
Young Writers Society

Angels Vs. Demons *Not Started/Accepting*

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Wed May 11, 2011 1:40 am
Camulaeus says...

*Uh....Kay, the SB's set in Medieval times, in a Fantasy world XP, I don't think they have computers, or Kentucky*


What the hell was THAT I thought. Did I really just KISS her?!? An ANGEL?? For a second I was totally lost, and then I forced the doubt out of my mind. Yes, I did just kiss her. It didn't matter if she was an Angel, it didn't matter I just met her: from the moment I saw her, she was going to be mine.

I stood up shakily and followed her out of the barn. I had only taken two steps when she had spun around "And where do you think your'e going?" I kept my face impassive. I felt a flicker of doubt cross my mind, is she the judging type ?A few of the initial thoughts flickered back into perspective. Her eyes darted from mine to the ground, and she gave a sigh. "So why'd you do it, huh?"

I closed my eyes, and tried to think back, but it was just a blur. My head seemed so foggy, how was it that it only happened minute ago?

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. I should at least get to know you first"
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Wed May 11, 2011 2:48 pm
eldEr says...


I paused, shifting my bag of rocks to my other shoulder. How long had it been since I had been brought here? Three days? Four? Did it matter even a little bit? No, probably not. All that mattered was that I liked it quite a bit more than Hell - much more... colorful. Lush. Irritatingly lively and green. Take your pick, I just liked it more.

I continued my trek - heading towards wherever and whatever I happened to stumble across. It didn't matter - not even a little bit. It was all the same, anyways.

A muffled thud somewhere to my right caught my attention, and I wheeled around, axe already drawn. Okay, so judging by my white knuckles, I may have been a little jumpy. A little? Then again, I was always jumpy. Everything and anything could be out there. Anything.

Sure enough, there stood another demon - a cute one with a dangerous glint in her eyes. Rather, she was kneeling, and better yet, she was kneeling over... another dead demon. Hello world, I had just found Tae. I had spoken to her all of three times, seen her all of five, and I already knew that she was somebody you didn't want to tangle with. But still...

That familiar smirk spread across my face, and my axe went back in its hand-made sling over my spine. Why bloody not talk to the girl? The worst she could do was... wait. There was blood. Probably lots of blood... I took a deep breath, found some resolve, and kept my eyes away from the body as I approached. As long as I didn't see it, I would be fine. Don't think about the smell.

"Awe, what did the poor guy ever do to you, Tae? Hm?" I asked, arching an eyebrow. This was easier than I thought it would be - just don't look at the body.

>>demons bleed, right? >.> <<


I was shaking. I couldn't help it - I was a quivering, once again useless, lump on the ground. The angel girl who didn't know how to do much of anything had her knees pulled up to her chest again, face hidden behind them up to her eyes. I needed to be able to see - there could be... things out there. Big things. Huge things. Things that didn't like angels; particularly the weak ones who couldn't fend for themselves.

Or demons.

I didn't even stop the thought, just pressed my back harder into the wooden building behind me. There had been footsteps and voices inside earlier, but I didn't care. As long as they didn't come around to the back and find me, I didn't care. They were probably just those human-things, anyways... and they probably wouldn't hurt an angel. Would they?

I risked moving one arm to wipe a tear off of my cheek and pulled in a shaky breath or two. I was in trouble - lots of trouble. And I didn't even know what kind of trouble I was in; I was just in it.

There were so many things I could have done differently. So many things that I could have changed to make myself stronger. I should have trained harder... somehow. Or found a weapon more effective than my dinky little dagger that I could actually use.

The big door on the other side of the building creaked, and I let out a squeak. Please, Creator, don't let whoever was in that barn hear that. I prayed silently, trying not to cry harder. Panicking - Mama had always said that it never got a good soul nowhere. Those were her words exactly. So I wouldn't panic - I would just sit and wait and hope and pray. That wasn't too hard, was it?

Yes, she's behind the barn. >.> You don't have to find her if you don't want to, but I couldn't think of anything else.

got trans?

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Wed May 11, 2011 8:16 pm
SisterItaly says...


She quickly stood and turned on one heel, sword drawn. Naturally. She could feel the fire in the back of her throat as her wings fluffed out and her eyes widened at the supposed threat. You could imagine the relief she felt when she realized it was another demon - one she knew at that.

She quietly tucked her sword back into the sheath that hung loosely on her back. He wasn't much of a threat, but those fleshy things may be. That thought made her skin crawl. She hated Fleshies. They were sickly little things in her opinion. She let her hair fall into her face, the chances of meeting an angel around here were slim to none, but she knew what to do if she ran into one. It's what she was trained for.

