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Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:09 pm
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MilkNCookies says...


Name: Eva McCallin

Age (14-19): 17

Sex: Female

Appearance (written and a picture):
Spoiler! :

Eva has light brownish hair that falls in unruly waves down to a bit past her shoulders. Her eyes are a bit small and her the same color as her hair, a light brown. She has a medium, average nose and small dimples when she smiles. Her lips are thin and light colored. Her is around 5'2 and is in the border between skinny and average, weighing 115 pounds. She has small feet and slim, intricate fingers.

Power (and description of it if necessary): She can communicate with animals. She can't make them do things, only suggest things. They treat her like one of their kin.

Personality: Eva a mean, evil sort of person. The villain in a story. She blames everyone else for her wrongs and doesn't trust anyone. She's not smart- not book smart, anyways- and the only athletic thing about her is her speed. She's grown to be fast, running away from men and woman who see her and try to catch her. And for getting away from stealing clothes and other things from people's homes and stores. If you get on her bad side(which 99% people are), you might find yourself being stalked and constantly shoved and hit 'accidentally'. She's a bit of a loner... okay, she's a complete, aggressive and deep-down wants-to-have-friends-other-than-animals-but-would-never-show-it loner. Not that she'd admit that to anyone.

Flaws: She's a clumsy oaf. Not many people can get through her shyness/meaness and she never tells others what she wants.

Strengths: She's street smart. She is, deep down, a nice person, and on a totally unrelated note she can run quickly.

History: Eva grew up in an abusive home. She was named Gertrude. She was- and her parents never let her forget- an abortion that failed. She quickly turned away from humans and stayed with only herself, talking to people when no one was there. She ran away when she was ten and never looked back. She lived by stealing things from wherever she could. She was caught twice but used her fake innocent looks to escape. She has no friends- she doesn't even know anyone else's names. Once she was caught the fist time, she changed her name to Theresa. After the second time, she changer her name again, and she is Eva. For the moment.

Ring (picture and/or description):
Spoiler! :

*warning- the picture is large*

Is a black, thickish, simple ring with silver animals engraved on it. The inside is silver.

Other facts: She secretly just wants to be accepted and liked by others.

Up for love (and orientation): Yes; Straight.
Last edited by MilkNCookies on Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:15 pm
ultraviolet says...

Um, I thought we didn't get our powers until we found our rings and met up with everyone in the woods...?
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:34 pm
MilkNCookies says...

*head bang* completely forgot. (goes to edit) Thanks, Ultra!!!!

"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:15 pm
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ToritheMonster says...

Thanks for catching those mistakes and editing, but try to keep stuff like this to the DT or in PMs. Just so the thread doesn't get clogged.

Anyway, we'll be starting tomorrow! Prepare yourselves. *sings Lion King* Be Prepareeeeeeeeed.
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:33 pm
Calligraphy says...

Wait can we post now?

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Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:01 am
ToritheMonster says...


My feet hurt.

That's all I thought as I trudged through the woods, branches scuffing my combat boots. The sky was overcast, and anybody sensible would be heading inside before it rained. I wasn't sensible, but I had never been much of the hiking kind. At all. Some weird tingling in the back of my mind was pushing me forward; and I didn't think it was Prozac, Vicodin, or meth. My hand wouldn't stop twitching. I owed this in part to the fact that I hadn't had a smoke or a fix all day, but more so to the weird ring I had found under a floorboard in my room after I had taken a hammer to it. Goddamn moods. And goddamn that ring, stuck to my hand.

I swiped at a branch that smacked me in the face as I continued walking, muttering under my breath. Eventually I stopped to rest, and pulled out a package of cigarettes. My hand twitched, and they fell to the ground in a pool of mud.

"Oh, that's fucking brilliant." I mumbled, digging my fingernails into the palm of my hand. I couldn't do anything right, could I? I pressed them in harder, drawing little half-moons of blood.
Stop, Lolli. Calm down. Remember what happened last time you lost it. All you did was drop them. Pick them up, Lolli.

I bent to pick up the package, and nearly jumped. It was floating a few centimetres off the ground. I blinked. It was back in the mud. Shit, I really was going into withdrawal. I picked it up, opened the soggy cover, and pulled out a miraculously dry cig. I continued to walk, my nerves slightly settled, blowing out clouds of smoke as I went.

Suddenly, my hand stopped twitching. I looked up from the branch I had been kicking. I was in a small grassy clearing, free of all foliage and rocks, save a flat boulder in the centre. I walked over cautiously and sat down. Somehow, I was sure I wouldn't be alone for long. I nervously lit a new cigarette and went through the contents of the pockets on my trenchcoat. Click, my switchblade; my lighter, a blue ball-point pen, a loose Prozac pill, a dime bag of meth, an expired credit card, a bit of a drinking straw,two buttons, and a piece of blank notebook paper folded over until it was as small as I could get it. I put them all back in my pockets except Click, who I flipped open. Better safe than sorry.

