
Young Writers Society

The Matheson Trials

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Thu May 30, 2013 11:57 pm
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AlmondEyes says...

Maybe we should make the official start date tomorrow? Just to make sure everyone gets a chance to post and get anything in order they might need to?
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Fri May 31, 2013 12:22 am
onedarkhorizon says...

Okay, if that's what you'd prefer :)

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Fri May 31, 2013 12:50 am
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Omni says...

I'll finish the rest of this sometime later XD

Name: Blake Cross

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Occupation: Witch hunter/Doctor to the public eye

Race: Witch, but he's hunter of them.





Love Interests/Sexuality:

This account proudly supports lgbtq* rights.

sass levels loading


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Fri May 31, 2013 2:35 am
AlmondEyes says...

Is there a DT for this SB?
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Fri May 31, 2013 2:40 am
Omni says...

This account proudly supports lgbtq* rights.

sass levels loading


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Fri May 31, 2013 4:09 am
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onedarkhorizon says...

Valerie Hal

”No needles!” Valerie sat up abruptly as the dream she’d been having for the last few days came to an end. It was always the same thing, the animalistic woman in the hospital bed that was somehow able to move things without touching them. She looked at the alarm clock and saw that it was five in the morning, her shift at the hospital started soon so she decided to get up.

Her whole body was covered in a sheen of sweat and her silk pyjamas were clinging to her, she placed a palm on her forehead and sighed. Today was going to be a long day and all she wanted to do was climb back into bed, but Delilah had been badgering her about getting some new make-up so she needed the extra hours. Even if it meant turning up to work to have everybody look at her and pity her due to her failed engagement but truthfully she didn’t care.

Valerie would have been bothered by the stares a few months ago but ever since that incident with the unconscious woman, her usual upbeat and cheerful personality had been overshadowed by curiosity and negativity. She wanted to try and find the woman who’d darted away but at the same time she was terrified, especially since the mayor had expressed his hatred for witches. ’Could she have been a witch?’ Valerie thought to herself as she slipped out of pyjamas.

Stepping into her scrubs and walking to the bathroom, Valerie hastily brushed her teeth and put her blonde hair up into a ponytail. Quickly running downstairs and grabbing an apple from the centre of the mahogany table, Valerie climbed into her car and turned the key in the ignition.

“Just another day in paradise.” She muttered as she turned her head before reversing.

Delilah Hale

Delilah arrived at school fifteen minutes late and muttered about her alarm clock under her breath, she found the door to her English class and took a deep breath before opening it. “I’m very sorry—”

“Just sit down, Delilah. We’ve all become accustomed to your time keeping abilities.” There was a sea of hushed laughter as Delilah walked to her seat and sat down, she waited for the laughter to die down before turning to her best friend.

“Morning, Dustin.” She smiled and opened her text book, although the absence of her cheerleading uniform had begun to warrant her unwanted attention.

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Fri May 31, 2013 9:12 am
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Dutiful says...

Spoiler! :
There seems to be a problem with the DT, I wasn't able to post anything there. Anyways, @onedarkhorizon I think you made a mistake in the Taken Slots, Evelyn Sorro is wordsandwishes. I'm Savannah Pierre :D I just wanted to tell you that.

Savannah Pierre

It was raining, and quite heavily at that. I lifted my hoodie to shield myself from the fat raindrops. The streets were empty. Where were all the students? I checked my watch, 4.00 p.m. Surely people must be walking home. But there was no one in sight.

They must be in the Public library, I thought. It was the local hangout for all the students who attended high school here. I quickly climbed the steps to the front door of the library and went in.


The library was as empty as anything..empty. It was also a bit creepy. There were only a few lights on so the farther ends of the shelves were in total darkness. I looked to my left, no librarian. Okay, really creepy. I could almost imagine the spooky background music if this were a movie.


Something whizzed past me, leaving a trail of fallen books at its wake. Gulping, I picked up each book and placed it back on the shelves.

Everything was eerily silent. I decided to leave. It was still raining heavily.
Who cared about the rain? I just wanted to get the hell out of there!

