
Young Writers Society

The Rangers of Evandor

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Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:20 am
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PhoenixBishop says...


The Phoenix looked at herself in the full length mirror as she examined the human form she would inhabit. Her advisors had given her many options, but she believed this one suited her best. The girl that looked back at her in the mirror had milky white skin, unblemished, and her long red hair fell down her back like the fiery flames that usually surrounded The Phoenix. There was a knock on the door.

“Come in,” the Phoenix said. The voice that came from the body was meek and light compared to its thunderous volume. It would just be another thing to get used to she assured herself.

Knox, one of her advisors strode in garbed in a long flowing red robe. He gave a slight bow before speaking.

“My lady, The Rangers managed to win the battle at Trinity Bridge.”

“How many casualties? The Phoenix asked pulling on a red robe and pushing back her red hair which was more cumbersome then she had expected.

“A little over two dozen rangers perished. Not bad odds considering.”

“And how many regular soldiers?”

Knox stiffened. “Fifty or so.”

She could only feel a small twinge of the loss of lives. At her full power she would have been able to feel every ebbed away life, but now she could only feel echo’s of the deceased. She did not like being so disconnected from the life cycle. She pushed away her discomfort with ease and addressed Knox “Things are getting worse. This was a victory, but it was paltry. We must put an end to this war quickly and quietly before our Kingdome is lost. It is time we implement our plan.”

“I was wondering why you had taken on a human form,” Knox said his eyes roving up and down the Phoenix’s new form.

“Call in the surviving rangers from the battle. Evaluate them and choose only those who are worthy. This will be a difficult task. Only the bravest, strongest, and cleverest will stand a chance when we have set out on our quest.”

“I will send a message to them promptly,”

“Two things before you go Knox. Do not tell them of my true identity; simply state that I’m a fellow ranger like them. I will be newly enlisted of course, since none of them will know this face.

“May I ask why you wish to keep them in the dark.”

“Eridz has many powerful spies. Our only hope is the element of surprise. He will not give much thought to a small band of rangers coming to his Kingdom, but if he knows of my involvement he will send an army of epic proportions to crush us. We need as few people to know about the plot as possible. If they knew they would possibly protect me in battle as if I’m important. Eridz will grow suspicious and then all is lost. So they are not to know. Tell them I am a human.”

“What about a gryphon?”

It had crossed the Phoenix’s mind and she already had her answer.“Bring me Veriladiane.”

“But my lady, that particular gryphon is ill suited for someone of your standing. May I suggest Bego or Nala”

“Royal Griffins? Don’t you think that may draw attention to me? Again I must stress appearances. Eridz would not think twice about a young girl with a handicapped gryphon. Bring her to me. I must speak to her before the others arrive, as she will be the only one to know of my true nature.”

Knox bowed. “As you wish.”
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:22 pm
MilkNCookies says...


"Veriladine!" A voice boomed across the field. I looked up from my lazy grazing. With one leap, I was into the air, a cooling sensation that was very pleasant to me. I sewrved around a red-tipped hawk who was focused on prey far, far below. Gently, I glided down towards the royal messenger. I attempted to land, but I fell on my beak.

"You are getting better." he noted. "A week ago, you would have cut a wing."

Thank you. What do you need me for, Knox? I asked elegantly.

''The phoenix requests you."

Oh, [i]great. What did she find this time?[/i]

"I remember her stating something about riding you." My heart perked.

Are we waiting for the rainbow to end? Let's go!
I grabbed the hem of his shirt and took off into the air. I knew the way by heart, it seemed. If she was the Principle, i was the ultimate troublemaker. I couldn't count how many times I'd been there.

"You put me down this instant! I'll have you know-" His jabber was cut by my rapid fall. I slammed into ground, dropping him in front of me before he got hurt. I, though, felt like I had a callus the length of my body on that side. I liked to do that, since I couldn't land properly unless I really didn't pay attention to it. I quickly stubled up.

"To the...phoenix." Knox said, staggering from fear. "You are a-"

Cut the jabber. I insisted. The guard rushed off to summon her. i just needed to wait.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:30 am
Sunshine says...

~Madge Violet~

"That was amazing! I mean did you see me it was just-"

Totally tree-tastic? You've said that about a million times with your "forest charm."

"That much?" I muse, not even slightly insulted.

