
Young Writers Society

Hell On Earth

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Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:41 pm
Kobain72 says...

I could make a guy...
"This is my plan of attack"

"Hmmm, looks more like a pin to me"

"No, it's definitely a tac"

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Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:35 pm
Kelcia says...

My character's already a guy, so I can't really offer anything. :)

But I can't wait for this to start!
Mutant Plot Bunnies

Is it just me, or are the plot bunnies taking advantage of my ADD?



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Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:16 pm
AliceRose says...

I would love some guys. I think I'll start us off sometime today. I'll let everyone know! :)
We're all a bit mad...

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Wed Mar 17, 2010 2:58 pm
AliceRose says...

Okay, let's start!!


I hissed as Sash put a red hot iron onto my bullet wound, trying to cauterize it. I had a stick between my teeth to keep me from screaming. The pain was intense, but it would be gone soon. Sash held it there for about ten seconds and then he quickly poured cold water on it. I spat away the stick and grabbed my smokes.

"Damn, that hurt." I mumbled.

"Sorry. Had to be done."

I looked at him. He looked as tired as I felt. Everyone at camp was taking care of each other, doctoring wounds.

We had just come in contact with a band of Chinks who were transporting weapons. We had hit the jackpot. They had almost a thousand rifles, bombs, ammo, and just about anything else that we could've asked for. Soon I would be counting and splitting everything in half and sending it to the Mombas, our brother band, who took care of the West Coast.

I saw Bettina walking over to the water spicket. "Hey, Betty, you did a good job out there today."

She tried to glare at me. She hated it when anyone called her Betty. "Thanks."

I inhaled and blew out a long stream of smoke. I walked around when I heard someone on the radio. It was the Chinks. They were talking about another militia attack on their forces. I laughed. They had no idea who we were, because we never left anyone alive.

"Hey, Rachel!" I called.


"I think we should start leaving a little emblem whenever we hit. You know, like a mark."

"You're a dumb ass." she said with a laugh.

"No, not a dumb ass." I said, exhaling smoke. "Just crazy."
We're all a bit mad...

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Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:07 pm
ScarlettFire says...


I ignored everyone else and took another swig from my bottle of scotch. Yeah, most of the kids here had had a tough time growing up.

I swallowed and put the bottle down. I kept my face blank while Dylan dug shrapnel out of my shoulder. I winced when the knife went in too deep and took another swig from my bottle.

"You shouldn't drink so much," Dylan murmured and I felt the shrapnel come free.

"Shut up and get rid of the darn shrapnel," I muttered. I'd set off another bomb as we'd run off, killing anyone still alive....and harming a few of our own in the process. I hadn't meant to do it, but we escaped and that's all that mattered.

I sighed and winced as Dylan started sewing up the wound. I went to take another swig out of my bottle only to find it empty. I swore and threw the bottle at the nearest hard thing. It shattered against the tree and I smirked.

I knew I was drunk, but no one seemed to notice. We all had our own problems.

"Someone get me another drink," I said out loud to no one in particular.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Wed Mar 17, 2010 6:41 pm
jok101 says...

I hope I can still join

Name: Jack Green

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Viper: Viper

History: He was a normal guy before the war started, he had always wanted to join the army even when he was a teenager and it stopped be so much of a stupid dream career. He was one of the many british people who escaped from england on the day of its invasion, that was the first time he ever killed someone, him and his family having to kill four guards to get past a blockade. When he got to america he signed up for the army immedtaley even though he was too young. Sadly the country was invaded before he fininshed hi training and got deployed, even so he's dangerous and smart.

Personality: He has strangly bright out look on things and always sees the light at the end of the tunnel. Even when it isn't their.

Apperance: 6"1 with brown hair and medium build he has strong legs and can run miles without getting tired.

Weapon of choice: Two black pistols with silver grips.

vices: He likes to smoke and sometimes gets pissed off and stalks off's

other: Great runner and great shot. up for love

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351 Reviews

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Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:02 pm
ToritheMonster says...

May I join? I call a Canadian, even if I've only been there once.

Name: Victoria Champlaigne

Age: 18

Gender: female

Viper or Enemy: Viper

History:She never met her parents, and grew up on the (Canadian) streets. She turned herself in as a ward of the state briefly, and was given a foster family in America on the Canadian border.They were killed in a bombing shortly afer the war began. She quickly moved on, she hadn't liked them much anyway.

