
Young Writers Society

'Stolen Perfection'-(Open/Started)

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Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:48 am
Dreamery says...

Spoiler! :
That's right! We're starting!

Mark "Bullseye" Johnson

Mark, or "Bullseye" as his... Associates... Addressed him by, sat in a dusty warehouse, teeming with pests; cockroaches, spiders and other things among the group. There was a simple desk at one side of the warehouse with a computer on top. Bullseye's cell phone was perched on the edge of the desk. Two others sat by the desk. Johnnie Mulcahey and Alena Thompson. Both part of his crew. Alena had a four year old son named scout that she always kept near her. How does a caring mother get into this line of work. Johnnie was a kltuz that lacked coordination. From what he's seen, of course.

The cell phone rang. "Mulcahey, get that," Bullseye demanded. Johnnie rose from his seat and stepped over to the desk, nearly tripping over his own two feet.

"Y'ello?" he answered.

"Put it on speaker," Bullseye said. He did so. Johnnie remained silent throughout their conversation.

"Hey! Guys! It's your 'manager', Mark!"

"What do you want, Mark?"

"I got you a new safehouse. You're going to like it."

"Anything's better than this shithole."

"Get down here, then!" Johnnie hung up the phone and tossed it to Bullseye, who caught it effortlessly.

"We're relocating," he said as he slung his machine gun onto his back, and grabbed some rather large duffel bags. "It's about time, too."

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Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:03 am
Desticakes101 says...


"Mmkay Reggie, Captain i'm out." I say, walking past my coworker and boss on the way out. Both look me up and down.

"Yep...you look like a thief. I almost want to slit your throat right now." Reggie says jokingly. But something in his eyes are serious. I roll my eyes.

"I look like your regular goth. All dressed in black." I say looking down at my black yoga pants and black hoodie. He shrugs.

"Or thief. Be safe out there Ash. Your a good part of the team and we can't have you getting killed. Just blend in and be a douche. Well your already a douche. Just blend in I guess." Captain says . I shrug.

"No problem." I say. I sling my duffel bag over my shoulder, containing a switchblade, my colt,and a premium lock picker. Gotta act the part with props. I decide to not leave a trail today from the ACTU headquarters, and my destination. I catch a cab to the subway station and get off a few stops later to the expensive west side of the town.

"Now where would I go...if I were a douchebag thief..." I whisper to myself quietly. I look around, and find a high end jewelry store. I look back and forth, and pull out the lock picker. I get into the store rather easily and quickly turn to my left to disable the silent alarm system. When your apart of the ACTU, you learn the blue prints and set up of almost every building in the city. To be a hunter you have to know your territory.

I go over to the checkout counter and I hide behind it, watching the outside diligently. After the first few hours I begin to doubt my plan but then hear deep whispers from outside, and notice two shadows.One is big and pretty bulky, the other is lean with long limbs. I sigh at what i'm about to do but then grind my teeth, quickly get the switchblade from my bag and stab a deep gash into my forearm and then my thigh. The pain is horrible, and to keep from crying out I quickly bite my bottom lip. When the lean one begins picking the lock to get in I get in my position near a jewelry case and wait. Its too dark for him to see me as soon as he comes in, so I wait until he gets towards the middle of the store and "trip" into the case. I grunt, and moan in pain. Its silent and I don't see him for a second.

"Hello? Can you please help me?" I sob. Suddenly I feel a presence behind me.

"Who are you?" He asks, and I feel sharp metal against my neck. I swallow and let out a sob. It's easy to fake cry when you have two deep gashes that are steadily bleeding.

"M-my name is Michelle. I-i-i need help." I stutter. He pulls the knife back a tad and I take a deep breath. "I was kicked out of my house a month ago...I was starving...i'd only eat food from garbage cans, and i'd try to steal from buffets. I need somewhere to sleep...I needed money. So I went to a place down the rode from here and a thief gang cut me when I tried to steal from the same place as them. So I came here." He turns on a flashlight and points it at my face. The light is harsh and squint. The story seems real because a month ago I left this outfit under the big trash barrel thing outside of my loft and took it out today just for this occasion. And it smells horrid.

"Please don't cut me..." I sob out. I sit there waiting as the thief considers my sob story.
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:04 am
thelostone says...


Relocating. The word hit me like a ton of bricks. Granted, anywhere is better than here, I hate constantly moving.

I sighed and scooped Scout into my arms.

"Momma?" She asked. "Where are we going?"

I kissed her forehead, her curls brushed against my face. "I don't know, baby girl." I admitted. "It's going to be okay though, I promise."

I set her down and grabbed her hand.

"Ready, Alena?" Bullseye asked before opening the door.

I nodded.

"Mommy!" Scout cried, suddenly frantic. "Where's Silky?"

I groaned and ran my fingers quickly through my hair. "Where did you leave it?"

Tears brimmed Scout's eyes and her bottom lip began to quiver. I picked her up again and rocked her. "Calm down, pumpkin." I murmured. "We'll find Silky."

I glanced up at the guys. "Have either of you seen Silky?" I asked.

"You mean that ratty piece of cloth?" Johnnie laughed. "I threw it away."

