
Young Writers Society

Young Justice (Started, Still Accepting)

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Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:30 am
starjester15 says...

I'll take Martian Manhunter's sidekick, please? Where do I send the profile and stuff?
“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”
― C.S. Lewis
“Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.”
― Mark Twain

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Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:13 pm
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DarknecrosisX says...

Rogan Lash / Lethe, B-05 / N/A / 09-01-14 / The Cave

This congregation was truly unique, unlike any group of individuals seen anywhere else. Was Rogan wrong to think that maybe they would be normal? In all honesty, he wasn't sure quite what to think- he had been told about the Young Justice programme a couple of weeks ago, not long after he had arrived at the Island. The young misfit had suspected he was a likely candidate for the group, but he was nervous that he wouldn't be accepted by the other members; after all, he was the apprentice of a notorious assassin.


The current conversation had revealed that his prediction of the team was far from accurate, they were all just as unusual or more so than him, especially B-11 and B-03. Despite this, Rogan stayed as far away from the centre of attention, not making eye contact and remaining hidden at the edge of the room.
Hopefully, once the meeting was over and all was revealed to them, the teenager could happily go back to the gym and train further without any interruptions. People didn't look like they wanted to be here, so far there had moments of awkward silence following thoughts said too loud, which just made Lethe feel more out of place.
Laments of passion
Obstructed by fear.
Under guises of jovial chatter;
Incredulous hopes
Steadily feasting away-
Eating away at my heart.

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Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:37 am
MariaRowlands says...

Koraline Michelle - Little Claw - (B-11) - (ex) Catwoman - 1/9/2014

Koraline turned towards the clone girl and looked at her, assessing whether or not she was a threat. She decided that the girl was too nervous and jittery to be of any threat to her. Koraline smiled at the girl.
"We all have our share of mistakes. Some more than others. Cough-me-Cough." she laughed at her odd remark. "So, what's your name? I'm Little Claw."
She held out a hand, inviting the clone to join them. She definintely is a curious person. Koraline thought. She turned back to everyone else.
As she did, someone walked up behind her and start to speak to her.
"So, this is Catwoman's old sidekick, Catgirl. What's your new name? Kitty Little?" Koraline spun to face the jerk who dared to speak her old name and mock her.
"I'm no longer that child. She died years ago." with that, she stalked out of the room.
May The Blood of my Enemies Flow Like Rivers to the Sea

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Mon Jul 01, 2013 3:08 am
Jony says...

Jason Grey- Shade- (B-01)- Batman- 9/1/2014- The Cave

Jason kept a close watch on all the sidekicks as he conversed in the little circle that had formed around him. He didn't watch out of suspicion, just out of habit and curiosity. A guy who doesn't blend in well with the shadows learns to watch them more carefully.

He noticed a guy around his age hanging around the back, Lethe. Batman had told him about Lethe, Jason knew more about some of these sidekicks than some the other heroes did because of Batman's intel. Jason was wary of him, a genetically altered ex-assassin was not on the top of Jason's trust list.

"So, Shade, how long have you been Batman's sidekick?" the girl who Jason assumed was Superman's "sidekick" asked, her voice slightly shaky as she jittered in place.

She was wearing a suit that clearly made her uncomfortable and her bright blue eyes darted around the room in insecurity. It took Jason a few seconds to analyze her mood before he responded. "I was raised like his son since before I could remember, I started training with him in martial arts as soon as I was able to walk and I was officially his sidekick at the age of nine. What's your story?"

Of course, Jason already knew the basics of her background but asked as a formality and was honestly interested in what she thought of herself. The other sidekicks in the circle watched her intently as she spoke, it wasn't everyday you get to here the "daughter" of Superman's story.

She folded her arms self-consciously, then started playing with her blond hair. "I have no memory before a few months ago, I was found on Amelia Island so I was given the name Amelia and that's about it, not too exciting but I hope to make an exciting life working with you guys!"

Jason noticed the other sidekicks gave off an air of acceptance after her story, but he wasn't convinced. He knew she was hiding something and he wanted to find out what, but first, he had to ger on her good side.

