
Young Writers Society

The Exodus of the Insane (Started, Accepting By PM)

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Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:17 pm
LostMagi42 says...

OK. You can all start now, as I have to go. Anyone can still join, but they have to PM me. Dreamwalker, post your character ASAP.
- Deep Thought

"There is no spoon"
-Strange Child

- Cookie Monster, may he Rest In Peace

"Bow ties are cool"
- The Doctor

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Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:38 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

I swore loudly as the weight of the goddess be damned straightjacket pinned me down again. They only let us out to eat, for pills, therapy, and to go to the bathroom and wash. It would be time for pills and breakfast soon but I was feeling confined and claustrophobic. I gritted my teeth and strained then finally sat up laughing through my still gritted teeth as a doctor came in and let me out of the damn thing. I stood up tempted to jump him but then thought better of it. He left and I changed into a simple black tanktop and red shorts. I walked after him and as usual he locked the door behind me handing my pills to me in the same motion. I swallowed them quickly. I saw Skizzy, Edgar, and Simon walking ahead of me. I jogged to catch up with them. "'Mornin'." I said slightly cheerfully. They mumbled hello's back. "Again Raven?" Skiz asked pointing to the red marks on my neck and arms. I shrugged. " I hate being confined."
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:22 pm
Sourdude16 says...

When I got out of my straightjacket I met with the rest. I entered and said paranoid, "G-g-guys, i n-n-need to get my s-s-sword. I'm gonna die soon if i don't. It has my soul and i haven't killed in 2 months. Somebody help me please." I proceed by running into the wall and freaked out as i knew i would die in 3 days if i didn't get my sword back and kill someone. I was acting "crazy" and ready to bite anyones head off that got in my way. At least then i could add 2 days to my deadline. Emphasis on -dead-.
~The future is only history yet to come~ personal quote
~Writing isn't a job or work. Its a passion and a gift.~ Personal quote
~Love is something everyone deserves, few know, and only the elite understand~ personal quote

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Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:49 am
Incognito says...


The awkwardness and absurdity of his position was almost astounding. He had fallen over wearing that stupid metal straight-jacket and a metal fold was jabbing into his side making it extremely uncomfortable. If only he could be simply given the utensils to adjust this jacket, if only but to make him more comfortable.

This situation wouldn't appear awkward at first but then it would soon be identified that his pants had slipped down his ankles exposing is paper white buttocks. It could also be seen that the last time he had gone to the washroom, he hadn't wiped his excrement very well. Tobias mumbled to himself as he waited patiently for one of the attendants to come by and release him from his humiliation.

But when the nurse arrived, his suppressed joy and gratitude swiftly changed with the news she brought.

"Social time Tobias. You have been good. You get to interaction with the other inmates," she said with a warm smile as she unlocked his jacket.

"No! Please no! Anything but that? Why don't you just leave me be here for a while. Alone. Without any interaction of any form with any other people?" Tobias clung to then as soon as he got his arms free. "You can't do this to me!"

"You need to make friends."

"You are my friend."

"Other friends."

Tobias grudging gave in and soon found himself walking down the hallway staring blankly at everyone around him, fearing one might touch him or graze his shoulder. Why in humanity was he brought here of all places. Quietly he walked, wringing his hands repeatedly, fearing the voice of anyone close by.

'Everyone is entitled to be stupid, some just abuse the priviledge.'

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Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:59 am
MissPenelopeLane says...

Doctor Robert.

Stephen Robert looked around him. The straight jacket was solid metal, there was no way he was getting out of that... or was there? He glanced up at one of the guards that stood guard inside his cell at all times to prevent such an escape. A devious smirk crossed his face, one that hadn't been there long since before he started turning people into things commonly called "nekos" with cat ears and sometimes more than one tail. Sometimes he did two tails.

Oh this would be such good fun. "Hey zere," he said in his thick German accent. "Come here, mine fuhrer."

