
Young Writers Society

The Legend of the Mages (Started/Still Accepting)

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Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:21 am
Noelle says...

Name: Marcus Bortvin
Mage Name: Marshall. This name has always been Marcus's favorite so he decided to name himself that. It's also a shorter version of Fire Marshall, something Marcus named himself at a young age.
Element: Fire
Gender: male
Age: 19
Appearance: Marcus is average height for a 19 year old male. He stands at 6'5" and is build large as well. He has dark brown hair that is always curly. He is African American.
Personality: Marcus is one to make friends. He enjoys talking to people and sharing experiences/ideas/anything really. He also enjoys running. He's a really outgoing person and will talk to anyone.
History: Marcus ran away from home at the age of twelve. His parents did not treat him well and he did not feel welcome. He offered to take his eight year old sister Mattie with him, but she refused to come. Mattie was like a best friend to Marcus so he was devastated that she did not want to come with him.

He lived in the woods for five years until he decided to set out and find someone else who may be in his same situation. The first day that he headed out of the woods it was a cold night. He headed into a town and found a family sitting on the street. After inquiring about their situation, he learned that they were homeless and had no home. Feeling pity for them, he knelt down and made them a fire so they could warm themselves. He was then approached by Aquila Arcanum who was the Fire Sage. Aquila asked Marcus if he would be his apprentice and Marcus agreed.

Marcus has been training with Aquila for the past year and has been developing his fire abilities.
Rank: Apprentice
Object For Magic: Wooden stick. Although it may not sound dangerous, Marcus can engulf it in flames and use it to attack. It's easy for him to use and it does not burn up when set on fire.
Secondary Weapon: n/a
Guardian Animal: Ramand the tiger. Marcus found him by a river on his journey across the country and tamed it. Now they are inseparable.
Up For Love?: Yay. Straight.
Theme Tune: "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash
Other: n/a
Noelle is the name, reviewing and writing cliffhangers is the game.

Writer of fantasy, action/adventure, and magic. Huzzah!

* * *

"I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done." -- Steven Wright

YWS is life

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Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:19 pm
Eru says...

Name: Lycora Runiswick

Mage Name: Usually goes by Scarlet. Sometimes calls self Petra on a whim

Gender: female

Age: 18

Appearance: reddish hair (hence the names), gray eyes, usually wears sunglasses to avoid staring people. wears a black string bracelet (as a reminder... of something). Gray T-shirt and black yoga pants. Always has a pair of high heels on... oh and a purse that seemingly holds almost everything, including a handful of spell-embedded items

Personality: hates being touched and will almost always go against the grain (you tell her to do something, and she'll probably find something different to do... but she accomplishes the task). Never listens to anyone's advice fully and will almost always go out of her way to stir up trouble. You mention anything about her family and she's gonna be ready to attack. She learns as she goes rather than actually sitting down and reading a book, which frustrates Zan to no end because lightning is just so destructive.She likes to pretend to not know anything, which probably saves her a number of times. She's got a soft spot for her friends and would probably join them in battle if the odds look bleak (oftentimes she even gets punished, but whatever) If she's ticked, there will be some dark clouds hovering around. Weak to earth.

Object: usually uses a chain whip, easy to hide in purse
Spoiler! :

Secondaries: Absoluetly hates swords and daggers, but is proficient with them. Uses when she knows she's screwed... sword is a hairpin when not in use

Animal: Lamina- copperhead that resides in Lycora's purse. Found when running away from home. They talk with each other a lot (not to mention argue...) Lamina usually refers to Lycora as "Petra" Lamina has been known to assist Lycora with magic.

Love: Nah

Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcAI8rlQiq4

Rank: apprentice

History: Lycora grew up in a busy city. Her parents have always wanted her to follow in their footsteps of being some great musician, but she would have none of it, especially since she's always being compared with her brother. It wasn't until she was around seven when her parents realized that she could use magic (she was happy that she couldn't become a musician, her parents? not so much) Ever since then, she was put in school where she wasn't a great student (she wanted to do stuff rather than read stuff, and since she didn't read the stuff, she wasn't allowed to do anything). The only thing of use that she learned from there was hand to hand combat. (she prefers kicking over punching. Hence the high heels) She usually ended up coming home upset because everyone made fun of her ("Aren't you supposed to be home playing your violin? What about your flute? hahaha, your parents are at wits end!" They also made fun of her because she sarted late), and her parents didn't help that much either ("If only you were regular, like your brother..."). She ran away from home at around 14 because they didn't want her after figuring out she could use magic. She absoluetly hates authority for doing nothing about it. Even now, she will literally get out of her way to spite them, and that includes all the sages...She's always been a rebel at heart and it landed her in a lot of difficult places (including being demoted). Since she did get to a new town, she's had to "relearn" some things. She doesn't let on that she remembers the stuff, but enjoys watching other people practice magic, and writes down anything of any interest.
In the past, it was Carmine that always made sure she stayed in line (he also taught her how to spar), but since he's not here anymore, things have gotten worse. The chain whip is something that she got from school. The sword is something she took from home before running away (she broke the lock to the attic to see if she could find anything of use before running away because she knew that a chain whip wasn't going to cut it. Her parents probably never even knew there was a weapon in the house.)

Other: has really bad handwriting, prefers to write everything rather than type because of it. doesn't care if her notebook gets stolen because it's nearly impossible to decipher. Has a decent way with body language (ever wonder how she gets away with some things?) Notebook has a lot of cheat cheats for lightning magic

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Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:24 pm
KingLucifer says...

Spoiler! :
We are starting!


I spin Silver Fang in my hand as the apprentices circled me, the tension in the air was great, I was used to it. Teamwork Combat training was about to begin as the sages watched from on the high balconey's, Rose and Twilight were at my hips, Silver Fang in my hand. I breath as the skies were gray and cloudy, I soon remember everything from my past the day me and Jack had outflown Valastro, soon my lips curled upwards as I remembered Jack's cleverness in where he hid the contract of San Ardia. But I remember he left to traval the world, never did tell me when he would be back. Then there was Alice, such a smart young girl, and yet she seeks the contract that would destroy the world if Valastro were to ever get the contract. But reality brought me back to present day.

"Begin!" I shout.

And they all came at me at once the first I saw was Marcus who took the inituative and shot fireballs at me, I blocked slashing at them as they came at me. Next was Jason who was smart to attack from behind, I felt a rush of wind hit me and I'm blasted forward to Marcus as he readied his fireball. I see Rory off in the distance at the corner of my eye readying his pistols, I get smart and use the winds to my advantage leaning forward and start running with the burst of speed thanks to the wind. I leap just as Marcus throws his fireball only to have it blasted back at him by the wind, I hear Rory's pistols go off as he shoots at me. The shots just barely missing me by an inch, I'm about to land when I see Lycora, I curse to myself as she readies that chain whip waiting for the perfect timing. I sheath Silver fang and take out Rose and Twilight abd begin shooting at her feet, she panicks and losses balaence falling on her rear end.

"Sloppy, very sloppy." I comment.

That's when it happens, I was distracted for a split second and I pay for it by suddenly getting hit with a blunt rock that rose out of the ground and hits me throwing me off and sending me to the ground. I hadn't been expecting it, all I could think was Alice had gone with a surprise attack, but why? I was proven wrong as I look up and see a strong male figure walking out of the shadows, three rocks floated in his hand. And I couldn't believe who it was. Jack, was back.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:07 pm
summergrl13 says...


I watched from the balcony as Zan helped with training. The apprentices were getting better, I had to admit. A part of me wishe that I could join them, but I knew I shouldn't.

"Begin!" she shouted.

Most if them hesitated, waiting to see what Zan and the others would do, but Marcus immediately throws fireballs at her. His initiative was good, if a little rash, but he seemed a little careless. Zan blocked them easily. Jason attempted to attack from behind, a good strategy. She flew forward from the gust, nearly into Marcus's next fireball, but she uses the wind to run and avoid it. Rory began firing at her, narrowly missing her each time. When Lycora pulled back her whip to strike, Zan used her pistols to shoot at Lycora's feet, causing her to fall backwards.

