
Young Writers Society

The Life and Days of the Worlds Mystic Beings (accepting)

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Fri Jul 26, 2013 8:23 pm
Craz says...

Name: Full name: Raina Sophia Horus; What she goes by: Raina, Ray, or mainly Rain

Age: 16 3/4

Gender: Female

Year: Second year

Type of Being: Dreamscape

Appearance: She has a petite, slim figure with pale skin. Her features are rather thin, with delicate cheekbones, and so are her rosy pink lips that are normally teasing at a light smile. Her long wavy hair is near white and in some variant of the style in the picture. She dresses simply, nothing too complicated.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Rain is a living Encyclopedia. She knows just about everything, and the few subjects that she isn't familiar with, she at least knows some part of it. Sometimes she had even corrected her professors, but her intense craving for knowledge isn't bound to just the library. Rain has read and memorized books forbidden to her and books restricted only for certain people, and even reads witch spell books, although the spells are almost worthless to her. She's known to be the one to come to when you need help with homework, information, etc. Because of this, she's easily taken advantage of. But no worries; she doesn't mind.
She isn't at all timid, but her preference towards books leaves little room for socializing. She has dozens upon dozens of notebooks jammed with notes, her own theories, and sketches. Unlike some of the more powerful Simps, she enjoys everything about humans; their history, their habits, their high emotions, everything. Rain appears to have the temper of a stereotypical Saint, but she keeps one leather-bound black journal with her that she writes the names of people that she considers have wronged her or a friend without regret, which she writes in with a stick of charcoal that has strange symbols on its sides. No one knows what she plans to do with the names or if she is going to do anything at all, but if she was asked she would say, "Just to remember." Only a selected few of people very close to her knows about the book and what she writes in it, and everyone else just assumes its another one of her notebooks. She has another regular notebook that keeps track of everyone Rain knows.

History: Even though a good chunk of the school has heard of her/ gone to her for help, no one had stopped to actually learn anything about her. Like everyone else at the school, Rain was orphaned into the mortal world. She was soon adopted by two down-to-earth parents who were just said to be unable to have their own, but when she was twelve her adoptive mother was announced to be four months pregnant. They were ecstatic, and once the little girl was born they showered her with more love than they had ever done with Rain. It wasn't on purpose, and they didn't abandon Rain; and even after she had to leave their side once her powers began to manifest, she continued to treasure them as her own parents. Now, she lives in the dorms.

Orientation: Straight.

Other: She received her connection to her real parents in a pendant on a long gold chain that she never takes off. It looks like this:

Spoiler! :
"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

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Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:20 am
umaima says...

Name: June Collens

Age: 15

Gender: Definitely a girl

Year: First

Type of being: Witch but peetending to be a loven

Appearance: She is tl and cute. Her eyes are usually grey but when she is performing dark arts they turn blood red and her nose is thin plus her lips her thick and big. She usually keeps her hair open but wheb she is working they go into a messy or sometimes beechy bun.
Spoiler! :

Personality: She is sugar. Very playful, immature and loves having fun. She is usually found in the principal's 9ffice because of her naughty acts and she is vey clumsy though confident too. She is a good witch and believes in helping the world with her powers. Stubborn, very. And she also knows many tricks which make people think she really is a loven.

History: She knows both her parents but at the age of 6 she left them aafter she saw them killing a human. She wanted to be away from everything including magic and somehow found this academy where she got a scholarship till the very end since she is a complete A student and very good at sports. Now she is not in contact wih her siblings or parents. She has a brother and 1 sister.

Orientation: straight

Other: she is up for love. And don't touch her hair... she hates that.
Last edited by umaima on Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
“The strong person is not the one who can wrestle someone else down. The strong person is the one who can control himself when he is angry.”

“It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; and it is better still to sit with the good than alone.”

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Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:33 pm
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TheNeoAceofAll says...

Here We Go!!!

"You are going down," The witch screamed as she began to chant a spell. I sighed, more round up work for the Headmaster, boring. Some hot-shot witch decided she would break into the school grounds and now I have to be the one to throw her out.