She turned and cocked an eyebrow at the other demon. She knew she had talked to him before, but she couldn't remember his name. She kicked the body he was staring at and began walking. She wasn't sure where she was going, but she was going to get their fast.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Thu May 12, 2011 1:03 am
eldEr says...


I arched an eyebrow, already sensing a challenge. Was that a good thing? Oh, probably; a challenge would be good for me right about now. But low and behold, I would crack her - so help me Hell, I would crack her. How and why and in which way was yet to be decided, but it would happen.

Anybody who walked away from me was automatically labeled as someone worth mentally abusing.

And that is why I followed her. She had ignored me - which meant that she must have a very hard-to-breach mind. Silly demon girl. Those were my favorite.

"How long have you been here for?" I asked, stepping haphazardly around the dead body. My nose wrinkled against the faintest smell, and I continued to force myself to keep my eyes up. Just as the tense moment came to pass, something made a noise behind me. I jumped, spine tensing, and spun around. There was something out there - and that something could mean my destruction.

Even if that something was - a bird. I forced my shoulders and my spinal cord to relax again, turning back to Tae. She had turned also, and stared at me with an arched eyebrow for a moment before continuing on her walk.

What? No answer? Fine then, I would keep following her until I got one. And if the little killer decided to turn on me, I'd think of something charming or promising to say. If I was going to be around this one, I'd need a reason for her to let me live, right?

got trans?

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Thu May 12, 2011 4:46 pm
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Synnoev says...

@ thegirlwholived/SisterItaly: can angels and demons tell what species other characters are just by being in their presence? ?


I landed with a loud thump in the middle of what appeared to be a deserted corn field, and looked around with a degree of suspicion. So. Back on earth again. I'd been away for so long that I'd begun to suspect that my superiors had realised my loyalties towards them were waning, and that they'd decided to keep me close to home in order to watch over me more closely.

Apparently not.

I picked myself up, dusting off my vessel quickly and checking for any injuries that may need to be attended to. From what I could tell, everything was intact, and so after a quick shake of my limbs to re-accustom myself to the restricting human form, I started off in the direction of the nearest building, a dilapidated old barn that looked to be about two fields away.

It wasn't too long before I reached the edge of the building, and I hesitated uncertainly. The air was filled with the essence of ethereal power - and not only demonic. There were angels here. Voices from within the barn made me start with shock, and I retreated to the back of the barn, almost tripping over a curled up form on the floor.

A young angel stared up at me, eyes wide with fear. "Who are you?" she asked in a whispered, frightened tone.

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Thu May 12, 2011 6:28 pm
eldEr says...


Please, please, please don't find me, I begged silently, curling up even tighter than before. There was somebody in here - a demon. My heart rose to my throat; I wanted to scream, scream just to get the blockage out. I didn't hate demons, they couldn't all be bloodthirsty killers, could they? But just because I didn't hate them didn't mean that I wasn't terrified of them, because most were bloodythirsty killers.

My teeth bit down hard on my bottom lip and my eyes closed. I would be fine - he wouldn't find me back here. All I had to do was breath quietly and not move and -

Something hit my foot, and I yanked it back quickly, head shooting up. He was right there looking at me. Looking at me!

"Who are you?" I asked, my heart still blocking off most of my voice. It had come out so quiet... I sounded weak. I was weak, I know, but sounding it really wasn't going to do me any good. The shaking started in my hands, and then my shoulders. Before either of us could blink, I wasn't only a scared ball on the floor - I was a scared and trembling ball on the floor. I wanted to go home. At least I knew what home was like, who was there and who was safe or not.

A tear slipped out before I had a chance to stop it. "Please don't hurt me," I added, voice shaking as much as I was. Because that line always worked.

got trans?

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Fri May 13, 2011 4:55 pm
Synnoev says...


"Please don't hurt me," the angel whispered quietly, and my brow furrowed for an instant before I looked around again, still able to hear muffled voices from within the barn. I pressed a finger to my lips before pointing towards the wall behind her in a silencing gesture. She stayed curled up tightly, her arms trembling with tension, but glanced backwards and gave a muted nod anyway, her gaze then returning to a fixed spot on the floor.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I muttered, slightly irritable at having somehow arrived in the middle of nowhere, and sat down next to her, ignoring the angel as she openly flinched and shuffled several paces away from me. Great. So now I was stuck next to some little angel girl who looked like she may well implode from fear at any given moment, with a roomful of other ethereal beings behind me. In the middle of a war. Just great.

Right, so now I just needed some kind of plan to get me out of here before I got dragged into the crossfire. This angel hardly seemed like a threat but whatever was in there was powerful, the essence pressing down onto my own just from the proximity. Getting stuck in a fight with that was pretty low on my to-do list.

