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Sat Jul 20, 2013 1:08 pm
Liv says...


"So Jason," I say, fiddling with the straw in my cup as I turned to the boy next to me, "what do you do?"

"Well, I currently work at my Aunt's boutique, which is hell for a guy mind you, but it pays the bills while I try to get my acting career going steady."

Surprise rushed through me and I placed a hand on his arm, "No way! I'm an actress!"

Shock was evident in his face, "I thought you looked familiar! Weren't you at the audition for the movie this morning?"

"Oh my god, yes! Did you try out?" I asked in return, excitment filling me.

"Of course, my uncle is the casting director." He said as if I should have expected it.

Lacing my fingers through his, I suggested, "Do you want to go get a drink or something?"

"I was thinking we could dance." He said over the music.

With a large smile now on my face, I nodded yes and we made our way out of the booth and on to the dance floor.

Jason wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close, and I wrap my arms around his neck. His blue eyes are shining the entire time we dance and get to know each other, and I can feel a bright smile on my own face despite the thought in the back of my head that I shouldn't be doing this, that he'd just hurt me. But is time....I ignored it.

Going up on my tiptoes, I whisper in his ear, "When we're done this dance I have something for you."

He gives me a questioning look, but we finish the dance wordlessly. The moment the song ends he stops dancing and I grab his hand, pulling him over to the bar.

"Bartender!" I call, and once he comes over I ask, "Do you have a pen or a marker I can borrow for a sec?"

The bartender pulls a sharpie from his apron and tosses it at me. Catching it, I uncap it and hold my hand out towards Jason. He puts his hand on mine and I begin writing.

"Now Jason, I don't typically give out my number to strangers," I say as he gives me a small smirk, which causes me to smile, "but I'll make an acception for you."

"I bet you say that to all the guys." He teases with a laugh, pulling me back on to the dance floor.

As we return to our previous dancing position, I laugh, "Trust me, I don't."

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Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:53 pm
fictionfanatic says...


"Carter." I say over the music, sitting beside Dean now that half the table was gone, "Calliope Carter."

"Dino Morelli," he says, placing a hand on his chest to show he was talking about himself, "But everyone in this country calls me Dean."

"So you're from Italy?" I questioned, adoring his accent.

He nodded, and with a smile said, "Yes, yes. I was born in Italy, and my parents moved us here when I was twelve years old. Then I meet Liam over there and he says to me, Dino is a weird name....we'll call you Dean.' And then he says, 'And your hair is dumb.' So I cut my hair short and introduced myself as Dean from that day forward. Liam and I have been friends ever since. Calliope, where are you from?"

"Oh, no place special. Me and my girlfriends are from a small little town that you'd miss if you just blinked. We all have some pretty big dreams....so we moved to the city and we all share an apartment."

His eyes widened, "All five of you in one apartment? Calliope, I have six sisters and a brother - I don't know how you do it."

I chuckled and replied, "Well. My family is pretty small. These girls are my real family."

Nodding, he asks, "So what do you all do? What made you all come here?"

"Well," I started, "It was Nell's idea. She's an actress, Bianca an artist, Jade a model, Megan a personal trainer, and I'm a fashion designer."

Laughing, Dean says, "Those are some hard careers to get in to. I should know - I'm a photographer."

Smiling, I look over to him and in the spur of the moment ask, "Dean...would you like to dance with me?"

"Of course." He says with a smile and a nod, taking my hand.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:24 pm
*coco says...


I rolled my eyes in amusement as I watched each of the girls make their way to the dance floor, their new hook-up's in tow. The last guy left sitting at our booth (I couldn't remember his name) was looking over at me expectantly as if he was waiting for me to do the same, but I pretended not to notice. I was too busy keeping an eye on Bianca and Calvin. My match-making abilities were notoriously bad, Callie would be the first to remind me since I once set her up with a DJ that turned out to be a pot dealer - but by the way Bianca was smiling at Calvin, I'd say that I was finally starting to get the hang of it.

"Excuse me, miss?"

I took my eye off B for a moment to see a beefy security guy staring down at me. For a moment I thought I was in trouble, but then I realised I was sober and hadn't actually done anything that would mean that I'd have to be escorted out.

"Is everything OK?" I asked, still curious.

"Yes, my employees asked to invite you to the VIP area."

I nearly choked on my coke. "Not another Irish rock band ..."

