
Young Writers Society

A Vampire Nightmare

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Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:42 pm
TNCowgirl says...

**I like :D. it works perfect, cause I wanted her to have some power that she would use to take care of herself. THat one works just fine. And I"m perfectly fine with her not knowing. **

Pippa woke up in a room she didn't reconize. She looked around groggily and hissed as her memory came back she slammed her fist in the door and stepped back surprised. It didn't break. She looked around trying to figure out what was going on. Where was she. The door opened and Zire stood there.

"You knocked." He smiled.

"I want out of here now!" She hissed. "I didn't agree to coming here. I told you NO!" She hissed crouching and waiting for him to try to stop her from leaving.

"Why not, I'm not going to hurt you." He said leaning casually against the door frame.

"Because you have me locked in a room that I can't get out of. I don't trust you and I refuse to be caged up like an animal." She hissed.

"Come on out of the room then, you can't leave though." He shrugged stepping from the door way.

"Why not?" She demanded.

"I'd find you, that braclet on your wrist has a tracker, don't try to take it off, you won't secede." He replied. She looked at her wrist then followed him out of the room.

"Where am I?" SHe demanded.

"My private lab of sorts." He replied walking to a computer and typing something in.

"Why am I here?" She hissed.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:48 am
Firestalker says...

Sorry for not posting TN :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


"You are here for the reason that the Prince of Vampires wants something to do with you, why he wants you is what I'm trying to find out." I said hiding everything that would be lethal to her.
I felt her annoyance that i was not taking any notice of her.
"Why aren't you afraid of me?" She asked
"Why should i be?" I said turning around, careful not to show the slightest hint of fright.
"Frightened of what your master will do if i escape?" She said sneering.
"He cannot do anything to me. I am not his slave like most all other vampires. I am a free vampire who cannot be ruled by anyone other than myself" I explained turning back towards the computer.
"Then why are you doing this?" she asked, a hint of hope in her voice.
"They pay me well, i do what they want" I said coldly
"Would you kill me if they said so?" She asked
The question stuck me as a surprise, something i had not thought of answering before. In many case i would have said 'yes' but in this case she seemed to.... fragile or too... small to break.
"Do you have any idea why the prince is after you?" I asked
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

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Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:43 pm
TNCowgirl says...

"No idea what so ever. I didn't even know there was a vampire prince to begin with." She said walking around the lab and looking at different things trying to firgure a way out of here without him being able to stop her.

"Nothing at all?"

"All I know is that I'm a vampire when I didn't want to be in the first place and now I have some sort of 'power' that you want to know about. Maybet hat is what he is after, whatever my power is. I wouldn't know." She huffed.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sun Nov 30, 2008 6:19 am
Firestalker says...

"But i do" i whispered to myself.
There was an awkward silence for a while as i stood facing the computer.
"Where do you think you're going?" I sighed turning around hearing the slight sound of a door lock turning."
"I'm going out and you cant stop me" She said in a determined voice
"And why do you think that?" I asked in a cold emotionless tone.
"I can sense and understand many things better than i used to once. You left me unbound and unhurt not because you were ordered to, but because you were afraid of angering me. Why is that, is it because you fear me for some reason?" She asked mockingly
Inside i was surprised and astounded at her ability to guess many things. but from the outside i looked as cold as i was before.
"If you really think that, then go on, go and see if i don't hurt you" I said in a cold voice
To my surprise she did, she started once again to turn the lock of the door, opening it.
I knew i had to use my powers now before she left., and so i did.
She stopped moving and turned around stiffly.
"w..what... are you doing t..to me?" she asked gritting her teeth.
"I can control your nerve system, one of my many powers, of course it reduces its power according to the distance, but as your close to me i can control your whole body" I lied keeping the weakness of the power from her as it would only be worse for me.
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

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Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:46 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Leal frowned and glared at him. "I'll stay, just STOP!" She hissed. She didn't like not being able to control herself. Not bein gable to do whatever she wanted iwth her body. He let her go and she walked back towards a computer looking it over. She clicked it on and watched it turned on. "Why do you have all these computers?"

"I need them." he replied.

"That really answers my question." She hissed. "What are they all for?"

"My studies." he replied as he clicked away at the computer he was on. She glanced at the doorway and bit her lower lip. If she ran fast enough and got that door open she could get away.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:59 am
Firestalker says...

