
Young Writers Society

The Assassins of Mortain (Open and Accepting)

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Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:13 am
Skyguy says...

That was awesome!!!!!

Alina Fahd

Alina nudged Shahnaz into a gallop, untying her hair and letting it flow free. Unlike many of the other Assassins, Alina thought that Jaspers habit was actually quite adorable. She smiled and took out her special map. It had been a, gift from the late Sultan of Dormania, the desert country. It was magical, and showed wherever the map user needed to go. Alina pulled to a stop to do a quick equipment check. She had had to cross the border, so she was lightly equipped. Her crossbow and bolts, 25 in all. Another crossbow in a special holster underneath her right aem, smaller though. Her hidden blades, attached to her forearms. Throwing knive, strapped in their sheaths across her chest. Her knives. One at the waist, her thigh, and one in her boot.

In her saddlebag, her mission gold, mainly just to pay for neccesities, her poison kit, writing kit, and map. Bedroll, food, and water bags. She sighed, then smelled the air. Smoke? She quickly reached for her last weapon, a sword, that once belonged to Calif Falin Karr, the greatest raider in the whole world. His land armies raided many a caravan, and his naval fleets were the scourge of the seas. He had also been her father. Her first mision as an assassin of Mortain had been to kill him. Needless to say, she had enjoyed it. Now, all those soldiers answered to her, but she had no use. Instead, a delegate of Lux was in command. It was helpful for both. THe delegate provided new armour, weapons and equipment. In exchange, the assassins coffers were never empty. One day, lux had said, she would indeed become the Caliph Alina Fahd, helping the cause of death, but for now, she was to be in the darkness.

People feared darkness for a reason. It was were people like Crow and Alina struck from. The hidden blade, the bolt, he sword or poisened dart. Hey had good reason to fear the dark. For that is the domain of death, and Alina was his servant. She was death.
I will never give up... I will never give up! As long as I'm still breathing in this world... as long as I'm still standing in this world I will never give up!

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Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:38 pm
AmeliaDay says...

Storm Lennox

Storm stops walking and turns into one of the alleyways. He knows that his target would be hanging out here; this is where the gangs always are.
He could hear them already, their gravelly voices laughing and drinking and talking. Storm leaps up onto one of the walls easily, catching onto a windowsill. He creeps across to the next one, edging down into the darkness slowly.
He had been told it didn't matter how many had to die for him to kill this target, a gang leader who had done someone wrong, and Storm gladly accepted.
Storm jumps down into the alley silently, back behind where the group stands. He's unseen still, blending into the shadows. He can smell smoke from their cigars and pipes, and pulls his collar over his mouth, unsheathes a knife from his sleeve. Storm glances down at it. It works as a mirror, reflecting fire light, and allows Storm to see. His target is the biggest man, stood with his back to Storm.
Storm waits until none of them are paying attention and makes his move, moving quickly, and dragging the big man into the shadows. He places the blade against the leaders throat.
"Guess who?" Storm growls, digging the cold metal into the man's throat. Storm feels him gulp against the metal.
"Look down," says the man quietly. Storm glances down, and there's a blade pressed into the leather of his jacket. Storm can't help but grin. If he wants a fight, Storm will give him one.
"I'm supposed to kill you. I would make this quick and painless, but it seems that's not what you want."
Storm's unsurprised when the man's hand slips, and the knife slices through his jacket, barely drawing any blood. It's a beginner's move, one Storm has seen a million times.
Storm presses the knife into the man's throat.
"Don't try that again." Storm growls, slicing the leader's throat in a bright red smile. "Oops, too late, you're already dying."
Storm lets him slide to the ground, gasping and floundering. Storm reaches into the man's pockets, and comes up with a knife and a small leather bag of coins, which Storm slides into his pocket.
"Thanks for your contribution."
The man doesn't answer, already dead, or nearly there, looking at the black sky with blank, gazed over eyes.
Storm jumps back onto the window sill, wondering how the other members had no idea that their leader had been assaulted. Too drunk, probably.
Storm allows himself to feel a split second of remorse. He didn't know the man's name, just killed him without a second thought. Storm shakes his head to clear it. That man had done bad things...
But Storm had done worse.
"So you're suggesting we take the train to York, meet a ninety-year-old man, leap on him, and yank out his hair? I'm sure the Clave will be ecstatic."