I took a long drag on my cigarette, growing anxious, and sharpened Click on the rock with my other hand. I checked to make sure my hands had stop bleeding. They had.

I could feel the start of a mood swing coming on from the anxiety of waiting and not knowing; when there was a rustle in the woods. I could see a pair of eyes look out at me. With a deep breath, I weighed my options: attack, wait, or run. I reached into my pocket and grabbed the package of cigs, holding it out.

"Want a smoke?"

(This could be anybody. Commence!)
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:17 am
MilkNCookies says...

Eva McCallin

"Do you want a smoke?" Asked a friendly-seeming girl sitting on a rock. I scrutinized her face, with her cigarette hanging lifelessly out of her mouth; she was obviously a druggie, and she no-doubt smoked things worse than cigarettes.

I stared at her, a mixture of shock, confusion, sadness, and joy on my face. At the same time. I didn't know that was possible.

"Suit yourself." She said, sharpening her blade thing. "I'm Lollipop. You?"

"Eva." I said, using my voice for the first time in... well... a long time. With the lighter's vanishing light, I could see a ring on her finger. "By any chance... did you find that ring?" I asked her.

"Yea." She mumbled as I sat next to her, yet a good distance away.

"Any now you ended up here, too. Walking."


"Like me."

She looked at me curiously. I showed her the animal ring that wouldn't come off.

"Hm. I wonder if we're the only ones?" Asked Lollipop, but it was more like an statement.

"I wonder what's up." Lillipop asked herself.

A small bird tweeted from the bush- like a beam of light in the darkness.

"Look, it's a cardinal." I pointed to the bird.

And it fluttered over, landing on my finger.

"GAH!" I screamed, shaking my hand.

"Woah. It's just a bird." Lollipop said as it flew off, confused.

"It scared me." I replied defensively. A rustle in the bushes. I stared, senses alert, as Lollipop bared her blade.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:37 am
Calligraphy says...

Olivia Brown

Gnats buzzed in my ears. I had given up swatting at them though; they seemed desperate to get a last meal before the promised rain drove them away. I looked up through the trees to see black clouds. The air was hot and sticky, the way it always gets before a rally big summer thunder storm.

I wiped sticky hair from my forehead. I had been walking for hours in this heat and I was ready to be soaked. I was ready to dance in the rain. I knew I would dance, and I wouldn't care what anyone thought for a moment, because I was all by myself. This dram was abruptly interrupted as I saw someone.

It was a blonde girl. She was obviously someone I would never talk to. The first sign was the smell of cigar smoke that wafted off of her. The second was the switch blade in her hand. I took a step back as a waft of feelings and thoughts came over me as I too another breath. I suddenly knew what I should say, but I didn't. I just stood for a second trying to orientate myself. Weird.

"Who is it?" I snapped my head over as another girl spoke. This girl's hair was wavy, like mine. The blondie spoke,


"Well, what?" I asked realizing she wanted my name.

"Oh, um, Olivia Brown. Actually, just call me Tweet." I stumbled. What an idiot. I wished I was alone again, but for some reason I had the urge to stay. I looked back and forth between the two girls. The brown haired one had a smirk on her face.

"Well, since Eva here didn't want one, would you care for a smoke?" I silently shook my head, and stood there awkwardly, like always. Finally I asked,

"So what's your name?"


"Oh." I have whispered. Then after a long silence I spoke again,

"Why are you guys here?" They both held out their hands. I noticed that they both had rings, even if they weren't the same. I clenched my ring hand into a fist.

"We can't get them off." The Eva girl said bluntly. I remembered this morning when I had slipped my ring on my finger. I couldn't get it off either. "Do you have one?"

"Yeah." I said lifting my had to show them mine when a twig cracked right behind me. I jumped and spun around.

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Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:00 pm
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Sins says...

Austin Maddox

"She'll be comin' 'round the mountain when she comes, doo-doo," I sang through whistles. "She'll be comin' 'round the mountian when she comes, doo-doo, she'll be comin' 'round the mountain, she'll be... somethin' somethin' somethin' to do with mountains when she comes." I paused. "Actually, ain't the rest of it just repeating it all again... Ah, whatever, I don't even get why the bird's walkin' around mountains anyway. I don't see why she don't get a car."

