
Young Writers Society

The Mutants That Got Away (come one, come all)

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Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:58 am
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Eliza:) says...

Name: Emma Madaki

Age: 16

Gender: Female

What are you? Student, Professor Kaya’s carpool

Appearance: Emma is African American, with hazel eyes and curly hair that reaches to her shoulders. She is 5’6 and slim. She usually wears skinny jeans and plain t-shirts, nothing fancy. She is the type of person that fades in the background.

Personality: Emma is most likely to be found in one of the parks near her home painting and drawing. She is the artistic type. Anything that is bright and colorful intrigues her. She also loves loud music, especially if it has a lot of bass. If it is bold, she’ll enjoy it. Her personality, on the other hand, is completely opposite. While certainly not shy, she is not the most popular girl at school. She only has a small number of friends, but the friends she does have are very close to her. However, when she isn’t with her friends, she usually stays on the edge. She is friendly. You’ll never hear her be anything but kind to someone, but her mutation has made her draw into herself. She would rather be by herself than constantly discover she is talking to no one.

Mutations/Skills: Emma can see the past and future. This allows her to see people and objects from another time as if they are actually in front of her. It is a very passive mutation, and one she has no control over. Most of the time, she doesn’t even realize she’s not looking the present. She only realizes if the person or object passes through something else or if someone else tells her there is nothing there. This is not usually a problem, but in crowded places, she sometimes has to go through them, making her feel cold and nauseous. She may also try to talk to them before she realizes they’re not real. The majority of the time she can only see a few minutes into the past or future.

Emma is deaf. She got a cochlear implant when she was six, but it has a mechanical feel to it that can make it hard for her to understand people when there is too much background noise. She can also be hard to understand if she starts talking too fast. When she passes through future or past people, she gets nauseous.

History: Emma was born in South Africa. Soon after she was born she caught meningitis, and was later diagnosed as completely deaf. She was an only child and grandchild, and as a result her family spoiled her when she was younger. Her family was well to do, though certainly not rich. Her father was an architect in Sandton, and her mother was an interior designer. Her happy and carefree life changed when she was three. There was an accident at a building her father was working at, and he died a few days later from his injuries. Emma’s mother struggled to pay for their apartment, and missed her family back in America. A few months later they moved to her aunt’s house in New York.

Both Emma and her mother had adapted to New York by the time she was five. Her mother married a wonderful man, and Emma gained a stepfather and two teenage stepbrothers. They moved into her stepfather’s house, in a much nicer area of New York. Though her stepbrothers didn’t know any sign language, they adored her, allowing her to join them in anything they were doing. However, Emma wished she could communicate with them better. When she started kindergarten, this wish only intensified. She was lonely and felt left out. A few months, she got a cochlear implant.

By the time she was twelve, there was little distinguishing her from her classmates. If someone listened closely, they could hear an accent. She needed a FM system in her classes to help her concentrate on the teacher. And there was no denying she hated English – it was like another language when compared to American Sign Language. Still, even in that aspect she was normal. Perfectly normal.

Until the day, of course, she woke up to the nineteenth century immigrant family eating in her bedroom. Very quickly, it became obvious that no one else in the house could see them. She couldn’t talk with them, and her family acted as if nothing was different in her room. Her brother even walked through the table. Her family gave her a few strange looks, but besides that, nothing was out of the ordinary. When she walked to her school, everywhere she looked she saw people, some dressed like the upper class in the 1700’s, others dressed in the strangest outfits she had ever seen (the future, she assumed later). She couldn’t hear them, but many walked through her and others, making her ready to throw up by the time she arrived at the school. She tried to hide it, but there was no way to ignore the fact that she starting screaming about the bombs during second period.

She was sent home after that, with a very worried family. Doctors assumed it was only stress, gave her some sleeping medicine, and told her to stay home for a few weeks. Eventually, the hallucinations faded, and for the most part, she could ignore the occasional people no one else could see. However, by the time the school contacted her, she was ready to never see New York again. She has improved since she realized what she was experiencing, and can finally enjoy the city again on her vacations, though never for too long.

Up for Love?
Yes, straight.

