
Young Writers Society

Rousseau's Academy for Vampire Hunters 2

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Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:41 am
ScarlettFire says...

fictionfanatic wrote:So, Scarlett...*cough cough* when are we starting? Just wondering.

Sorry, Fiction. Soon, I hope. We (Meaning mum, my brother, his girlfriend and I) had a bit of an emergency last night but it's all okay now. A few more characters and we'll start, I think.

Edit; this will be starting tomorrow. So get those profiles finished.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:54 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Daaarnnnnn it, I'm gonna be gone most of the day tomorrow making a video for The Day of Silence
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:30 am
BrooklynWriter says...

Sorry, I have a lot going on right now and I have to drop out. Good Luck.
Last edited by BrooklynWriter on Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:26 am
MyStoryline says...

Mind if I have two?

Name: Fira Lush

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Race: Fire Elemental

Skills: Fire Elementals are considered "Keepers of the Flame". So Fira can direct fire to shoot and spread anywhere with one flick of his fiery wrists. He is also able to actually be in a fire and not be harmed. Also, when he really gets mad, flames start to flicker from his mouth as well as black smoke

Magical or Non-magical: If you count being able to make/create/manipulate fire, then yes.

Appearance:[b] Fira has hair that is such a dark red, it appears almost black and is cut very short. He has extremely dark black eyes that look almost burnt, and if you look into his eyes for a minute, you can see fickering flames in them. He stands at five feet three inches, but he's very strongly built. His skin is a little bit on the pale side, his teeth are extremely white and straight, and he is very strong.

Fira is a Pyro and just absolutely loves fire. He has a small temper and is very hot-headed, no pun intended. When he isn't mad, he can actually be pretty nice and very friendly. He hates rules and barely ever follows them. He's great with fire and can take any warm/hot temperature without even feeling a difference.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Fire, heat, brightness, darkness, being with people he likes, breaking rules, girls
Dislikes: The cold, not being able to use fire, loosing his temper, having to follow rules

Flaws: He can't stand the cold. In fact, if he gets too cold then he can't create fire. He also will really start to overreact and will start chattering his teeth, will get freezing, and will hardly be able to move. He also has a very short temper

History: Fira was born by a single mother who lives in a trailer. He was supposed to have a fraternal twin, a sister, who his mother was going to name Fira, but she died before she was born, so he was named Fira instead. All his life he has lived with his mother, taking care of her and making sure she's living as comfortably as she can. Fira isn't at all ashamed by his mother or his trailer home, he's just afraid of what people will think/say when/if he tells them about it.

Up for love? Yes - Straight

Other: He has a beat up, old, blue pick-up truck

Name: Sorren (sore-in) Sibbiss

Age: 16, nearly 17

Gender: Male

Race: Air Elemental

Skills: Controlling weather, wind patterns/paths, air, etc. He's also good at combat as long as they're further away.

Magical or Non-magical: Again, only if you count air as his power

Appearance:[b] Air Elementals are commonly describe as cloud-like beings that are swift and semi-transparent. This definitely applies to Sorren. Sorren has shaggy hair that is extremely light blonde - it's actually more white than blonde though. His eyes are a combonation of a very light blue and very light gray, and appear almost transparent. His teeth are brilliantly white and very straight. His skin is very pale, almost as pale as a cloud, and if you look at him for a minute you can literally see through him. Despite the large amount of time he spends outside in the Sun, he never gets tanned/burned - he always stays as white as a piece of computer paper. He is six feet and three inches, rather thin, and is mostly seen wearing completely white. Sorren also has a scar running fom his right temple to the corner of his mouth. He also has one going across the front of his neck.

