
Young Writers Society

The Mirror's Curse (full!)

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:06 am
gleek456 says...

Rosalie Levia:

I was still humming and walking, until someone ran into me. When I gained consciousness, I noticed the man on top of me was staring at me. Probably he was looking in my eyes. After a few seconds, I start to giggle.

"Enjoying this, aren't you?" I said teasingly. When I said that, he realized what was happening, and he quickly stood up and then helped me up. I dusted some grass off the skirt of my dress.

"Sorry," the man said. I smiled. "It's fine," I said, still smiling. The man seemed nice, and it was good to be socializing with another person!

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:29 am
Shadowlight says...

Itaeo Haruon

It took Itaeo a full five minute to realize what sort of situation he had gotten himself into so lost was he in those perfect eyes. His daydream was brought crashing down when the girl started to giggle, a musical sound that landed pleasantly on his ears.

“Enjoying yourself?” she said smiling. Itaeo could have died! He jumped up careful not to hurt her anymore that he already had and mumbled a stream of apologies as he helped to to stand. She brushed the dirt and grass from her skirt lightly. She didn't seem angry

Itaeo He bowed touching his forehead as was the Magician custom.

“A thousand pardons lady! Please forgive my-” he was at a lost for name to call what had just transpired.

“Running into me like the devil is chasing you? Knocking me down and staring at me?”
He blushed scarlet to his ears. He stuttered for a moment.

“Both lady.” a painfully awkward silence ensued and as usual he said the first thing that popped into his head. “Can you blame me for staring though? I have never seen eyes like your.” realizing this comment could be read in the not innocent way he meant it he hung his head.

“Well crap!” he muttered then looked into the girls face. “ I am Itaeo Haruon lady. I've lost my way in these woods and was attacked by a host of biting insects.” he showed her his welt covered arm. “and as you can see their bite does not suit me at all.”

She laughed again, he was not sure if she was laughing at him or at the situation, and as long as she wasn't angry at him, he didn't care which.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:00 am
gleek456 says...

Rosalie Levia:

The man introduced himself as Itaeo Haruon. He was covered in bites, due to a swarm of insects. The situation made me giggle some more. I cleared my throat after. "Well Itaeo, my name is Rosalie, Rosalie Levia," I said happily. Itaeo nodded.

"Pleasure to meet you, Rosalie," he said. "What might you be doing in this forest?" he asked.

"Um, well, I'm thrill-seeking," I said. Itaeo nodded. "I'd like to ask you the same thing," I said.

(Sorry it's so short! I hope I portrayed Itaeo right! I didn't really know how Itaeo wouldn't respond)

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:16 am
Shadowlight says...

Your doing just great! I don't know him very well right now either (he'll grow as we write him!). XD

Itaeo Haruon

Itaeo looked at this girl out of the corner of his not swollen eye. Thrill seeking huh? She didn't looked prepared to do anything of the sort with her white dress and bare feet. She looked more like she was ready for a tea party or a frolic in a garden, not in the woods but he just shrugged and spread his arms gesturing vaguely.

“I'm looking for someone.” there really wasn't more he could say, he didn't know who he was looking for or where they might be. Rosalie didn't seemed satisfied with his answers at all. She put her hands on her hips.

“Who are you looking for way out here?” she asked cocking her head to one side like a bird. Itaeo shifted uncomfortably.

“To be honest lady, I- I don't know. I was sent on a mission by the Holy One to find this someone but I don't know who they are. I know it might sound crazy to someone else but it is very important that I find them before it's too late.” he smiled sheepishly hoping she would somehow understand

(I hope I did alright with Rosalie)
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:33 am
gleek456 says...

Your doing fine Shadow!

Rosalie Levia:

Looking for someone? In the forest? Huh, seems like a tough mission. Apparently he has to find "them" before it's "too late".

"And how it that going?" I asked. Itaeo sighed, "Not so well."

"Figures," I smirked. I wonder how he's able to find them. Whoever them is. I clear my throat.

"Well, who is 'them' exactly?" I ask with air quotations.

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:51 am
Shadowlight says...

Itaeo Haruon

Itaeo sighed and sat on a fallen log with his head in his hands.