Theme Song:
Fireflies – Owl City
Last edited by Eliza:) on Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.
-Ernest Hemingway

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Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:19 am
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Pencil2paper says...

b]Name:[/b] (first and last) Evelyn Adams
Age: (between 11 and 19 for students, and 25-ancient for teachers & Baddies) 17
Gender: Female
What are you? (Teacher, student or baddie? If you're a student, please specify which carpool you're with) Student in professor Kaya's carpool

Appearance: (Written is mandatory, a photo is completely optional) Evelyn has short black hair in a pixie cut. She has a very pale complexion. She has big blue eyes, but they are unfocused because she is blind. She is 5'4" and has a very slight frame. She usually wears beat-up slip-on loafers, loose jeans and t-shirts with snarky sayings on them (ex. If you're happy and you know it clap your.. oh. with a picture of a t-rex).

Personality: (Likes, dislikes, personality strengths and weaknesses, what makes you tick? Please be as detailed as you can, here)

Likes: Aternative, punk and classic rock music, listening to audiobooks, everything carb-related, people who are generally nice, playing the piano, everything science-related, afghan food, italian food, debating.

Dislikes: People who treat her differently, mathmatics, milkshakes, country, rap and pop music, people who don't take responsibility for their actions.

Personality Strengths: Reliable, trustworthy, strong-willed, courageous, friendly, intelligent, determined.

Personality Weaknesses: Easily angered, stubborn to a fault.

Mutations/Skills: (Students and teachers all have mutations. Baddies do not. What is your mutation? How does it work? What are its strong points and short-comings? If you don't have a mutation, what are you good at?) Evelyn has the power of ecolocation that can extend to making a shock wave to knock people off their feet. It works by her manipulating her vocal cords, which are stronger than most, to bounce of of surrounding objects. She does the same when creating a sonic boom the same way but magnified. Whenever she makes a sonic boom, she loses her voice for a few hours.

Weaknesses: (For restating personality weaknesses, or adding in physical weaknesses. And yes, every character is going to have a weakness or two) She is completely blind. She is extremely stubborn. She is easily angered.

History: (If you're a student, where are you from? What corner of the world? What was your family life like before? You wouldn't have known about your mutation until puberty, and chances are that by then, you were scooped up by the school. How did that impact your life? What do you have to go back home to, if anything? If you're a teacher, how were you employed? Were you a former student? If you're a baddie, well, why do you do what you do?)

Evelyn is from the United States, specifically in Maryland. Her family was very rich and greedy. Her family was perfect until she came along, an unperfect child. Her parents secretly resented her, but they tried to hide it. They gave her all she ever wanted except for their love and acceptance. She is an only child. Being blind and rich caused her to be alienated by the other students at her old school and was picked on constantly. Needless to say, people got hurt. Because of all this, both her and her parents were glad to have go to the new school, Evelyn so she could fit in and her parents so that they can get back their 'perfect' image.

She has used her powers during fights at school, but she could say that she just knocked them to the ground because they are knocked unconsious afterward.

Other: (For anything that doesn't fit somewhere else, or for anything that I missed.) Nope.

Up for Love? (Yes, no? Stating your character's/s' orientation is optional) Yes, straight.

Theme Song: (This is totally optional, but come on, it'd be pretty fun.) Invincible by Muse
"Look out! He's got a daisy!"
- Making Money by Terry Pratchett

Chuck Norris- worshiping gnomes, undead pandas, pet chupacabras and undead Keanu Reeves-what could possibly go wrong?

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Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:56 am
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JabberHut says...

Name: Zane Mythos
Gender: M
What are you? Student in Professor Four’s carpool!

Appearance: (Written is mandatory, a photo is completely optional) Zane is about 5’7” in height, and is about average size. He’s got a full head of brown hair. He always seems to be smiling or laughing, and everyone knows about his dimples. There’s not much to say about his appearance since he’s a pretty typical teenage boy with brown hair. He’s not entirely muscular, but he’s well-fit due to all his fun and activity.

Personality: (Likes, dislikes, personality strengths and weaknesses, what makes you tick? Please be as detailed as you can, here) Zane’s a cocky little devil, full of energy and excitement. He wants to win and sees everything as a competition and opportunity to excel. He’s always aiming to be the strongest mutant around! With high confidence and an always game-play attitude, he’s typically seen as that crazy, witty clown kid in the front row seat.