"So... Amelia? Do you just go by that or would you like me to call you Supergirl?" Jason said, touching her shoulder and smiling warmly.

Amelia instantly brightened up. "Oh, call me whatever you like better. I honestly don't care,"

"Okay, Amelia it is, I hope to see you around the Cave. I look forward to working with you, I can tell we'll be good frien- teammates," Jason smirked on the inside. Hook, line and sinker. He then walked away towards the training room, giving Amelia and the other sidekicks some space and time to get to know each other. Plus, Jason had other matters to attend to.

As Jason passed by a shadow, he whispered. "Meet me in the training room, that is, if you think you can take me."

Jason looked around the long metal hallway as he headed towards the training room, he glanced at his reflection in the cool metal walls. He brushed aside a strand of his brown hair, a sign that he wasn't as confident as he appeared but continued walking. He didn't know how things with Lethe will play out and he wasn't too keen on getting in a serious fight with a genetically altered ex-sidekick of the worlds greatest assassin.

In the training room, Jason saw Lethe step out of a shadow. It unnerved Jason that Lethe had beat him to the training room.

Jason took out his weapons and threw them on the ground next to the combat simulator. Lethe just continued to watch Jason from behind his hood then slowly took it off, reveling his face. Jason narrowed the blue eyes from behind his mask, Lethe was taller and better built than him. Though, his smirk and confident air shows signs of a short temper and overestimation of his own abilities.

"First person to touch the ground with their back loses, we have a model like this back at the Batcave," Jason stepped on the platform and the simulation started up, the holographic scoreboard instantly flickering to life infront of them.

Lethe smirked again and stepped on the platform, "Fine by me."

Jason racked his fingers through his wavy brown hair as the countdown wen't from three to zero.

Lethe was the first one to attack, moving faster than a normal person. He lashed out with his left leg, Jason ducked and slid under Lethe, using his weight against him. Lethe fell to the ground but caught himself with one arm while pushing Jason with the other, sending him sprawling backwards before catching himself.

"Do I unnerve you?" Lethe smiled.

Jason smirked, "no, right now I am very nerved."

Lethe struck again, the smile now wiped off his face, "Do I amuse you?"

Jason countered and lashed out with his palm, striking Lethe in his hard-set jaw. Jason gasped as he was then struck in the gut and forced on his knees, his arm twisted around his back. "Does this amuse you?"

Jason cringed as Lethe's superhuman grip grew tighter on his arm, Jason could tell Lethe's preferred style of fighting is that of Brazilian Jujitsu. Though while Lethe may have Jason in a hold that most would crumple under, Jason wasn't just anyone. Using his left leg to kick Lethe in the gut and swiping his right under Lethe's legs while pushing with his free arm, Jason managed to free himself.

Both Lethe and Jason were about to go for another round, but were interrupted by the sound of footsteps walking in the room. Jason groaned, he had gleaned absolutely no information from Lethe except for the fact that he has superhuman strength and reflexes.

Though, Lethe did do something that Jason hadn't of been expecting. He held out his hand to help Jason up. "Good match out there, sorry if I got a little temperamental out there, I get like that during fights sometimes," he said, scratching his hair and smiling almost embarrassed of the way he gets when he fights.

"No problem," Jason smiled, taking Lethe's hand. "I hope to train with you again sometime."

Both Jason and Lethe turned around when they heard a voice behind them.

Spoiler! :
Hope I didn't make anyone's character out of character, just PM me or post in the DT if you want me to change anything.
“In a Wonderland they lie, Dreaming as the days go by, Dreaming as the summers die:
Ever drifting down the stream- Lingering in the golden gleam- Life, what is it but a dream?”
― Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass


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Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:52 am
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Skydreamer says...

Eliza Mandita | Sparklight | (B-08) | Flash | 9/1/2014 | The Cave

"Hey," Eliza surprised herself by saying.


She was just so amazed, when they arrived she took her time staring. Staring at the beauty of the whole place. Even landing on the island, it was something she had never experienced before, and she loved it. It was beautiful and spacious and breezy and it would be theirs for a while, she could get use to it.

