
Young Writers Society

The Curb (Started | Full)

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Sat Jun 04, 2011 5:04 pm
Lavvie says...

I sent a PM to you, but in fact it was to the wrong person. Sorry about that :)

What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Sat Jun 04, 2011 5:49 pm
Redfang18 says...

Name: Rudy and Rodney
Age: 19
Ability/Aptitude: Mind-reading, but not each other's minds. They use this against those they find suspicious or people who are in need of friends. When attempting to read an individual mind, they work as one. A multitude of five or more people can't have their minds read. The more people around these boys, the harder it is to read minds.
Gender: Male
Personality: Both boys are defensive of each other and hate to be seperated. Either one by himself has a different consequence. Rudy, when by himself, is dark- like villian dark- and won't stop picking on bad memories until someone tells him to quit and shut his mouth. When alone, Rodney is kind and often reads sweet memories for fun. When together, these boys can pick on any memory they find appealing- mostly the memory is the one that pushes somebody's buttons. The downside of these two is not just the consequences of either one by himself, but also the aftermath of their wrath. They share a very vile temper that can be deadly if pushed over the edge.
Appearance: Both boys have red hair and deep blue eyes, along with pale skin. However, they differ in the color of clothes they wear. Rudy wears clothes that are -or close to- the color bloodred and Rodney always wears lighter blue to lighten up the color of his eyes. Both boys have an athletic build and share the same height- 5'8''- to complete the concept of identical twins. Rodney smiles like a kind sibling, but Rudy grins wickedly when picking bad memories to recite out loud. They also differ in what kind of jewelry they wear. Rodney wears a ring on each hand and Rudy wears a red cat's-eye pendant.
Strengths: What makes their build is their love to run and swim. Both are excellent swimmers, but can't be in the pool for longer than twenty minutes at a time. Same thing applies to running. What keeps them together is their trust in each other and that they are polar opposites personality-wise. They enjoy each other's company.
Weaknesses: The greatest fear that these boys share is the fear of rats. They also don't want to be seperated, since they depended on each other since only heaven knows when. Rudy also hates snakes for some unknown reason. Rodney's greatest weakness is the sight of blood- you can guess what that means. They can't read minds if inside a very large crowd. Five or more people are safe from their power.
History: Rodney is the eldest by thirty minutes. The boys lived in Ireland with their grandparents until they were seven. Their grandparents moved to London since the Irish folks kept teasing the boys and then declared them as witches when Rudy began to pick on every bad memory he and Rodney could pick at. After hearing that their grandmother wanted to adopt Rodney and send Rudy to boarding school, the twins ran away into the streets and have been there ever since. The twins are still healthy, but Rudy is afraid Rodney's not going to last much longer.
Up for love: Yes
Other: They have nicknames for each other. Rudy calls Rodney Julius, Rodney calls Rudy Anubis.

How's this for twins?
Last edited by Redfang18 on Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:10 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Sat Jun 04, 2011 5:56 pm
Lavvie says...

It looks good, but Razcoon has similar abilities for Chimere and Denise...

What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:19 pm
Lavvie says...

All: please refer to the DT (can be found at the top of the SB info) for other things. Such as character slots wanted among other things.

What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Sun Jun 05, 2011 5:28 am
sylverdawn says...

*Hey I came up with a profile for my character if it's still okay for me to joine.*

Name: Kyran (goes by Kyr) Known on the streets as the Ghost.
Age: 19
Ability/Aptitude: ability: Born with the power to create the weather, ice/water, wind, lightning, and on one occasion he even caused a mild earthquake. Though he has little to no actual control over the ability. It is strongly tied to his emotions. The electricity is really the only part of his ability he has any kind of handle on.

