
Young Writers Society

Divine Chaos

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Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:09 am
SisterItaly says...

Jo(anna) | Forest near camp

I twitched at the sound of logs dropping and someone snickering. I felt my gut sink to the tips of my toes. How much has they heard? I checked my bandages to make sure they weren't coming loose. That was the last thing I needed when my identity was at stake.

"Our conversations now stay confined to mental telepathy." I whispered to my brother before searching for the eavesdropper.

People knew not to mess with me, because not long ago I was one of the countries most feared assassins. We were even known for taking down the head of a cult without even trying. Well... that's what the story was. He died after using the black magic.

Unfortunately the scum who had heard us had long scrambled off. I swore... if they told anyone anything I would kill them myself. A loud crack split the sky and rain came down fast and hard. All the villagers scrambled for their homes while us travelers climbed into our wagons.

Girls in one wagon.

Guys and me in another.

This was going to be a long night.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:55 am
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Dreamwalker says...

Aliaena - Aysra Palace?

This was starting to become ridiculous.

"Milady, please," the servant said, chasing after me with her skirts in a flurry and her eyes wide with anxiety. It wasn't like I was committing an act of great devastation. I just wanted to speak to my father.

"Sush," I said, gesturing her off with a quick flick of my wrist. "It'd be better if you didn't talk."

Her hand raised to her lips innocently, brows furrowed.

"Not all the time, Liella," I smiled. It was hard not to frown at her ridiculous behaviours. Of course, she would usually say smiling towards my ridiculous behaviours would be a tragedy. "Just please, don't be so rational all the time."

She nodded, though I could see it from the way she followed behind innocently, that she did not want me to go through with this. Talking to my father as of late had been hard enough, seeing as he didn't want much of anything to do with me. Not that I cared, of course. He was turning into a war-mongerer, and I wanted nothing to do with it. Even still, he was my father, and the ruler of a country of which I loved and served for thus long. Unwed and unbridled as I am, lifes much to short for such... idiocy.

As we approached the Great Hall, I felt the tension rise in the pit of my stomach. Bring such topics up with father wasn't really such a good thing - at least, nowadays - but there was in no way I could let this stand.

"His Grace wouldn't do something so foolhardy," Liella mumbled, pretending to cover it up with the hem of a folded hankerchief she carried with her at all times.

"My brother wouldn't do anything," I replied harshly. "Not a thing for our people."

"You make him out to be unfeeling."

"You make him out to be someone who cares."
Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologuing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. - R.S

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Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:08 am
sylverdawn says...

*I would like to join the storybook if this character is alright. If not I can delete the post or rework the profile.*

Name: Saythe Forahl

Age: 19

Gender: male

Race: half elf/half demon(if this is alright)

Class: Thief/Mercenary (his occupation depends on the time of day and the location.)

Kingdom/Alliance: Me, Myself, and I... Although given the right motivations this can change.

Appearance: Tall and lithe, like a panther. Long unruly black hair, pale skin, and flaming orange colored eyes. His back is criss crossed with long silvery scars from where he was whipped repeatedly as a child.

http://media.photobucket.com/image/elf% ... r.jpg?o=71 (This was the best picture I could find :( )

Personality: Reckless, competive and independent. Saythe is an extreme adrenaline junkie. Saythe isn't a leader but he's not a follower either. He dances to the beat of his own drum and would rather die then follow someone elses tune. Incredibly loyal to those few friends he has. Saythe is also more then a little paranoid and hates crowded places. He loves heights and can often be found on the roof tops or up a tree.

In his own way Saythe is as capricious as the rest of the family but since he's mortal he also possesses a deep and ingrained respect for the mortal races.

Powers: Telekinesis- the ability to move things with his mind.

Compulsion- Saythe can compel people to obey him, however strong willed people can only be compelled a limited number of times. Weaker willed people aren't even aware they are being compelled.

Power Well- Saythe's strongest, and most useless, power. A Power Well is a person who has the ability to store and amplify magical energy without limit. Except for the little fact that he can't use any of the power himself. A Power Well is a vessel, the only thing he can do is pour the energy into someone else, strengthening their abilities exponentially but only temporarily. Power Well's are incredibly rare and much sought after. The last one was born over two thousand years ago.