Yes. It's really getting on my nerves, after the thousandth time.

"More like the one-hundrenth."

Aren't you even slightly upset? With all this war sruff I mean.

"Of course I am. I mean-I mean-we lost a lot. Yet-somehow we won."


I give him a playful shove.

"You have no heart."

Oh it's there. Down WAAAAAY deep.

I roll my eyes, watching Alistair look around the orcs.

"I swear, I'll never understand humans."

Males, no. Females on the other hand...

"Do I have to shove you again?" I laugh, trying to kick off the deaths of all we lost, all the despair that was at hand.

Suddenly, I watch a blond figure streak across the wide open moor. Shay, maybe. Loriel? Whoever it was, I saw a glint of curiousness in Vlorine's orange eyes.

"Stalker mode?"

I wouldn't call it STALKING. Just...extreme curiousness.

I laugh and run toward the girl, letting my flourescent red hair follow behind me.
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:46 am
Griffinkeeper says...

Lt. Jensen watched through his looking glass. The Orcs were advancing again. Their foul formations had been stopped for a few days, but now they marched forward.

"I don't like it Sergeant," he commented.

"There's too few of them, Lieutenant. They must have help," Sergeant Doyle agreed. Both men knew what that meant. Jensen closed the looking glass and they returned to their company. Already, formations were being made. One eye was kept on the ground, while the other scanned the sky.

"There! Dragon!" one of them shouted. Obscured though it was by clouds, there it was, breathing fire and lighting up the cloud.

"It chasing something. A gryphon?" Jensen asked.

"Possible sir. We know they're in the area. The Captain said-" Doyle was interrupted by the sound of an Orc horn. Both men turned to look. A line of orcs were advancing over the hillside. Then, flying over them, a second dragon approached. It was covered in black scales, like jewels. It's wings were large and sharp looking, like a bat. It's eyes... Jensen made eye contact with it. It's eyes were yellow and he could feel the creature looking at him. It lasted but a moment, but in that moment, Jensen knew that the dragon was coming for him.

"Ready a volley!" Jensen shouted. Archers around him nocked their arrows. Their only hope was that, among the arrows launched, one of them would find their way past the armor and into the dragon's heart. There were stories of lucky shots, but there were more stories of entire units getting immolated when their arrows missed. Jensen nocked his own bow and prayed for a miracle. The dragon was already ahead of the advancing orcs.

"Fire!" Doyle yelled, but too early. The dragon adjusted his altitude and flew over the arrows. Orcs were getting hit, but the dragon continued on. It reared it's head back, when suddenly it shuddered in mid-flight. It's eyes went dark and it began to fall. The next thing Jensen saw took his breath away. As the dragon fell, it revealed the fatal blow. It had been stabbed through the heart with a sword. Wielding it was a young woman, who had not been on the dragon a few seconds earlier. She was beautiful.

And she was falling.

The dragon was dead, but that didn't mean it had stopped moving. It continued to fall towards the men. Then, seconds before impact, she jumped from the creature. For a moment, Jensen thought that she was an angel, for behind her there was suddenly a flash of white. But then he saw that it wasn't wings, but made of cloth. She landed gently on the ground, but the orcs were closing quickly. She grabbed the cloth and sprinted toward the men.

"Covering fire!" Jensen shouted. Arrows flew again, striking more orcs. She found her way to the men.

"Take me to your commanding officer right now."

"What are you? An angel?" Jensen blurted.

"I'm a ranger and I've no time for stupid questions." She said coldly. Jensen remembered his duty.

"Doyle! Take her to Captain Branch, then get back here. We've got orcs to kill."
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:58 am
SisterItaly says...


Ten feet, perfect bulls-eye.
"Are you done yet?"

I was by the river as usual, taking whatever chance I can to practice. Xander was bored already. Usually he's a quiet one... but it seemed around me he just wouldn't shut up.
"No, Xander. I just got here."

Back up, shoot, another bullseye.

He flopped down and made an agitated huffing noise as he tried to make it even more well known that he was bored. I rolled my eyes and backed up, drawing another arrow and quickly aiming it. I let the feather slide through my fingers and lowered the bow. A small smile passed my lips. Another bulls-eye. I backed up much further then I had been and aimed. Just as I was about to release the arrow Xander whined.
"Fae, I'm bored," he dragged out the o sound to exasperate his emotion.