The beefy security guy frowned in confusion, unsurprising, seeing as he obviously had no idea what I was going on about.

"My employees aren't Irish, miss. Follow me."

Before I could decline, I was being led (albeit gently) through the dance-floor and up a flight of stairs where the VIP section was located. I looked around nervously, wondering what was it about me and clubs that meant I'd always end up in this section somehow.

"This way, miss ..."

We stopped at a large booth where several guys (all good looking and seriously rich judging by the amount bling they were wearing) were sprawled out, slutty looking girls perched on each one of their laps. Photographers surrounded them, their cameras flashing as they took pictures.

I let out an inward growl. The Irish rock band didn't seem so bad right now.
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Sat Jul 20, 2013 6:59 pm
RainyDay says...

Hey everyone! So (baring in mind I cleared this with coco) it's been decided that I get to play what would have been the NPCs. People like the guys, the neighbors, Tim, coworkers, Callie's oncologist, people of the sort. So please please PM me with plot ideas/details you would like me to be in on! Look forward to writing with you all!

Martin - Coworker

"Ahnd here's to thu behst lehttle bruva I've eva had!" My brother, Morgan, said to our other brother, Mitchell, his drunken slur making the British accent we all share sound that much more prominant and ridiculous.

Mitchell, the youngest of the Smith clan, was getting himself married off tomorrow, which was an excuse for the lot of us to get drunk. Except me. I stopped drinking when I was nineteen and now held a cherry flavored coke. Morgan, my twin brother, however had different ideas.

Being a business man I was able to secure us a table in the VIP section, away from the random girls who might try to hook up with my engaged brother or with my drunken brother.

In my pocket were the rings, which I had held on to for two months now and constantly fiddled with.

"Uhm, I think there's been a mistake...." A girl in front of a different table said, starting to turn around only to run in to the body guard.

I know a problem when I saw one, so as the guard opened his mouth to speak I shot up out of my seat and casually strode over to the girl, sliding Mitchell's ring on to my finger.

"Darling, there you are!" I said, grabbing her by the waist and pulling Emily's ring from my pocket, "You left this on the counter after doing the dishes."

I grabbed her hand and slid the ring on her finger, and she looked from me to the guard, confused, "Jade, I do believe you've had too much to drink. No more red wine during dinner, alright pumpkin?"

Turning to the guard I gave him a smile and said, "Sorry 'bout that mate, it's my brother's bachelor party and she got away from me. Now Jade, don't you let go of my hand until we get home, you hear? Goodness, you shouldn't even be drinking what with the baby!"

Her jaw dropped at my last thought, and I surpressed a laugh. Alright, that part was just for my enjoyment.

For my further amusement, I placed a hand under her chin and placed a kiss on her lips, then turning back to the body guard as she stared lasers through my head.

"Sorry mate, but you understand, don't you? Swell, have a nice evening." With that I led Jade out of the VIP section.

"Excuse me, who do you think you are? How do you know my name? Are you stalking me" She demanded

Rolling my eyes, I turned to face her, letting her hand go, and said, "Don't flatter yourself sweetheart, my name is Martin and I work for Richard. And a simple 'thank you' would have sufficed, though stalker would have been my second choice"

"My uncle Richie? At his investment firm?" She questioned.

Giving a nod, I replied, "The very one, mind you I got the position on my own merit."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She said defensively, crossing her arms.

"You know very well what I mean. Now if you don't mind I'll take my brother's ring back."

She looked down at the ring as if she'd forgotten it was there, then moved to take it off. But she couldn't. Her eyes got wide as she pulled on it but it still wouldn't budge.

My own eyes widened and I whisper-yelled, "My brother is getting married tomorrow!"

"Well it's not like I did it on purpose! You put the damn thing on me!" She whisper-yelled back, "I'll just go to the bathroom and-"

I grabbed her arm as she started to walk away and said, "No no no, that ring isn't leaving my sight."

And that is exactly how I ended up in the women's bathroom using about a gallon of soap to get a ring off a girl's finger.

*this good coco? xD just let me know if I should change anything!*

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Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:43 pm
TaylorLove says...


We go back to the table and sit down. Our drinks have just been sitting there, they were just water so it was fine. I take a sip of mine and sigh. "So, I was wondering if you would like to go out some time?" He asks.