Once they entered in, Batman had arrived and started talking, Eliza noticed that Batman's sidekick was wearing his outfit and wondered why, she also noticed a girl wearing a superman--or rather girl, outfit as well. She looked down at her jeans and t-shirt and wondered when they would be shown to their rooms so that she could change. Batman soon asked all the hero's to gather. She turned to Flash who was beside her and he smiled at her while walking away as if to say "Go on, talk to someone," she gave him a weak smile back and shurgged.

After he left she started thinking about how she would actually start a conversation with someone. 'I mean look at them, so free, so proper-looking,' She didn't feel like she could really fit in with anybody here, I mean did they know what it was like to fight everyday of their lives? Not fight to save lives, but fight to sustain their own? She had to. She had to learn to survive everyday of her life. She had to learn how to get food, how to get clothes, and how to keep breathing.

She thought of the crew, it seemed like they were more experienced than her, they even looked like they had experiance. It was practicaly written on their face. She had little expeiance with this superhero thing, granted she had more experiance than Liam, but he was younger and it was different. Plus he was very talented, on his own. He didn't need a specific power or anything to fight. She did. She was one of those, she didn't even know how to explain it. Was she a mutant? An accident? Was she actually electricity itself in human form? She wasn't sure.

So lost she was in her thoughts, when she tuned into what was going on before her, she saw that a group had already formed and were talking.

Knowing that she wouldn't really fit in a group, she tried to look for an individual to talk to, but she didn't know who. She couldn't see Liam so she decided to leave him to meet people on his own. She then decided to try to look around for a while quietly, while the Hero's and sidekicks were talking.

She walked aimlessly around while trying to be as quiet as possible, she was hoping to find the Kitchen when she started hearing noises, noises like people fighting. Her first instict was to rush in the room where the noises were coming from and help whoever was in trouble, but she had a feeling she shouldn't do it. Instead she stopped and stayed quiet, she listened to what was going on carefully.

"Does this amuse you?"

She then decided that whatever was going on was in consensus and not just spontaneous fighting, she continued walking in the direction of the noises.

"I hope to train with you again sometime," she heard this as she entered. She was stunned by the training room, it looked amazing. There was stimulization for every situation and all kinds of training utlities. She couldn't wait to have some time to train on her own. She really needed to build on her human strength in case she would be in a place where she would need to use it.