Though Zane is strong and determined, his intelligence is not as grand. While he has a knack for science -- namely meteorology -- his academic studies are all over the place. He doesn’t know what the heck he’s doing with school things, but he does know he’s going to be the strongest mutant. So there.

That said, he isn’t a lady’s man? At least, he doesn’t try to be. It’s not his fault if people like him like that. He just wants to have fun and gets along with people that want to get along with him! He won’t pick a fight, but he’d never back down from a challenge. And if he’s confident, he’ll be the challenger -- he just won’t fight for revenge. He’ll fight for the challenge. (OOC: Ogod, is this an Ash Ketchum? I am so sorry.)

His interests include sports and fun. He’s an outside guy, doesn’t really do indoor games -- this is only because he’ll be the kid that jumps up on his feet, shouting at the game if it doesn't go his way (or even if it does). He’s always had an interest in sky-diving one day.

Mutations/Skills: (Students and teachers all have mutations. Baddies do not. What is your mutation? How does it work? What are its strong points and short-comings? If you don't have a mutation, what are you good at?) Weather! Though his specialty is storms -- lightning and wind, thunder and tornadoes. Mixing water into the madness is a little trickier, but he’s working on that. His sister tends to be incredibly helpful with rain and blizzards. When it comes to Zane, all things go boom.

This understanding of the weather does allow him to predict it easily, sensing when a storm is coming or if it’s about to blow away... or even if the sky’s about to fall! Though he can’t say he recognizes that feeling...

Weaknesses: Academically stupid, so his facts are just.. not there. He goes with his gut, so that can be good AND bad. He’s also hyperactive, doesn’t really ever calm the heck down, so stealth missions aren’t really his thing. at all. He’d be the one just storming in without warning while everyone else was sneaking around the corner without him.

And his power over the weather only really extends so far as thunderstorms -- thunder, lightning, wind, tornadoes even. Blizzards, frost, sleet, hail, and just simply rain? Nooot his strong suit. Water’s really awkward to manipulate. Seriously, it’s a force all to its own, but with heavy training, he could probably pull it off -- something about molecules or chemistry or something according to his sister. See his sister’s profile for more information on that front.

History: Zane is from a well-off family! He has two sisters, and one of them is his twin. The other one is much younger -- by five years -- named Harper (no, she doesn’t play the harp). He also has his two parents, and everyone is pretty happy and good. Just... life is good! His father is a pharmacist, mother now working part-time as data analyst.

It was in his seventh grade science class when things started looking fishy. Their unit on meteorology brought on all sorts of odd things. 1) He’s smart at something? What? 2) How come his prediction became reality when he said teasingly, “Just watch! A storm will just fly in and knock the power out, and our math test will be pushed to Monday!” 3) … He shocks people a lot.

By the summer time, the school received two letters each addressed to himself and his sister. His parents were both very unsure about sending them to a school they had never heard of (since they live in Connecticut) and so far away (since they... yeah), and it took a visit from the headmaster herself before they were finally convinced that this could be good for them academically.

Little did they know it was a mutant school!

Other: Nooone!

Up for Love? Yes!

Theme Song: (This is totally optional, but come on, it'd be pretty fun. Just make sure it's not explicit- no strong or constant cussing, and no explicit sexual themes)


Name: Penelope (Penny) Mythos
Age: 17
Gender: F
What are you? Student in 4th professor’s carpool!

Appearance: Penny is only 5’5” and incredibly fit after being on the swim team for so many years. She’s also very cheerful and has a smile of dimples as well, but she has long, dirty-blonde hair about mid-back and sharp blue eyes like her brother’s. She seems very petite for her age.

Personality: While she seems more mellow than her brother, she truly isn’t. She just understands people better. Penny is very cheerful and kind, always eager to meet new people and get along with everyone. She’s a social butterfly who just wants to have fun.

She’s also a very determined young woman, wanting to do her best and win. She can be a sore loser, though. Not in the cranky, whiny way. She’ll be disappointed in herself, incredibly upset that she didn’t do as well as she could have, and will more often than not over-practice the next week or two until it’s out of her system. Rarely will she go through a depressive streak.