She continued her chant, now picking up speed as it came to its climax, her eyes turning red. I recognised the spell immediately; a torture cures. It's designed to cause the victim great pain and sickness.
Level one at best.
I created a counter curse, generating a white energy around my body. Her curse bounced off me like bullets off Superman. I saw the panic growing in her eyes as she turned to run. If i had to guess, that was her best shot. Now comes the hard part, getting her out. I concentrated as I created a Dark Vessel; a transportation system to return her to her home, physicly unscaved (aside from the overwhelming fear of this school, the spell is just cool like that).

She didn't make it far until I created the Dark Vessel and her witchy self was out of her. All in one big bright ball of blue energy. I moaned as I looked at my watch, 2 am, and I have a test tomorrow. These late night fights will be the end of me yet. I walked the empty campus back to the girls dorm. My roomie was out at her classes so I quietly changed and was out as soon as my head hit the pillow

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Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:36 am
KingLucifer says...

Ignore this.
Last edited by KingLucifer on Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:18 pm
umaima says...

June Collens

"Wow" I whisper as I enter the academy and take in the surrounding. Saying that it was like heaven would have been an underestimation. this place was Huge and had the most amazing features that I had ever seen.

I looked at the map I had of the academy and searched for the dorms. There were two ways but their was no way of telling which was the girls dorm and which was the boys so I looked around in hope to find someone. i saw a girl sitting on a bench with some books. i ran towards her and sat beside.

"Hey" I said to her in an attempt to start a conversation "I am June"

"Rain" She said smiling back

"Do you know where the girls dorm is? i am kind of new and lost. I mean seriously, they didn't even mention which one is the girls dorm and which is the boys. How are we newbies supposed to find out?" I said pointing at the map.

"It's the one on the left." she replied

"Let's meet sometime later then"I said to her back and made my way to the dorms.

As I entered my dorm and started unpacking my stuff when I heard a magical sound. It was the sound which was created when a dark spell was induced, which meant that there was a witch around here somewhere and that was bad. Every witch is not evil but mostly yes, they're evil which was why I had panicked. Someone might be in danger.

i ran outside towards the woods from where I could here the voices of spells and found a girl fighting with a witch. The witch had an aura of a newly made around her and I could see that she was trying to escape because she wasn't strong enough. And in a blink she was gone, the girl sighed and started walking towards the girls dorm.

After she wasn't in sight anymore I rushed towards the ashes. I examined them well and thankfully they weren't dried out eat, they were still fresh which meant that I could still read the witch's thoughts. i read the spell in my mind as I took the ashes in my hand and when I was done I started hearing tiny sounds which then turned into loud noises.

"Why were you here?" I asked her. Witches aren't just people who would go somewhere without a surpose. They always have an intension and it tends to be something big. She screamed but did not reply.

"Why are you here?" I asked once again with a little more stress than before.

"To kill them" she whispered and laughed still in pain. Though the spell had been easy the pain in this was emenseless.

"Who?" I shouted "to kill who?" And the voices disappeared. My spell was broken because of someone coming towards this side of the forest. Great! i heard the footsteps coming closer as I fixed my dress and cleaned my hands and when I turned I say someone staring at me.

Spoiler! :
Can be anyone
“The strong person is not the one who can wrestle someone else down. The strong person is the one who can control himself when he is angry.”

“It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; and it is better still to sit with the good than alone.”

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Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:43 pm
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Craz says...

Raina Sophia Horus

Rain's fingers briefly trailed over the pressed dark leather, tracing the simple curves and lines that formed a single yet powerful symbol in the Wicca culture; Earth. She marveled at the aged yet perfectly preserved pages, even taking in the slight burning scent that accompanied the book, a result of a repelling magic used ages ago to keep non- witches and warlocks from touching it. But the majority of the harm it would cause had worn off long ago, only leaving a taste of immediate repulsion on the back of her tongue and a static jolt equivalent to her rubbing her slippers on the carpet.

