
Young Writers Society

Insane Sanity *Second Try* (STARTING SOON!)

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Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:33 pm
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Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Anastasia Staine
Good morning, Happy Campers! Time to get breakfast and medication! Let's make this a great day! The oudspeaker crackled. I sat up and I hadn't slept all night. The voices wouldn't shut up. 'Like any medication could fix you! You're a murderer. You could have saved them!' "Shut up." I said between gritted teeth. 'Why can't handle the truth!' "SHUT UP!" I screamed. I clenched at my head gripping at my ears. 'Why didn't you help me 'Stasia? You just stood there and watched because your nothing more than a weakling!' That was Brandons voice. "I'm sorry" I whispered. Suddenly music was blasting through the floor 'Joy To The World' cutting through the voices. "I love you Skizzy I owe you one dude." I muttered under my breath. I got out of my bed and looked over suddenly remembering I had a roommate. Lilah wasn't there so she must of woken up already. I got out of bed and yanked on a Black Butler t-shirt with Sebastian and Ciel on it, black skinny jeans, and my Soul Eater hoodie. I hunted for a bit then managed to find my zip-tied sneakers. I walked out of the room and found Nurse May. I loved her to death she was my favorite she understood us or at least most of us rather well. "MP3?" I asked quietly. She held onto mine for me that I'd brought with me into the hospital and charged it every night for me. She pressed it into my hand and I smiled gratefully. I grabbed my medication and stared horrified. "Sugar-coated?" I asked the doctor behind the counter my voice cold. "It makes it go down easier." He said his voice bland. I gritted my teeth again all I wanted to do was tear his head off. I wiped the sugar coating off the best I could then swallowed them down. I gagged suddenly realizing there was still sugar on the pills. I could feel it settling on my thighs and stomach already. 'Get it off Anastasia now!!!' Ana screamed at me. I nodded in compliance heading to the gym built into the floor but then someone steered me to the breakfast trays shoved one in my hands and then nudged me into the dining hall. I sighed and walked up t o everyone. "Good morning Kid." I greeted Creed then smiled at Mercy who had been let out of her straightjacket to eat. "Good morning Maka." I then turned to Skizzy, Stephan, and RJ greeting them in order. "Good morning Sebastian, Kurama, and Roy." I smiled brightly. I glanced over at Liam. "Good morning Ciel." I added.
(Obviously she's a huge anime fan . She nicknamed almost all of the patients after anime character they either look like or remind her of. )
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Sat Sep 07, 2013 11:12 pm
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thelostone says...


The automated voice rang throughout the speakers, waking me up. I rolled over to the side of my bed and dug my fists into my eyes. When I looked around Gus wasn't there. She's probably at breakfast. I stumbled out of bed and into the bathroom. I lazily threw my hair up into a bun when something caught my eye. Crumpled up in the corner was one of Gus's shirts.

Take it. Take it right now, Keaton.

Without thinking twice I snatched the shirt and stuffed it into the drawer of my night stand. This shirt will look very nice in my collection. I dug through the drawer and smiled. I love my pile. In it contains a pair of Creed's glasses, eyeshadow from Lilah, a couple of Stephan's cigarettes, one of Liam's shoes, one of RJ's pills, and my favorite, a song I took from Skizzy.

I gently took out the piece of paper and read it. One night I saw Skizzy writing in his journal. When he left the room I ripped the piece of paper out and took it to my room. It was beautiful, his song. I liked it because it spoke about being trapped. Maybe if I ask he will write me one. Then I wouldn't have to take it.

I placed the paper back in my drawer and closed it. I was already late for breakfast. I ran down to the cafeteria where a nurse handed me a small cup. I didn't need to look inside it to know it contained three pills. One small purple one, one large black one, and a clear small one. Just like always.

I took my tray and sat down next to Anastasia.

"Good morning everyone!" I smiled.

"Hey, Keaton." Stephan nodded.

Anastasia's bright hair caught the light as she turned to greet me. It was almost like her head was engulfed in flames. "Good morning." She said.

I spun a piece of her hair around my finger. "Your hair is so pretty!"

"Thanks." She laughed.

When I let go of her hair I spotted something peeking out her pocket. What is that? It's small and black. It kind of looked like my MP3 player I had at home. She has one here?!

Go ahead, Keaton. Take it. Take it now while she's distracted. She won't miss it. Take it. It will look great in your pile. Take it, Keaton.

