
Young Writers Society

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Sat Dec 07, 2013 5:37 pm
AlfonsoFernandez says...

Tom Banks • Shifter
New York

Taking advantage of people with the power to change objects was not only easy, but fun. Tom saw his little voyage to Illinois as a vacation from his work, which was scamming people and taking their money. The good thing was, he had a portable job he could take anywhere with him.

He had hopped on the first plane to Illinois from Montreal, which meant making a stop in New York. He would have had to wait a long time in the airport for the next flight, but he made his very own VIP passes that helped him get through Customs and Migration quickly. About fifteen minutes after getting off his first plane, he was already in the second one, direction Illinois.

He took his card from his pocket, Shifted it into a random seat ticket, and showed it to the flight attendant.

"Seat Eleven B," she said, distractedly.

Tom walked to his seat and placed his backpack under the seat and sat down. A tall man came to a stop beside his and glared down to him. The stranger extended his hand and Tom shook him.

"I saw zat little trick, Shifter," he said, with a very heavy Russian accent, ""Now you 'ad better 'ope zat nobody 'as taken zees seat, because you are sitting on mine." A sharped pain shot up Tom's hand, and he did his best not to wince.

"No problem Ruskie. Didn't mean to take your seat... And don' worry, this other seat ain't taken."

A short while after, another man walked up to Tom.

""Scuse me, that's my seat," he said.

"Oh no, you must be confused," replied Tom. He extended his arm to the stranger, "Lemme see your ticket one sec?"

The man, a little suspiciously, passed Tom his card, and Tom turned it in his hands. As he did, he shifted the ticket to another one, then gave it back to him.

"See dawg, you ain't even in the right flight..."

"B-but the flight at-"

"If I were you I'd hurry. Your flight's gon' leave you."

The man hurried out of the plane, tripping over some suitcases and pushing people out of his way. Tom turned to the Russian man, who was now sitting beside him.

"You see that, Ruskie? It don't take no mental powers to get that man outta the way. Hell, he's going to a flight that don' even exist!" Tom laughed, but the man stayed serious. This time Tom extended his hand.

"The name's Tom. I guess we going to the same place, eh?"

"My name is Ivor. I can 'eal people and give zem pain."

"I like it. So, got any plans?"
"True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written; in writing what deserves to be read."
- Pliny the Elder

[insert inspiring quote]

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Sun Dec 08, 2013 5:59 pm
TinyJarStoredDreams says...

PJ Morgan

I tightened my grip around the steering wheel as I sped down the highway away from the tiny campus I called home for the past year. The sun shinned annoyingly into my eyes as I turned around the corner and into an exit. I pulled my aviators down from the top of my head and over my eyes just before the vicious sun would have killed my eyes once again. I pulled into a pay station only then realizing I didn't have any cash on me.

"That would be two thirty sir," The worker said sounding bored.

"You sure about that?" I asked using my powers to let me go free.

"Go right through," The worker said moving like a robot towards the controls and then opening the gate. I smiled as I went straight through the gate.

I went on driving until the bright moon shown beautifully over the sky. I pulled over into a truck stop and popped into the small store that was inside. I got my self a coffee and left eager to get to Illinois as soon as possible.

I pulled out my map of the USA and located my self at Utah. I sighed realizing I had about 5 more giant states to go through till I was some what near my destination. I started up my car again stretched out my hands and arms, put on my sweatshirt, and started off again.

Spoiler! :
Sorry its short and boring, I'm kinda in a stump right now.
How the hell are we suppose to look forward to the future if we aren't sure if we will be alive in the next 20 seconds?

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Sun Dec 08, 2013 6:50 pm
kayfortnight says...

Kennedy Blake|Stitch
Springfield, Illinois airport

I shivered a little, looking at Micheal. Sure, he was another mutant, but he was cruel and cold. I could tell from the way he used the possibility of me getting caught as leverage. Men and women like him were the reason I had stayed away from the mutant community until now.

"So," I asked, "What's your mutanty?" I put my hands up defensively as he turned to look at me. "You know mine and know it won't be much use finding her. I'm assuming you want to find her as much as I do."

"Watcher," he growled. "But I don't know where she is either. If we hit the lowest parts of the city, though, we might be able to hear some rumors."

I hail a taxi. "I'm guessing "lowest" translates to seediest."

"Do you want to find X or not?"

I don't say anything, but I think, I don't want to find her. I need to. Instead I just say, "Remember that show in the airport? I don't want that happening again."
This account proudly supports lgbt* rights.

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Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:55 pm
Ossum says...

Chase Greysin / Shadow

Chase got off the plane in Minneapolis with a sigh of relief. The flight over was longer than he had expected and he was tired. He looked at his plane ticket again and found his way to where the next flight to Illinois was. A stretch of his arms for a split second, and an adjust of the guitar before he stepped off was the last people would really see him. He kept to the edges of the crowds. He kept a firm hand on the neck of his guitar strapped to his back as he walked. One step after another, not looking at anyone. He didn't want to look at anyone, he was just trying to get where he was going. He hadn't heard from his friend again, which reminded him of how it was when they were --

Don't think about that.

He continued to walk until he got to the terminal where the next flight would be leaving from and sat down. His eyes drifting around him, he was out in the open in an area he didn't know. It didn't help either that the girl across from him wouldn't stop staring. She couldn't have been more than what, eighteen at most? It was the same though, people staring at him like he was some big mystery. Trying to act all cute and innocent like they think it would turn them on to them. Especially girls, and now that others had seen this one staring, they all started to. Time to find an exit, anything at this point, the girl was biting her lower lip. A big sign that she was either crazy or a cannibal, and other were imitating.

He stood up quickly when he saw an older woman coming his way who just happened to be the only one at the moment who was currently looking at him like he was food. He swung his arm into the crook of hers and started to walk. She was fussing over something profusely, and he had seen her talking to every person she had passed looking for the terminal they were at. Hopefully, she didn't just brush him off and give people even more of a reason to look.

"The name's Chase." he said shortly moving them along. As they did he watched with relief that the girls quietly subsided to the normal glare at the woman he had just chosen.

"What do you want?" the woman asked him as she allowed herself to be pulled along.

Chase came to stop after a moment and sighed, running a hand down the length of his face as he released her. "Needed a distraction, thank you." They had stopped in the furthest corner of the terminal away from most of the public. close enough though still that they would hear when the flight got called for boarding.

"Distraction?" she asked as they stopped, obviously wanting to get back to the general waiting area of the terminal. Casting frequent glances back towards the counter. Chase new that feeling, this woman was lost in the sand of God knows what and a nervous wreck from the looks of it.

"From all of them," he pointed to the crowd. "But listen, maybe we can work out a deal.
- You hate working out deals. Can it. - You stay here so I don't get swarmed by all those cannibals." he pointed to a couple of the girls who were looking over to see if he was doing exactly what he was doing. "And I'll make sure you don't get lost in Illinois. Deal?"

"Alright, fine. I'll be your distraction. You get me to Illinois." she said with an air of submissive annoyance. He knew why, he had called her out, and that was obviously now a big no. Had no choice though, and they stayed silently there for a few minutes acting like they knew each other until the attendant called for boarding.

"You got a seat next to mine." he said slowly, as they boarded. Pulling her into a seat next to his, his guitar following to the spot between his legs. As she sat she pulled out her notebook and started reading and scribbling. Eyes darted out of the corner of Chase's eye to see and noticed the instance of them running into each other written down before it had happened.

Well... that goes to show why she was so willing to follow along.

"A watcher, huh?" Chase said casually under his breath to her as the line of people lingered on forwards. A finger lightly wrapping itself on the side of her notebook. "At least we both know why we're going to Illinois now."

She turned to him and asked him a flurry of questions he didn't understand, a controller type of girl... great. "Look, why don't you just give me a name and we'll talk later." Chase said absent minded as he asked the girl who had her precariously taken by the woman next to him taken to find another seat.

"My name is Selene Fox." she said annoyed at his obvious disinterest at her efforts to find out about him.

"Nice to meet you Selene, my name's Chase Greysin. I'm a shadow. And we're going to Illinois. Now... do me a favor and be quiet... I hate flying." and he was silent until the landed in Aurora, Illinois. Hands gripping either the neck of the guitar or the seats armrests, eyes locked closed as he tried to remain calm an steady. Trying to keep down the obvious fear that was showing.
Never give up on yourself or others.
Fight for what is in your heart, not in your head.
And if it all comes down to it,
Die on your feet before yo live on your knees.

Chin up, shoulders back, smile on.

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Mon Dec 09, 2013 12:55 am
Cailey says...

Selene Fox| Watcher

Selene found the cheapest flight from Del Rio to Illinois, not even realizing that the flight had a layover in Minneapolis. She probably could have found a better flight, and normally she would have, but she felt like time was pressing down on her and she didn't want to risk being late to wherever it was she was going.

So Selene ended up in Minneapolis, nervously checking the TV screens for her flight to Illinois. She stopped once or twice to make sure she was headed in the right direction, since she didn't want to miss the next flight.

Suddenly, in the middle of asking someone for directions to the terminal, her vision faded and she saw a young man approach her and take her arm. Somehow she knew he didn't want to hurt her, so as her vision returned and she continued walking she tried to prepare herself for a surprise visit.

Stopping suddenly, she scrawled the scene into a small black notebook. She always wrote down her visions, or whatever they were, and then returned and added once they actually happened. She didn't know if she could change the visions; she had never tried and all of them had come true so far.

Before long the man from the vision appeared, folding his arm into hers without a second's hesitation. She started for a moment, but then looked the other way and continued walking. "The name's Chase," he said, but Selene refused to answer with her own name.

"What do you want?" she asked, already itching to take out the notebook and fill in the events as they happened. She wanted to know who this Chase was, and whether or not he had some connection to Illinois. Judging by his arrival in the terminal, he was going to the same place as her.

He briefly answered, and Selene watched him almost imperceptibly cower away from curious glances from the crowd in the terminal. He was attractive, in an almost strange way that Selene couldn't quite describe. It was strange, but she felt drawn to him as if there were some connection...

Partly because of the oddity of the situation, and partly because she dreaded going to Illinois alone, Selene agreed to travel with him. She could feel every fiber disagreeing, but he didn't seem particularly dangerous and he obviously needed help, almost as much as she did.

"Alright, fine. I'll be your distraction. You get me to Illinois," she snapped, furious that he had noticed so easily that she felt completely lost in the massive airport with so many variables that were beyond her control.

They made their way onto the plane and sat down, and the moment Chase looked over to his window Selene took out her notebook and began writing, trying to fit the pieces together.

"You're a watcher, huh? At least we both know why we're going to Illinois, now."

"Watcher? Does that have to do with, the... the visions? Are you a Watcher, too? Do you see things before they happen? Or something else? I've seen... are there other abilities, too? Like, superpowers sounds like such a stupid word. Where are you from? I don't actually know why I'm going to Illinois, I just know that I need to go. Why are you going? What's waiting for us in Illinois? Where did I go in the vision? Who did I meet? Are you sure you're going to the same place?"

Selene realized that she should not be talking so much, but the questions just poured out before she could stop them. "Look, why don't you just give me a name and we'll talk later."

"Selene Fox," she answered, folding her arms over her chest and turning out to the aisle, trying to hold the questions hostage.

"Nice to meet you Selene, my name's Chase Greysin. I'm a shadow. And we're going to Illinois. Now... do me a favor and be quiet... I hate flying."

"What's a..." Selene caught herself and shut her mouth. What's a Shadow? she finished in her mind. However, after staring at Chase's terrified expression for a moment she risked speaking again. He didn't open his eyes or let go of the armrest that he was holding onto as if that alone would save his life.

"There's no point in being afraid of flying," she said, trying to sound more gentle and comforting, "I already saw us land, and it's one of the smoothest landings I've ever experienced."
A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity. -Kafka

Look: A Link! https://caijobetweenthepages.wordpress.com/

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Tue Dec 10, 2013 3:55 am
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Iggy says...

William James | Mover
Somewhere in Illinois

"Are we there yet?"

"Kid, I swear to god!" Will finally snapped, taking his eyes off the road to twist in his seat and glare daggers at Jackson.

"Easy!" Holly yelled, and the wheel spun in his hands, something he did not dictate to happen.

Will shot Holly a vicious glare as a car shot by them, blaring its horn. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the window roll down and someone flip him the bird.

"What did I tell you about Pushing me?" he hissed.

"Keep your eyes on the goddamn road." Holly replied.

"Make your brat shut up and I will!"

"I'm not a brat." Jackson said, his tone angry.

"You're acting like one. We'll get there when we get there." Will retorted.

"Maybe we should stop for dinner," a sigh came from Holly's voice.

"Maybe Will should change his tampon."

"Maybe you should take this joystick and shove it far up your fuc-"

"Will. The exit. Take it." Holly snapped, her voice growing persuasive.

