
Young Writers Society

Down to the Center of the Earth

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Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:01 pm
Katriona says...

Isabella Dawn Eldon

Dawn sat up and blinked at the three people who had walked in one after the other. So much for meeting them one at a time! Then she realized what the boy had said.
"Camera's and bugs?" She repeated. He nodded and she scanned the walls and the ceiling. She felt like slapping herself. She had enough experienced to know that rooms were often bugged, but she hadn't even considered it.
"That's okay," she said slowly, more to herself than anyone else. "I have nothing to hide."
Except a breathing problem. But she wasn't going to say that, especially since she wasn't sure it was asthma.
Dawn slipped off the cot and walked over to the three standing by the door. One was a young woman with reddish-brown hair, one a young woman with white, black, and pink hair, and the other was a young man with tan hair. She swallowed hard and introduced herself.
"My name is Isabella, but only Mamasita calls me that. You may if you want to, but most people call me Dawn." She smiled, scanning the faces of all three people as she spoke. The first girl's hair was dyed, she guessed, because it seemed a little unnatural. The second girl, the one who had commented that the mission would be "fun", had scars covering the right side of her face, and her right arm. Dawn took this in while she was introducing herself.
"My name is Elodi." The girl with the brown hair said.
"I'm Caramella." The other girl said. "It's nice to meet you."
"Luke." The boy said. "you can call me Cooper."
"I'm Jessie."
Dawn started when JJ spoke. She hadn't noticed her walking up.
"You can call me JJ." She said.
Dawn nodded and turned back toward the other girls. "Both of you expressed strong viewpoints on Dr. Jacobs' honesty." She bit her lip as she considered her words. She was trying to think of them as fellow agents instead of other teenagers, but was having a hard time doing that. "I'm sorry if I sound arguementative, but do you have any reason for your opinions? Elodi, people used to think the idea of the world being round was ridiculous. And Caramella, people have done worse things in the name of science."
~Christ's Servant

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace;
that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation;
that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!
Isaiah 52:7

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Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:18 am
TabbyGirl says...

Phineas (Fin) Grimes

So this is what freedom feels like, I thought as the guards led me away from the lab. This, is what victory feels like. And I thought I’d have to wait four more years before I could ditch my parents... this Jacobs guy saved me.

The guards left me at the front door to a sort of cabin. I had a backpack slung over my shoulder, and I hung onto one of the straps as I pulled the door open.

Inside were four girls, and a guy. They looked older then me. Immediately I felt defensive, and sublimely straightened up a bit.

My attention was caught by one of the girls. First I only noticed the outrageous colours of her hair, but then she turned to see who had opened the door, and I was stunned to see an even more shocking sight. There were burn scars on the right side of her face, and all over one of her arms.

They made my eyes flick away from her, and instead I looked at a girl with darker skin. She looked timid, but very pretty with deep blue eyes and a less then casual dress on. She looked up at me from where she sat on a cot, then quickly looked away when she saw I was looking at her.

I blinked, and evaluated the only other guy in the room. He was handsome, probably more handsome then me with well groomed blond hair that had dark undertones and a nice tan. In his hand was a weird looking device, and his eyes stared back at me intelligently.

Then I looked at the other one standing. She had brown hair and brown eyes. Although she was short and thin, she looked mature, but not as pretty as the darker skinned girl.

Finally I turned to the other girl sitting on a cot. She was blond, with the legs of a model and the only one who looked back at me warmly. There were strings and beads in her hands.

I closed the door behind me. “Hi,” I forced a smile, “I’m Fin.”

I feel like I haven't officially been accepted into this SB, but I posted my profile a while ago...


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Sat Jan 01, 2011 3:41 pm
Kaywiia says...

Jessie "JJ"

"Hi,I’m Fin.” The boy said with a smile that was obviously forced. I gave him my warmest smile back, the last thing we needed as a team was for everything to get awkward.

"Well, I'm Jessie, but you can call me JJ," I pipped up, "And this is Elodi, Caramella, Cooper, and Dawn. The last two are nicknames for Luke and Isabella." JJ was excited she had remembered everyone's name. Memory had always been a strength of hers. The others, however, didn't look so pleased at having her introduce them, so she bit on her bottom lip and looked down at her braiding.

Leave it to already have done something to make the others mad at her. She sighed, and looked over at Cooper, who had 'disabled the bugs' as he put it.I didn't exactly know what that meant, but I wasn't about to ask either. I tied the last knot on a bracelet, and handed it to Dawn.

"Don't worry, you're all getting one," I assured them. Cooper gave me a look clearly showing me how interested he wasn't in the 'jewlery'. I gave him a look right back.

The room was quiet. It was that same silence. We were all scared, unsure, doubtful. This went against everything any of us had known, and yet here we were, waiting to go to the center of the earth.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:03 pm
Katriona says...