At first, the whole nursery rhyme situation was to divert my attention from the gangly trees around me, but by the end, I was genuinely enjoying myself. I mean, nothing screamed happiness like a good sing-song, did it? For the first time in a good fifteen minutes, I focused my gaze on what was around me. Trees everywhere. Bloody fantastic. Branches stuck out from the sides like wrinkled hands trying to grab onto something and choke it.

"Tree... tree... tree," I mumbled as I passed more never-ending greenery.

I didn't know whether this was just karma being a prick, but I swore the world was out to get me. Okay, so I woke up this morning as happy as a midget with a new pair of stilts. Everything was dandy, I brushed my teeth, I got dressed, I did my hair and then set off to buy some milk. When I was leaving my place, the prune with the lazy eye--I mean, the woman next door started raving on about how the death penalty should be reintroduced because the youth of today were disgusting and immoral (no matter what the dried up raisin said, I wasn't the one who threw a television at her door. That was my mate, Matty), so that did make my morning a little less enjoyable, but nonetheless, I'd started off the day alright as a whole.

And then it turned out there was no milk left.

What supermarket ran out of milk? I mean, seriously? Due to that fact, I decided to take my business elsewhere. Oh, but it got worse. When I was texting Matty to tell him that the gremlin next door wanted his neck in a noose, a street lamp decided to appear in the middle of the fircking pavement. As you do, I walked right into it. Then fell.

"And then this pile of crap decided to get itself stuck." I lowered my gaze to the ring that was wrapped tightly around my finger. "Kinda offensive really. You're callin' my finger fat," I muttered at it.

I'd found the ring on the floor when I fell, so I thought I'd try it on. I got it on fine, but then my finger must have gained about ten pounds and added a new layer of fat, resulting in the ring getting stuck. As I dodged another branch, I tried yanking it off again.

"Do you want me to try and eat you? I will, you know, you poo head."

I hoped I was suffering from hallucinations or something because it would have meant that I was imagining all of this, and right now, I was asleep in my bed with a nice glass of milk on my bedside cabinet. I was pretty sure I was here though, walking for no apparent reason through a Goddamn forest. Forests and me just didn't go. We never had, and we never would. A number of memories tried crawling into my head as I stared at the swaying branches around me, but I quickly switched my mind to something that I knew would distract me.

I inhaled a deep breath. "She'll be comin' 'round the mountain when she comes, doo-doo, she'll be comin' 'round the mountian when she comes, doo-doo, she'll be comin' 'round the moun--" Hang on... Yes! Grass!

I shot my head up to see that there were no longer a swarm of trees trying to suffocate me, but merely a clearance of grass. Sweet, sweet grass, and I would know; I used to eat it as a kid. With a beam of happiness, I quickened my pace and raised my voice.

"Grass, glorious grass! Grass, duh-duh, grass, grass! Somethin', somethin', oh, someth--" I froze.

Sitting on some depressed looking boulder were three chicks, who admittedly, looked more depressed than the giant sloping rock. They were looking at me kind of funny. Fair enough.
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:09 pm
LadySpark says...


The woods were getting dark as I walked through them, not knowing where I was going. My feet seemed to know, and who was I to deny them? I glanced around me, slightly nervous, and stroked the long pendant that hung from my neck.

As I came to the edge, I saw some people sitting on a large rock, talking like old friends.
"Hey," said a guy with messy hair, ceasing whistling as he looked me up and down.

I nodded coolly and scanned the others, a girl that looked like a ghost, another guy with lots of cute freckles, a way too skinny girl to be healthy, a girl with gray eyes, like Athena, I thought. Still scanning their faces, committing them to memory.

The guy with red hair cleared his throat and then jumped off the rock. "I'm Micah." he extended his hand, and I saw the ring he wore, gold, with clockwork.
"Cat. Cataluna Callet."
"Nice name." He winked at hopped with apparent ease back onto the rock.

The other dude with messy hair had started whistling again. He was pretty good, but I hated whistling.
"Hey Cat. I'm Lolli. Wanna smoke?" she held out a cigarette.Her hair was so white, it was blinding.
"No." I said much too quickly. "I mean no thanks."
God, why am I so clumsy around people?
"Whatever." Lolli leaned back and looked at the sky, apparently uninterested with any of the others.

How long have they been here? I wondered. And why do I feel safe with them? Why don't I feel, as I have for years, that I need to run and hide?

"So..." The girl with red hair that was too skinny said, leaning against a bump in the rock. "Anyone know why we've suddenly come here?"

We all shook our heads, exchanging glances with each other. I looked at the guy with messy hair, who had finally stopped listening. He held my gaze for a millisecond, and then looked away.