I ran all the way to my street and slowed down the pace. There was not a creature in sight. In the distance, behind me I could hear footsteps coming towards me. Oh dear, was it the kidnapper who had been taking away all those people? I quickened my pace and heard my follower do the same. I stopped a few feet from my house and asked, "Who is there? Behind me?"
They didn't answer. Of course they wouldn't. I turned around and saw saw bright eyes and..


Groaning, I hit the snooze button. 5 a.m. I hit the showers and went downstairs to prepare breakfast. Mom was still asleep. She must have come home just a few hours ago. Mom worked as a nurse at the local hospital. Her graveyard shifts had become quite frequent lately.
I made breakfast for myself and mom and went to collect the newspaper.

I skimmed through the headlines to find the one I had anticipated the most:
Matheson Bay Delivering a String of Missing People.

Another resident reported missing, since last evening. Sources revealed the girl was a high school student who didn't return home after school the previous day. Mayor Burghan refuses to comment.

There was another disappearance. There seemed to be a lot of that lately. People just vanishing out of thin air. Of course, living in a small town, people come up with the most ingenious theories. Some said, they were captured by aliens, others said, they were hunted by a serial killer.

I had my own theory. I thought the Mayor has been capturing these people and sending them away as slaves. I know, its a bit weird. But I really think, the Mayor has something to do with the disappearances. IT doesn't help that his son was also one of the many who went missing. Of course, the Mayor said, he was out of town. But for so long? Something must be up.

The disappearances had got the whole town in a knot. 'You can never be safe' is what everyone said these days.

I threw the paper on the couch and went to get ready for school.
“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”
― Sylvia Plath

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Fri May 31, 2013 1:37 pm
wordsandwishes says...

Spoiler! :
I know, it's a bit short, my next post will definitely be bigger though


I usually don't visit small towns. Partly because rumours and suspicions spread rather dangerously. Admittedly though, the fact they are by far some of the most boring places on earth is what usually keeps me away. The food here is good though, very good. Far less polluted by drugs and alcohol as the city dwellers are.

I hope my target tastes as good as the Sophomore boy I picked up last night. He was fun, can't say I haven't had better though.

A pungent smell startles me out of my train of thought. I'm crossing the road towards the school when I see him; a witch. Interesting, I haven't seen a witch in a while. Very secretive creatures. He, of course, probably already knows what I am, I walk over in my ripped skinny jeans and oversized plaid T-shirt, my black boots clicking on the pavement. I'm supposed to... blend in. Not really my style, but I have to abide by the rules at least somewhat. He sees me as I walk by, I remember I'm supposed to be a harmless friendly town girl and I flash him a smile. But when nobody's looking I flash him my fangs instead; a warning. You don't bother me, I won't bother you.

I can't tell whether or not he accepts, but he turns and continues on his way to the school. I look up at the building as I reach the doors. I take a deep breath that I don't really need and walk through the doors for about the thousandth time. Another year in high school, oh joy.

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Fri May 31, 2013 3:06 pm
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Redfang18 says...

Ash Bloodroot

As the day welcomed its subjects in open arms like a good monarch, I walked towards the school unfazed. I was dressed in a lighter blue to give more life to my eyes, but even that wasn't enough. Regardless, I carried my pride-and-joy Cherrywood in her case. I couldn't help it when I carry a red violin with me all the time. Even the rest of the Red Cycle coven often pushed me with the question as to why I carry a violin, of all the instruments I could've taken pride in.
At the thought of the coven, I mentally cursed. It's been weeks since my demotion from second-in-command to close-to-last member of the coven itself. The symbol of the coven - which was a red phoenix, respectively - was on my left shoulder, hidden by shirts every day of the week. My demotion was the biggest humiliation of my life as a warlock, being bested by a recruit witch in front of the entire coven of twelve. Although I was second-in-command the longest in the coven, being bested by a rookie was the worse that happened.
As I took my seat in class, I set Cherrywood's case within reach. I thought to myself, Just another few years in school, Ash. Don't blow it. I kept silent as roll call was taken.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Fri May 31, 2013 4:45 pm
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KingLucifer says...

Spoiler! :
Warning, some swearing towards the end.

