
Young Writers Society

As Darkness Draws Near...

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Sun Sep 09, 2007 8:32 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Note: Sorry, :D, I don't know if someone will or not, you can always ask someone to.

Trent paced his room. Why was he now suddenly feeling so lonely. THis was really getting annoying. He walked to the kitchen and pulled out a large cup and some cereal. He poured milk over the cereal and went back to the leaving room flipping the TV on while munching on the food, he wasn’t hungry but he still liked the taste of it.

“Another inmate was found dead yesterday, all the blood taken out of him. They are still trying to find where the blood was taken from but there is no sign of the wound.” The news lady said, Trent rolled his eyes and changed the channel. They would never find the holes in the man’s neck. He had fixed it to well. He closed his eyes putting the cereal on the table next to him. There was a knock on the door and he jumped. He rubbed his eyes and walked to the door catching his reflextion in the mirror, his hear was mused terribly. He opened the door expecting the cranky old lady but it was Celenia. He blinked twice surprised, her Sire was still next door.

“Hello.” He said smiling, “Didn’t expect it to be you.”

“Who did you think it was?” She asked, she smelled like pasta and anger.

“The cranky old lady that lives down the hall.” He replied looking down the hall to make sure she wasn’t there.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sun Sep 09, 2007 8:54 pm
VampireBadger says...

"can i come in...?"

he stepped aside. "of course..." he looked a little puzzled. "i thought your Sire was back...?"

"yes, he is," i confirmed, stepping past him into the messy appartment. it was so different in contrast to my Sires, who kept everything neat and pristine and dramatic. this was dull, ordinary, like the home of a normal 20 year old, single guy. it wasn't a bad thing. in fact, i rather liked it. it was refreshing.

"so... what brings you here...?" he asked, looking at me sideways as i took in his living room.

"i erm... i'm going hunting tonight..." i stammered. i didn;t know excactly where to begin. "My Sire's going to take me... but i don't want to go..."

"we all need to feed." he said, slumping down onto the old, battered couch.

"no, i have no problem with feeding, i just... i don't want to go with him..."

he stared. "why not?"

i sat down beside him, not sure about how much to tell him. but i had no other friends, at least no one else to talk to. maybe i could trust him, maybe not. i don't think he could be a threat to me or my Sire. it least, i hoped not.

"we... we haven't had an argument if that's what you're thinking." i said hurriedly. "i just... i think he's doing something he's not telling me about... and i'm a little frightened. he's never acted this way before..." i paused, then added swiftly, "what i have just said must never leave this room, understand?"

he nodded instantly and i relaxed. "good..."

there was silence for a while and then i said, "listen... you're right. i'm getting hungry, and i need to feed tonight... but i don't want to go with him. would you mind if... erm... only if you're going... you wouldn't mind if i tagged along...?"

he stared at me and i looked back, right into his eyes, how soft they seemed, waiting for his answer.
if at 1st you don't succeed, eat the leaf of a sicamore tree and stand naked in a barrel of newt eyes with a frog in your mouth!

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Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:09 pm
TNCowgirl says...


Trent ran a hand through his hair, a bad habit he had.

“Well, I wouldn’t want to make your Sire angry. I mean, I would think that is something he would want to teach you.” He started trying to figure out what to do. He wasn’t exactly hungry, he had just feed, but if she really wanted him to go with her he would.

“Why would he be angry, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.” She said quickly.

“Well,” He ran his hand through his hair again but quickly pulled it back down and looked around. “You would need his permission, I don’t want you getting in trouble, or him getting mad at me.”

She frowned at that and seemed to ponder it. “But…I don’t want to ask him not to take me.” She finally said after a while. He sighed, he couldn’t ruin his relationship with the older vampire it was very important, but he didn’t want to disappoint her. He liked being able to talk with her.

“I don’t know.” He mumbled biting the inside of his lip trying to figure out what he would do. He just didn’t know, it might not be a smart thing to do, he didn’t even know if it was.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:21 pm
SishBee says...

Fren fiddled with the necklace around her neck. Where was he?

That stupid vampire. Although she was a hunter, she still had some connections with her old friends. She only killed those who had wronged her or another vampire. Sires who left their fledglings for another were her particular targets. Argh! Where was he?

"We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars."
-Oscar Wilde

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Mon Sep 10, 2007 3:54 pm
VampireBadger says...

It was with a heavy heart that i left his appartment and trudged back to my own. he had been right of course. This was something my Sire would have to have a large part in. still... i remembered my Sire, holding me gently, his mouth pressed to my neck, locking me in his tender Embrace... the strange creeping sensation of his venom spreading through my veins... the wierd and wonder dreams i had had when i finally lost conciousness... Surely that dark, but safe man in my memories was my Sire, not this new confusing one...

i found my Sire hunched over a table, scribbling away furiously with a dark feather quill. i sneeked up behind him and peered over his shoulder.

