
Young Writers Society

The King's Quest (Started/Accepting)

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Thu Apr 25, 2013 5:49 pm
KeiPie says...

The Official

"Wait wait, I have completely forgotten!" The little official turned bright red as he spoke. He watched the dwarves roll in burping and laughing. "You must go to rest in your chambers first. Some of you need it..." He stared at Glumber who had decided to fall off his golden chair at that moment. Some of the fae and the other dwarf laughed uncontrollably.
"Yes yes," continued the little man. "You will be shown to your chambers and then we will have the meeting later tonight. Oh and someone, please take those disgusting dwarves from my sight. I can't stand their revelry!"
“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”
― Mark Twain

“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
― Ray Bradbury

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Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:58 am
Hopkin says...

Slounder Bong~Dwarf

"Eh, you hear that little ol'man Glumb?"
Glumber squinted, "Who?" he gurgled.
Slounder smacked his thigh, "It's our bed time! this is when I dream of large short woman, feeding me." he took in a deep breath, and gazed off, he drank a little too much for the occasional, he rolled over onto Glumber.
"Eh! get off you ol'fat bud." they lay staring at the others. "Are you going to tuck me in Slound?"
they looked at each other and let out laughs until they started to cough.

Roukin Luric~Elf

Roukin was disgusted by the dwarfs, they had no manners, laughing, eating uncontrollably, not to mention their drinking.
Roukin stepped around them, before stopping in his steps, something hit his back, his hair, he grabbed a long strand of hair and saw a piece of food in it, he had done his shiny blonde hair nicely for the day.
He slowly turned and saw the dwarfs pointing at him, Roukin decided to let it go, he wasn't one to get angry at such foolish things.
“Excuse me, for getting in the way of your food.” he pulled out the piece of food, and flicked it at them. “If you will now excuse me as I am going to bed.”
“Hold up.” Slounder belched, he got up pushing Glumber over, “Sleep with us, the real men,” he winked and put his hand on Roukin's shoulder, “Wow you're tall for an elf.”
Roukin couldn't believe a Dwarf had dared to touch him.

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Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:07 pm
KatKage says...

Ashalyn (Ash) Joachim ~ Half Human, Half Ghost Sprite

Ash watched the others from a dark corner, draped in shadow as he scanned the room.

None of them had noticed him. Good. He twisted his mother's bracelet between his fingers. It took alot of concentration to stay invisible, but it was worth it. He didn't need any stares or half-hushed whispers. Heck, it would be amazing if none of them noticed him the entire time and he could just go home. Why was he even here again?

Ash blazed inside a little, his lips pulled into a slight snarl. It was the Old Man's fault, tricking him into going. Damn Old Man. 'Too old' my butt.

He just wanted to get rid of me.

Ash suddenly shook his head rapidly as if trying to shake out that last thought, his expression pained for the slightest of moments. No. He wouldn't do that. His expression calmed as he stilled, resuming his glare. That was all the reassurance he needed.

He started to twist his mother's bangle between his fingers again before he realized what he was doing and grimaced. What's this all for, anyway? Something about this king-guy's daughter being stolen. . . if she was stolen, why aren't they going immediately?

All of a sudden a little man in a funny looking outfit walked in and announced that there would be a meeting, then seemed to change his mind quickly and say they would have to go to their rooms for now and meet later that night.

Ash watched as a dwarf fell off his chair drunk as most of the others laughed hysterically.

He grimaced, keeping his distance from the others. That Damn Old Man; he's going to pay for this.

Spoiler! :
Oh Ash; he was catching on to something there for a moment then lost it ;u;''
Last edited by KatKage on Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I am a Leaf on the Wind,
Watch me Soar
Kyrie Eleison down the road that I must travel,
Kyrie Eleison through darkness of the night

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Fri Apr 26, 2013 9:58 pm
Craz says...

Doe - halfling

Doe walked stiffly after the servant who was leading her to her chambers, focusing on the golden twist of hair that bobbed as she walked in front of her. The servant was a surprisingly short thing for a human, and had the blue eyes of the sea and the round face of a doll. When Doe had said so, the servant had simply averted her eyes and mumbled a polite 'thank you'. She would have pursued a conversation because it would have been considered rude for a servant to ignore a guest even if they had mixed blood, but she didn't want to have the servant despise her, and plus she had something to hide.