Nemier Loredo - On the road to Matheson Bay

I drove hard and fast as I rode my motorcycle, Bon Jovi's Dead or Alive playing in my ears as I rode. In the fullest honesty, the song described witches perfectly. I was a witch, wanted dead or alive, I couldn't help but smile under my helmet. I begun to recap my mission in my head, and what I was sent to do in Matheson Bay. By order of the Blackfire Counsel I would go to Matheson Bay and construct my own Coven with the witches I would recruit, this was another part of my leadership training. I would meet with my contact in Matheson Bay and consult him about all non-coven witches that were in town, and the ones who are likely to leave there Coven for mine, then the Counsel would be waiting on a report one week since coming into town.

I have spent years training under mom and dad to prove my leadership to the counsel and yet they continue to test me. But I knew this had to be the final test they could hand me before I was nominated for my mothers position on the Counsel, that and with fifteen others who were also successful in putting together there own Covens for there test. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the sun coming up over the horizon. It was almost day time, and I still had a lot of road to cover.

In Matheson Bay

My arrival in town was greeted with deserted streets with very little patrol cars wondering around, the sun has long since arrived over the horizon and has illuminated the skies. I pulled in front of my supposed contacts house, a small family like house, nothing really out of the ordinary here. I hit the kickstand to my bike and get off placing the helmet on the bike, this should be quick, so I leave the bike running. I walk up to the steps and knock on the door with the back of my left hand.

At first there was nothing, but just as I was about to knock again, the door opened. A tall man who looked like he could be in his thirties stood at the door.

"You Nemier Loredo?" he asked.

"Indeed, sent by the Blackfire Coven to make another one here in town," I said.

"Come on in," he replied.

Moments later a briefcase was presented before me, I opened it and I saw all the files for the witches that were in town. I leafed though the profiles checking them over as my contact sat in a chair with his head propped up on his arms.

"Tell me, do you know what your going up against here in town?" he asked.

"Yeah, two Covens in town, they have been living together in uneasy peace, but recently tensions have been high between the two Covens. Whispers are saying that they are planning to go to war soon," I said not looking at the man.

"That wasn't what I was talking about, what I was talking about, was the mayor in town." he said.

"No, I know nothing about what's going on the mayor, what is happening?" I asked.

"Someone's influencing the mayor, the Counsel believes it's the Local Witch Hunters in town reacting to the tension between the Covens, though no one can be certain." he said.

"I see."

"Anyways, your expected in School today, most of the witches on your list are in the local High School. So you should start there and see who you find first," he said.

"Right, thank you for the information, I will be on my way now." I said.

I walked toward the door and open before I heard my name called by the man.

"Nemier, be careful out there, this town is turning upside down slowly, but surely." he said.

I nodded and left. I soon found myself back on my bike and rolling towards the local high school, the place was decent, three stories high and could probably hold up to a thousand students. People were still showing up, students hanging around outside of the school. School must not have started yet, perfect, I'd give me some time to station myself where I need to.

Out of sheer enjoyment, Instead of turning the bike off and chaining it so nothing could happen to it. Saliva's Badass played in my headphones, I revved the motorcycle up causing so much noise and forcing students to take notice of me. Then I took off my helmet and shock my long hair free of it's confinement in my helmet, all the guys taking notice that a girl was a sudden bad ass as a verse that most fitted the moment played.

Cause I'm a badass,
a gun ready to blast,
It's the wild wild west,
and I'm fast as fast,
Cause I'm a Badass!
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Fri May 31, 2013 6:54 pm
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Skyguy says...

Name:Thomas Reath
Age: 17
Occupation:Student. Secretly a Templar Knight. Hunts down creatures of evil.
Race: Human
Knowledge: Only knows that his targets are in the town.
History: Became a Templar at 13. He's a trained assassin, ready to kill anyone who gets in his way. He's lost a lot of his humanity. But his parents believe there is still good in him.
Love interests/Sexuality: Hopes to finally meet the girl of his dreams.
Other: He's ready for anything... Joins the High School basketball team. Already in with the popular kids. Has a billion dollars from his parents. The Templar order's most dangerous knight.
Last edited by Skyguy on Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I will never give up... I will never give up! As long as I'm still breathing in this world... as long as I'm still standing in this world I will never give up!