I knocked over my cup of orange juice so it spilled next to her.

"Oh my god." I gasped. "I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine." She smiled and bent over to help me clean it up.

When she did the MP3 poked further out of her pocket. I quickly grabbed it and slipped in into my jeans.
maybe hell is just rewinding home movies

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Sat Sep 07, 2013 11:30 pm
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Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Stephan Wolfe
I noticed Keaton had slipped 'Stasia's MP3 player into her pocket and then smirked a bit. "Hey Keaton ye are pretty lass." I said suddenly. She flamed a bright pink and I leaned over to say something to 'Stasia as well. As I did I slipped a hand into Keaton's pocket and grabbed 'Stasia's MP3 player out . I was tempted to keep it as well but instead slipped it back into 'Stasia's pocket. I took a deep breath calming myself and then slipped a ciggarrette out of my pack. "Can I please?" I asked one of the aides. "Go for it." He said and I lit it carefully. I exhaled a plume of smoke into the air. "Anyone want one? It may cost ye a kiss though." I warned teasingly smirking at them all. "I'll take one Stephan." 'Stasia said softly. I handed one over to her already lit.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Sun Sep 08, 2013 12:14 am
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tgirly says...

Rummage Jacobs

Stephan was pretty good at conflict-resolution; slipping the mp3 player back into the pocket of its owner without either finding out. Unfortunately, I could just as easily see him slipping a knife between my ribs. It'd probably be for the best, but I shuddered anyways.
I still couldn't understand why Anastasia always called me Roy. Was she trying to confuse me? Was it some sort of psychological identity trick? Maybe she was trying to imply she wished I was someone else? I wished I was someone else too, but I was me and that couldn't be helped.
Holy cheese! He's trying to set me on fire right now! As Stephan passed the lit cigarette to Stasia, I jerked backward, falling out of my seat. A few of the attendants moved to help me up.
"I'm alright, I'm alright," I said, embarrassed. I was a bit surprised I hadn't split my head open. It was definitely a good day; I seemed to have all of the luck today.
When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
-Abraham Joshua Heschel

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Sun Sep 08, 2013 12:21 am
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Pencil2paper says...


Good morning, Happy Campers! Time to get breakfast and medication! Let's make this a great day! The loudspeaker cackled. Of course, I'd already been up for hours. I always got up early.

Finishing my circuit around the building, I turned my music even lower than usual. Someone was behind me. I kept my pace, looking straight ahead, not wanting to let them know that I know they're following me. A I turn the corner, I hear phantom sneaker squeaks turn behind me. I turn around and no one's there. I could have sworn that someone was there. I keep running, pretending to be oblivious. It takes a while before I hear the squeaks of sneakers on the freshly cleaned floors again. This time, I turn around, spinning on my heel to face my attacker. It is none other than Nurse May.

I reach up, clutching my chest, feeling my heart hammer against my chest. "May," I wheeze, relieved. "Did you see anyone coming this way? Anyone behind me?" She's one of the few people here that I really trust.

"Just me, dear. I need to hurry. Skizzy's yelling again. Will you be alright?" she says, her eyes filled with concern.

Why didn't I hear that before. Concentrate, Lilah. Do you want to end up dead?

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I lie, giving her a watery smile.

She doesn't look like she really believes me, but I'm saved when Skizzy's screams reach a fever pitch. After a few moments of indecision, she says to me, "Don't forget to take your meds at breakfast." And then she's off down the hall, speed-walking to Skizzy's room.

Poor Skizzy, I think, He doesn't even know that the demons aren't in his head. They're behind us. Always behind us.

I walk slowly, deliberately, towards the dining hall. I took a few twist ad turns, making another intricate loop around the building, until I'm fairly sure I've lost them. Then I walk into the dining hall, tugging on my sleeves, trying to hide the fresh scarlet lines, taking my meds and tray silently. I know that they're probably laced with something, but it's not that I'm getting out of here anytime soon, so why the hell does it matter? But still... I know why they sugarcoat the pills. 'It makes them go down easier' my ass. They're hiding something.

I take my tray and go to the corner of the room, away from everyone else. It's not like I don't want to be with them. But the less people that get hurt the better. I know that they've got in in for me, but that doesn't mean they need to hurt anyone else.