“Your guess is as good as mine. The Holy one only impressed upon my that I must find this person but never said who that someone is.” he rubbed his temples, his head was hurting him again, it was the madness making itself known. He looked up at Rosalie, she was watching him expectantly.

“ To be plain I don't know who I'm looking for. You may call it a fools errand but I must, no, I need to find them before it's too late for me.” Rosalie sat beside him.

“Too late?” she asked. Something about her manner or her own magic made him want to tell her everything.
“I am cursed.” he said in a melancholy tone, almost coldly. “I looked upon a evil thing and a madness like a tumor grows daily in my mind and soul. It's eating away at who I am, turning me into a monster, a cold heartless thing. The source of my curse this object is one of many such evil things, and the moment I looked upon it I became wrapped up in its story. I am unable to heal myself of this madness and I am hoping against hope that who I am looking for will be able to, or at least give me peace about my fate.” as he finished he gave her a small smile. He sighed heavily and shook himself.

“But enough of that! What sort of thrills are a young lady such as yourself seeking in these forests? Obviously being mowed down by me was not one of them.” he said lightly, the melancholy of before completely gone.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:10 am
gleek456 says...

Rosalie Levia:

I felt sorry for Itaeo, being cursed just like that. I was almost cursed, but after witnessing the death if my dear friend, I quickly discarded the mirror. When he asked me what I was thrillseeking for, I honestly didn't know what to say.

"Well, being a Nymph, people tend to stay away from me," I started. "Because I can cause madness and confusion when I sing, but it can also cause sleepiness. But I can cure it! At least, I think. So then I felt bored out of my mind and directed myself here!" I said. I flipped my hair off my shoulder and cleared my throat.

"I want to help people," I said. Itaeo nodded. "I think, judging by your story, you need to sleep," I said. Itaeo' eyes widened.

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:27 am
Shadowlight says...

Itaeo Haruon:

Itaeo was shocked.

A nymph?! He had never seen one like her before. The oasis nymphs he had seen in his own home were not beautiful nor kind. They would eat whatever came near them be it man or beast. She knew about the mirror? Could she really heal him? He wondered, hope stirred a lightness he hadn't felt in weeks bubbled up, but then reason took over.

He did a quick calculation of her own magic before hastily putting up his hands.

“Rosalie wait!” he said using her first name. “If your planning on healing me of my curse after putting me to sleep, don't. Your not strong enough, my magic-I'd kill you.” her eyes widened.

“why would you do that?” she asked recoiling slightly from him. He smiled reassuringly.

“I would not mean to! I would never harm you. It's just, I'm not, so to speak, a normal Magician.” she narrowed her eyes at him

“what do you mean?” he winced not knowing how she'd take his answer.

“I'm a Death Magician, a Grim Reaper I think you call them in this land. If you tried to heal me, my magic would consume you mind and kill you. So please, I beg you, don't try it.” he waited holding his breath for her reaction.

***Heading off to bed. I'll be back on tomorrow night
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:41 am
VuzzyCat says...

Kyler Noble
High Fae

Spoiler! :
I didn't say this in my profile, but Kyler has a pet dragon named Hunter. He looks like this, but instead of blue fur/hair, it is red. He is about the size of a small cat and likes to ride on Kyler's shoulder.


I sat in a tree, watching as Itaeo crashed into Rosalie. I watched until Itaeo said he was a grim reaper. A grim reaper? Really? Right there in front of me? He looked like a normal High Fae, but I knew their powers well. And even more special, was that this grim reaper was talking to a nymph, a water nymph, a beautiful water nymph at that. I knew that she was a water nymph before she had even spoken it aloud, just by her deep, blue eyes. I was captured in them for a moment, but then shook my head. The water nymph was beautiful, but my Holly is the only person who will ever matter to me, even if she is gone.

I turned around and climbed another branch up, behind the trunk of the tree. They had talked about the mirror, about finding it too. That Devil's tool needed to be destroyed, and that was why I was in the tree in the first place. The last time I had seen the mirror, it was going South. And now, South was where I wanted to go. If it weren't for these stupid trees, I would probably already be down there.