Intelligence is something she’s got over her brother -- well, not straight A’s, so to speak. She does have more interest in doing well in school. Perhaps this branches from school requirement for doing extra-curricular activities, but she’ll be sure to pass her classes appropriately. She’s just not genius, and she’s very focused/interested in marine biology and such.

Penny’s always happy, though! Just like her brother, she’s enthusiastic and wants to have fun. She does love to swim. She’s much more well-behaved than her brother, and can stand being indoors way better, but she’s still the outdoorsy-type anyway. Sports are still a fun thing to do!

Mutations/Skills: Water! She’s all about water, whether it be rivers or fountains. While she cannot perform hurricanes without her brother’s help, she can still perform rain. After all, clouds are merely water vapor! Whirpools are also a thing if it comes down to it, and she can swim abnormally fast while also holding her breath incredibly long. One day, she may be able to control the water in one’s body makeup!

Weaknesses: (For restating personality weaknesses, or adding in physical weaknesses. And yes, every character is going to have a weakness or two) She’s a sore loser for reasons already stated with results already stated. She may overthink situations, too, never going with her instincts. Her powers go so far as to deal with water and water alone. Temperature change and winds cannot happen without her brother (though don’t get air currents mixed up with water currents).

History: Penny has a twin brother, Zane, who is constantly an obnoxious brother to her, yet she can’t see a life without him either. She used to be pretty close to her younger sister Harper, though Harper used to look up to her as a younger girl. Now, they’ve grown apart since Penny and Zane moved to boarding school. It was a hard time for Penny, let alone Harper. It hurts Penny to think that Harper’s grown cold and distant as she did.

Penny wasn’t entirely sure she had mutant powers at all -- even when she was finally told it was a mutant school she was being sent off to. Things seemed very normal to her. She was on the swim team, she was a good swimmer... so what? She was an incredibly valued team member, she planned to join the olympics.... Life was good! In fact, she didn’t want to go originally.

She was glad she did, in the end. Now that she realizes her gift and she’s met new friends, she wouldn’t want it any other way. She has new goals now, a new purpose to live for. Her brother was gung-ho from the start, and that encouraged her as well. Besides, she wouldn’t dare want other people to suffer his existence alone. Zane needs a babysitter.

Other: Nope!

Up for Love? Yes!

Theme Song: (This is totally optional, but come on, it'd be pretty fun. Just make sure it's not explicit- no strong or constant cussing, and no explicit sexual themes)
I make my own policies.

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Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:05 pm
thestorygirl says...

Reserving female for Harris's carpools.
Nella vita vi è la distruzione, desolazione nella morte, ma c'è speranza nella rivoluzione.

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Sat Mar 09, 2013 2:29 pm
mortimermcmirestinks says...

May I join? I'll have the profile up soon. I think there's one remaining student slot, right?
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Sat Mar 09, 2013 4:45 pm
Rosendorn says...

This SB is kinda on hold until Isha comes back. Sorry. ^^;; You can post a profile, but we won't start right away, even when we're full.
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Sat Mar 09, 2013 4:56 pm
mortimermcmirestinks says...

Rosey Unicorn wrote:This SB is kinda on hold until Isha comes back. Sorry. ^^;; You can post a profile, but we won't start right away, even when we're full.

Roughly when is Isha coming back? More like weeks or more like months?
Normal is boring. My deviantART acount isn't!

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Sat Mar 09, 2013 5:57 pm
Demora says...

Name: Laila Voyd
What are you? Student, Prof. Kaya's Carpool

Appearance:Laila has pixie cut black hair with bangs that fall halfway over her unnatural ever changing eyes. She is extremely pale which gives her a kind of goth look at times considering that she likes to wear jeans with rips and tears in them and t-shirts with unusual drawings on them plus fingerless gloves along with a black worn down jacket that looks like it should've been trashed long ago. She also wears a pendant around her neck that she fiddles with most the time it is a sapphire gem encased in a thin gold cage, the necklace was her mother's like the jacket had been her father's. The gem appears to pulse at times like a heart beat, but it disappears when you try to look closely at it.