My arrow slipped and flew above my target and into the tree. Xander went silent. No one ever made me miss. I was one of the best far-shooters in the kingdom. One little distraction could be the difference between life and death. One quarter inch even.
"Xander..." I started, grinding my teeth together, "Go... practice flying or something. Lord knows you need to practice flying. Now go!"

I turned and pointed in whatever direction my finger stopped at. But by the time I had turned, he was already hopping through the trees. I smiled and aimed another arrow from where I now was. I relaxed my breathing and pulled the arrow a tad farther back then I knew was wise.


Bulls-eye. I went to inspect my target and set up a new one, I gently tugged the arrows from it... and the one from the tree. When I reach the last arrow fired I was slightly pleased to find it had gone all the way through. Though, irritated because I knew that wouldn't be coming out easily. It probably wouldn't be coming out without severe damage. I dropped my quiver and arrows angrily and flopped down beside the tree.

Perhaps a break would do me good. The sounds of the water could calm me. Because lord - and Xander- knew I needed some time to calm down. I needed to talk to the commanding officers about Xander, as much as I disliked the fluff-ball, I couldn't bare to see him killed in battle because his skills didn't suffice.

What bothered me further is that was his best, you could see it in his eyes. When he failed to do something he always had the same look, plastered on his face. A look that said, 'I can be a good partner, I really can. Just give me another chance', a look that would be the death of both of us if we weren't careful.

I was so caught up in my thoughts, I didn't hear anyone coming through the trees.

"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:20 pm
Sunshine says...


I rush through the forest, weaving through the trees while Vlorine flew above me.

"Can you still she her," I yell up to him.

Don't yell! You abanon the whole point of 'stalking'. Yeah, I stil she her.

I nodd, watching the light hair in front of me. Then suddenly, it's gone.

Where'd she go!?!?!?I ask Vlor, sending up the meesage through my mind.

Don't know. I can't see her either.

I slow my pace looking side to side. She was most definitley gone. Sighing in frustration, I hear a noise like an arrow hitting a target. Who could it be? I take a step toward where I heard the sound.

Seriously? Are we really gonna do this again?


I step through the trees ignoring Vlorine''s annoyed cries. Sometimes our mental communication got on my nerves. I don't know why we had it, or if any of the other riders had it. I guess it may be because we're so similar, as disgusting as it is. The girls back is to me but I can tell by her lithe figure that she's a ranger. She doesn't notice me so I clear my throat.


She whirls to face me, giving me a weak smile.

"Hi. Madge right?"

I nod. The girl, who's name was Fae, and I weren't friends. I mean, I was to focoused on arguing with Vlorine and she was always gone.

"Yeah. So, er-Fae, was I enterupting anything?"

She pauses," No. Not really."

I nod again, distractidly playing with my hair. Vlor lands with a huff, kicking up dust.

'Vlorine!" I yell, shocked,"Your kinda here in the middle of something." I look around Vlorine to look at Fae. "Sorry about this. Truly. Where were you going, anyway?"
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:25 am
Loller65 says...

Satisfied, Alistair licked his fingers. Alejandro sat in front of the fire Alistair'd made, preening himself.

"I don't usually go for carrion bird, but that was pretty good. What did you think?"

I prefer salmon, just saying.

The duo sat in silence for a while, listening to the fire crackle. Suddenly, Alistair bolted up and grabbed his sword, axe, and shield.

"You hear that?"

What, sir?

"Just a noise out there. Let's go."

Alejandro crouched low and Alistair jumped atop him. As soon as he was in position, Alejandro shot into the air, becoming little more than a ruddy blown blur. They soared a few hundred feet in the air, and then they saw it. Beneath them was a battle, the remnants of the orcs pressing the main camp. A dragon lay in the midst of it, a massive crumpled black lump in the center of the field.

"Well, pal? Whaddya suggest we do?"

Well, someone's dealt with the dragon, so I suggest we attempt to make short work of the orcs and help out the regular army.

"Alright. Drop me off near the dragon. I'll get them from the ground, you'll attack from the air, alright?"

Sounds like a plan, sir.