"Sloppy, very sloppy."

I was positively itching to get in the ring and I show them how a real sage fights, but I held myself back. I watched as Zan was suddenly hit with a large rock. Confused, I looked to see Jack step forward towards her. Jack, who had mysteriously left to who-knows-where for who-knows-why. Murmurs and titters came from the other sages, but I just stared in disbelief. No one had counted on him coming back, at least not yet. Too anxious to use the long, winding staircase leading into the arena, I quickly formed my own ice slide down to the ring. Gracefully gliding down, I watched as the apprentices began to cluster around him and Zan.

"Let him breathe," I said calmly when I reached the bottom. The apprentices looked at me and took a few steps back.

"Jack... What are you doing here?" Zan stammered out. "We didn't expect-"

"I know," he sighed. His drawl was familiar and comforting. "I didn't plan to be back this soon either, but here I am!"

His eyes flickered to all of us one at a time, a bitter smile on his lips. The silence lasted uncomfortably for a few seconds before I spoke.

"We're glad to have you back, Jack," I smiled.

He laughed, also bitterly. "Glad to be back."

Something wasn't right, but I knew it wasn't my place to pry. The silence hung in the air again, no one knowing what to do or say. It was Zan the broke it this time.

"So Jack, what were you doing for all this time?"
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Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:12 pm
Redfang18 says...


I was dressed in dark brown, still in my classic cowboy-like suit. The second the stones touched my palm, I smiled. "Figured ya'd miss me, Zan. I had ta take care o' some ol' business in Africa. A rather private matter from a wise medicine man." I looked at her apprentices. "Ya'll better watch yerselves while I'm 'round these parts. Only heaven knows what I might be doin' just ta git myself outta boredom."
One of them said, "He talks funny. Can anybody understand a word he says?"
I unwound my whip. "Don't make me use this. I'm not at all 'fraid ta use it." I raised my brow, looking for someone to challenge me.
Nobody challenged me.
I wound up my whip and set it back on my hip. "I didn't think so." I went to Zan. "I didn't leave Africa without taking a little gift." I opened my palm and made an orchid grow from the seed I had. I gave her the orchid. "Don't think I'll be leavin' anytime soon. Midnight's had 'bout enough travelin', so I'll be 'round 'til time tells me ta go. I can promise ya that." I wasn't a mind-reader, but I had the guts to give Zan a gift from my travels. It was the least I could do to thank her for putting me back into my senses. What she didn't know was that I had feelings for her and wanted to do what I could to win her heart while I still have the chance.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:25 pm
Eru says...


... so close too... maybe you should've used your sword instead of that chain whip. It's easier to block those bullets with a sword anyways.

Lamina! Shut up! I shook my head. Now wasn't the time to complain about that, or argue with Lamina for that matter. My arms crossed almost immediately after I saw who the intruder was. I took a few steps back from the crowd. What else do you want?

Well, first thing is that you forgot to feed me... I sighed I'll be back in your purse by the time you get back to your room, and secondly, did you notice how Zan's and Jack's faces turned pink?

I gave a small giggle Of course I did!

Either way, you better watch yourself, I don't like the aura coming from Jack.

Got it. I pushed myself back into the group, hoping nobody missed me.

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Sat Oct 06, 2012 12:41 pm
Caesar says...


San Aradia spread out before Alice, illuminated by the dying sunset. The city was a loud, smelly, bustling hive of activity. She'd never been there, but they said it was the center of a wide-spread range of banditry and crime. There was a new sheriff in town, a certain Jack Pheral, but that meant little.

What did interest Alice, however, was the fact the headquarter for the Order of Magic was in the city. She had actually met the leader, Alexandria Dzierzega, years back, before she was aware of her rank. She looked forward to meeting the woman again. And this time... she was not so weak. She would go to this Order, Alice decided.

She felt Scylla tighten protectively around her chest. Alice stroked the phase's neck. Scylla hissed in pleasure, tongue flicking just next to the girl's ear.

