
Young Writers Society

The Grande Mission (Open--accepting)

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Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:55 pm
fictionfanatic says...


My hand brushed the corner of my mouth as I pulled the arrow back, watching the deer carefully. I let go and the arrow went flying, only to be stopped. The deer leapt away and I frowned, looking over to my mother who now held my arrow.

"You've gotten so much better." She said, offering me my arrow.

"Good, I better have gotten better within a year." I replied, taking my arrow back and sliding it in to the quiver.

"I'm sorry, Kallias. I've been very busy - the war just ended five years ago, still a lot of things to fix. But now is not the time. Zeus needs to speak with you."


I feel eyes on me and glance over to see someone who couldn't be anyone but Aphrodite's daughter. She looks away, and I do the same.

I was slightly uncomfortable around all these people....well, demi-gods. I wasn't even allowed to bring Lycus, who hasn't left my side since he was a pup.

We waited for the others to arrive, an awkward silence filling the space.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:19 pm
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StoneHeart says...

|Arsenios of Sicily|

“Await for my mark!” the sergeant’s voice echoed through the practice arena.

One against ten. One: Tall, spear wielding, black haired warrior in his prime. The other ten: Massive, heavily armored, axe and sword wielding Sicilian soldiers.

“Ready!” the sergeant roared, Arsenios shoved his helmet on and stepped into fighting stance,” go!”

The instant they were cleared to do so the ten men arrayed in front of him spread out, and falling into stance, surrounded their single, silent, still opponent.

In battle you show no mercy. Arsenios recited his old mentor's words in his mind, you hit when and were you can. You do not uphold honor, you do not show your feelings. Better yet: You don't have any feelings. But in a private fight, such as a duel or gladiatorial combat, that's a different matter. People are watching you. People are judging you. Many men may say that what people think of you doesn't matter, but you must remember that a reputation will get you a lot farther in life than being tough in your own mind.

Let them attack first in such a fight. A black eyed soldier gave a perfunctory jab at Arsenios' back, and almost without thinking he responded. Once that first hit is given, then all ties are broken. Draw the fight out. Make your enemies look better than they are. The man stumbled backwards, his helmet ringing with the sound of spearshaft colliding with bronze.

With a roar every one of the soldiers attacked. But they could do nothing to him. He didn't aim to kill them, only to lightly wound and daze. He leaped about them, tripping them, jabbing them, kicking them, hitting them, not giving them a moment of rest in which they could return to any sort of cohesive formation.

Every moment he kept himself keenly aware of the eyes of the panel of judges and senior officers watching him. Judging him. Deciding about him. He was supposedly the best warrior in the court of the king of Sicily. If he could prove the claim then there'd be nothing to stop him claiming a high position. A position with power. Power that would support him and his family for generations to come.

The fight dragged out for over thirty minutes . . . Arsenios herding the soldiers around and around the pillared walls of the arena without them even noticing, they were so desperate to keep standing.

Finally one of the watching officers, clad in red and bronze, raised his hand and the sergeant in charge leaped down into the arena,” Stop!” he roared.

Instantly Arsenios stepped away from the bruised and bleeding men, unharmed and hardly even sweating or panting. Slowly he lay his spear on the dusty ground and bowed low to the judges.

The men consulted with one another for a moment, leaving him in the dirt, anxiously trying to catch what they said.

Finally the man who had halted the fight, King Acestes himself, stepped forward. He raised his hand and Arsenios rose, looking the black haired warrior in the eyes.

“Arsenios, of Sicily,” the king said deeply,” But the other day you came to me and requested a position in my court. A position that has, by tradition, only ever been held by our very finest warriors: Leader of the Palace Guard.” the kings voice was solemn,” you understood what an important position that was. What power it would give you. What trust I would need to have in you, to give it to you. Thus I wish for you to understand that, after this show of arms, in denying your request, I do not question your loyalty.” Arsenios' heart fell, but the king wasn't done speaking.

“I would be more than happy to offer you a position in my guard as an officer, but, I have agreed with my people in that only a man should have the position you seek. And you, Arsenios, are not a man. Not entirely. I will not show favouritism. I will not put god over man. Not in life!” The king waved his hand and turned away.

Arsenios began to rise, but he felt the sergeants hand on his shoulder and knew that it would not be wise to speak his mind at the moment. The King had been as just as he could. But Arsenios was still angry, seething inside, you're a half-blood yourself you cursed hypocrite! Acestes son of Crinisus! A minor god, yes, but still a half-god!