I eat my breakfast in silence, tasting for poisons and drugs I already know are there. Midway through, I pretend to drop my spoon, dropping my pills in the process. I slowly grind them up with my sneaker, until they are a fine powder. Then, after a minute, I drop a forkful of tainted eggs, sweeping both them and the crushed-up pills into my napkin. I walk over to the trashcan, dropping the napkin and its contents in. No one notices.

I walk over to my spot again, reaching into my bag for my book. I don't actually read it, of course, although I'd love to, but pretend that I am, watching for someone, watching and waiting for them.
"Look out! He's got a daisy!"
- Making Money by Terry Pratchett

Chuck Norris- worshiping gnomes, undead pandas, pet chupacabras and undead Keanu Reeves-what could possibly go wrong?

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Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:13 am
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Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Anastasia Staine
I stared at the plate of food in front of me. Eggs, Orange juice, pancakes, and toast. Butter and jam on the side. My stomach growled as the tantalizing scent tickled my nose. I was hungry ridiculously so. I picked up my fork. 'Stasia what are you doing!' Ana screamed. I gritted my teeth as a headache started. I stabbed my eggs rather viciously ignoring RJ's jump surprise. I lifted the fork to my mouth. 'Anastasia you little fatass! Don't you dare you don't need food look in the window!' Ana ordered. Obediently I looked up. All I saw was to much fat. I was surprised I hadn't knocked Keaton or Stephan out of their seats when I sat down. I dropped my fork and looked at my lap. 'Good.' Ana cooed. "Hey ummm Keaton do you want my breakfast? I'm not hungry and I don't want to get in trouble again." I said quietly to her. I'd been getting in trouble lately for not eating my food. I pulled my MP3 player out and toyed with it waiting for her answer.
Stephan Wolfe
I was chattering with Skizzy about nothing in particular when I heard Anastasia's fork hit the tray. I turned and sighed quietly. She wasn't eating again come to think of it she'd only eaten a few times from what I'd seen and afterwards she always ran until she collapsed. She got up and went over to Lilah. She sat in front of her roommate and started to talk to her. "Oy ladies why don't ye get your fine arses over here eh? We could use the company!" I called out to them both flashing a smile. Neither of them seemed inclined to move so I sighed and turned back to Skizzy. "Now what was I sayin'?" I wondered aloud. "I have no idea." He replied chuckling. I snapped my fingers. "Blast it all. Hey have I ever told you about Scotland?" I asked. I knew I had but I had a few new legends to add in from a book I'd found in the library. Skizzy shook his head and I started to talk about my homeland warming up to the story rather quickly. "Good morning Gus!" Anastasia called suddenly in her usual cheerful way.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:35 pm
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Sassafras says...

August Drenn

August sat huddled on her bed, her knees pulled up to her chest and her eyes wide open and starring at the plain white wall in front of her. She'd been in that position for about an hour. Having woken up earlier than usual, she wasn't exactly sure whether or not to get up and ask for permission to enter the lounge or go back to sleep. She was still trying to decide.

'Just go back to sleep. Or if you would just ask they'd probably let you get 1st breakfast. But what if they say no...'

Gus let out a whine and clutched her hands to her head. If only She would go away, this would be much easier. She'd simply knock on the door and signal night watch, or she'd go back to sleep, or she could go over to her desk and draw, or she could clean the bathroom, or...

A knocking on the front door interrupted her raging thoughts and caused her to turn her head sharply towards the noise.


Instead of a reply, the lock on the door clicked open and Nurse Bradley stepped in through the door.

"Hey, cupcake," he greeted teasingly. "Come on, I'm taking you to the lounge."

August let out a sigh of relief and slipped off the bed quietly before padding towards the door.

"Go get dressed," Bradley said with a small chuckle.

Gus let a small embarrassed smile slip onto her face before going into the bathroom to change. Most of the Nurses at the hospital knew her ways. They knew not to ask her many questions, and learned how to read her wants and needs even when she couldn't fully acknowledge them. Bradley, May, and Kelsey were the most attentive, the ones most connected with the patients. Sometimes, Gus even thought that she loved them.


"C... Checkmate?"

"Checkmate," Bradley nodded.

Gus starred down at her pieces on the chess board.

"Checkmate," she confirmed, a smile tugging at the edges of her lips.

The games were helping, especially Chess. It was her favorite too. Sometimes she could make all of her own moves, but it was comforting having someone else there to tell her where to go. Bradley's shift was over a long time ago, but he stayed playing with her, even though he was obviously exhausted. Once the kids started coming in for breakfast, though, he rose with a yawn and a stretch.