I nod and smile at him. "I would like that." I tell him. "Can I see your phone?"

He nods and takes it out. "Only if I can see yours." Liam laughs.

I nod and take mine out. We trade and I punch my number into his phone. When I am done, I see that he gets a text from someone named Amber. Where are you babe? I miss you. I did not mean to read it, but there is not going back now. "Who is Amber?" I ask.

"Why were you reading my texts?" He asks, his voice sounding a little angry.

I tilt my head and look at him. "Sorry, I did not mean to. It just popped up." I explain, but not sounding weak.

"Why do you care who she is?" He asks.

"Well one, she called you babe. Two, when I see that it makes me think something is going on." I say, trying to be calm.

"So what it we are." He asks. I can see the anger in his eyes. Maybe he has had more to drink than I thought.

"Well I do not want to invest time in you if you are taken. That is not fair to me or her." I say, my voice getting louder.

"You know, I thought you were going to be all slutty. No, you have to be a good girl." He says. He begins to walk off, but I stop him.

"Wait, you need to sober up." I say. I grab my water and throw it in his face. "Tell Amber I said hey." I push through all the people and make my way to the bathroom.
Last edited by TaylorLove on Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart
-Winnie the Pooh

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Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:48 pm
*coco says...


This wasn't happening ... This couldn't be happening ... Not to me ...

"It won't come off!" I groaned, staring at my now very red, very sore ring finger. The stupid ring glistenning under the spotlights as if it was mocking me.

"No shit, Sherlock," Marcus or Martin retorted, letting out a frustrated sigh.

I glowered at him as if noticing him for the first time. "This is all YOUR fault!"

"My fault? You're the one with the fat fingers."

"Take that back," I snapped, highly offended. "Take that back right now!"

He straightened, using his height to his advantage to tower over me. "Or what? You'll stab me with your manicured nails?"

I was positively fuming now. "You're forgetting, mister, that you work for my uncle. I could have you fired like that for what you pulled tonight!" I threatened, snapping my fingers haugtily to put across my point.

"So you'll run to your uncle," he drawled, "I'm terrified."

"You should be," I snapped, missing the sarcasm in my anger. With that, I turned on my heels and headed straight for the door.

"HEY!" Martin yelled after me, heading for the exit before I could and blocking the door with his body so I couldn't get past. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I need to find my friends!" I yelled back.

"And I need my brother's ring!"

At that moment, I honestly didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Sun Jul 21, 2013 3:00 am
RainyDay says...


"You know," I started, but when I looked up I was stopped and muttered, "Shit."

Leaning down to Calliope, I whispered, "I'm so sorry, I have to go get Liam."

Callie looked over at him then started to search for her friend. Her hazel eyes suddenly darkened and she marched over to Liam.

"What the hell did you do to her." She demanded.

"Your friend is a bi-" she slapped him before he could finish.

She turned to me, an apology in her eyes, and she left to find her friend.

A soaking wet Liam looked at me, and I back at him. Wrapping my arm around his neck, putting him in a headlock, I accused, "Hey, I liked that girl. Why do you do this to me."

Liam pushed me off and complained, "I want to go."

"Wait here, we'll leave in a minute."

I then left him there and made my way to the bar, where I wrote my number on a napkin and headed to find Calliope and her friend.

Upon finding her, I called, "Callie!"

She turned, hearing my voice, and I placed the napkin in her hand.

"I only changed my name and my hair when I met Liam. I'm nothing like him."

With that, I turned to get Liam and go home.


"You're so drunk," Dean said as I sat in the driver's seat, "No way you're driving."

"I only had a few drinks." I slurred in argument, climbing over the console to the passenger seat.

Dean got in the car and started the engine. Two minutes in a was fast asleep.


"Listen Princess," I said, standing in front of the door despite the few times people have tried opening it, "My brothers are leaving at eleven sharp and it is now....eleven twenty six. I am the best man, the others are gone, I can't take my eyes off that ring, and I need to go home and sleep for tomorrow."

"Oh no no no," she said, backing up, "I am NOT going home with you."

Raising an eyebrow, I suggested, "We can sleep here if you want. Or we can go back to the VIP section and those guys can find a way to get it off, and I think we both know the price they wou-"

"You're a jerk." She grumbled.

"Well at least you don't have to worry about me trying to hook up with you." I said, rolling my eyes, "So who'd you come here with? You should probably tell them you're leaving with me."