I jumped down from the tree and climbed on my horse. I turned her and started to ride the opposite way of the grim reaper and the water nymph.
I'm the author of my own life. Unfortunately I'm writing in pen. Mistakes I make can not be erased, the only option is to turn the page and start a new chapter. <3

I'm single because God is busy writing the best love story.
<3 VuzzyCat

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:12 am
sylverdawn says...

*Will post shortly once I've caught up on all the posts. Got a migraine, can't think.*
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:42 pm
gleek456 says...

Rosalie Levia

When finding out that Itaeo can kill me if I tried healing him, I was at loss for words for a minute. I quickly nodded my head.

"Okay then," I said. Itaeo looked shocked. "Okay then? That's it?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"I don't have to heal you, and that's that," I said shrugging my shoulders.

While talking to Itaeo, I heard some rustling in the trees, shortly followed by gallops. I approach a nearby bush and see a High Fae, at least I think, riding off on a horse the opposite way. I smirked. Eavesdrop much?, I thought to myself. I quickly turn to Itaeo.

"I found something thrilling to seek," I said happily. Itaeo looked confused. I point to the horse riding off. "You want to follow that?" he asked. I smiled.

"Thanks for offering! Seems we had an eavesdropper, and we don't know if it's a bad guy or not, so," I said, trailing off. Itaeo seemed to understand, but at the same time he still looked confused. "And what would a 'bad guy' want with us?" he asked. I sighed.

"You being a Death Magician is rare, I mean, you're the first one I've seen," I started. Itaeo nodded. "And me being a Nymph is also rare, I mean, valuable rare," I continued. Itaeo nodded again. "Get it now?" I asked.

(Vuzzy, sorry if Rosalie wanted to follow Kyler! "She though he seemed suspicious.")

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:06 pm
Shadowlight says...

(I can't breath today so I had to stay home from work. so I get to post.)

Itaeo Haruon:

“Oh, I see.” Itaeo said as he walked to stand with Rosalie, watching the horse and rider.

“So your worried he could pose a threat to me then? Your so kind.” if it wasn't for a wicked twinkle in his roguish eyes Rosalie would have thought he was serious. He laughed quietly at her. “Sorry.”

she started picking her way delicately through the trees, it was slow going but the horse had to slow down as well for it was entering a dense copse of willows. Itaeo waited a moment trailing Rosalie a few paces back then said absentmindedly.

“I don't sense any ill will from that creature, but if you want, I can do a little deathly magic and find out.” Rosalie turned her eyes widening. Itaeo added quickly realizing her thoughts.

“Oh! I won't kill him.” he started to walk away then turned to face her.
“You said that I was the first Death Magician you had ever seen right? Well this is how most of my kind likes to get around when working- less complicated.” without warning he began to fade away, turning shadowy, like a mist. He had turned into a dark wispy thing, very ghostlike indeed. His voice had changed too, it was now thin, dry, and thoroughly terrifying somehow.

“Wait here a moment, I'll be right back with our eavesdropper.” and he he slid through the trees like like a ghostly serpent, bushes rustling as he past.

Rosalie watched him go, perched on a rock. She was slightly put out at being left behind but interested none the less to see what would happen. All of a sudden there came a tremendous yell and howling from the willows. The branches of those trees beat violently about and then stilled. The smoky wisp that was Itaeo flew out of the copes, up the hill to where Rosalie was then vanished. Out of it tumbled a young man dagger out slashing the air wildly as he fell, he was up again in an instant poised and ready for a fight. Rosalie for her part was too astonished to do anything but stare at him.

Itaeo landed lightly on the ground a few paces to her left flailing around like he had wasps in his shirt.

“Bloody-” he began then stopped when reaching in his shirt he pulled out a strange little creature who writhed about his arm and bit into the wrappings snarling like a animal ten times it size. The man who had been eavesdropping froze.
“Don't hurt him!” he shouted. Itaeo looked at him his face a mask of confusion.

“Why would I want to hurt him? I just wanted to get him out of my shirt before he found his way into my drawers. Nasty bite he's got.” with his right hand he grabbed the small reptilian thing behind hits jaws and pried it from his forearm. He set it down on the ground and as it scuttled to its master Rosalie got a good look at it.

It looked for all the world like a miniature dragon! complete with tiny horns and two long fleshy whiskers. It crawled up the young mans pant leg and perched on his shoulder looking quite sorry for itself.