She carefully opened the book, flipping carefully to the first page. It was written in an ancient language, but nothing that she couldn't figure out from past encounters with it. She started reading, mouthing her lips to the words that burned her tongue.

She had gotten the book from the 'Basement Library', a special section reserved for scholars, teachers, and the Headmaster. Luckily very few people her age were known for sneaking into libraries to read, so while there was still security it wasn't anything besides a code and a camera that turns off every four hours for an hour to keep from overheating. With a little dreamscaping and snooping around, it wasn't too hard to figure out the code. While she mildly respected the need to keep certain kinds of books under lock and key, her distaste for information being withheld from her because of her age overcame that respect.

She flipped the page again, burying her head in the book and her finger hovering over the page. She ignored the slight pain in her head from the ancient spell's lingering magic and plowed on, whispering the title of the first spell under her breath.

"Hey, I'm June." Rain's spine jolted from the sudden interruption, but she quickly covered it and smiled at the girl who propped herself on the edge of the bench she herself sat on, indicating that she won't be long.

"Rain." She said.

"Do you know where the girls dorm is? I'm kind of new and lost. I mean seriously, they didn't even mention which one is the girl's dorm and which is the boy's. How are we newbies supposed to find out?" The girl June said, pointing to a freshly creased map in her other hand.

"It's the one on the left." I replied, glancing at her face. I swiftly slipped the book closed, memorizing the page number, and flipped it over so the cover was hidden in my lap while she briefly looked back down at the map. One of her favorite mottoes was that there was no such thing as being too careful; and Rain had just met her.

June, oblivious to Rain's quick attempt at hiding the book's subject, smiled and said, "Let's meet sometime later then."

She stood and left and Rain watched her out of the corner of her eye before glancing at the lowering sun. Something about Wicca in general took up an expensive amount of time when it only seems like half of it to the one reading or performing it, and by estimation of the sun, Rain would have to return the book safely back to her room now if she was to make it to class.

She stood and walked to the dorms, slipping behind her door and looking for her roommate, a sorcerer named Alex Blade. Luckily it was deserted, and Rain bent to retrieve her suitcase from under her bed. It was made out of a hard black material with a series of numbers used to open it, but luckily Rain didn't necessarily need it, since Alex wasn't the snooping type. She flicked in the combination and carefully placed the book inside where three others of similar age rested and then closed it. She put it back under her bed and left to her classes.
"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

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Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:28 pm
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KingLucifer says...

Nemier Loredo - The forest of Mystic Academy

I felt the power of the Dark Arts close by, my lone travail to Mystic Academy was a long journey and felt like it was even longer since I been home to Salem. My journey across the United States and Europe was a trial in itself, having to face off against renegade witches and warlocks who challenged me and lost. But now I was in the forest that harbored Mystic Academy where all the mystic beings of the world went and trained at. I was sent to take the headmasters head, and bring it back home to Salem in the honor of the Clans. I finally saw a clearing and then a girl who stood by a black pile of ashes, witches ashes.

"Hello? is someone there?" I said feigning ignorance.

The girls eyes landed on me as I pull back my hood revealing my face, she quickly wiped her hand on her jeans and stood to look at me. She was small and petite, which reminded me of a child.

"You need some help?" she asked.

I can see the tense look on her, like she was nervous for something, I had sensed Witch Magic just before I found her. Could she be a witch? I wasn't sure, there was no real evidence to prove as so. But I'll keep an eye on her.

"I was looking for Mystic Academy, I was travailing alone from the United States, my mother and father had sent me on my own," that wasn't a lie.

She seemed to relax a bit, "Mystic Academy is close by, follow me," she said.

She soon walked off and I soon followed her, for a few minutes I follow her close behind before I finally see the building. Mystic Academy was bigger than I had imagined it to be, they wore not kidding when they said the place was big. She continued on as we walked by a building that was not as big as the main building, but it was still huge.

"This is the girls dorm, where you'll be staying once the main office assigns you a room and roommate," she said.