Personality:dark. She hates people of all kinds, and is mildly power-hungry, as a result of being treated like scum on the streets for years. She is a very good actress, though, and might fool you into thinking you're her friend. Then, she'll steal your money and leave.


Weapon of Choice: Anything. She's a jack of all trades, and can make anything into a weapon. She's especially skilled at making bombs and at archery. She brings whatever weapon she can easily get her hands on with her, be it a pistol or a crowbar.

Vices:She is completely afraid of spiders and of being (literally) stabbed in the back. She won't let that on, though. She tries to act like she's not afraid of anything.

Other:She loves blood. She'd be the first person to volunteer to watch an operation. She is constantly biting her lips and licking the blood off, too. (She's not a vampire or anything like that, she bites her lips out of habit and simply doesn't mind licking the blood off.)
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:11 pm
ToritheMonster says...


I watched as Sash cauterized Regan's wound.It was fascinating. Then I went back to tooling with a bomb. I carefully lifted the metal shell in some places, and snipped the main wire.I pulled it out through the crack. I attached some metal scraps by twisting the ends around it, and flattened them. I crossed a few more wires, and inserted a small package of gunpowder. Wrapping the protruding wire in metal, I held it up. I had made a crude land mine. I smiled in my head, but not on my face. If anyone else had tried that, they would have blown their poor ass into the sky. I put it next to Regan. "Landmine." I said, grabbing a smoke. I lit it on the end of the still-hot iron, and walked off. I didn't feel like socializing. He called me something along the lines of "bitch.", but I didn't care. He knew I was too valuable to lose. I looked down at my leg. It was still bleeding. Whatever. It would stop soon enough, or I would pass out. Either way was fine by me.
Last edited by ToritheMonster on Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:12 pm
ToritheMonster says...

By the way, you should probably rate this... 18+, to be safe...
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:12 pm
Threnody says...


I scowled at Regan. Some of the kids here who practised medicine had been all over me when I landed. I didn't even get a breather and I was trying to drift away so I could take care of my plane. It got a good amount of damage after trying to fly low in a forest.

"Someone get me another drink." Paige said as I walked past her. She was smiling and looked kind of dazed. I got out my canteen and poured the water on her.

"There ya go Paige." I said cheerfully and she just glared at me and started laughing, shaking out her hair on Dylan.

"Hey... Bettina... how's the burn?" He asked, edging away from Paige. When my plane's wing caught fire I had to take serious action. Meaning I had to beat it down from a distance on auto pilot, which didn't entirely work, but I landed okay.

"It's alright, go check on Victoria though, she has a shrapnel wound. They managed to get the metal out, but it won't stop bleeding." He nodded and I beelined for my plane. It landed next to the base and looked in sorry condition. I talked to it under my breath as I wiped off it's wing and adjusted my fuzzy dice that hung from the ceiling. They were the colours of the Italian flag.

"Hey Bettina..." someone called out. I turned around, my plane would again have to wait.

*Anyone can enter.*
“One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes”
~ The Little Prince~

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:17 am
pudin.junidf says...


She walked through the room with little interest on who was and who wasn't there, her sight was up front. But it wasn't because she didn't want to talk, it was just that she was tired from everything going on and not having her brother near, just made it worse for her.

"Hey Sash" Rachel called out, waving her hand as she saw with great curiosity what she was doing to Regan. Sash waved at her but...there always was Regan with his stupid and senseless comments.

"Hey Rachel" He called at her but she threw him a burning glare that thanks to the pain he already had, had not effect on him.

"What?" Rachel answered dryly.

"I think we should start leaving a little emblem whenever we hit. You know, like a mark." Regan said with a big smile which by the way looked like an insanely happy smile.

"You're a dumb ass." Rachel said with a laugh. Stupid comments? Maybe but it always managed to make her smile.

"No, not a dumb ass. Just crazy." Regan had answered.

"Which is even worse because you wouldn't be talking crap all day" Rachel said, going up to Regan and hitting his head slightly.

"Hey Bettina" Rachel called, walking to Bettina or at least trying hard to do it due to the chaos in that room. It was way too loud for her, way too crowded but she managed to live because of the hope she had on finding her brother.

