
Young Writers Society

Robin Hood Gang 4: The Hunted (Ended)

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Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:45 pm
Guess says...


I liked the feel of Riley's hands around my waist. The fact she was leaning back, not so much. I wasn't that bad, was I? Maybe she thought so, but, I wasn't, for her information.

I nodded to show British-girl-with-the-brown-hair who was driving the limo to go ahead. I had never bothered to learn her name. She was stuck up, and therefore not worth my time.

I followed the limo, with that bitch Alis behind me. I knew she liked being alone, or maybe she just liked the car. Knowing her, it was a combination of the two.

On the highway, I intentionally swerved the handlebars so I was thrown off balance a little. Riley clutched tighter to me. Mission successful. I grinned, but she leaned back the next minute. I swerved again and she hit me on the back of the head, hard.

"Dammit, Riles!" I said, pretending to be angry. She grinned, I could see her smile light up my rear-view mirror. She thought he had hurt me. I shook my head, stupid girl, but couldn't help but smile. She'll give in eventually. Besides, she was this close to me. I should be grateful. But I wasn't.

I swerved again.
Life's just full of questions....stop asking me and go find some hippie on a mountain.

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Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:56 pm
Kaywiia says...


Jack swerved on the motorcycle, and I reached up to hit him on the back of the head.

"Dammit, Riles!" He cussed. I refrained from hitting him again, but sort of glad I had hurt him. Take that with a grain of salt, Jack. I smiled, glad I was still stronger than him. He swerved again, nearly throwing me off. I held on to him as tight as I could.

"Jesus, Jack," I hissed, almost scared. I buried my face in his shoulder, and suddenly I was sixteen again.

We were racing Jerro and Mark down an empty road, dust filled the air, causing me to cough. I put my face to his shoulder blade, trying to keep dust out of my eyes. I smile, and pull myself tighter to him. He shrugs me off a little. In my head, I mentally apologize. Not that I would ever do that anywhere outside of my head. He didn't like apologizes. He had shot the last person that tried to apologize to him.

And I return to the present. I am still holding him tight, and in the mirror I can see the grin that lights up his face. Did he know me riding with him would being back memories? Or maybe he just wanted my arms around him. He pulled a sharp curve around a car, and made a face to the driver. I laughed at the drivers expression, I really laughed, and my smile didn't fade.

I put my head back on Jack's shoulder, but kept my eyes open, looking beside me at the cars rushing past.

"Having fun?" he taunted, daring me to deny it.

"Yeah, I am," I admitted, and let out another laugh as we nearly missed a car. I ran my fingers through my hair, and suddenly wished I hadn't been so mean to him earlier.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:54 am
Guess says...


Riley had just made my day. Her head on my shoulder, she's smiling, laughing a little. Just like old times, but better.

After a while, and too soon, we pulled up at a little broken-down house at the end of a lane. I helped Riley off the motorcycle, though she didn't need the help. She smiled, and I ran my hand through my hair. This was the life, except for what we were going to call home for who knows how damned long.

"Have a nice ride?" I asked her.

"Don't push your luck." she warned. I leaned in to kiss her, but then she turned her head. Reg stepped out of the limo, and looked over at her. Out of impulse, I slapped her, hard across the face. She staggered back, shocked. Her eyes narrowed, and she punched me hard across the jaw. Punched twice in a day by two former members of my gang. That was a new low for me.

I stepped back, rubbed my jaw, and put my hands up in surrender. I didn't want to hurt her. Riley's eyes were cold and dark. There was no trace of the previous joy they had held.

"I just remembered why I left you," she hissed, each word cutting through me.

"Go to hell Riley, and take Reg with you." My eyes flickered to Reg, and back to Riley, "Then again, I bet that'd make you happy," I stormed into the house, leaving two very shocked people behind me.
Life's just full of questions....stop asking me and go find some hippie on a mountain.

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Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:28 pm
Fox says...


We finally stopped, though I wasn't paying attention to know if we were just stopping for the night, or if we were in Tennessee. I didn't care. I climbed out of the car. Thank goodness! Finally, fresh air!