She continued along pointing out the boys dorm, I'll never visit, the main building which was even bigger than it was from afar. Then other places that I'll have to try and remember later. Until finally, I was lead to the front of the main building, where I would get my room assignment, classes and other stuff I couldn't care for, but I'll try.

"So, I'll see you back at the dorm I guess?" she said happily.

"Yeah sure, see you back at the dorm," I said uncertainly.

She walked off, she was very perky and had a happy-go-lucky feel to her. Just like any other child, I sigh deeply as I walk up the front steps to the front door and pull it open. Walking in, I got the immediate feeling I was on hostile ground, I had to shake it off, no one can recognize me, my existence in itself was kept a secret. I made my way to the main office, opening the door, there was no one else inside besides a woman who sat at a desk typing away at her computer.

"Execuse me, I'm Nemier Mckayla, I'm here to pick up my room and schedule," I said.

She glanced at me and then back at her computer and continued typing, a few seconds later, the printer by the computer started up and soon she handed me the paper. On it was my room and classes, great, a woman who doesn't even bother to talk to me at all. I turn around and head back out the door, I look at the paper for my room number.

Girl's dorm, room 253

Wonderful. I make my way to the girls dorm, having to retrace my steps to find it thanks to that one girl, who's name I forgot to get. Soon I found myself at the Girl's dorm again, walking inside, the entire place smelled of perfume, it was strong and heavy like someone just sprayed recently. I wave my hand and pinch my nose before pushing forward, I got the idea that my room was on the second floor since not a single room ever went past 200.

So once I was on the right floor, and I found my room, I reached for the handle and the door easily opened. I walk into the room to find it mostly empty, except for a drawer, a TV, two beds, a fully body mirror, and white walls. I undid the button that held my cloak over my shoulders, revealing my bare arms, I was only wearing a tank top underneath. I close the door and walk over to the mirror to see my tattoos, a large black and white snake on both my arms, two black dragon fire tattoos on the back of my neck, small black flame on my hand and a black rose on my other hand.

I thought about getting another one, maybe a yellow rose on my opposite hamd, then suddenly my door opened. I remembered the thing about a roommate from that girl I met. I guess it's time to see her reaction.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:21 am
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AdventurerDaniel says...

Selduin Arente

I stood upon the small ship steering through the rough waves towards the door of my room. I was close to being late for class and the window would have been faster , but the other people in the dorm might not enjoy all the water raining down through there windows. At least with the door I could keep it mostly contained to my room. I began shouting orders to the many me's that were manning the boat, control space and time means easy clones. We sailed through the doors and on towards the stairs and right out the front door. As I headed towards class on the wave that I was maintaining under the boat; I spotted Rain going in the same direction.

"Hey need a lift?!" Rain looked up at my ship of Selduin's and seemed close to laughing and gave a smile. She had a nice smile, and my antics tended to make her smile.

She looked up seeming tempted, "Our class isn't even that far why not just walk?" I shrugged, she did have a good point after all.

I ran my fingers through my already wind swept looking hair, "I guess you have a point."
I leaped from the boat and walked next to her with the boat in tow. I snapped and the water swirled around the boat and it was swept out of existence. "So your first class of the new year?" She nodded in affirmation.

"What about you?"

"Naw I mean I only take one night class." I let out a long sigh and stretched. "Which I could have done with out today had a full schedule and had to help first years find their way around."

She let out a peel of laughter, "You are so lazy Sir Clones-a-lot." She gave me a gentle punch to the arm that I rubbed as though she had punched me much harder.

"Yeah but the teachers can always tell me apart from the clones I would rather let them have been in class and I show the newbies around." I laughed thinking of something funny. "Ideally I would have slept in my hammock and let them do all the work but hey no dice."

She looked up we'd arrived at the room for class, I had barely noticed entering the building. "Well we're here."

I chuckled and held open the door for her, "well ladies first." She walked in laughing and I followed her into my first night class of the semester.
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

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Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:31 am
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TheNeoAceofAll says...