Will let it go with a grumpy mumble, his finger triggering the flicker.


"What do you want?" Will mumbled to the two mutants as they stood in line.

"What is this place?" The woman asked, her tone filled with awe as she and her son looked around.

"It's called In-&-Out. Now what do you want?"

"What do they have..?"


"Okay, we'll both have a.. burger."

"What size?"

"What size can we get?" she asked shyly.

Will rolled his eyes in exasperation, his legs moving forward and approaching the cashier. "Three cheeseburger meals, medium size." He said shortly, throwing down a twenty.



The cashier nodded and handed him a receipt and some change back. Will took the drinks and tossed one to the other two, leading them over to the soda machine.

"What is Coke?" Jackson asked.

"You can't have that! Wait, it doesn't look like what I've seen it look like..." Holly muttered, using a finger to push the button and studying the brown liquid.

"For god's sake, were you both raised in a barn?!" Will snapped underneath his breath.

Holly shot him a glare and got Jackson some orange soda, then hesitantly tried the Sprite. "Looks like water." she mumbled.

Will rolled his eyes and lead them to a private booth in the corner, then retrieved their meal. As they ate, he gazed around the room, feeling a bit uneasy. Like someone was watching them.

(anyone could approach them and introduce yourself as a mutant)
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Tue Dec 10, 2013 6:06 am
AlmondEyes says...

Zafrina I Mover

Walking into the In-&-Out, my eyes scan the entire store, zeroing in on three people in a Booth in the far corner of the store. A man with a Woman and a little boy, who looked like they were eating something they'd never seen a day in their life before. Looking at them almost made me smile. Almost. I walked up to the counter, looking at the menu, settled on a double bacon cheese burger with fries and a shake. While waiting, I turned to study the Man. He didn't look that much older than me. Maybe a year or two. Tall. Slim. He had an air of something to him I didn't like. He seemed to have this recklessness about him that was dangerous. They way he scanned the place told me he knew someone was watching him, so at lease was a vigilant.

I studied the other two with him watching the way they studied their food. It was interesting, the way they opened up and looked at it, like they'd never had it before or knew what it was. They were kind of adorable. What in the world were they doing with someone like him? Guess I should go ask.

Making my way over, I leaned on the booth where two sitting across from him were. "You all seem cozy."

"What's it to you?" he raised an eyebrow at me.

"What would it be to any other Mutant?" I counter.

The Woman and her boy froze at the mention of the word mutant. The guy in front of me clenched his hands. I wonder what was going through his mind right then. Probably trying figure out a way to kill me without drawing suspicion. Who knew?

"What the hell do you want?" he asked.

"I wanna know why you have these two here with you." I clench my jaw for a moment.

"None of your damn business." he glared.

"Hm." I turn to look at them. "Don't put your faith and trust into someone who won't do the same. Watch yourself."

Just then, my order was called. With one last look at him, I turned and walked away. Most people could tell what a person was thinking by looking into their eyes, but mine were covered by a pair of shades I'd been wearing all day. His eyes told me that he thought I was working some kind of angle to get at him though I wasn't, and he might perceive me as a threat. Scratch that. He would perceive me as a threat. It's not like he could do anything about it. I always had a constant flow of kinetic energy surrounding my body at any given time to protect me from immediate harm, meaning I had a barrier around me that kept me out of danger. I'd been building up the defenses around it for years, so no one would be able to break through it.

I knew he wasn't going to sit around, waiting for something he thought was going to come at any moment. Sooner or late he would confront me about it. It was just a matter of when.

Spoiler! :
Sorry it was so short. Iggy didn't actually work with me on it, and I don't do anything with another character unless the User is working on it with me, so I didn't have much to work with.
Last edited by AlmondEyes on Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:56 pm
TinyJarStoredDreams says...

PJ Morgan|Pusher
Springfield, Illinois

I pulled up to a gas station and checked my map, Springfield. "Thank god," I mumbled to my self dragging myself out of the car. I filled up my car for the last time and threw out the 8 coffee cups I had gone through in the past 2 days. I slid my card through the register and drove off towards a shopping center.

I stopped in front of a 5 Guys. I parked, took off my jacket, put on my favorite blue beanie, and walked out of the car and into the store.

"Welcome to 5 Guys!" A cashier yelled in the most unenthusiastic tone I have ever heard and tipped his hart down to me. I smiled politely and stood at the back of the long line.

I watched a child chase after his sister in a circle around their mother. I listened to the mother try to separate the siblings multiple times before I decided to take action. I control the brother to a stop motion and the same to the sister. I watched them as the mother sighed in relief. I smiled at my self and continued to waiting in the line.

After what seemed like hours I finally got my food and started to eat. The fries where the best food I had in a while, considering all I had eaten for the past 2 days was McDonald's. I finished quickly and decided to look around the shopping center a bit more before heading off again.

I wondered around the store for what seemed like a good hour before getting bored and taking a break on one of the benches outside a Mexican place. I watched people struggle with their bags and kids, as I controlled someone into helping them or calming down their kids. One time I even made a candy store worker give out free bags of Swedish Fish to a group of kids.

Soon I got a headache and I was grateful I had my sunglasses on to hide the fact I was a pusher. I knew at this point my eyes were slits and that it was completely obvious, if in fact I didn't have my sunglasses on. I got on the bench and headed out towards my car when a group of teenage girls stopped me.

"Hi, we were wondering if we could take a picture with you?" One of the girls asked. She had way to much make up on and her friends were laughing in the back round. To many for me to control.

"Uhm, why?" I asked trying to play it off cool. I could feel my eyes moving back to their normal place so I took of my glasses knowing it wouldn't be noticeable anymore.

"No reason," The girl said sending the group into a fit of laughter.

I shrugged and the girl flicked a piece of hair out of her eyes. I smiled a bit at the camera one of her minions was holding at the girl smiled wrapping a hand around my waist. The camera flashed and I stepped quickly away from the teenager.

"I'm Brittney by the way," She said winking. All the girls behind her screamed out their names too filling my head with random noises.

"Cool, uhm, I have to go." I said moving slowly away from the girls.

"Whats your name?" A tall girl in the back screamed.

"PJ," I said back walking quicker towards the door. I could hear the girls screaming and giggling as I left. Girls, who understands them.

Spoiler! :
So if that last part was confusing. I just felt like PJ should be noticed by someone I guess.
How the hell are we suppose to look forward to the future if we aren't sure if we will be alive in the next 20 seconds?

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Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:48 pm
DarknecrosisX says...

Richard Burrows| Wiper
Springfield Airport, Illinois

The plane landed safely and we all applauded the pilot for a job well done not sending us all to a fiery death- as is the British way, of course. Everybody left their seats and filed out, though maybe not as quick as I had hoped, and customs proved to be just as boring, but I knew something wasn't right. Okay, I won't lie; I can be a tad paranoid sometimes... well, very paranoid... all the time. But that's not the point, the point is that all the way through the process of passport approval, baggage claim and the like, a rather shifty looking bloke in a tan jacket was always within fifteen metres of me. Chances were that he realised that I was wiping on the flight- it was time I fixed that.

Leaving my suitcase to revolve on the baggage claim belt I walked over to the men's room to get the guy out of the public eye. Sure enough as I went over to the toilet sink to splash some hot water on my face, the door creaked open, and the image of the figure bounced into my eyes from the mirror.
“I know what you are, freak,” he almost spat in a disgusted voice as he glared at my reflection. I was thinking of a way how to get myself out of the situation that had arisen, if the guy knew that lower level wipers had to establish eye contact in order to activate their abilities I was going to struggle to get out of here clear of danger.
“If you knew what I was, why not just end me right now?”

“I’m no puppet, pusher. You can’t make me do anything, I saw you helping yourself to those snacks on the flight, handing that woman a ten pound note and getting a twenty in change, you think actions like that will go unnoticed punk?”

I smiled, laughed in his face even. He didn’t even look away when I turned to face him. “Oh well played Mr Holmes. Your observational skills are second to none,” I smirked. “But you missed one vital point sir; pushing is not the only way to get what you want.” I reached into his mind through his steel-grey eyes and tore my face from his memory. In the brief moment I had to clear the area while he was stunned I entered one of the toilet cubicles and waited until the door closed. The squeal came after a moment or so, but it was comforting nonetheless.
Without any more interruptions I collected my luggage and decided to take a look around the aiport stores for some clothes and maybe a bite to eat. It made me laugh, how oblivious people were to the presence of people like myself, how they go about their daily lives with not a care in the world that soon (or so I hoped) the world would be exploited by those that survived the drug. Or maybe that was just me.
My train of thought vanished when something caught my eye, and no, it wasn’t the tasty looking blonde at the register. No, I saw two guys, separated by at least fifteen years, who travelled together through the crowd. One was rather tall and pale, while the other dark-skinned and tight-haired, so there was clearly no relation between the two. Neither of them seemed to me like they batted for the other team (though appearances can be deceiving), so I was rather sure that they too were here to search for X and the drug. And who better for me to use as a safety precaution?
Laments of passion
Obstructed by fear.
Under guises of jovial chatter;
Incredulous hopes
Steadily feasting away-
Eating away at my heart.

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Thu Dec 12, 2013 12:24 am
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AlfonsoFernandez says...

Tom Banks • Shifter
Springfield Airport, Illinois

The flight had been relatively enjoyable, with Tom's new friend, the Ruskie. Tom wasn't one to open to friendships quickly, but meeting another mutant like him, especially since the russian seemed to be a serious person, made Tom instantly like Ivor. Which was probably a mistake, but Tom wasn't going to doubt every choice he made.

The flight had gone by quickly. Ivor had explained to him about the other mutants, which turned out to be, in fact, a great part of the total population. There were Watchers, who could watch the future, Stitchers, like Ivor himself, who healed and un-healed people, Movers, who had telekinetic abilities. Tom himself was what they called a Shifter, people who could change the appearance of things for a given amount of time. There were also Pushers, Shadows, Wipers, you name it.

Tom had then asked the Russian some things, like if he had lived in Russia, and how many years he had spent in the mafia (Ivor didn't seem to appreciate that question). Ivor kept mainly quiet about his past, but he was still good company.

The plane landed smoothly, in Illinois, a few hours later. Tom's plan of going through Customs quickly didn't work out this time, since he had to wait for his useless-powered friend. It's not like the Ruskie could skip the long lines by healing people. Before they got to the baggage claim, they decided to go to the bathroom so they could leave quickly afterwards.

As they walked into the men's bathroom, however, a man with a blank expression just stood in the middle of the place. Tom wasn't surprised, since the man was probably a lost retard, but Ivor stopped him and signaled him to be quiet. They slowly stepped out of the bathroom and camouflaged themselves in the crowd.

"That man vas viped," Ivor started. It took Tom a moment to remember what the Russian had told him about Wipers in the plane. "Ve don't vant to 'ave a problem vith zat man, 'e might slow us down."

"But he may be going to the same place as us. Think about it, Ruskie, he might be able to help. I hate extending our team as much as you do, but he might know something. Let's at least go talk to him and see what he wants, then we ditch him."

"Alright. Let's go. But before zat, let 'im valk a bit. Don' make it look like we are going after 'im. Let's approach 'im by surprise."

When a man different from the wiped person finally came out of the bathroom, Ivor and Tom looked away. Tom felt the stranger watching them, then moving on. Tom nodded to Ivor, and they started following. They finally got to him, and Tom nodded again, as if to say I got this. He pulled out his deck of cards as he poked the man's shoulder. The man turned around.

"Would you like to see a magic trick?" asked Tom, a smile creeping on his face.
"True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written; in writing what deserves to be read."
- Pliny the Elder

[insert inspiring quote]

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Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:25 am
Craz says...

Creed Coyle | Watcher
Outside of Illinois Airport

"What's the closest and cheapest motel in the city?" Creed called to the cab driver, sliding and plopping onto the worn leather seat next to Kennedy. She gave him a brief disgusted look, which he ignored with good humor.

"Well, there's one right off the highway. Real bad neighborhood, though. If you want a better one-"

"Absolutely perfect. Take us there." Creed interrupted and tossed himself back into the seat. "Don't mind if I smoke do you?"

"No." The cab driver replied.

"Yes." Kennedy snapped. Creed pulled a crumpled pack out of his back pocket and plucked one into his mouth. He lit it and rolled down the window, the wind causing the tip to turn a fiery orange as he took a drag and blew. Kennedy turned away for a brief second, revulsion wrinkling her nose, before she glanced at Creed. "Why are we going to this motel if we know it's going to be crappy?"

He ignored her for a minute, taking a few more drags before replying, "I'll tell you when we get there."

She huffed and decided to ignore him until they got there. It was a short trip though, and when they exited the vehicle, payed the driver, and grabbed their few belongings, Creed stomped out the remaining of his cigarette. "Breathe it in, Princess; get a good whiff. What does it smell like to you?"

"Cigarette smoke, asphalt, and garbage." She snapped, her voice dripping in sneer.