Alice spurred her horse onward, down the hill where she had halted to get her first glimpse of the fabled San Aradia. Her umbrella rested across her shoulder, shielding her skin against the blistering heat and concealing her face in a pool of shadow.

As Alice trotted into San Aradia, she felt more than a few curious gazes on her. Amid jaded cowboys and other shady-looking people in worn leather, Alice was as out of place as, well... a noblewoman in San Aradia.

She soon found a relatively more respectable tavern, the Roulette, and decided she would rest here.

She dismounted next to the entrance, murmuring a word into her stallion's ear. He would not leave Alice, that she knew. It feared her too much for disobedience.

Clutching her umbrella to her, Alice walked in, determined not to show nervousness.

The tavern wasn't full, but crowded enough for her tastes. People sat drinking or gambling, often both. Voices would be raised, and she saw a few hands dart to their weapons when a particularly heated dispute arose.

"A room for a few nights," said Alice, primly, walking up to the counter. "And a pint of your finest beer."

"Aren'tcha a little young fer beer?" asked the man, still polishing glasses.

"I happen to be sixteen," Alice retorted, coldly. "What I do is none of your concern."

He raised an eyebrow at that, but merely said "that'll be three gold pieces."

Alice drew out a pouch and handed over three gold pieces. The tavernkeeper took the coins and handed her a glass of beer.

Alice drank. It was too sour for her tastes, not like the wine she had drank at her family's estate. After draining half a glass, she asked to be brought to her room. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a wild-looking, dark-skinned woman chatting with a few men. She smelled of magic, earth magic. Perhaps tomorrow she would indulge in a bit of research over this mysterious, exotic woman.

Alice's room was small, but she had to admit she'd slept in worse. The bedsheets were clean, and the room was cool from the breeze let in by the window. Moonlight illuminated a small table, where a flower was planted. Alice liked that touch.

Deciding she was too tired for dinner, Alice undressed and crawled under the bedsheets. Scylla curled around her dress, in her usual place.

The night passed without incident.
vulgus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur

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Sat Oct 06, 2012 1:56 pm
megsug says...

Mira Idenkal

I did not go to the Teamwork Combat training. I don't like seeing apprentices, some years younger than I, use magic. It no longer angered me, but a sick feeling of green envy slid through my stomach every time I attended one of the training sessions. I would still be a field mage if it weren't for my mentor.

So, instead, I sauntered into the tavern, looking to con some poor fools out of a little coin. At that point, it was more for the fun of it than anything else. I allowed my hips to sway, jingling the disks at my waist, and my arms to swing freely, gracefully making my bangles clink together. Winking at the owner of the place, I paused to assess my prey.

The man behind the counter pointed to a rowdy group in the corner. "They're about the stupidest bunch I ever had walk into this place."

I laughed, smiling as heads turned. "I need a bit of a challenge," I murmured.

After he found me out, the owner and I have an understanding. I'll con some men every few weeks, and he takes half of my profits for a room to sleep in if I find it necessary to do so. It works out fairly well.

He rolled his eyes and nodded at another less boisterous group. "I seen them once or twice before. They got some sharp eyes, but they'll fall for the ladies."

I grinned and put my fingers to my temples playfully. "The spirits are with you today, my friend. You will make lots of money."

He glared at me. "I certainly hope so."

So I toyed with the men, reading palms, revealing a deck of tarot cards, acting as though I had had a flash of premonition by merely looking at one's face. I made my accent more prominent for effect.

It always spreads. The moderate crowd gathered around except for some loners, and after hours of fun, I begged fatigue, slipping the many coins into a purse before ordering ale, though I can barely stand the taste. I flirted with some men around me, using my exotic looks to my advantage, and glanced up when the door opened.

As one who always looks different, the girl who entered was in the wrong place. For one, she was a girl, no more than a teenager. For two, she was dressed in the strangest attire I had ever seen since I had come to this place. I had finally become used to 'Western' attire, but this was different and, indeed, strange. I returned my attention to my toys as she went about the process of ordering whatever it is that she wanted.