A meaty leg of some unknown origin that was as long as her arm and as thick as her leg tickled her shoulder blades with juice, and was the reason behind her awkwardness. She had snatched it when she had watched the dwarves steadily devour their monstrous plates of meat, and then rise for seconds. When they had left the dining room the table and rugs were a catastrophe of half eaten foods and bubbling ale, every surface stained with the result of their festivities. Doe pitied the maids; they would be no doubt ready for someone's head by the time they had cleaned up that mess.

The girl paused at a simply carved door, and then opened it for her. Doe promptly thanked her and peered into her bedchamber while the servant lighted candles and lamps throughout the room. It was a delicate array of whites and creams, with a pleasant accent of dark polished wood. A painting of a garden hung above a small cluster of plush chairs, and fresh white flowers were lain on the table. Doe didn't notice as the servant slipped out of the room.

Doe padded over to her bedroom door, opening it wide and running her hands on the fine silk of her bed. The room was arranged identically, and a beautiful wide balcony window cascaded the moon's light onto her comforter. She looked down and saw that she was just on the second floor, and finding the hatch she opened the windows wide. She gently tossed the leg down to the ground where a soft looking patch of bushes waited, and then followed after.

She knew where the dragon's stalls were from memory. She walked along the edge of the walls, her eyes flashing unnaturally when she looked around for guards. Faint calls and bays and the occasional growl animated the giant stalls, and she tiptoed until she came upon Ares.

She was pressed up against the back wall, huddled like a trapped animal and her silvery eyes flicking around every time another dragon spoke. Her scales were a near black, as dark as they could become, for no lanterns were needed as no one expected a dragon to come at night. When she saw Doe she slid from the shadows like a ghost, and complained to her goodheartedly. Doe patted her thick neck and produced the leg from behind her back, and Ares sank her great teeth into the thick meat to begin her own feast. She could feel her companion's mood get lighter as she ate.

When Ares was done Doe put a finger to her mouth and tugged Ares out of the pen. Other dragons had heard Ares' midnight snack and were growling angrily like a jealous child, but Doe ignored them as they went out into the moonlight. Ares' scales switched from the misty black to the appropriate gray of the moon, and they slid silently under the noses of the guards until they were under her window. Doe climbed onto her back and Ares leaped from the ground and gripped the windowsill with her front claws, and then expertly slid in to her bedroom.

Doe wasn't really thinking of whether or not it was appropriate to have a dragon in her complementary room overnight, but she figured they would get over it. Ares curled up into the wash of moonlight, and like every other night that Doe could remember, she tucked herself under the great folds of the dragon's wings. They fell asleep like that, as unaware of the world as a newborn was.
"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

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Mon Apr 29, 2013 4:59 pm
Hopkin says...

Roukin Luric~ Elf

After the guards got the dwarf away from the elf, Roukin was shown to his chamber. It was pretty good, not as good as he thought they would keep it, but he wasn't one to complain, because he chose to come.
He opened the glass doors to the balcony, looking around, he glanced over and just happened to see what appeared to be the halfling Doe going on top of a dragon, most likey her's he thought.
He watched as the dragon and Doe jump up onto a balcony, raising both eyebrows he thought. wonder if this halfling will get in trouble. He shrugged and walked back into his room. This place wasn't very strict, about certain things, such as taking your dragon to your bedroom.
Its just a pet let it sleep out in its pet house, although he was kind of missing his trusty horse fedal.
He leaned against the bed, “Hmm, much too soft.” he took the blanket off and gently laid it on the floor.
And started wrapping his silky hair up into a bun, then making sure his dagger was under the blanket he laid down and closed his eyes.

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Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:13 pm
KeiPie says...