"You what?" I seethed, still trying to keep Scout from blowing up.

"Alena, chill." He held his big hands out in surrender. "I'll fish it out of the trash can."

"Scout, go ask Johnnie for Silky." I smiled. "I'm sure he has it."

She wriggled out of my arms and jumped on Johnnie who handed her Silky. She screamed in delight and hugged his leg.
maybe hell is just rewinding home movies

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Wed Sep 18, 2013 3:45 pm
Sassafras says...

Easton Konstantin

Easton leaned against the side of the van, waiting for the rest of the crew to get all they needed out of the building and messing with the screws of his left arm. The metal had been getting a bit stiff lately and he could tell it was nearly time for a change. He'd have to steal some titanium for the fingers and some more steel for the arm, and finding a good place to snatch those materials from would be hard. East sighed and stuck his screwdriver back into his pocket. He'd just have to oil it up later. Besides, it was still functioning all right, and there were bigger problems happening. Relocation. He growled and pinched the bridge of his nose. Why now? Why when Bonnie was just starting Kindergarten did they have to relocate? He couldn't take her with him, no he'd never put her in that type of danger, but he didn't like the idea of leaving her.

He'd just pulled out his phone to call Barry when it rang in his hand.


"Easton, hey man, you were supposed to be home a while ago and Bonnie's getting a bit antsy."

"Yeah, actually I'm not going to be home for a while. We're relocating today and I have to go."

"Dude, why such short notice?!"

"Hell if I know," Easton snapped, aggravated. "Tell Bonnie-"

"Daddy? Barry, if that's Daddy then you'd better give me the phone right now!"

A small smile tugged on Easton's mouth at the sound of Bonnie's voice in the background. The smile turned into a small laugh when he heard Barry groaning.

"Listen here, ya little brat-"

"Ey," Easton warned.

"Fine. Listen closely, Bonnie, E and I are talking some serious shit right now and we ain't got time-"

"Give her the phone," East inturrpted.

"What? Dude, this isn't-"

"Give her the phone."

"Fine. Here, take the damn phone."


"I'm not your dad," Easton corrected on instinct. "But how are you doing today, kiddo? You excited for school?"

"I am, yes, but are you coming home soon cause Barry," she spat the name, "is being really annoying and he won't let me eat cereal cause he says it's too late for cereal but cereal isn't just breakfast food-"

"Oh my god," Barry's voice entered in from the background, "would you just get over the cereal thing?"

"Shut up, Barry! Anyway, Daddy, I was trying to tell him that-"

"Listen, kid, tell Barry you can eat cereal whenever."

"Ha! Daddy says I can eat cereal whenever, so I'm getting Froot Loops and YOU CAN'T STOP-"

"Hey! Hey, kid, listen up, alright? You can eat whatever you want, whatever, but I need you to pay attention to what I'm about to say, alright?"


"I'm going to be leaving for a while and-"


"-and I need you to stay with Barry until I get back. You listen to him cause he's going to be in charge until I come back."

The sound of Bonnie's cries and screams drowned out his words. Easton frowned and rubbed the back of his neck. There was a bit of a scuffle on the other end of the line before everything went quiet.

"She stormed out," Barry announced.

"Just take care of her, okay," Easton sighed. "Make sure she does okay in school and look after her. If I find out anything's happened when I get back-"

"Nah, man, we're cool. I'll look after her."

"Alright bye. Keep me updated."

"Right. Bye."

Easton hung up the phone just as the others were leaving the building.

"It's about damn time," he hissed.
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:36 am
NicoleBri says...

So, what's that name again?: Serena Smith

Just how old are you?: 24

Your personality, please: Serena is a fun easy going person although she doesn't trust much. Her smile brightens up peoples day because if she is happy then it certainly means you should be. She doesn't like mingling with everyone, just the people she really knows.

Your backstory. Anything important.: Serena came from a family oriented home. Her mother, father, sister, and herself were always doing things together. She was raised not steal and not to be rude to anyone but if someone is to start a fight, then she should finish it. In high school she caught many people stealing, especially from teachers so she went up to them and started a fight always winning in the end. One day on her 23rd birthday (last year) she heard of a group called the ATCU who is suppose to stop thieves. She really liked the idea and joined their group.

It's really dark in here. What do you look like? (Optional, because I hate it): Dark blonde hair, bluish green eyes and she is sort of tall.

Where's your family from? What's your race?: Her mother is from Brazil and her father is from America, so I guess she is Brazilian and American.

Whose side are you on?(Theif, ATCU or Civilian): ATCU

Why do you hinder the stealing? (ATCU): Her parents taught her better than to steal and she wants to put a stop to it.

What's your primary weapon?: Bare hands

Your secondary?: Knife

How do you get around?: Bus or walking

Any friends? Companions?: Not at the moment

Who are they?: N/A

Any other characters you'd like to connect to'?: All of the ATCU group members

Other: She likes talking to people and enjoys making their day better. She longs for someone she can call a best friend. If you like her, get to know her, she will definitely surprise you!
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

I feel like if I was the mafia I’d leave a voicemail.
— Tuckster