I soon grew tired of the drawl oozing from my companions' mouths and stood. "My friends, may the fates someday bring us back together." I gave them a brilliant smile and danced through the crowd to reach the stairs, waving at the owner. I went into my designated room and took in the meager but comfortable accommodations with one quick sweep. As it was late, I promptly fell asleep.

~ ~ ~

I woke early. It is a trait from my childhood I have yet to shake. I made my way downstairs and left half of my profit on the counter for the owner to pick up when he awoke, leaving the tavern.

I smiled at a stag waiting for me proudly and greeted him happily, "Brother! Have you returned from foraging?"

He snorted and pawed the ground in reply.

"Well, I am certainly glad to have you within my company again."

I turned to return to the place where magic is heavy in the air, waiting to be taken and used. I did so with a slight sigh and was willingly distracted by a magnificent beast. Since discovering the West, I had discovered a distinct fear and love for a horse. The power and spirited tendencies in many made the memory of the cranky but obedient mules my family had used pale in comparison. "Hello, beautiful," I murmured softly, approaching with open hands.

I stopped when the odd girl of yesterday evening slipped out the door and frowned severely at me.

Slowly, I put my hands down, not wishing any hostility between us before we knew each others names. That's considered evil in the spirit world. "You have a lovely horse," I said simply.

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Sat Oct 06, 2012 2:26 pm
Caesar says...


Alice stretched, waking up at the crack of dawn, as she was wont to do. She rubbed her eyes... she really needed a bath. Unfortunately, the inn wasn't equipped with such a building. Alice wondered if San Aradia had springs or a public bathouse. The latter had surprised her, but they were quite common edifices in the lands of the Assyr.

Breakfast was secondary. The more Alice progressed in Shadow Magic, the less she had to eat 'regular' food. Her, ah, odd diet was something she'd grown used to over time.

She had multiple dresses with her, all similar in color, though radically different in style and cut. Today was an important day though -- Alice would visit the Order of Magic today. She decided she would wear the dress she had left home with: the black-and-white checkered one, with the flowers and tights. Scylla liked that dress, she could hide in it especially well.

Umbrella at her side, she walked out, yawning. Nobody was around yet, not even the tavernkeeper. She did spot a few servants around though, cleaning up last night's mess. She smiled politely.

The stables were out back, behind the inn. Upon finding her stallion, she received a surprise: the same mysterious woman from last night was there.

She turned, and saw Alice. Alice frowned darkly. She didn't like the idea of a stranger near her horse, San Aradia wasn't the safest of places.

Instead, the woman put her hands down, and said: "You have a lovely horse."

Alice flushed. "Oh, er, um, thanks. I don't know your name...?"

"I am called Mira Idenkal," said the woman, gracefully.

"Nice to meet you... I'm Alice Brightheart," she replied. "Your stag -- I assume its yours -- is also quite lovely." She cursed herself. That was awkward.

Mira only smiled enigmatically. "Thank you."

"I'm sorry if this seems abrupt," Alice began, "but you're a Mage, right?"

"Why yes, indeed I am," Mira answered, somewhat surprised. "The element of earth is mine to control."

Alice's eyes lit up. "I happen to be an Earth Mage myself, although I'm not too talented. I was self taught, you see."

"Fate is benevolent, young child," said Mira. "The Order of Magic is right here, in this city."

"That happens to be exactly where I was going, actually. Would you lead me?"

"It would be a pleasure."

*** ***

The two must have made quite an odd couple, in the streets. Alice on her stallion, stiff and nervous, Mira lounging on her stag.

As they grew closer to the Order though, the houses seemed to become gradually finer, and the people more eccentric. Alice assumed the influence of the Mages rubbed off on the ordinary populace.

Soon, they could see the building. It was the largest by far, cream-colored, with impressive fluted columns and an intricately carved facade. The doors were open and seemingly unguarded, but Alice knew that was only a deception. The aura of magic was strong.

She took a deep breath, and glanced at Mira, as if to ask what she should do next.

