pokeballs, sending out a Snorunt. “This one, for example, can use Energy Ball, which is nearly impossible.”

Kent looked closely at the Snorunt, the diamonds on its back; they were off, too round, closer to a circle, than a diamond. Imperfect, that never happened. The genetic code in them, they made it the same, in each and ever one…could the Pokerus make changes in how Pokemon look, as well?

The Nurse said the Pokemon were fine, and that this strain wasn’t very contagious, not air born, like the main one. “Team Rocket probably wanted it to stay controlled, with in their ranks.”

Jack looked to Nurse Joy. “Could there…could there be a way to give it to my Pokemon? Could this strain heal him?”

“I’m not sure, Mr. Preston, though it might be possible. I would need to research is more, it might come down to the wire, if it happens.”

Jacked looked disappointed. “Don’t worry, I’m sure there’s a way.” Kent knew there was, there had to be.

“Tomorrow the police are going through the lab, I’ll be sure to make them look for medical reports, until then,” Nurse Joy took the rest of the Pokeballs. “These Pokemon need to stay here, including that Duskull, Miss. Park, it has the virus. Once they are done here, you may have them back. You found them, so it is only fair.”


“Okay, Glide, I got a new trick I want to teach you,” Kent had been inspired, all the talk of the new Pokerus, with the special moves, he wanted to teach Glide some. It was one of the hardest moves to teach their species.

“Glide, this will be hard, but after today, you seem like you can do it,” Kent grabbed a bucket of water. “I want you to dip your tail into this, and then focus on it. Try and control the water, and make it stick to your tail.”

Glide nodded and jumped into the bucket. “Gleeeer!” the Pokemon closed his eyes s, focusing all his energy to his tail. The water didn’t move, his tail stayed the same. The bat frowned. “Gler. Gler!” The bucket shook, tipping over, with Glide.

“Try again,” Kent said, pulling another bucket over. “This time, try and picture the water swirling, like a whirl pool.” The bat nodded. Again he focused on the water, this time earning a splash from it, making the water move, though just a bit. “Good, we have progress,” Kent smiled. In the corner of his eyes,, Kent saw Jack leave the Center. “Okay, you keep practicing, come get me when you can get a constant swirl, kay?” The bat nodded.

“Jack!” Kent yelled. “You okay?” Jack didn’t say anything. “Right, dumb question…is Fist looking any better?”

Jack shook his head. “Worse.”

“Don’t worry, the nurse knows her stuff, plus that guy is tough, he can handle anything, right?” Kent pulled a piece of paper from his back pocket. “I found this a little while ago, it had gotten stuck to my bag, during the battle.”

“What is it?” Jack asked.

“It’s a lab report, about the failed Pokerus virus. Apparently the average is a few days, but when they did it on Pokemon, who had strong bonds with their trainers, the time they had increased. I know it sounds cheesy, but when they have a reason to live for, they usually can hang on. So give him a reason, show him, and make him fight, okay?”

Jack nodded. “I’ll try.”

The two stood there for a bit, the only noise being the sweet melodies of the forest. At this time the Kricketune came out, and began to play, their music was wonderful. It was never the same, and always beautiful, no Pokemon could resist joining them. Within seconds more would join, making a chorus of Pokemon, bringing calming tunes to the world.

“Gler?” The bet tapped Kent’s shoulder, with a smile. “Gler! Gar-Gar!”

“You made it move?” Kent asked, smiling brightly. With a furious nod the Pokemon pulled Kent away, leaving Jack to think, and reflect on his own.

The Tournament would start the next day, and while Kent wanted to go cry, and be emo for awhile, he knew he needed to train. He knew, just like he had said that morning, he owed his Pokemon a win; he owed it to them, to let them battle, and have fun. He would stay up all night, if it meant Glide could have it, if any of his team could have it.


“Mamo, Glide, Lax, you ready?”

Kent was finishing off his preparations for today’s tournament battles. Since Veon was not in a fit state to battle, Glide was taking the spot. While his new move was still shabby, Kent figured the pressure of battle might give him the push.