Alex Blade

I directed the new students to their dorms and classes all day. Being a Sorcerer means that you are looked to for guidance and leadership, at least, that's what the Headmaster said. I stood outside the Main Office between classes to help any wanderers find their way. Most of the kids looked scared and a bit nervous however one girl caught my eye. She had dark hair dyed different colors and was wearing a heavy cloak. I wouldn't have paid her any mind if it wasn't for the tattoo I saw on her hand; tattoos are common among Witches. The fact that she had one wasn't damning, in fact, having a tattoo could just be nothing. Regardless though, I should investigate. I walked into the Main Office and found out the girls name: Nemier Mckayla. I will be keeping an eye on her.

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Sun Aug 11, 2013 3:53 am
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umaima says...

June Collens

"Hello? is someone there?" Someone said as I heard the footsteps right behind me, please don't tell me that she saw me doing the spell... please...

"You need some help?" I asked trying to seem as normal as possible. I turned and looked at a girl, probably someone who looked dangerous and cool, not to mention. She is thinking... oh thinking is always bad...

"I was looking for Mystic Academy, I was travelling alone from the United States, my mother and father had sent me on my own," she said which to my relief wasn't 'I saw you doing that witch spell and now I am going to kill you'.

"Mystic Academy is close by, follow me," I said as fast as I could and started walking towards the Campus and she thankfully followed me. My heart beat was still awfully fast and my surroundings still seemed blurt but I tried my best not to show it.

As soon as we reached the main building I turned and said "This is the girls dorm, where you'll be staying once the main office assigns you a room and roommate," and then I continued telling her everything I knew about the place and after I was finished I smiled and said "So, I'll see you back at the dorm I guess?"

"Yeah sure, see you back at the dorm," she replied and it looked like she wasn't really sure.

--Later that day--

I hold my map again and check the place one more time, just to be sure that it's the right place. Yup, it's the library alright. As I enter it my eyes traveled all the way to the last bench where a boy was seated alone. I try the spell my professor taught this morning to read the perfect girl part of his mind.

I look around the others in the library and find a few girls sitting nearby, for one thing I was sure that been a witch was much much easier than been a loven... the girls all had their fantasy prince charmings in minds which almost made me laugh. Really, some people need to live in reality. I took a seat on the second last bench so that I could face my target. It would have taken hours to find the right girl so I just randomly choose one who was sitting with a group of seven or eight.

I started my spell, carefully saying each and every word written in my running notes and though I couldn't really accurately read all the words I finished the spell. Then I directed it towards the boy and then the girl. As I finished my spell I saw the whole group scream and run towards him and surround him completely. Opps? I grabbed all my belongings and started to get up as I heard the voices getting louder and louder and more and more girls running towards him, even the librarian got up and ran towards him. Principal's office... Yeah, I will be ready for it.

I turn around just to catch a glance of what disaster I have caused and notice the guy struggling to get out. I laughed, I had to admit even though all this was messed up, it was funny to watch. I really missed my bag of popcorn right now. I stood there a little while longer to watch and then as I got ready to run away I heard a small sound and when I turned around to look what it was, I saw the spell broken and everyone just looking bewildered... specially my target. I turn around and am surprised to see my class teacher standing near the boy with his ears all red. Okay, I am in trouble. I turn around once again praying that my teacher didn't see me but wow is my luck bad?

"Ms. June Alexandra Collens, where do you think you are going?" she shouts. I pause on my tracks and lower my head. Think brain, think... something, anything... agh! where do all the amazing plans go when you get in trouble? I slowly turned around and found both, the teacher and my lucky (not really) target looking at me. And guess what? they both looked deadly enough to make me wish for a hole to come right below me and suck me in it which was possible as the elements could do it but... ah! well I am a loven...

"Principal's office" She said... or more like barked "NOW!" Yup definitely barked at me. I just followed her to wherever the principal's office was and when I reached there I saw an old man, probably the age of my grandfather's father sitting on a big chair and a young man? sitting there... was it a student or a teacher? No idea.