I saw Jack storm into a house. Okay, so we were in Tennessee now. I studied the house and smiled. It was actually quite big. Riley had done good this time. I looked over at her. She was just standing there, shocked and angry, and Reg too. I didn't know what happened, but I had a pretty good guess that Jack had something to do about it. I didn't want to get involved.

Alis had just pulled up as Riley stormed into the house after Jack. Reg followed closely. He looked like he was about ready to shoot Jack, then keep shooting him after he was already dead, and dance on his body.

"What happened here?" Alis, now at my side, asked me. I shrugged.

"Not sure, but Jack did something."

"Of course." Alis said angrily, rolling her eyes. It was quiet for a second, and I thought about asking her something, but didn't know if I should.

"What happened between you and Jack?" I finally asked her.
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:46 pm
RedSun says...


"What happened between you and Jack?" Eve asked after a minute. I deliberated answering, then decided that I could spare the time.

"This starts off way back, before I ever even came to America. I was in Bree's gang. I was her best fighter, strong and agile. We were friends, I respected her. I knew I would follow her anywhere, no matter what. She had my loyalty."

"But, Riley said you left," Eve asked, confused.

"I did, later, after Maitea came. She rivaled me and everything I did. Soon, Bree had a new favorite. I packed my things, and was gone. Later, I found out Riley had brought Bree and several others to America with her. I followed without a question. Understand, I was still as loyal to Bree as the first day I was in her gang. Then, a few months later, before Bree and Reg were married, Bree went down south. An argument between her and Reg angered her, and she got the idea that going to Mexico would solve her problems. We went down later, and Bree was on her deathbed. It was all Jack's fault, thinking she was Riley. Bree was never a fighter, but all Jack knew was she was related to Riley. He made assumptions, and it nearly killed her. I never forgave him."

"That's why?" Eve asked.

"And he's a stuck up jackass, but yeah." I laughed a small, bitter laugh.

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Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:57 pm
Fox says...


"Wow..." I said, "Ya, he's a jerk." I agreed. She nodded.

"What about Riley. I mean, is there a big story between why she hates him, or is it just because he's...well, him?"

"They used to date." Alis said, a smug grin on her face. My eyes brows raised, and I mouthed 'wow'. "Yup, but then they broke up because of Jack."

"Well that's not hard to believe." I said. It was quiet, and I sighed. "I guess I'll just go check out the house now. Nothing else for me to do. you're lucky."

"Why?" she asked.

"You have a bigger part in the gang than me. I'm just the medic, and now that nobody's shooting at us, though with Jack here I guess it won't take too long for it to start, I have nothing to do! Nobody really talks to me." I sighed. "Not even the cops know who I am! I can go out into town and not attract any attention." Alis didn't say anything. There wasn't really anything to say. I sighed again and walked into the house.

I ignored the angry yells coming from Riley, Reg, and Jack and went upstairs. The house had a lot of large, empty bookshelves. I made a note to myself to go buy some books later. There would be nothing else to do, and with the three downstairs yelling at each other, it wouldn't take me long to get sick of being here.
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:58 pm
Kaywiia says...


"Go to hell Riley, and take Reg with you. Then again, I bet that'd make you happy," Jack stormed into the house. I followed him. this wasn't over yet. I was going to kill that boy.

Once I was inside the house, I took out my gun. Jack was standing there, the very picture of anger. Then again, I probably looked the same way. "That was over the line, Jack." I said.

"But you know it's true." he taunted. I shot, and intentionally missed his head by inches. He cowered down. I pressed my gun to his head, trying to make sure I was completely in control.

"Give me one damned reason I shouldn't shoot you right now," I hissed, all the anger in me slowly building.

"If you don't, I sure as 'ell will," Reg's voice came from behind me. I jumped a little out of shock.

"Dammit, Reg, you scared me," I said angrily. He gave me a look. I pulled my gun away from Jack, and used my foot to push him away from me.

"Not worth my time," I mumbled as I walked out the door, leaving Reg and Jack behind. If he shot Jack, I wouldn't complain.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:26 pm
BenFranks says...