History: Saythe is the mortal son of an immortal demon although he himself does not know this. His mother was an elven princess that was raped. More because the demon wanted to destroy her mind then because he wanted her. She tried to kill him when he was born. But Saythe's crying voice compelled her to stay her hand. Instead his mother had him left in the slums of a human city where Saythe was picked up and raised by a group of human thieves.

Although he didn't have a specific family Saythe had a wide range of 'Aunts' and 'Uncles' who raised him. He could pick a lock by the time he was six and climb up a sheer building side by the time he was eight. Until his teenage years Saythe's powers were sporadic and uncontrollable. As he began to gain mastery over his compulsion and telekinesis Saythe sensed and feared his third power.

He broke into the royal library in the Ronasian capital. Spending weeks sneaking into the building at night. Researching obscure magical abilities, until he found one that matched his own. When he realized just how far people would go to get hold of him and use him to strengthen themselves Saythe did the only thing he could to protect his family. He packed up and fled the capital.

At fourteen Saythe had to fend for himself. He took work as a mercenary travelling far from the city of his birth. Occasionally he will stop in a city or some other highly populated area and turn thief again for a short while. Saythe's paranoia is well justified, he has survived more assassination and kidnap attempts then he cares to count. Nowadays he changes his name often and even his appearance on occasion.

Saythe has a need to find the most dangerous tangled situations and get involved in them. Often leading himself into deadly or ridiculous situations.

Up for love?: Yes, and he likes girls. But as I said earlier he's paranoid so he's a love 'em and leave 'em type of guy. Any girl who want's his heart is going to have to work for it.

Other: Saythe's strength as a Power Well needs to be bled off at regular intervels or else he will have a seizure. The ability itself has no limit to the amount of energy that can build up but his body can only contain so much before there are side effects. Saythe has learned to pour the 'extra' energy into the earth. Where it manifests as a rapid increase in plant growth.

In a few years when Saythe hits his physical peak he will stop aging and become immortal, although not a full god. That is, if he lives that long. The jury is still out on that and for the immediate future he CAN be killed.
Last edited by sylverdawn on Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:43 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Du'an | Kathryás - Caravans:

I watched the scholar wander off into the woods, amused. Meanwhile, I decided to get to work on setting up the caravans for tonight. Saukko had been in the forest for maybe fifteen minutes before lightning spilt the sky and rain thundered down around us. Moments later, he came rushnig out of the trees, laughing. I stared as he rushed past and then shook my head. Crazy scholar.

A few minutes later, Joe and his brother came back out and straight over to the caravans. Saukko was hiding somewhere. I only just noticed that he'd failed to gather some firewood and sighed. Well, fine. If he wanted to be like that... I shook my head. No, it was raining. The firewood could wait.

Feeling soaked and miserable, I climbed into the caravan with the rest of the guys. It was definitely going to be a long night...

Lisoná ~ In The Underworld:

Lisoná sighed. That was Flóshana for her, stubborn, spoilt and bored as ever. She peered over her sister's shoulder and saw the storm Flóshana was brewing. She smirked. "Ah, sister. I do beleive we're in for some fun, don't you?"

Flóshana spared Lisoná a glance. "Something like that."

The younger sister rolled her eyes. Of course it was. It always was nowadays. She eyed her sister's movement, watching through the mirror as the sea began to rear her ugly head--guided as usual by Flóshana's talented hands. Lisoná smirked. Oh, yes. There were going to be some interesting humans there.

"So, sister," she began, leaning on Flóshana's shoulder and watching as clouds begun to churn over the port town and rain began to fall hard. "What's the plan this time?"

Flóshana smirked. "General chaos, as usual." She turned to meet Lisoná's gave, diliberately shrugging the younger goddess off her shoulder. "When have we ever had a plan besides that?"

Lisoná just smiled. She was going to love this plan....not that she never didn't love causing trouble. It was what they did; Causing chaos was exactly what the sisters were good at. Other than their father, they were the ban of humankind's existence. When had they not meddled in the affairs of men and caused wars and natural disaster alike?
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:33 pm
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sylverdawn says...


Saythe groaned as he came to and swore as he found himself tied up in the back of a wagon. Rain drummed on the wooden top of the wagon and he could see lightning flashing through the curtain that covered the back. A small lantern lit the inside of the wagon, chasing away the shadows.

On the other side a soldier sat cross legged against the wall, a sword in his lap. His hair was dark blonde streaked through with gray, an old scar ran up one cheek where he had nearly lost an eye at one time. The soldier glanced over at Saythe as if sensing he was awake.