My class teacher started telling everything about how I did and what I did and the only person to chuckle in the room was the stranger. The headmaster also had a small smile on his face but he quickly made it into a deadly YOU-ARE-SO-IN-TROUBLE-MISS.

"Miss. June, magic is not what you can play with..." and bla bla bla "repeat it again" and bla bla bla... wait, did he just ask me to repeat it again? Ah well, not like I won't do it if he doesn't ask. "You may go now." and 10 mins 23 secs 5 milliseconds, yeah I was counting. I took a quick glance at the person sitting beside me and ran outside. And when I reached outside I saw my target. I tried to hold my laugh when I saw the anger on his face, it really did look epic. As I smiled at him and headed towards my dorm. After a quick shower I ran towards my class about the spells when I spotted the unknown guy I had seen in the headmaster's office.

"Hey" I shout when I reach near him "I'm June Collins"

he first eyed me a suspicious look but then said "Rhy Collens" and then it hit me

"We have the same surnames" I squealed "This is so cool, so what are you?"

He laughed and said "A professor"

I kept staring at him for some time, a professor? you have got to be kidding me... so young and he looks like a student... what has happened to this world, wow!

"We might be lost siblings or something as we have the same surnames, BROTHER" I shout and give him a bear hug, he laughed at my immatureness, that's what people call it but I would say it as expressing-feelings-without-caring-about-others. And the next thing I knew, we both were walking to the class laughing and teasing.

Spoiler! :
Sorry if it's too long
“The strong person is not the one who can wrestle someone else down. The strong person is the one who can control himself when he is angry.”

“It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; and it is better still to sit with the good than alone.”

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Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:20 pm
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crossroads says...

Rhys I. Collins

The Academy. With its tall towers and numerous windows, the woods and the gardens, and the roofs slightly shining under the setting sun. I felt my lips curling into a smile as I gripped the hold of my suitcase and headed to the headmaster's office, taking the path I remembered very well.

"Rhys!" He called as soon as I opened the door, getting up from his chair. He looked a bit older, a bit more tired of troublemaking students - even though I knew he mastered control over energy itself, and probably could make himself appear and feel less tired if he wanted to.

"'Evening, sir," I said, looking around. The office was the same. I almost wondered if anything at all has changed in last couple of years.

"I began wondering if you'd appear. Did you get lost?"

I suppressed a smile. "Ah, no, I remember the way more than well." We both knew I had visited this office often enough. "I took some time to visit some of my favourite spots."

He made a face, but didn't comment on it. "Are you prepared for this? Your first class is about to start in less than an hour."

I wasn't prepared - I had never taught anyone anything in my life, at least not intentionally, but he didn't need to know that.
"As prepared as I'll ever be," I said instead. "I suppose I'll be teaching to all years?"

"Mm. There isn't too many of them. Now, about your teaching--"

The door opened, letting a teacher a student in. The teacher shoot me a strange look, and I grinned at the memory. One of her students once made me think I was in love with another student - I brought him to the point of wanting to kill himself by jumping from the School's walls one night, before I got my apology. I almost cringed at the memory of the penalty that accompanied the apology, but after all I had felt like a winner back then.

I chuckled a bit at the scolding this girl got. She had apparently used her spells on some unsuspecting boy, and now she had that look of a person not really listening to whatever the superiors were telling her. She reminded me of myself, a bit - though I would listen to scolding for a while, so I could rightfully be sarcastic about it later.

I kept my eyes on the principal as the door closed again.
"Is she the one to take my place in making your job harder?"

"I hope not," he laughed a bit. "Those are harmless little things - everyone is doing them at some point. No one yet thought of turning people insane by keeping them up night after night and making them dream of their biggest fears, nor have we had the case of a teacher nearly losing their mind.." he shot me a glance. "I hope you realize how much trust I'm putting in you. You're a teacher now, and I don't want troubles."

I got up and winked at him. "Troubles, me? I would never be the troublemaker, sir."

He sighed. "Rhys.."

"It's professor Collins."