~I always want silver hands~

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Wed Sep 11, 2013 9:31 pm
Cailey says...


Firaka walked quickly, with a brisk stride that left no room for emotion or consideration. Her movements followed one another quickly, as though she was in a hurry to get somewhere as quickly as she could. An observer would not even had noticed a shift in her movements as she walked, but a few seconds after she passed the dark blue stall, a woman began screaming.

"He's dead! He's dead!" Firaka stopped then, and in one smooth motion turned around and feigned surprise along with all of the other villagers. She followed the mob back to the stall she had just gone past, and looked over shoulders at the body. A clean line all the way across his chest. Even with all the blood, Firaka could tell the line had been perfectly straight and true. She couldn't help but smile by way of applause. After making sure that the cut had indeed fulfilled its purpose, Firaka moved back on her way, the dagger at her side still dripping a thick crimson liquid that disappeared against the red of her tunic.

She continued walking, her black boats hitting the dirt noiselessly and her dark red hair taunting the air as it flew about her face. She had heard Lux announce the meeting, and she wanted to be the first one there, with all her assignment completed and completed well.

Firaka never asked questions about the assignment. She received a name and a place, or sometimes not even a place. Take this last assignment for instance. The instructions had been: "Dark blue stall, brown tunic, black beard, short and fat."
She found the man, and killed him. No one would even know that she had been in the market.

Once outside of town, Firaka cleaned the knife and returned it to its position. She undid the cloak that had shielded her from inquisitive eyes, and folded it back into her bag. Then, cleaning a stray speck of blood from her finger at a nearby stream, she continued her brisk walk through the forest and back into the city, where Lux would be waiting. The sun was still high, and she knew she had plenty of time.

Sighing, she stopped at a tavern and ordered a drink as celebration for a job well done. No one spoke to her, for just her presence gave off an air that dared any drunken man to come near. No one accepted, but a hooded figure entered the tavern and took a seat next to her.

She said nothing at first, until realizing with a slight chuckle that Grayson had joined her. "Done already?" she asked tauntingly. Grayson shook his head.

"One more," he told her, moving his head ever so slightly to the left, where a group of three men sat with their heads bent together, whispering quietly.

"Well I would hate to steal your job," Firaka lied, trying to convince herself not to get involved in the other assassin's assignment. "Don't forget about the meeting." With that she spun out of her chair and began heading for the door.
"He'll pay for my drink," she added to the bartender, pointing at Grayson. With a quiet chuckle she vanished into the grey world.

Spoiler! :
Hope it's okay that I mentioned Grayson. I can change anything if you want.
A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity. -Kafka

Look: A Link! https://caijobetweenthepages.wordpress.com/

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Sat Sep 14, 2013 7:48 pm
Skyguy says...

Alina nudged Shahnaz into a gallop as the border patrolmen raced to mount there horses, suprised at the sight of an armed warrior ridin through their camp, a woman no less. Alina was the senior assassin of all the assassins, she had been one of the first to be found. She watched with interst as each new recruit arrive. She shook her head, and gave the Dolarian warcry of her ancient nomad tribe, a haunting cry that split the throat. The soldiers all shied away as Shahnaz remounted his efforts, his hooves beating a new beat to the ground as he took new speeds. Alinas sword went down twice, each time coming up with a crimson coat of red.

She crossed the border then, the soldiers not daring to cross the border fearing a war. Alina pulled to a stop and waved cheekily at the soldiers who shouted insults. She turned her horse and at a steady trot, headed towards the Mortain guildhouse.