*Wait now her name is Leal?* :shock: :shock: *I'm confused*

"Don't even think of escaping, here are fifteen more doors you have to go through before you reach the end." I said not taking my eyes off the computer.
*Now to make things more interesting*

Suddenly the door burst opened and a group of men came inside.

"You've captured her i see, here's the money your work is done" Said the leader

"You told me I'd be payed twice as much as this" I hissed

"Take what you get and leave this place" He said angrily

"But, sire, this is where i live, its my place" I said angry too

"Not any more" said the prince and motioned the men to raise their guns.

"You do know that it will take more than that to take me down don't you" I said slightly amused.

"These are ultra violet light beam lasers your dead this time" The prince said and one of their men shot me instantly blacking me out.

"Run" I shouted at the girl as i blacked out
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

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Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:04 am
TNCowgirl says...

****Sorry, wrong name. :P Good twist :P****

Pippa looked at the men and then at him.

"Run!" He yelled at her. Her thinking shut off and she ran for the door her eyes glaring at the men. She shoved past them quickly looking for any way of escape. She heard someone behind her and she quickly jumped into a dark space curling up a little and shutting all senses down. She didn't know what she was doing, it just came natural. Little did she know that by shutting down her senses she had made her scent disappear. She was now basically invisible to the nose. She was frozen hard as a rock and pretty much unmoveable.

***Sorry it is short***
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:37 am
Firestalker says...


When i woke up i knew she was gone. She could have frozen her body and everything t do with sight and smell, but not her thoughts, which mean she was taken as a prisoner to some other place and also meant that i should go and save her. but how?

*sorry its short, post and I'll post long.*
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

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Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:20 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Pippa opened her eyes and looked around. She was in some chamber, some cell. She ahd been caught. The thought angered her. She jumped up and ran at the door slamming her fist into it. Something threw her back against the far wall and she hissed getting up from a crouch and looking around for whatever had done that. She ran at the door again to be shot back again and electricuted.

"Don't try, we have several different people that will keep you in here." A deep voice said. She hissed at the sound, it was the prince.

"Your a bloody chicken, a cowered, get down here so I can kill you!" She hissed. She was shocked again at her threat and she hissed looking for wherever he was.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Wed Dec 03, 2008 3:02 am
Firestalker says...

My computer beeped, i ran towards it and read anything interesting on it. Yes she indeed had the apocalypse power, but not all of them. I gasped as i saw who else did. I needed to save her and fast. As i packed my thing and got ready to leave another of my computers blinked. I smiled this time, the auto tracker one her had activated, no i knew exactly where she was. The prince should learn never to play with free vampire assassins. I walked out and the cold air met my face, i did not feel the cold but i knew it.

A few hours later

There was something wrong about the tracker and i knew it, the vital signs were zero the tracker was not moving anywhere and around the tracker was nothing but the wilderness. As i reached the tracker the smell of blood reached my nose, i ran towards it to find a dead body mutilated beyond recognition.
I smiled, the prince had brains but didn't know that assassins were too well trained to fall for tricks. I knew though that he would not stop at that. I was pretty sure tat at this moment there were several guards stationed to kill me. To bad that they would die sooner.
I took a deep breath and then in less that a split second jumped onto a tree to my far left and just as i had thought there was a guard there waiting and watching. I slit his through with my dagger and moved to the next. In a mere 3 seconds all 13 guards were dead, but as all assassins know, i too kept one of them alive to get information.

"Look at your companions, want to be like them?" I asked softly.

He shook his head "P.... p.... please.. no" he cried.

"tell me where she is" I commanded my voice cold.

"Underground... observatory.. west 18 miles from here" he said stammering.

"That's a good boy, everything will be fine, stop crying" I said hugging him as he cried.

My dagger found its way to the guards throat in a few second, he last words were merely gibberish t me. I started drinking his blood, it was dangerous but refreshing. I could die instantly but i did not, i had been raised on vampire blood. I howled into the moon after finishing. my eyes glowed red and my teeth and mouth were stained with blood.
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

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Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:37 pm
TNCowgirl says...