Glumber Flod ~ Dwarf

Glumber awoke from his drunken stupor with a large burp. Where am I? he wondered looking around the elegantly arrayed room. Other than a flickering lamp on the side table, the rest of the room was completely dark. Glumber shot to his feet. Did I miss the meeting? he wondered. What if they've received their roles without me? Glumber staggered to the door and pulled it open. A sleeping guard fell backwards into the room with a crash. The guard looked up sheepishly then struggled to his feet.
"Spy!" cried Glumber. "This man's trying to learn my secret battle plans! Guards! Guards!"
"I am your guard," replied the man softly. "They sent me to make sure you didn't leave your room and wake up the others."
"Oh," mumbled Glumber. "You don't look like a guard," he said pointing to the man's uniform. The guard looked down at his leather armor and the tunic beneath it with the royal crest embroidered on each sleeve. I don't think I could look any more like a guard," he thought in disbelief, but discarded the dwarf's comment as a statement coming from a drunken oaf.
"Whatever," mumbled the guard and stepped out of the room and back to his post.
"You dare 'whatever' me! You stupid spy! You ain't a guard 't'all!" Glumber dashed into the hall and began pummeling the guard with his fist. The guard's shrieks brought more guards in to try to separate the enraged dwarf. One brought the butt of his sword down on Glumber's head and he knew no more.

Glumber awoke with a dizzying headache, but finally the wine had made its way out of his system, and all over the bed. Glumber stood up in disgust. After emptying a bucket of water into the bath, he tumbled in after it, clothes and all. A servant found him there and began to help him wash. When Glumber was finally dressed, beard braided, uniform on, and finally presentable he gazed around the room, which had been cleaned. What a fool I've made of myself, he thought. What will the company think of me now! At that moment he made a pledge to himself that he would not touch wine again until he came back from the mission. It would be difficult, but he would do it. He could chop of an Azak's head with one hand, so he could stop drinking. I won't be very long anyhow, he thought. Maybe a couple weeks at the most.
“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”
― Mark Twain

“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
― Ray Bradbury

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Thu May 02, 2013 8:08 am
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Griffinkeeper says...

Marlon Grey ~ Human

I couldn't stand The Official. The Official had no name and at first glance no gender. It was the perfect soulless bureaucrat; an automaton of protocol. And I would not let that thing give orders to me.

A plan came to mind and I immediately put it into play. The first part was to take on the role of a guard. I thought this would be difficult, but opening the door provided me with a sleeping guard. I bound and gagged him, placed him in my room, and stripped him out of his uniform. The guard woke up briefly while I was gagging him, but was knocked unconscious for his trouble. He woke up once more before I left. He tried to scream, but the gag muffled him. I turned toward him.

"Pay attention. I caught you sleeping on duty. This is punishable by summary execution. If you want to survive, you will stay in this room. In an hour, I'll return and you can have your uniform back. No one will be killed; including yourself. Nod your head if you understand," I ordered. He nodded his head vigorously. Who said guards were idiots?

I moved through the castle unchallenged. Finding The Official's room presented little difficulty. The castle guard had a manifest detailing the guards and who they were to watch. With the Official's room found, all I had to do was find a reason for The Official to leave. I didn't have too, as it turned out. One of my cohorts had apparently attacked a guard and the resulting hubbub had to be sorted out by The Official. I waited for him to leave and then broke into his apartment.

It was luxurious and had no one in it, which didn't surprise me. His apartment was like The Official; strictly organized and cold. I found the information I needed, neatly filed away under "Rescue the Princess." I took the dossier and left the apartment.

I returned to my own quarters without incident, gave the guard his clothes back and some of The Official's money that I had stolen, and then examined the dossier. It contained information about all the various members, their abilities, and training. I found my own profile and was amused to find The Official describe me as "average and unremarkable, without any apparent talent."

Imara's profile caught my eye. It had been years since I had seen her, but she had done very well in the interim. I studied up on the remaining members carefully, before hiding the dossier and getting some rest. It was certain to be an eventful meeting.
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Thu May 02, 2013 3:55 pm
KeiPie says...