Spoiler! :
MM, remember, I'd still like to be the one who introduces Alice to Zan.
vulgus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur

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Sat Oct 06, 2012 3:00 pm
Redfang18 says...


I left Zan to her apprentices and mounted Midnight, scouting the city for any sign of trouble. Being the reborn city's town sheriff made me know how my father felt when he was the law of the town. Four times he sent me behind bars and in those times, I was demoted from Field to Apprentice rank. It never took a genius to know that it killed my father from the inside to put his sole offspring behind bars. I went to the local cemetary and dismounted Midnight. It didn't take me long to find the graves of my parents. I knelt before my father's grave. Passersby would wonder why I would be hanging around the grave of Sheriff Adam Pheral, but only Zan knew why. Sheriff Adam was my father and mentor in the art of Earth magic before he signed the Contract of San Aradia.
With a sign, I took my hat off and set it on the ground. "If only ya'd seen me grow up, Pa. I know I've been a disappointment as a student and a real rotten apple as yer son, but did it really have to be after ya'd signed that accursed contract to make ya realize I was only bein' what I was in our ol' days?" I made a rose grow and set it down on the grave. "Ya and Ma always loved roses, just I did my panther. She was the best thing next ta Zan that happened ta me. Ya saw that look on my face when I saw 'er in a cage. She was a just a cub that day, so far from home. Ya knew I was gunna git whipped by Ma about gittin' Rose outta 'er cage, but I had ta take that risk. Since the day I freed 'er, Rose just couldn't leave me alone. She was a best pal and a loyal companion." I put my hat back on. "I'll always miss ya, Pa. It really saddens me that ya left when my training wasn't done."
Midnight neighed for my attention.
I got back on my feet. "All right, Midnight. I'm comin'." I mounted her and rode off to the city, keeping a sharp eye out for anything. I made sure I had my whip with me, just in case I wanted to cause a little scare. Not that I needed to at the moment anyway.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Sun Oct 07, 2012 6:07 am
hamandcheeseisation says...


A town loomed in the distance - I knew it to be San Aradia. From my travels, I had heard of this town, and finally, after that last conquest, decided that I should finally settle down here. Also, from my travels, I have heard the women to be old and wrinkled - not to be messed with.
But suppose there were other travellers here, younger, maybe even one who was willing to settle down with me...Faerah distracted me from my thoughts by settling his feathery self upon my right shoulder, nipping on my ear. I grimaced.
"Faerah, you know I love you, but I really don't need to lose an ear as well as an eye."
He screeched right next to my ear, and I was sure I couldn't hear anything for the next few hours or so.
I kept on walking, though.
As soon as I got closer to the city, I noticed a faint galloping, and something started blowing dust into my good eye. I turned to my right - best to be prepared. Suddenly, I could do nothing but stagger back - a beautiful ebony stallion was right in my face - and its owner was staring me down with a whip in hand.
"Can't ya watch where ya'r goin'?"
His accent was thick, hard to understand. But he needed to understand something.
"Good day, sir. I was walking that way." I pointed, and then demonstrated, walking on the spot. I turned back to him, and, pursing my lips, I waited for a reaction.
"Couldn't ya have heard me?"
I raised my eyebrow at Faerah. "Couldn't you have screamed into my other ear?" Faerah screeched again for good measure, I suppose, and I heard the man grumble.
"Ahm sorry for that."
"No misunderstandings, no problems. Good day, sir." I shook my head, and continued on to the city.

*** ***

It was a rather eccentric town, I supposed. I could probably get myself some good lodging and hot meals for a cheap price, but something felt different about this place. The aura of magic was strong, here, strong enough for me to feel where it was coming from. And so I walked in that direction, with Faerah occasionally screeching his displeasure at being stared at so much.
Eventually, I found myself at a building which was much larger than the rest. It was a creamy colour, reminding me of my room back at home. Extensive and ornate, it drew me in with such strong magic, and yet the aura pushed me out.
I was unsure. Was this building restricted? Did I need to pay something, or do something, to enter?
I held my rapier out, and thrust it against the air, watching it ignite, and the flames leap about it.