Sorren is a pretty easy going guy. He's a really peaceful, go with the flow kind of guy. He also believes strongly in fate. He loves the outdoors and can't stand being inside too long. He loves being surrounded by people and when people are happy.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Motorcycles, wind, air, open windows, the outdoors, cloud watching, the color white
Dislikes: Being inside too long, being in a room with no windows, knives

Flaws: Sorren gets very stir crazy and will get cabin fever within only half an hour of being outside. Also, at the sight of a knife (kitchen knives), he sometimes just freezes, unable to move becasue of the memory of that night (written below), but not all the time because it was also a kitchen knife that his mother used to save him. It all just depends.

History: Sorren's mother was Dutch and his father was Cherokee Indian, which is really weird since Sorren is so pale. Sorren's father actually accused his wife of cheating on him when he saw the paleness of Sorren's skin, which is only so pale because he's and Air Elemental. Gracefully, Sorren's father accepted Sorren as his son anyway, even though he strongly belived that he wasn't really his father. When Sorren was eight, it turned out that his mother actually was cheating on his dad.

When Sorren's father found out, he was outraged. He drank and drank until Sorren's mother came home, and then he started yelling. It was night and Sorren was asleep, but his father came into his room with a kitchen knife in his hand. Sorren's mother clung to his arm and screamed at him, trying to convince him not to hurt Sorren and that Sorren was his child.

Pushing his wife away, Sorren's dad grabbed Sorren by his shoulders and shook him awake, dragging him out of bed. Sorren's mother then ran out of the room. His dad yelled something that didn't really make any sense to the still groggy, eight year old Sorren, but he put the kitchen knife to his throat.

Naturally, Sorren began to scream and struggle, which caused the knife to cut into his throat. The next thing Sorren knew, he heard his mother scream something and then his father gasped. Sorren's dad let go of his grip on Sorren, only to fall ontop of him, the knife cutting Sorren's face and giving him the scar on his face.

Sorren's father died because his mother stabbed him with a knife. The court decided that it was defense, and let it slid.

Up for love? Yes - straight

Other: Sorren has a white motorcycle (It may sound weird, but he only chose it because he can feel the wind whip around him while he rides).

*Hope this is okay*

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Sat Apr 09, 2011 5:27 am
ScarlettFire says...

fictionfanatic wrote:Daaarnnnnn it, I'm gonna be gone most of the day tomorrow making a video for The Day of Silence

It might take me a while to finish my histories for my characters, :\

BrooklynWriter wrote:Are there anymore spots left?

Of course. The character looks good. Could do with a little more history, though.

BrooklynWriter wrote:Magical or Non-magical: (Is the transformation migical)

It could be classed as magical, though werewolves are supernatural. *shrugs* Up to you, really. Either way (Magical or not) is fine by me.

MyStoryline wrote:Mind if I have two?

Go for it.

*Hope this is okay*

Looking good, Storyline.

And we will be starting today hopefully. I just need to finish my profiles and we should be good.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:15 am
Camulaeus says...

Elijah Derso | Midnight, Upper East Side

I breathed in the smog encrusted air of New York's grimy upper right hand district. In front and around me a mixed congregation of teens spread out and peered into the darkness, a seemingly endless expanse of concrete barnacled by graffiti and stains that once might of been recognizable as some form of liquid.

At first glance it seemed like the group had no relation to each other at all, that was until the roses became apparent. Entwined in ink on fore-arms, engraved into necklaces or bracelets or simply a ring bearing the insignia of Rousseau's Academy for Vampire Hunters.

Vampire hunters we were indeed, though the majority of the humans we died for would scoff at us and say we were lunatics. Perhaps we were, but in my experience the fang's of a vampire biting the air a hair's breadths away from your throat is about how real it can get.

"Elijah, what route do you think we should take" Normally I tended to stick to the back of our groups: as a look out for any threats from the rear. Also I was one of the few in our unit who could fight best from long range. The voice startled me slightly, I didn't talk to anyone so they didn't talk to me. It turned out it belonged to Alec, a man with long brown hair that fell over his ears and curled slightly around his face like a tilted halo dirtied with mud.