Sighing, Saythe levered himself into a sitting position until he faced the other mercenary. "Hello Marius. What is this, the fourth time you've been hired to kidnap me?"

Marius chuckled softly. "Something like that Saythe. I don't know what all those powerful men want with you and frankly I don't wanna know. But it sure makes for good money and since I expect you to escape, nowadays I make sure they pay me up front."

Saythe shook his head in exasperation his mouth quirking into a lopsided smile. "You're the politest kidnapper I've ever had the misfortune of meeting Marius." He admitted honestly.

Outside the wind gusted fiercely, whipping the curtain aside and for an instant Saythe's keen eyes picked out the form of other wagons that had pulled off the road not to far away. But the chance of escape was the least of his worries Saythe thought. Marius had known his birth name, the only people who knew it were the old thieves that had raised him. The gang might be in danger. Worse, he could feel the familiar tightening in his gut that signalled an approaching siezure. He needed to get away, and fast.

*Saythe could use a little bit of help. By now Marius is wise to most of his tricks.*
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:32 pm
Camulaeus says...

Tanith | Asryan Palace

I stormed through the halls of my palace, my leather boots hitting the stone floors with a ring that buzzed through the hall. I searched like some hungry beast for my father. I spotted Aliaena walking briskly down the hall, arguing with some servant.

"My brother wouldn't do anything," Aliaena said harshly. "Not a thing for our people."

"You make him out to be unfeeling." replied the servant.

"You make him out to be someone who cares."

"Well, that's high talk for someone who doesn't know the first thing about caring" I snarled as I appeared in there midst, "While your'e here cooped up in your towers I'm out there fighting for our people!"

The servant's face paled, yet Ali's remained stone set. Despite her stature she is surprisingly resilient. "While you prance out there with your band of delusional "heroes" your'e just encouraging this senseless violence!"

My head tilted forward in defeat. "I serve my country, and it's king. I did not choose to fight, I wish peace as much as you do. As you recall, I'm not the one who started all this" with these words I glared at the door to my fathers room. "And I think it's about time we ended it"

Elijah Derso | Kathryás - Caravans

I rested my head on the side of the fabric of the caravan, letting my hair fall over my shoulders. I listened to the sound of the winds howling through the dark sky; wishing desperately to be inside. I hated the outdoors and they're elements. Maybe some day I would learn the art of Wind, and surround myself in an eternal calm.

Nobody else seemed to be in this particular caravan, so I summoned a small Flame and let it dance across my fingers. By it's light I pulled my Lightning Tome out of the folds of bag and began to read. I was barely past learning how to cast Spark when someone else entered my caravan.

Could be anyone!
With friends and courage one can stand against all foes, for neither man nor God can conquer those who are not alone

"109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit"

GLBT it doesn't matterone thing doesn't change who we are

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Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:19 pm
Synnoev says...


As I left the forest in a rush, I managed to scramble back into the wagons and try and look as inconspicuous as possible before the brothers returned. Elijah was already sitting in the tent, a flame cradled in his hands, and I grimaced slightly.

"Could you just-" My hands twitched a little bit in frustration, and I crawled forwards to nudge him away from my satchel with a distressed expression on my face. Elijah watched with one eyebrow raised disapprovingly as I peered into the bag to inspect the book within, smoothing the cover and giving it once last look before it was placed carefully back in the bag.

I looked up to see a distinctly unimpressed expression on Elijah's face. "I've told you before, I'm not going to accidentally set it on fire." he said, his voice verging somewhere between annoyance and amusement.

I shrugged, putting the bag underneath my makeshift pillow of clothing, replying as I did so. "I'm not taking any risks. You know as much as anyone else here what I had to do to get hold of this."

Du'an poked his head through the flap. "Saukko, you didn't get firewood. What happened, did you get scared and leave? Go and do it now, okay?" With that, he jumped into the wagon, settling down on his mattress and gesturing to the entrance flap for me to leave. I rolled my eyes, but went anyway.

As I made my way back across the small clearing, I saw Joe... no, Joanna, walking towards the wagons with an expression of fury on her face. Internally, I shrank back. She must have realised someone had heard her conversation. Well, I mused, until she discovers that it's me who knows, and decides to rip out my internal organs in a fit of revenge, this might actually be fun...

"Where are you going?" she asked me, stopping as our paths crossed and eyeing me suspiciously. I gestured to the forest, hoping I looked more innocent than I felt.

