
Young Writers Society

The Sci-fi Nightclub

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Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:46 pm
NicholasStone says...

I had no time for this guy. I needed to take care of the guy with the tattoo. I wasn't sure how long he would be in the bar. But now I had a bigger fish to fry. This guy had blades on fingers, and blades could kill. Well, they could kill a long time ago. He doubted they could break through his shields. He placed his hand on his Magnum. He feinted pulling out the gun, but punched the guy with his left fist.
He stumbled slightly, the limp in his leg still there. He dared not to look at the place he used to call home. He could feel the heat from the fire, the fire that he himself had ignited. He blinked back tears, as he limped away.

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Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:51 pm
DarknecrosisX says...


I felt the emergency signal within my body, a red light flashing continuosly in the left of my visual depictor. I reached my plastic hand to the socket which charged my weapons, and stepped from my docking chamber. It was time for security to break up another brawl. I didn't enjoy hurting people, far from it; I was tortured with guilt when my emotional inhibitor within my brain broke. All those people I unconsiously killed, being a Cyberman wasn't optional, you were inslaved and turned into one.

The door from the security storeroom opened, and I marched into the roaring club, avoiding the shocked looks from those sober and those not so. Security in Club Errera was notorious for being rough, however these purportrators were lucky to have me and not Aqasix. The hydraulics from my legs hissed, and the echoes from the impact of my feet silenced the DJ's music. All eyes were on me. I noticed two helmeted men brawling by the left bar, and I brought myself to attention to gain theirs. "Under command of Xenokact Justinc, owner of Club Errera, New Reach, I order you two gentlemen to remove yourself from this club, before force is required".

The helmeted man, a human under the UNSC Spartan programme stopped, and it seemed the other man (who's species I could not identify) halted their brawl. A droid approached from behind me, mouthing to one of the men. With a slicing voice he informed me of the situation. "I'm sorry for your trouble sir, my friend and this gentlemen seemed to have had a disagreement. Under the current circumstanes my friend only wishes to speak with this fine gentlemen over here". He gestured at a man standing with a woman.

I turned to the Spartan. "Is there a problem sir?" my deep robotic voice reverberated. "My condolences to any acts of good nature that have beome unnoticed sir, however I must remind you that firstly, that this club does not permit violence, and also that your force has no right to arrest any guests without my masters permission. So says the 'Social Congregation Property Act of 5120'. If you wish to take this man or any others into custody, I would be honoured to escort you to my master. I appreciate your goodwill and well intending actions, but I must ask you to cease this violence and allow others to enjoy their stay. Thankyou". The Spartan nodded and the music came back on. I left the main club and returned to me docking station.
Laments of passion
Obstructed by fear.
Under guises of jovial chatter;
Incredulous hopes
Steadily feasting away-
Eating away at my heart.

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Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:55 pm
NicholasStone says...

I looked at the droid. Ugh, robots. Always sticking to the rules. Spartans were well known for bending them. I touched a forefinger to my visor, activating Charlie.
"I assure you," I said calmly to the droid. "I have the permits to do so. If you don't believe me, you can talk to my A.I., Charlie."
He stumbled slightly, the limp in his leg still there. He dared not to look at the place he used to call home. He could feel the heat from the fire, the fire that he himself had ignited. He blinked back tears, as he limped away.

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Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:15 pm
Crow29 says...


I stopped slashing at the Spartan. Neither of us had injured the other; rather, I seemed to have burned out, the Spartan being representetive of a punchbag, or perhaps my ex-wife back in the Core.
The cyberman made his point and departed. I was pleased with the outcome- no arrests meant that the tattooed man and I could have a civilised conversation. I wandered back over to his table- the fighting had taken us a good few metres across the room- and adressed the man and his wife.
"Apologies," I lied. Why should I apologise? It was the Spartan who had caused trouble. I continued regardless; "Silas. I would like a word,"
"Koron Gaelic," the tattooed man replied, "and this is Alice, my wife," The woman smiled politely, seemingly unperturbed by the earlier speights of violence which had disrupted her evening.
"What is it you need?" Koron seemed also to cordially ignore what had happened.
"I simply want to know who was in the fight you prevented, in case it's my men who need punishing," the hypocrasy did not pass completely over me.
Koron raised an eyebrow, clearly holding back similar thoughts. Instead, he simply said; "And that was worth disrupting my evening?"
"My apologies again," All this politeness was beginning to grind. Better, I thought, to leave as soon as he gave me the information I needed than to hang about.
"There was one man, but he's gone now. And other than the Spartan and those blue folk, I was the only one there," Koron's words fit the bill. Nothing to worry about but my own latent anger issues.
I sighed, thanked the couple and apologised again- this was becoming a nasty habit- and was turning away when Alice spoke for the first time; "Why don't you join us?"
I looked over to Project 98, who still waited patiently for me. It was almost like the oversized toaster could sense my fear, and I was certain he found pleasure in my social discomfort.
At the end of the day, when the sun is gone and the light is lost, the shadows will play.