The guard didn't seem too pleased at being called "mine fuhrer", and turned towards him. His discontent showed on his face as he lifted his gun and aimed it at Dr. Robert's head. "Stephen," he said in a warning tone of voice. "I told you that if you called me 'fuhrer' one more time I'd shoot you."

"Do it in mine leg, fuhrer, I want to see if I can still move it with mine mind after it has been removed!" A cackle passed his lips. "Now tell me, does zine gun have real bullets, or are you shooting ze blanks?"

"Damn it, Stephen," he said turning the safety off of his gun. "I'll do it! If you don't stop it right now I'll fucking shoot you!"

"Mine fuhrer--"

He didn't get the chance to finish what he was saying. Three rounds were shot into his knee. He shouted in pain and fell over. Blood from his leg splattered on the walls and floor around him; the guard's facial expression grew pale. It was clear to him that he'd be fired for shooting one of the patients in cold blood.

At the sound of gunshot alarms sounded, and many of the hallways were shut down. All of which was undone as soon as security teams came in the room to find Dr. Robert on the floor screaming, and the guard holding the only gun in the room. The guard was neutralized before Dr. Robert was rushed off to Emergency Care.

Dr. Robert squinted, trying to stay awake in the light. It was failing, he was getting weak, and tired. Maybe just a little nap, I'm sure I will wake up in time for mine plan.


Dr. Robert opened his eyes. A grin crossed his face. Now he was strapped down to a table. Why was this good? His arms! For the first time in months, maybe years, he could actually see his arms! Sure, he was strapped down, could barely move, and three people were working on him. Odds of escape were slim?

He'd been in worse situations, he was a Nazi after all.

"Mine fuhrers," he said with a wide grin. One of the doctors looked at him, quite confused. "Mine fuhrers, my leg, it is good, yeah?"

"Stephen," the doctor looking at him said softly. "You need to lie back down, you don't want to strain yourself."

"Mine leg," he said with a giggle. "Mine leg feels good, yeah?"

"It's all healed up," he said, trying to calm him down. The insane could be... unpredictable when they got anxious or restless. "You shouldn't walk on it for some time, you risk damaging it again. Are you ready to go back to your cell?"

"Nah," Dr. Robert said with a cackle. His scrawny wrist wiggled and wiggled until it had slipped through one of the straps holding it down. He grabbed a needle off of the table near him and stabbed it into the eye of the doctor closest to him. Said doctor screamed in pain as Dr. Robert pushed the liquid into his eye. Pretty soon he had passed out.

"Fuck!" Another doctor screamed, running for the door.

Dr. Robert laughed and threw the needle. It embedded itself in the back of the bones in his neck. There was a shriek and he fell over.

"We need help in here," the last remaining doctor shouted, trying to get to the alarm button.

Dr. Robert shook his head. "Tut-tut, never leave zine patient before you are sure he is fine, yeah?" He grabbed a scalpel off of the tray that they left much to close to him out of confidence in the restraints and threw it. The blade landed right in the doctor's throat.

Dr. Robert quickly started to wiggle and pull himself out of the remaining restraints before he made a mad dash down the hallway, giggling like a mad men.


Through sheer dumb luck he had managed to get into an air-duct and crawl away before they had managed to restrain him. He climbed for what felt like hours until he found a large room. He knew someone, a kind older woman, that had put pillows and blankets up there for his escape. She never believed he would escape, but she decided to humor him because she found Dr. Robert "cute".

There were two large picnic blankets spread out, and a third one bunched up in the corner. There were two pillows, one was a long sausage shaped one, the other was a fuzzy circle one.

"Mine Susan, you are much too kind," he mumbled to himself. For a moment he pondered what ever became of dear Susan. He blinked a few times as the memory came back to him.

"Stephen," she said in a soft tone. Dr. Robert grinned at the large-breasted woman. "They think that I might try to help you escape, and because of this, we can never speak again." Tears formed at her eyes. "I'll miss you, my love."