Reg Carter

"Jack," I grinned measily as he tried to scamper to his feet. "I've always known there'd be a time like this, ain't you? Just me n' you. Obviously, you'd be the one cowerin' to ya feet. You know why, Jack?"

"Sod off, Reg," Jack yelled and began walking after Riles.

I stopped him with a palm and shunned my foot into the back of his leg. He collapsed and cursed as he fell to the floor. However his instinct took over and he grabbed my leg, ripping it forwards. I stumbled for balance but quickly pulled my leg free and kicked him in the ribs. He's get up soon enough, but I was going to savour this moment, whatever it took.

"Ya see, Jack. You may be the bastard no mercy leader, " I growled, "But I'm a killer. A survivor. I could squeeze you under my thumb, and despite your lame jokes and sneers... Riley is one of the very few people I'd protect with my life."

"If you're gonna shoot me, do it Reg!" Jack grunted back in defence.

"Haha," I laughed. "I ain't shootin' you Jack. The time ain't quite right. But I tell ya now, you ever 'it Riles again, I'll kill you and you'll be in poor pain than any poor bastard before ya. Understood?"

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Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:50 pm
Guess says...


"Haha, I ain't shootin' you Jack. The time ain't quite right. But I tell ya now, you ever 'it Riles again, I'll kill you and you'll be in poor pain than any poor bastard before ya. Understood?" So it wasn't the right time for him to shoot me. Bloody idiot.

"Whatever," I got up with some effort, and started to walk away. I turned back to him, "And, Reg, open your damned eyes. You have no idea what your missing."

"What the 'ell are ya talkin' about?" Reg growled.

"Figure it out," I walked towards where I had seen a large staircase. I could picture Reg's face right now, and it made me laugh. He hated not knowing things, and this would torture him to no end. At the top of the staircase, and in a large room, a girl was looking at an empty bookcase.

"Hey, chica, in case you haven't noticed, there aren't any books," I laughed.

"I know that," she spat back.

"Your a new face, you weren't with Riley last time. Who are you?" I asked, leaning against a wall.
Life's just full of questions....stop asking me and go find some hippie on a mountain.

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Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:34 pm
Fox says...


"Your a new face, you weren't with Riley last time. Who are you?"

"Eve." I said flatly. My eyes narrowed as I studied him. He looked like he had been beaten. I couldn't help but smile. Leave it to Reg to do something like that to a guy like Jack. Jack was really cute, no surprise there. Why was it that all attractive boys had to be jerks? Oh well, I didn't care. I wasn't looking for love, at least that's what I told myself.

"What?" he asked. My smile immediately turned into a frown again.

"Nothing." I said. I started to walk away.

"Where ya going?"

"To go buy some books for the empty bookshelf." I said, referring to his comment earlier. He smiled. I scoffed quietly and rolled my eyes. "Now, if you'll excuse me." I turned and started walking down the stairs.

((Sorry it's so short! :? ))
I am a fox, sly and quick.
I never give up
I never quit

I do what I can
I stand and fight

I strategize
I stand tall
throughout the night

I am a fox

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Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:06 pm
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Vanadis says...


We stopped and I stormed out of the car, heading up to the house. It was just--why the strongest one? And what did Alis think she was going to do with it? The girl was planning something; I didn't know what, but I was fairly certain she was. Was I the only one who didn't trust her anymore after what she'd done? After she'd turned us in? She had once told the opposing side my second-main weakness--the blackouts--because she wanted me dead. Or something. So she had to be planning something epically horrible to save my life.

Why didn't I just go back with Ma? I'd wanted to, so very badly. I'd be away from...this!

I found a room and threw my stuff in it. Once again, it was the smallest, sparsest bedroom. I laughed bitterly; the rich kid always picked the least. And then, another thing: If I was rich, why had I been stealing for the past three years? Was I just that desperate to erase the past? Did I want to become as bad as he was? And then it hit me. I stole and killed because it was just another form of self-harm. The trouble it got me in caused me enough pain to feel alive. Ma was wrong; I wasn't brave. I was just trying to get myself killed, but running because the though of it scared me so much.

Maybe Alis knew that, and maybe that was the reason she'd saved me. Maybe she just wanted to cause me as much pain as humanly possible.

