
Young Writers Society

Pre-Winged Ones

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Fri Sep 03, 2010 4:36 pm
Dragonet says...


While everyone had there little beach party, I was freaking out. Yeah, sure it was a cozy little island with a great view, but how would we live? Calm down, I told myself, the others had survived before, now we could do it again. I looked at the new winged ones, besides I'm not the only new one here.

And then I found the freakin' handcuff that had been attached to my arm. I tried to take it off but like everyone else, it shocked me. That got me mad, I muttered a cuss word and repetedly yanked at it. Again and again it shocked me, but that just made me angrier. I started smaking my hand against a tree, or a rock, to try to smash it.

"You're wasting your time," I heard someone say behind me. I turned to see the new girl, Jaden, standing behind me.

"What ever," I grumbled.

She held out her hand, like she wanted me to give her something, "let me see your bracelet," she commanded. I raised one eyebrow, but complied. "See this symbol?" she said, pointing to a mark sketched into the bracelet, "that's the scientist symbol. They put us here," looking sternly at my face she said, "you can't fight them, it's imposible, their technology is to good. Trust me, I'd know." The white haired girl behind her nodded in agreement.

"We got you out of their lab, didn't we?" I argued back.

"And here we are again, trapped." Zuri pointed out. I knew she was right, but I gave her a murderous glare anyway.

"Guys I think we're drugged." Kaylee warned, from somewhere to my left. Now that I'd thought about it, I think she's right, I was never this grouchy, I'm usually known as the calm guy who has no emotion. And everyone else was acting kind of... different too.

Blake and Michael finally got everyones attention and gave some orders. I was set up to collect fire wood. Good, I thought, finally somebody is getting some sense around here. I flew up to get a better view of the island, to decide where to start looking for fire wood. When I'd gotten about three-hundred feet in the air, I was hit with an invisible wall. I pulled myself together just in time, before I plummeted to the ground. Oh whoopy, I thought sarcastically, more good news. I continued getting fire wood, but I remembered to fly closer to the ground.
Last edited by Dragonet on Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

Do you have any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?

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Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:26 pm
ForsakenAngel says...

~Ellie May~

"It used to be hell here for us, until we got back to the real life. Before long, we began to miss the danger, the need to hide, barely sleeping at night for fear that we might not see the next day. It was nice, though some people might think we're crazy," I said, looking at Mitch. "But that's not the only reason. When we all first got here--or rather when they did, I got here much later--they hated each other, or ignored them. Once they realized they had to work together or die, they became a family. Then, I got here, worried they hate me, but they were all kind--judging, but kind."

"Judging?" he asked. "How so?" I sighed. Would he think I was crazy the way the others had?

"I can see things that happen now, but far off away from me, and I'm just starting to see the future, but it's still hazy. I told them the wolfs were coming, and they thought I was trying to scare them. But... people learn fast. After a while it was normal, and now, they take me seriously. It was no joke then, and no joke now. Just like I see the others moving to make camp, we should go help them," I suggested with a smile. He didn't seem to think I was crazy--far from it really. That was when something hit me.


Of all things, how could I forget him? Where was he, was he here? Obviously not. Did he find his brother? Had we found his brother? So many questions, so little answers. Standing, I wiped the tears from my eyes, smiling to keep Mitch from thinking I was sad.

We need not all to be worried.

But what if I'd never see him again? There was part of me that was happy, and part that was sad, but no hollow feeling people talk about when they lose someone close to them.

It just hasn't sank in yet.

Yea, that's it, I just haven't realized it, it'll hit soon.

But it never did, not even while we walked back to the others, when we helped them, when we all stopped to watch the sun go down. Nothing, my heart didn't even ache. I didn't care--that was my conclusion.

(Anyone here can be Ashton's brother if they want to be, he's no longer in the SB, so yea. *cough*and Ellie desperately needs someone*cough*
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Fri Sep 03, 2010 11:22 pm
fictionfanatic says...

I'll be him... I'll make a profile in a minute. Is he here on the island with us?
Live, Love, Laugh

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Fri Sep 03, 2010 11:26 pm
ForsakenAngel says...

Could be, doesn't matter, it's up to you.
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Fri Sep 03, 2010 11:45 pm
fictionfanatic says...

He'll be on the island. I say he's been here for a little while, but not to long.

Name: (did we already name him?) Cole

Gender: Male

Appearance: Cole used to have plain old sandy blonde hair, but from being in the lab and the sun so much his hair has faded into an almost white blonde. He has big brown puppy eyes. Cole has a pretty big mouth (not talking wise, mean literally) but it fits his face well. He's about six foot three. He's pretty skinny but he's building up muscle now that he's out of the labs.

Wings: They're maybe 15, 16 feet wide. They're mostly a smooth, cream color, but he has random black feathers here and there.

Personality: Cole is a happy, take whatever life throws at you kind of guy. He loves to joke around and have fun. Most of all, he loves to just laugh, and he does it frequently. He's outgoing and always says what is on his mind, even if it's completely random (which got him in a lot of trouble in the labs). He's usually a total chatter box, but he's also an extremely good listener. When he's listening, he's really quiet and thoughtful. And his heart is an open book. He never hides his emotions.

Strengths: Large wings, makes the good of everything, good listener, he's the brightside of everyone's day.

Weaknesses: He can hardly remember anything about his past (due to some drug they were testing on him), he's not the strongest person, but he's getting there. Because of his height, he's pretty clumsy.

Emotion?: It's all so...new

Mate: None

Other: Everything about him is big. Big eyes, big mouth, big personality, big heart, really tall.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Sep 04, 2010 12:12 am
fictionfanatic says...


After I announced that we'd been drugged again, I set out for food, wood, whatever I could find. As I wandered and began remembering the lay of the land and I went back into survival mode, I came across an area I remember very distinctly. I won't say it was just a feeling I had, because it wasn't. The area just looked familiar. Not to mention the fact that here are wolf corpses on the ground. This is where we fought the wolves. Where I got my scars. And where Blaise saved my life.

Something behind me snapped. Now in survival mode, I whipped around. I expected to see one of the others. But instead, I saw a towering guy standing there. He had big brown eyes and a large mouth that spread into a big smile. His wings were huge.

"I was starting to think I was the only one" He said in a deep voice that was a little husky.


When I saw her I felt like dancing. She whipped around and looked almost shocked to see me. I watched her as she took in every detail of my big build. By now, I was completely used to it. When she was done I said "I was starting to think I was the only one."

I looked over her petite, or at least petite to me, I don't know what it would be to someone else, body. Long red hair, big blue-green eyes framed thickly by eyelashes, smooth tan skin. Her wings were big, on her at least, and a shimmering gold in the light. She was pretty, and I told her so. Her cheeks went a little pink from recieving a compliment from a stranger. I widened my smile, and she gave me look that said she didn't think it was possible for my mouth to get any bigger. This made my smile go as wide as it could and I let out a booming chuckle.

She began running and waved me to follow. So I did. We ran for a few minutes, but I'm sure it would've been shorter if I hadn't kept tripping and running into low branches. But when we finally got there, the sun was setting, and I saw even more winged people. A wide smile spread across my face as I took long strides over to them. They all looked at me, there eyes practically bulging out of their heads.

I gave them a minute and said "Hey. I'm Cole." I looked around at each and every one of them. One in specific caught my eye. A girl with choppy white, pink, and blue hair and piercings. She seemed...different from the others.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Sep 04, 2010 12:26 am
fictionfanatic says...

Oh yeah, Cole's hair is short, but long enough to put into a ponytail, which he does often.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:59 am
Apple says...

