
Young Writers Society

The Chaze

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Sun Apr 03, 2011 2:16 am
BrooklynWriter says...

This sounds awesome! I'm in!

Name: Blaire Dawson

Age: 16

Gender: Girl

Appearance/Picture: Blaire is quite tall. She has brown eyes and unusually striking red hair.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Her red hair says it folks, Blaire is extremely stubborn. She is also very impulsive. Though quick to trust, she is also very intuitive of people's true personality.

History: Blaire's parents were extremely abusive. When she was twelve, her father killed her mother. Blaire was left to protect her ten month old sister. This is where her lack of self-tending(?) started. Even though Blaire tried her hardest, her father eventually exploded. He found a gun and shot her now sixteen month old sister. Then, she ran away all together. The nightmares still haunt her.

Personal Skills: Blaire is very resourceful. She can also climb and jump as well as being a sufficient swimmer Though she prefers not to use them, she can shoot with extreme accuracy.

Personal Weaknesses: Blaire doesn't have many weaknesses but she is nowhere near perfect. She bursts into tears whenever she is around bab

Weapon of choice(optional): Blaire prefers a bow and arrow and is always carrying around her quiver if not her bow. She can also use her arrows to her advantage be she in a situation without her bow.
Spoiler! :
Image Image

Pinpoint: Dog.
Spoiler! :

Up For Love: Sure

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Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:20 pm
Dragonette says...

So...are we starting today?
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:14 am
TabbyGirl says...

I finished my profiles! I changed my second character to a dude because I noticed there were, like, 3 guys and 7 girls... and, like, none of the guys were trainers...

But yeah now it's more even and I'm ready to start XD


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Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:52 pm
Jaden G. says...

Hi everybody. I haven't seen a good storybook like this in years, so I hope we can keep it going till the end. Here's my character:

Name: Scott Fermhan

Age: 28 (Director)

Gender: Male

Appearance/Picture: Dark skin, good build.
Spoiler! :

Personality: He's light hearted and can always enjoy a good joke. Tends to get a distant look in his eye when thinking hard or reminiscing but can be easily brought back on track when called. Is a bit slow, but has more endurance to run for a much longer period of time. Likes crossword puzzles.

History: Before joining Chaze, Scott had a dark history of self-loathing and even cutting. Trying to survive on an island has a way of removing those bad habits. When he arrived in Chaze, they found he could communicate well with kids, especially teens, and was trained as a director. Surprisingly has never had a relationship outside of friendships, but does have an attraction to Obsidian (whether she knows it or not). Prefers his trainees to call him Scott.

Personal Skills: Is strong, has great endurance, is open and friendly. Quick to jump to someone's defense. Average intelligence.

Weaknesses: Slow in speed and sometimes wit. Can be too caring and concerned to the point of being nosy or annoying. Sometimes too trusting, especially with snakes.

Weapon of choice: his fists. He knows Aikido and Karate-do.

Pinpoint: Dog. Director | Looks like this:
Spoiler! :

Up for love: yes
Other: Has a nervous habit of chewing.
Last edited by Jaden G. on Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Oh please don't tell me you're archaeologists."

"Do you have a problem with archaeologists?"

"I'm a time traveler. I laugh at archaeologists."

~Doctor Who

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Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:40 pm
MilkNCookies says...

Here we are! I'm posting this to start off- Obsidian's will be here soon.


"Great, kids, you're all here!" I exclaimed, cheery. "Obsidian, say hello to all the children!"

They all stared at me, mouths hanging open.

"So this is what this is all about? We're stranded on a stupid island with nothing more that the clothes on our backs?!" A child- probably a Snake- exclaimed. I kept my mouth shut, allowing Obs to take care of this one.

"Listen, you little punk." She said, getting up from her chair.
"Do you have any idea how lucky you are to be here? It is out of the goodness of Jade's heart that you're getting this chance. So shut your gob!" Obsidian demanded, walking towards the kid as he walked back.

I looked to my side, where all the Directors were lined up.

"This is Director Katrina Jeffers. She'll be taking care of your horses and training you." Katrina smiled meekly and waved. "My sister, Obsidian Chaze, will be the snake director."

"Her?!" The same kid cried out.

"Shut it!" Obs replied.

He obeyed. "If I have your attention, this is Director James Flannem, of the Dogs. Followed by Kim Gerard of the Cats, and Louey Lacktor of the Birds."

"Now, each child line up in front of your director."

After a scramble, there were two kids in each line.

"Now your training will truly begin. Directors, I leave them in your care." With that, I walked off into my office.



"Listen here, you limp noodles." I hiss, looking into both of their eyes. "You will respect me. You will not question my decisions on training. I will not give you more than you can handle. Follow my lead, and you will stay alive. Hopefully."

With a glare back, I walked off. "Are you coming? Training starts now. We're learning about survival."

They both trotted up to me cheerily, looking around as we left the small home. We arrived where their sparse things- their weapon only- were placed. "Get your weapons."

"But I don't know which is mi-"

"Did I say this was optional?!" I barked as the other groups arrived here. My two children didn't question my action further, searching the pile for their weapon. I glanced down at my clipboard which held their names, ages, likes, dislikes- everything. "Thane." I said. He stiffened, glancing up at me. "Cats?"