"I'm not sleeping on the couch!" She yelled, throwing the pillow and blanket at my face, "Aren't the English supposed to be courteous? You sleep on the couch!"

"This is my house!" I yelled back, "I'm sleeping in MY bed."

"WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP!?" yelled Mr. Hastings from next door.

We stood there staring each other down until I gave a defeated sigh, "Okay.....how about we share the bed?"

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Sun Jul 21, 2013 11:30 am
*coco says...

Spoiler! :
If anyone has any cool plot ideas please feel free to go for it - no permission necessary :)


I glowered at him and whisper-hissed, “If you think that I’m sharing a bed with you then you are insane.”

“Well tough shite, sweetheart,” he retorted. “I think I've made it clear that it’s either that or the couch. Now if you don’t mind …” I watched in horror as he began removing his belt and unbuttoning his shirt, “… My brother’s wedding is in a few hours and after the night I’ve just had, I could use all the sleep I can get.”

Before he could shed any more items of clothing, I let out a frustrated growl and marched to what I hoped was the bathroom. Once inside, I slammed the door shut and leaned against the door, resisting the urge to pinch myself in the arm to check whether this was all just some crazy dream.

At that exact moment, my clutch bag began to vibrate a little and I opened it to see that my phone was ringing. I knew who it was without even reading the name that came up on the screen. Releasing a sigh, I picked up. “Hey, Callie,” I said sheepishly.

“Hey?” Callie was unsurprisingly unimpressed by that greeting. “We’ve been worried sick and all you can say is ‘hey’? Where the hell are you?”

“I thought I told B where I was going.”

“She said you shouted something about leaving with a guy, but that she could hardly hear you over the music, and before she could even ask who this guy was you were already gone.”

“It’s not what it sounds like,” I assured her.

“Of course it’s not,” said Callie. “You never hook up with random guys, so can you please tell me the truth?”

So I proceeded to tell her everything that had happened that night, from the beefy security guard to Martin putting his brother’s wife’s ring on my finger and it getting stuck there.

“Go ahead and laugh,” I said once I was finished, “I wouldn’t blame you. This entire situation is ridiculous even by my own standards.”

It took Callie a good minute to compose herself. Once she did, she asked, rather breathlessly, “Jay, you poor thing, what are you going to do?”

“Well, the plan is to wait till morning, if the darn thing still doesn’t come off by then I’ll just have to go to the wedding and see what his brother can do about it.”

Callie let out an amused sigh. “You know, this entire situation could’ve been avoided if you had only said ‘no’ to that security guard.”

“I have a problem saying ‘no’, you know that.” I let out a sigh of my own before asking, “So please tell me you and the girls had a good night. Nelle seemed to be having fun with Jason.”

“She gave her his number,” Callie answered, “It turns out that Jason’s a struggling actor too and if that wasn’t coincidence enough he went to the same audition as she did yesterday morning.”

“That’s awesome!” I said excitedly. “What about you and Dean?”

“Dean was nice – we hit it off pretty well, but then his friend Liam had to ruin it.”
I frowned. “What happened, what did he do?”

“He was such a jerk to Meg,” Callie explained, her tone turning bitter. “It turns out he had another girl on the side the whole time he was hitting on her.”

My face fell. “Asshole,” I hissed. “Is Meg alright, I feel terrible, I should’ve been there.”

“She’s fine, Meg’s a strong girl,” Callie assured me. “The whole thing’s just left me confused. Before he left Dean gave me his number and I’m thinking about whether or not I should even call him. He says he’s nothing like Liam, but he’s still friends with that jerk. What does that say about him?”

I sounded my agreement. Before I could offer any words of comfort, Callie spoke up again. “So, listen, why don’t the girls and I come with you to this wedding tomorrow?”

“I would love you forever if you did,” I said gratefully. “There’s no way I could go alone.”

“I’ll let the rest of the girls know. Send me this Martin guy’s address and we’ll meet you there.”

“Okay. Tell Meg I love her and that I’m sorry I wasn’t there for her,” I added sadly.

“I will, see you in a few hours.”
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Sun Jul 21, 2013 1:11 pm
Liv says...


"So Jade is with a man and I'm stuck at home? Talk about plot twist!"

"She's not with a man as much as she's....being held hostage because she has his ring." Callie explained.