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Fri May 31, 2013 8:55 pm
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DiskElemental says...

Reserving human.
A man without a plan, or anything else for that matter. (Except a review thread).

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Fri May 31, 2013 10:52 pm
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LadyPurple says...

Dustin Baker
Delilah was probably the closest person to him. He wasn't sure how somebody like her could stand someone like him. A cheerleader? Friends with a nerd? Then he felt a small twinge of guilt. There he wen't again. Stereotyping her. He didn't ever mean to, it was just different for him to have somebody so pretty and popular as his best friend.
They were in the halls on their way to class when Delilah asked, "What do you think of witches?"
Dustin's eye brow raised at the random question. They had just been talking about the project that was due next week. Where did this come from?
"You mean like from the Wizard of Oz? The whole green skin and pointy black hat getup?" Dustin shook his head.
"No, Dustin," she said firmly, giving him a look. "I mean real witches. Not the bedtime story kinds of witches. Do you think they could exist?"
"No. I mean, you know how I am. I haven't seen any evidence so I don't believe it."
Dustin looked over at her and noted her furrowed brow.
"Why do you ask?" he asked.
She shook head. "No reason."
"Well, have fun in class," Dustin said, sopping by the door of Delilah's next class.
"Bye, Dustin," she said as she went in.
Dustin sighed and kept walking. When would he mayor stop? Was he using scare tactics? If so, what could he possibly benefit from convincing people that stuff like witches existed?

Spoiler! :
I will post stuff for Shonelle when I have more time, I promise!
You're new? Great seas! Why haven't you gone to the Buddy System yet?

You're dealing with writers. The words "normal" and "usual occurrence" do not compute.
~Rosey Unicorn

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Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:14 pm
Sapi says...

Name: Chrysanthia (Chryssy) Faumont

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Occupation: Student

Race: Animorph

Appearance: Chryssy has black hair and dark brown eyes, and is pretty average height at about 5'5". She has very small facial features and a tendency to bite her lip.

Spoiler! :

Personality: She is very introverted, at least for the past few years. Chryssy is kind and gentle usually, but ever since she first morphed she has started to have horrific mood swings, and sometimes she can truly be evil. But it's not really her, it's her Animorph side. Since those started, her favorite pastime is running. She runs barefoot all the time, outside of town, on the beach, through the forest most of all. It helps her to calm down and be her normal self.

Knowledge: She didn't used to know about the supernatural world, didn't even used to know she was an Animorph. Now, she knows about her powers, but almost never uses them, because they scare her so much. She only shifts when it's really worth it. As far as what's currently going on, she knows something is up but she has no idea what. Yet. She doesn't know any witches or anybody else like her, but she is starting to believe the mayor, since she knows the supernatural exists.

History: Chryssy was born to two normal, human parents. Her powers didn't show up till she was 10 years old, when she accidentally morphed into a cat while after petting the family cat. She was so terrified when this happened that she tried to never shift again, but accidents kept happening, and then the mood swings came on. Her parents still don't know about her being an Animorph. Now she only rarely uses the power on purpose, to achieve something she couldn't do otherwise.

Love Interests/Sexuality: Bisexual

Other: If shifting, she prefers to shift into birds, since flying helps to clear her head and not let her evil side take over.
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Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:16 am
AlmondEyes says...


I was driving down the a bit faster then I should've been, so I eased my foot off of the gas pedal. I'd been in this town all of one week, but my beautiful deep purple plum Boss Mustang with blood red racing stripes had finally arrived, and I missed. The radio was blaring, the bass reverberating through me, down to my very bones as I banged my head and sang along the "Call You Out" by Flyleaf.

How can you act like you know
When all you know is to lie?
Another truth to expose,
Freedom will capture their eyes.
We. find. this. truth
We fight. You lose.

I let myself get lost in the beat of the music, because music was always there for me when I needed it. Music is, and will always be, my best friend. It was the only thing that could raise my spirit at sometimes, and it never failed.

Your time's up now.
¨That's enough now.
Shut up, get out!
Truth called you out.