***What are the apocalypse powers?***

Pippa ran towards the door again and she froze stiff a shock running through her that almost made her cry out in pain, she wouldn't though, she wouldn't give them that pleasure. Next thing she knew she was tied to a table with steel cuffs. She yanked at them but they didn't move.

"What are you doing?" She demanded as the prince walked over with what looked like a needle.

"We're going to see what powers you have." He smiled.

"Zire didn't have to tie me down to test that theory!" She hissed.

"Well, I'm not Zire, I'm not as nice as he is." He smiled.

"That needle won't go in." She hissed.

"When it's been sitting in a fire for a while it sure will." He smiled shoving it in her arm. She screamed at the pain that shot through her body. She writhed her pain as he drew what she guessed was blood. The bonds wouldn't let her move much though. The pain fogged over her mind and she fought to stay conscious.

"Please stop!" She whimpered as he brought another needle to her other side. They kept jabbing the hot needles in her and doing all other sorts of tests that burned like the fires of hell. All she could do was scream. She didn't know that sense they had induced pain on her that what they were really drawing from her was poisin, not her blood. Zire had been able to test her because it hadn't been a painful procedure.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:46 pm
Firestalker says...


The place was not heavily armored. I was not going to break in anyway, i was going to break out. I walked in right into the trap and killed the first vampire i saw, he was an old vampire.
I slit his neck and triggered the alarm. The next thing i knew i was knocked by someone whome i could have easily blocked. i knew i was gong to be put in the same cage as the girl, this place only had one cage.

*Sorr for the small post very very busy. Next post will be long.*
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

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Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:52 pm
TNCowgirl says...


Pippa curled up in a ball pain shooting through her. She heard the door open and she curled up tighter. She dind't want to go through any more procedures. Something hard hit the ground and the door was shut. SHe looked up and saw Zire. He slowly blinked and sat up.

"Hello." he said smiling slightly.

"I hate you!" She hissed. "It's your fault they are doing this to me!" She sat up and looked at him. She wasn't as angery at him as she was at everyone else.

"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:30 am
Firestalker says...

"If it were not for me you would not know your power, which i am going to tell you know." I said after thinking of a way to escape. "And you wont be able to get out of this place either, without my help, so are you going to cooperate?"
She thought for a while as i waited patiently, after all i had time, i had all the time in the world.
"okay, fine but first my power, what its it?" She asked.
"Its the ability to make an animal powerless for a brief time" I said
"And hoe do i use it?" she asked
"Get angry, sad or frustrated and you'll find out" I said smiling slightly.
"So how do we get out?" She asked.
"Simple. You scream at the top of your voice." I said smiling more visibly.
"And how is that going to get us out of here?" She asked sceptically.
"You'll see: I aid smiling
When the guards came it would be easy for me to kill them or render them unmovable. And then it was a matter of getting out of this hell hole that mattered.
Who is not Insane one man ask, the answer being a fool.
Are you Insane the same man asks, - "Oh yes!. The Mad Hatter being saner!"

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Fri Dec 05, 2008 2:11 pm
TNCowgirl says...

She licked her lips trying to think, should she really trust him? She hurt everywhere from what they had done to her and she was mad as all fire about that. She screamed though and she smiled when he covered his ears a little. The door swung open and three guards rushed in moving quickly towards Zire and ignoring her like she wasn't a threat. She hissed glaring at them as she walked towards them. Zire was her way out and they weren't stopping them. Two of the guards froze reaching up towards their necks their faces changing colors. THeir vampires? what is wrong with them? She wondered. Zire grabbed her arm after immobalizing the other, and yanked her out of the room. They were soon running down a corador at top speed. He knew this place, he had to to be able to move around it so skillfully.

"Stop!" Someone yelled. She glanced to the side seeing them and making herself get really angry at him. The man slammed back and started gagging or whatever. She shrugged and followed Zire. She was yanked back and thrown away from him when they got to the front entrance, the prince and two twins were standing there, the prince's arms crossed. Pippa withered in pain as her body started to throw up a defense. Zire managed to rush over and shake her so the defense went back down, but the pain went away. She stood up and anger boiled inside of her.

"Close her eyes." He prince commanded the others that were with him. She glanced up quickly glaring and the two beside him started to wiggle in pain or whatever was going on with the others that she had looked at.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Life is about losing everything.
— Isabel Allende