"Good game. See you later, Gus. Don't worry about anything. I have a feeling that today's going to be good for you. Bye."


She put up the game pieces and walked to the dining hall. She'd actually hadn't got first breakfast, but Bradley shared his lunch, PB&J which she was deciding might be her favorite, and she wasn't very hungry. As soon as she walked in, she spotted Liam in the crowd and hurried to his side.

"Good morning, Gus," Anastasia called.

"Good morning, Anastasia. Good morning, everybody."
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:44 pm
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KingLucifer says...

Mercy Rasalondo - Her room to Breakfast

"Good morning, Happy Campers! Time to get breakfast and medication! Let's make this a great day!"

The loudspeaker came into the room stirring me in my sleep, the room was only lit by two windows. One on the ceiling of my room, and another a small slit on the door, the windows were sealed off by bars. The walls and floor were patted with pillows making it impossible to climb and impossible to hurt myself. I had my back against the wall farthest away from the door of my room, a book in my lap. I look down and read the title, The Serphant's Shadow, by Rick Riordan I remember, I had just finished reading it last night when the lights were still on.

The handle on the iron door turned, the screeching hurting my ears slightly. The door opened and a guard who was twice my size and strength came into the room. In his hands was the dreaded straight jacket I so despised. How long could it possibly take to rule me out of an investigation of that dreaded mans death? I don't resist him, I throw the book off my lap and hold my arms out and willing go into the jacket. In a moment, the jacket is on me and securely on me.

"Grab the book please, I would like to keep it on me," I said.

He seemed slightly annoyed, but he grabbed the book on the ground and then tucked it between my arm and chest. Then he gently pushes me forward and out the door, the cell block was quiet for now, any other given time of the day and this place wouldn't shut up. I was lead by the guard down the corridor, and in the darkest corner at the furthest end of the wall, she was there. My long time friend, Lilth. Her bronze skin, short curly black hair, wicked smile and devilish eyes. Lilth was still twelve years old, Lilth remained in my mind even after I wrecked her vengeance.

"Lilth, you remain!" I said in a half horsed voice.

"Keep moving," the guards rough voice was behind me.

I go though the door, Lilth continues to smile her devilish smile as she continues to appear in the darkest corners as we go to breakfast. Soon I walk into the room and see the lunch ladies who were serving food, the guard behind me takes me over to an empty table and sits me down. I don't get to eat until I was back in my room, until then, I would be feed my pills and water. The guard soon comes back over and feeds me the pills and water, then he leaves me be going off to somewhere else.

Minutes go by and I could feel the pills begin to take effect, I see Lilth one last time, but she mouths two words to me. "Damn it," her body disappears and the pills took full effect. Then the side effects kick in, my mind blanks out and the next thing I know a guy was siting in front of me. He had an arrogant smile, I suddenly remembered this guys name. Liam.

"So." he started, leaning forward on one elbow, a bagel in his hand. "What's your name, again? I'm Liam."

"Mercy," I said my voice weak from the side effects.

"What're you reading today, Mercy?" a familer voice said.

I turn my head and see Creed, I liked Creed, he had a good head on his shoulders and wasn't as arrogant as Liam. I wasn't totally cut off from the news, I knew why each person was here everyone who I could possibly meet. Keaton, Stephan, Rummage, I loved messing with him so many laughs possible. Lilah, she has little chance of even talking to me. Anastasia, who liked Anime, I could work with her if we ever got to chatting, I used to watch anime. Skizzy, nuts, no real chance of working together.

"The Serphant's Shadow, by Rick Riordan," I said to Creed.

"Good Mourning Maka," another familer voice said.

I looked to see Anastasia in her usual anime stuff, it's been a real while since I've watched Anime. So I couldn't put a name to her from an anime character, I turn my back against the wall and prop my right leg up on the seat as I look around. Everyone was present and accounted for, Liam had quickly lost interest in me when I ignored him, to bad I could have had fun destroying his ego with my own brains.

"Mourning," I said, even though I was late.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:22 pm
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thelostone says...


"Hey ummm Keaton," Anastasia whispered. "Do you want my breakfast? I'm not hungry and I don't want to get in trouble again."

I gave her a sad smile. I've never seen her eat before, and I don't like that. I know she thinks she's the fattest person alive and it hurts me because I know she's not.