"They... I just..."

"You don't have to explain." I replied. He looked at me strangely and kept looking. "And Jace."

He looked up, too.

"Why don't you like fighting."

"Never been my thing." He hissed. I shrugged.

"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:52 pm
Jaden G. says...

Did I come in too late to be a director? If I did, I'm sorry.
"Oh please don't tell me you're archaeologists."

"Do you have a problem with archaeologists?"

"I'm a time traveler. I laugh at archaeologists."

~Doctor Who

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Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:20 pm
MilkNCookies says...

Oops, sorry JG! Thanks for taking that up with me. I didn't even realize that you were a director! Sorry!
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:56 am
Jaden G. says...


Three? I looked my charges up and down trying to grasp that there were three of them. I didn't even know that was possible. Is this some new concept the Chaze is trying? Some twisted joke of Jade's?

"Hello everyone," I greeted. “Um… let me go through your names and then we’ll get started. Dastan?”

“Here, sir,” the taller boy answered. Sir. I don’t think I can get used to that.

“Sir? No my name’s Scott.”

“Um… ok?” he shrugged.


“Here sir—uh, I mean Scott,” said the tall red-head. Should have saw that coming, I mean she’s the only girl here.

“And Max?”

“That’s me,” the shorter boy raised his hand. They all looked like confident kids ready to take on the world.

“Alright then. Well your stay on this island is all about survival, something most animals (especially dogs) are good at. First I need you to retrieve your weapons and meet me over at the beach.”

They nodded and went to find their weapons while I headed the opposite way. Zain, the Cats director, noticed this and gave me an odd look.

“What?” I asked.

“You sure you should be letting them out of your sight on the first day?”

I shrugged. “They’re reliable. They’ll find the beach. This is, after all, “survival” training.”

Wueneu just shook his head and went back to his own trainees. The beach sand was soft between the toes and almost pure white. Oh to go running down it… but I had to be “responsible.” Eventually Dastan, Blaire, and Max all made their way down to the beach, weapons awkwardly in hand.

“Glad to see you all could make it!” I called over the noisy tide. “You are stranded on an island! What is the first thing you should do?”

They looked at each other, uncertainty on their faces. Standing there waiting, I pointed over my shoulder to the ocean. Blaire caught on.

“Find water?”

“Then let’s go find some water,” I said, pointing to the dense jungle they just came out of. “Lead the way.”

“What?” asked Dastan. “We just came from there.”

“Ours not to reason why… our not to die from thirst,” I retorted. “Are any of you good at tracking?”

Max’s hand shot up again. He was the youngest after all. “I know how to find things!”

“Then you take point, Max. You all need to learn how to track using your senses. Don’t rely on the eyes, they aren’t always right. Use your noses, your ears, taste touch, everything!”

Heads nodded and Max led the way. This was going to be an interesting group.
"Oh please don't tell me you're archaeologists."

"Do you have a problem with archaeologists?"

"I'm a time traveler. I laugh at archaeologists."

~Doctor Who

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Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:03 am
TabbyGirl says...

Err… in that last post you put Kim Gerard as the cat’s director, and James Flannen as the dog’s… (and I’d just like to say: Zain? Thane? Did not realize they rhymed at first)


Thane Ramia

I furiously continued to shuffle through the weapons. How the hell did she know that I… about… I shook my head, and muttered, “Cats…”

This other guy, Jace, glared at me, “What about cats?”

I rolled my eyes, and ignored him.

“What’s your deal anyway?” He asked aggressively.

I snorted, “You sure do sound tough for someone who doesn’t know how to fight,” I noted, balancing a simple, long sword in my hand.

He grabbed a mace, and shot me a filthy look, “I never said I don’t know how, you freak!” Before I could shoot him a comeback, he rammed his shoulder into mine, and walked away.

Obsidian frowned severely at the two of us. I ignored her glare, and felt the blade of my sword with interest. As more kids stepped up to grab weapons, I stepped out of the way, and glanced up. Immediately, I looked away, horrified…

Zain Weunue

I smirked as Obsid’s trainee gulped and blinked away from my stare. Afraid of cats, huh? I thought maliciously… then I composed myself, you’re a director, idiot. And these new recruits need all the help they can get. It’s no time to be screwing with the snake kids…

“All yours, Zain,” Obsidian nodded vaguely at me as she led the two young men away from the weapon pile to make way for my recruits.

“Choose carefully,” I instructed them.

Soon, one of them stood up, a lethal looking switchblade in his hand.

I nodded slightly, “Nice.” I looked down at my clipboard, “And, you must be Elijah, right?” I held out my hand.

He shook it with a firm grip, “Elijah Derso, sir.”

“Great,” I smiled slightly at him, then released his hand, and looked past him at my second trainee, “You doing okay there?” I asked, glancing down at my clipboard, “Julia?”

“Um,” she peered down at the weapons, her dirty blond hair falling in her face, then she flipped it back and looked at me, her expression unsure, “I-I’m sorry, Mr….”