"i do not read your letters, do i Celenia...?"

"No," i took several steps back, blushing furiously. even with my new vampire abilities, i still couldn't escape his notice.

he stood, not looking at me, swiftly signed the letter and rolled it up. putting his fingers to his lips, he whistled and a great crow swooped down from the open window and landed on his outsretched fist. i jumped and gasped, but he only smiled at me, slipping some dark pink meat from his pocket into the birds beak. he carefully tied the letter to the little claws and suddenly threw the animal from him, watching it soar majestically back out the window.

i raised my eyebrows at him and he answered my unasked question. "a homing raven. it will return to it's master with the message. i'm afraid you're going to have to forgive me once again but i wish to meet with someone, in the train station... we will go hunting afterwards of course, but this really is urgent."

at the look on my face he added hurriedly, "you can come with me though, and all your questions will be answered. i was a little dismissive of you earlier and i'm sorry for that, so i've desided to take you along with me... hows that?"

i couldn't help smiling. finally, after all that, i would know the truth. this was a little more like the Sire i had come to love. "i would love to come Sire..."

"good good." he clapped his hands and gestured to the dining table where our meal was beautifully set out. "shall we begin?"

"but of course," i sighed and sat down to eat with him like i had done a thousand times before.
if at 1st you don't succeed, eat the leaf of a sicamore tree and stand naked in a barrel of newt eyes with a frog in your mouth!

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Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:08 pm
TNCowgirl says...

*I don't know what to put*
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
Vist my world and make it bigger!
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Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:12 pm
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SishBee says...

**Me neither, can someone come and see me? It is kind of lonely on this roof!**
"We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars."
-Oscar Wilde

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Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:29 pm
VampireBadger says...

we headed straight out after dinner. night had fallen finally ad the streets became dark and incredably cold. i didn't feel it though, my hot vampire blood kept me warm enough and my Sire walked close by, his arm around me. It took only a few minutes walk to get to the railway station.

he stopped outside the entrance, looking up into the darkness, peering it seemed at the roof of the building.

"We're going to have to scale the walls..." he told me. "the person we are meeting is waiting on the roof. use your nailes and climb. you've seem me do it before, you should have no problems."

i stared at him, then up at the vertical brick wall fearfully.

"don't be afraid," he said, reading my mind. "go before me, so if you fall, i'll be there to catch you."

nodding, not wanting to seem scared, we began to climb.

NOTE - hey, didn't i say that if you couldn't think what to say, then you don't say anything! please... and fren, i thought you'd get the hint. the message he sent with the crow was for you, and we are now going to meet you!
if at 1st you don't succeed, eat the leaf of a sicamore tree and stand naked in a barrel of newt eyes with a frog in your mouth!

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Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:06 pm
SishBee says...

**Ah, I did wonder. Thanks!**

I heard someone coming up the wall. I had recognised his voice, but not the person he was with. Perhaps he had brought Trent with him. No, that wasn't Trents voice. It was a girls. Who was it?

Fren stayed where she was and waited. She fiddled with her necklace and tapped her boots on the rooftop. Finally, a girl appeared over the lip of the roof, closely followed by him.

The girl looked around nervously. Fren stood up, her black coat blew around her feet in the wind.

"Ah. Fren." He said.

Fren smiled. "Good to see you."

"We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars."
-Oscar Wilde

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Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:15 pm
VampireBadger says...

She was a vampire. of that i was certain. she was pretty as well... i stared at the both, my eyes flickering from my Sire to this stranger.

"Who is she...?" i asked him.

"she is a friend... a very old friend of mine..." he said. "Fren," he addressed her. "This is my Fledgling, Celenia..."

she nodded impatiently at me then fixed her eyes on my Sire.

"now," she said curtly. "to business"

Note - Fren, you said you had a good idea, now would be a good time to write about! :D
if at 1st you don't succeed, eat the leaf of a sicamore tree and stand naked in a barrel of newt eyes with a frog in your mouth!

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Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:35 pm
SishBee says...

"I have something to show you." said Fren slowly.

He nodded. Celenia looked at her Sire nervously.

Fren rolled back the sleeve of her coat. Celenia gasped and stumbled as though she would feint. Her Sire steadied her concerned and then turned back to Fren. "What happened?"

Fren fingered the scar on her arm. "I was jumped by a vampire. He knocked me out. When I came around, well, you can see what had happened."

Celenia took a deep breath. "May I take a closer look?"