Spoiler! :
If possible, I'd like to introduce my character to Alice. And, my character is a sage, so do what you want with him regarding having Marcus as an apprentice.
"We're best friends, right?"
"A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory. A far-off memory that's like a scattered dream. I want to line the pieces up--yours and mine."

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Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:48 am
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Nikita Night
I smiled watching Jack ride off on Midnight. His aura was off yes but him just showing up had eased all the Sage's minds mine included. I turned my attention back to the apprentice's as they started to try against Zan again. Jason was one of the few apprentice's I had trained that had a place in my heart he was a bit hyper true but he was a good kid through and through. I leaned on my elbows gnawing on my bottom lip my eyes on the training but my mind on Jack what had been off about him.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:34 pm
Noelle says...


I always hate Teamwork Combat training. Why do we have to train with each other anyway? Everyone has a different skill set so we should be training with our masters, or whatever you want to call them. We're apprentices who want to learn from the best in our "trade". We should each be training with them.

Even so, here we are, brought together to spawn with the White Mage. I look around me at the other apprentices and wonder how we can possibly beat the Mage. Each of us are strong in our own ways, but together we can be better. Good enough to beat the White Mage? Probably not. But it is worth a shot.

"Begin!" Zan shouts.

I race forward almost immediately, hoping to catch her off guard. Unfortunately she is anticipating this. When I throw a fireball her way, she slashes it down like it wasn't even there. I try to recover as others attack him. I throw another fireball her way only to have it rush back at me. Just in time, I duck and it flies over my head. I am drained. There is nothing left I can do so I plop a seat on the ground. I see a few others do this at well. We all watch as Lycora heads forward, ready to attack, but she is forced back as well.

Zan is shaking his head at us. "Sloppy, very sloppy." She comments. I simply shake my head and take a few calming breaths. I decide to head out and take a short walk to gather my thoughts.

I hear a small commotion behind me as I head out, but it doesn't sound desperate so I don't feel the need to return.

After walking for a few minutes I stop and stare out over San Aradia. Where is Aquila? I wish he would come back. I need him to help me train. My skills are not where I want them to be at this point.

I hope he returns soon.
Noelle is the name, reviewing and writing cliffhangers is the game.

Writer of fantasy, action/adventure, and magic. Huzzah!

* * *

"I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done." -- Steven Wright

YWS is life

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Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:22 pm
Eru says...


Zan's mood shifted after Jack left, "Come on guys, I don't think this is what your teachers expected... and Lycora," she turned to me, "I'd appreciate it if you actually stepped it up a little and helped them."

I sighed and folded up my chain whip before going to my purse. I slipped it in the small pocket on the inside. At the same time, Lamina pulled herself up onto my arm.

Ready? she flicked her tongue at me as a greeting before finally settling down on my bicep.

Somewhat. Did you get enough to eat? She blinked once. Yes. I pulled out my hairpin. Then let's do this. "Dispel." I muttered, drawing upon the reserves of both our magic. A small glow came from the jewel in the hairpin and it shifted into a double edged blade that was just around half my height.

"I don't remember seeing that blade before." I heard Zan say. Oh, crap. I totally forgot that I was supposed to keep the blade sealed away until later.

I shrugged, "I took it a while back when my interest in blades was peaking."

Zan give a slight frown, "So you lied to me back then."

"Yeah, you can say that," I kept my features blank, although the tension in the air made me uneasy.

Petra, she's not going to let you off easy

I know. I just really want to see if your theory is correct. Besides, even though I like the chain whip better, I swear there'd be no way to get to her with that thing.

You're talking about the one when I thought of how she has to keep her lightning and white magic in balance like yin and yang, right? I tilted my head slightly and she turned around to face the sword, You know, the negative thing you were talking about earlier might work especially since we know that she's immune to lightning and white magic. Negative... we've been experimenting with the blade at around 4 in the morning every day trying to draw out all the magic from it so it'll take energy from its surroundings. We figured out how to stabilize it a few days ago... just in time it seems.

