
Young Writers Society

Godmod Partay~!

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Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:41 pm
MilkNCookies says...

spot saved
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:32 pm
Sassafras says...

Lolli Dolli

There were loud noises everywhere, crushing into my brain and making me flinch. New masters, maybe. Have I been bought again? No, I was at a party and somebody yelled Pickle Vixen, then there were drinks... and men... and then nothing.

"Why did I allow my organs to condem my feet?" I sat up lazily and groaned.

"Uh, somebody hit mute!" Upon opening my eyes, I say everybody looking at me. Oh, floating cheese. I stood up slowly, flexing my joints and flattening the wrinkles in my dress. New masters! New masters!

"Hello, I'm Lollipopadollicious! Or Lolli Dolli for short. Please handle with care." A lady dressed as a ninja doll and another boy who looked utterly bored walked up to me. I smiled bigger. "The instruction manual comes in the box, if you have any questions please call 555-LOLLI-DOLLI." The girl quirked an eyebrow and placed her hand on her hip. The boy scratched his head as if contemplating something. "Please hadnle with care," I repeated.

"Instruction... manual?" Wait, is that a sandwich?!

"Sammich!" The sandwich glared and walked to me.

"That's supreme ruler god person to you, missy." I shook my head.

"The Missy doll does not come out until next year."
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

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Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:32 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Artemesia Caron-Jezebel Raksha
"WILL ALL OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!!" I shrieked pressing my hands to my ears and everyone looked at me. I narrowed my eyes at them lowering my ears . "Look none of us have any idea how we got here right?" I asked curtly. Everyone nodded. "And we have no idea what any of us are capable of right?" I asked still curt and they all nodded again. "So it would be a very bad idea to piss someone off right?" I asked calmly and they all nodded in agreement. "Ok now that we are all on the same page." I said then waved my hands so that the flashing lights turned to regular lights. Thhree goth-looking guys walked inside and I smiled. "Jagger, Primus, Venom!" I said happily and everyone was surprised to see me so happy. A white haired boy with several piercings led the way calmly. "Hey Arty!" Venom said happily hugging me. I giggled and hugged him.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:05 am
Vanadis says...


Laughter. Loud noises. Of course. It was a shopping mall; what would one expect? Ren ambled along, happily clutching his bags in either hand as he hummed along to himself. What a glorious day for a shopping spree! Barring the people glancing at him funny because his precious potted daisy Sylvia was perched on his head, nothing was going wrong. His credit card hadn't even figured out that somehow, in some unknown way, it had maxxed itself. He glanced at the bags. No. There was no way he had done that. He'd only bought thirty-two outfits! Surely he had enough money for at least ten more.

His left eye twitched as the smell of burritos wafted through the air. Burritos... he wasn't anywhere near the food court. This could only mean one thing.


Ren took off at a run, becoming a white-and-yellow streak zig-zagging through crowds of teenagers, gaggles of old ladies, and herds of businessmen. He knocked over the guy trying to ask him if he wanted to participate in a survey-- "It'll only take two minutes, Ma'am!"

"I'm a sir!" Ren called back, but kept running. The scent of meaty, cheesy, beany burritos was getting ever closer. He turned a corner, skidding into a rack of suits and ties.

The talakkers had him surrounded. He could see their top hats over the racks of clothing--menswear, he noticed, wrinkling his nose in disgust--so he took a deep breath and yelled...

"Talakkers! In the menswear department! Someone help me!"

He blinked a few times and looked around. This wasn't a mall... there were lights and a banner, and people gathered about. Ren himself was hanging upside-down off a couch. Gingerly, he pulled himself fully onto it and smoothed out his disheveled poofy skirt. "Sylvia," he gasped, undoing the yellow ribbon on his head and taking the potted daisies off his head. Reaching down, he started scooping dirt off the floor and repacking it around Sylvia's delicate roots.

"I know how I got here," Ren said to the woman who yelled, as he patiently tended to the plant. "I rode my bicycle here. And, no. I'm not on the same page. I am not on any page. I'm just here, and I feel pretty, and honestly, that's all that matters."
We've got deep-fried water bears and horse wigs!

If you're slapped in Guam, you're slapped in real life. --chibibo

Need someone to review your novel? Why don't you try checking here? Buddy up!

Last time I checked, love had no gender.

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Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:03 pm
Skull3670 says...

Prince Skull-a-lot

I woke up with a splitting headache and quickly touched my head praying that it hadn't got out again. Feeling my head was complete i stood up and promptly fell right back down.
"Oh my god gravity is broken!" I yelped.
"You lying on your side genius." Replied and most helpful and delicious smelling grilled cheese.
"Thank you. And may i just say you smell practically divine." I smiled. "Hey has anyone seen the woman i was here with? About yay high, has a strange obsession with partying if you ask her about pickles? She's a real vixen, you'd know if you'd seen her guys believe me!" I laughed pretentiously. Finally i spotted what i thought was the leg of the aforementioned woman. With not a small amount of effort i rose to my feet, smiled politely and teleported over to her.
"Hello ladies," i smiled looking at the vixen and ninja girl. " May i just say you ladies are stunning and ... oh dear!"
It was that moments my skull decided to rip free and light on fire.
"Weeeeeeeeee!" It yelled looping the room and crashing into the divine sandwich. "Damn if i had a digestive system i would eat you up!"
"How dare you! I am a cheesey sandwichy god!!"
Uh oh, i thought. Then my self preservation kicked in and my body collapsed stone cold dead on the floor. My skull however kept on floating, all flamey and white.
I have looked into the eye of the storm and stared it down. I am an adrenaline junky and i know no fear.

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Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:19 pm
Dreamwalker says...

Can I still join? This looks like a lot of fun xD
Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologuing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. - R.S

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Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:16 am
Light_Devil! says...

Wow - Who feels like still doing this? (Comment on the DT - topic75190.html)
Dynamic Duo AWAY!!!

A computer once beat me at chess. It was no match for me at kick boxing.

"I wish Homer was my father," - Ned's son.
"And I wish you didn't have Satan's curly red hair," - Ned Flanders.

What praise is more valuable than the praise of an intelligent servant?
— Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice