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Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:49 am
LunaBuna43 says...

(What kind of animal is Sean?? Me's wonders...)


Tama just sat on the cliff that hung above the vampyre mansion. Now in human form. Her face a blank picture of pure pain. Riley. Her best friend Riley was about to become a killer. Tama curled into a ball and began to sob.

"Those damn creatures are gonna be sorry for taking Riley in the past." Tama heard a vampyres voice say. Tama crawled to the edge of the cliff and peared over. Two vampyres stood motionless below her. One being Sean another unreconizable. She crept back farther and leaned up against a rock. If only she was never born. A true daughter of the devil she was. At this moment all she wanted to do was fall back into her own miserable past. A past of killing without a second thought. A path of caring about your own kind but not giving a damn about anything else.

"What do we have here?" She heard a voice say. Tama looked up at the vampyre and smiled. At that moment she wished she was human. A human easy to kill. A human, dead at the first kill. Not a cat demon with nine lives.

"Hello." She growled and smiled wider. Then one last scream sounded from the mansion. Tama relized Riley was gone forever. Never to return.
"When other girls wanted to be Ballerinas, I kind of wanted to be a Vampire." ~Me
My first puppers Pikapet
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Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:59 am
RoryLegend says...


Riley's eys fluttered open and he stood up very suddenly pulling the chains out of the wall that were attached to his wrists. He smiled calmly, having long forgotten his wasted life at the school, his little chat with Tama. He could feel every particle of air hitting his body, every sound made outside echoed in his ears. He was reborn to his old self. He stood at the bars of the cell and called for Sean in his mind who was standing across from him a few seconds later.
"Good to see you up and about."
"Good to be up and about." Sean unlocked the cell door.
"I appreciate you not ripping the door off the hinges, it's damn hard to replace." Riley smiled cooly at his brother's sarcasm.
"let's go," he said, "I'm ready to get out of here." They walked back up the stairs from the dungeon into the great room. Everyone was gathered. He walked up to where his father sat at the top of the loft.
"Riley, are you ready?" Riley nodded his head. His father rose from his chair, took the crown from his head, placed it on Riley's and motioned for Riley to sit. When he did there was an eerie silence that marked the begining of a new era.
"When do we go to war?" Sean asked.
"Immediatly." Riley replied, clenching his jaw.
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

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Sun Feb 10, 2008 3:10 am
LunaBuna43 says...


Tama quickly disposed of the vampyre and caught it on fire to make sure Riley knew it was time for war. She ran towards the school. Calling every Protector to her. In a second most of them where beside her. She quickly summoned her army and stopped. They all faced towards the South and waited. Waited for the vampyres. Tatu stood beside Tama in human form. All emotion drained Tama again. She didn't care about anything at the moment. Her sword glowed red along with her eyes.

"It's time." She hissed, as vampyres raced towards them.

"All of you take care of the trash. I'll get Riley." Tama commanded and took of towards the side.
"When other girls wanted to be Ballerinas, I kind of wanted to be a Vampire." ~Me
My first puppers Pikapet
My second puppers Pikapet
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Sun Feb 10, 2008 3:25 am
RoryLegend says...


Riley watched as his army- HIS army- ran towards the school and began the killing spree they took students out one by one..fed off of them. It was enthralling to watch. He began walking down the hill following his troops, Sean standing next to him. He never did manage to put that shirt on. He smiled to himself.

**someone else do fight scene stuff..im no good at that..but when it comes time for Riley and Tama to fight Luna PM me and I will let you know how I was thinking this was gunna go..**
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

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Sun Feb 10, 2008 3:43 am
LunaBuna43 says...

[This'll be difficult but I'll try...since nobody is posting except me and Rory. :evil: I'll just listen to the Numa Numa song!! :D Happy Random Dance/Fighting time. ]


Tatu attacked each vampyre that came at her. Although it was hard she managed to do it. She spun in the air beheading two vampyres and attacking the next one.


Darek quickly dodged the vampyre's attack and pivoted on his heel. Striking the vampyre on the head and slicing the head off. He ran and attacked the next one.


Now in dragon form, Ryouku kicked the crap out of each vampire that ran at him. [IDK what else to do...]

Ect. Ect. Ect. [I suck at fighting scenes. :cry: ]


Bodies littered the ground. Every step someone took there was a dead body. Mana, Beth, Rosso, Darek, and Tatu stood in the middle of it all breathing hard. The only ones left on the vampyre side where three unknown females, Sean, and Riley. Tama walked over to where her friends stood and faced towards the enemy.