"Tis a pitty," he said with a shrug, looking towards another air-duct. "Time to help ze others get out, and I shall build an army while I look for mine new fuhrer."
Do you want Peace, Love, and Happiness?
~Good, because so do I.
Before you can do that, you must do one thing.
~Imagine ALL the people.
That or sit on the couch eating nachos.

...Let's just do that.

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Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:46 pm
MissPenelopeLane says...

((Did Dr. Robert scare everyone?))
Do you want Peace, Love, and Happiness?
~Good, because so do I.
Before you can do that, you must do one thing.
~Imagine ALL the people.
That or sit on the couch eating nachos.

...Let's just do that.

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Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:25 pm
Incognito says...

**I was a bit intimidated by your pro character.


He heard a rustling in the air vent above him. He jumped back in the hallway mildly alarmed. The armed guards posted all along the hallway turned because of the sudden movement but they soon lost interest as soon as they figured out it was Tobias. The hallway was starting to empty out with the other inmates on leave, leaving it quieter. Tobias curiously stepped back towards the wall, staring at the grill in the vent.

Maybe he was just hearing things.

But then the shuffling happened again, and it was soon followed by a soft whispered voice.

"Hey, you," the voice was thickly accented. Tobias suddenly lost control of his bladder. He just stared in pure shock and alarm at the vent. Maybe he was seriously going crazy. The vent was now talking to him.

"Do not stand there mine friend, tell me how many guards are in zis hallway." The words were like a gentle breath. Tobias was so confused, unsure if he wasn't just hearing things. But soon he saw a hand press up against the grate. Tobias backed up against the other wall, trembling. The guards were now becoming mildly curious.

"Whats wrong?" the closest one asked, approaching Tobias cautiously.

"Oh nothing sir!" Tobias automatically said, eyes never leaving the duct. "Just felt a little faint."

The guard suspiciously followed his gaze towards the gate, mumbling something and walked towards it. Casually, he tried to peer into it.

"There are six!" Tobias called out, the guard turning quickly to stare at him, eyes squinted and eyebrows furrowed. His lips drew into a tight line. "T-there are six guards in this hallway."

"What are you talk--." Tobias looked on in pure horror as the guards question was interrupted by hands reaching out from the vent and snapped his neck. The guard fell in a crumpled file on the ground as Tobias watched a man dressed in the prison garb drop out of the vent, instantly grabbing the guards laser pistol.

'Everyone is entitled to be stupid, some just abuse the priviledge.'

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Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:38 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

I heard the guard stop talking and drop which meant he was either dead or unconcious. I didn't question anything I just slipped into a familiar half crouch and then delivered a quick blow to the solar plexus of the guard nearest to me. "Ugh!" He grunted before I slammed my elbow into his chin and then karate chopped him hard in the neck to knock him out. "Tempest!" I heard Skizz shout but I was already flipping neatly backwards and turning to face the second guard. I saw him smile and next thing I know I was pinned to the ground by a weight on my back. I started to throw the weight off but felt the barrel of a laser pistol on the back of my head. "Want to try that again?" I heard a voice snarl in my ear. I didn't know who it was but it was defininetly male and I started to shake out of rage and fear. "Now all of you get against the wall or she gets it." The voice said coldly. I looked up to see everyone back against the wall. I felt his weight shift and pain shot through my back. I closed my eyes squeaking loudly in pain as his boot remained firmly in the small of my back. He brought the heel down slightly and I screamed in pain. I couldn't hold it in.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Sat Sep 03, 2011 8:32 pm
Sourdude16 says...


I snuck over to skizzy while this commostion occured. I said, "Skizzy, i need a favor. I must find my sword. My life depends on it. Can you distract the guards by banging on the walls or something for me?" He proceeded to bang on the walls and while he banged, i snuck into one of the air vents and snuck outside the room. I proceeded to sneak around to the weapon storage room. I couldn't believe they held the weapons so close to the room. I had just the chaos I was looking for to get in and get my sword. I climbed back into the air duct a short ways and dropped into the weapon storage. I grabbed my sword and pang of conscietneous struck. I snuck back to the main room we were in and hid my weapon. I told everyone to cause commotion while i slid them back there weapons through the air duct. I went back and got the weapons. I grabbed everyone's weapons and ray guns and everything and slid them through the duct yelling the peoples names as I threw their weapons to them. Everyone got there weapons and we began to fight the guards. I killed the one on Tempest's back and our trouble to escape began.
~The future is only history yet to come~ personal quote
~Writing isn't a job or work. Its a passion and a gift.~ Personal quote
~Love is something everyone deserves, few know, and only the elite understand~ personal quote

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Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:02 pm
Sassafras says...


I banged on the wall. I don't know why I did, but it was fun. I liked the noise, it drove out the voices. The noise was nice.

I banged harder and laughed as the guards ran to sedate and restrain me, but I didn't want them touching me. So I banged harder. And they tried to get me on the ground but, no, this was too much fun. And I banged louder, and I could just make out screaming over the noise I was causing. And I laughed and I banged harder.

Damn, this was a good time.

Suddenly the weight of the people on me was removed and Edgar shoved a gun in my hand. I smiled idly at the firearms and turned it around with awe before making my first shot of the day and successfully shooting down an officer that was running towards me. I looked back up at Edgar and smiled, showing all my teeth.

"Thanks," I said. He nodded and told me to get a move on, so I did.

Killing people again, Alexander. I flinch at the name but I don't reply. It's too loud in here and the voices are faint. I can ignore them with ease. Ending lives just like you ended hers, just like you killed Carrie.

Edgar cuts down a guy on Tempest's back and I laugh loudly before I can stop myself. We're getting out, and that doesn't really sink in until I take down two more guards and can see the exit door.

"Hey Skizz, Edgar," Tempest says in a very unusually chill way. I smile at her and continue running, spotting all the other patients who are also fighting to get out.

"Hey," I drawl, high on exhilaration. I could just kiss whoever came up with this plan. A guard jumps on my back and I fall to the ground but a quick bullet to the head gets him off. Blood splatters on my face and I lick off all I can reach with my tongue. A song spills from my lips, a happy little tune that keeps my mouth turned upwards though I'm currently gun whipping a nurse that I don't particularly like, the one that put me in the room, all alone with no one to talk to. I beat her harder.

"Skizzy, come on!" And that's the only reason I stop, even though she's already dead, because Edgar told me to come on and I'm infatuated with that guy at the moment. The boy who gave me this gun.

"Coming," I call, and I run up to catch him and the rest of the patients. We're all headed for the door.

( Hope this is okay. :) )
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:05 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

We entered the second room and started to dispatch the guards just as quickly if not faster. Skiz and I were having a grand old time swing daggers and swords through the guards singing a rousing rendition of 'The Murderer.' I chopped another guard down and knelt to finish the job when I felt a knife dig into my side. "Tempest!" I heard Skiz, Angel and Simon shout as one. I looked down to see blood staining my clothes. I slit the guards throat and stood up shaky. I looked to see all of the guards dead or dying. I searched the guard closest to me coming up with several rolls of gauze and an ace bandage. "Skizzy I need a sheath." I said limping slighly over to him. He complied and I bit down hard on the sheath as I put my hand on the hilt of the knife. "Nghhh!!!" I shouted as I pulled out the knife. I dropped it and quickly put a pad of gauze on the wound and then I wrapped the ace bandage around to hold it in place. I took the sheath out of my mouth then felt a twinge of guilt when I saw the teeth marks in it. I wiped it off on my shorts and gave it to Skizzy. "Thanks." I said quietly.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:06 pm
Sourdude16 says...