Gender: Male

Personality: Strongwilled and independent Kyr makes it up as he goes along, giving little thought to the past or the consequences of tomorrow. He lives in the present and he likes it that way. Kyr is never the less protective of his fellow streetkids and incredibly loyal to them. Often stepping forward to take the blame or beating for them.
Kyr goes his own way and would rather bite out his own tounge than folow someone else's lead. He follows his own rules. Sometimes those rules coincide with society, sometimes theyr'e even stricter. But a lot of the time they're looser, which is pretty typical of a sociopath.
Appearance: Dark hair, slightly scruffy. Kyr has the typical bad-boy image and seldom wears any color other than black.
http://home.comcast.net/~nannyboo/victo ... 4_1024.htm
Strengths: A good head for heights and a strong dislike for anyone poking into his past. He has usually wears numerous hidden blades on his body and he knows how to use them. Kyr is also a pretty descent bare-handed fighter, but not stellar. As a born street kid Kyr has incredible talents as a thief. He has a natural talent for avoiding notice.

Weaknesses: Despises creepy crawlies, is slightly paranoid and suffers from claustrophobia. Kyr wears his heart on his sleeve his emotions bared to the world. Due to his past he has a deep fear of losing his frineds and being left behind all alone.

History: To make a long story short, he was born pretty much born there. His mother tried to drown him at birth but a group of homeless kids stopped her and took him in. They raised him together and somehow his 'aunts' and 'uncles' managed to give him a pretty descent education despite his never officially going to school.
But when he was 9 or so social services caught up with him and returned him to his mother's care. She immidiately began abusing and pretty much torturing him. Eventually Kyr got the better of her and ran away when he was fourteen or so. But by the time he got back to his 'family' they were long gone.
On his own now Kyr stuck to what he knew, the streets, and as he asked around about his family he found something strange. No one remembered them. It was as if they had been erased from existence. Due to his powers Kyr knew just how possible the 'impossible' really was and has been searching for answers ever since. Eventually he joined up with the group of teens that were similar to him.
(Due to the way he grew up and the later the descisions of his crazy mother, their are no records of Kyr's existence. No birth certificate, no school records, no medical files. He even hacked into the social services network as a teenager and erased all their files on him. A true Ghost he cannot be tracked electronically)

Up for love: Sure but he's rather single minded. You might have to smack him a few times to get him to pay attention.

Other: Not that I can think of right now.
Last edited by sylverdawn on Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Mon Jun 06, 2011 5:52 pm
Skull3670 says...

Name: Mikael Eisenstein

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Personality: Mikey likes to relax, playing rugby in the sun, surfing or just reading a book under a tree. He gets on easily with others and likes a good party. He is a complete counter point to Adrian. He has a long fuse to a big temper, but people tend not to push him to the edge.

History: His parents were very poor, however he was bright from an early age and performed well enough to attend a private school on a scholarship. He later attended Reading University (funded by Salacin) attaining an Msc in Biochemistry and later studied genetics.
After university he dropped straight into working for Salacin. Due to his sometimes relaxed attitude he has not risen high in the corporation but he has gained many friends among his colleagues. However those at the top merely tolerate him.

Appearance: http://hairstyleshair.blogspot.com/2010 ... style.html . 6ft4, Shaggy blonde surfer hair, short goatee from shaving once every few days, wears a guns and roses t shirt under his lab coat, or a black trench coat when he is out and about. He is tanned from playing rugby and surfing.

Strengths: A more than reasonable physique from his outdoor adventures. He is also knowledgable about this particular batch of subjects. Also his sheer height allows him to appear very imposing€.

Weaknesses: Sometimes he wonders if what he is doing is right. He also gets distracted by parties and women. He has a relaxed attitude, as he is young, earns a reasonable wage and knows Salacin isn't going anywhere.

Up for love: Not with teenagers!!

Other: Likes anything fast and rides a 2008 Suzuki Hayabusa (Flaming Orange)
Last edited by Skull3670 on Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
I have looked into the eye of the storm and stared it down. I am an adrenaline junky and i know no fear.

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Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:05 pm
Lavvie says...

Hey, Skull? It looks good, but perhaps you can expand a bit on the personality and history? Thanks :)

What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:40 pm
Lydia1995 says...