"I'm just going to get some firewood," I replied. "Du'an says I have to go and do it, but if I'm not back in ten minutes, make sure you send people out to look for me because I'll probably have been attacked and mauled by some woodland creature." I followed this with a wry grin, then made off to leave.

Joanna halted me with another distrustful look. "Didn't you already go to do that?" she queried, and I shook my head instantly.

"Nope. I was just in the wagon with Elijah after we sorted the wagons for camp, that was all. Du'an asked me to do it earlier, but I guess ... something else must have come up to distract me."

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Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:16 pm
SisterItaly says...

Jo(anna) | Camp

I glared at the boy then out into the woods. The wind was picking up now, and with our luck he would get lost. I sighed and grabbed his shoulder.

"We don't need firewood right now, get into the wagon and wait out the storm." I shouted over the roaring wind.

He smiled cheekily at me and I flicked him over the back of the head. All the ladies were safe in their wagon while we 'men' piled into ours. The wind rocked the wagons fiercely as the boys changed from their wet clothes. I curled up in the corner and pretended to sleep. Really I was blushing like mad.

What's the matter little brother? We're all men here. My brother Harold mocked. I grumbled something incoherent even to myself under my breath.

Vritra| Asyran throne room

I watched as all the sniveling little guards did as they were told to by their king. He had no control over his actions, but I could hear his mind groveling in it's misery. Soon I would wipe all the humans from the face of the Earth and watch it be rebuilt by the stronger race. I decided to leave the king be for a moment, I would still have control over him and his words, but he could move of his own free will.

I returned momentarily to the underworld to visit the two things that gave my eternal life meaning, besides causing chaos and suffering. I swooped in through Flóshana's door and wrapped my arms around my little miracles.

"What are my darlings up to?" I asked looking in Fló's mirror.

I smiled at what I saw, a freak storm was terrorizing a small port town and some travelers. I hated travelers, their caravans often held rogues and criminals. What I saw in that mess of a group amused me. A small assassin that had killed one of my many worshipers years before. She was disguised as a male, and I could sense the masculinity in her. She was forever doomed to be a quarter male, even if it was only in mind.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:18 am
sylverdawn says...


Time passed and the storm steadily grew worse. But Saythe didn't notice, he was having trouble breathing as the surge built inside him. Saythe knew what came next if he held it in much longer he would fall screaming to the floor of the wagon. His mind and body ravaged by his own power.

Distantly he heard Marius' startled gasp, he opened groggy eyes to watch the other mercenary edge towards the back of the wagon. In his haste to get away he knocked the lantern to the ground where it shattered, guttering out before the flame could catch. But the wagon was still lit by a soft white glow, Saythe's pale skin shone like moonlight. As if small white flames were flickering just below the surface.

It was the last thing Saythe saw before he focused inward. Letting the energy that had built up inside him pour into the earth below. First in a trickle, then a flood. He had just enough time to open blazing orange eyes again to find Marius jumping out of the wagon and running into the storm. The wagon creaked and then shattered as green life erupted around it. A stand of oaks rose tall and proud into the storm tossed knight, where once there had been a barren lot for caravans.

Saythe fell onto soft new grass and stared up at the newly grown trees that swayed in the wind. Part of him knew he should get up and move. The discharge of power was a clear signpost for anyone who knew what to look for. But he was just so tired. "I think I'll just close my eyes for a short while. Just a few minutes." Saythe thought as he slipped into unconsciousness.

*Just so people know, Saythe is near the caravan in case anyone wants to drag him in.*
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:34 am
Dreamwalker says...

Aliaena - Aysran palace:

Whether or not I believed his motives to be truthful, he was still my brother, and I loved him greatly. "You don't have to do this with me, Tanith. My reasons are my own."

He raised a brow at this line. "Your own? Why should you be the only to want peace?"

"It is no longer peace I justly serve," I sighed. "at least, not in the manner I had once. I love my people and I will serve my people but arguing with father is pointless and will get neither of us closer to what we wish. If we so choose peace, we must form it of our own cause and our own action. Whatever you wish to bring light to needs to wait shortly. Merely till I finish."

A thin smile became evident across his cheeks. "The execution."

"Was it that easy to tell?" I asked, resting my hand against my hip. "I only wish to stop such senseless bloodshed."

"Yet trying to convince father that execution is not necessary in this case would be a folly and you know it."