Alejandro began to plummet towards the earth. Five feet from the surface, he pulled out of his dive and raced along the ground. When they neared the dragon, Alistair hopped off and rolled up against the carcass. He pressed his body against the hard black body and unsheathed his sword. He then ran out from behind the dragon, drawing the attention of a cluster of ten or so orcs. He fired a few minute fireballs into their faces, causing them to pat at their now flaming faces, giving Alejandro time to swoop down from behind and blast them away with a powerful burst of wind magic. Alejandro took back to the air, picking out targets and swooping down and snatching them in his claws and tossing them around. Alistair cracked his neck and looked at the oncoming masses of orcs.

"Let's do this."

He ran into the midst of them, sword whirling about his head.
"There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances."

-Leon Trotsky-

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Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:13 am
SisterItaly says...


I picked myself up from my spot slumped next to the tree and stared blankly at the girl. I knew her... she was a ranger. She said her name was Maddy? Madge? Something along those lines... it was obvious the other was Vlorine, she had yelled it just a moment before.
"No, you weren't interrupting anything. I was waiting for Xander to return from his flight practice," I responded dryly.

I wasn't sure if I was supposed to say something next... or wait for her to speak. Socializing wasn't something I did on a regular basis. I shifted awkwardly, almost wishing Xander would make a much needed reappearance. The silence floated around us, absorbing the very air we breathed.

A loud rustling and a sudden crash through the tree line and my prayers were answered. Xander now stood in front of us. He gave the other two a quick, confused, acknowledging glance.
"Fae, there's a fight going on! We have to help them!"

Another awkward silence followed. No one moved, and I was almost positive the others had stopped breathing for a moment. I turned and grabbed my gear. Xander ruffled his feathers, looking over his shoulder nervously. He made his emotions so obvious, anyone could tell he was afraid. Another thing we had to work on. As I jumped up onto his back I made sure to pat his neck in reassurance.
"Alright Xander, show me your flying skills. I need to see the battle scene, up up!"

He nodded without looking back and pushed off the ground, taking to the air. I gripped this neck for dear life as he struggled to keep in the air. When we finally reach a reasonable aptitude he turned me towards the scene. A huge black blob -that I suspected was once a dragon- laid in the middle of the field. I focused in on the small dark dots prancing around the battle grounds... orcs most likely. No, no... those were definitely orcs. A few men seemed to be actually in the battle, a firing squad was nearby. Doing what they do best and firing their arrows in the air, and hoping it hits something. Amateurs.

"Xander, you'll need to fly me in close enough to the battle ground so I..." I stopped myself.

Xander and I had never actually worked together when in battle. I always had him defend the normal archers or the commanding officers... something not difficult. Something where I could always be sure he'd live. As much as the bird annoyed me... wait hadn't I thought about this already? Focus was what I needed, we were getting too close to the battle field to lose focus.

"On second thought, drop me off on top of the dragon. I'll be able to get a wider range from up there then on the ground. You go offer defense to their weak archers." I snuffed and looked back to them.

He swooped down near the dragon and I rolled off his back. He swerved around oddly and went back to where the archers were stationed. I pulled my bow and an arrow out. I only had twenty on hand, so I had to make sure every arrow killed one of these buggers. Because after I ran out of arrows, I would have to go into the battle field to retrieve them. Either that or sit here like a duck and wait to be killed. That wasn't going to happen.

I quickly aimed at the nearest orc and let the arrow fly into his neck. He fell over, and I aimed my next arrow. Before I could even find my next target, he found me. I heard movement behind me and swiftly turned, drawing my dagger and preparing for whatever was threatening me. An orc had clambered up here with me, and I considered throwing my dagger at it... but I was a bit more experienced with arrows then daggers. He reach for his sword and I took that chance to rush forth.

I ran forward and lunged my dagger at him, missing narrowly. I leaped back as he waved his sword at me, it grazed a small gap in my weak armor, near my waist. But it was only a small cut, rather then a deep bite. I hissed and bit my lip. His sword against my dagger didn't look so good to me... perhaps...

I whipped my dagger at him, which he easily deflected with his sword. A victorious grim spread over his face, before going completely blank as he fell over. During the time I had thrown my dagger and he had deflected it, I had grabbed my bow and one of my arrows and shot him in the gut. He now lay twitching on the dragon.

I wiped my mouth and returned to scoping out targets.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:44 am
Sunshine says...