"You're a demon, aren't you?" The angel asked, voice startling me from my thoughts, and I turned my head slightly to look at her, before giving a brief nod. An expression of confusion passed over her face, and she looked away again, pressing her face down onto her knees. "...Then why aren't you trying to hurt me?"

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Sat May 14, 2011 3:51 pm
Thegirlwholived says...


I sat up as there was a thump outside. Dontese lifted his head and immediately flew out the window to observe the scene. I walked around the side of the barn and saw Elijah standing over a cowering Angel.
"Please... Don't hurt me..." She was trembling, curled up in a ball on the ground.
"Everything okay back here?" I said as I approached her.
She peeked up at me.
"Fawn!" She screeched, and hopped up, half hugging me and half hiding behind me.
"What... Niania?" I'd seen her occaisonally at school. She was my friend in first grade, but then she started poking fun at me.
"Fawn! We thought your were dead! No one knew where you went..."
I pushed away the feeling of happiness that the Angels noticed my absence, and stepped away from her.
"Why are you here?" I asked as Dontese perched on my shoulder.
"I don't know..." I cut my eyes to Elijah, and she scooted farther away from him.
"He's not going to hurt you." I said, as though it were obvious, though it clearly wasn't.
Niania frowned and looked at the ground. I sighed and handed a strawberry to her.
"Don't expect to stay."
Bad case of Writer's Block? Look no further for a professional healer of Writer's Block! Shoot me a PM, and I'll get write on your case! (hahahaha see the pun there?) ;)

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Sat May 14, 2011 4:14 pm
SisterItaly says...


I looked over my shoulder and cocked an eyebrow at the demon. Well then, he was going to follow me? Plenty good for him. As long as he stayed out of my way, I wouldn't have to kill him. Although the thought of getting him out of my hair was enticing...

Unlike the underworld, hell, whatever you wanted to call it, there was a delightful breeze that floated over my skin, and through my hair and feathers. I fluffed out my wings to their full extent and gave them a couple good flaps. I wondered if he thought I was going to fly off and leave him here. That thought made me smirk. I ran my hands through my hair and commenced walking towards some old barn.

That's when the smell hit me.


My hand instinctively reach for my blade. Angels were the enemy and they stood for everything we didn't. Therefore, they must be destroyed. Then another smell floated past my nostrils. Demons. But... I didn't smell any blood, and it didn't sound like there was any fighting. What the hell?

I looked over my shoulder at Acorn or whatever his name was and took off, flying. He could wait, right now there were obviously some rogues and Angels I needed to take care off.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Mon May 16, 2011 8:45 pm
eldEr says...


I smiled up at Fawn and took a bite out of the strawberry, savouring the fact that there were still things that were sweet and comforting in this world. I didn't know what she meant by saying Don't expect to stay, but I was too drained to ask. Besides, I was quite sure that I didn't want to know the answer right now. I inched closer to her, as far away from the two demons as I could. Fawn was strong, right? She could keep me safe if the demons attacked, couldn't she?

I glanced over my shoulder, nearly shrieking. There were two demons over there... hostile-looking demons. My eyes grew round, and my breathing quickened. I yanked on Fawn's sleeve, nearly tugging it right off of her shoulder.

"Nia! What -"

I shoved a finger in their direction, opening my mouth and closing it again.


Tae was grinning a very... malicious-looking grin, and I didn't like the look in her eyes. Chances were that she would run over there and slaughter all of them. Slaughter meant blood, which meant me vomiting, which meant exposing my weaknesses to one of the most homocidal demons I had ever met. That wasn't going to happen.

I grabbed her arm at last second, and then her other arm, trying to dodge the kicks she was throwing at me. "Hey, listen for a second would you?" I hissed, hoping that a decent-sounding excuse would come to mind quickly.

"You know what's funner than just wandering in and killing them?" I asked, swallowing somewhat nervously. Tae just glared at me. "No? Well, what's the fun of a quick death? Stalk your prey, make life miserable, death comes slow... much more enjoyable." I let out a slow breath.

got trans?

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Mon May 16, 2011 8:57 pm
SisterItaly says...


I cocked an eyebrow at the demon and shook him off. I was trained to kill my target quickly and efficiently. I didn't get any enjoyment from killing people- okay that was a flat out lie. I got tons of joy from killing damned souls over and over. I had never killed an angel before, though.

But they were the enemy, and for that they must die.

I sheathed my sword and shook my head. We still needed to get home, what were the chances the demons over there hadn't been fraternizing with the angels? Slim to none, in my opinion. Even if they had magically ended up here like I had, they would have had the chance to befriend them. Making them traitors.