"He's my kill." Tama hissed to the others. They all nodded and ran at the three females. Tatu stayed at my side as we walked closer to Riley and Sean, smiling innocently. Like we didn't just kill hundreds of their family and friends.
"When other girls wanted to be Ballerinas, I kind of wanted to be a Vampire." ~Me
My first puppers Pikapet
My second puppers Pikapet
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Sun Feb 10, 2008 4:12 am
RoryLegend says...


Tama charged first and Riley let her get one blow in, then he bagn fighting.
"You don't have to do this." Tama said.
"Yes, yes I do."
"You can come back right now, we will all forgive you."
"Forgive me?" he punched Tama sending her to the ground, "Since when do I need your forgivness, or theirs."
"I know the real Riley is in there somewhere," she said stuggling to get to her feet, he just laughed and kicked her back down, "and he would never do this."
"This IS the real Riley. When are you people going to get it through your heads that this is who I am, who I was all along?" He circled her and kicked her a few more times.
"I don't belive that." She said couching up blood. No one was a strong as he was, he would kill her easily. He could do it quickly too, but he wanted to draw it out, it's more fun that way.
"Well start believin baby," he said flinging his arms out at his sides, "cause I'm standin right here, the REAL RILEY!" He pulled her up by the collar of her shirt and pressed his lips to hers. Color drained from her face as he threw her back to the ground.
"What are you doing Riley?"
"Oh didn't you know? You've been my back pocket girl for quite some time now. In fact if old Beth over there hadn't stepped in that night you probably would have been the one kissing me. In fact if I hadn't kissed her than seen her cheating on me I would have never gone back to my family and none of this would have ever happend. Thanks Beth!" He turned his head around from where he was squating next to Tama to look at Beth who stopped fighting for a moment and ended up getting thrown to the ground.
"Nice one, Tiff." he called out to the girl who had thrown her.
"Anyways where were we, ah yes-" But then Tama interupted,
"Riley no matter what I will always be your friend, and love you." He stood and kicked her in the side,
"DONT INTERUPT ME! Now as I was saying, if it weren't for Beth you might have the 'real' Riley here right now." at the word real he made quotation marks with his fingers.
"Tama!" Beth called from her spot on the ground, "I'm sorry! Riley..I love you!" Tiffany kicked her a few more times in the gut and she didn't put up a fight. Just layed there. he couldn't take his eyes off of her, she was so beautiful. He took a step towards her.
"What're you doing?" Sean asked stepping in front of him. Suddenly images began flashing through his head. He was fighting Tama, laughing with Tama, petting Jinx and Tatu, kissing Beth. He shook his head to try to get the images out but they wouldn't leave. What had he done? He looked around at the bodies on the ground.
"i'm sorry." He muttered. Then he felt Sean's fist hit his face. Riley fell to the ground and layed on his back, Sean standing over him.
"You stupid selfish bastard!" Sean yelled, catching an axe one of the other girls threw to him. "You couldn't even go one day with out turning soft, I promised I wouldn't let you go back to the way you are and now you leave me with no choice."
Riley turned his head to the right and winked at Tama then to the left and mouthed 'I love you,' to Beth. The last thing he saw was Sean's axe swinging for his neck.


It was a clean cut, straight through his neck. Riley's head rolled to the ground a foot away from his body. He was dead. Sean heard a few screams and cried of "NO!" as he fell against his brothers body in rage and woe, weeping.

And so ends Riley..I trust you will take care of Sean and the storyline will progress from there! It had been an honor writing in this storybook with you all..see ya round!
All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage, and I promise you something great will come of it.

-Benjamin Mee

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Sun Feb 10, 2008 4:32 am
Dr. Jamie Bondage says...

Awh! I didn't even get to say goodbye! *cries* And of course, Sean is going to die now. Beth is mad. XD


I cried out in horror furious. How could they kill their own people?! Furious, I jumped up. "Sean is mine!" I demanded. he smiled, only to glad to get rid of me. I smiled grimly. It had been a long time since I had been this mad, this upset. Yes, I frequently got upset, but never like this. Vampires had an innate desire to avenge their mates. "You are dead meat."

"Yeah right." he sneared.

I rushed him, drawing a blade, and faster than he could blink, his head lay next to his brothers, a knife driping with his blood in mine.

ALl the other vampires looked horified. Their two best leaders lay dead at their feet. I smiled. "Who's next?"
"This kind of love is not a product of reasonings and statics--it just comes-none knows whence-and can't explain itself. And doesn't need to." Mark Twain

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Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:10 am
LunaBuna43 says...


Tama got to her feet. Still no emotions. Only pain. Emotions would come later.

"Anyone else?" Tama growled. The vampyres turned and ran, tail between their legs. The emotions all came back at once, crying, laughter, anger, happiness all at once. Tama fell to the ground and began to cry. Pain stabbed her like a knife. Tatu squatted beside her and coaxed her. Tama stood up at once, noticing something was wrong.

"What is it?" Tatu asked alarmed.

"Nothing. Just a strange feeling." Tama replied. She walked around checking for anyone still alive.

In the end there was six hundred and sixty-two deaths counting the vampyres. Tama sighed and walked into the school, the others behind her. She opened the Protectors door and walked in, allowing eveyone to come in. She called for doctors who came and started to take care of wounds.

Tama sighed and shook her head.
"When other girls wanted to be Ballerinas, I kind of wanted to be a Vampire." ~Me
My first puppers Pikapet
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Sun Feb 10, 2008 10:10 pm
Knurla says...

( Hey, I think I'm gonna drop out too. I can't keep up either. Sorry guys. )

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Sun Feb 10, 2008 10:11 pm
LunaBuna43 says...

"When other girls wanted to be Ballerinas, I kind of wanted to be a Vampire." ~Me
My first puppers Pikapet
My second puppers Pikapet
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Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:14 am
sylverdawn says...

*sorry, my computer was down so i couldn't post. damn I missed the fight*

Mana fingered the ring in her hand it was a simple band the entire ring made of topaz. She was sitting in her room waiting, she hadn't even let 'Rah in. Locking him in the protectors base. Smiling softly Mana thought about the battle, she had done the impossible and summoned a spirit she hadn't made a pact with. Too bad it was forbidden for a reason, now she would pay the price.

Without warning the ring began to shine until an orb of light hung in the air taking the form of Aska. The spirit was in the shape of a bird with three tails. It shone gold and orange and seemed to glow like the sun. It's eyes were completely violet without any white or pupil.

"Summoner, you dare to break the first law and summon one you have not vowed too. Truly you are Risan's descendant if you think you can do so and escape with your life."

Mana bit back a scream as pain seared through her body the light growing even more intense. "I had no choice. It was the only way I could make sure my friends lived through that fight."

"Even so, that law was made for a reason. Take your punishment and if you live know this." Aska began to disappear the light fading though the pain only intensified. "Shadow's lie across the land and this world is plunging into darkness. The vampyres were only the first of many to come. If you wish to save this place then you must find a new path."

Aska vanished and the ring fell to the floor with a dull clink. I curled up on the bed silently hoping no one would find me like this.

*just so people know feel free to walk in on her when she's sick Mana's just prideful*

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Mon Feb 11, 2008 3:59 pm
LunaBuna43 says...


Tama walked out of the Protectors room, noticing that Mana wasn't there. Tama trudged up the stairs and knocked on Mana's door.

"Mana? Are you in there?" Tama asked with a lilt in her voice.
"When other girls wanted to be Ballerinas, I kind of wanted to be a Vampire." ~Me
My first puppers Pikapet
My second puppers Pikapet
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Mon Feb 11, 2008 4:06 pm
Aedomir says...

(Have you noticed how like almost all stroybooks are fantasy lol!)
We are all Sociopaths: The Prologue

Sociopath: So • ci • o • path noun
1. Someone who believes their behaviour is right.
2. Human.

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Mon Feb 11, 2008 5:40 pm
LunaBuna43 says...

(Yeah I have lol)
"When other girls wanted to be Ballerinas, I kind of wanted to be a Vampire." ~Me
My first puppers Pikapet
My second puppers Pikapet
Check out my new group! Roleplayers Unite!

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Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:31 am
sylverdawn says...

*Mana's pretty much unconscious so I won't be posting for a little*
DANCE- Like no-one is watching
LOVE- Like you've never been hurt
SING- Like no-one is listening
LIVE- Like it's heaven on earth.

Please read and review my novel. The title is Fireborn. Here's the link.


life is so much better with tater tots
— AilahEvelynMae