"Get used to it. We're gonna be here a while. Probably." Creed stepped off towards the check- in, a dingy window peering out at them. He payed for a room with a few twenties and then opened the wooden door with their room number on it, swinging it wide and letting Kennedy go first. She took a few steps in and stopped.

"There's two beds."


"I'm not sleeping in the same room as you."

"Yeah you are. Don't worry Sweetheart, I'm a lot of things, but I ain't that." Creed moved around her and tossed his small black backpack on the bed farthest from the window. He sat down on the bed and began rifling through the bag, ducking his head to peek inside.

"Now why are we here?" There was something about him that got under Kennedy's nerves. Maybe it was his cockiness; maybe it was the fact that he seemed to know exactly what he was doing, and everyone else was clueless. Most likely both.

"Fine, fine. We're here-" he paused as he investigated something hidden by the flap of the zipper before continuing his search, "-because I doubt we're gonna get anywhere near X by stumbling all over the state like a bunch of fools. If I was X, I wouldn't want a bunch of mutants wandering around the state, makin' a mess of things. I'd have someone else snoop around 'em, see if they snitches or not, and approach them. I figure that we find a place to stick, make a little noise here and there, get her attention. It's the fastest way that I see."

"What? That's too risky. We'd get caught." Kennedy stared at him from her point at the window.

Creed finally stopped looking through his pack, and a dangerous smile spread across his lips. "You trust me, right?"

"No." Kennedy replied, weary of the look growing on his face.

"Fair enough. I don't trust you that much either. But don't worry; I got a plan." Creed pulled out a crumpled water bottle, its sides smashed and reformed so many times it was hard to tell what it was supposed to hold in the first place, and drank. He was grinning now, like an animal, and offered the bottle to her. "Want some?"
"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

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Sun Dec 15, 2013 4:59 pm
Ossum says...

Chase Greysin | Shadow
Aurora, Illinois

Chase got off the pane a little shakily, but not nearly as shaky as the last one. The words of the watcher he had traveled with still echoed in his mind. I saw the plane land, and it's one of the smoothest landings I've ever experienced. True enough, the plane landed without much turbulence and bouncing as it hit the runway.

Chase sighed in relief as he stepped off the plane, his guitar hanging upside down along his back. Selene walked up beside him a moment later, everything about her body language stating that she was uncomfortable about not knowing where she was. not being in control of what was happening around her.

"Come on, let's go get something to eat." he said slowly starting off, "Maybe I can answer some of those questions you got." and with that he took her by the hand without letting her speak. It was too crowded for him as the mass of bodies filed out of the terminal. He pulled her along until they reached the luggage rack, piled it all onto a small push cart, and loaded it up into a taxi.

"Get me somewhere I can eat." Chase said to the driver passively, his eyes darting out around him. His mind on edge, his friend was supposed to be at the terminal. And his friend being a pusher, wouldn't have just let Chase go buy without pushing something into his mind to make him laugh. He always tried to do it. He didn't get that familiar feeling when he stepped into the waiting area of the lobby.

Selene tried to ask questions about where we were going, and where he was taking her, and after a moment, her questions began to blurred together. And his mind, being focused on getting away from the airport as quickly as possible, was not thinking about that. He was a shadow, and what do shadows do, they hide and survive. Selene was about to get a crash course on that first hand.

He pulled her into a booth as they entered the restaurant the driver had taken them to. the waitress, a nice older lady came to get their order chase took what she wanted down, after a few passing minutes of her flipping through the menu and reading what it was she would want. Then he gave his own after looking through the first page of pictures he saw.

"Alright, now you may ask me anything you want." he said leaning forward and examining her. "You have my undivided attention, Selene."
Never give up on yourself or others.
Fight for what is in your heart, not in your head.
And if it all comes down to it,
Die on your feet before yo live on your knees.

Chin up, shoulders back, smile on.

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Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:42 pm
kayfortnight says...

Kennedy Blake|Stitch
Springfield, Illinois

I lean against the wall near the back of the club, watching Michael chat with the locals. From the way some of them glared at him, I had a feeling the conversation wasn't going well, but it was none of my business anyway.

My phone vibrated slightly in my pocket, and I pulled it out to check it. A text from Mona. How's it going?

I smile slightly and shake my head. I'm not going to find her that quickly, you know. I have a lead, though. How are you and Asha?

Doing well. I took him to the zoo. We miss you and love you.