She noticed the two of them after scanning the room, she figured they were done with whatever they were doing. Suddenly not wanting to be noticed, she turned to leave, but turned back again and gathered up unknown courage.
I believe in that, which is not seen.
I call it truth, faith, hope, life.

~~~~Sometimes life beckons us to be different~~~~

I used to be known as thewritersdream, but now my dreams have taken flight

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Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:34 pm
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starjester15 says...

D'lia D'lose / D'lia D'lose B-14 / Martian Man-Hunter / 09-01-14 / Cave

D'lia slowed to a halt as J'onn and her approached the massive mountain. She floated about seven feet above the ground. She felt J'onn brush her side as he hovered beside her.

"Something troubles you." It wasn't a question.

D'lia stared at the ground, examining the stones. She didn't speak for a few moments, and J'onn was about to continue to the mountain when she finally spoke.

"What if they don't like me?" she asked softly.

She caught sight of J'onn floating in front of her. She still didn't raise her head.

"They will." He stated. Her head came up, and she gave him a disbelieving look. J'onn sighed, "These humans, and Kryptonians, are not like the Martians at home. They will not avoid you because you are different from them. Just try to accept them, and they will accept you."
J'onn emphasized his statement by placing a light hand on D'lia's shoulder.
D'lia gave him a small smile and the two continued to the mountain.

They landed at the base as the entrance opened. J'onn walked through the wide door, the computer announcing him as he did so.

D'lia followed him, jumping slightly as the computer announced her name. J'onn stood waiting on the other side. She hurried to her mentor's side and they headed towards wherever the others would be (she thought this, as she had no idea exactly where the others were).

They arrived in a room, that J'onn informed her was called a 'lounge'. There were many people in the room, all looking around her age. They were all staring at J'onn and D'lia.

"Our apologies for being late, we were...delayed." J'onn told the teens apologetically. None of them really looked bothered.

J'onn turned to D'lia as the attention of the teens left them in favor of their own personal conversations.

"I must now leave. It is my turn for monitor duty on the Watchtower." He told her softly. She nodded at him, and he left.

D'lia was left feeling very awkward. She began contemplating where the library might be (J'onn had assured her that there was one there) and quickly tuned out the conversations of the others.
“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”
― C.S. Lewis
“Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.”
― Mark Twain

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Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:09 pm
KingLucifer says...

Thraso / Warrior, B-02 / Wonder Woman / 09-01-14 / The Cave

I loved to fly ever since I got the Saddles of Hermes, I've been going so fast and so high I thought I would reach Olympus. But sadly I didn't before Wonder Woman finally brought me down from my sky high, she made it a point to bring me all the way to the Young Justice project, even though I knew I would be better than anyone else there. Anyways, we were in the air, late because I had woken up late like always. I had all my armor on, Spear of Ares and Shield of Zeus on my back, Ring of Hecate on my left hand ring finger, and finally the Saddles of Hermes to fly all the way there.

We were insight of the Island and I wanted to speed this up, so I willed the Saddles to go faster, out speeding Wonder Woman. I look back just a second to see her usual face, disappointment. I flew headlong catching sight off a window, I decided to bust though, I turn mid flight so the moment I hit the window, I'm going in feet first. Then, finally, CRASH! I hit the window with all the momentum I had and fly right into the room. I tuck into a ball as I descend, then land on my feet standing straight, everyone was looking at me. I smile arrogantly as I walked forward, pride in my step, a guy who I believe is Batman's Sidekick whistles.

"Batman is not going to be happy with that," he said

"Yeah," a girl said just off to his right.

"I'm Warrior, but you all can call me Thraso, I'm the best fighter on Themyscira!" I said my arrogant smile not fading.

"YOU are an Amazon? You certainly don't seem like-"

"Thraso!" I heard Wonder Woman behind me, cutting off the assassin-looking guy who was just speaking.

I turned to face her as she was descending from the shattered window I had created, by the look on her face, she was not happy.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Do you know how reckless that was to destroy the window like that?" she said.

"Not really, I was-"

"You were being reckless in doing that, you could have hurt someone," she said.

"Take a look, do they look injured to you?" I said raising my hand to point to the crowd of Sidekicks.

"No," she said.

"Do they look terrified to you?" I said.

"No," she said.

"Then what are you scolding me for?" I asked.

"For being reckless" she answered.

I stomped my foot in anger as she apparently didn't get my point in things, I turned away from and headed towards the others, but not before saying. "Fine, whatever, go talk to your boyfriends or something," I had said. Everyone was looking at me, not stunned, more anxious to see what Wonder Woman will do. She reacts by placing her hand on my shoulder, her grip was powerful.

"If you ever do that again, I will take you back to Themyscira, and find someone to replace you and I will return the Gods gifts back to them," she said.

I yank my shoulder from her hand and my only reply was, "fine," I said. Another bad fall out with Wonder Woman, just what I needed to start my time here with Young Justice.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:49 pm