“Hmm….” Kent looked into his Berry bag. “Sitrus would give them the energy boost, but an Aguv would up their defense, both would just neutralize each other.” Kent blindly choose, picking the Sitrus.

With the Poffins in the oven Kent got his Pokemon ready. He sharpened Mamo’s tusks and Gligar’s claws and his tail, giving them all a nice, sharp glean. Lax got Kent’s Apricorn juice, which once Lax ate it, expanded, making him full for awhile, and the inflation added to his body slams.

“You sure do prepare,” Kent turned away from Mamo, who was getting the hair cut from his eyes. Sierra was standing behind him, watching.

“Well, I just saw my match…and well, it won’t be easy,” Kent said. “Plus, if you win, we’ll have to face off right after. So, my guys need to be in perfect form.” The timer dinged, letting Kent’s pre-battle protein Poffins out.

“Don’t expect a hair cut to make all that much of a difference, then,” Sierra smiled and walked off. Kent returned his Pokemon, giving them the rest they needed.

He took another look at the matchups, focusing on his bracket. Cody Larkin. Kent would not lose.
That User Who Changed Their Name A Dozen Times And So No One Ever Knew Who They Were Half the Time and When They Did Only Used Bolt.

The tragic tale of losing all #Brand for nothing in return.

The Take Away Is You Probably Know Me As Bolt

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Sat Sep 04, 2010 11:04 pm
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Lumi says...

Tyler Cohen | 4:40PM | Tourney Office

"Before your friend gets here," the chariman leaned back in his office chair, the light from the ceiling lamp reflecting in his sunglasses, "I'd like to let you know that your next match will carry on as planned, despite the problems."

Tyler lifted an eyebrow, watching the immense body guards in tuxedos behind the young man. They both had their arms crossed and were wearing sunglasses, just like their boss. Beside the chairman's desk stood an orange Pikachu, also wearing sunglasses. The little mouse had his arms crossed and glared at the boy as if he were in the principal's office after stealing a kid's lunch money.

He gulped.

A knock came to the door and Tyler turned his head to the entryway as Jack walked in, escorted by another bodyguard who stayed at the door. He sat down on the little red psychiatrist's couch next to Tyler, their hips and shoulders touching. The chairman looked at the two, almost seeming to size them up as if they were going to fight eachother with their fists. Jack leaned in a tiny bit and whispered something that Tyler didn't catch.

"Jacky! Tyler!" The chairman flashed a huge smile and slammed his hands on the desk. Beads of sweat formed on their foreheads; Jack swallowed, nervously. "I'm sure you're both wonderin' why I called you here..." He pulled off his sunglasses and furrowed his thin eyebrows, his eyes wild with excitement. "You're competing after all, boys!"

Jack paled beside Tyler, but Tyler knew why. A fight without one of your partners isn't worth fighting.

"Now, there are options we can go by, seein' as how you two saved a buttload-a Pokemon back there in the ocean." The chairman nodded and the bodyguards dished out six Pokeballs onto his desk, each one shiny and red--never used. "Chairman Wiley's gonna take care of you two."

He pointed at the six balls before separating them into two sets. "Option one: you both take on new teams." He pointed at the first set. "Offensive Pack," and he pointed at the second pack. "Speed Pa-..."

"Umm, excuse me," Tyler pipped up, feeling Jack's arm tightening against his, "Can't we just have a 2-on-2 match?"

Wiley was poised over his desk, his neck sprawled out, staring at the two boys. "You, err, want to use your own Pokemon?"

Jack slowly nodded, but then affirmed himself. "I'd rather withdraw than use Pokemon that aren't my own partners."

Tyler nodded as well. "I'm with Jack."

Wiley sat back in his chair and mulled over the idea shortly before nodding. "Okay, then. You'll both use only two Pokemon." Wiley moved his wild eyes to Tyler. "So, which one will you be ditchin'?"