"Well why did she take his ring?" Meg asked.

Rather than endure the questions, Calliope told us everything, ending with the fact that we're going to the guy's brother's wedding.

"Callie," B questioned, "Don't you have the interview tomorrow?"

Calliope's eyes widened, and in an instant she was calling the designer's secretary to reschedule. After she hung up, she fiddled with her phone in her hand, pulling a napkin out of her pocket.

Looking her up and down, I suggested, "Call him tomorrow."

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Sun Jul 21, 2013 4:09 pm
fictionfanatic says...


"Maybe it just wasn't meant to be," I said with a frown, tucking the napkin back in my pocket along with my phone.

"Does anyone want something to eat? I'm starving!" I offer, heading in to the kitchen.

I honestly had no idea what was going on. Jade was being held captive, Meg's guy ended up an absolute pig, and Dean was friends with the aforementioned pig. What was a girl to do? Luckily I was able to reschedule my interview for the following day.

"Babe," Nellie said, "'it's time for bed, okay? We have an early day tomorrow."

I looked over to her, simply blinking, and she continued, "Now put the pots down and go get ready for bed.

Defeated, I put them back in the cabinet and went to bed.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sun Jul 21, 2013 5:15 pm
RainyDay says...


So typically I wouldn't have minded sharing my bed, but this girl was a spoiled brat. So when she finally got off the phone and came out of the hall closet I threw a t-shirt at her and taunted, "Coming out of the closet?"

Ignoring my joke, she held the t-shirt at arms length and asked, "What is this?"

Glowering at her, I retorted, "It's a t-shirt princess, sorry that it's not spun from gold."

If she could shoot lasers from her eyes I'd be dead as she accused, "You want me to wear this?"

Rolling my eyes, I offered sarcastically, "Well you could sleep naked if you'd like. Or in that dress, and might I say you look rather sexy in it, I don't know how I'll keep my hands off of you."

"You wish." She muttered under her breath.

Grabbing her by the waist I pushed her against the wall, pinning her down lightly as I whispered, "May I point out, Princess, that me kissing you is the only thing you haven't complained about."

Smirking, finally having proved my point, I stood up straight, let go of her, and went to my room.

A few minutes later she walked in, and I asked, "Can you turn off the light?"

Ignoring me, she got into bed, placing a mountain of pillows between us. Was she being serious?

Not in the mood, I got up and switched the light off as she complained, "You're just going to sleep in boxers?"

Climbing back in bed and turning on the alarm, I argued, "Yeah. It's my bed. And if you're not wearing pants I'm not."

"I still don't get why I couldn't go home." she said for the millionth time

I once again explained, "Because I can't let that ring out of my sight. Now can you please let me go to sleep?"

It was quiet for a moment, so I closed my eyes only to be interrupted by, "If you're asleep isn't the ring out of your sight?"

Suppressing a smile, I sat up and swiftly grabbed a pillow from the mountain. This girl had a smart mouth. With that thought, smacked the pillow into the side of her head.


"So where is Liam now?" I said into the phone, pulling a bag of chips from the pantry.

"He's asleep in the car - he wouldn't wake up." Dean explained.

"That was a real jerk move. I don't know why we still go out with him." I questioned, more to myself than to him.

"I don't know, it's just...ever since his mom and sister died in that crash he hasn't been the same. He was only sixteen, so he spent a lot of time at my house. He's my best friend, it's not like I can ditch him."

Even though he couldn't see me I nodded, though I could never fully understand. I had just met them two years ago.

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Sun Jul 21, 2013 8:21 pm
TaylorLove says...


I unpacked all my stuff from my other trip and put some clothes in the wash. I change in to a tank top and shorts to go to bed. I go into the kitchen to get a glass of water and sit there a minute. I call my brother because I always feel better when I talk to him and the rest of the girls are asleep.

I dial his number and he picks up quickly. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"How do you know something is wrong?" I ask, not understanding how he does this.

"You are calling me at one in the morning, I do not think you are calling just to say hello." He laughs.

"You are right. There was this guy and he was the biggest jerk ever, so I poured water on him and walked away." I say, simply.

"I love that you are my sister." He says. I laugh and we stay on the phone for another hour just talking and laughing.

"Okay, I have to go to bed. We are going to a wedding tomorrow, so I will talk to later." I say. "Bye, love you."