Leif Vex ~ Elf Sprite

For Leif, the evening was quiet and uneventful. He spent the hours weaving multiple food sacks from a curtain he tore up. At one point a shocked servant came in and got mad a Leif for destroying the curtains, but Leif was a guest, so he couldn't receive any punishment. Leif didn't feel tired in the least, and before he realized it, it was morning. A trumpet blared and servant ran around to the different rooms helping the company prepare then leading them to the courtyard they had visited yesterday. The golden chairs and decorations looked the same, but this time delicious looking foods and sweets covered the tables. Leif picked a small chair next to a large pile of bread.
They were given the same instructions about picking roles and voting on a leader before The Official was called away on the king's business. Leif knew it wasn't his place, but he stood up and faced the company.
"I think it'd be good if we all started by givin a short introduction and statin which role we'd like to take. Some fellas like me already know what we'll be doin, in my case bein a scout an all. But considerin I don't know you, perhaps we can just learn what an all each person can do. Ya know, you can say 'I'm good at huntin. I should be the food provider." Cause of course we'll all be fighters and naught."
During Leif's speech, the rest of the company had turned to look at him. Most of them had not noticed him before and listened attentively. Others knew he was the youngest and least experienced and turned to mumble to each other. Leif sat down quietly and waited for the response from the other people.
“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”
― Mark Twain

“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
― Ray Bradbury

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Thu May 02, 2013 5:07 pm
Hopkin says...

Roukin Luric~elf
Roukin watched leif intently, his hand to his chin leaning on his leg, “hmm.” he looked at the others, some ignored and kept talking, some seemed interested.
“Well, Leif I like this plan, I think for food we could leave it to Glumber, but then we would have to wash it before we ate any of it,” he threw a glance at Glumber, “As for me, I can carry medics, I have much practice in it, and I believe I could be of use.”
Roukin looked at some and at the way some held themselves, “I am fine with the sword, yet excellent with the arrows, perfect actually.”
Roukin thought for a minute, looking around still not seeing any other male elves. “I'll be more then happy to work with you.” Roukin bowed his head, this was his way of showing respect, there was something about Leif he liked, Leif wasn't frightened to try to tell this group something, even though he was small.

Slounder Bong

Slounder woke up on the floor, he yawned and got up, he looked around, “how did I get in 'ere?” he shrugged and strolled to the door, he opened it and saw a guard sitting on the floor next to his door, asleep. “hm,” he looked down and saw more asleep guards, he then saw a door open, one of the sleeping guards fell, Slounder got wide eyed as the guard was quickly dragged in.
He sat on the floor next to his guard, he perked up when he saw the guard come back out of the room he was dragged in.
Slounder raised an eyebrow, the guard looked around then walked down the hallway. “Well, that's strange,” Slounder thought, and began a conversation with the sleeping guard, “you know, if that guard was dragged in, either that means, there's a girl in there, or there was a guy in there...don't want to find out if a girl was in.” he hit the guard, the guard jerked, his helmet slid down.
“Sir Bong?” the guard looked around through his helmet.
“yes boy?”
Slounder stood up, and looked at the guard, “Oh y-you're supposed to stay until we have to go.” Slounder helped the small guard up. The guard put his helmet back up, “if you please sir,” the guard opened the door for Slounder.
“What? No when Slounder wakes, he stays awake!” Slounder walked passed.
“No sir! I have orders!”
The small guard tried to drag Slounder back. “Bong you can't leave!”

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Thu May 02, 2013 5:39 pm
KeiPie says...

Glumber Flod ~ dwarf

"Yah, what he said. I'll do the food. You can trust me to find the best the wilderness has to offer! But I'm a warrior remember? So don't treat me like a kitchen slave," thundered Glumber. As some of the company prepared to answer, there was a noise. Slounder raced in with three guards at his heels.
"How dare ye start this meeting without me? How dare ye? How dare ye?" he screamed. "I'm as important as you all and you dared start."
Glumber stood up and pushed Slounder into a chair. "Calm yourself Bong. We haven't talked 'bout much. Just sit 'n listen." Glumber stuck a turkey leg in Slounder's mouth before taking his seat again. "As I was saying," he continued, "I'll prepare the food but also be the body-guard type. Also remember, never go anywhere alone." After adding his words of wisdom, Glumber grabbed another sweet role and allowed someone else speak next.
“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”
― Mark Twain

“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
― Ray Bradbury

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Sat May 04, 2013 1:11 am
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onedarkhorizon says...