With all the money Mortains armies made in Dormania, her armies one day, she had been given a good amount. So, she had made a large mansion, meant for her, and her Mortain friends. Now that lux, was getting older, he spent time on her estate. Unlike the man who had raised her at the inn, Lux was truly her fatjer. Se loved him dearly.
The Fahd mansion estate, 1200 feet of faming soil, orchards, and a large horse stable. Two villages paid taxes to her , and in turn, she to the king. Some said that she was the kings secret lover, ever since his wife had passed but Alina was only still a young woman. The only person she would love was Moratain.
At the estae, she had a small contigentmof her fathers old soldiers. 50 of the fiercest Dormanian raiders, and some her closest friends. A young soldeir, greeted her at the entrance to her estare. Unlike many other nobles, Alina had her own soldiers, not kings soldiers rented out. That was how the king made money in times of peace. Renting out his soldiers so nobles could feel safe and secure. The soldier, Ahmad Coplin, saluted her. He wore the military unifor of a panther, Alinas name, which meant Noble Panther. On "buisnees trips, she was Saif-al-Din. "Has anyone else arrived?" She asked. Dismounting in front of her stables, which housed thirty good strong steed. 3 where out with other assassins." Only one Calif. Lady Firaka is inside, resting." Alina nodded and walked off towards the house. Alina enjoyed Firaka like a little sister, but her urge to seem better was annoying.
She entered and the eunuch bowed low, carrying a silcer tray piled high with treats." And who might that before?" She asked. All the servants were terrifed of Alina. She was deffinitly her fathers daughter, the noble look, and the dangerous glint in her eyes. He eunuch quivered." For lord Lux, my calif." He spoke in the natural tongue of Dormania. Of all the assassins, only one had seemed to want to learn Dormanian, and that was Crow. Alina held out her arms, and the eunuch gave it to her, then scampered off.

Alina entered the study Lux was usually in and set the tray next to her dozing master." Its cute that you use your old age as an excuse." She growled. Lux smirked and sniffed daintily. He kept his graying hair in a ponytail, but was still incredibly handsome. Alina sighed." He merchant king of Dozar Khan is dead. Crow was successful, and Firaka no doubt as well. Now, Crow, Storm, Firaka, Grayson, and Anna will arrive soon. But, what is this meeting about master." Lux sighed, and sat down the truffle he was about to nibble. "Of all my pupils Saif, you are the most experianced. But your issue is patience. Oh, I know that ypu can wait hours for your target to appear, but you lack the patience of learning knowledge. All in good time. It is a very important mission, and all of you will be involved. Now, I believe Firak mentioned a boar hunt tommorow, and all the villagers will be coming tonight for a feast that you are putring on." Alina sighed and crept off to change into her Noble woman clothing, and to find Firaka and yell at her for putting on a feast. Oh, she had the , oney, she just didnt like how village men mentiomed what a shame the lady of the manor was foreign, and no good Breton Noble would marry her. Many times she had considered ordering her soldiers to massacre them.

All right everyone, when you have a chance, post on your character arriving at the Fahd estate. All of Alinas soldiers will recognize you of course, but the villagers will not like you and start rumors. So enjoy! and cailey, how bout a boarhunt :) ??
I will never give up... I will never give up! As long as I'm still breathing in this world... as long as I'm still standing in this world I will never give up!

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Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:58 pm
AmeliaDay says...

Storm had heard what Firaka had said in the bar.
So there was a meeting tonight at Alina's mansion? Strange he hadn't heard about it.
There was a part of him that thought maybe they forgot to tell him, but then, he figured they just left him out.
It wasn't like there was bad blood between him and the others, Storm just preferred to be alone, keep to himself, and plus, he figured that they found him kind of annoying. It wasn't like the typical annoying, of an eight year old, but rather, Storm never agreed with what they had to say, or what they wanted to do. Sometimes, Storm even knew he was being a bastard, but he didn't really care anymore.
Plus, none of them were quite as theatrical as Storm. Oh, the theatrics. Storm knew all of the other assassins' fighting and killing styles. They got right to the point, in and out without a trace, without the victims knowing. Storm liked the theatrics, the victim knowing they were about to be killed. It lit his nerves on fire, made blood run faster. It was the only thing he actually enjoyed about all of this mess.
But if there was a meeting, there was no way he would be missing it.
And whatever party they were having... was going to be crashed.
Storm could only hope he would be late, so he could theatrically slam open the doors and stomp in....
"So you're suggesting we take the train to York, meet a ninety-year-old man, leap on him, and yank out his hair? I'm sure the Clave will be ecstatic."

~I always want silver hands~

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Tue Sep 17, 2013 5:23 pm
SydneysDiary says...