My mind blurred a second, and I felt an emotion course through my body. Fear.
As my mind cleared again, I felt faint and sick to my stomach. Sitting down abruptly, I curled up, because pain was shooting up my spine.

"What’s the matter with her?" Lolli asked, glancing over at me.
They all shrugged, and the girl with red hair and Micah jumped down beside me.

This would be a nice time to have friends, I thought, before blacking out...

I thought I may as well have a power usage, like her first one so she gets all sick. Thanks!
hush, my sweet
these tornadoes are for you

-Richard Siken

Formerly SparkToFlame

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Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:41 pm
ToritheMonster says...


Of course, somebody just had to faint. I had been trying to be as friendly as possible for a while, but I was getting sick of it. The two gingers hovered over the chick who had passed out. Cat, that was her name. She didn't look like a druggie, other than the purple hair, so I figured she just had some sort of health issue. I just happened to be pretty good at waking people up when they passed out. Possibly the only good thing you pick up when you're around stoners daily.

"Scoot, kiddies." I said, crouching down next to Cat. They both made angry protests, but seemed to realise that I knew what I was doing. I shook her lightly, and she made a grumbling sound. "C'mon. Wake up." I said, annoyed. I slapped her, not hard enough to leave a mark or hurt her, but most definitely hard enough to wake most people up.

"Lolli, what the hell?" somebody asked.

Cat opened her eyes, shot up straight, and screamed.

"Oh, for God's sake. Shut up." I said. I wasn't known for my patience.

"I... I... I looked at him." she whispered, pointing feebly at the boy who had introduced himself as Austin. "And all I felt... all I felt was fear. I couldn't handle it."

"This is fucked." I said, glancing around at everybody. I got a few dissaproving looks for my language, but that was how I talked. "Right before any of you showed up, I could have sworn I saw something hovering. Bird girl," I gestured at Eva, "has cardinals landing on her. And now Eva's feeling creepy things when she looks at people. And we all have these rings that won't get off our damn fingers. And somehow, we're all here. Not to mention that I don't particularly feel like killing any of you, which is unnatural. Clearly, something's happening. Something..." I searched for the right word. "Weird." Not particularly eloquent, but it would do.

(somebody else talk...)
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Mon Jul 04, 2011 6:05 pm
Sins says...

Austin Maddox

"I... I... I looked at him." The chick who I swore was dead a few seconds ago stared at me with an aimless look in her eyes. "And all I felt... all I felt was fear. I couldn't handle it."

Thanks, babes. Love you too. I shrugged, more to myself really. She was just overwhelmed by my hotness, duh. Nighty eight percent of me knew that this girl didn't, in fact, pass out due to me being hot, but I let myself think that so I would feel better. As I delved my hands into my pocket, I watched while Dolly, or Lolli, or whatever her name was glared at the girl on the ground. She seemed like an angry kid. She needed a cat or something; people with cats were always happy, or insane. Either one. Lolli-Dolly started talking then, but the majority of what she said was either curse words or how fucked up things were at the moment.

"...And now Cat's feeling creepy things when she looks at people." Correction: she was overwhelmed by my hotness. "And we all have these rings that won't get off our damn fingers..."

When Lolli-Dolly was finished, I happily responded first. "Well, for once, I ain't done nothin'." I jumped off the rock. "Well, I did let my mate throw a TV at the woman next door, but she's a bitch, so it's alright. I don't think tha' has anythin' to do with any of this crap though." I clasped my hands together. "On the bright side, we have two gingers with us, and you." I nodded at Lolli-Dolly. "My friend, are very aggressive which is highly amusin', not forgetting the chick with plum juice in her hair that passes out when she sees me. We've got a fun bunch."

I was pretty sure I'd offended the majority of the group, but in my defence, I didn't do it intentionally. No offence to this lot, but they all seemed so... depressed or angry. After shooting a few annoyed looks at me, they continued chatting amongst themselves. Sheesh, they needed to lighten up, or at least bought one of those stress ball things you squeezed to release frustration. I used to have one, but I ended up breaking it after slicing it in half with a knife to see if there was anything inside. Worse still, there was sod all in there, so I was highly disappo--

"You lot are complete idiots."

I snapped my head to the left, and sitting on the grass with her legs crossed was a girl no older than ten. Where the hell had she come from? The moment I looked at her, she raised her dark eyebrows. Her face was intensely pale and she was wearing what looked like an off-white nightgown that almost resembled a cloak, which certainly wasn't a suitable outfit for the middle of nowhere. I glanced at the rest of the group, but none of them seemed to have noticed the nutter on the grass.

"The rings," she continued as I turned back to her. "It's not rocket science. They quite blatantly have something to do with all of this, including the fact that you can see me."