There was a long silence as the two men sized each other up glaring across the small clearing. Rosalie rolled her eyes, oh for pities sake!

“Why were you spying on us?” she demanded her hands on her slender hips. The young man looked from her to Itaeo not sure what to say.

Another long awkward silence insured but fortunately was broken up by Itaeo who suddenly doubled over groaning in pain. Everyone stared at him.

“Oh please don't all rush over to see if I'm alright.” he said sarcastically, as another wave of pain and nausea made him groan cursing. He smiled ruefully pointing at the dragon. “I forgot about that little buggers poison bite.” things were getting foggy.

“ I'll be fine in a moment.” he stood up shakily. “See? what did I tell ya, I'm just fi-” and he fell from his full height to the ground senseless, thankfully not on top of anyone this time.

Rosalie and the young man were left staring at one another across Itaeo's senseless figure.

(I hope this was alright Vuzzy, I tried to make Kylar true to your Bio you posted. and I hope you don't mind Gleek how I portrayed Rosalie, I'm still trying to learn about everyone's characters)
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:22 pm
gleek456 says...

(You did good Shadow!)

Rosalie Levia

When Itaeo dropped to the ground, me and the young man didn't really know what to do. I could heal him, but Itaeo ensured that I shouldnt, since I might get killed by doing so. I knelt down and looked at the bite. It was small, but it still looked deadly. I bite my lip, and put my plam on his forehead.

"How is he?" the young man asked. I rolled my eyes.

"He's unconcious obviously," I said. I rip a part of my dress and wrap it around the bite. Since I can't heal him, this is the best I can do.

"We need to get him out of the sun," I instructed the young man, who was doing nothing but staring at what I was doing. He nodded his head, took Itaeo by the arm (the one that wasn't bitten) and put his arm across his shoulders. We started walking, me in front of the young man and Itaeo.

(Hope I portrayed Kyler okay!)

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:14 pm
VuzzyCat says...

You guys are doing great!


I helped pull the grim reaper out of the sun. Great, I thought to myself. I was riding away when I was about killed by a grim reaper. Now, my horse was gone to who knows where, and Hunter had bitten the grim reaper. To a normal High Fae, Hunter's bite wasn't dealthy, although it hurt like heck and could cause paralizing. But for a grim reaper... Well, I had never tested this.

I stepped back, standing in the shadows as the water nymph tried to help the grim reaper. Hunter crawled onto my shoulder and looked at me, looking as if he wanted approval.

"That wasn't very nice," I whispered. Hunter leaned forward and rubbed his head on my cheek in apology. "But thanks for trying to help." I reached up and rubbed Hunter's head. He made some sort of cooing noise, almost like a cat's purr.

"Trying to help?" the water nymph turned to me. "He almost killed Itaeo!" Hunter made a hissing noise and crawled into my shirt, settling on my right shoulder.

"He was only trying to protect me," I said slowly. " If he hadn't have snatched me from my horse and scared the living daylight out of me, Hunter wouldn't have felt the need."

(I hope I didn't make Rosalie too snappy.)
I'm the author of my own life. Unfortunately I'm writing in pen. Mistakes I make can not be erased, the only option is to turn the page and start a new chapter. <3

I'm single because God is busy writing the best love story.
<3 VuzzyCat

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:37 pm
gleek456 says...

Rosalie Levia

"He was only trying to protect me," the young man said slowly. "If he hadn't have snatches menfrom my horse and scared the living daylightout of me, Hunter wouldn't have felt the need," he continued. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, just help me get him out of the sun," I said. After a few minutes of walking, we were finally back to the Springs. The clear blue water was untouched, and the sun made the rocks all hot. I instructed the young man to se Itaeo down near a tree that gave shade. I look to my dress.

"Great, I need to restore my dress," I said. I look to Kyler, who looked confused. I walk into the water, and slowly disappear. I'm a Nymph, I can do that. After a few minutes, I come back to the surface, with a restored dress. I examine it, and touch my hair. It's not wet, good. I look at Kyler, who looked astonished.

(Hope I portrayed Kyler okay!)

Be steadfast as a tower that doth not bend its stately summit to the tempest’s shock.
— Dante Alighieri