"Not in the manner I wish to inform him of," I replied hotly. "He is only a boy, Tanith. A spoiled brat, mind you, but a boy who does not know the meaning of war. If we can strike up a bargain even..."

"Father does not want bargains," he said. "He wants death. You can see it in his eyes, Ali, and he will stop at nothing."

"Than I shall stop at nothing to protect it."

He shook his head, obviously not pleased with this statement. "Why be so difficult, Ali? You're only causing yourself added pain for something that does not concern you."

"Life concerns me," I replied. "And the life of prince Alex is my own until I should be able to free it from its confines."

Alex - Asyran Dungeons

I hadn't really been here for long, if the markings on the wall really proved anything of time passing. Just chalky etches made from stone against stone. How boring.

And it had been days since I had taken a bath.

As I stared at the wall, all the wonderful images of growing up appeared behind my eyes. The simple ease that came with nothing of fear or pain or sickness. I was protected in a sphere of eternal bliss. Since that sphere popped and I found myself in such a dreadful situation as this, I hadn't found the need to be civil.

"Why do I even bother," I muttered peevishly. "All this drama for what? A prince should not be in such a rude, unethical place as this... oh when father gets here..."
Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologuing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. - R.S

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Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:47 pm
Synnoev says...

Our wagon, sylver?


The wagon shook with the force of the storm, and I curled up tighter under my sheet, praying for the days when we could sleep under a real roof again as opposed to the tarpaulin of the wagon. On a real mattress. With springs. Lost in my wishful musings, I barely noticed as Du'an got out from under his sheets, making his way over to the wagon's entrance flap and peering out suspiciously.

"Did you hear that?" he called out, voice hoarse from tiredness, and there were some grumbles from some of the others as a sleep-riddled reply. Du'an frowned, nudging the body closest to him with an irritated expression. "Get up, Harold. I think someone's out there."

The man sat up, rubbing his eyes drowsily. "I didn't hear anything," he mumbled grumpily, but crawling to the entrance to look outside anyway. "There's nothing there." he concluded after a brief look. "Now can I go back to sleep?"

I watched this unfold without a word, my eyes drifting over to where Joanna sat. I could still hardly believe that she was actually a girl... even the way she sat, hunched over and leaning on one knee, gave off a masculine aura. It wasn't hard to see how she'd gotten away with her disguise for so long. Still... My gaze lingered on her as she watched her brother and Du'an grumble to each other. Maybe there was a slight feminine edge to her jaw, and her cheekbones.

I realised I was staring, and looked away to avoid her noticing. Staring intently at her 24/7 was hardly going to abate her suspicions that I knew she was a girl, was it? The look she had given me earlier had already been enough to make me worry that she already knew for certain, and that she was just waiting for the opportune moment to gut me when she got me alone.

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Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:25 am
sylverdawn says...

*Yes your wagon Syn*
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


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Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:42 am
Incognito says...

King Tarvos | The Asyran Keep; Consultation Parlor

Tap. Tap. Tap.

His fingers repetitively tapped on the desk as he looked at the pale faced officials around the room. Tarvos' nostrils flared open, and his mouth drew into a hard grimace. His tension had set the whole room into alarm. They knew the king wasn't pleased, and that wasn't a good thing.

"Why the hell has the execution not been scheduled yet and the scaffolds start being built?" Tarvos hissed in the silent room, his anger emphasizing every word he spoke. His dark piercing eyes searched those of the petrified officials. Only one in the back was cool-faced; Othelen, the Minister of Foreign Trade. Seeing the man embellished with a smug smile sent Tarvos even more on edge. "Is there something you wish to say Othelen?"

The grim force of Tarvos' solid attention made the smug smile off Othelen's face.

"No sir," he spoke quickly and bowed his head.

"Then what do you seem to find so amusing?"

"Nothing sir."

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"You were smiling about something. You will tell me, or else that Ronasian bitch wont be the only execution," Tarvos threatened, as he leaned forward on his desk showing a vicious grin. His eyes seemed to sparkle in the lamp light.

"Sir, its y-your own daughter who, well, has been... preventing it," Othelen stuttered.

"All thirty-two of you, given control over the most powerful and feared country in the world, can't handle one indignant and insolent child?" Tarvos growled, slamming his hand on the table. "I admit Aliaena is foolish and unseemly stubborn, but she can be dealt with. You are letting one ungrateful brat make your decisions for you!"

