
Young Writers Society

The Future Is Now (not started / One spot left!!)

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Sat Aug 24, 2013 2:50 pm
wordsandwishes says...


My lips are cracked and dry, I should be getting back to Liam. He's got another job for me, I could use another job... My lids are getting heavy, I slam my head back the wall. Dam psycho slipped something in my drink.

I let out a sigh. I gotta be more careful. The glowing lights are growing blurry, I step back into the ally. I need to get out of here. I pull my hood up and stumble further into the darkness. I push my nails into my palms, forcing myself to stay focused. Stupid, stupid, stupid. The dizziness is overwhelming and I feel like I'm gonna throw up.

I stumble into someone, I shove him out of the way. He grabs my arm. I turn and face him.

"Liam?" He frowns at me.

"Bumble bee?"

I glare at him. "Shut up." I yank myself out of his grip. I hate pet names and he knows it.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what's wrong with you? What happened?" He grabs my shoulders, and tugs off my hood. Staring at my eyes. Then he pulls out his flask and hands it to me. "Drink."

I give him a questioning look, "So, you like your girls not just drugged, but drunk too?"

"Just drink it bee." I take a swig. Immediately I double over and throw up.

"Ughhhhh, what is that stuff?"

"Purge, keeps the drugs away."

My head begins to clear and I straighten up. "Um, thanks, I guess. Where'd you get it?"

He puts the flask back in his pocket. "Sorry, can't have you knowing all my tricks can we?"

I roll my eyes at him. "Yeah, whatever." I turn on my heel and continue down the ally.

"Hey bee, wait up!"

I sigh. "Can't we talk about the job in the morning?"

"Yeah sure, we'll reschedule. It's just uh, look, do you need a place to stay or..."

I laugh, and tilt my head up to meet his bright blue puppy dog eyes. " No offence buddy, you're cute n' all but... Not exactly my type."

"That's not what I-"

"See you in the morning hon." I turn back and walk through to the side street. "Don't be late!"

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Sat Aug 24, 2013 5:38 pm
SydneysDiary says...


I leaned against the bar table letting my shirt fall to show a bit of cleavage. The boy about my age in front of me swooned taking another huge gulp of his beer. I smirked and stood up straight again pouring my self my signature cocktail and sipping it. The bright lights danced across my face as I finished off the drink. I noticed the man had left and in his place was a 20 dollar bill and an empty glass. I smirked folding the bill into my chest pocket.

"Kay, you're off." My boss said emerging from his office clearly drunk, like always. I nodded and hopped over the counter grabbing my jacket. I strutted towards the door making an exit, like usual, and walked out into the street.

The sky was a navy and the moon hung directly over my head indicating it was midnight. I sighed and crossed the street to my crappy old apartment. I walked up the 4 flights of stairs and unlocked the door to room 403. As soon as I walked in the familiar smell of home drifted into my nose. I sighed before clasping onto the couch and moaning in exhaust. My phone went off and I ignored it letting it go to voice mail.

I yawned and fell into a deep sleep before I even knew I was tired.

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Sun Aug 25, 2013 3:02 pm
Hanorah says...

'Be yourself;everyone else is already taken' ~ Oscar Wilde

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Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:25 am
Craz says...


Damien leaned against the dark wall, a flash of neon blue club light darting across his face, temporarily throwing his features into a harsh demonic expression before he was left in the dark again. A violet light passed over his shoulder, showing his frame that was before blended into the dark wall with his black leather jacket and then zigzagging back to one of the strippers that hugged the golden pole like a sentimental mother. Damien was at a strip club, patiently waiting out of direct view for one of the men there to decide that they might want more than a lap dance. His dark eyes followed one of them, slightly intoxicated and stumbling out of his chair and glancing around. They made eye contact, and Damien tipped his head his way. The large man walked his way, leaning ever so slightly to the right, and Damien saw the glitter on his clothes when they were close enough to speak.

"How much?" Was all he asked. Damien must have misjudged how drunk he was, because he struggled to think and then say the two words to him. Damien licked his lips, a quick and snakelike movement, and then told him the price. The man, swaying on his feet, stared at him dully for a moment, and then mumbling fumbled out his wallet and slid him the money. Damien counted it with deft fingers, and ignoring the man walked out of the club. The man followed shortly after, and Damien strode down the alley next to the motel next door, where five figures waited in the dark.

Two of them, husks of men, were dressed in black much like he was. They were the beef of his business, protecting the merchandise and handling things that would dirty everyone else's hands, and he was what he liked to consider the brains of the operation; he handled the money, made sure everyone got their agreed pay, and took care of the girls when need be. The three other figures stood slightly behind them, their flashy and minimal clothes catching in the low light. All three of them were beautiful in the alley; painted red lips, exaggerated makeup and curvy hips, and a seductive face. They were beautiful as long as they weren't in direct light, where the world could witness their stretched faces under the cosmetics and the false look in their eyes.

Damien halfheartedly motioned for his customer to wait at the entrance of the alley, and he walked pass the bodyguards and up to the three women. One was named Dixie, and her poppy red dress was slightly old fashioned but much too short to keep it that way. She passed a french nailed hand through her bright blonde hair, and she impatiently leaned on one side, her heels clicking. The other girl, a curled redhead named Julia, must have only been wearing lingerie under her beige duster, but the same impatient look was on her face. Damien had worked with both of them on multiple occasions, and they were by far veterans in the game they all played.