Ester Alice:

Rushing through the forest, I felt my heart skipping ten thousand beats at a time. I don't where I am? I couldn't remember any of these clearings being here before. What had happened to the large trees that were so huge you couldn't see the tops? The bundle of sticks in my hands jumped around clumsily as I slid over bushes and wayward branches blocking my path.

"Where are you guys?!" I shouted as I realised I had passed the same tree before - which might actually be the fourth time!

Crumbling to the floor, I flung the sticks over my head and let out a dramatic cry. This had only ever happened in nightmares. I knew the forest like the back of my hand. Just to make sure, I pulled my hand up to examine it. There was a long scab down the back which definitely looked new.

"Never seen that before," the words escaped my mouth before I could think them through. Crying out loudly, I let my body fall back and I watched the sky. I could see the clouds rumbling a nasty gray colour. It looked like a storm was brewing. Sitting myself up, I perked my ears for the sound of my family. Nothing, not even the nasty smell of cheap cologne. Glancing up the barrel of a small tree, I decided to climb the stupid thing.

Though, I was going to cheat! Spreading out my long, white wings, I shot into the air beating them roughly. The dust underneath picked up as I soared upwards, ignoring the branches cutting into my skin. Bursting through the foliage, I fluttered above the tree. Glancing around, I cupped my hands around my mouth and let out a long cry.

"C'mon, it's not that hard to see me!" spinning in a circle my eyes froze on something familiar. Our cave! Squealing in excitment, I launched myself higher, beating my wings powerfully towards the cave. Before I could reach it, I felt my wing scrape against something. The bracelet let out an electronic beep and then storng electrical current burst through my body. Sheering pain struck my heart, causing my eyes to widen.

Blood seeped from my mouth and seemed to hang in the air infront of me. Screaming in agony, I began to tumble through the air towards the sharp stake-like trees. My arms and legs were shaking as currents ran up and down my limbs. Pain, unbelievable pain, racked my brain making my vision swim.
I spy!

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Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:30 am
Yuriiko says...

Name: Caroline

Gender: Female

Appearance and wings:
08-05-10_1753.jpg (262.97 KiB) Viewed 142 times

Personality: At first, you will see her as an innocent shy girl. She seldom shows her feelings towards people. She talks less but take things seriously. She’s obsessed with anything blue though her pink mask is a mystery. Her favorite pastimes are reading books and practicing up her flying skills. She has the “healing power” though it decreases her life span when she uses it.

She likes to be in a group but prefers to work alone, though she values friendship and teamwork.

Cleanliness is her friend. Grime is her enemy.

Likes: Blue, Nature, furry animals, flying, sun, silence

Dislikes: Impurity, chatty people, greed

Strengths: She goes stronger when in a battle. She heals sick people with incurable diseases. Flying skills.

Weaknesses: She's sometimes too slow on things. It takes a lot time for her to really make an accurate decision.

Emotion (about being on the island): She felt hopeless at first, but then she'll overcome someday her fear and help in rescuing themselves from the island.

Mate: No one.

Other: Up for love.
"Life is a poem keep it in the present tense." -Sherrel Wigal

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Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:21 am
Yuriiko says...


I heard a strident crashing sound as I walked onto the forest to get some block of woods for the fire later. However, I saw nothing, only the birds flying around the big oak tree and the clouds rambling, as if to tell that it was going to rain. But still, I knew someone was in great danger and hoping that it wasn't a winged one.

"Hello? Who's there?"

I called out, perhaps a person or a thing might answer back. My feet wobbled in fear as I treaded step by step. The cooling air surrounded my nose, which made it red causing me to sniff a little. Then, I heard a helpless crying sound from a distant place, of which I thought the particular being happened to land on. Narrowing my eyes, a wing reflected in my eyes.


"Yes, i-i-it's me!"

As her stuttering voice traveled through my ears, I directly ran to her. Her view was getting bigger and clearer until I fully saw her; her wings badly injured and a small tint of red came out from her mouth, not to mention a bland band still encircled her wrist.