I shrugged and murmured "I suppose the fastest is down past the Art Museum and the Empire State Building, but it also takes us a bit close to Greenwich, and with all the tension with Declan's coven, maybe some of our troop might provoke more than necessary attention" I eyed Noah, another Werewolf in our midst besides Alec and Fira, a fickle Fire elemental. The only other elemental was Sorren, an Air elemental. He stood in the epicenter of the throng of Hunters, as he loved to just be part of things.

Noah appeared to be chatting with Katie Blue, who we all swore would wear that unnerving smile to the grave. I took the opportunity to survey the rest of our merry band, The few Vampires on our side, Ellie, Roya and Rory were talking in hushed tones. Amber the Dhampir stood with them in a relaxed innocent manner, no one would've guessed how much rage she could unleash when agitated.

Paige, the third and final Werewolf traveling with us ambled about on the fringes of our group, almost like Alec and I, except that her head was way up in the clouds. Though when she needed to be, she was surprisingly alert. Another person entranced in nothingness was Seth Hamilton: a half elf who could find virtue in a dung beetle. The other members of the faerie realm in our consensus was Marisol, a fairy who had to fold up her wings for incognito missions like this one. Somehow she had smuggled a book aboard, and was patiently reading as the party waited for instruction from Alec, the selected Leader. The other fey was Ayden, an Encantado who at the moment appeared to be trying the patience of Cherelle, a human who was always bright and socially at ease. Ayden was probably asking some stupid question about the most basic functions of the world.

"And what if we went through Queens, and crossed down through Brooklyn?" Alec asked. I had almost forgotten his existence.

"It's up to you, though there won't be much vampiric activity, and we wont get back until at least three in the morning. Alec sighed and scratched the back of his head. I closed my eyes and laid a 3D model of the city out before me in my mind's eye. I knew these streets like the back of my hand. After consulting the map of consciousness I turned to Alec and said "If we cross over through Midtown now, and hug the East River until we reach East Village, we may be able to remain below the coven's radar, and still be able to pick off a few of the vamp's making a killing off the drowned"

I revised the route once more in my head, then nodded with what I hoped looked like confidence to Alec. He sighed. "Well, you know these street's best" he said and then turned. "Alright, we're moving out!"
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:40 am
ScarlettFire says...

Alec West | Just After Midnight, Upper East Side:

Everyone turned to look at him, but Alec ignored it. Instead, he gestured for Elijah to lead the way, which the mage did. Amber stayed at the rear of the party while the others spread out a little. Nothing like a crowd of teens to attract unwanted attention. Not that even half the so-called 'teens' here were actually teens anymore--they just looked it. Alec glanced across the street and almost froze mid-step. A vampire stood across the street, pitch black hair swept back from his dark blue eyes, arms crossed over his chest.

Alec knew the vampire. Isidor. He almost swore out loud but managed not to. No need to alert the other's to the vampire's presence, although he had no doubt amber and a few others had already noticed him--which was soon proved as Amber broke off from the group and strolled across the street. He sighed and shook his head, sliding his gaze away from the pair as Amber reached the vampire.

As they walked, he felt Elijah's eyes on him and met the mage's gaze. "What?" he asked, swiftly looking away.

Amber Sullivan | Just After Midnight, Upper East Side:

I followed the others for about two minutes before I noticed Isidor on the far side of the street. I glanced towards Alec--no doubt he knew. And he did. He watched as I crossed the street and joined Isidor on the far side. I spared the group a glance before turning my attention on the vampire leaning casually against the wall. "What do you want?"

Isidor smiled, showing off his fangs. "Declan wants to see you and Kassia."

I scowled. He did, did he? He wanted to see the Dhampir and the Dhampir-turned-vampire, huh? "Why?" My question was curt and the tone harsh, cold. Isidor didn't flinch, just kept smiling. I fingered the dagger at my belt. Isidor just stared at me for several long, drawn out moments.

"He didn't tell me," the vampire finally said, eyes flickering past me to the other side of the street. "Where's Kassia?"