~Madge Violet~

I watch as Fae flies away and mentally kick myself. Seriously, I needed to make some friends before Vlor and I murded each other. Fae seemed interesting, but awfully secretive. I wonder if she could be hiding something or just really wasn't that social.

Yo, Madge? Did you not here the words battleand help?

I sigh, pulling my hair back into a reluctant pony tail.

"You don't have to do the whole 'quiet and in my mind' thing. She's gone."

He huffs ruffling his feathers and I notice the battle gear on is back.

"Your so indecisive! Are we going or not?" He says, out loud and clearly.

"I think I liked you better in my mind."

I laugh, a sweet sound and much needed, as I hop on his back. He flys toward the area were I see Gryphons in the sky. In a matter of seconds I can see the grounds. Blood splatters the ground and I take a deep shuttering breath. This is what you've always wanted. Just don't see the death. I force on a grin, thinking of our battles with the forest boys. The thrill, the feeling. I pull my arrow set, feeling it's warm grasp in my hand. Pulling the string back I shoot at a row of orcs, watching in a slight satisfaction as it knocks them down. Suddenly I hear a hiss behind me.


Vlorine swirls around, leaving us face to face with the ugly flat face of a black dragon. I feel my adreniline shoot up at it's hot breath.

As if sensing my thoughts Vlorine mutters, Your such an idiot.

Oh that. Yeah.

He sputters as I pull out my knife. The Dragon's eyes glitter, as if mocking me.

There's not many dragon's here. The Trinity hill battle must of pushed down it's numbers.

"I wish that was good news but -uh-" the dragon opens his mouth with a teethy grin," Little busy."

The dragon, who I'm starting to think of as 'Mocking', begins to circle us, eyes glinting with evil.

Are you gonna kill it or not?

I ingnore him, watching as the dragon get's closer...and closer...with a start I slash him across the eye and his mouth with a quick movement. Mocking lunges at us and Vlorine drops below him, Mocking's belly just above my reach. I lift my knife to cut his stomach when he rushes away, whirling back to face us.

Isn't that OUR trick?

Shut up peanut gallerly. Don't you see we need to concentrate?

He flutters his wings as Mocking attacks, throwing us across the sky a few meters, and we steady ourselves.

Yeah, we do. Why don't we use the arrows?

Thankful that Vlorine was (finally!) listening to me, I grab the arrows in the easily reachable front sattle. Vlor backs up, giving me a better aim. I aim for his other eye as Mocking rushes at us. Shooting at him I watch as my target hits him, blinding him helpless. He flutters around helplessly and I wisper to Vlorine:

"Stomach slit."

After a couple months of partnerhood we had seen through the argueing and developed a system of attacks. So, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure them out but for Vlor and I, they were a vast improvement. Vlor get's closer quietley, nearing the almost blind dragon. Feeling a shot of pride and even a bit of sadness I raise another arrow to deliever the death blow. Mocking turns to us, sensing Vlor's wings. Vlor makes a noise like a strangled orc, a common Gryphon trick to elude the dragon. Mocking hesitates and then charges anyway. He hits us with a volt of shock and we are thrown eastward. My arm get's caught under the sattle , pinching it bloody and I feel light headed. Thankfully, Vlor recovers and hit's Mocking with a silent blow, hitting his side and evoking amber blood. The Dragon let's out a hard breaking sound and falls...falls...I feel dizzy and I don't hear the Dragon's large body hit the ground. The world seems hazy, like looking through a thick fog. Faintly, I feel Vlor lifting my arm and securing it to my side. The blood rushes slowly back to my head but I can see we are miles above ground.

Are you ok? The battles not over yet, ya know that don't you?

"Oh, I know," I say, letting my hair loose," I know."
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

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Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:21 am
ScarlettFire says...

Lóriel & Súlion - Somewhere Over The Battlefield:

More dragons went down as I flew over the battlefield. Below, I could see our forces battling Orcs and Dragons, among other things. Frowning, I noticed Fae, who had just slain a dragon. But that wasn't why I was frowning--there was a couple of Orcs bearing down on her....from behind.

"Súlion?" I called, looking down at the black and tan Gryphon below me. "You see that? Fae's in trouble."

I see her, he rumbled, banking hard to the left. You want to be in close, Lóriel?