starjester15 says...

D'lia D'lose / D'lia D'lose B-14 / Martian Man-Hunter / 09-01-14 / Cave

D'lia had been startled out of her thoughts of the library and her precious books by a loud crash, as a girl flew straight through the window. Needless to say, D'lia was not very happy about this. She scowled at the girl, whom she quickly realised was Wonder Woman's sidekick (Thraso, J'onn had told her) after Wonder Woman flew in after her and started telling her off.

This alone prevented D'lia from losing her temper with the Amazon, and instead she merely turned away and, spotting a few books layed messily on the table, slipped over, picked one up (Swallows and Amazons, one of her favourites), curled up in an armchair in the corner and was soon lost to the world of fiction. Yes, this could be considered anti-social behaviour, and yes, this was sort of disobeying Batman's orders to socialise, which she had accidentally picked up from somebody's mind (she had no idea who's), but she technically hadn't been here when he gave the order, so she had an excuse.

Her blissful reading experience was interrupted by a hand landing on her shoulder.
“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”
― C.S. Lewis
“Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.”
― Mark Twain

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Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:00 am
MariaRowlands says...

Koraline Michelle - Little Claw - (B-11) - (ex) Catwoman - 1/9/2014

Korra stalked off to the library, her tail swaying madly in fury. How dare that ignorant fool remeind me of my dark days. The young kitten died when I left Catwoman the first time. Now all I have is my own claws to defend myself with. I am not a child nor am I a kitten. I am a Neko and nobody can tell me otherwise. She fumed. As she entered the library, she sensed that she wasn't alone. She looked behind her and then decided to try and hide. She walked off to the first chair she saw and realised that this was where the person she sensed was. She placed her hand on the person's shoulder.
"Hi! I'm Little Claw. What's your name?" she smiled, hoping to try and at least make one real friend.
The girl, as she now noticed, turned around and looked at her in surprise.
"Don't worry, I'm kinder than I look." she stopped smiling a little then sat down next to the girl.
May The Blood of my Enemies Flow Like Rivers to the Sea

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Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:32 am
starjester15 says...

D'lia D'lose / D'lia D'lose B-14 / Martian Man-Hunter / 09-01-14 / Cave
Dlia attempted to remain calm. She hated being interrupted when she was reading. Thankfully she hadn't got too far, so in this instance she just scowled at the girl who interrupted her. Then the girl sat next to her. Realising that she was not going to be allowed to read in peace, and technically Batman had said to socialize, she forced the scowl from her face, and put a smile in it's place.

"What do you mean, you look perfectly kind," she said quietly, reaching out and putting the book on the table in front of her.
“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”
― C.S. Lewis
“Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.”
― Mark Twain

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Tue Jul 02, 2013 12:41 pm
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littleauthor says...

Liam Minor / Bolt Strike B-06 / Flash / 09-01-14 / The Cave

Liam walked in the cave with Flash trying to look bigger than 14, but failing. He only half listened to Batman's speech because Flash had recited it to them in the car earlier. Liam looked around the room nervously and ended up walking over to one of Batman's sidekicks.

"Hi my name is Li-" He paused and started again, knowing Flash would scold him for using his real name later. "I'm Bolt Strike, or just Bolt for short."

The boy smiled and stuck out his hand. "I'm Shade."

Liam shook his hand and sat down on one of the couches. He watched a girl transform into a cat and back into a human. Shade had gone to talk to someone else so Liam sat waiting for someone to approach him.

He watched as all of the sidekicks showed off their powers. Liam had no idea how he would be any helpful. All he was is a big nerd, according to his older brothers. He started to practice a bit more with his powers while nobody came to talk to him. Liam thought hard and got a cooking recipe that he could try later. He smiled as he imagined himself cooking. He had to let out a quiet chuckle.

Liam got up from the comfy leather couch to go look for Eliza. He rounded a corner and she stood by the kitchen door listening to, something.

“Hey Eliza!” Liam said cheerfully waving. She smiled and walked towards him.

“There’s something in there.” She said looking skeptical.

“Calm down, they’re just making a cake or something.” Liam said using his powers to look inside. Eliza nodded as she relaxed a bit.

“Come on; let’s go see if we can see our rooms.” Eliza said swinging her arm over Liam shoulder, even though they were the same height.
It's better to be WEIRD than boring

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Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:01 pm
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maleficent says...

Amelia Island / Supergirl B-03 / Superman / 09-01-14 / Cave

It seem that everybody was beginning to disperse into their own little groups. Sidekicks were dotted around the lounge and some had even left in hopes of finding something more exciting. Maybe I should do the same? She thought to herself as she floated into the air.

It was a peaceful indulgence, flying. It provided a chance for her to clear her head and it was all she was able to do in her room on the Watchtower. She flew towards one of the large doorways and flew inside, stopping when she reached a narrow corridor. There were golden frames along each wall, each containing a different picture of a superhero. The Justice League.. Amelia didn't know why that sounded familiar to her, had somebody else mentioned it?