He pointed at the door. "Go. You know where your room is now, and I hope you really are prepared for teaching." he smiled a bit. "There are some talented kids in these generations. Don't make me regret the decision of putting them in your hands."

It was hard to tell if the girl - June - was more surprised by me being a professor, or myself by getting hugged out of the blue. The kids were certainly more friendly than in my time.
My time. I almost laughed at myself - some of the seniors were already freshmen in the time I was a senior. I'd barely been away for enough years for one generation to finish its full cycle.

I parted with her as she left to her room, still smiling a bit. I wondered will all the students get used to me being as young as I was, as quickly as this girl did.

A small group of students glared at me as I entered the room, and I glared at the desks and chairs.
"This is not good," I muttered, "we'll need beds in here."

A student stepped closer. "And you are..?"

"Collins," I said, smiling a bit as I realized they had no idea I wasn't just another student. I moved past them, pushing two tables together and gesturing to a girl. "Lie down, would you?"

"That's illegal," she said. Boring. How else would you learn anything? "You seniors maybe practice on each other, but you can't do it on us."

I ran my hand over my face. Was I supposed to teach them theory? I never payed attention to any theory lessons I was supposed to be learning, let alone teaching.
"If you wait till then to start doing anything, you will never reach your potential. Were you taught anything practical at all so far?"

"We're freshmen," a guy said. "We mostly worked on focusing our thoughts, keeping track of dreams and controlling what we dream of ourselves. Don't you remember?"

I remembered. Vaguely. "It was a while since I was a freshman," I said. "Now, will you lie down already? The time won't stop to wait for you."

"Perhaps we should wait for a teacher," someone said.

I sighed, sitting in one of the chairs, observing them all. I had a feeling getting used to teaching would take some time.
"Alright," I leaned forward. "Let me tell you something. This isn't a skill one can polish by listening to theory. There's no better way to learn it than by experience. No one will let anything serious happen to you, but one can only truly understand mistakes if he makes them himself."

A few of them seemed convinced - at least one wasn't. 
"You don't make rules."

I got up, turned my back to them and signed on the blackboard.
"In fact, yes, I do." I turned to them again, finding them all glaring. "Rhys Collins, your new teacher. I'm glad to have met you all. Now, I promise no one will hurt you - but do lie down already. Even though it will take you a while to master it yourselves, I wish to show you how you can invite others to visit your dreams, and how you can share them." They still glared, and I smirked. "We don't quite have all night, really. Before my next class, I wish to visit the library. If you'd be as nice as to trust me I really am a teacher, I might sign a couple of permissions for books of certain kinds."
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:11 pm
darklady says...

Luciana Foreman


Luciana Foreman was fuming. The blood bubbled in her veins like hot acid. Being a witch, this was problematic. Dribbles of green light oozed from her fingers and dripped on to the floor. It had no substance, but it looked exactly like some sort of slime. In a fit of anger, Luciana flung a hand out and sent the goopy light flying through the air to smack into a nearby tree. The light disappeared almost instantly but a hole opened up in the trunk of the big oak. It steamed gently.

Luciana fell to the floor. She was exhausted. Magic always drained her, but add to that the emotions she’d just been through and the lilac-haired witch was near unconsciousness. The problem was her parents. She’d always known they weren’t her real parents, yet they were the next best thing. But now they were sending her away. Luciana was to attend Mystic Academy. Her true parents had got her a place as a Dreamscape. All she really wanted was for someone to show her how to be a witch. Why wasn’t there some witch school somewhere? Luciana was furious. “What use is it to me, to pretend to be a Dreamscape? To learn about their magic. I can’t even control my own and yet they expect me to pretend to use another’s?” She ranted at the still smoking tree. “I just want someone to show me the way,” Luciana whispered in a small voice.

Mystic Academy/Dorm Room

Getting on and off the train with all her bags was a nightmare. Approaching the school alone, Luciana squeezed the keyring that had come with the letter from her true parents. The letter that tore her world apart. She’d always known she was a witch – they’d told her adoptive parents that much when they took her in. It was the kind of thing you needed to know, she supposed. A witch in the family. They’d taken her sister in ten years before. Or, as Luciana reflected, her false sister.