Tyler swallowed, hard. "Uhh, I guess Kingdra. It'd only be fair, since he's a fully evolved Pokemon."

Wiley nodded, looking to Jack. "Is that okay with you?"

Jack furrowed his lips, turning his head to look at Tyler through his mesh of blue hair. "Don't make your decision based on what would make it easier on me...Kingdra is fully evolved for a reason." He shifted awkwardly and Tyler nodded.


Wiley looked back to Tyler. "So, which one?"


Jack gave Tyler a weak smile and Tyler returned it, wondering what he was thinking. He had never been particularly close to Jack, after all. And that was probably his own fault.

__ __ __
Cianwood Arena A | 5:10PM

"OUR NEXT MATCH will begin in five minutes, folks! Gather round to watch the Fountainhead, Tyler Cohen take on the Pyrite Prince, Jack Preston! It's sure to be a hot match, so be there or be somewhere else!" The announcer's voice soared above the roar of the crowd as Tyler sat in the dark hallway that led out to the combatant's box. His hands were balled together between his legs and he was breathing deeply to relieve his anxiety. Just a few minutes before he had to leave for the ring, Sierra had pulled out a hair clip and hidden it behind his ears, pulling his hair up into a new style. She thought it was cute. He happily obliged.

On his belt were two Pokeballs and in his head was a straight-shot strategy. If Jack was predictable, then it would be over in no time and he would be on his way to losing miserably to Sam in the semi-finals. He sucked in a deep breath and smiled, letting his thoughts return to the frosty queen that had drawn him into the tournament. And he thought about it and smiled more, realizing that she was his friend now. And no matter what happened in the tournament, he would get to see her again.

But his optimism quickly faded with a skip of his heartbeat.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our first challenger, TYLER COHEN!"

Blue sneakers hit the tile floor as he took his few steps out into the ring. The spotlights blinded him and he smiled, taking in the roaring applause around him. He was liked here. They knew his name.

Tyler took his place in his little box and typed in his name on the tiny touch-screen which displayed the same thing that the arena screens overhead did: HP, Pokemon, and badge count. Tyler grinned, taking in the beauty of his four badges.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our second challenger, JACK PRESTON!"

The crowd roared again as Jack walked out onto the bridge to the arena, nodding to Tyler as he typed in his name into the touch-screen, making an irreversible typo: JACKL. Tyler laughed under his breath and pointed at the screen. Jack's eyes followed and his jaw dropped to the floor, comically. That's when the crowd started chanting, "JACKYL! JACKYL! JACKYL!"

And the name would stick; Tyler knew it.

But the crowd suddenly grew eerily quiet as the lights dimmed, leaving only the spotlights on Tyler, Jack, and the battlefield. Tyler smiled at his friend and Jack nodded with a grin and they both took out their first Pokemon.

At the same time, they released them with a shout:


The tiny crocodile and the lobster took their places in the ring and glared eachother down, but still maintained a friendly gleam in their eyes. It was sportsmanship at its best.

A buzz came into Tyler's ear, the stage director, telling him to turn on his mic and talk. He flipped the button on and licked his lips, winking for the camera as a close-up of his face shot onto the screen. "Alright, Jack. Let's give these guys a show."

Jack did the same, giving the cameras a big, awkward smile as they zoomed in. "I hope you brought your A-Game, Tyler!"

The crowd roared and the match began. Tyler balled his fists and called out, "Crawdaunt, get a Vicegrip on Totodile!"

"Totodile, dance up and Bite him!"
I am a forest fire and an ocean, and I will burn you just as much
as I will drown everything you have inside.
-Shinji Moon

I am the property of Rydia, please return me to her ship.

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Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:06 am
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Bloo says...

Kent| 5:00PM| Dome B

Kent took a deep breath. He sat on his side, waiting for the announcer to call him. His match was going to get no one, he knew it. In the other room not one, but two, of the Rocket-Saviors were fighting. Kent was nothing, not compared to that. Plus, he was after. There was a groan, a tap, and the announcer came onto the air.