The smiling faces all stood side by side, a robot of some kind destroyed on the ground in front of them. Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash and Aquaman were all there and also some others that she hadn't met. She also noticed Batman skulking at the back of the photo, his pointy helmet giving away his position.

Superman looked genuinely happy, and cheerful for once. Not that she'd known him for very long, but the brief moments that they'd spent together were always uncomfortable. For him anyway.

She longed for Superman to accept her, to realise that she was just as reluctant and worried as she was. Waking up naked and alone wasn't exactly her idea of a new beginning, if she'd even had one before then. "This blows." She muttered as she absentmindedly leant against the wall. Amelia had incorrectly measured the amount of strength needed because the corridor began to shake and the picture was about to fall off of the wall.

An outstretched hand caught it up just in time and placed it back neatly. "You really have to watch your strength. I wont be here next time to catch whatever is about to fall, and you really don't want to see Batman irritated." Diana smiled at Amelia and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, she looked absolutely stunning in her costume.

"I-I'm sorry. I guess I'm just still getting used to... well, everything." Amelia leant her head back in defeat but Wonder Woman's glare soon straightened her out. "Don't be so quick to give up. No hero ever got to the top by sulking.

That hurt Amelia a little, she wasn't sulking. She was merely being realistic, no good was going to come from an amateur Kryptonian around. "That's pretty hard to do when Superman is waiting for me to fail. I can see it, every time he looks in my direction it's like he's expecting me to mess up." Amelia sighed and clenched a fist, "I haven't been here an hour and I'm already destroying the place."

Diana chuckled. "I wouldn't call accidentally knocking a few pictures down destructive. You obviously didn't see my sidekick a few moments ago. I'm worried about her, I sometimes wonder if I've given her too much responsibility at such a young age."

"Well if anybody is able to get through to her, it's bound to be you. I didn't even think of giving myself a name before you mentioned it, you're the only one that has showed me any real generosity."

"Well I shall keep trying, Thraso has a lot of potential. You also underestimate Superman, he gave you a costume that he had made just for you. Truthfully I think he is excited at the prospect of having somebody he can relate too around. It would be foolish of any leader not to be wary of a new face, especially when new faces usually bring trouble."

"Really? Well I did wonder how exactly he got this for me." Amelia's heart fluttered beneath her chest as she realised her reluctant mentor may care for her yet. She took a silent vow to live up to the name, to make sure that she was a hero that he could be proud of.

"Time can often be a great thing, Amelia. You'll see. Now let's head back to the lounge, Batman is about to give all of the sidekicks their room allocations." Diana smiled warmly once more and motioned for Amelia to follow.

She stood up straight and welcomed the newfound hope that had suddenly formed within her. "Yes, let's."
"Beware the darkness in your heart. The Heartless prey upon it."

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Wed Jul 03, 2013 11:00 am
Skydreamer says...

Eliza Mandita | Sparklight | (B-08) | Flash | 9/1/2014 | The Cave

Her room was quite nice but a bit stuffy and small for her. Liam and her were about to go search for the rooms before they were herded back to get the specific directions. It was really a beautiful place she had thought as they maneuvered their way through the spacious halls and glanced here and there at the magnificent features. She never wanted to leave.

Well, maybe her room, it was really getting too hot for her and she needed some fresh air. She wondered if they could go out to the beach on the island or go exploring the mountain and such. She would love to do that, she was itching for some adventure, for something, anything to do. She wondered if they would ever get assignments and what those assignments would be.

She yawned causally and started unpacking her small bag that she had dropped down once arriving. There was a slight knock on her door. She opened it. It was Flash.

"Hey, How is everything? Pretty cool right? This was our old headquarters." He looked pretty proud beaming at her.

She smiled. "Yeah, I could tell with all the pictures and portraits of you all. I wonder how you guys got the time to even take pictures, saving lives an all,"

"Same as how we have the time to gather you all together to talk about the Young Justice," he replied. He could sense she was kind of afraid of something.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I was hearing something in the kitchen, it was a little bit too weird for me,"


"And personally I don't think I'm going to fit in. I just saw two people, said 'Hey' to them confidently and then walked swiftly away when I heard the noises in the Kitchen, it's like I have no peace,"

"Don't worry about it Eliza, you'll be fine. Talk to me if you actually see something weird. Also, there is no way, I repeat, no way anyone could find you here, so stay calm," Eliza sighed.

He was right, she would get nowhere being paranoid. She thanked him, and then he left, in a flash. He was gone before she finished thanking him. She laughed. She decided to go have that walk after all. She went out of her room, before doing so turning on the AC for it was blazing to her. Then she walked through the doorways through the halls humming lightly to herself. As she rounded a corner to go outside she heard a voice call out behind her.
I believe in that, which is not seen.
I call it truth, faith, hope, life.