Jaynie was nearly thirteen years older than Luciana, and a powerful Dreamscape. They weren’t related by blood, but the girls had been brought up as if they were truly sisters. Jaynie had excelled at Mystic Academy, but Luciana knew she wouldn’t have a place in that particular school. She didn’t want one. Her whole life there would be comprised of lies, deceit and faking a magic she didn’t have the use of. And now the pretty little witch was headed right into the one place she never thought she’d have to go to.

With a heart full of resentment, Luciana pushed open the door to her new dorm. She’d never had to share a room before and spent a lot of time away from other people. Having this aspect of her privacy taken away ate at her heart like rot. How can I hide what I am? Constantly. All the time. Forever. Anybody else would have felt hot angry tears well up at the unfairness of it all. Not Luciana. Luciana didn’t cry. She got mad. Besides, there was already somebody in the room.

“Um… Hi. I'm Luciana Foreman. You’re my roommate, right?” Luciana’s blue eyes drank in the tattoos adorning the other girl’s skin. She couldn’t help but nod in approval. “Those are cool.” Luciana loved body art. She had as many piercings as this girl had tattoos.

Dreamscape Class

The witch slid into a seat in the back. Out of sight, out of mind, she mused, stubbornly. The teacher was relatively young and seemed quite cool. He mentioned something about signing for books that they wouldn’t be allowed to read otherwise. Luciana’s ears perked up. I could use this one to my advantage. Certain books would be perfect, if I can wangle them out of him without raising suspicion. She flashed a smile in the teacher’s direction. Kill more flies with honey than with vinegar…

Spoiler! :
Dante - let me know if you want to use Luciana in your post. I'd much prefer to co-write so she stays in character, please.
Call me Melanie!

Knight Darklady's Log

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Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:57 pm
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Jonathan says...

I was wondering if I could be a teacher in this super awesome SB?
There seems to be nothing written here. :shock:

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Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:58 am
AdventurerDaniel says...

Selduin Arente

I looked at the young man that was our teacher he looked seemingly familiar.I quickly racked my mind shifting through a dozen different dimensions to try and place him. It suddenly hit me he was born later in a different dimension and we had been classmates. He wouldn't be able to remember me. But maybe he wouldn't be much different from the others I had met. Still he seemed too young to be my teacher. I listened as he basically laid down the law and then offered to sign from certain books that he believed other teachers wouldn't sign for. This attempt at a bribe did little for me as few things on campus were off limit's to someone with powers like mine.

"Got any better offers there teach?" I said elbowing one of my friends and laughing with him.

"Well you can cooperate with me." He said looking over his finger tips. "Or endure the most terrible nightmares of your young life."

I chuckled at him, "I live in a thousand dimensions at once have seen every possible future and past. I have experienced pains of which no one in this room could ever comprehend. I laughed at least not yet." My face had turned deadly serious. "I'm not in this class to learn how to affect other dreams but to control my mind long enough to finally sleep. Trust me no nightmare you could give me could be worse than what I've experienced and seen."
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

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Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:39 pm
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Jonathan says...

Name:Morian Pytho.



Year:10th year.

Type of Being:Elemental.

Appearance:Image Tall, muscular, blond hair, hard face, brown eyes.

Personality: Hardy, Kind, forgiving but very strait forward.

History: He was born in Britten a orphan and everyone at his orphanage hated him because he would often catch things on fire, then he left and survived half of his life with a old magician who he met.

After years of training he went back to live on his own and was one day found by the other magicians who took him to there Coolidge where he trained even more then they elected him as a teacher and presently teaches there as the teacher for fire controlling beings.

Orientation: Straight.

Other: He was given a iron war staff from his father witch had been passed down for generations for fighting the witches.
There seems to be nothing written here. :shock:

Treat all disasters as if they were trivialities but never treat a triviality as if it were a disaster.
— Quentin Crisp