I'm up for being a researcher if you'll have me :)

Name: Sally Hawke (Sal to friends and colleagues)

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Personality: Sally is quite reserved and calm in her approach to adults. She gets along easily with people her own age as she is the sort of person who tries to listen without continually asking questions. When it comes to learning however she actively enjoys discovering new things, therefore sometimes she lets potentially personal and prying questions slip out. She is often so focused on improving her knowledge that sometimes she carries out the experiments without thought just to see what will happen. She has always hated teenagers even herself when she was one, mostly because she was jealous that they are more confident than she was when she was that age for this reason she enjoys watching them shrink away when the researchers walk in the room because it gives her a sense of power.
She doesn't often share her own experiences because they are quite limited this is because all her life she has been content living fairly normally and never venturing out to do more risky and daring things. Becoming part of the research center has been the biggest step up in her life so far but she is secretly enjoying it.

History: Sally attended a public school and although she was not naturally gifted with intelligence she tried extremely hard throughout her GCSE's and obtained reasonable grades which were enough to get her into college. She was struggling through her A levels but her parents hired her a tutor (at great expense) and she passed. She went onto Bath university because it was the closest to her home and she still felt the need to live with her parents due to lack of self confidence. She studied a course in Human Biology. She always wanted to go into research and so when her parents found a job offer at Salacin she decided to go for it because it would give her enough money to move out - an important thing for her as she felt she was a burden on her parents. Her parents later lost their house due to a dispute they had with a highly thought of government member who pulled the strings. Despite her parents attempts to sue they could never win as they simply could not afford the lawyer to back them. They are now living with friends. Sally feels as though this is her fault for not getting a job sooner and because her parents paid to tutor her. She is determined to make amends though but she lies to her parents about the ways in which she is doing it because she knows they wouldn't approve.

Appearance: (photo and description and no anime or artwork)
Spoiler! :

She has auburn - brown hair which she almost always wears down. She wears glasses and has brown eyes. She is of medium height and has quite pale complexion.

Strengths: She is now independent and this has given her increased confidence. She is intelligent despite struggling a little with a levels. She is good at problem solving and can often see a way forward. She gets on well with people and knows how to diffuse arguments.

Weaknesses: She is still a little self conscious. She can annoy people when she asks prying questions. Due to living with her parents she has a phobia of leaving places she considers to be safe this makes it difficult if she is sent out of Salacin. She sometimes wonders if what she is doing is wrong.

Up for love: Yes but would have to be very charmed as she doesn't think she deserves anyone.

Other: Love's music and can often be heard humming whilst she works though not necessarily in tune.

Hope this is ok! :) EDIT Edited personality and the end of History [/b]
Thinking about what you COULD achieve will get you no where. You've got to chase your dreams.
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Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:00 pm
Apple says...

Are you looking for anymore people to fill in some places, Lavender?
I spy!

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Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:39 am
Lavvie says...

Innocence| A Shed

I woke to the feeling of light rain dancing on my cheeks and quickly shook my head side to side to spray most of it off. Unfortunately, I'd forgotten my location and immediately I was damp again, my reddish hair sticking uncomfortably to my face.

I was in a small abandoned shed, the roof was made of wooden slats and had rotted over the years creating useless cover from Mother Nature's wrath. I was squished into a flimsy two-man sleeping big: I in the middle, Ashley snoring softly to my right and left was Kimmy, sleeping soundly. I couldn't understand how she could sleep under the moderate rainfall nor Ashley. It bothered me too much.

Assuring that I wouldn't wake Ashley or Kimmy, I slowly slipped out of the sleeping bag and tiptoed around the maze of kids, dodging Chimere and Denise who were sprawled like starfish underneath an itchy, moth-eaten blanket. Pressing my back up against the tin wall of the decrepit shed, I moved along swiftly and eventually was able to exit and moved over to the side to admire the view and to think quietly.