"I'll take it." I murmured. "But only if you eat this." I broke off a piece of bread the size of a quarter and handed it to her.

She hesitated, glancing at the bread and back at me.

"Eat it, 'Stasia." I encouraged. "Just this one bite, then I'll take your breakfast and you won't get in trouble. Please? For me?"

She slowly nodded and took the bread, holding it to her lips before quickly tossing it into her mouth and taking it like a pill.

I beamed and hugged her. I know how much it took for her to eat. She greeted Gus, who sat down at the table and waved.

I smiled at her. I like Gus. She's a nice roommate. Although she's very quiet, sometimes I can get her to talk. I don't even care that they aren't her own words. I felt a twinge of guilt because I know I'm not a good roommate to her. Half of her belongings are in my drawer and she doesn't even know it. It's not my fault, though, I swear.

Next to sit down was Mercy. I'm sure she's nice, too.

"Hey," I grinned.

She acknowledged me and gave me a half smile.

"I'll be right back, guys." I said, excusing myself from the table. I grabbed my tray and Anastasia's tray and hurried over to the trash can. I dumped 'Stasia's in first then mine, making sure no guards were looking.

"Who are you?" Asked a voice.

My head shot up and it was a boy. He had messy blonde hair and enticing hazel eyes. I forgot his name, it's on the tip of my tongue.. I've met him once before. We were all outside one day playing a game and he took his shoes off. I didn't mean to take it, but I couldn't help it. I needed his shoe for my collection. Now it's sitting in my drawer with my other treasures.

"Uh, I'm Keaton." I held out my hand.

"Liam," He smirked.

Liam. That's a nice name. I studied his features and he was kinda cute.

"Nice to meet you." I said. "Um, I have to get back to my friends. I'll see you around!" I scurried back over to my table and sat down.
maybe hell is just rewinding home movies

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Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:07 pm
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Sonder says...

Liam Chase

The morning was taking forever. I couldn't help it, I was getting antsy. I needed to do something.
I finished my bagel and threw my tray in the trash. Glancing back, I saw my shadow, that skinny girl with dark hair, standing by my seat, paralyzed with indecision. She probably couldn't decide whether to follow me or sit back down. I sighed and returned to my seat, composing myself enough to plaster that sickeningly cheerful smile back on again.
I placed a hand on her shoulder and guided her to her seat.
"It's okay, Gus. You can keep eating." I told her gently. She nodded hesitantly and picked up her fork uncertainly. I smiled encouragingly and she began to eat.
I wanted to scream. I didn't belong here. I deserved to be living in a proper home, with a school challenging enough for my intellect. I took a deep breath and sat down. Mercy was staring into space. I'd have to work on her later.
One of the other girls had stood to throw two trays away. Why did she have two...oh. She was helping the anorexic girl. Anastasia. She was pretty average looking, with straight brown hair and a silver nose ring. Huh. Where had I seen her before? Names were always an issue for me, I never found them important enough to store away.
I compulsively called out, "Who are you?"
Argh. Great first impression. I needed to act like I cared more, nicer.
She startled, turned. She ducked her head shyly.
"Uh, I'm Keaton." she said, holding out her hand.
I gave her a half smile, eyes wide and innocent. Girls liked that, I had learned.
I reached over the table to shake her hand. Her shirt shifted to reveal a scar on her shoulder as she leaned over. Straightening back up, she shuffled her feet, glanced around.
"Nice to meet you." she said. "Um, I have to get back to my friends. I'll see you around!"
She rushed away to a her seat a few people over.
I raised an eyebrow, thinking. That had gone well, compared to some introductions. She might be an interesting test for another day. I stretched, arched my back. I was tired of chit-chat.
I stood, gestured to Gus, and together we headed to the library. I needed to research what weapons could be built from scraps.
Last edited by Sonder on Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"This world is but a canvas to our imagination."