"Oh my," I let out a big sigh and sat down near her.

"I'm okay, I just need to--"

"Of course, you're totally not okay. Let me help you." I placed her arm around my shoulder and supported her as we stood up together. She let out a short cry, almost silent, not wanting to make it obvious. I felt her legs shaking as we walked slowly going towards the other winged ones. And then my eyes filled with pain as I saw her vomit a small amount of blood. My head started to sway in confusion. I mean how did this happen to Ester? So, I looked at her wings and thought of flying. Maybe she did fly, but I know, she has been a great flyer and a good fighter. So something weird really happened to her that resulted in this kind of unfortunate event.

"Oh no. I need to carry you, Ester. It seems like you can't walk by yourself."

She shook her head in hesitation but I have to, you know. I wouldn't just let her walk in so much pain. She is my family and as a family I needed to help her no matter what. I could feel my eyes getting wet when I looked into her pale face. And then, I laid her body on my back and fastened her arms around my neck, so that she wouldn't fall when I'd be flying.
Last edited by Yuriiko on Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Life is a poem keep it in the present tense." -Sherrel Wigal

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Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:10 am
Apple says...

>I can't wait any longer - two hours is just torture - I have to post! Sorry! <

Ester Alice:

I tried to resist Caroline and failed. I didn't want to look like a complete wimp in front of the other Winged Ones, though what ever had happened was killing me. My brain was spinning and the tip of my wing was dripping blood across the floor. Not good if there were any wolves, if there were any at all! I glanced back into the sky. It looked somewhat animated, like it was cloaked! The sky didn't look as natural as it had.

"What happened to you?" Caroline asked thoughtfully, her eyes focused on her feet.

"I-I don't know? I f-flew up into the sky and as I tried to go higher, I felt something zap me!" the feeling of electrical currents running up my body paralyzed my senses with fear. "I-I-I think I can walk now."

"I don't think you can," Caroline muttered. She knew exactly where she was going and I could tell that we were close. The feeling of dissapointment knotted in my stomach; I was going to look like a big fat pussy cat in front of my family and then they're going to either tease or mother me. I do not want either!

"Look, see my leg move!" moving my leg so she could see, I felt pain strike at my forehead as if I had crashed into a wall of bricks.

Caroline began to fuss, making a noise in the back of her throat. I would've laughed but just moving my legs had taken everything out of me and I had no intention of running into a metaphorical brick wall again! Sighing, the smell of Caroline's hair filled my nose. She pushed through the foliage, I could see materials for a camp tossed across the floor. My family surrounded an elder looking boy with long hair. He talked quickly and loudly, laughing with every word he said.

"C-Caroline if you back away now and let me lie down for a bit without telling the others about what happened, I'll make your tent and cook your food for the rest of the year!" Caroline glanced sympathetically at me, though still shook her head.

"You need medical attention,"

"No, I-I-I'm honestly - hey is it just me or did everything just turn pink..." the words dissapeared from my throat and I collapsed into Caroline's body as limp as a rag doll.
I spy!

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Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:51 pm
fictionfanatic says...

I'm going to get Ellie in here...


I chattered away to everyone, laughing in the middle and end of all my sentences even if no one else thought it was funny. I didn't really care. I rambled on and on when I saw two girls in the distance. They seemed to be arguing when on of them collapsed.

My already big eyes widened and I said to them all "Uh, do you guys know them?" They all looked over and in an instant they were running over to them. One guy in particualr was running so fast you would think they had something going on between them. But, hey, maybe they do. I don't know. The one girl with colored hair and piercings gave me a soft smile and we began walking.

She kept looking at me, usually when she thought I wasn't looking. "Something wrong?" I asked. She shook her head "No. Nothing's wrong." I rose my eyebrows and just looked at her until she finally said "You look kind of familiar. I mean, you hardly look anything like him at first glance but the more I look at you the more I see the resemblance. Same color eyes, same face shape, you guys even have the same nose."

I smiled and asked "Who?" She looked over towards the others and said quietly "Ashton." When she said his name images flashed in my head. One came after another until I got to the one where I last saw him, the day I was taken away. I muttered "My baby brother." She looked at me a little shocked.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:17 pm
Dragonet says...


I was listening to Cole and laughing at his jokes when he suddenly stopped and asked if we knew these people. I turned to see Caroline carrying Ester. Ester weakly looked up, caught my eye, and then passed out. I sprinted to her side "What happened?" I cried desperatly.

Carry shrugged, "I...I don't know. I just found her like this." I looked at her torn wing, cut up arm, and bloody mouth. "God," I whispered quietly. Someone came up behind me, "Help me carry her into the cage," I yelled over my shoulder, Kaylee grasped Ester and we hulled her over. Please be alright. I prayed.

Do you have any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?

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Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:03 pm
ForsakenAngel says...

Here Ninjy

~Ellie May~

"You're... brother?" I asked slowly. He nodded, staring at the ground.

"How do you know him?" he asked, glancing up at me. I felt the tears return, and I did my best to hold them back.

You're empty, Ellie, there's nothing there, you don't miss him.

But that was why I was so sad. I thought I was so in love, nothing could pull us apart, and I'd die if something did. And now, I was as hollow as ever, no emotions about it at all.

"I..." my mind tried to figure out the words. "I knew him previously. We stayed at... his house when we got off the island. He had ran away, and we found him. At first I thought--" I stopped there, biting my tongue. Not everyone needed to know about the way I felt. Now was a chance to start over, now was the chance to have a real family again. "They helped us out until we woke up here." I nodded, thinking that was the best. Pushing away the emotions I'd had for Ashton away, I smiled, not feeling all that bad about lying.

"So, how long were you guys on the island?" I heard Zuri ask.

"Do you know them?" Cole asked, pointing to Caroline, who was carrying Ester. Corbin went to help and I felt worried as I went to help too.

"Is she OK?" I asked, touching her forehead. I hoped she was, I didn't want to lose another part of my family.
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:32 pm
NinjaCookieMonster says...


I shrugged and fell back again. I hadn't managed more than three steps today, woo me. It was a feat to even sit up. The girl they brought back looked almost as bad Jalen had, the first day they started... well, beating her. I wanted to help, really, truly, badly, but one bad move and I'd be chucking up air again. It's really not a pleasant feeling.

Someone in the group had told me just to not strain myself. I decided that hey, maybe they were on to something, and thus, had stayed at this little campsite since I'd woken up. Well, woken up, tried to stand, nearly blacked out, and was ordered to stay. Jalen had stayed nearby for all of that; I could tell she was still unsure, and we were the only people we knew we could trust. Me, virtually weak as the dead, and her, suspicious and protective.

I prayed we'd find some chloryoximine soon. It would balance out the biliophysine, what I'd been pumped up with to 'train my digestive system'. Or make me puke my guts up and not be able to eat for at least a week and a half. Whichever. So, chloryoximine was needed. It was in some acidic fruits, I knew that. See, the one good thing that came from being the one to get the chemical treatments was that chemistry, science, all that came super-easy. I'd started keeping a stash of vials in a slit in my mattress, filled with chemicals I knew would keep me healthy. But I hadn't thought to take them- I was being carried by a guy with black wings and dark hair, for god's sake.

His name was A.J., wasn't it?

It was. He was trying to help out, too, with the beaten girl. I wanted to get Jalen too, since she had experience there, but that last unanswered question had taken up my breath, and I was now attempting to get my breathing more even. Go figure- my shirt refused to rise and fall regularly, and was displaying my ribcage instead.

I groaned and wrapped my wings around myself.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

I have to ask. Does every question or statement regarding the quote generator end up in the quote generator?
— WeepingWisteria