I'd have to say we'd all scored on the shed, despite its architectural issues. It was intelligently placed atop a grassy hill of a moderate size that overlooked one of the wealthier neighbourhoods in London. I could see the glowing lamps illuminating the streets and alleyways and the odd drunk stumbling around clueless. The moon was not quite full, but almost, and there was a slight breeze. A shiver ran through me and I pulled my thin sweater closer around me though it didn't help much. And then my eyes fluttered closed...

I awoke to the sound of a smooth engine, the sound of a new car. I could see it from afar, its midnight black paint job glinting menacingly in the morning sun. Something felt suspicious about it. I raced back to the shed, sometimes slipping on the dewy grass and hurtled into the shed, taking one last look at the black car, tinted windows and all. Time to go.

What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:41 am
ScarlettFire says...

Ashley | The Shed:

I woke with a start to see Innocence rushing back inside the shed. I blinked, rubbing sleep out of my eyes and pushed myself up on my elbows. "What's the matter, Red?" I asked, eying the way she stumbled and flattened herself against the wall, peeking out every now and then.

"Trouble," she said. I sat up straighter.

"Not the cops again," I muttered, flinging back the sleeping bag. I raised my voice. "Alright kids, up and at 'em. We gotta move!"

"It's not the cops, Ash." Innocence's voice cut through the sudden commotion of moving bodies and raised voices.

I paused in the process of rolling up the sleeping bag I dumped Kimmy out of. "What?" I dropped the sleeping bag and stared at Innocence over by the door. "Then who?"

Innocence stared back at me. "I don't know," she whispered. "I just know that we've got to move."
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:29 pm
RedBird says...

Nick: The Shed,

I'm shaken out of sleep quite abruptly, and I sit up quickly. I can hear everyone moving around the shed, and it throws off my echolocation, so I lose sense of where I am and stand unsteadily.

"Wassgoinon?" I mumble indistinctly, pulling on my old trench coat and then leaning down to tie my sneakers. I hear Ashley ask if it's the coppers, but Innocence replies that it isn't, and that we have to go. Now.

"Do you want me to get us somewhere, one of the old hideouts?" I ask in the direction that I heard Innocence's voice coming from.

"No, I think we need to move together, out the back," she replies, striding past me to the back of the shed. I follow her.

"Can I ask what elicited this sudden decision to move shop again?" I say, trying to keep up.

"There's this black car, just passing back and forth in front of the hill," she says in a distracted voice.

"Uh-huh. Maybe it's just waiting for someone?"

"Yeah, like us, you mean?"
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:32 pm
Charlie II says...

Dr. Stent -- The Car

"Stop the car."

The driver did as Dr. Bishop said and the black Mercedes-Benz crawled to a halt.

"Kill the engine."

Again, the driver complied, but it didn't make much difference. The Salacin Corporation's car couldn't hide in the cautious morning light. They had meant to arrive earlier -- much earlier, under the cover of darkness -- but things had not gone according to plan.

The car's exterior was completely black, but inside the darkness sank far deeper. Two of the Corporation's best researchers sat in the back seats -- black souls sitting on black leather seats. The driver closed his eyes and tried to imagine he was elsewhere. It wasn't the first time he had driven Dr. Stent and Dr. Bishop, but it would be the last time. This time, then never again. Never again...

"We're five hours late," said Alison, her voice infused with the acrid fumes of frustration. Adrian watched her subconciously tracing a finger down the left side of her face -- down the scar tissue. He could tell how angry she was, and this troubled him. As if aware to his attention she folded her arms.

"That's irrelevant," he said, finally breaking the silence. "We must collect the samples anyway. We have a deadline."

"Late," she snapped again, glaring across the car to him. "If you'd wanted a method for six in the morning then you should have planned it yourself. Why didn't you, anyway? I thought your style was to take all the glory for yourself."

She was clearly trying for an emotional response. Adrian ignored her.

"What chemical did you decide on?" he asked. Against the odds, Alison smiled.

"An old favourite," she replied.


"That's right." The smile spread.

"CHCl3," he spoke the formula slowly, but his thoughts raced around his encyclopaedic knowledge of anaesthetics. "It's denser than air. How much have we got?"

