
Young Writers Society

Seven Jars

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Fri May 27, 2011 8:57 pm
Vramel says...


I sensed some anxiety behind me, I turned, ignoring the people who we're finally sharing there views. I walked over, my cloak flowing behind me. There was a brown fair-haired girl and a young boy trying to wake her out of the trance she seemed to be in, I heard the young boy I saw was named Carin by one of the others. I came over and turned round to see the girl more closely, she had a light blue jar, emitting very little light.

I sat down in-front of her, she didn't look me in the eye, instead looking straight forward, right through me. I grabbed her softly by the shoulders and brought her eyes to mine, "Are you OK?" I asked, hoping that it would brake her out of this strange trance she was locked into...

She didn't seem to move at first, I hesitated, thinking she may be stuck in this state forever. I gave a worried look to the other girl, she nodded and I moved my head back to the tranced girl, she started un-tensing, which was a good sign. I hoped that it worked, she seemed to gain conciousness again and looked around, be-dazzled that we were around her. What happened to her? When I asked her that very question she just remained silent and shook her head, I thought it would be best to leave her in peace now but was still wary about her. It would be a fatal cost to have that happen in a fight, against the...things that lurked here. I looked to the left and to the right, something outlined the landscape, I blinked and it was gone. Perhaps it was a trick of the dark...

Perhaps it wasn't.
I'm a Writer!

If you want to help a dragon egg in need click here: http://dragcave.net/view/YQdH

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Sat May 28, 2011 4:02 pm
SisterItaly says...


Creep. Don't touch me. I knew I would have problems with the group. They were a strange and frightening group. The girl made her way back to the boy, they seemed to be relatively happy. I glanced back to the group. They seemed to have almost everything sorted out.

I slowly stood up and held my bottle close to my chest as I watched them make their final decisions. I hoped we'd be getting a move on soon, standing here was giving me the creeps. Especially when I could swear I heard something snarling in the darkness. I shuddered and pulled at the hem of my dress.

"Guys, I-I think we need to get a move on." I said quietly, no one seemed to hear me.

I sighed and looked over to the girl and the boy, they were conversing about... who knows what, and the creepier guy was conversing... with his stick. Alright then.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sat May 28, 2011 7:55 pm
NinjaCookieMonster says...


I shrunk back into the wall. I guess I'd woken up late; I didn't know why everyone was arguing, and that was something I was usually great at figuring out. I looked down at the jar in my hands. Taupe. Not a color I would've chosen, but then again, this wasn't Uabai; I doubted color was really important. I looked around, trying to gauge where I was; smallish room, big hole in one wall, and a quick count showed six people.

I heard food, said softly from somewhere vaguely to my left. I spotted a girl with dark hair talking to another girl, and then moving back to a boy. The other girl seemed shaken. I'd seen that look before. I couldn't tell you what it was, but I'd definitely seen it before. I should probably talk to someone. Before I could figure out what to say, I caught a small voice -from the shaken girl.

"Guys, I-I think we need to get a move on."

I climbed as lightly as possible over the floor to stand a safe distance from her. "To where?" I asked sheepishly. "I haven't quite been in the loop."

I was still hanging on to that jar, like it was going to make me understand everything in the universe that ever was or ever would be. Maybe it would be. I turned the jar around in my hands. It seemed relatively simple and plain. I swear I'd drank from jars like these back home when the cups went missing.

It had been a few seconds, and I hadn't gotten an answer. Maybe she just didn't like talking. That was okay. I nodded as if she'd actually said something and edged back to the place I'd started at. "Thanks anyway." I mumbled, hopefully loud enough for her to hear. If I was lucky, no one else would. By the looks of things, I didn't want to get involved.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Reviews: 66
Sat Jun 04, 2011 7:07 pm
CelticaNoir says...

Ciel | Still in the Ruins

Ciel scowled. He didn't like arguing. He didn't like arguing at ALL.

Ridan had curled up on top of the crimson jar that sat at his feet, growling softly at he rubbed his nose with his paw repeatedly. Ciel stared at him almost thoughtfully before looking behind him; the sad girl still hadn't moved from where she was, and beside her, there was a new contender in the crowd. Apparently not a very happy or excited camper, by the looks of it.

Ciel took off his hat and peered inside it, almost irritably.

"When will you people please shut up and get some sense into your heads?!" Sheer annoyance was present in his features; he tilted up his face upwards as he glared at each of the others in turn. "While you're all standing around and whining, our precious time is running away from us!"

The whole room had fallen silent; Ciel could feel the eyes of everyone present trained on him. There was a slight shuffle, and someone growled. "Whining? Unlike you, we're trying to figure out - "

"Figure out what? The best way to die?" He put the hat back on his head. "Frankly, if I were you people, I'd try to get a move on, and that's that." He bent down and picked up his jar; Ridan slipped off easily as Ciel craddled it to his chest. "If I have to, I'd rather go off by myself than stand around waiting for someone to come to their senses. Good day to you all!"

He tipped his hat to everyone and turned his back on them, making for the exit...

He just hoped he didn't make the stupidest decision ever.
I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

Okay I’m supposed to be asleep what am I doing measuring sinks
— EllieMae