“Weunue,” I informed her.

“Right, Mr. Weunue, I’m just… not sure…” she explained.

I examined the weapons, “Try a dagger,” I suggested.

She hesitated, then picked up a sharp knife.

“Take two,” I added.

Elijah looked up, slightly alarmed, “Wait- we can take two?”

I didn’t answer immediately. Technically, I wasn’t sure, but there seemed to be plenty of weapons to go around… “Sure. Take two if you can wield them at the same time. Then come on, we need to get started on some survival tips…” I told them, holding my clipboard at my side, and beginning to walk further inland…

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Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:21 pm
MilkNCookies says...

Megsug has joined us. Her profile is here:

Spoiler! :
Name: Tanith

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Personality: Tanith is shy and hides behind a wall of haughty disdain. She's very serious and in it to win it. She feels she has to prove herself and will do anything to do that. Even with fellow snakes she is rather distant and doesn't say much around them. She becomes angry when someone directly opposes her and will argue if provoked.

History: Tanith was raised in a wealthy home until her father fell into debt. Her father committed suicide shortly after, leaving her and her bi-polar mother and three younger siblings to fend for themselves. Tanith, out of duty more than love, cared for her family until they were split up because she couldn't support them all. She feels like she failed now. She stayed with an abusive couple that used her to clean up their home and shop until now.

Personal Skills: Understands things very quickly, adapts to different situations well, good judge of others character.

Personal Weaknesses: Bad at communication, rather weak in the physical area, gets jumpy around a large group of people

Weapon of choice(optional):

Pinpoint: Snake

Up For Love: Sure. You can try.


"Satisfied yet?" I asked my child, Thane.

"Yea." She grunted, hoisting her sword into a sheath and buckling it to her pants.

"Good. Now may we please get moving? I don't like to be last." I moaned. It was true- we were almost last. The other boy had his machete and way ready to go. "Now, what is the most important thing about survival?" I asked, peeking at the five-questions-to-get-you-started list that Jade had supplied to each of us.

"Uh... food?" Thanith asked.

"Nope. Next guess."

"Water." Thane replied.

"Good. Next?"

"Food." Thanith replied.


"Shelter." Thane said. "Good. Now, I'm surviving here along with you. Let's get to work. Jace, go collect food with your machete. Thane, you'll come with me and scout for a good place to make shelter."

"What about water?" She asked.

"We're on an island. We'll get water soon enough."

She shrugged.

"Wrong!" I hissed. "You're supposed to correct me! Salt water is only good when purified, smart ones!"

Wow, we've got a bad bunch this year.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:13 pm
Dragonette says...

>I'm confused, Milk, how many students are in each group?<

Asper~ (Wow, I'm the only bird, this should be interesting...)

When they told us to go into our own seperate groups, I relunctantly let go of Dastan's hand and walked away, but not after hugging him tightly. Then, I shyly walked to the one whom I assumed was the Bird directer.

She lead us to a pile of weapons and I chose a small, but seemingly strong, bow. Then I took the matching quiver of arrows and whistled a trill of notes. A few seconds later, a blue jay appeared out of the woods and landed on my outstretched hand. I spoke quietly to it, and waited as it brushed it's feathers, making a couple loose ones fall onto the ground. I thanked the bird with a bright colored bead (blue jays are selfish and only help if they get something out of it, particulary something bright and pretty), then I picked up the feathers and attatched them to my bow, just making it special and something I can call my own.

>Ok, so that's really short, but I'm not quite sure what to do. I guess I'm going to ask some people to join with a bird or something<
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:37 pm
MilkNCookies says...

IN response to Dragon's question:

There are two 'people' in each group (except the dogs, they have three) I can make another character for the other bird child, since Jade isn't very prominent of a character.

Name: Aaron Smith

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Spoiler! :

Personality: He's dumb, flat-out. But he's smart in survival-wise. He knows how to make arrows, and how to farm, hunt, and all that sort of stuffs. He makes things big deals and ends up frightening people instead of making them feel better. He has poor people-skills and just wants to be accepted.

History: He grew up as a farmer's son. He spent all day practicing fighting with a bamboo staff. He knew he was oing to be one with the Chaze, somehow or another.

Personal Skills: Good at fighting with the staff, quick, pretty strong for his species

Personal Weaknesses: on the dumb end of his species, emotionally insecure.

Weapon of choice(optional): Bamboo staff.

Pinpoint: Bird.

Up For Love: Sure.

"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:43 pm
Dragonette says...

Milk, you don't have to make another character. I could just ask a couple people to do it if you don't want to.
I'm a JESUS FREAK! (but you can call me a 'Jeek' if you want :D

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

You aren't an official writer unless you're at least slightly mad.

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Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:52 pm
DragonLADY says...

OOOH! I wanna join!!!!!!! Just tell me what to do! :D
You have been adressed by the Lady of the Dragons, lol

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Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:17 pm
MilkNCookies says...

Just fill the portfolio out, DragonLADY.

And Dragonette, it's fine :D
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


Sometimes I'm terrified of my heart; of its constant hunger for whatever it is it wants. The way it stops and starts.
— Poe