Zan took out her guns, "Guys, you stay there," she shouted to the rest of the people and glared at me. "What am I supposed to do with you?" she hissed under her breath at me.

"Whatever you want." Lamina and I drew out as much energy as we dared from the sword. It's negative now so it'll absorb the bullets, but you have to hit her with the sword to see if my "balance" theory is true or not.

I'll be sure to do that

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Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:23 am
Xaxas96 says...

Spoiler! :
Not sure where to start since I'm apprenticed to Zan, so start me off somewhere? If not I'll get around to it.

Name: (First and last name, no exceptions) William “Will” Summerstone

Mage Name: (What you call yourself, as in a title or self-made nickname) Frozen Abyss or Frost

Element: (First come, first serve, so take your pick.) Water/Ice and White

Gender: (Keep it even, folks) Male

Age: (16 - 29, no younger than 16 and no older than 29) 17

Appearance: (Describe the best you can. Pics optional, anime acceptable) Unnatural white, long hair with grey eyes. Tall (6’ 2’’), lean, and fit. He’s precise with every move, trying his best to make every one count. He is normally seen wearing a bright colored blue shirt with a cloak that is silver. Around his neck he wears a crescent moon that has been on him ever since birth.

Personality: (Likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses - ya know the drill) Will tries to keep things serious, but sometimes can’t help but make a joke. He keeps thing calm and organized, but knows when and how to turn things hectic. Will might not be the wisest of the wise, but he’s clever and powerful. But he has a terrible weakness to Shadow and Lightning Magic, he is constantly forgetting things as well.

Object For Magic: (Mages of any rank need one of these for harnessing their magic, so go nuts.) He wears two iron fist weapons that he wears under his sleeves, the steel steams as his magic intensifies.

Secondary Weapon: He likes to be a little old fashion using double one-handed crossbows. He focuses his magic to form ice bolt one after another.

Guardian Animal(Every Mage has one, the animal is very loyal to it's master): An albino snake dedicates it’s self to Will constantly reminding him of stuff, and providing it’s magical service as need. Also it changes size to fit it’s surroundings.

Up For Love?: (Yay or nay and what orientation.) He can’t remember (sure why not)

Theme Tune(When the character comes around.)
Spoiler! :

Rank (Apprentice, Field, Knight, or Sage): Apprentice

History(Make it detailed): William was taken in by his uncle. He had no idea who his parents were, and as far as he was concerned they were dead. He never asked his uncle and his Uncle never told him. As Will became aware of his powers he hid them, training himself with any means. He created mobile animals out of ice, walked on water, and could breath underwater. His power increase as he aged, he was able to make platforms of ice in mid-air, and control water with a though. Once his power became uncontrollable causing an accident. He was testing his platforms seeing how high he could go, but he became reckless his platform shatter thirty feet of the ground. That’s all he remembers of that day, the next thing he knew was being bandaged up and not able to move. The fall had inflicted serious injures to his brain, he still had intent to become a Sage. So his Uncle arranged a Sage and a Weapon specialist. Will learn quickly from both, and soon he was a master himself. Then he and his Uncle took a vacations in mountains near. Once William was strolling through a large forest, he got lost and took refuge in a cave while the storm pasted. As night finally arrived, Will to cation of his surroundings. He knew it was very late he stood up and saw a pair of eyes starring at him. The eyes grew in size, then he noticed he was starring into the gaze of a giant snake. The snake wrapped around so fast he was almost crashed by it. He used ice for defense as a instinct, the air around Will froze. The snake was frozen around his body, he released it soon after he got out from between the coils. He needed a Guardian, and what better than a giant snake. The snake seemed well behaved after that, returning to it’s smaller form rapping around Will’s wrist. It lead him out of the forest, and from then on helped him within reason. After that William returned with his Uncle, his training completed he search for something new.

Other(Anything that needs to be shared?): None
This is our routine. Day and night, all we do is survive; it never lets up. He tells me how these streets were crowded with people just going about their lives.. must've been nice.~Ellie

Memories, left untranslated, can be disowned; memories untranslatable can become someone else’s story.
— YiYun Li