I shook my head. Not too close. Súlion swept low over that area of the battle, deflecting a couple of poorly placed Orc weapons as we raced past. As we got closer to Fae, I let loose with two arrows in quick succession, taking out the Orcs creeping up on her. She spun around in surprise before looking up to see Súlion and I sweeping past.

"Watch your back!" I called out as Súlion took us into a steep climb, not waiting for a reply. We both hated close-quarters combat, and for good reason.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:53 pm
jessig833 says...


I looked over the battle grounds at all the dead bodys around me, I released a sigh

"Whats the matter" asked the young gryphon.

"Nothing its just.... look it seems like we are going in circles, we kill fives dragons and ten more come flying back. We have to find a way to take out a large number of them at the same time.But how?"

"We could Keep them from flying"

"That could work, if they can,t fly then they would have less moblility.But how?" I said looking at Keene with wonder.

"well...if everyone use their wind magic to block the skies from flight" Keene explain proud of himself

"But that would mean that we couldn't fly either." I said as I turn back to my thinking.

"But we don't have too keep it like that for long." He said trying to make his point.

"I don't follow?

"We keep the skys blocked just long enough to surprise them. Then we attack!!!" Keene lost his temper as he said that,for make lack of understanding.

"O I see maybe that could work lets run it by everyone when we get back to camp.Isaid excited that we finally found a way to kill a great number of them,I climed on keene's back and we took flight when we were 50 feet in the air I could see the fire from camp burning,I could tell Keene could to because he picked up speed we would be there in no time.

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Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:46 am
Griffinkeeper says...

If Ria was anything, she was professional. She followed the Sergeant silently to the headquarters.

Well, almost silently.

"Alden, tell me you've killed that dragon by now." she asked impatiently.

"We're playing hide and seek in the clouds. He's a royal dragon; so he's smart enough to wait until he's got me; or disappear if he's outnumbered. Are there any other rangers around?" Alden responded.

"More are coming. I saw Lóriel and Súlion fly over. Alistair and Fae are fighting orcs behind me. Need help?"

"It's too dangerous for them to come into the clouds; the Royal will spot them long before they come in and he'll ambush them. It's better if they wait for the dragon to leave the clouds, at least they'll be able to see him coming." Alden said.

"Duly noted." They had arrived at the Command post.

"Captain Branch, my name is Lady Ria Pliara and I'm a Ranger of Evandor. Report," she said.

"A company of Orcs has launched an attack on our left flank. I'm orienting the right flank to come around."

"It's a trap. There are three Orc companies out there. While your forces are focused on the first company, the other two will slip in behind us and cut off our exit. Take your forces and retreat to this ridge and secure it. In the meantime, Sgt. Doyle's platoon will come with me and the other rangers."

"Milady?" the Captain said nothing else, which Ria respected.

"All Orc companies have a Chieftain. Kill the Chieftain and the rest of them will scatter. With any luck, the other two Orc Chieftains will fight amongst each other for who gets the stragglers. In any event, it should buy us some time for reinforcements to arrive. If we fail to kill the Chieftain, then you'll need to stop them yourself; and the ridge is the best place to hold them."

"Thank you Milady," the Captain said. As he began to issue orders, Ria turned to Doyle.

"Come along, Sergeant. We've got a chieftain to kill."
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:15 am
Loller65 says...

Alistair lopped of the head of an orc and looked about. They were starting to overwhelm him. Thinking strategically, he fell back to the dragon's carcass. There was a female elf standing atop it, shooting arrows out at the enemy with frightening speed and accuracy. He dug his feet into the dragon's hide and climbed atop it with her.

"Too difficult for you, human?"

Alistair scoffed and sheathed his sword.

"At least I can handle fighting them close up."

At that moment, he jumped off the dragon and onto Alejandro, who sped by, having been signaled telepathically by alistair. The gryphon and his rider climbed higher into the atmosphere.

"So what is you said you saw, Alejandro?"

A Royal Dragon, sir. He's sticking to the clouds. We're going to draw him out.

Alistair grimaced. Royal Dragons were tough. Then, out of the corner of his eye he saw it loop out from behind a cloud before plunging back in. It was a massive iridescent green (I didn't find anything that said it wasn't) beast, smoke trailing from its nostrils.

"What do we do?"

I have an idea, sir.

"What would that be?"

Alejandro squawked in what was his version of laughter.

Oh, you'll see...