"Sure. Just don't touch it. I am not sure if it is infected or something."

The scar curled around her wrist and twisted in strange circular patterns eventually creating the word SIRE. The end of the 'E' morphed into a snarling wolf head. "It's, amazing."

"Yeah, it is pretty cool. And nothing will heal it. Nothing! And it was only a light scratch. He must have had had a Dark Knife, thats the only explination."

He nodded again. "I assume you haven't told anyone else about this?"

"No. Although I think we should tell Trent. Oh, and you should probably explain to her what a Dark Knife is." Fren nodded towards Celenia.

He turned to her and sighed. "Normally a Vampire will be hurt and then heal quite quickly. However," he glanced at Fren, "However, there is one way to permenantly hurt a Vampire."

Fren cut in. "When a Vampire kills a Fledgling he or she has just Embraced. The weapon becomes Dark. There are only a few known cases of this and often it is an accident."

"But this isn't." Said Celenia.

Fren shook her head. "No. This was definitely on purpose. Someone is out to get us."

"We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars."
-Oscar Wilde

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Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:56 pm
TNCowgirl says...

Note: Hope this works


Trent walked around the apartment and yawned. He looked towards the door and saw a dark figure.

"Who are you and WHAT are you doing in my apartment?" He demanded.

"Getting rid of you." Came the hissing reply.

"Ha, you wont do that." He jumped back as the man swung a knife at him. He grabbed a lamp and threw it at the man and jumped towards the door.

"That wont slow me down." The man hissed jumping in front of him. Trent looked around, he didn't care if he could heal fast, he hated knives being swung at him. It caught him just barely on the wrist. Only about a centimeter long, and even smaller wide. He jumped past him and ran out the door breathing hard. He knew the vampire from next door was gone and he cursed under his breath. He quickly ran down the stairs and out into the night air. He could hear the vampire behind him.

"Where did you go?" He asked out loud running just as fast as his feet would let him. THe last time he had done this was running away from the vampire that had bitten him. He turned the corner to past the cd store and kept going. The vampire's feet stopped and he spun around. He was gone, just like that he was gone.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Tue Sep 11, 2007 6:30 am
VampireBadger says...

it was a grotesque injury... yet fasinating.

"who did this to you?" i asked, examining the wound. "why?"

"and what do you want me... that is," he glanced at me, as if only just remembering as was there "... us to do about. i do not know how to cure a dark blade's mark."

"And how come trent was involved in this before me!?" i couldn't help but feel a stab of jealousy. why would a mere friend of my Sire's know what was going on and who this is probably long before i did.

"calm yourself..." he said soothingly. "Trent know's little if nothing about this..." he gestured to the scar "yet"

he turned to fren, "tell us more... why are you involving us...?"
if at 1st you don't succeed, eat the leaf of a sicamore tree and stand naked in a barrel of newt eyes with a frog in your mouth!

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Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:54 pm
SishBee says...

Fren sighed. "The Vampire attacked me as I walked around the corner next to your apartment. I was wearing this coat."

"So?" said Celenia impatiently.

"So, this coat is identical to the one your Sire wears quite a lot. We are about the same size, I am possibly a little thinner, and I had the hood up. He couldn't see my face. He thought I was your Sire."

Celenia looked feint again and her Sire put a supportive arm around her shoulders.

Something moving down below caught Fren's eye and she suddenly leapt down the side of the building digging her nails in to slow her. She leapt ontop of the figure who was peering around the corner.

"Oi! Get off!" a familiar voice rang out beneath her.

"Trent?" said Fren, clambering off him. "What in bloods name are you doing skulking in the shadows?"

It was then she noticed the blood on his sleeve and drops on the ground.

"We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars."
-Oscar Wilde

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Tue Sep 11, 2007 1:06 pm
TNCowgirl says...


Trent looked at Fren glad it was her and not the vampire.

"Boy am I glad its you." He said looking around. Fren looked at him confused

"What are you talking about and why are you here? How'd you get that cut?" Fren asked,

"Well, you see there was this guy, a vampire no doubt, he showed up in my apartment and tried to kill me. He caught me with his knife, its nothing big." Trent looked around again. "I haven't run that fast in a long time."

"Follow me." Was all Fren said. She started up the wall and he followed, he had never liked scaling walls but it was fun at times. He was just happy to get off the ground. He came over the top and saw Celina and her Sire. He looked at his wrist it was still bleeding. He almost cursed under his breath but stopped himself. He quietly wrapped it in a peice of cloth from his pocket as he walked farther away from the edge Fren found a seat and Trent nodded to the other two vampires.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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And then, as if written by the hand of a bad novelist, an incredible thing happened.
— Bartimaeus of Uruk