I groaned. Great, he'd noticed she wasn't with us. "I don't know," I snapped. "She does her own thing nowadays."

He nodded, as if that made sense. "Come," he said and pushed away from the wall, leading me towards Central Park, then down through Midland and Chelsea. I knew where he was taking me: Greenwich Village. Vamp central. Wonderful. I didn't pay attention to street signs or buildings, or even landmarks. It didn't really matter; I knew this path like I knew my own hands. The steps were ingrained in my mind and in my body.

Finally, we stopped outside a large, stone mansion enclosed in it's own mini-park. I blinked. Ah, yes. Declan's home. Isidor led me through the wrought iron gates and right up to the double doors that served as the front door. There, we paused and Isidor raised his hand to the touch the door handle. Before it could connect, the door opened.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:38 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Katie Blue:

As we all spread out to be a little more inconspicuous, I noticed a vampire a little ways away from us, and my hand instinctively went down to my twin dual blade swords. It was only when Amber approached him and they had a conversation too low for me to hear all the way over here that my fingers loosened a little bit.

I looked at some of the others, my usual smile on my face, and realized that some of them hadn't even noticed that the vampire was there. But those of us who had noticed just seemed to be looking at each other as if the other should know what to do.

The vampire took Amber by the shoulders and pushed her away, rounding a corner so that they were now out of sight.

"What do we do now?" I whispered in a hushed tone, my fingers itching to withdraw my swords from their sheath.

I waited for an answer, because everyone seemed to be still thinking on it, still unsure.

*This is only 188 words, but I figured it was close enough and I have to start getting ready to go to my friends house*
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Apr 09, 2011 3:37 pm
Camulaeus says...

Elijah Derso | The Southern Fringes of Upper East side,Near the Modern Art Museum

"What?" asked Alec. I could feel emotion coming through him, agitation? Worry? Perhaps even terror? Yet it was only a single vampire. I shrugged in reply and gently whispered to the City that the vampire might be a threat.

The creature was talking with Amber, who appeared to be getting more irritated by the second. That won't end well. Luckily both her and the vampire seemed unaware of the barbed wire that was coiling somewhat maliciously in a circle around them. Armed with barbs aged with a seeping rust, snakes of the metal rose up from the very asphalt street and wormed through the infected ground until they were almost full circle. Any move by the vampire, and if Amber didn't get him first, my wire's would.

Then the vampire led Amber away by the shoulders, and my little pets gave chase, bobbing in and out of the concrete like it was water.

I stumbled slightly due to the spell, and Alec flashed me a worried look. I righted myself and looked behind me. By now the majority of our group had noticed the vampire, or at least Amber's absence.

Katie's hands were shaking slightly, and one of them landed on the hilt of her no-longer concealed sword. She appeared to be asking something, but I couldn't make it out. All I knew was that she was drawing weapons in public, and even though it was midnight although the sidewalks may be more or less empty, the streets were still packed with the typical mile long traffic of Queensboro Bridge.

Rolling my eyes I willed the grimy orange cast by the over head light away, further deepening the shadow in which our motley crew stood. I groaned. That was my magic for the night. I suppose I should start walking now, but I was afraid that no one would follow, our some would and our group would be divided between those who follow Amber and those who followed me.

I turned to Alec "If you want, we can go after her, or we can tell everybody to calm down and then continue down to Midtown"
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:29 pm
April says...

Ellie | Closer to Rousseau's then she thinks

Ellie watched the group as they walked towards that school. It was the bane of her existence, that school. All the promising young vampire hunters that roamed around here were almost unnerving. Fortunately she was able to keep a low enough profile that she never got caught.

Though there was the times she would run into them...

Ellie was pulling away from a human she had just bitten. He wasn't dead, but he'd wake up a pint or two short. It was enough to satisfy her thirst. As she stood she heard something move in the background. She turned just in time to see one of the little hunters spring at her.