Would it be okay if I joined. I totally understand if its too late though :)

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Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:50 am
Cailey says...

Spoiler! :
Dymtra hasn't shown up in a while, so I don't want to say yes for her by any means. Maybe post your question in the DT, and we'll take a vote on it there or something?? Anyway- post the question in the Discussion Thread and we'll discuss it. Lol. :D


I sat in the large parlor with my feet up on the table in front of me and my arms spread out over the top of the chair where I sat. A soldier stepped in to see who had entered the massive estate, but he recognized me and didn't say anything. I couldn't remember his name, nor did I care to try and remember.

Alina entered then, looking slightly annoyed but ready to put on her more professional face at a moment's notice. I felt slightly honored that she considered me a good enough friend to not need to put on her fake smile. She just sighed and motioned for me to put my feet down.

"Feast tonight," she reminded me, "and I hear you have a boar hunt?" she sounded slightly disapproving, but I ignored the negative edge to her voice and flashed her a massive smile.

"Aren't you excited? Are you going to participate?" I brushed through my hair with one hand. "Your soldiers seemed bored; I would hate for them to get fat and lazy. Besides, villagers have been complaining about a pack of boars that keeps bothering their herds. Some of the men are afraid to let their kids run wild; and we owe it to them to offer our protection."

Of course everything I said was essentially meaningless, and Alina knew it. I was the one getting bored, and a boar hunt would be a good competition and a nice bit of fun. Much more fun than a feast, in my opinion.

"Anyway, go get ready for the feast," Alina told me, already turning to leave.

"Get ready? What do I need to get ready for?" Her face returned to the doorway with a look of disapproval, but I laughed and she smiled. "All right, all right, I'll change."

I hurried to the room where I'd been staying and slipped out of my dark pants and crimson tunic, changing into an olive green dress that made me feel smothers and restricted, though I enjoyed the swooshing sound it made when I walked. "Feast, here I come," I told myself, taking a deep breath in an attempt to ready myself to face the crowd.
A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity. -Kafka

Look: A Link! https://caijobetweenthepages.wordpress.com/

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Wed Sep 18, 2013 5:44 am
Skyguy says...

Alina glanced around as her soldiers took positions around the village green. Nearly 200 villagers had arrived, and Alinas cooks were hard pressed to cook more food. Ahmad Coplin stood at attention by her side. They both knew she was the more able warrior of the two, but ahe had to keep up the image of Breton noblewoman, and women didnt carry around weapons. Alina smiled as Firaka walked up, wearing the olive green dress. Se sat down on Alinas left. The empty seat was honorary for any worshipper of Mortain, for it was his seat, so to speak. The villagers thought it was a strange custom from the east, but Alinas soldiersand the other Assassins knew who it was for. Only Lux could sit there, if he chose.

Alina raised her goblet and stood. Eventually the villagers quieted down. She raised the goblet high, followed in suit by everyone else." Long live the king!" She said, and was echoed by everyone else. She sat back down as the feast began in earnest. Firaka leaned closer." I had some of your trackers fing the boars den. About 8 they reported. All sows except one. A mean old brute. Whats more, most of the sows have piglets. You have 12 dogs in your kennels." Alina sighed. "And no doubt im going to lose at least half of them tommorow." Firaka smiled." But the villagers will love you!" She took a long chug of wine, more like a man, instead of sipping daintily like a woman. But Firaka was far from a woman. Alina sipped her wine." I wonder what Master Lux has in plan for us." Firaka mused. Alina siged." Well they better love me, because I have half a mind to order them all killed." She muttered darkly. Firaka smirked." Even eith your status, not even his majesty could protect you."

Alina grinned." I would go into hiding. His majesty does realize though, that if he did order my arrest, the armies of Mortain in Dormania would conquer this kongdom. Already, other countries look towards our vast resources of lumber and steel." Firaka played with a silver knife." And thats where we come in!" Noth of the young women laughed together, even as the other assassins loomed closer.
I will never give up... I will never give up! As long as I'm still breathing in this world... as long as I'm still standing in this world I will never give up!

If you want something badly, you just gotta believe it's gonna work out.
— Andy, Parks & Rec