Personality: She enjoys "mythology" as she puts it though she tries to see if they could be real or not since she knows mutants are real as well who knows. She hates to linger on the past she always says that it'll only hold her back from her true potential. She is quite a mellow person when it comes to terrifying situations probably because she's been through worse before, but her weak spot in her self is that she isn't willing to stand up to anyone when they give her smack talk, but when you start talking about her before like in the past then she'll kick you 6ft. down.

Mutations/Skills: Laila can shapeshift everything about her, but it's not restrained to just human shape shifting. Sadly but luckily for her she can do almost anything to herself at least anything she can think of or seen. But the catch is she can't keep a clamp on it so something on her has to be constantly changing or she will entirely change against her will. But that's the power she lets them believe she has in truth she has the ability to power shift which is where if she touches you she could duplicate your powers and switch between them any way she likes but like her shape shifting she doesn't have a very good hold on the shifting of the powers either, so she tries to keep it on shapeshifter, but not to long before fainting.

Weaknesses: Her soul weakness is that her powers are so out of control that she can't keep one to long or else she'll faint before anyone. And when people start asking her questions about her past life she just gets enraged and snaps at them.

History: Laila was from France but moved to the U. S. while running form something she won't tell anyone what though the head prof. knows her past and tries to coax it out of her to just talk about it a little. Her past is that when she first gained her powers she lost her parents at the cost of discovering them, see she had gotten into a heated argument with them and everyone was screaming and holding fists up...then they were dead covered in blood, their own blood. She was covered in it too, so horrified by what she thinks she had just done she fled and who ever she got to close to she was reminded of her parents and when they asked that terrible rage would come back, and in the morning she finds them dead on the floor covered in blood again and so was she till she was to the point of breaking that was when the Prof. had found her, coated in another loved ones blood and about ready to end herself before she hurt anyone else for she didn't know what was happening to her. And the Prof. was able to sooth and comfort her, but she didn't cry, she was never happy again, and so she always hid the past and kept it locked deep in the dark corners of her mind. Never allowing feelings for anyone or else she fears she might hurt them as well.

Other: she has a slight french accent to her voice though she will hardly talk to anyone.

Up for Love?:Yes and she's straight

Theme Song:Courtesy Call- Thousand Foot Krutch
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Sat Mar 09, 2013 6:13 pm
mortimermcmirestinks says...

Name: Mortimer Q. Simpson (goes by Mort)

Age: Almost 16 (born on June 12th, 1997)

Gender: Male

What are you? Student, Prof Kaya's carpool

Appearance: Mortimer has always been very short; in elementary school (because children have much less imagination than you would think) he was called “Short Mort” or “Morty the Shorty”. He’s about 4’9”, and so his parents are always saying things like “You just haven’t hit your growth spurt yet,” or “Don’t worry, honey, both of your older brothers and all four of your older sisters grew up to be tall, so you probably will, too.” He has short-ish brown hair and brown eyes on either side of his big nose, although his eyes are slightly distorted by the massive round red spectacles which he’s almost as blind as a mole without.

He usually wears shorts, nerdy t-shirts, his favourite checkered vest, and brown shoes.

Spoiler! :

Personality: He likes video games (which he is good at), computers (which he is good on), Rube Goldberg machines (which he is good at designing), the anime “Full-Steel Alchemy”, any book by Perry Thatchett, Galaxy Trek: DS8, trolling on the internet, trolling in the real world, humour, the base twelve system, nice music, and walking. He dislikes sports (which he is bad at), bikes (which he is bad on), painting (which he is bad at designing), distractions, any book about history or geology, acne (on himself, not on other people), almost all physical activity, over-seriousness, the decimal system, bad writing, and loud music.

He’s an introvert, which means that he gets his energy from recharging by himself and not from other people like an extrovert. If you don’t know him, you might not get to very easily, but if you’re his friend, he’ll talk your ear off for hours.
He has a fear of heights, a fear of drowning, and a fear of suffocation. He is very easily creeped out by movies or television, which is one reason why he is very selective in the former and doesn’t watch much of the latter. He doesn’t actually have arachnophobia, but if he’s startled by a spider, he might jump back and shriek, like any other civilized human being. Really big spiders don’t bother him as much, though, because his sister had a pet tarantula once and it was really awesome.