Titch Van Ro'Shay / Human

Titch woke up from her slumber as elegantly as she'd eased into it, her eyelids fluttered open and her lips parted widely as a yawn escaped her. 'This may be the softest bed I've ever slept in!' She thought to herself, her fingertips teasing the edges of the sheets.

Immediately getting up from her bed to run to the balcony, Titch looked over and sighed in relief when J.P. was sound asleep on the grass below. "Good morning!" She called, enthusiastically waving her arm. J.P. groaned and then yawned, stretching his wings as he looked up towards his rider.

Titch blew her dragon a kiss and then gasped as she realised the meeting was being held this morning. "I can't be late again!" She exclaimed, falling to her knees to grab her strewn clothing.

When her leather boots were fastened and her hair neatly arranged so that it sat on either side of her shoulders, she walked towards the door. There was a single guard standing there, he was rubbing his eyes and looked very tired. "Have you been standing here all night?"

"Yes, I have." His blunt tone of voice made Titch uneasy, so she just smiled in return.

"You can sleep in my bed if you'd like. Nobody is going to enter without knocking for fear of being punished. Feel free." Titch giggled and then began skipping along the lengthy hallway; eventually blending into the crowd of the meeting.

Titch had arrived just in time to listen to a brief speech about introducing one another and then watched curiously as a few others agreed and shared their concerns. Spotting her dark and mysterious friend from last night, Titch waved to him but raised her eyebrows when he completely ignored her.

Fine. She thought, promising herself to not approach him until he started a conversation. In fact, Titch decided she was going to show Michael how talkative she could be.

Climbing onto one of the wooden tables -taking note to kick from food aside- Titch cleared her throat and then felt her cheeks begin to flush red as several faces turned her way. "Err.. Thank you, Leif. I think I'm one of the many people here who have a dragon with them, which kind of steals my thunder." Titch paused to let out a nervous laugh. "My name is Titch, I'm a human, clearly. But don't let that fool you, I'm quite gifted when it comes to slipping by unnoticed. It really helps when you have a dragon with you, they make for great distractions. But let me finish speaking before this angry little Sprite beside me tackles me, I think that I'm able to do a lot for this mission. I can pick just about any lock and can slip into the shadows just as well as most Elves. I can also transport a few people via my dragon--" Titch looked at Michael as she said that. She wondered if he had a dragon of his own. "So yeah, nice to meet you." She climbed off of the table and was shocked to see that a large Elf nearby had offered his hand. Titch shook it and smiled.

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Sat May 04, 2013 1:54 am
Craz says...

Doe - halfling

Doe awoke rather quickly to an ear splintering scream and then a crash of silverware. A plump woman in a servant's outfit was stumbling back out of the bedroom door, her chubby fingers clawing at her mouth and her eyes bulging like a squashed toad. Ares started underneath her at the noise and reflexively hissed at the woman, her glass like teeth glinting under her scaled lips. The woman screamed again, tripping over the tea cups that were scattered at her feet. Doe stood from her spot next to Ares, reaching to comfort the fallen woman.

Still on the floor, the servant scrambled back. She seemed to be trying to say something, but it was consumed by the hyperventilating gasps that formed her mouth into an O. Doe crouched next to her while the woman pointed accusingly at Ares, who in turn hissed back.

"D-D-Demon!" She gasped. The woman had a strange foreign accent that trilled out the vowels, one that Doe had never heard of before. The woman made an unknown sign over her chest and gripped her breastbone like she might have a heart attack. Doe looked down at her quizzically, and then said, "Ares is a dragon, not a demon."

The servant seemed to become even more horrified, and stumbling past Doe she darted out the door as fast as her waddling legs could take her. Doe was left perplexed at the servant's actions and with a rug stained with tea, and Doe picked up the broken glass at a loss of what else to do.

Doe sent Ares back out the window, and walked into the bathroom and started to wash herself down. When she came back into her room clothes were laid out on the unused bed, and the tea stain was gone. Doe changed and then wandered out the door, stepping over a sleeping guard. She recalled something about a meeting, and drifted around until she came upon the others that she had seen the previous day. A human girl was scrambling back off of the table, scattering food as she did. Doe paused and eyed the food on the ground, pitying the waste.