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Sun Sep 08, 2013 10:53 pm
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Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Anastasia Staine
I gave Liam a dirty look as he lead Gus out of the cafeteria. I didn't like him I couldn't stand him in fact. I'd dubbed him at least inside my head 'Pretty Boy with a Cold Heart' he reminded me of Ciel Phantomhive except he was nowhere near as cool and he didn't have a demon butler working for him. I dug around suddenly and pulled out one of my manga novels Yu Yu Hakusho Volume 8. It was into the Dark Tournament arch I settled into the storyline biting my lip. If I buried myself as deeply as I could into the manga if I did I wouldn't be able to hear the voices anymore.
Stephan Wolfe
I noticed Anastasia reading one of her manga novels. Once she got into those it took a bulldozer to drag her out or an announcement. "Alright, what was I saying?" I muttered yet again to Skizzy. "Are you alright?" He asked me. I nodded. "Yeah, of course ye handsome lad you." I said winking at him feeling a bit flirtatious. He seemed to blush lightly or at least it looked like that. "Oh I believe I was telling you a fairytale." I said and settled into the tale again.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:52 pm
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tgirly says...

Rummage Jacobs

I saw Lilah walk in and went to sit by her. She had it worse than me. All of population was out to get me. All of the world was out to get her.

I sat a few feet away from her and turned out my pockets to show I wasn't a danger. It didn't really calm her down, but I didn't expect it to. Braided hair. Good day.

"Creed hasn't killed me in my sleep yet," I said cheerily, "you still trust Nurse May?" Everyone loved Nurse May; she was incredibly nice and caring- too incredibly. It seemed genuine, but instincts had failed me before. She was the one I was scared of the most.

Creed Mathison

I cursed myself for not having read the Riordan novel yet. She said good morning to Anastasia, which was followed by a lapse in conversation. I dropped my fork and snapped thrice, then blushed. It was a stupid compulsion, but it couldn't be helped. Just wished I didn't have to act so insane in front of Mercy, which might be ironic considering Mercy was the one in a straight jacket.

I could never understand why they put her in that thing; she certainly wasn't the craziest one of the bunch. I'd told them this on several occasions but you can see how much that's accomplished.

"Sorry," I said, "how's your morning been?"
When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
-Abraham Joshua Heschel

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Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:47 am
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Sassafras says...


Skizzy stared at Stephan as he talked, letting the pleasant noise, the constant chatter wash over him. Sometimes, he didn't really pay attention to the words being said, but rather the sound of them. Stephan was... special to Skizzy. He was one of his favorite people to listen to. The way he pronounced words was different and intriguing, and Skiz never grew tired of the way his mouth formed syllables and the way things sounded coming from his mouth. It was hypnotizing.

He was half way through his favorite fairy tale, when he suddenly trailed off. Skizzy's brows knit in worry and he reached out and arm, about to tug on his shirt to get his attention when he turned back towards him, his eyes focusing again on reality.

"Alright, what was I saying?"

That was the second time already that he'd trailed off.

'He's getting cored of you.'

Skizzy shut his eyes against the voice and turned his attention to Stephan.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, of course ye handsome lad you."

He winked and Skizzy felt heat rush into his face and looked down. He should have been accustomed to it by now, the way that Stephan worked, his flirting. Skizzy knew it didn't mean anything serious, that was just the way he was, but it didn't stop the blood rush.

"Oh, I believe I was telling you a fairytale."

"You were," Skizzy mumbled.

He settled back into the story, but Skiz put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

"Eh? What's up?"

"I don't know, maybe it's nothing, but it could also be something really big, you know? And I just wanted to make sure, that you were, if you already aren't, I mean... this could be pointless. But I just wanted to know-"

"Spit it out, lad," Stephan chuckled.

"Are you sure you're okay? You've been out of it a lot lately. Especially today. Are you..."

He wanted to ask Stephan if he was getting sick of him, if he was starting to annoy him, if he hated him now... but he bit his lip to stifle back the questions and shook his head.

'Of course he's getting sick of you.'

'Shut up.'


"Are you sure you're okay? I can get a nurse if you're getting sick."

August Drenn

Gus forked her pancakes carefully and watched Liam as he talked to someone from across the table. In all her years of being at the hospital, she never got really close to any of the people there. She didn't talk much, if at all, and her closet friend, if she could call him that, was Liam, and that was only because she'd attached herself to him. He was really one of the only people not afraid of helping her by literally telling her what to do, he seemed to understand, and enjoyed leading her around. She didn't mind following. It was her decision.

August put a hand in her pocket and traced the Queen from the Chess pieces. She swiped it last minute as she was putting the game away. It wasn't exactly like her to steal, that was more Keaton's thing, but something overwhelmed her and she just took it. It was her favorite piece because it had the most freedom on the board, it could go wherever she wanted it to. She controlled it and there was hardly any limitations to what she could do with it. She loved that freedom.