There were alot of people we had to get past. We kept going and killing the guards as we tried to get out. I said, "Wow, with all this killing we're getting done, i should be good for several months, even years before i must kill again. WOOHOO." I was happy and felt great. My strength was coming back extremely fast and i had never killed this much at once. I felt like i could reach the stars. I slashed and slashed and slashed. Eventually I reached the end of the hallway and shouted in victory. We escaped the main wing of the institution. Unfortunately, this was only an appetizer of what we were about to face. We were about to face the biggest challenge of our lives.
~The future is only history yet to come~ personal quote
~Writing isn't a job or work. Its a passion and a gift.~ Personal quote
~Love is something everyone deserves, few know, and only the elite understand~ personal quote

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Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:31 pm
MissPenelopeLane says...

Doctor Stephen Robert

Several guards were attracted by one of their friends dropping dead. Two ran over to where he was hiding in the vents and looked up at him. "Who's up there?" the bulkier one demanded.

Dr. Robert thought about it for a moment. "You first start with ze knock knock, yes?"

"Robert," the other one shouted angrily. "Get down here now or we'll have to shoot!"

"No," Dr. Robert said with a giggle. He jumped down out of the air vent and hit one of the guards directly in the crotch. "I have been in worse places, yeah."

The hit guard doubled over. The bulky guard pointed his gun at Dr. Robert. "Get on the ground, now!"

Dr. Robert didn't even seem to care. "I was taught to die before I gave up to enemy troops." He giggled softly. "I had to protect what I knew about mine fuhrer until death do us part!"

His gun clicked as he turned off the safety, just to prove that he was deadly serious. "Now, Stephen!"

In a movement so quick he jumped at the guard on the ground. He took his gun and rolled off of him, shooting the other guard three times in the chest. "Mine fuhrer wouldn't have let you in his army. You are ze too weak."

The guard on the ground was in shock. He started getting to his feet, but Dr. Robert quickly put three more bullets between his eyes. There wasn't any look of pity on his face as he shot him.

He glanced at the three other guards whom he had now gotten the attention of. He raised his gun and one of them was dead. They shot at him, feeling this a good time to use deadly force. Dr. Robert jumped behind a table and soon had taken out the other two.

He stood up and dusted himself off. "You come with me, yeah? We will find a way out of here, but first we must go to ze safe place in ze vents."
Do you want Peace, Love, and Happiness?
~Good, because so do I.
Before you can do that, you must do one thing.
~Imagine ALL the people.
That or sit on the couch eating nachos.

...Let's just do that.

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Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:35 am
LostMagi42 says...


I was tired of being stuck in this straightjacket. some guard just happened to walk right by my lityle trap. one step, boom! the guy was blown to bits. this place has such a lack of security, and they call it top notch. it took me 2 minutes to set that yesterday. they sent me back, and i had swiped some c42. the key rolled over to me, and i used my feet to open the jacket. when i got up, I walked over to the closet, and grabbed my stuff. i walked out the door, only to be meeted by some guards. they all whent kabloohey when i tossed some explosives. I then caught up with the rest of the people and joined the killing spree.

(sorry about the capitalization and length, and the timing. unpacking took a while)
- Deep Thought

"There is no spoon"
-Strange Child

- Cookie Monster, may he Rest In Peace

"Bow ties are cool"
- The Doctor

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Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:03 pm
MissPenelopeLane says...

Doctor Stephen Robert

He adjusted his goggles and stared at everyone. He squinted a few times before adjusting a ring on the front of them. A wide grin crossed his face. "Lovely!" Dr. Robert cheered. "So many people! We will be good friends, yeah?"

They only seemed to stare at him.

Dr. Robert, unaware that you get stared at for killing six people, laughed loudly. "You want out, yeah?" He giggled softly before speaking again. "Come on zen, into ze airvents, we will find a way out, yeah?"
Do you want Peace, Love, and Happiness?
~Good, because so do I.
Before you can do that, you must do one thing.
~Imagine ALL the people.
That or sit on the couch eating nachos.

...Let's just do that.

we were just chatting about oblivious bananas
— Inferno