"Love you, too." He says. He hangs up and I sit there for another moment before I get up and head back to my room. I cover up and lay down, falling asleep right away.
Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart
-Winnie the Pooh

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Sun Jul 21, 2013 11:19 pm
*coco says...

Spoiler! :
Rainy, how's this for awkward :wink:


The morning light poured in through the window and my eyes fluttered open. For a few seconds I'd completely forgotten about the nightmare that had been last night ... until the sight of Martin's room had to ruin it all.

With a start, I sat up, my back aching from lying down on what I guessed to be quite a hard surface. It didn't take long for me to realise that I was face down on the floor. Shaking my head in dismay, I grabbed hold of the side of the bed that I'd been sleeping on and hauled myself groggily to a standing position, glowering at the sleeping Martin on my way up. I was sure that the jerk must've pushed me off the bed at some point n the middle of the night. Just as I was about to head to the kitchen for a glass of water, I heard the vibrating of a phone.

I followed the sound and realised that it wasn't my phone ringing, but Martin's. My eyes fell on the name of the screen and I saw 'Big bro' come up. Guessing this was probably the brother who was to be getting married later today, I let out a nervous sigh, before glancing down at the stupid ring that was still stuck on my finger.

Tentatively, I turned to face Martin and put out a hand to tap him on the shoulder. My arm immediately coiled back, expecting him to jump awake and attack me or something, but he didn't move. He was still very much asleep.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and tried again, reaching out and tapping him on the shoulder, this time harder.

Nothing. Martin merely let out a deep breath.

"For goodness sake!"

Incredibly frustrated. I climbed onto the bed and leaned over him and was just about to call his name, when Martin suddenly turned the other side, sending me rolling on top of him. His eyes immediately snapped open and locked onto mine with surprise and confusion.

At that moment, I honestly wanted to die.
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:33 pm
Desticakes101 says...

I'll post later today!
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Mon Jul 22, 2013 5:06 pm
RainyDay says...


When I opened my eyes to see Jade laying on top of me I was, to say the least, shocked.

"Good morning to you, too." I muttered, following my first instinct, which was to push her off of me and on to the floor. She landed with a thud, squealing as she fell.

"Hey!" She yelled.

Ignoring her, I picked up my buzzing phone, "Hey Morgan."

"Martin, please tell Mitchell to stop freaking out. He doesn't think Emily is going to go through with it."

Pushing off the blanket, I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed, resting them on Jade. She slapped them away as I said, "Tell Mitchell that Emily said yes for a reason."

"Don't you think I already did that?" He asked.

We were quiet for a moment, then Morgan said, "Yeah, I'll tell him."

"Oh," I said, looking over at Jade, "And tell Mitchell I'm picking up the tuxedos and that I have a surprise for him."

With that, I hung up and went to get dressed, but before I could there was a knock on the door. Eyebrows furrowed, I looked to Jade who merely smiled sweetly. What was she up to?

I headed for the door. You can only imagine my surprise when I opened it to reveal four girls, me standing there in my boxers.

"How did you guys get up here? Where's Mark, he's not supposed to let anyone up." I demanded.

"Chill out," the red head said, "we're here for the wedding."

My jaw must have dropped to the ground as I yelled, "JADE!!! THEY ARE NOT COMING WITH US!"


"Boys, I have the tuxes!!" I called, and in reply a bunch of men rushed down the stairs, some relatives some Mitchell's friends from college.

"Who are the chicks?" Morgan asked, taking his tux and checking out the girls.

Turning him, I pushed him towards the stairs, "Go get dressed."

"Martin?" Mitchell asked, taking his tux from me, "What are you up to?"

"I told you I have a surprise for you. But first we have to get dressed." I explained.

Turning to the girls, I motioned for them to stay put and be quiet - they were such a handful in the car!

I quickly went to change, but when I came back they were gone and Mitchell was anxious.

"Marco?" I called, hoping for a reply.

"Polo!" The girls replied in unison. We followed their voices into the kitchen where they sat eating leftover icing.

"Jade, come." I ordered, grabbing her hand and showing it to Mitchell, "Houston, we have a problem."

"You got married?" He questioned, confused.

"Look closer......it got stuck."

I swear he almost passed out.

Imagine if everybody had a little Wii sports Mii to say "Great Shot!" everytime they did something right.
— TheMythMaster