Arsenios didn't move even once everyone else was gone. His hopes were shattered. The sun slowly fell beyond the horizon and twilight fell over the city.

“Arsenios,” a hand fell on his shoulder.

He didn't move as his friend, Phaedrus, stepped forward and faced him. He looked up into his long-time companions blue eyes, tiredly.” Come on home. You need some rest.”

He allowed himself to be led away and out into the halls to his quarters. He fell into his bed, vaguely aware of his fellow soldier leaving the room, and closed his eyes. The last thing he said before he fell asleep was," curse you father Poseidon."


Arsenios leaped to his feet . . . but he wasn't in his simple quarters anymore. He was in the middle of an endless grassy plain. Looking behind himself he saw nothing. Overhead thunder boomed in the glorious sky, sparkling with stars.


Suddenly he knew what was going on. He'd heard that voice before, years ago, on one of his quests. Falling from a cliff, calling to Zeus, lord of the sky, to save him,” Zeus!” he growled, looking up at the sky defiantly.

He could tell that Zeus wasn't happy about something,” I need you in Olympus. We have a situation and if you don't come then people are going to die.”

Arsenios knew he should just act all submissive and let Zeus teleport him to Olympus that instant, but he wasn't feeling exactly on-terms with the gods at the moment. It was because of his father that he wasn't where he wanted to be right now.” What if I'm feeling lazy? Like you?” he challenged." Anyway! Who cares! The Trojan war has already left thousands dead!"

Thunder rumbled in the clear sky,” do not play with me boy. Your father needs you.”

He shrugged to himself in the dream. What else was there to do? Return to Sicily in shame?” Whatever,” he grumbled.

Suddenly the world went dark, Arsenios' room exploded and he was gone. Again.

There was a flash of fire and the next instant three people stood in the chamber.
For I who am poor have only my dreams
I spread my dreams under your feet . . .

. . . tread softly for you tread on my dreams.

We are masters of our silences, and slaves of our words

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Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:45 pm
Jonathan says...

Bion Ampelius

I was in a large gold palace with a marble floor that glittered in the light that shown bright from the moon and stars, I looked up and saw a light then it spoke.

"Come to Olympus my son." said a deep voice that boomed around echoing of of the marble and gold walls "I am your father I have a quest for you, come to Olympus!"

Then my dream suddenly stopped I sat up quickly and almost smashed my head into the jagged wall, I wondered what Zeus meant by "Come to Olympus" (I knew it was Zeus somehow anyway who would call me son?) I got up put my armor on picked up my spear and shield walked to my cave entrance hesitated a minute then jumped off, I fell about twenty feet then my powers kicked in and I began to fly I willed all the wind to push me towards Greece where mount Olympus was situated, my speed picked up and I knew that Zeus was giving me a bit of a small boost.

About half and hour later I saw Greece spread out below me, I willed the wind to push me up towards mount Olympus about ten minutes later I alighted on the marble floor I was utterly tired from my flight, Steam curled off of me and I walked on through the glorious gold buildings that stood strait and dominant over the wide path way.

"Are you a demigod?" asked a young looking cyclops that was walking towards me.

I tightened my grip on my sword and said "Yes, why do you ask?" my voice may have been a little challenging.

He said "follow me, Zeus wants you." he lead me off to a room where three other people where who looked little like other demigods I looked at one who seemed to be a son of Poseidon by his sea-fish smell I wrinkled my nose and walked over to them sat down on a bench and started sharpening my sword I was not sure if this was a challenge or not but I did not care.
There seems to be nothing written here. :shock:

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Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:32 pm
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thestorygirl says...

Kallistrate Leon

Every single knife I threw at the ceiling of my bedroom stuck, its hilt wiggling with an uncertainty as to when it would fall back into my hand. I'd at least been hitting the ceiling with the knives' blades all day, but they never held for longer then a minute. Eventually they would just come falling back to earth, or hopefully into my outstretched hand.

When this knife fell into my palm safely I breathed a sigh of relief; the last two had landed in my hand with the blade part in my hand. It didn't hurt exactly, though it probably should have, it just stung.

I put my knives away in the chest at the foot of my bed, along with all of the weapons I'd failed to master, even a Lute someone had gotten my for my eleventh birthday.

Though I was excellent with hookswords, despite my parentage I couldn't quite excel at any other weapon but the hookswords. I took out my favorite weapon and strapped it onto my back.