Same here. I could go if I wanted. I figured out a while ago that if the airport security had caught my mistake, I'd be caught already. But Michael is intriguing, and I have a feeling it'll be much easier to find X with him than without him.

At least, if he stops spending his money at the gambling table. I grimace when the punches and yells start getting thrown. Soon, the glint of a knife is visible in the fray and the owner of the store starts working on breaking it up. Michael glances at me and stumbles out the door, a bruised eye and a bloody cut on his cheek visible.

I turn to follow him, but one of the men from the fight grabs my arm. "Hey. If that's your man, you can do better."

I glare at him and slip a gun from my sleeve, pressing it against his stomach but holding it in a way so no one can see. His expression changes and he releases me. "I'm not stupid," I whisper.

Outside, Michael asks me, "Why did you take so long?"

I just shrug. "I suppose you expect me to heal you?"

He nods and I reach for his hand. Before he can say anything, I say, "It's easier if I have skin-to skin contact." A moment later, I feel like I just ran ten miles, but he shows no injuries. I watch him waltz back into the bar and just sigh.
This account proudly supports lgbt* rights.

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Wed Dec 18, 2013 5:33 am
Cailey says...

Selene Fox| Watcher
Aurora, Illinois

Spoiler! :
Sorry, short post, but I figured I would try to get something in before I leave for Christmas break and disappear completely for the rest of the month.

"You have my undivided attention, Selene." Chase said, and Selene breathed a sigh of relief. At last.

"What in the world is a Shadow?" she asked instantly. She had been preplanning her questions from the moment he closed his eyes in the plane. Now she tried to control her curiosity and only ask the most important questions.

"A shadow is someone who can hide people from sniffs and watchers like yourself. A sniff being in a nut shell, a really good tracker."

"So there are others?" Selene asked, but she was talking to herself rather than to Chase, and she scribbled down the new bits of information in her notebook before continuing. "Now why are we Illinois? Where are we going?"

"As far as where we are, we are in Aurora. Where we are in Aurora, I have no idea."

She figured he wouldn't know why they were there, either, since he hadn't said anything. He continued again though, after a moment.

"We're looking for X." he said, and Selene didn't even bother asking for more information. She began to realize that she would not find all the answers, and she didn't want to think about what she didn't know. Already she was beginning to feel the infamous grip of panic threatening to pull her into the darkness.

"I'll be right back," she mumbled, standing quickly and spilling over her water on the way up. "Sorry! I'm so sorry..." she tried to wipe it up with the napkins, but Chase finally just grabbed the napkins from her hands.

"It's fine," he said, sounding so even and composed in comparison to the panic Selene felt. She managed to smile at him, then hurried to the bathroom where she locked herself in a stall, sat on the closed toilet seat, and burst into uncontrollable tears.
A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity. -Kafka

Look: A Link! https://caijobetweenthepages.wordpress.com/

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Mon Dec 23, 2013 5:39 am
Iggy says...

William James | Mover
Somewhere in Illinois

They ate in a hurry, Will rushing them to get out of there. The strange encounter with the girl had left him feeling rattled. He could still feel her eyes on him, watching as she ate quietly in her corner of the restaurant.

"Let's go." Will said shortly, grabbing up everyone's trash and throwing it away.

"I'm not done with my fries," Jackson hissed.

"Take them to go."

He rushed them out of the door, feeling her steady gaze on his back as he and his companions got into the car and quickly drove away.

"I don't understand. How did she know" Holly whispered after a few minutes of silence.

"Who knows?"

"Maybe she was one of X's people."

"She would have said so. Now shut up and help me find a cheap motel."


Once checked in and lead to their room, Holly headed straight for the shower. Jackson stood guard by the bathroom door and glared every time Will walked too close to it.

Will snorted at the kid and zipped open the suitcase. He was dressed and in bed in less than five minutes, snoring lightly.


"Wake up."

Will awoke to an envelope thrown on his chest and Holly pacing in front of him. Rubbing his eyes, he let out a loud yawn and sat up, taking the letter, or rather, a flyer out of the already opened envelope. It was a flyer for a "believer's" meeting at the Claremont church.

June 6th
7:00 P.M.
63 S. Hemingway St.
Claremont, Illinois

Spoiler! :
Make sure all of you receive the flyer. It is currently June 4th.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

Stupidity's the deliberate cultivation of ignorance.
— William Gaddis