Isabella Dawn Eldon

Dawn fingered the bracelet, warring with herself as to whether or not she should take it. It was a nice thought, but it went against everything that she believed. Slowly she handed it back.
"Thank you, JJ, but I can't take it." She swallowed hard. "It's against my beliefs to carry good luck talismans. GOD is my protection."
~Christ's Servant

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace;
that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation;
that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!
Isaiah 52:7

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Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:50 am
fictionfanatic says...

Tabby, I'm so sorry if you felt unwelcome! You definitely are! It kept slipping my mind to add you to the list...sort of like when you go to get something but as soon as you get there you forget what you were doing...you know what I mean?

Dr. Jacobs is just a chracter I created to move this along or if we get in a sticky spot.
Also, I hope you don't mind but I'm gonna move this SB along a little bit.


"I'll take it!" I said, sliding the bracelet from JJ's hand, the bracelet Dawn had given back saying God was her protection.

"Okay" JJ said with a smile.

"This really is a gorgeous bracelet JJ. If I tried something like this it would end up mutilated." I said with a laugh.

I saw the guy staring at me, or rather my scars.

Instinctively my hand went to my face, my gingers lightly grazing the burnt skin.

He immediately whipped his head away.

"It's okay," I said "They're just burn marks. It's my fault - it's what I get for playing with fire." I said with a wicked smile and a mischevious glint in my eyes.

"I'm gonna go to sleep!" I cheered, tying the beautiful bracelet onto my wrist and dragging a cot from the corner.

"'Night you guys."


One minute I was having a dream about being the smartest person in the world and the next I was being shook awake my Dr. Jacobs.

Once my eyes were open he attached a metal bracelet to my wrist and locked it with a key around his neck. There was a small screen on the top and a red button below it.

I watched as he went around waking everyone up and attaching the same bracelet to their wrists. Caramella started yelling at him when he put it ontop of the bracelet JJ made, so he had to take it off and put it on again, making sure the bracelet wasn't covered.

"What are these?" One of them, I forget their name, said.

Dr. Jacobs

"These are bracelet's with moniters on them. We will be able to communicate with them. The red button allows you to call for me and when I call you it will flassh three times and then it will turn on.

"They are nearly indestructable so unless you cut off your hand, which I do not suggest, you will always have them with you." I said jokingly "And if all of you just so happen to loose it, which will be quite unlikely, Scott will have one on his collar as well."

"Who is Scott?" Jessie asked.

"The dog going down with you. Now follow me."

I led them out of the room and into the hall, heading for my main lab.

"Now, before you go down you will be supplied with everything you need. Tents, water cantines, water purifier, dehydrated food, breathing masks as a precaution, so on and so on." (I'll go into more detail later).

Scott came barking, wagging his tail like crazy due to all of the new people.

"That is Scott. He's a trained dog that can handle the air down there and he is a hunter with amazing hearing and eyesight."

***yata yata yata***
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sun Jan 02, 2011 4:23 am
TabbyGirl says...

Oh, no big deal Fiction, and yeah, I know what you mean about forgetting :)

Phineas (Fin) Grimes

The dog looked excited, his tongue lolling out and his eyes darting around. I grinned, took a step towards him, sunk down to one knee, and scratched his head affectionately. His eyes plainly read, “Oh yeah, I like that,” and I would have happily kept scratching him for several minutes, if not for all the others watching. In fact, as soon as I thought of them, I straightened up, and apologized, “Sorry… I like dogs.”

I looked at the wrist band Dr. Jacobs had given me. I didn’t like it. Sure, maybe he acted like the reason they were “indestructible” was so that we couldn’t lose them, but to me it seemed more like we were on house arrest, and those wristbands kept us from escaping. Although I’ve been on house arrest in my own house for years, so, I guess I couldn’t really complain.

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Sun Jan 02, 2011 4:43 pm
Kaywiia says...


I looked down at the little silver bracelet. It was beautiful, really, and probably the most high-tech thing I had ever owned. All the others had looked at it with disgust or disinterest, but I liked it.

I looked over at Fin for a minute, who was petting the dog. He saw everyone staring at him, then straightened up, “Sorry… I like dogs.” He apologized. I couldn't help but smile. I didn't get why everyone was so worried about what other people thought. I saw Fin give his wristband a disgusted look, and I wondered quickly what the purpose was behind the look.

I was glad that Caramella had liked the bracelet. When I had time, I would make some for the others, but I was sort of busy now. As the doctor continued to talk, I though of something.

"Do you know exactly how long we're going to be down there?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:55 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Dr. Jacobs

"We're hoping this little expidition will take as little time as possible, but things don't always go as planned.

"Now, if you'll follow me, I'm going to get you some breakfast and then the journey will begin"

*sorry this is so uber short...I'm on a time crunch here.*
Live, Love, Laugh

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Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:27 pm
fictionfanatic says...


I bounced with pure joy and adreniline as they lowered me down into the ground. This was so exciting! My feet touched the ground - can there be a ground inside of the ground? - and I unbuckled and strapped the harness.

Giving them a small tug, I let them know I was down and they could pull it back up.

Around me it was very dark, but from the lantern they gave me I saw the thickly packed dirt walls - wait - is that a draft coming from the tunnel?


Grumbling, I let them lower me down. I can't believe I was wrong about this. How could I be wrong!? I'm never wrong!

When I got down I saw Caramella holding up the lantern to the half of her face that was scarred and she beamed at me "This is so exciting!"

We waited patiently for everyone to be lowered and Dr. Jacobs sent us on our way.

As we walked there seemed o be a strange green light coming from the direction we were heading. It grew strong enough that Caramella decided we no longer even needed the lamp.

Finally, we came to see one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my life.

There was a beautiful, lush forest with a clear river running through it. Amazingly bright colored fish swam through the river. I saw the bush rustle, but knew it was nothing - probably just an animal.

The green light was extremely bright - almost like a green sun.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:04 pm
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Katriona says...

Isabella Dawn Eldon

Dawn gasped at the beauty of the forest and then choked at the sudden intake of strange air. She noticed a few of the others looking at her with concern, but she pretended not to.
Dr. Jacobs hadn't been kidding when he said the air would hurt their lungs for a little while. She didn't know about the others, but it felt like her lungs were on fire. On top of that, she felt like she had been running. It was the same out-of-breath feeling that often preceded wheezing, and it worried her.
But the scene was beautiful. Looking up, she could see nothing but the bluest sky she had ever seen. It was impossible to tell where the green light was coming from, since there was no sun, green or otherwise, that she could see.
She gazed at the perfect green forest, like something you might expect in a fairy tale. The trees were tall, and strong, with vibrant green leaves that seemed almost too perfect to be real.
Dawn saw a movement out of the corner of her eye and focused on that. What it was, she couldn't tell, but there was something moving in the woods. Maybe and an animal.
But maybe not.
Pretending to be looking the other direction, Dawn watched it out of the corner of her eyes. She had gotten pretty good at it when she was younger, when she would pretend to be watching her father's math lesson, but instead be looking out the window.
Slowly the branches moved again and she caught a glimpse of a human face before it dropped out of sight again.
"Hey guys," she whispered. "Don't look now, but there's a man in the forest watching us."
~Christ's Servant

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace;
that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation;
that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!
Isaiah 52:7

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Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:00 am
untameabletiger says...

Would it be too late for me to bring in a female character?

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Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:01 am
fictionfanatic says...

Well...we kinda have already started, but I'm okay with you just appearing as if you've been here the whole time as long as everyone else is
Live, Love, Laugh

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Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:42 am
untameabletiger says...

Name: Jaelynn Marie Merilander "Jae"

Age (13-18 please): 14

Appearance (Written and picture please): Jaelynn has emerald greed eyes and shoulder length fiery red hair. She is slender and medium height.
Spoiler! :

Personailty: Jaelynn is the type of person who can think of a hundred different ways to do something when others can think of one. She struggles with depression but you can't tell by looking at her. She understands math and things in that nature, but she has a hard time understanding certain people in her life.

Why were you chosen: She's very rhythmic, like she can figure out things through sound waves and patterens && "smooth talker"

Skills/Talents/Strengths: She is VERY musically talented, and a good talker. She knows her limits and how to creep up the very most she can reach without passing the line. Her knowledge of languages are also one of her strong qualities.

Weaknesses/Flaws: Jaelynn struggles with perfection, she knows nothing's perfect, but it drives her insane! She Is a downer and somewhat antisocial. Her worst fear is heights.

Likes/Dislikes: Jaelynn doesn't like Taking pictures, heights, over positive people and people like her sister. She likes Music, nature, protective guys and people like her brother.

History: She was raised by her brother and sister who always comforted her and made her feel loved until her sister fell in love with a bastard. Jaelynn's sister became mean,abusive and obsessed with making Jaelynn's life a living hell. Her brother always took up for her resulting in is possible death. She doesn't know where they are now because she ran away from the madness.

Other: she has snakebites && piercings at the bottom and top of her ears. she also always wears a silver chain that was her brothers to remind herself of him, along with his ring.

Last edited by untameabletiger on Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:34 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:19 am
fictionfanatic says...

tiger, I'm really sorry, I should've said this before, but could you please not make her a braniac? We already have a Braniac and a bunch of the other made theirs really smart as well. Hope you don't mind - This was meant for everyone to be chosen for their unique ways, but it didn't exactly turn out that way.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:34 am
untameabletiger says...

oh, i'm sorry. I fixed it is that better?

One fish, two fish, red fish, aardvark.
— alliyah