Eyes turned from the human to her as she walked closer. Doe mentally cringed under so many eyes, and hesitated. An elf sprite smiled encouragingly at her after a pause and then said, "Introduce yourself and say what you would like to be as your role."

There was another awkward pause, and then Doe stated, "My name is Doe, and I am a halfling. My dragon is named Ares, and we can patrol and scout ahead to look for trouble. I can hunt and sneak at night, but I can't do hand-on-hand combat. I'll be okay with any role."

Doe quickly sat down and glanced around the table, and then settled on staring at the elf sprite, who seemed to be the one in charge of the meeting. He cleared his throat and then said, "Okay. Who's next?"
"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

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Sat May 04, 2013 2:07 am
Iggy says...

Michael Van Halen; Human.

When the King's speench was over, Michael merely moved to lean against the shadowed wall, dark blue eyes watching the room as people (and creatures) interacted and socialized. He was content with being alone, he had been so for many years now, so he found himself lost in thought, as usual.

He was thinking of the mission, of the princess and of the evil rivalry that caused the Azarks to kidnap her, when his concertration was broken by a soft female voice.

"Have you ever ridden a dragon before?"

Annoyed, Michael makes the decision to ignore this woman, whomever she be. He doesn't move, pretending he never heard her speak. She decides to repeat herself, which makes a muscle in his jaw twitch, his teeth grinding together slightly.

"Why are you ignoring me?" She snaps in frustration, then seems to have realized something. Her tone hitches a little as she exclaims, "Oh! I'm sorry, you must be deaf! I'm sorry; I've never met someone who couldn't hear."

"I can hear you perfectly fine." Michael snarled coldly through his gritted teeth, turning his head slightly. His blazing sapphire hues found a gorgeous brunette, small and litle compared to his tall, strong body. She was by far one of the most beautiful humans he had ever seen before, and Michael's cool demeanor seemed to stagger slightly, almost unnoticably, then resumed his detached arrogance.

"Good, then you can tell me if you've ever ridden a dragon before. No, tell me your name." The exquisite female demanded.

Michael's eyes narrowed and he said nothing, his lips pressed together in a snarl.

She kept on, annoying little woman she was, pressing for information he did not want to give. Finally, he snapped. "Michael. Van Halen." He said in an annoyed tone.

The woman started to laugh lightly, a loook of amusement crossing her beautiful face. Despite his interest in her looks, Michael growled under his throat. "Did I say something that amused you?" He demanded to know.

She introduced herself as Titch Van Ro'Shay and offered a slender hand, explaining why the situation was funny to her. Michael ignored her words and stared blankly at her porcelain arm. Shake? She meant to shake his arm? As in, touch him? No. Michael wasn't sure what would happen if he touched her skin, nor did he want to.


The whispered internal voice came from nowhere and Michael hissed in alarm, making Titch retract her hand and take a step back. She spoke, but her words were lost on his ears, distracted by his thoughts yet again. She took her leave and Michael waited a few, then took his own, finding his way up to the bedroom chambers. He didn't pay much attention to things, only crawled into the bed and slept restlessly until dawn, unused to sleeping in a warm room, a bed, and especially without Pyre.


The morning found Michael up at dawn, showering and dressing in less than thirty minutes. He found his way outside the castle grounds and whistled for his dragon, who came within minutes. Stroking Pyre's muzzle, he gently eased onto his dragon's back and took up their usual morning training exercises, flying loops and dives and all that jazz. It was exhilirating and a major stress reliever for Michael, who was practically smiling as Pyre landed and he dismounted his dragon.

He made his way to that meeting reluctantly, unwilling to leave his beloved dragon. Upon entering, his eyes found the beauty from before, Titch, who dared to wave. He stiffened and chose to ignore her, but he was curious as to why she even bothered. She was a strange one.

She seemed to make a point to him somehow by talkling loud about herself to the group, it seemed everyone was introducing themselves. Annoyed, Michael chose not to speak, merely hid in the shadows.