I stepped outside. Sparta was looking rather ugly today; smoke from the fires had already blottted out the sun though it was still partially covered in clouds. The city looked monochromatic like this, and it was already sapping my energy.

When I got to the yard however, I saw one of my least favorite brothers waiting for me.


"What are you doing here, brother?," I asked with venom in my words.

He smiled his usual terrifying smile. He was handsome, with his tan skin, well-muscled body, and shiny black hair, but his eyes were just these endless black pits straight to Hades. I liked Phobos -his brother- a bit more. At least Phobos was kind... occasionally.

"Father sent me," he retorted. Of course Ares wouldn't come get me himself, I wasn't worth any of his precious time, "You are being sent on a quest."

"What kind of quest?," I asked. I'd never been on a quest before, I guess Ares thought he shouldn't waste the glory on me. My heart jumped for a second, thinking for an instant that he cared about me, but it fell; the only reason he was sending me on this quest was because it was dangerous, and he wouldn't want to waste any of his other children.

Deimos grabbed my hand, "You'll find out," and we disappeared off to Olympus.

Suddenly I was surrounded by other demigods, and Deimos was no where to be found.
Nella vita vi è la distruzione, desolazione nella morte, ma c'è speranza nella rivoluzione.

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Thu Jun 20, 2013 4:48 pm
Liv says...


"I believe you have something of mine." My father said suddenly - I hadn't even seen him appear.

My gaze switched to my bedroom door, and I whispered, "If they find out you're here they'll be furious."

A sly grin spread across his face, and he muttered, "I'm not worried. They have left for the day."

I narrowed my eyes, but he simply said, "Now, my helmet. Give it here, boy."

"I can't imagine you came all the way here just to get a simple helmet, now did you? Come on, out with it, the dead are awaiting your return."

His blue eyes sparked with an idea, and a smirk appeared as he said, "You've caught me, I'm not here for the helmet. Zeus needs you."

"Zeus? Why would we help him, he ban-" I started, but was cut off.

"Because! He wishes to send you on a quest with other demi-gods, and those....children wouldn't even think to give the ones they kill proper funeral rights. I need you to do that for me. In return....you can keep the helmet. For now."

Hades smiled at me, and offered me a black purse full of coins. I eyed them warily for a moment, but then accepted them and slid them into my pocket."

"Excellent. Now come, Zotikos. Zeus will tell you about your quest."

Hades grabbed my hand, and in a whirl of fire we appeared in Olympus. I looked beside me to my father.

"I doubt you're supposed to be up here." I said, and headed for the gates.

"Sweet boy, there are a lot of things I'm not supposed to do. Besides, I never get a chance to pay my dear brother a visit."

"Father...." I began, but figured it was no use. He shoved the helmet at me - I hadn't even realized he had taken it.

As I held the helmet, he said, "Go through that door there. I'm sure I'll see you later." With that, he was gone.

Going to the instructed door, I pushed it open to reveal a handful of demi-gods. Anyone who was anyone could tell whose child they were. Closing the door behind me, I wordlessly took a seat near none other than Aphrodite's daughter.

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Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:46 pm
Liv says...


I sharpened my sword, pretending I wasn't listening to the group of gossiping women a few feet away. I could hear my name paired with Athena's, my mother. A sigh escaped me as I realized I would have to move again soon. My scars and limp were proof that if I didn't, people would grow upset that I was a product of the "Virgin Goddess."

With a frown, I slid my sword into its sheath and headed back inside. Upon shutting the door, I turned to see the sympathetic gray eyes of my mother.

"You moved again." She said, knowing full well why I did.

"If anyone sees you they won't miss my heart this time." I said, feeling a bit bad for saying it.

A frown tugged at her mouth, and she said, "I'm sorry, Nikolaos."

Sighing, I shook me head, "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

We sat in comfortable silence for a moment, then she broke it withi "Nikolaos, Zeus needs you."


I pushed open the door to reveal a group of demi-gods. I closed the door behind me and looked at each person. We sure are an interesting bunch.

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Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:07 pm
fictionfanatic says...


"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked my mother, the skirt of my dress bunched in my hands as we waded in the water.

"Athanasia, I just wanted to protect you. That world....you don't belong there, amongst all the wars and all the fighting." My mother said, watching the small fish swim by our feet.

"But now....I found out anyways. And now....now I need to help." I said, digging my feet into the sand.

She sighed, and tucked a lock of flaming red hair behind her ear, "I guess I couldn't hide it forever. After all, you are the daughter of Zeus. I was foolish to think I could keep you from that."

I smiled and gave a small laugh, "Well, I was the one who believed I could see the future and control weather just because."


I sucked in a breath, my hand resting on the door. Was I ready for this? Closing my eyes, searched for a vision of what was to come, but all I could see was a man standing before
me talking about...protecting someone? Was that man my father?

Opening my eyes, I pushed open the door to reveal a room of....other demi-gods?
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Jun 22, 2013 2:30 am
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Jonathan says...

New half-bloods came in about every ten minutes or less, I thought to myself as they came in that I could probably take care of this little quest by myself I knew that all half-bloods had a little problem with working together but maybe that was just me.

I cleaned my sword and sharpened it and walked out of the room and sat at the doorway looking at each half-blood and assessing there weakness as they walked by I was deep in the shade of a large olive tree so that no one could see me but I could see them, I looked up and wondered how many half-bloods would be coming in before we could start the quest and kick some monster buts.

I was guessing that only about one or two more where still coming to the party, I was getting aggravated that I had to wait so long I got up and started walking back and fourth then I came to a pudgy little guys siting on some steps he had small rams horns and some reed pipes on a string around his furry little neck, I stared at him he finally looked up and said "It is rather rood to star young half-blood." I stepped backward a small ting of fright fluttered in me.

The Goat boy got up and waddled off I went back into the room the other half-bloods where muttering to each-other about some kind of pest or maybe they meant the quest.

I sat there looking at the others I was getting to restless I wanted to smash something thunder rumbled I wondered if there were any more sons of Zeus but then I decided that I wanted to be the leader of this quest so I began to hope that there were no more sons of Zeus on the way.

I walked back to my chair sat down and began to carve lighting shapes into the wood.
There seems to be nothing written here. :shock:

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Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:55 pm
PixieStix says...


He just keeps staring at me. I'm used to that, but a son of Hades? Not really. I hesitate before sitting next to him as Zeus explains the mission.

"We have summoned you here by requests of...well, me. Your job is to stop the suitors from murdering Prince Telemachus. Before the prince had came back, he got stranded on an island. The island is home to many creatures. Things that only demigods can survive. The suitors are already on the Island. You guys need to head out quick. I am very confident in you, and so are you parents." He explains, then leaves, while one of the guards explain where we'll be meeting on the ship to go. I groan and tilt my head back, blocking his voice out.

"So," the son of Hades looks back at me, "Daughter of Aphrodite, I see."

I glance at him and don't respond, closing my eyes and sighing. He studies me, "I'm Zotikos. You are?"

I don't open my eyes, "Rayah."

He nods and bites his lip. I run a hand through my hair and stand when the guard leaves, letting us mingle until we have to start boarding the ship. I glance around, heading over to the daughter of Artemis. She's Probrably one of the only people that understand me here.
All you need is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie-dust!

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Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:15 am
fictionfanatic says...


"My wolf!" I say, grabbing a guard before he left, "My wolf Lycus has to come with me. Will he be on the ship?"

The guard looked at me with a bored expression, and huffed, "We'll see to it. He'll be there."

The guard tried to walk away, but I again grabbed him, "My father. He's old - will someone care for him?"

Annoyed, the guard frowned, "I'll see to it, now if you'll excuse me I need to do my job."

Huffing, I crossed my arms and watched him leave. I again felt eyes on me, and glanced over to see it was the daughter of Aphrodite again. It was odd how she kept looking at me.

Feeling naked without Lycus by my side, I cautiously approached her and a bored looking son of Hades. "Kallias of Artemis. You are?"

"Rayah of Aphrodite." She responded with a smile.

The boy beside her rolled his eyes, "Zotikos of Hades, but if it's all the same to you two I'll go be ignored somewhere else. Go spread some cheer or whatever." With that, he stalked off. Looking back over to Rayah, I shrugged and reached up to my shoulder to adjust my bow.


So that was my father. My father. He didn't even look at me. Did he even know who I was? I doubted it. After all, I hadn't known about him.

I looked around the room and approached the daughters of Artemis and Aphrodite.

Giving them a gentle smile I offered, "Hello, I'm Athanasia." A couple people looked at me like they couldn't tell who I was, so I cleared my throat and said a bit louder, "Daughter of Zeus and my mother Helen."
Live, Love, Laugh

Percy fell face-first into his pizza.
— Rick Riordan, The Mark of Athena