And for that, they must die.

Well, look who was the perfect soldier now.That thought made a small smile pass over my lips as I let my fingers graze the badge that was pinned to my tattered clothes. I would prove Hell proud, and kill those targets in good time.

I grabbed Acorn-boy's arm and dragged him towards the barn. If he insisted on following, he would do the talking for me.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Mon May 16, 2011 9:56 pm
Synnoev says...


Great, another angel. I let out a quiet, irritated sigh, then looked around, sensing a shift in the energy fields around us. What had been a roughly equal balance of demonic and angelic essence had suddenly been warped completely, like someone tipping the scales on a see-saw.

More demons.

Whilst the two angels exchanged greetings and ... fruit ... my gaze flickered up to meet Elijah's, and I tilted my head meaningfully, gesturing slightly towards the direction from which the energy pule had come from. His face took on a more serious expression, and he nodded, the movement barely imperceptible but still there.

I gritted my teeth slightly, trying to work out if it was worth getting involved in a fight right now. Sure, I had my weapon and my fire, but what was the point of fighting right now? These angels hardly looked like threats, and I had better things to do than waste time and energy disposing of them.

Still. That energy signature was unmissable, it's pulse known to almost every demon. Tae. If she saw us here, there was no way she would let us rest until the angels died by our hands, or we died at hers.

I peered again at the angels, weighing up my options. By this point, they too had noticed the other demons now that their figures had become visible on the horizon, and both had taken on expressions of varying concern, the green-haired one in fully-fledged panic whilst the other stood with veiled fear evident on her face. "We'll be fine, Nia," she murmured to the quieter angel, who looked marginally reassured by this statement, but stayed curled up on the floor nevertheless.

I turned to the brunette angel, a frown passing across my features momentarily before I spoke. "How well can you fly?" I asked briskly, my gaze moving to glance over her wings, then meeting her eyes again.

She shifted, a suspicious edge entering her eyes. "Why?" she replied distrustfully, and I let out a loud, frustrated noise, pulling my hammer from my back and assuming a battle stance. "How good you are links pretty strongly with how likely I am to kill you right now," I hissed, my eyes narrowing as I felt the onset of Tae and the other demon's energies' slow and come to a stop.

Fawn glared in response, reaching for her own bow, slotting an arrow into place. "You had better start making sense pretty soon before I decide to put a few of these into you." Next to her, Nia trembled and edged even closer to her angel companion.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't want to fight that demon any more than you do. Only thing is, she's one of the best fliers in demon ranks, and I can hardly run faster than she can fly. So, can you get us out of here before she catches us, or not?"

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Mon May 16, 2011 9:59 pm
Redfang18 says...

Reserve a Water Angel for me, OK?
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Tue May 17, 2011 10:06 am
SisterItaly says...


I came to a halt beside the demons and glared hard at the angels. Well, at least they weren't getting along. I gently placed a hand on the fire-demons shoulder and shook my head. I was most likely his Superior, so he would have to listen to me whether he liked it or not. Don't worry, dear friend. You'll get your chance.

In fact, for getting on my safe side so fast, I'd even let him have the brunette. I gazed down at the pathetic angel behind her. The way she trembled and hid from me both amused me and irritated me. So pathetic. This is what we were trained to fight against? This was that huge threat? Utterly pathetic. On second thought, the brunette was mine. He could have the weak and pathetic angel.

I unsheathed my sword and pointed at the angel's bow and arrows, no one held my troops at dead-point. I stepped between the demons and the angels as I gave my sword a little waggle, as if to say 'yes, you can use that dinky thing, but look at the distance. I'll kill you first.'
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Tue May 17, 2011 11:46 am
Camulaeus says...


I had been watching in silence as one by one, a motley crew of angels and demons had assembled around the barn. I recognized the demon in the center of the group as the fierce Tae; Finest Demon Warrior of this spawn-year. Her presence would only lead to trouble.

I had been moved to the demon side of the confrontation, and I stared across at Fawn. THe second angel, Nia I think, was clinging to her for protection. I had no doubts that they would be Tae's first target. My mind raced as Tae stepped forward, wagging her sword. I breathed deeply, and then leapt into action.

A thick mist swirled into existence, clogging the sights of the demons and angels with a murky white glare. There was shouting, and the sounds of battle erupted. Desperately, I raced towards Fawn and Nia, and grabbed them by the arms as I ran past. "Come with me if you want to live" I whispered, and then took off in a westward direction, half-dragging them as we went.
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

You are going to love some of your characters because they are you, or some facet of you, and you are going to hate some characters for the same reason.
— Anne Lamott