"How's tha' weird?" I chuckled. "Ew, you ain't one of them little kids who think they can make themselves invisible by wearing a cloak or something, are you?"

"No. I'm dead."

"I mean, no offence 'cause your nightgown is sweet and all, but it kinda looks a bit like a pair of moulded curtains. Not that moulded curtains can't look nice, it's just tha' it's a bit weir--" I froze. "Wait, what?"
Last edited by Sins on Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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Tue Jul 05, 2011 2:56 am
Calligraphy says...

Olivia Brown

I was silent as the others went on. I was staring at the cocky boy. What was his name again? I suddenly had the urge to tell him that it was okay. I knew for some reason that right now he was feeling like he was crazy. I could actually see why too. He seemed to be talking to something or maybe it was a someone. Either way he seemed a bit flustered, but no one else was paying attention.

I got up from the ground and leaned against his rock.

"What are you doing?" I asked making him jump. He, for the first time so far, didn't seem to know what to say. He sat there with his mouth parted for a few seconds.

"There was a little girl," he started. "We all have rings. Why didn't I see it before?"

"Umm." I wasn't sure how to respond to that without following my instinct to comfort him. "Why did you call me a ginger?" Well, that was stupid.

Sorry it was so short, but I am afraid my internet is going to go out again at any moment.

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Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:47 pm
MilkNCookies says...

Eva McCallinsUm, Eva has a thing with animals/birds, not sensing emotion. That's Cat. Tee hee.

I was sorta in the corner, struggling with my ring. When I thought it was finally budging, it slid right back onto my finger. Stupid, messed up ring.

"I can't get this off." I said in defeat.

"No duh. Else we'd already be gone." Austin said, clearly a bit shaken. Oliva was next to him. Cat was sitting on the top of the outcropping of rock, her feet dangling inches from ground. And Lollipop (what a weird name) was sitting in the middle of the rock, using her blade to try and cut the ring off. I sighed, sitting on the floor in front of the rock.

"Well, what now?" I asked them. "I mean, we clearly have powers. Lollipop and Olivia... I don't know. But I know birds come to me, Austin sees things that aren't there, and Cat sees emotions. Call me crazy, but I think we're meant to bee together."

That got me a few stares.

"No. I don't think we have anything in common." Lollipop said. It took me a second to realize she was sarcastic.

"Thanks, Lollipop." I said. "But my real question is, What's next?"

Everyone stared at me. Soon, my feet were twitching. They wanted me to walk. Again.

I obviously wasn't the only one. Lollipop was peering down at her feet, as was Olivia and Austin. Cat had already started to walk.

"Let's walk a little farther." Lollipop suggestied.

"Sure." I said.

"Okay." Came from Austin.

"Whatever," Olivia- Tweet, we were supposed to call her- grunted.

Standing up, we all followed Cat back into the forest.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:29 pm
LadySpark says...


We walked, or rather thundered through the forest, keeping closely knit. Austin walked up beside me and extended his hand. "Don't think we've officially met." he said, lowering his voice so that no one else could hear. "I'm Austin."
"Hi I'm--" I stumbled over my words as I usually did when I was around a guy. Cute ones were the worst. Like this dude. But from the look of him, he knew he was cute. That annoyed me. "Cat."

"Nice hair."

I looked at him, trying to figure out if he was being mean about my purple hair, but he seemed serious.
"What's its natural color?" he seemed interested in what I had to say, seemed to want to get to know me. But there was something underneath the surface... Hesitation? No. There it was. Longing and fear mixed together. Somehow, I wished I could change how he felt. But that's impossible. Right?
"Umm.. Auburn almost red actually..." I stuttered, trying to get a hook on the words.
"Oh, cool." he smiled, then backed up a bit, looking at the girl, Olivia or Eva, I forget which.
"I don't know bout ya'll, but my feet have stopped twitching." Lolli said, about an hour later.
I nodded at stopped. My feet seemed to not care, so I circled the clearing we had ended up in, a rather pretty place it was true. Lots of trees, some wild roses right next to wild onions. well that's a weird combination... There was some more rocks over along the edge and an old bike propped up against the tree.

"Whats that?" Eva said, walking over to it, then testing it. "It works!" She clumsily pulled it out of the weeds--
"Here let me help." Micah hurried forward and pulled it out for her.
He nodded and then walked over to the trees. "Well now we're here, what are we going to do?" he asked lazily...
hush, my sweet
these tornadoes are for you

-Richard Siken

Formerly SparkToFlame

In the past I would definitely say who you would find inside. Not so much today. Place is bonkers …. As is everywhere
— Greg Specter