"Enough for my plan," she said. "But it sounds like you're thinking the same thing."

"Are they all in the building?"

"Trust me," said Alison. "While you've been messing around at the Compound, I've been monitoring the subjects. I'm just as capable as you, Dr. Stent."

She seemed to be mocking him again. Adrian concentrated on not grinding his teeth.

"Let's collect the samples," he said opening the car door. The natural light blinded him a little as he left the gloom of the car. He put on a pair of sunglasses from his pocket.

And so it began.
I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose.
-- Woody Allen

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Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:08 pm
Lydia1995 says...

Sally Hawke ¦ Salacin Corp.

I sat in my swivel chair in the Research and Development office staring intently at my computer screen as live satellite footage of the target area was streamed to my monitor. I watched as the little black dot that was the Salacin Corp. car stopped a little way from the shed.
I switched to a heat map view of the area and saw as I had expected a mass of red inside the shed where the teenagers were residing and a smaller mass of red inside the car. I watched as a single blob of red separated itself from the rest and moved outside of the shed. My hand immediately went to the phone and hovered there, ready to make the warning call to Dr. Stent and Dr. Bishop should the need arise. I watched the blob intently and saw it move back inside the shed.

"Have you got anything?" Mikael asked from across the office.

"Not yet,” I said, relaxing slightly. “One of them moved out of the shed, but I think that was just for fresh air. I doubt they will have spotted the car, it’s black. It’s designed to blend in and be inconspicuous.”

"True. Even if they did spot it I doubt they would know it was us. But you’ll call if they move out of the shed,” Mikael asked.

“Yes. If they so much as try to run.”

“Right. Coffee?"

"Yes please."

I turned back to the computer screen. The red dots that signified Dr. Stent and Bishop started to close in on the shed.

"So, now we begin," I muttered to myself, smiling.
Thinking about what you COULD achieve will get you no where. You've got to chase your dreams.
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Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:17 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Lotta - The Shed:

Something wet trickled onto my face, sliding down my brow, running down my cheek, and making its way down to my chin. Another drop fell from the ceiling in my small little corner and I placed my hand over my face just in time, causing the drop to slide down my arm and slowly drip off of my elbow.

My eyes still closed, I heard Innocence say, "Trouble"

"Not the cops again," Ash's voice said, "Alright kids, up and at 'em. We gotta move!"

"It's not the cops, Ash."

"What? Then who?"

"I don't know," Innocence whispered. "I just know that we've got to move."

"Wassgoinon?" Nick. "Do you want me to get us somewhere, one of the old hideouts?"

"No, I think we need to move together, out the back,"

"Can I ask what elicited this sudden decision to move shop again?"

"There's this black car, just passing back and forth in front of the hill,"

"Uh-huh. Maybe it's just waiting for someone?"

"Yeah, like us, you mean?"

That's when I opened my eyes. Quickly, I grinded the sleep from my eyes and ran my hands over my hair, feeling that my hair was messed up from sleep. With swift hands, I untied my hair and redid the braids tightly and perfectly, tying the hairties in the middle with the top half braided and about four inches of unbraided hair beneath it.

Quickly, I stood and looked around the shed, focusing on the walls. If the black car was watching us, they'd be watching us if we went out the front door. With a leap, I grasped the wobbley handle of the shed door and pulled it closed with a thud.

Going to the back of the shed, I used my nails and traced the lines of the boards, trying to find a loose one. Once I finally found one, I started to pry it loose from the other, tearing it from the wall.

"What're you doing!?" I heard one of them say.

"If we go out the door, they'll see us." I said, ripping another board loose.

When I pulled out a third board, someone came beside me and started working on ripping apart the walls as well, trying to make a hole big enough for a person to fit through, throwing the rotting boards behind me, not caring who it hit, just so long as we were able to get out. No way I was going to live with my brother. No freaking way. I tore desperately at the boards, my nails ripping off, but I didn't care about that either. We needed out and fast.
Live, Love, Laugh

The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.
— Stanislaw Jerszy Lec