Liam stood up and Gus snapped immediately to attention. He gestured for her to follow and she did, abandoning her breakfast.

"Where are we going," she asked quietly as her short legs struggled to keep up with his long, confident strides.

"Library. You can get a book."


They entered the library and Liam immediately took off towards one of the shelves, apparently already knowing what he needed. Gus followed him and stuck by his side as he searched. Finally, he seemed to find what he needed and turned to go find a place to sit, only to bump into her. He stumbled back in surprise before sighing and putting a hand on her shoulder, giving her a small push towards one of the other shelves.

"Go get a book, Gus."

"B-but I... I don't know... what book should I..."

'What to read? There's so many choices? How will I ever find one?'

Panic quickened her breath and she felt her limbs freeze in terror. The voice in her head got louder, shouting doubt and all the possible ways anything could go wrong. Her eyes widened and she felt her heart beat speed up dangerously. Paranoia gripped her lungs and she felt her breaking quicken as she felt her sickness taking over.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:28 am
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Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Stephan Wolfe
I slipped my hand over Skizzy's. "Lad I'm fine no need to worry ye handsome head. I'm just worried about Anastasia. I'm not tired of ye. Ye're the only one who pays attention to me half the time." I said chuckling smiling at him. I slipped his hand from my shoulder and still holding it set it on the table. I focused on him fully and raised an eyebrow. "My question to ye lad. Are ye alright? How are the meds working for ye?" I asked him honestly worried. Skizzy had been my first friend here Anastasia my second. I kept my grip light on Skizzy's hand watching him.
Anastasia Staine
'Trying to avoid people again? You're such a freak.' I gritted my teeth trying to focus on the words. 'A bloody manga how appropriate you murderer!' I closed my eyes and the book slipped from my hands hitting the table. "Stop it." I whispered tears stinging my eyes again. 'Why? You know its true. You could have saved me but you just stood there and watched! My blood is on your hands now!' Brandon's voice screamed. "STOP IT! ITS NOT TRUE!" I screamed clutching my head. 'You know it is!' "NO ITS NOT!" I screamed and vaguely heard someone rummaging. Next thing I knew 'Right Here' by Staind was blasting through my ears and like that it all stopped. I could breathe again and looked over to see Nurse May kneeling next to me. She gently pushed my hair out of my eyes. "Are you alright deary?" She asked. I nodded and she stood. She touched my shoulder again then left the room. I looked up to see nearly everyone eyeing my with concern and I glared. I hated them focusing on my they had their own issues.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:39 pm
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KingLucifer says...

Mercy Rasalondo - Cafateria

The mourning was well under way, people were talking and eating and hopefully not doing both. August, or Gus as most people call her, was with that arrogant teen boy Liam. I don't suppose it wasn't the worst match made, ever, Gus crippled with terrible indecision matched with arrogant, and possibly controlling Liam. He could make big decistions for her and maybe she could knock down his ego and maybe force him to show some amount of emotions for once. But it seems now Creed wants to make a conversation as cute as he was with breaking the fork.

"Sorry," he said, "how's your morning been?"

"Decent, I really should go to the library eventually and check me out a new book. I managed to devouer this one in a single night," I said.

My eyes continue to scan the room, what was I looking for exactly? I was wondering to myself, Lilth possibly? nonesense the medication was still in effect for however long. I should really look at a clock between when Lilth disappeared and when she reappears, at least that way I know when to expect her.

"Why don't me and you go over the library right now? we could both find a book to read," he said.

"Sure," I said, "let's go," I said.

I turn my waist and my legs land on the ground, I get up and Creed takes his tray with him holding it in both hands. We head over to the garbage where everyone else deposits there uneaten food and other plastics, I see him cringe as it looks like he's trying to decide weather to dump his tray or not.

"Oh come on you, I don't have time for your OCD!" I said.

He looks at me, then back at his tray, my words seemingly having no effect. I then decide to take matters into my own hands, the advantage of being short is that you can duck under big peoples arms quiet easily. That is what I do, using my head I push the tray over and force him to dump the tray into the grabage can, But I also end up in his arms. For a moment he seems shocked, like he's trying to find some words, hs mouth keeps opening despite no words coming out.

"I like to generally think I'm the least insane person here," I said.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

Deal with the faults of others as gently as with your own.
— Chinese proverb