~~~~Sometimes life beckons us to be different~~~~

I used to be known as thewritersdream, but now my dreams have taken flight

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Wed Jul 03, 2013 6:14 pm
Jony says...

Spoiler! :
Deleted, weird double post.
Last edited by Jony on Wed Jul 03, 2013 6:18 pm, edited 3 times in total.
“In a Wonderland they lie, Dreaming as the days go by, Dreaming as the summers die:
Ever drifting down the stream- Lingering in the golden gleam- Life, what is it but a dream?”
― Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass


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Wed Jul 03, 2013 6:14 pm
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Jony says...

Jason Grey- Shade- (B-01)- Batman- 9/1/2014- The Cave

The sound of Batman ushering all the sidekicks in to the Lobby interrupted the girl who started speaking as Lethe and Jason turned around. Batman's voice sounded even gruffer and more grainy through the intercoms that lined the walls of The Cave.

Jason turned to Lethe but he was already gone. "Man, I hate it when people do that, Batman does it, Divitra does it, but I just can't seem to do it," Jason muttered to himself as he walked towards the hallway.

"Do what?" the girl asked, catching up to Jason.

"Nothing, it's just a stealth thing, you wouldn't understand," Jason said.

"Well... I'm Sparklight, what's your name, alias, thing, sorry," she said quickly, tripping over her tongue.

Jason smiled slightly. "J- Shade, call me Shade."

"You're Batman's sidekick?" she asked.

"Yup, the one and... well, used to be only," Jason sat down on the couch as they entered the Lounge.

Sparklight sat next to him and he noticed Lethe standing in the shadows again. He really needs to socialize

"Yo, Lethe!" Jason called out to the shadow.

Lethe stepped out of the shadow and looked around at the all the sidekicks looking at them. Jason walked over and grabbed Lethe's shoulder, Jason felt Lethe's whole body tense up when he did that though, so Jason let go.

Jason led Lethe over to the couch, "Lethe, this is Sparklight, Sparklight, this is Lethe. I think you two might of seen each other before." Jason said as Lethe sat down.

Jason smiled. "Don't let his gruff, Batman like air fool you, he's seems like a pretty nice guy, now socialize."

Jason smirked again as Batman started his next speech with Alfred next to him. Jason sat next to Amelia and listened as Batman rambled on about Cave rules and responsibilities. Only tuning back in when Alfred started showing people to their rooms.

Jason got up and started walking towards the crowd that surrounded Alfred. He was then shown to his room. Jason blinked in surprise as a light in the door handle then scanned him and rambled off; "Shade, B-01, unlock initiated, welcome to your room."

Jason smiled, "Just like the Batcave."

Inside his room, he found a top of the line computer, a dresser and a bed. A flatscreen smart TV above his dresser and all his stuff from his room back at Wayne Manor. Looks like Bat's wants me to stay here full time, then. Allright, fine by me.
“In a Wonderland they lie, Dreaming as the days go by, Dreaming as the summers die:
Ever drifting down the stream- Lingering in the golden gleam- Life, what is it but a dream?”
― Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass


Why can't I put the entire Bee Movie in the quote generator? Would you prefer if I put in the Shrek script instead?
— CaptainJack