"She is more of a problem then you know of, your Excellency," one of the officials spoke up. Tarvos didn't see who it was, he was too enraged at the absurdity of it all.

"And why is that?"

"She has the backing of the people--"

"Wh0 cares about the god forsaken people!" Tarvos yelled, cutting the man off. "I want this man dead. I don't care how, or for what reason. I want to see his head staked on a pole outside of our gates!"

"Yes sir," the man bowed his head.

"You are all dismissed, and by the next meeting, if nothing has been done, I will assure you, you will all face the same fate."

The thirty-two men, all in bright red robes left the room, empty and in silence. The anger pulsed through Tarvos, causing his vision to blur. A vein in his forehead pulsed. He leaned back on his chair, settling down, releasing the tension and the frustration. He closed his eyes, and his tapping stopped.


'Everyone is entitled to be stupid, some just abuse the priviledge.'

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Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:00 pm
Dreamwalker says...

Aliaena - Outside the Asyran Keep:

I built my nerve up, pulled my shoulders back and held my head high. I could do this. I was stronger than anything he could push my way.

I watched as Tanith pushed the doors open abruptly. Doors that had been open mere moments earlier as a group if men scuttled out. The first of them seem shocked even to see my face outside of the throne room, and it set me a little off edge if anything.

But I was strong. Within my veins was the making of a queen.

As we stormed into the keep, I balled my firsts and clenched my teeth in the most threatening manner I could ensue. I could no longer be kind. Sweet words and nudging in the right direction could no longer save anyone for the noose, let alone the prince of Ronasel. I had purpose and I wouldn't leave until it was ensued.

"Tanith, Aliaena," the king said, his fingers tapping away against the table incessantly. "What brings me such an honor?"

"I have come on behalf of the Ronaselian prince," I said, the authority booming from my voice. "And I shall not leave until this injustice is taken care of."

This only seemed to make the king laugh. A bellowing chuckle from deep within the gut. "Aliaena, darling, and what injustice could possibly have become known to you?"

He was priorly angry. I could hear the tension in his voice. "You know just as well as I that-"

"My decision has been made, daughter," he replied simply, raising his hand so as to look at his fingernails in an almost recklessly disrespectful manner. "I'm sorry if that comes as an inconvienience to your... what was it?"

"My will, father," I replied simply. "And you know as well as I that such is not the extent of it."

"And yourself, Tanith?" he asked, turning his eyes towards my brother in such a simple, adoring manner. "My son. My child. What is it you find so intriquing about your sisters ideals?"

"I do what I believe to be right," he replied simply. "I stand by my sister."

"Insolence," he mused, wrapping his arms around his chest. "Never have I seen you two to be so... coniving."

"Coniving!" I spat. "How dare you belittle us with such impertinance!"

"If there is nothing else you wish to say," he murmured, turning his cold eyes towards me in a manner that sent chills down my spine. "then leave. I have nothing else to say to you."

Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologuing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. - R.S

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121 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 1779
Reviews: 121
Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:51 pm
PhoenixBishop says...


Sinclair aimlessly walked down the halls of the castle wit only his thoughts to accompany him. Usually he would be in his masters office practicing his magic, but his master had left in a hurry early in the morning saying he had a new lead. Sinclair had no clue what he had meant by this, but he had learned long ago that his master had a knack for holding back information. Sinclair had offered to go, but his master said it was too dangerous. His master however did stipulate that he inform the king of the new development. This of course left Sinclair day wide open with little to nothing to do.

After several hours of mental reflection he became aware of where he was. He looked around and saw that the doors to the Consultation Parlor wide open. From where he was standing he could see the Princess, Prince and King. Sinclair could hear that whatever they were talking about was turning into a heated argument. Sinclair usually did his best to avoid arguments, but he admitted his own curiosity. It wasn't too hard to guess what the Princesses gripe was, she was very vocal when it came to King's recent ruling. Sinclair didn't agree with most of what was done, but he kept his mouth shut. This time was no different in fact he wished to possibly defuse the current situation with the message he was meant to deliver in the first place. With quick steps he entered the room.

While passing them he whispered under his breath. "Learn to pick your battles." Sinclair redirected his attention to the King. "My master told me to say he found it" Sinclair did not know what this meant, but his master had made him promise he use those exact words.

The king simply nodded.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


she slept with wolves without fear, for the wolves knew there was a lion among them.
— r.m. drake