She twisted out of the way and hissed at the girl, who simply hardens her glare at Ellie. She knew the hunter was expecting a fight, and she knew the hunter was expecting to win. Ellie glanced past the hunter, to the ally behind her. The hunter glanced behind her, and Ellie took off the other way.

Ellie was strange, she hated humans (or at least she said she did) but she always let them live. She returned her attention to the hunters, they hadn't seemed to notice her when she ducked behind another bush. Cover was hard to find, suddenly. She tucked her curly hair behind her ear and sighed.
Don't make me bite you.


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Sat Apr 09, 2011 6:05 pm
SmylinG says...

Rory | Just After Midnight, Southern Fringes of Upper East side, Near the Modern Art Museum:

After a semi-eventful night out in the city, I was wishing we'd nearly be at old Rousseau's again. Some of the others seemed disgruntled by it, but it was more of a numb association I had with the school. It wasn't quite home, but it was where I was at this point in my life. Not to mention I didn't quite mind the company.

Despite our differences and the differences they all had with each other, the group seemed like a fine enough lot together. To me at least. Although, I tended to stick with my own kind more or less. An instinct of some sort. I knew of the vampire stereotypes that could be thrown around. I tried my best to stick with my own kind so I wouldn't unnerve the others. It really wasn't my intention to.

The only time I broke away - like now - was when I needed to hunt. I couldn't feed on any of the humans at Rousseau's. It was. . . wrong. Actually, I couldn't bring myself to feed on many humans at all lately. Which is probably the reason for my feeling so weak. I couldn't wait. I wasn't myself. But I needed to feed. The closest animals to the city were the ones in the zoo, and I wasn't going to drain a poor mountain lion just to feed myself. In order to obtain the same nutrition as my fellow vamps, that's what it called for. Complete drainage of animal life. But so what? It was what the humans did to survive. This cleared my conscience -knowing that the way I killed was at least more humane.

It wasn't hard sneaking off. The night was my cover. I was too fast for eyes when I chose it. I had the Aston nestled safely nearby in a garage in the city. It took a little less than three minutes running to get there. When I did, and when I was finally in that leather luxery seat, I was in my home. But no one would probably ever know so. I hoped my absence would remain unnoticed. I just couldn't take anymore of these blood-lustful feelings.

I hit the freeway at a record speed of 180, weaving in and out of cars with tremendous ease. I never usually got too close to 200. But still, I was invincible. A police wouldn't dare try and follow. The Aston would dust him. This made me feel secure.

I made my stop near a wildlife park, and soon got my hunt on. It didn't take long to satiate my thirst. By then I was in no hurry to get back immediately. I assumed no one noticed I had crept off. It had only been about twelve minutes since I had left. I made it my mission to be quick with the rules at Rousseau's always lingering. I didn't like breaking this rule that often. Only when I found it absolutely necessary to do so.

I was back in twenty. The Aston had been a beast tonight. I kissed the steering wheel emblem that held the memorable Calros imprint on it, then was off in a sprint back to the group. And with new blood lingering in my tissues I was faster than ever. Shaving off three minutes of my estimated time actually. I guess I was a real weakling when not on the good stuff. I just hoped this choice of mine wouldn't reap problems for me later.
Last edited by SmylinG on Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Paul is my little, evil, yellow bundle of joy.

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Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:52 pm
PhoenixBishop says...

Seth~Upper East Side

Seth examined his nails with little interest on the events that unfolded around him. He only payed the slightest bit of attention when Isidor approached Amber. Seth had bumped into Isidor many times in his long life and few of them had been pleasant. One of the most annoying things about being so old was the fact that you had to deal with the same ugly faces over and over again. Isidor was a prime example of this.Bored out of his mind Seth decided to head back to the school.

Seth could hear their conversation but he paid little attention to it. Nothing they were saying was interesting. Seth decided to occupy his time with better purists.