When she mentioned dragons, he perked up, it being one of his favorite subjects. She noticed and directed her gaze to him, as if that comment was meant for him and him alone.

His eyes flashed and he glared at her, then slowly raised a hand and beckoned her over, his movements cold. When she came over, he closed the distance between them, towering over the tiny brunette. "What do you want with me?" He hissed in a quiet, dangerous tone. He was done with trying to figure her out, he wanted to know who exactly sh ewas and what exactly she wanted from him.
Last edited by Iggy on Fri May 10, 2013 4:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."
- Lewis Carroll

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Sat May 04, 2013 11:06 pm
onedarkhorizon says...

Titch Van Ro’Shay / Human

Titch grimaced as she turned her back on the elf that’d gracefully offered his hand. His palm was sweaty, even through her fingerless leather gloves; like most curious things would, she raised her hand to her nose and sniffed. “Ew.” She whispered.

That was when she abruptly straightened up to make sure nobody had seen her. Her eyes immediately locked onto Michael, he motioned for her to come over but his hand had lowered just as fast as it had risen. ‘Does he mean me? Titch thought to herself as she turned to look over her shoulder.

Taking a deep breath and trying to steady herself, she began weaving in and out of the different shapes and sizes of the men and women within the meeting room. She wasn’t going to let him ignore her, nor was she going to let slip that he intrigued her much more than she cared to admit.

Titch stopped a few footsteps away from the tall, dark and handsome stranger; Oh how she wished that he was a nothing more than a stranger, that she could become oblivious to his presence as easily as she’d done with many men before him.

“What do you want with me?” His tone could have frozen her solid, it was dripping with annoyance but contained just enough seduction for her not to take offence.

Titch leaned against the wall beside him and sighed. “I don’t want anything to do with you. In fact, you’re the one who summoned me over here.” She made a habit of twiddling with her hair but wondered if she looked childish. The last thing Titch wanted to do was to give this Michael another reason to find her annoying.

The others in the room continued speaking and seemed to be ignoring their very one sided conversation; apparently he wasn’t going to say anymore than he just had. “Very well.” She pushed herself off of the wall gently and reached for one of the nearby vacant chairs; she sat down, crossed her legs and then did the same with her arms. Titch had placed it so she was sitting right in front of Michael, his eyes widening just slightly; by the look on his face, she might have just insulted his mother.

“If you don’t want to talk to me about all things personal, then at least introduce yourself. It isn’t hard, I just did it.” Her voiced quietened down as she continued. “I wish I hadn’t, I bet I rambled a whole lot. I tend to do that when I’m nervous, although my mother used to say I had a way with words.” Her daydreaming expression quickly loosened and she turned back towards Michael. “What do you think? Did I introduce myself accordingly?

‘How many questions did you just ask him? If he wasn’t going to answer something simple, why bombard him with several more. Silly girl. It seems I ramble a lot more than I originally thought.’

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Sun May 05, 2013 3:10 pm
Hopkin says...

Spoiler! :
For one thing, if you were talking about my elf, which I think you were. As we all know elves don't sweat. And he said like the elves from Lord of the rings. They don't sweat or smell. Elves are like the cleanest things in the fantasy world.

Roukin Luric~Elf

Roukin watched as the human Titch grimaced her face as she turned. He wondered if there was something behind him, he looked and saw nothing, once he looked back she was already gone.
Titch was one of the most beautiful women, he had ever seen that was human, but something about her made him think otherwise, not only was she trying to appeal to a young man whom she had been keeping her eye on, but snubbed an elf, she was not polite in the least. Roukin did not hold her in his high respects.
Did she really think talking could get her out of anything, or everything, besides her 'good' looks. Roukin didn't know which, but he would soon find out.
Roukin smiled at Leif and shook his head, he reminded him of someone...

The day, which was one of the first of spring, cheered even me by the loveliness of its sunshine and the balminess of the air. I felt emotions of gentleness and pleasure, that had long appeared dead, revive within me. Half surprised by the novelty of these sensations, I allowed myself to be borne away by them, and forgetting my solitude and deformity, dared to be happy.
— Mary Shelley, Frankenstein