Suddenly, he fired a massive blast of air at the cloud, dissipating it. The dragon shot a jet of bright orange flame at them, which they rolled under, before taking refuge in another cloud.

"That's your plan? Destroy his cover?"

I said we were going to be luring him out, didn't I?

Alistair facepalmed as he gryphon flew onwards.
"There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances."

-Leon Trotsky-

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Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:11 am
Griffinkeeper says...

Alden listened for the Royal Dragon. He could remember what his Sal'sen, his teacher, had told him about the Royal Dragons. They were the oldest of the dragons and the strongest. They lived inside the great volcanoes and ruled over the dragon clans that lived in their nests, if a volcano could be thought of as a nest. Bringing down a Royal Dragon wouldn't be like killing one of the smaller ones. He needed back up, but dared not call for any; lest the Royal should find him first.

Then, below him, there was a jet of bright orange fire.


Then, as he watched, the dragon breathed more fire. Either he was trying to flush Alden out, or it was chasing someone. There was a break in the clouds and on through it, Alden could perceive Alejandro. He was the only gryphon in all the rangers that would call his rider "Sir." Very brave, but very foolish. What was he thinking? They were dealing with a Royal Dragon!

Alden dove, following the flames as he went. Foolish or not, he wouldn't let Alejandro take on the Royal alone.
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:58 am
Soup6647 says...

Hope it is okay if I still join :)

Name:Giun son of Hesoun
Gender: Male
Age: 342
Appearance: http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=Dwarf&o ... 24#/dki07y, Guin lost one of his eyes in a battle, and now has a fake one. It is an enchanted eye, and allows him to see magic.
Skills: He is skilled with his poleaxe, and is also a gifted Earth Magic user. Never at the top of his class when it came to magic, none the less he has practiced hard and has become quite skilled. He also knows much of the layout and lands of the Dragon Eldriz, as he once lived there. He has a strategic and military mind, and is a natural leader... when he wants to be. He is also one of the best drinkers around.
Weapons: He uses a poleaxe, except instead of an axe its more like a blade on the end. His poleaxe is called Reaper, and all the runes and carvings it bears have meaning, but only Giun knows what the meanings are. He also has numerous throwing axes, a few magical charms, and some one handed axes or blades.
Personality: He used to be a rather happy ans Joyful man. But after the Dwarf kingdom fell he spiraled into a depression. He has begun to feel better lately, but is often prone to violent and dark mood swings. He does have his happy moments though when he likes a good drinking contest or a well said joke.
History: Giun was once a General in the Dwarven army. He was a proud and fierce warrior, brave, strong, and without comparison. He lost everything when the dragon, Eridz, attacked. The Dwarfs were not ready for the massive assault launched by their supposed allies. Their proud cities and mines fell in weeks as all was laid to waste. Giun's own wife and two sons were lost in the battle. Those that survived fled, and gathered what remained of their race as they turned to the phoenix for help in order to recover their lost lands. Giun was cast out, his failure to guard and lead his people labeled him unworthy, and his name, and all he had been was stricken from the records so that he would be forgotten for all time.

And this is why he has joined the Rangers. He claimed he was seeking redemption, when in truth all he seeks is death. The Rangers are a noble way for him to find this. He was lucky enough to find a partner, a Griffin, who felt the same way.

Name: Nhara Val'roun
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Appearance: http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&secti ... d#/d1jetyh
Skills: She is one of the fastest fliers out of all the Griffins. Nimble and quick there are few who can match her in speed. She has good use of Air magic, and is decent in a fight though he claws aren't to long, nor is her reach.
Personality: She is a kindly Griffin. But her happiness is merely a mask. She enters each battle feeling the same way, knowing that this could be her last. When by herself she will often grow bitter and angry as she battles against the emotions raging inside. But when others are around she adopts a peaceful look, hiding what she truly fears.
History: Nhara is basically a bastard if the Griffin royal family. Born to one of the royals in disgrace, she was cast out at a young age. Her life has been hard and bitter, which was one of the main reasons she was attracted to Giun. Though he had a different story, the bitterness and depression they shared was the same. Throughout the years they have grown close, and she looks up to the older man as a father, but also a brother who feels the same darkness she does. And the wish to die.
Last edited by Soup6647 on Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

The emperor is rich, but he can't buy another day.
— Chinese Proverb