“Hello everyone! Here is Arena Block we are going to get a real treat! On one side we CODY LARKIN, who last round took out his opponent with a single Poliwrath! Against him we have KENT WALKER, you better know him, he saved your ass yesterday!” There was a mumbled “You Can’t say ass, ass!” in the background.

“First up we have CODY LARKIN!” There was a round of applause and shouts as he strolled in, not breaking his stride. Kent took a final breath, and walked to the edge of his hall.

“And on the other side, KENT WALKER!”

Kent sprinted out, taking in the crowd’s cheers. He triple-stepped up into his box, and quickly typed in his information. Once he saw the field, though, Kent swore.

“This match will be on the water field!”


Kent and Cody both reached for their first Pokeballs, Kent was completely screwed. Heavy set and Ground type Pokemon, not a good match up. Kent thought about Cody’s team. Poliwrath was confirmed, and with the field it was almost a given.

“Lax, you’re in!” The big eater landed unevenly on a platform, waves bursting around the field.

“Skarmory, you’re in.”

“Lax, use thunder punch!” Munchlax tried to run, but the platform swayed under his weight, making it impossible for him to move.

Skarmory dove towards Lax, spinning like a top, a blur of silver and red. Lax, braced himself, ready to take the hit, though struggling to stay on his feet. The metal bird pierced Lax’s defense, sending him into the air.

“Keep it in the air with Iron Claw!” Cody was in control, calmly bring out orders, with the clear advantage. The announcer wasn’t helping it.

“It looks like Kent is having some trouble here. Based on the team he fought with in his last battle, he is at a major disadvantage! Cripple by the water and weight, Kent is in a tight spot. It brings the question, how did he take Rocket on in the middle of the sea?”

“And it also begs the question, how did an idiot make it this far,” Cody mocked.

Skarmory was keeping hold on the battle, Lax was still in the air, not getting a chance to take a hit while Skarmory hit it higher and higher into the air. The bird crept closer to the ceiling, each hit was starting to be a stein, the massive weight of Lax proving troublesome. Finally the bird pulled away, landing down back too a platform. With a mini-tsunami Lax hit the water, turning the pool into white-water rapids for a moment.

Even with Lax taking most of the beating, Skarmory was barley holding on itself, it was still anyone game. Well, it would be if Lax would surface. Kent’s mind froze, while it was never really working to begin with, this battle was messing with him. The people were routing for Cody, the announcer was indirectly mocking him, and Cody just…irked him, and made him unable to think. He needed to snap out of it, and soon, before the match was over.

Finally Lax surfaced, panting, floating on his back to stay afloat. No platforms near by, even if he couldn’t climb onto one, meant he was stuck. Skarmory was back in attack mode, flying towards Lax, helpless in the water. A wicked steel wing was headed towards Lax, who couldn’t even bring the strength to roll over.

The pressure was piling, and it broke the ice. “Lax, use Gunk Shot on the water!” The heavy eater woke up, his trainer was back, and he didn’t want to give up either. A blob of purple goop blasted out of Lax, covering the water is a sticky paste like substance. Another wave erupted, swallowed Skarmory in the paste, slamming it into the water.

“Now, use thunder punch!” Lax plunged a crackling yellow fist into the paste, charging the water with the energy. With a fried cry Skarmory fell onto his back, and Lax collapsed. Kent hadn’t though of it getting recoil from it.

Kent brought back Lax, reaching back for Glide. He waited for Skarmory to leave the field, but before the Ref could make a call it shook itself awake.

“It seems Skarmory is still floating! The suicide move by Kent didn’t go as planned!”

Skarmory pulled out of the gunk, which faded away, giving a disgusting, purple tint to the water, and a potent smell came from it. Kent put Glide back, and reached for Mamo, now that his mind was back, kent had a plan. Which was ironic.

“Mamo, Icebeam!” The mammoth landed unevenly on the platform, freezing the entire area around it. Skarmory fled to the sky, back to normal, as if nothing had just happened to it. The field was now solid, perfect for Mamo to work on.

“Use Mud Bomb to bring Skarmory down, rapid fire!” Mamo grunted, getting on his hind legs and blasting mud into the air. It was like rain, nasty rain. Skarmory scurried to dodge it, slicing through with might speed, but even steel could break. Piles of it began to attach, blocking the ‘hinges’ of its wings.

Cody wasted no time to turn this around. A well timed Brave Bird taking advantage of the extra weight, picking speed up, and blasting the mud away. Mamo braced it self, as the blue-flames hit it head on. Even the massive Pokemon was pushed backwards, the raw power unbelievable. Cody didn’t kid around.

“Use Avalanche!” Kent commanded, taking the brief period of recoil paralysis to move in. The Ice covered Mamo’s fur, like icicle spears, a mighty tackle and Skarmory was engulfed in frigid snow. Cockily Kent embraced cheers, from the few that were still on his side. Even though he was a savior of the dome, people seemed to love Cody, a tournament favorite.

While Kent took his eyes away, Skarmory escaped and landed a devastating Drill peck, like Brave Bird, somehow pushing Mamo back. Skarmory was still packed with energy, somehow it couldn’t be brought down. Every time it fell, it got back up with more power. Even with Sturdy it couldn’t keep this much energy, something was fishy.

Mamo was still ready for a fight, and with an other might grunt charged, rocks surrounding it, a powerful Ancient Power armor. Skamory easily dodged, flying into the air, blindly, and stupidly, turn it’s back. Mamo took the chance, blasting it with Ancient Power. The rocks hit it, making it tumble in the air with a painful screech. Again Cody took this chance, to power in a break neck Brave Bird attack.

The blue flames never hit, though. Mamo got into the air, stomping Skarmory to the gournd with all his weight.

“And Kent has now brought the match to a tie! What Pokemon will Cody use next?”

Cody smiled, the battle finally becoming interesting, a challenge for him. He did have some emotions, he liked fun, at least. Kent was smiling too, but he knew this wasn;t the end of it, it took two of his Pokemon to wear down Skarmory, and now Mamo was exhausted.

“Mamo, take a rest, I’ll need you in a bit,” Kent brought back his best, the screen flashing the shadowed “Resting.” color.

“Poliwrath, you’re in!”

“Glide, take us home!”

The Scorpion and the Toad. The Bat and the Boxer. The Swimmer and the Flyer.

Kent was the first one to move. “X-Scissor!”

“Counter with Mach Punch!”

Glide did a total dive towards Poliwrath, his claws glowing a faint green, sharper than before. Gathering massive speed, the power behind Glide would be hard to match. Poliwrath just stood there, though, charging both hand, glowing blue as his energy flowed, vibrating as it gathered force and power. Kent shut his eyes, afraid to watch the results. There was a thud, and a gurgled groan, Kent finally looked.

“Amazing! Gligar used his tail to block! By flipping backwards, and then grabbing Poliwrath, it was able to add more force, and avoid the collision!”

Kent smirked this time, and went in for the kill. “Finish this off with a Cross Poison! And aim for the legs!” Glide disappeared, scaling to the ceiling, and going another daring dive towards Poliwrath. The toad was still on one knee, its legs nearly useless, it was stuck, and dead meat.

“Hydro Pump!” the swirl on his chest began to spin, making a portal of water in front of it. All at once a burst of water shot out of it, right towards Glide. The bat slid around the ice, unable to stop. Poliwrath was still immobilized, so it was still fair game, all Glide had to do was get up.

“Gleeeeeer!” In an instant the bat was in the air again, more pumped than ever. Kent could see it in his eyes, it wanted some revenge. “Good, use Cross Poison one more time!”

The bat didn’t bother going into the air this time, instead staying low, and keeping fast. Poliwrath still struggled to pick itself up, but the portal was still up, and firing as soon as Glide took off. This time the bat was cautious spinning around, and dodging the fire.