Today was my first day of school, and I can't really say i'm excted about it. I hadn't been around town much, but I knew people were already talking about me. I'd always hated small towns. People never knew how to mind their own business, or keep their mouths shut. Ugh. As I pull into the school, the song comes to a close.

Your time's up now.
That's enough now.
Shut up, get out!
Truth called you out.

Your time's up now.
That's enough now.
Shut up, get out!¨
Truth called you out.

I pull the key out of the ignition and lock the door before heading inside, completely aware of every pair of eyes on my back, and the male attention I was getting. The skin tight jeans and black tank top did nothing to disguise the tattoo on my right shoulder, or the one on my neck, or hide the fact that I had a piercing on my navel, but no one said anything. Somethin was off, but I couldn't out my finger on it. I didn't look around as I headed to the front office. I would find that out some other time. A short woman with graying brown hair and glasses smiled as I came to a stop in front of her desk. The name plate there said her name was Shelly.

"You must be new here. I've never seen your around town." She says.

All I do is nod and say, "Shiyera Stonewall."

The sound of her finger click clacking away at her Keyboard echoed in my ears as I waited for her to finish. She pulld something out of a drawer as something printed out. She began highlighting things on the paper she pulled out and handed both papers to me. "Here's a map o the school. I've highlighted where everything you need to know of for you to help you out, including where you locker is along with the cmbination. This is you schedule. You are to have each of your teachers to sign it and bring it back at the end of school today. Any questions?"

I shook my head.

"Have a nice day, and see you later." she dismissed me.

I smiled in thanks before taking leave, my pace slowing as I threw out my senses. Hm. So that's why this school felt off. I knew there were Witches in town, but I didn't think there were any here in school. Hm. This town just became a bit more interesting.

"I something wrong, dear?" Shelly asked, a concerned frown on her face.

I just smile and shake my head before opening the door and heading out. Just then, light fill the hallway as someone steps in, and I stop as th door closes, but don't look. Another Witch. Instead, I pull out my phone at look at the time just as the bell rings. Great. First day at school, and i'm late.


All eyes turn on me as the door closes. I hadn't though I would get lost trying to find my first class, but I was proven wrong. The teacher turned to look at me and raised his eye brow. I handed him my schedule and found a vacant seat just as the door opens again, and the witch from earlier walks in. Great.

"Ah. Another new student, I presume?" the teacher turns to look at her as she walks over to him.

"Yeah, just came into Town last night, my folks thought it was a bright idea to send me straight into school without even getting used to the place first," she said.

"Very well," he sighs. "hand me your schedule and take the vacant sat next to the other new studet who was also late."

"Wonderful," she replies, walkin down the row and take the seat to my left.

I roll my eyes and shake my head. Wonderful.

The witch puts the notebook that she had been carrying on the desk, a pen in her left hand. I can make the bearings of a black tattoo on her neck, from what I can make out, it looks like a Dragon. I also take out my own note book and pen and begin taking notes on the rules for class the teacher had placed on the board for the Tardy and Absent policy, but my eyes drift to the Witches tattoo, and her eyes catch mine.

"Got a problem, witch?" she mouths the last word silently.

I sigh inwardly and push my shade up on my nose before answering, "You, Witch."

I was likin her less and less ebery time she opened her mouth, and she'd onlt done it once. Today is just not my day.

She lets out a small laugh, barely loud enough for me to hear. No one else seems to notice as she smiles, her eyes growing friendlier, it would seem.

"You got spunk, I believe me and you could be alright friends if we show some respect to each other." She said.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes again. Spunk. "Sure."

The rest of class goes by relatively quietly. Half way through, my started to cramp. I hated taking notes. I turn and see her pen writing by itself. Hm. I had forgotten about that. I bring mine up and blow on it until a faint light glows around it, and the pen begins to write. My eyes scan the room to make sure no one's looking, and then sit back and relax. What I hadn't noticed, was that she had been looking at me. It didn't matter to me. I just wanted to get these notes done with. When the bell finally rang, I gathered my things and headed to pick up my schedule from the teacher and find my next class.

Here's a link to the sing I used in my post if you're Curious. Flyleaf rocks!!
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done.
— Steven Wright