At any given time the world was filled with auras. As people went about their day Seth could see them. He had once climbed to the top of a mountain a surveyed the land bellow. The town bellow looked like a Christmas tree strung up with hundreds of different colored light-bulbs. During the day they were harder to see, but at night they were like beacons. That is how he noticed the vampire hiding in the bushes as they headed back to the Academy. She was far enough out that anyone with acute senses would not notice her if they were not actively searching. Not to mention the wind was lightly blowing in the opposite direction. But in the night sky her green aura acted like a giant sign indicating her presence to Seth. He sighed in annoyance with out breaking his stride and broke away from the group.

Once out of eyesight he got on his toes and sprinted with quickness and grace towards where the group had come from. Then he made a wide arch so when he came to a stop behind the young vampire. He simply leaned against the nearest tree. She spun around with her teeth bared, but Seth looked at her with amusement. "And what may I ask are you doing here ugly little vampire."

Out of all the races Seth considered vampires to be the ugliest, and frankly unnatural abominations to nature. Setting aside the fact they were all in desperate need of a tan, dental work on their annoyingly pointed teeth and smelled of blood and death. Theyir beauty was a fake attempt at life. He tended to compare them to blow up dolls with with teeth and bad breath.

Humans were beautiful for their simplicity and transitory nature. Like a flames that flickered brightly until all the wax of the candle had melted. Vampires in comparison were blocks of ice that never melted.

Werewolf's were beautiful for their animal like quality. They had a wild side and yet they were still grounded to their humanity. They were part of nature. Vampires in comparison had no qualities of nature, they were no better then machines. Ugly metallic machines. He looked down on this vampire in front of him with this regard.
Last edited by PhoenixBishop on Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:43 am, edited 4 times in total.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:43 am
April says...


She glared hard at the boy and took a step back. Ugly little vampire. She was not ugly, as far as she knew. She always thought she was average, and that was perfectly fine with her. She didn't spend enough time around people who would judge her appearance for her to really care.

"Because I can be where I want, killer." she snapped.

Killer. That's what she thought of those hunters. They killed many an innocent vampire, but probably just as many horrible and blood thirsty vampires who had no morals. I shook my head and took another step back.

"Killer, well. That's not nice." He sniffed.

I hissed and took another step back.
Don't make me bite you.


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Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:14 am
Scatterheart says...

Cherelle - Upper East Side

She had noticed him slip away from the group and trailed diligently behind him. Seth. He was extremely gorgeous and Cherelle was fascinated by him. She wanted him, and she usually got what she wanted. As he approached the vampire, she concealed herself within the trees behind him, listening intently. His confrontation with the vampire was so bold and she longed to show off in front of him and mutilate the vampire, as she knew she could. But footsteps behind her alerted her to another's presence.
"What do you think you are doing?"a voice hissed.
Last edited by Scatterheart on Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
“Once upon a time, there was a girl called Scatterheart, who was selfish and vain, with a heart as fickle as the changing winds...”


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Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:18 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Reminder: Read the previous posts! Smy, your character is with the group, not at Rousseau's. She was mentioned in Cam's first post. Also, take note of what's beside Cam's and my character's names. It's not Rousseau's, it's Upper East Side. REMEMBER: Read the posts! And ALL of the post, especially the names.

Alec West | Just After Midnight, Southern Fringes of Upper East side, Near the Modern Art Museum:

He nodded to Elijah, who was suddenly looking exhausted. Stupid mage, he'd probably over-exerted himself again. Alec sighed and turned to check on where everyone was. Ellie has split off from the group and Rory had vanished. He groaned. And Seth was missing too. Alec scanned nearby for him and found him leaning against a tree.

"Fall in," he called out and scowled when almost everyone ignored him. "Seth! Ellie! Rory?" He glanced towards the others and frowned. "Get back here." He stopped short and crossed his arms over his chest. If they kept wandering off, they'd end up dead. It was what had happened to a lot of students over the years. Alec shook off that thoughts--it would only distract him and get the others killed. So, he waited. They would eventually get back to him and stop wandering off.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

I would rather die of passion than of boredom.
— Émile Zola