“Block it with Submission!” Poliwrath grabbed Glide in the blink of an eye, throwing it back into the air, making it crash into the ice once more. Still going, Gligar got up, pumped and still ready to go. But this time, Kent had an idea.

“Glide, know that attack we’ve been working on? Well we’re going bring it into good use!”

Glide nodded, and rushed into the air once more, doing the same thing as before. This time Cody waited, unsure what was in motion right now. He had to be cautious, but he couldn’t afford to drop his defenses. The portal came to life once more, sending the never ending bullet to Glide. “Now, use that move!”

“What is happening? It seem…Gligar just dove into the Hydro Pump! What sort of plan-the water had stopped moving, what is going on? And Gligar has taken control of the water! What sort of move is this?”

“Aqua tail,” Kent whispered. “Now, slam it onto the ice, and go in for the kill!”

The water fell, making a spray, covering the field in a thick mist, making for the perfect cover. Gligar charged in , Cross Poison ready. The rest of the battle was hidden in the mist, nothing visible to anyone but the Pokemon, no trainer, announcer, or audience member could do a thing right now. They just waited, waiting for a sign to what happened.

The mist fell, only able to be there for so long. IN the middle were two fallen beasts. A tie.

Both Cody and Kent returned their Pokemon. The final match was on.

“Luxio, you’re in!”

“Mamo, hope you’re ready!”

Kent had the clear advantage. Ground against electricity, size alone would be enough, there wasn’t much left in the match.

Kent automatically saw a difference. This Luxio was different, while obviously the same as the one he fought earlier, it was different. The old one was still friendly looking, calm, kid like. This one seemed colder, harsh, and grown. It seemed like it could take down a Legendary Golem, all alone.

“Use Swift!”

Kent almost laughed, the stars bouncing harmlessly off of Mamo, Luxio didn’t even move, so much for a diversion. Kent went next. Mamo roaring up, and slamming a blast of mud bombs at Luxio. The thing didn’t even move, it stood there, not afraid. And they went right through it.

Kent was taken aback, as was Mamo, they didn’t even see the blue blur charge at them. With a masterful Night Slash, the beast slid under Mamo, hitting the soft under belly. Mamo cried in pain, falling off his feet. There was a weak cryt from under it, as Luxio was crushed under the huge weight. Dumb luck wins.

“I’m not sure if that was on purpose, or what, but Mamoswine just crushed Luxio! It seems Kent as won the match!”
That User Who Changed Their Name A Dozen Times And So No One Ever Knew Who They Were Half the Time and When They Did Only Used Bolt.

The tragic tale of losing all #Brand for nothing in return.

The Take Away Is You Probably Know Me As Bolt

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53 Reviews

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Points: 240
Reviews: 53
Sat Sep 11, 2010 7:49 pm
cheeb says...

Jack Preston [finally]
Arena A

Niles almost managed to weave expertly out of the looming Crawdaunt's way...its tail was what gave it away. The tiny crocodile was scooped up in the lobster's claw, hanging by its tail and squirming in discomfort before it was swung upwards and its torso was gripped by the crustacean.
Vicegrip, Jack thought, this will NOT be good. And Niles looks like he's in pain... He called up to the dangling Totodile.
"Niles, use Rage!"

Niles's eyes narrowed and it began pushing back against the crushing claws. The effort to keep him subdued was evident in Crawdaunt's eyes and voice as it groaned. Finally Niles popped free and stood firm in front of Crawdaunt.
"Now, Metal Claw!" Jack shouted before Tyler could speak.
"Crawdaunt, Faint Attack!" Tyler commanded a second later.
Niles' attack hit Crawdaunt square on the head. Crawdaunt winced as it faded completely out of sight.
After a few seconds of Niles looking around in confusion, Crawdaunt burst into view in front of it and smacked it to one side. Tyler grinned.
"Finish it with Water Pulse!" Crawdaunt instantly fired a ring of water from its mouth directly at Niles.
There was no time for Niles to jump out of the way. Instead, it jumped into the oncoming attack.
... What the fuck!? Jack thought in utter confusion. There was an explosive splash as the attack connected, but as the spray cleared, something very strange became apparent.