"She won't stop crying," Dixie drawled in her nasal accent. She jerked her head towards the dumpster, and then Damien realized that she was motioning next to it. Damien leaned forward to peer around it, and the third girl was huddled there, her knees pulled up to her chest. When she looked up, Damien caught sight of her face- a natural beauty, with warm colored skin, a heart shaped face, and slanting dark eyes that hinted at a Korean descent. Glitter had been dabbed underneath her eyes, so it made up for the minimal makeup she wore. Her long black straight hair had been tossed forward, and her face was crinkled in emotional pain as tears streaked downwards.

"I-I-I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do this." She hiccuped. Damien sighed, long and heavy with his head tipping back and his eyes flashing to the side, and then he went and squatted in front of her. He has expected this; the girl, who claimed her name was Lola though no prostitutes ever used their real names, was new to this kind of world. Victor must have thought that by putting her with veterans that she might have gotten used to her new profession faster, though Damien never did have patience for self- pity so the newbies were mostly passed on to someone else. And Lola, though pretty, was no exception.

"Hey. You know what you signed up for when you came to us." He said. The girl let out more tears, her shoulders convulsing.

"Bu-But-" She started.

Damien grabbed her chin, leaning more towards the rough side. Her crying immediately stopped, shaken by the act and she stared at him, waiting for him to speak.

"I will not-" he paused, clenching his teeth, "-lose money because of you. Understand?"

The girl nodded, but the crying came back as hard as ever. She was trying his patience. "Hey, you got a little brother, right?" He said, remembering her sob story when she came to them. She nodded, subsiding slightly. God, women are so emotional, he thought.

"And you can't find any money to pay that guy you borrowed from back in time, right?" He said. She nodded again. "Well, you wouldn't want something to happen to your little brother if you couldn't pay him back, right? Because that would be terrible. And you'd be all alone." He said, his voice mockingly sincere. Her eyes widened more, her mouth forming a small and insignificant O. "So you got to do this, for your brother. Or something even worse would happen to him."

Damien's head tipped to the side, his bottom lip puckering and his eyebrows pulling up in a horrible try at concern. Lola, finally looking down, nodded quickly. Damien grinned and let go of her chin, patting both of her cheeks and saying, "That'a girl."

He stood and Lola stood on her own, dusting off the trash that clung to her shimmery midnight blue dress. She took a deep breath and brushed at the glitter that had trailed down her face in her tears and followed Damien as he brought the girls to where his customer waited. The customer's eyes glazed over when he saw the girls, a disgusting and sleazy smile pulling at the corners of his mouth, but all Damien saw was a future satisfied customer. The man's eyes trailed over Lola, who stood with her chin forward, faking confidence.

"That one," The man said, pointing. "I want that one."

Lola's eyebrow twitched, but besides that her smile was seductive. Damien grinned his wicked smile and directed the two to a single bed room that they had previously rented, sticking a fresh cigarette between his large teeth. Just before Lola entered, Damien patted her roughly on the back and when she looked up questioningly she caught the look in his eyes, and she quickly stepped into the room.

Damien swung the door closed, turning around and pulling out his lighter that winked at the four that waited behind him. Holding his hand over the flame to block the imaginable wind, he lit the cigarette in his mouth and took a long drag. He held it and then slowly released it out of his nostrils, grinning like a demon and throwing his hands wide. He walked up to the girls and slung his extended arms around them to where they were on both sides of him, and walked away from the room, Damien laughing loud and wild and the girls shortly following.
"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

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14 Reviews

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Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:37 am
AmeliaDay says...

(As personality Mave)

I sit in the dressing room, waiting. It's been a few weeks since I've been to the club, and I know Boss is going to make me pay for it.
My makeup is already done, smoky glitter shadow coats my eyes, and glitter has been rolled onto my cheeks, arms, and legs. My costume is on, a red bikini covered with sparkles. My blonde hair is back from my face, just how I like it.
I look like a hooker. Which is exactly what I should look like. I can't say I mind.
There's a knock on the door. The knocker doesn't wait for an answer, just barges in.
"There she is, my little Pixie," Boss says, pulling a cigar from his mouth. "Where you been, baby?"
"Around," I say, batting my lashes. Around setting fires...
"Around? I haven't seen you for weeks, girlie, and you's one a my best when you kick it on." I look up at him. He's so disgusting, wearing a silky shirt open at the collar, revealing chest hair and a gold chain.
"I'm sorry, Boss," I say as sweetly as I can, roping him in. "I'll try to be better about it; promise."
"Alright, dollface," he says, sticking the cigar back in his mouth. "Now get out there, it's your turn to dance."
"Yes, sir," I say, pausing to kiss his cheek, because that's just how I do.
"So you're suggesting we take the train to York, meet a ninety-year-old man, leap on him, and yank out his hair? I'm sure the Clave will be ecstatic."

~I always want silver hands~

“A good book isn't written, it's rewritten.”
— Phyllis A. Whitney, Guide to Fiction Writing