"Hey Rach" She said.
Les sanglots longs
Des violons
De l'autonne
Blessent mon coeur
D'une langueur


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Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:38 am
Threnody says...


My plane look as good as a post-battle plane could ever get. Everyone was chilling on base and everyone was running around, excited about the success of our mission.

"Hey Rach!" I answered her. She came to sit next to me. The music was up high and this seemed more like a club than an army base. Paige, in her high state, leaned down and kissed Dylan who looked freaked out but fascinated.

"Where are we hitting next?" I almost yelled.
"Oh... let's try New York, that would be fabulous. After the city was captured it's been a centre for the axis." She said. "Let's not worry about that though." She looked around for someone to dance with. I figured I should be interested in that as well... but I felt kind of detached from the scene.

Regan was going around writing little symbols on the wall. "This one? Ya know, I like this one..." He told me as he finished on the wall above my head.

"It looks like a swastika." I replied. It sort of did, only it was different...
"No way... I thought it looked like an eagle..." He ran back across the room to look for a blank wall to try again on.
“One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes”
~ The Little Prince~

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:54 am
LittlePetRock says...


Goshdarn you Paige! I thought to myself, pouring vodka over my wounds. The shrapnel only entered into my left shoulder, easy to get out, by my self. I patched myself up, and headed into the base-room, where all of us met up as a hangout point.
"What the frick is going on?!" I said, my voice a little slurred from vodka. Did I mention I like vodka? Trust me, the feeling is mutual.
"Where are we hitting next?" Bettina almost yelled.
"Oh... let's try New York, that would be fabulous. After the city was captured it's been a centre for the axis." Rachel said. "Let's not worry about that though."
"Not worry?! Are you flipping mad?!" I boomed, my shoulder started hurting again, so I chugged more vodka. Ah, much better.
"We need to plan our next attack, not doodle swastikas on the dem wall!" I moved in on Regan.
"Sheesh, don't get bitchy." Regan blinked at me.
"Bitchy!? Frick you! We are fighting the bloody axis powers, not joining them!" I shoved, dem, there goes my shoulder again. I might have to have Sash take a look at that wound after all.
Dem you Paige...
Star light; star bright,
It is time to take flight.
Off I go through the dark of night.
All my hopes and dreams in sight.

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:07 am
Billy says...

**Just going off Alice's profile, isn't Regan a girl?**


Damnit, damnit, damnit. Barely with them long at all and already Paige is kissing me on the cheek. Even if it was just friendly, Dylan was starting to worry. Though outwardly, he was laughing it off, he was internally preparing himself for the deaths of the rest of the Vipers. They were all too nice, too hard not to like. And, given the way things seemed to be going for him, that probably meant they were not long for this world.

He gave Paige a light, playful punch on the shoulder, "Easy there, you've had way too much to drink."

"Sheesh, have some fun for once." She slurred in reply. Well, that was enough proof for him. She was plastered.

"Bitchy!? Frick you! We are fighting the bloody axis powers, not joining them!" The shout drew his attention, even over the music, and he looked over to see Nate push Regan back a few steps. Can't stop fighting for half an hour. He thought, It's a wonder we get anything done at all.

"Girls, quit fighting." He called, "No one's joining the other side."

"She's scribbling swastikas on the wall." Nate glared at him, looking ready to punch something. "You gonna tell me that she should?"

Dylan brushed his hair out of his eyes and squinted at the offending symbol. "I don't think that was intended to be one. Looks more like a shot at an eagle to me." He looked to Regan, "But can't we think of what to leave behind after we've planned our next attack?"

He knew few of the others were in the mood for another raid so soon after their last one. They wanted to celebrate their victory and nurse their wounds. But Dylan didn't want to spend too much time on such things. They were the kinds of things that would force him to get to know everyone better, to be closer to them. The kind of thing that would get them killed, in his books.
He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt. - Yossarian, Catch-22

Wide-eyed stupid.

If you're gonna rule the world, you've gotta get up early! - Joel S. Dickens

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Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:05 am
ScarlettFire says...


I shouldn't be kissing anyone, I thought but it was soon gone, along with the last of my sober self.

"What'r;e we fighting about?" I asked but I couldn't be heard over the music.

A second later and I was out cold.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

Stop being mean to your self-insert character, you're just being mean to yourself.
— WeepingWisteria