"Nawwww!" Niles crowed as it landed. It was larger by a decent margin, and its jaw had grown very impressively. Jack's hand flew to his PokeGear.
Croconaw, the evolved form of Totodile. In its baby form it was restricted to feeding on Magikarp and the occasional Surskit. During evolution, the Pokemon's jaw gets bigger, allowing it to hunt larger prey such as Carvanha and Lumineon.
"... oh hell yeah." Jack muttered with a grin. "OK, Niles, use - uh, Niles?"
The newly-evolved Croconaw's eyes were unfocused... it was stumbling about drunkenly...
"Looks like Water Pulse did the job after all!" boomed the announcer. "Croconaw - Niles, apparently, is what it's called - is clearly confused!"
"Damn," Jack muttered. "Niles, snap out of it!"
But it was no use. Crawdaunt moved in for the kill and with a well-aimed Crabhammer, Niles was out of the match.

"Good work, Niles, and thanks," Jack whispered as the Poke Ball beamed up his fallen partner. He then turned to one side.
"Standard Forme, and you're in!"
Apparently, only Jack himself and Tyler understood any of that. The audience soon forgot their bewilderment as Citrus floated onto the battlefield.
"Jack's now bringing out the second of his two Pokemon - Rotom!" the announcer commented. "And what's this? Tyler is withdrawing his Crawdaunt!"
Jack looked across at his opponent. Sure enough, Crawdaunt was vanishing in a flash of red.
"You get to start this round with a fresh new 'mon," Tyler called, grinning. "Why shouldn't I?"
"Go for it," Jack called back with a smirk. Before he'd finished talking, Citrus was face-to-face with the intimidating Haunter.

"Double Team!"
The Pokemon acted immediately. The bubbling poison puddle that erupted from Haunter's mouth shot through a transparent Rotom image as several more Citrus replicas surrounded Haunter.
"Confuse Ray!"
The rays of light flashed right through one another on the way to their respective targets. While Citrus' Double Team copies faded, Haunter began giggling like mad and spinning in midair as Citrus closed its eyes and began to echo its name sleepily.
"Wake up!"
Haunter shook itself and its facial features went black as it glared sadistically at Citrus, which began to twitch in its sleep. Haunter's face didn't change as it turned around to face Tyler.
"Hey... quit it," Tyler said uneasily, the smallest drops of sweat forming on his forehead.
Haunter, clearly still affected by Confuse Ray, began to advance on its trainer, who began backing away. "Haunter, seriously... Haunter - Quit it!"
The sudden shout had an instantaneous effect on both Pokemon: Haunter, shocked, flew back towards the battlefield, its face returning to normal (albeit with a very surprised look on it); Citrus twitched one last time and opened its eyes.

Jack glanced across at Tyler before issuing any commands: he seemed to be OK now. So he's fair game.
"Citrus, Double Team again, and Ominous Wind!"
Citrus' clones surrounded Haunter for a second time, but this time a purple fog appeared among them.
"Now spin!" Jack called. Citrus and its fakes began revolving around Haunter, faster and faster until they were an orange ring encompassing a purple blur. The Ominous Wind was now an Ominous Twister, and Haunter's cries indicated that it wasn't enjoying it at all. It finally broke free and hovered over to the side, apparently struggling even to remain in midair.

"Quick, before it recovers!" Jack called. "Finish this with Shadow Ball!"
Haunter never even saw it coming. The purble blob splashed across its face, knocking it to the ground.
"Haunter is unable to battle!" the referee announced. "The winner of this round is Rotom!"
"Both trainers are now reduced to one Pokemon each!" echoed the voice of the announcer. "Tyler's Crawdaunt will face off against Jack's Rotom! Both Pokemon have an advantage and a disadvantage against the other! How will this play out?"
the user formerly known as chibibo

“Writing fiction is the act of weaving a series of lies to arrive at a greater truth.”
— Khalid Hosseini, Author