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Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:36 pm
DarknecrosisX says...


The club was booming, and some modern dance music was echoing around the building; not my kind of music, but I could cope with it. I noticed a seductive wink from a girl on the top right wing as I made my way down to the bar. I noticed a Spartan unit, a familiar droid, a helmeted man and a man and his wife in a group in the corner. Odd crowd, but with a Spartan unit over there, I doubted that it was good-natured.

I noticed a very curvy figure over at the bar, ordering a drink. I watched humourously as she bent down to hide something in her boot, my eyes focusing on an entirely different part of her body. As she returned to her standing position, I quickly made my way to the absent stool next to her; I didn't want to get caught staring. I flashed her a smile and raised a hand to the Kaleesh bartender; it was amusing to see such a warlike species in such a dead-end place like this. "Pixicattio Bellower my fine gentlemen", I ordered "shaken, not stirred" I added, chuckling.

I looked to the right and saw her gazing at the trouble in the corner. I quickly turned left and checked myself in the mirror. My spiky, dark-blonde hair, stubble and casual black tuxedo looked good on me (although I am an awful narcisist). I turned back and saw my drink was ready. Paying the barman, I turned to the right again, looking straight into the woman's eyes. I lipped my lips and took a breath. "What's a pretty face doing in a place like this? Surely you should be in the VIP area or something?". She smiled. "So", I said " name's Mercury Narkise, yourself?"
Laments of passion
Obstructed by fear.
Under guises of jovial chatter;
Incredulous hopes
Steadily feasting away-
Eating away at my heart.

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Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:29 pm
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PixieStix says...


"Haha I'm Lola, nice to meet you Mercury." I said smiling shaking his hand. He kept staring at me. " nice tux by the way..." I said. Turning back to the bar. The bartender gave me the check and i started filling it out. I gave the check back to the bartender and I took out my gun and started loading it. I glanced at Mercury. He was focusing on his drink now. I could tell he was nervous. Why would he? I looked at the dancefloor. Everyone was dancing and having fun. I sighed, smiling.
All you need is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie-dust!

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Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:59 pm
Crow29 says...


The girl pushed the check back to me; I checked it over, then ran it through the register. That was how it worked here- money in, drinks out, no questions.
I gazed about, observing the night's crowd: dancers mostly, twisting their bodies to the beat of the music. I enjoy peoplewatching as a way to pass the time- there's always something worth seeing, and the shifts are long. So far the night had tallied to fights, with security as an added bonus to spice up my own evening and that of the patrons.
I heared a squeak. A little creature stood at the bar, mewling like a kitten. The transpad showed he was asking for a double brandy. I chuckled- it was his fifth so far.
I turned to pour for him when a voice pulled me back round, coarse as sandpaper; "Hey, you. Barkeep. How much in the register?"
I sighed. I must be threatened by at least one drunken fool every night.
"You cannot intimidate me," I replied, absently fingering one of my jutting canines.
"Maybe this will persuade you," The man pulled a pistol from inside his jacket, small and concealable. I almost laughed.
"Just try it," I replied, lifting an assault rifle from beneath the bar and pointing it at his head. The man seemed almost to bow before running off, no doubt in the direction of the toilets.
I sighed. It was, to use a cliche, all in a day's work. With another sigh, I continued to pour.
At the end of the day, when the sun is gone and the light is lost, the shadows will play.


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Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:20 pm
TyrantOfWar says...


I looked at my wife in shock at what she just said.

"Excuse us just for a minute," I said to Silas. I grabbed Alice's arm and pulled her gently with me. "Okay... what in Gods name do you think you're doing?" I whispered angrily to her, trying to keep my voice low enough so Silas couldn't hear.

"I'm being polite," Alice justified.

"Yeah but you didn't have to do it to a criminal," I went on, "Especially someone who attacked a Spartan, the GOOD GUYS, for Gods sake." I could see that Alice was beginning to look hurt. "I'm sorry," I said hugging Alice, "I think it's time we got out of here." Alice nodded and proceeded to go outside. I decided to quickly have a talk with Silas. I walked over to him. Silas turned to me with a bored expression on his face.

"I should thank you for keeping that Spartan off my back," I told him, "But then I take that back for starting that fight with the Spartan and ruining my wifes and my time." Silas just shrugged his shoulders and walked off. Goddamnit I hated pirates, I thought and went outside to leave.
I want to see you choke on your lies,
Swallow up your greed,
Suffer all alone in your misery.

My Life Story:
Lies Greed Misery

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Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:51 pm
PixieStix says...

I watched as the couple walked out. I sighed. I pulled My otherthe gun back out of my boot and loaded it as I put it back in. I started playing with my hair.
All you need is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie-dust!

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Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:40 pm
Crow29 says...


Koron left with his wife. Under my helmet, I sighed. I was sure the Spartan had done a lot of the fight starting, but even so, I had ruined their evening, and more importantly, my own. I made for the exit, pushing through the seething mass of mindless dancers. A woman seemed to take an interest in me, then bolted when she saw my mask. It was a symbol of oppression and fear in the outer cluster. I laughed to myself, beneath that helmet, and stalked past the bouncer and out of the door.
At the end of the day, when the sun is gone and the light is lost, the shadows will play.


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Sat Feb 11, 2012 5:35 pm
DarknecrosisX says...


Lola was amazing, but I couldn't prize my eyes from the droid in the corner. It was oddly familiar, the smug robotic grin, the cross dividing its face... and then it clicked in my mind. I quickly flicked my head back to Lola, she was playing with her hair. I'd spent a lot of time near women, this was an obvious hint. I chuckled, trying to hide the nervous tone in my voice. "It looks fun down there," I directed to the dancefloor with my head "feel like dancing?" I smiled.

"Excuse me sir? May I remind you of your drink?" the Kaleesh bartender interrupted, trying to keep his prescence low. Probably thinking he had scared us with the assault rifle charade. Not that it did, I'd handled a lot of guns in my time, and examined many more, but I digress.

"Stick it on my tab" I replied, "Mercury Narkise. Shall we?" I said, gazing at Lola.
Laments of passion
Obstructed by fear.
Under guises of jovial chatter;
Incredulous hopes
Steadily feasting away-
Eating away at my heart.

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Sat Feb 11, 2012 5:43 pm
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DarknecrosisX says...

Project 98

The spiky haired man at the bar kept looking at me, he was starting to freak me out. As much as I like to be admired, not by guys, and not by biological pieces of flesh either. I turned my attention to the familiar figure of Silas, who was now exiting the club. I couldn't help but feel sorry for myself, I was alone, again. I performed a SFD search, maybe I could find some compatible, social droids in this club. I have might even got lucky.
Laments of passion
Obstructed by fear.
Under guises of jovial chatter;
Incredulous hopes
Steadily feasting away-
Eating away at my heart.

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Sat Feb 11, 2012 5:52 pm
PixieStix says...

I smiled at him. "I'm horrible at dancing." I said laughing. "I could never dance even if I tried. But I wish I could." I rested my elbows on the bar as I asked the bartender- "Is It possible to open my tab back up?" I asked.
All you need is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie-dust!

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Sun Feb 12, 2012 3:24 am
VampireSenshi says...


After a good bit of wandering around the universe. We find ourselves observing Dr. J.A. Paradox walking into a nightclub.

The doors open with a nice loud SWOOSH! Paradox walks over to the bad and remarks to the bartender,

"Haha! You guys have swooshy doors! It has been a LONG time since I've been to a place with swooshy doors! In fact, it's been a while since I've been in a nightclub. You dance here correct?"

the bartender muttered something under it's breath.

"Bloody Awesome! I think i can have some fun here! It's been an eternity since the last time i 'boogeyed down', i think the last time i boogey down was in 1971 with Burt Reynolds! Oh that was a time!"

the bartender slid him a purple drink with a cocktail umbrella. Paradox takes a sip.

"Oohh, is this Ubala? I love Ubala! I don't remember when it was invented though. Egh, it doesn't make any difference to me. Bloody Great Drink!!"

Paradox turns to see a nice young lady with a gun in her boot. She was having a conservation with a dapper young man in a tuxedo that Paradox remembered meeting, at this bar in fact! He didn't remember the conversation being a bad one, so he decided to slide in.

"Hello! J.A. Paradox, just popped in for a drink and a good time! Mind if I join in?"

NIGHT is always watching...

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Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:32 am
PixieStix says...

I got off the stool,scared. I look at the guy like hes crazy and take the stool at the ar end of the bar. I've never seen a guy with that much emotion.
All you need is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie-dust!

The man who never makes a mistake always takes orders from one who does.
— Anonymous