He is a Christian and he will get into a theological debate at the slightest inclination.

There are only three topics he will not debate on (for various reasons): global warming, creation vs. evolution, and gun control. Other than that, though, he will debate for hours on anything.

Mutations/Skills: He’s a technopath, meaning he has some control over electrical or mechanical things. He’s good at it—he can make a functioning computer out of a matchbox car with his mind—but one of the weaknesses is that he a) can’t work very well in very wet conditions, like under the ocean or a very intense storm, and b) he can only work with what is put before him: for example, he can make a functioning computer out of a 1”x3”x0.5” matchbox car, but the computer’s not going to be more than 1.5 cubic inches. Even besides his mutation, he’s a technological genius.

Weaknesses: He has a fear of heights, a fear of drowning, and a fear of suffocation. He is very easily creeped out by movies or television. Also, he never lies (bad memories, don’t ask), but he will shimmy around an uncomfortable question with sneaky non-answers. As mentioned, if he’s in a very heavy rain of underwater, his powers don’t work as well, and he can’t make technology without any parts.

He also can’t make tech with really raw materials very easily; he can’t make a metal/plastic/glass computer with a pile of metal, a pool of plastic oils, and sand. He also can’t get infinitesimally detailed: he can only do with his mind what he could have eventually done with his tools, only much more quickly. The more detailed and intricate the work, the more exhausted and dazed it leaves him; if it’s a pair of pliers, he’s like “Okay, sure, whatever,” but if he’s making a supercomputer out of a matchbox car, he might need to lie down and catch his breath for a few hours. He’s also allergic to dandelions and repeated stabbing.

Obviously, he doesn't work very well with either Penny Mythos or Gaia Sanchez.

History: Mort is the youngest of three boys and four girls. From oldest to youngest: Susan (34), Jonathan (32), Ezekiel (29), Rosa (26), Mandy (25), Abby (18), and Mortimer. He was born and raised in Canada (he has never seen a wild moose, never been in an igloo, and never been to Niagara Falls, so don’t ask him if he has). Because his next youngest sibling is nine years older, he’s only ever been very close to Abby. He went to a private school before his parents were sent an email (on a computer he and his brothers built) recruiting him to Alderson Academy. His parents thought he was being recruited because of his outstanding grades in math, science, and English, and that Alderson Academy was somehow overlooking his horrible grades in history, geology, and art class.

Mort was originally very apprehensive of the school, as he thought he was going to some sort of boarding school where they locked you up in a room with no windows and a mountain of history homework or something. He eventually got over it when he found out how awesome the school is. When Mort’s mutation started developing, he was kind of freaked out and couldn’t control them very well at first (don’t ask about the Talking Bass fire of ’11) but eventually got to the point he is now. Whenever there’s a school computer malfunction, he’s almost always either the solution or the problem. He has been ruling champion of Foosball for a little more than four months now.

Other: He’s not a ****ing brony! Stop asking him that!

Up for Love? I guess? I mean, it’s not like anyone would like him, but if someone comes along, you know. Straight as a very straight thing.

Theme Song: You Got to Eat your Vegetables from the Commander Keen series: this.
Last edited by mortimermcmirestinks on Mon Mar 11, 2013 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sat Mar 09, 2013 9:05 pm
Rosendorn says...

mortimermcmirestinks wrote:
Rosey Unicorn wrote:This SB is kinda on hold until Isha comes back. Sorry. ^^;; You can post a profile, but we won't start right away, even when we're full.

Roughly when is Isha coming back? More like weeks or more like months?

I don't actually know. She had been hoping weeks, but it's hard to say. Sometimes stuff just comes up that drags you away from YWS.
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Mon Mar 11, 2013 2:29 am
mortimermcmirestinks says...

I know it's not an ideal situation, but if she's not back by, say, a week and a half, could we start without her and let her catch up later?
Normal is boring. My deviantART acount isn't!

Sometimes wisdom came from strange places, even from giant teenaged goldfish.
— Rick Riordan, The Mark of Athena