I heard someone come in. Facing the window, I asked, "Does anyone really have good intentions around here?" I balled up my fist, about ready to put it through the drywall when soft hand gripped my wrists from behind me. I gasped, feeling one of the wounds re-open under my jacket sleeve.

"Don't do it, Ace."

I sighed. "I feel fine, physically, but why do I still want to--I'm sorry, Maitea. Sorry you have to put up with me." I turned to put my arms around her, but kept my eyes trained on the window. "What's up with that new guy? He's crazier than me."

"Riley was in his gang way back when."

"What, he got some thing for Riley?" I laughed. "Everybody's got a thing for Riley nowadays, huh? Must've been the dress."

I was back to flying under the radar, I supposed. No one really ever noticed me in the gang, since I tried to make myself seem unnoticeable. Well, Reg did, and ragged on me for crying all the time, but I really didn't. I was really only ever important when there was technology no one else could crack.

But that was how I liked it. I liked being alone with the occasional completely welcome interruption from Maitea. All right, Eve wasn't so bad either. Well, neither were Riley or Reg for that matter. But Alis and Tia--I groaned. They could put a damper on anything.

"So, I wasn't eavesdropping or anything, thin walls, you know. But I heard you talking to your sister last night. What'd she have to say?"

((Heheh, couldn't pass it up.))
Last edited by Vanadis on Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
We've got deep-fried water bears and horse wigs!

If you're slapped in Guam, you're slapped in real life. --chibibo

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Last time I checked, love had no gender.

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Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:09 pm
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Kaywiia says...

Just a note, Vanadis, Riley was part of Jack's gang in the south. He never was in her gang.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:12 pm
Vanadis says...

Kaywiia wrote:Just a note, Vanadis, Riley was part of Jack's gang in the south. He never was in her gang.

whoops, editing....and edited.
We've got deep-fried water bears and horse wigs!

If you're slapped in Guam, you're slapped in real life. --chibibo

Need someone to review your novel? Why don't you try checking here? Buddy up!

Last time I checked, love had no gender.

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Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:20 pm
MayApple says...


"So, I wasn't eavesdropping or anything, thin walls, you know. But I heard you talking to your sister last night. What'd she have to say?" Ace raised an eyebrow. That was the last question I wanted to hear him say.

"Well, she congratulated me," sort of, not really. Actually she anti-congratulated me. She asked what was wrong with me.

"It sounded like you were mad," Ace edged on. I needed a more convincing lie.

"Just what happened to mom and dad. She thinks it's my fault. Which, it kind of is."

"She's so critical," he shook his head. You have no idea.

"Yeah, she judges a lot. She seemed pretty happy though." I bit my bottom lip. I hated lying to him, but he really didn't need to hear my sister's comment. She was such a bitch sometimes.
Life is a door, and I hold the key to happiness.

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Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:09 am
Kaywiia says...

Maitea is such a liar...


I went into the first bedroom I saw. I wasn't in the mood to put any extra effort into anything. I flopped down on the bed, and suddenly wondered if six o'clock was too early to go to bed. Probably was, by most standards. Maybe I'd just rest here for a bit.

But I should have known better. The second my mind was idle, any problems I was dealing with cropped up, trying to make me insane. The first issue, of course, was Reg. So, now he was back in my life. And I had figured out I had a thing for him, and I couldn't say anything. One, because it would sort of be immoral to have a relationship with the guy my dead sister used to be married to. And two, because he wasn't over Bree yet. And, three, because he could never look at me that way.

Second issue: Jack. First day here and we're all about ready to shoot him. Maybe except Tia and Howard. The rest of them would gladly pull a trigger on him at my order. That, and he had nearly told Reg what he could never know, and out of pure jealousy. I sort of wanted to pull a trigger on him. But I couldn't, not really, I would regret it eventually. That, and Mark would hunt me down and kill me. Then Reg would hunt him, and Antonio would go after Reg. I didn't need to start a war.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

Oh, I'm sorry. My friends are in the popcorn and I have to save them.
— Tori Hansen, Power Rangers Ninja Storm